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Vol. XVI. — N° 1
Janvier 1895
Membre de 1'Institut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Mattre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
Sommaire : H. D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, Plan du « Navan Fort », appele en
vieil irlandais Emain acha, p. i (avec i planche). — Ludw.-Chr. STERN,
Notice d'un manuscrit irlandais de la Bibliotheque universitaire de Giessen
p. 8. — Withley STOKES, The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindsenchas,
p. 31. — J. LOTH, Le roi Loth des romans de la Table Ronde, p. 84. —
Kuno MEYER, Some Irish Etyma, p. 89. — Kuno MEYER, M. O'Clery's
Beatha Ceallaigh, p. 91. — J. LOTH, L'expression Quentell, p. 94.
Prix de la collection des 15 volumes (annees 1870 a 1894, inclus), pris a la fois,
au lieu de 300 francs, net 250 Jrancs.
Tous droits reserve's.
Toutes les communications et correspondances relatives a la Redaction
doivent £tre envoyees franco
a M. H. D'ARBOISDE JUBAINVILLE, 84, boulevard Montparnasse, Paris
Pour les annonces, s'adresser a la librairie E. BOUILLON
Par J. BEDIER, maitre de conferences a 1'Ecole normale
Deuxieme edition revue et corrigee
Un fort volume grand in-8. — Prix i 2 fr. 5
Par ADHEMARD LECLERE, Resident de France au Cambodge
Avec introduction par L. PEER, de la Bibhotheque nationale
Un volume in-8. — Prix j f r
Brochure in-8. — Prix i f r
par E. ERNAULT et E. CHEVALDIN, professeurs a la Faculte des lettres de Poitier
Un volume in-8. — Prix 3 fr. 50
par GASTON PARIS, membre de 1'Institut de France
Brochure in-8. — Prix i fr. 25
Deux volumes in-8 carre, impression elzevirienne. — Prix. . to fr
Membre de 1'lnstitut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes
Lettres de Poitiers
Maitre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
Tome XVI
Plan du « Navan Fort » appele en vieil irlandais Emain Macha (pi.),
par H. d'Arbois de Jubainville i
Notice d'un manuscrit irlandais de la Bibliotheque universitaire de
Giessen, par Ludw.-Chr. Stern
The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindsenchas, published with Transla-
tion and Notes by Whitley Stokes 31,135,269
Le roi Loth des romans de la Table ronde, par J. Loth 84
Some Irish Etyma, by Kuno Meyer 89
M. O'Clery's Beatha Ceallaig, by Kuno Meyer 91
L'expression e. qucntdl, par J. Loth 94
La division des syllabes (a propos d'un rapprochement entre le latin
et 1'irlandais), par Louis Havet 125
virus, Lauracus, Laurlus, Lauriacus, par H. d'Arbois de Jubain-
ville 129
Sur quelques textes franco-bretons, par Emile Ernault 168
Dialectica. i . La terminaison bretonne -mp, -mb dans le systeme ver-
bal et pronominal; 2. It, dr a Ouessant; 3. Le breton de Quiberon,
par J. Loth 201, 323
Recent Changes made in Scotch Gaelic, by T.-O. Russel. . . 207,341
Etudes bretonnes : IX. Sur 1'argot de La Roche (fin), par Emile
Ernault 212
La religion des Galates, par Salomon Reinach 261
A propos de Nennius Vindicatus, par J. Loth 267
Le sort chez les Germains et chez les Celtes, par J. Loth. . . . 313
vi Table des Matieres.
La desinence bretonne de la premiere personne du pluriel, par Emile
Ernault ' 31$
E ben, y ben, par J. Loth 33$
Bas-relief inedit autrefois a la bibliotheque de Strasbourg (fig.), par
Salomon Reinach 369
• The Annals of Tigernach, published by Whitley Stokes 374
Deux notes du manuscrit irlandais de Rennes, par Douglas Hyde. . 420
Contes irlandais (suite), par G. Dottin 421
Le pronom adverbe se, sen en breton, par J. Loth 237
Le Beulan-Peulan de Zimmer, parJ. Loth 238
The Outlines of the Phonology of Manx Gaelic, by John Rhys (G.
Dottin} 240
Frangois-Marie Luzel 336
Accusatifs gaulois en -as. 98. Dijon (musee de). Catalogue des An-
Bertrand (Alexandre).Lg5 Celtes dans tiqu's. 100.
Us valle'es du P6 et du Danube. Droit irlandais. 108. Voir Ginnel.
101. Eglise (histoire de 1') dans le pays de
Brendan (saint). 246. Galles, 34$. Voir Liturgie.
Campbell (John Gregorson). Contes Engler (A.), 255. Voir Hchn.
gailiques. 247. Gaelique. Son orthographe, 342.
Cesar. DC bello gallico, p. p. B. Gildas. 106.
Kiibler, 95; p. p. H. Meusel, 9$, Ginnel (Laurence). The brehonLaws,
256. Voir Orthographe. 108.
Contes celtiques. 246, 247, 347, Hariulf. Chronique de I'abbaye de
352. Voir O'Brien, Campbell, Saint-Riqmer, 98.
Curtin. Hehn (Victor). Kulturpflanzen und
Curtin (Jeremiah). Tales of the Fai- Hausthiere, 6e ed., p. p. 0. Schra-
ries and of the Ghost World col- der et A. Engler, 255.
Iccted from oral traditions in S. W. Holder (A.). Altceltischer Sprach-
352. schatz, in.
Table des Matieres.
Irlande (L'article) dans la Grande
Encyclopedic, par F. Lot, i 10.
Jones (J. Morris). The Elucidarium
and other Tracts in Welsh from
Llyvyr agkyr Llandewivrevi (en col-
laboration avec John Rhys), 106,
247. — Gweledigaetheu y bardd
cwsc d'Ellis Wynne, 544.
Kiibler (Bernard). 95. Voir Cesar.
Liturgie galloise. 343.
Lot (Ferdinand), 98, i 10. Voir Ha-
riulf, Irlande.
Marillier (L.). La survivance de I'dme
et I'idee de justice chez les peuples
non civilises. 1 10.
May (Martin). Civilisation celto-ger-
maine, 254.
Meusel (H.), 95, 256. Voir Cesar.
Meyer (Kuno). Hibernica minora, 105.
Mommsen (Th.). Chronica minora,
Montelius (Oscar) Les temps prehis-
toriques en Suede et dans les autres
pays scandinaves, trad, par Salo-
mon Reinach, 252.
Nennius. 106.
O'Brien (Patrick). A garland of Gae-
lic Selections, 245.
O'Donoghue. St. Brendan the Voya-
ger in Story and Legend, 246.
O'Grady (Standish). The Coming of
Cuchulainn, 243, 340.
Orthographe donnee par Cesar aux
noms gaulois, 97.
Petitot (Emile). Origines et migra-
tion des peuples de la Gaule jus-
qu'a I'avenement des Francs, 284.
Reinach (Salomon). Catalogue du
musee de Saint-Gern. ain-en-Laye :
bronzes figures de la Gaule, 100.
Voir Montelius.
Rhys (John). 106, 247. Elu principal
de Jesus College. 256. Voir Jones.
Russel (T.-O.). Sur rorthographe
gaelique, 342.
Schrader (0.). 255. Voir Hehn.
Stokes (Miss Margaret). Three months
in the Forests of France, 256. -
La croix de Cong, 450.
Stokes (Whitley). The Martyrology
of Gorman, 352.
Strachan (J.). Contributions to the
History of the deponent Verb in
Irish, 348.
Vaughan-Williams (Sir Roland Lo-
max). The ancient Church in Wales,
Verbe irlandais, 348. Voir Strachan.
Williams (Rev. Hugh). Some Aspects
o] the Christian Church in Wales
during the fifth and sixth centuries,
Williams (Rev. Robert). Selections
from the Hengwrt MSS., 247.
Willis-Bund (J.-W.). Welsh Saints,
Windisch (E.). Ellu correspondantde
I'lnstitut, 113.
Wynne (Ellis). Gweledigaetheu y
bardd cwsc, 344.
Zimmer (H.). Ed. de Nennius, 107.
Sur J. Morris Jones, 247.
Academy, 123, 258, 360.
Annales de Bretagne, 114,358.
Anthropologie, 1 14, 259, 362.
Archaeologia, 122.
Table des matieres.
Archaeologia Cambrensis, 121.
Archivio glottologico italiano, 364.
Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Charles,
Boletin de la Real Academia de la
Historia, 122, 259.
Bulletin archeologique du Comite
des travaux historiques et scienti-
fiques, 2 $6.
Bulletin de la Societe archeologique
du Finistere, 256, 367.
Congres des Societes savantes, 260.
Folk-Lore, 121., 357.
Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 366.
Indogermanische Forschungen, i 16.
Journal of the County Kildare ar-
chaeological Society, 362.
Journal of the R. Society of the An-
tiquaries of Ireland, 116,260, 364.
Nachrichten der k. Gesellschaft der
Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, 353.
Proceedings of the R. Irish Aca-
demy, 122.
Revue archeologique, 355.
Revue internationale de 1'enseigne-
ment, 357.
Revue des traditions populaires, 258.
Revue epigraphique du midi de la
France, 122, 258, 367.
Scottish Review, 123.
Sitzungsbericht der k. preussischen
Akademia der Wissenschaften zu
Berlin, 356.
Transactions of the Gaelic Society
of Inverness, 1 17.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur
Rechtsgeschichte, 118.
Zeitschrift fiir das Gymnasial-We-
sen, 11$.
Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Philologie,
Zeitschrift fur romanische Philolcgie,
Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Litera-
turgeschichte, 354.
Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprach-
forschung auf dem Gebiete der in-
dogermanischen Sprachen, 121.
TABLE, par M. E. ERNAULT, des principaux mots etudies dans le t. XVI
de la Revue Celtique, p. 452.
Membre de 1'Institut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de la Facult£ des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Maitre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
L'Historia Britonum, par L. Duchesne.. i
The Annals of Tigernach, edited by Whitley Stokes. . . . 6, 1 19, 337
L'Inscription du Peu-Berland, par J.-A. Hild 34
The date of the Amra Choluimb Ch'dlc, byJ. Strachan 41
Sucellus et Nantosvelta, par Salomon Reinach 45
Dialectica. 4. La spirante dentale sourde (th gallois) a la fin des mots;
5. z intervocalique en leonard; 6. mutations initiales; 7. la termi-
naison -ouetlesnoms en *-adou, gallois -adwy, par J. Loth. 60, 286, 421
Les poetes de cour irlandais et scandinaves, par Louis Duvau. . . 113
Gwerziou Breiz-lzel, par A. Le Braz 264
The Irish Verb fil, by Chr. Sarauw 276
Le poeme de Torna-Eices sur le cimetiere de Croghan, par H. d'Ar-
bois de Jubainville 280
Droit celtique et droit romain, par Paul Collinet 321
Porhoet, par J. Loth 427
Le sens primitif de boroma, par J. Loth 428
Fled, par J. Loth 430
vi Table des matieres.
Irish pronunciation : pratice and theory. By William Hayden (Ferdi-
nand Lot) 67
Les premiers habitants de 1'Europe, d'apres les ecrivains de Pantiquite
et les travaux des linguistes, par H. d'Arbois de Jubainville. Seconde
edition. Tomedeuxieme. Les Indo-Europeens (suite) : Ligures, Hel-
lenes, Italiotes, Celtes (A. Meillet) 71
Wortschatz der keltischen Spracheinheit von Whitley Stokes und
Adalbert Bezzenberger (J. Loth) 434
Archiv fur celtische Lexikographie 444
Hersart de La Villemarque 76
L'orthographe du breton 64
Sncello, par V. Henry 66
Le mot gaelique aite, par E.-W.-B. Nicholson 290^432
Carette (Ernest). Les assemblies pro- Gough (C.). Prince Connla of the
vinciales dz la Gaule romaine. 90. golden\ hair and the fairy maiden.
Castor (Le nom du). 296. 96.
Costa (Joaquin). Estudios ibericos. 96. Grammont (Maurice). La dissimilation
Dareste (RodolpheJ. La Saga de consonantique dans les langues indo-
Nial. 88. europeennes et dans les langues ro-
Ernault (Emile). Glossaire moyen-bre- manes. 300.
ton. 94. Hogan (E.). The Irish Nennius from
Gallois (Les manuscrits) de Sir Tho- L. na hUidre, and Homilies and
mas Phillips. 302. Legends from L. Brecc. 94.
Garofalo (Francesco P.). Gli Allo- Holder (A.). Altceltischer Sprach-
broges. 97. — Rivista trimestrale schatz. 92.
di antichita greche et romane. 302. Ihering (R. von). Les Europeens
Table des matieres.
avant I'histoire, trad, par 0. de
Meulenhaere. 91.
Ihm (Max). Matres, Matronae, 93.
Kerbeuzec (H. de). Cojou-Breiz,
ire serie: Plougasnou, 301.
Kern (H.). Aus der indischen and der
keltischen Sagenwelt. 295.
Liddall (W.-N.). The Place Names
of Fife and Kinross. 85.
Macbain (Alexander). An Etymologi-
cal Dictionary of the Gaelic lan-
guage. 298.
Merlet (Rene). La Chroniquede Nan-
tes. 302.
Meulenhaere (0. de). Voir Ihering
(R. von).
Meyer (Kuno), David Nutt. The
Voyage of Bran Son of Febal to the
Land of the Living; an old Irish
Saga now first edited by Kuno
Meyer; with the irish version of the
Happy Otherworld and the Celtic doc-
trine of rebirth, by Alfred Nutt. 82.
Mulcahy (Rev. D.). Life of S. Kia-
ran of Seir. 96.
lurphy (Rev. D.). The Annals of
Clonmacnoise. 296.
Nicholson (Edward-W.-B.). The ver-
nacular Inscriptions of the ancient
Kingdom of Alban. 87.
Nutt (Alfred). Voir Meyer (Kuno).
Roscher. Ausfiihrliches Lexicon der
griechischen und romischen Mytho-
logie. 93.
Schmidt (Johannes). Kritlk derSonan-
tentheorie, eine sprachwissenschajt-
liche Untersuchung. 92.
Schofield (W.-H.)- Studies on Li-
beans Desconus. 302.
Sebillot. Legendes et curiosites des
metiers. 92.
Stokes (Miss Margaret). Three months
in the Forests of France, a pilgri-
mage in search of vestiges of the
Irish Saints. 86.
Stokes (Whitley). Felire Hui Gor-
mdin. 80.
Warren (F.-E.). The. Antiphonary of
Bangor, Part 2. 83.
Zimmer (H.). Zur angeblichen ge-
mein-west-europa'ischen Accentregel-
ung. 294.
Academy, 106, 313.
Annales de Bretagne, 107, 314.
Anthropologie, no, 315.
und Altertumskunde, 318.
Archaeologia Cambrensis, 102, 311.
Archeologo portugues, 1 10.
Atti della R. Academia delle scienze
di Torino, 317.
Beitrage zur Kunde der indogerma-
nischen Sprachen, 109.
Englische studien, 3 17.
Folklore, 109.
Indogermanische Forschungen, 308.
Journal Asiatique, 317.
Journal of the R. Society of Antiqua-
ries of Ireland, 313.
Moyen-Age, 109.
Neues Archiv fur a'lteie deutsche Ge-
schichtskunde, 315.
Rendiconti della R. Societa lombarda
delle scienze, 315.
Table des matieres.
Revue archeologique, 1 10.
Revue del'histoire des religions, 112.
Revue epigraphique du midi de la
France, no, 309.
Romania, 107.
Scottish Review, 109.
Sitzungsberichte der K. Preussischen
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Berlin, 303.
Transactions of the hon. Society of
Cymmrodorion, 100.
Transactions of the philological So-
ciety, 3 10.
Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie,
Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprach-
forschung, 1 10.
TABLE, par M. E. ERNAULT, des principaux mots etudies dans le t. XVII
de la Revue Critique, p. 446.
Membre de 1'lnstitut, Professeur au College de France
Professeur a 1'Universite Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur adjoint
de Poitiers Lettres de Rennes a 1'Universite de Rennes
Directeur adjoint a 1'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes
Secretaire de la Redaction
Les Vierges de Sena, par Salomon Reinach i
•The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation, edited by Whitley
Stokes 9, 150,267
nimptha en vieil irlandais, par J. Loth. 60
The Annals of Ulster, by Whitley Stokes 74
latantes, Sextanmanduius, Mullo, par Robert Mowat 87
>utates, Esus, Taranis, par Salomon Reinach 137
tudes bretonnes: X, sur les pronoms, par Emile Ernault. ... 199
Jotes on the Milan Glosses, by J. Strachan 212
)ialectica : VIII, gw-} chw dans la prononciation, par J. Loth. . . 236
alltraw, athraw, mtron, par J. Loth 239
Tarvos Trigaranos, par Salomon. Reinach 253
Bretons insulaires en Irlande, par J. Loth 304
La particule bretonne en, ent, cz, par E. Ernault 310
patric de Tristan, par J. Loth 315
>ur quelques inscriptions en caracteres grecs de la Gaule Narbon-
naise, par H. d'Arbois de Jubainville 318
;s Ligures en Gaule, par M. Deloche 36$
Dublin Fragment of Tigernach's Annals, edited by Whitley Stokes. 3 74
comparatif dit d'egalite en gallois, d'apres Zimmer, Keltische
Studien, 16, parJ. Loth 392
Etudes corniques, par J. Loth 401
final et d initial en construction syntactique, par J. Loth. . . . 423
Table des inatiercs.
Wortschatz der Keltischen Spracheinheit von Whitley Stokes und
Adalbert Bezzenberger [suite] (J. Loth) 89
Flore populaire ou histoire naturelle des plantes dans leurs rapports
avec la linguistique et le folklore, par Eugene Holland, t. I (Emile
Ernault) 240
Melusine. Recueil de mythologie, litterature populaire, traditions et
usages, public par H. Gaidoz. T. IV-VIII (Emile Ernault).. . . 525
The Shadow of Arvor. Legendary Romances and Folk-Tales of Bri-
tanny. Translated and retold by Edith Wingate Rinder (Pierre Le
Roux) 426
Sur une inscription de Didymes, par B. Haussoullier 100
Sur le sens de churchman, par Alfred Nutt. , 329
Babelon (E.). Lcs origines de la mon-
nalt consideree an point de vue
hlstorique. 114.
Brugmann (K.). Grundriss der ver-
gleichenden Grammatik dcrindoger-
manischen Sprachen, t. I, 2e ed.
Bund (J.-Willis). The Celtic Church
in Wales. 249.
Caesar. DC bello gallico, ed. Francis
W. Kelsey. 252.
Carmichael (A.). Or agus ob. Hymns
and Incantations. 363.
Castanier (Prosper). Histoire de la
Provence dans I'antiquite. 340.
Celtic Library, i 10 n.
I)armesteter(A.). Voir Hatzfeld.
Dottin (Georges). Les desinences ver-
bales en r, en Sanskrit, en italique
et en celtique. 342.
Ernault (Emile). Glossaire moycn bre-
ton. 109, 348.
Evans (Silvan et Henry Silvan). Gei-
riadur cymraeg. 248.
Ferotin (Dom Marius). Recueil des
chartes de I'abbaye de Silos. 332.
Gebhardt (August). Voir Thorod-
Geffroy (A.). L'Islande avani.lt chris-
tianisme. 363.
Gillis (H. -Cameron). The Elements
of gaelic Grammar. 117. — The
Gaelic Class Book. 117.
Hatzfeld, A. Darmesteter, A. Tho-
mas. Dictionnaire general de la
hingue franc, aise. 103.
Table des matieres.
Holder (Alfred). Altceltischcr Sprach-
schatz. 107.
Kelsey (Francis-W.). Voir Caesar.
Kerviler (Rene) et PaulSebillot. An-
nuaire de Bretagne pour 1897. 348.
Krusch (Bruno). Vies dc saints de
I'epoque merovingienne. 108.
Kurth (Godefroy). La frontiers lin-
guistique en Belgique, et dans le
nord de la France, in.
La Border ie (de). Histoire de Bre-
tagne. 1 1 8.
Lambin (Emile). Histoire de France :
La Gaule primitive. \ 17.
Le Braz(A.). Vieilles histoires du pays
brelon. 348.
Maitre (Leon). Cartulaire de I'abbaye
de Sainte-Croix de Quirnperle.
Martins Sermento (P.). R. Festus
Auienus, Ora Maritima. Estudo
d'este poema na parte respectiva as
costas occidentales da Europa. 115.
Maxe-Werly. Plombs antiques trou-
ves en Gaule. 115.
Meltzer (Otto). Geschichte des Kar-
thager. 107.
Missel de Leon de 1526. 115, 341.
Moliere (Humbert). Introduction a
I'histoire des Gaulois, Proto-celtes,
Celtes et Galates. 1 10.
O'Growney (The Rev.). Simple les-
sons in Irish, i i 8.
Pauly, Realencyclopaedie des Klas-
sischen Alterthums. 112.
Planta (Robert von). Grammatik der
oskisch-umbrischen Dialecte. 248.
Prou (Maurice). Pennobrias uicus.
Reinach (Salomon). Repertoire de la
statuaire grecque et romaine. 248.
Roscher (W.-H.). Ausfiihrliches Le-
xikon der griechischen und rom-
ischen Mythologie. 115.
Rosenzweig (Louis). Cartulaire ge-
neral du Morbihan. 349.
Rozwadowski (Johannes). Quaestiones
grammaticae et etymclogicae. 346.
Sebillot (Paul). Voir Kerviler.
Seebohm (Frederic). The tribal Sys-
tem in Wales. 335.
Sharp (Elisabeth). Lyra celtica. An
Anthology of representative Celtic
Poetry, no.
Society for the preservation of the
Irish language. 252, 340.
Sommer (Ferdinand). Zur Lehre vom
Pronomen infixum in altirischen
Glossen. in.
Stein (Henri). Recueil des chartes du
prieure de Ne'ronville. 24$.
Thomas (A.). Voir Hatzfeld.
Thoroddsen (Th.\ Geschichie der is-
landischcn Gcographie, iibers. von
August Gebhardt. 341.
Traube (Ludwig). Poetae htini atm
carolini 107.
Wildner (Paul). Die. Crofter und Cot-
tars in den Hochlanden und Inseln
Schottlands. o.
Academy, 130.
Analecta Bollandiana, 132.
Annales de Bretagne, 128, 357.
Anthropologie, 128, 361.
Archaeologia Cambrensis, 121, 356.
Archivio glottologico italiano, 353.
Table des matieres.
Beitrage zur Kunde der indogerma-
nischen Sprachen, 131.
Boletin de la Real Academia de la
Historia, 128, 361.
Catholic University Bulletin. 1 19.
Folk-Lore, 363.
Indogermanische Forschungen, 124,
Internationales Archiv fur Ethnogra-
phic, 362.
Journal of the Isle of Man Natural
History and Antiquarian Society.
Journal of the Royal Society of An-
tiquaries of Ireland. 126.
Revue archeologique, 129, 361.
Revue de Geographic, 358.
Revue epigraphique du Midi de la
France, 130, 361.
Rivista bimestrale di antichita greche
e romane, 3 58.
Romania, 124.
Transactions of the honorable So-
ciety of Cymrodorion, 354.
Transaction of the London Philolo-
gical Society, 133.
Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie.
Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie,
Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprach-
forschung, 131.
TABLE, par M. E. ERNAULT, des principaux mots etudies dans le t. XVIII
de la Revue Celtique, p. 429.
Vol XVI. — N° 4 Octobre 1895
Membre de 1'Institut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Maitre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
/Ve: Salomon REINACH, Bas-relief inedit autrefois a la bibliotheque de
Strasbourg, p. 369. — Whitley STOKES, The Annals of Tigernach, p. 374.
— Douglas HYDE, Deux notes du manuscrit irlandais de Rennes, p. 420. —
Georges DOTTIN, Contes irlandais (suite), p. 421.
CHRONIQUE, p. 450.
TABLE des principaux mots etudies dans le volume XVI, p. 452.
Prix de la collection des 16 volumes (annees 1870 a 1895, inclus), pris a la fois,
au lieu de 320 Jrancs, net 270 Jrancs.
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Pour les annonces, s'adresser a la libra*irie E. BOUILLON
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Un Bas-Relief inedit de Strasbourg. 373
existe en celtique. En revanche, nous pouvons citer un cer-
tain nombre de themes celtiques en -om, -urn : tels sont : Ged-
om-o'1, Aged-om-o-pas , Es-um-o-pas, Mogii-um-a, Rum-o, Seg-
om-o. Le rapprochement avec les noms d'homme et de dieu
Gedomo (ou Gedemo) et Segomo autoriserait peut-etre a penser
que Erumo est un nominatif, non un datif ; on pourrait rap-
peler a ce propos que, sur 1'autel de Paris, les noms de dieux
representes sont au nominatif: Tarvos Trigaranus, Volcanus,
Esus 2. En tous les cas, il parait certain quErumus ou Erumo
est un nom a aj outer a la liste des divinites gauloises qui nous
sont connues seulement par les inscriptions.
Salomon REINACH.
1 . Ce nom et les suivants figurcnt dans les listes de MM. Creuly et The-
denat ou dans le Sprachschat^ de Holder.
2. Desjardins, Gcogr. de la Ganle rom., t. Ill, pi. xi.
Tigernach hua Braein was a learned abbot of Clonmacnois,
who died in the year 1088. Of the Annals ascribed to him
there are now extant only the following fragments :
1. From the time of the prophets Oseas, Amos, Isaias,
Jonas and Michasas to the time of Antoninus Pius.
2. From B.C. 322 (or thereabouts) to A.D. 360.
3. From A.D. 489 to A.D. 766.
4. From A.D. 975 to A.D. 1088.
The first of these fragments, now for the first time printed,
is preserved in Rawlinson B. 502, a twelfth-century vellum in
the Bodleian, ff. i«-i2b.
The second, third and fourth fragments are inRawl. B. 488,
ff. rl-i9b, a vellum of the I4th century, also in the Bodleian.
These fragments have been edited by dr. O'Conor, with gross
inaccuracy, in his RerumHibernicarumScriptores, Buckingham,
1825, vol. II, pp. 1-314. The fourth fragment is followed by
an anonymous continuation (ff. 20-26) in Irish, from A.D.
1088 to A.D. 1 178, which has not hitherto been printed.
A fifth fragment of Annals, which dr. Todd supposed to be
part of Tigernach's work, is found at the beginning of a MS.
in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, marked H. i. 8.
This fragment consists of four leaves of vellum written, I
think, in the i4th century, and covers the time from A.D. 34
(or thereabouts) to A. D. 378. It has not been printed.
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 37$
The sources of the Irish portions of the fragment now pub-
lished are not now discoverable. But the non-Irish portions
are, for the most part, compiled from the following works :
1. S. Hieronymi Interpretatio Chronicae Eusebii Pamphili
(Migne's Patrologia latina, t. XXVII).
2. Pauli Orosii... Historiarum libri septem (I have em-
ployed Havercamp's edition, Leiden, 1738).
3. Chronicon siue de sex huius seculi aetatibus, printed in
Bedae Opera, ed. Giles, London, 1843, vol. VI, pp. 270-332.
Besides these, Tigernach used the Vulgate, Isidorus Hispa-
lensis' Etymologiarum Libri XX, a Latin translation of Jose-
phus' Antiquities of the Jews, and, possibly, also the lost Chro-
nicon of Julius Africanus.
There is a facsimile of two pages (ff. 6b, 7a) of the follow-
ing fragment in Gilbert's National MSS. of Ireland, Part I,
plates xliii, xliv. And six of the Irish glosses have been edited
in this Revue, t. VII, p. 374.
RAWL. B. 502, Fo. i a i.
esse ferwttt, quern multo ante tempore regnasse praescripsimus .
Osse, Amos, Essaias, lonas et Michias in ludea profetant, ut
alii aiunt.
KK. Faccea filius Manachem rexit ISrael annis .u.
Romulus et Remwi generantwr Marte et Ilia.
KK. Al[c]meon rexit Athenenses annis .u.
Faccea filius Romelias rexit Israel annis .xx.
KK. Carpus1 regnauit Axhetierises annis .x.
KKK. Turimas rexit Macidoniam annis xxx ix.
KKKKKK. lOtham moritwr.
K. Achaz filius Iotha;w '.rexit lUdam annis .xui. Ab hoccon-
ductw^ Teglad Fallazarrex Assiriorww Rassin regemSiriasi/z/rr-
i . leg. Charops
376 Whitley Stokes.
fecit et habitatores Damasci transtulit Cirinen. Aesimides x
rexit Ath&nenses annis .x.
KKK. Achaz horologium2 inuenit. Eliates3 KXft'Lidios an-
nis .xiiii.
K. Romulus regnauil annis xxxix.
KKK. Osse f/1/wsHela rexit Israel annis .ix., qwi fuit nouis-
simztf decim tribuum rex.
KKK. Roma condita est in monte Palatine .xi. kal. Maias
a geminis Remo et Romulo filiis Rese Siluias, quae erat filia
Numitoris iilii Prochas, cuius films fuit Amuliw^ rex. qu^ Rea
uirgo uestalis fuit, sed cowstuprata, ideo in terrain uiua de-
fossa est ab Amulio patris sui tratre, qwi eius f/l/os in Tib[e]rim
fluuium expossuit. qwos in ripa flumwis inueniens Acca Lau-
rentia primi armewtarii ^^ regii Faustuli uxor, qw«!^ Lupa dice-
batwr^ rapuit inde aluitqw^ et ideo Romulo a lupa numtus di-
citur. Siue Faustulwj ipse eos in ripaw expositos ab unda, ut
magis putandum est, iwuenit et detulit ad Acca/;z uxorem suam,
c\uae pojtea eos aluit, qwi cum adoleuissent, collecta pastorww
manu, Amulium regem fmfrem aui sui Numitoris4 in uindictam
ma/ris suas et mersionis suae in flumiwe interfeoerunt, [fo. ia2]
auumqw^ suum Numitorem in regnum constituunt, sed iwn diu
in regno remansit. Naw Romulwj ad consectztionem regni sui
iwterfecit eum.
Tertio anno priore Teglad Fallazar rex Assiriorww sub Faccea
f/l/o Romelias rege Israel transtulit primo Ruben et Gad et de-
medium tribw^ Mannasse in AssiriosW disp^rsit eos in terra
K. Calidicttj5 rexit Athenenses mnis .x.
K. Remwj ocdssus est rutro (.i. o sunn) pastoral! a Fabio
duce Romuli ob uallum (.i. murnni) saltu6 tmnsilitum anno
ab Urbe rowdita tenio. Romulwj fratris sui (.i. Remi) sangine
1 . MS. Aesimides
2. MS. horalogium
3. leg. Alyattes
4. MS. numutoris
5. leg. Cleidicus.
6 . in marg. ob assili impunitatem [magna Romulo multitude coniungitur,
Euseb. Hieron., p. 366].
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 577
muros, regnuw aui (.i. Numitoris), templum soceri (.i. Titi
Tatii1 regis Sabinorww) dicauit. In Consualibus 2 ludis Sa-
bina? a Romanis raptx et uiolatas sunt.
M... oidus rexit Medos annis .xl.
K. Romul^ milites ex populo elegit ac centum a popiilo
nobilissimos? uiros elegit, qwi ob aetatem senatores, ob curam
uero ac sollicitudinew rei publican padres uocati sunt.
KK. Amoyses rexit JEgiptios annis .xlii.
K. Achaz mort[u]us est in hoc tempore, ut Eusebiwj ait. Re-
gnu m defecit .x. tribuufW q//i erant in parte Samarire et uict^e
a Sencharim qwi et Salmanasar rege Caldeorum et translate
suni in montes Medorww. Beda uero refert in sexto anno Eze-
chia2 Samariaw deletam e^e. Ezecias filius Achaz uxit ludaw
annis .xxix. Meles uxit Lidios annis .xii.
N/mc iNcipit captiuitas .x. tribuum.
Sexto Ezechias anno Salminasar rex Assiriorww capta Sama-
ria tmnstulit Israel in Assirios, ad Niwuen scilicet ciuitatem 4,
[fo. ib i] cuius regnum a primo Hierobuam an^stet^rat annis
Secundo anno priore Hipomenes6 rexit Kthenenses annis .x.
Regnatum est in Samaria annis .ccl. Samaritanorwm gens
sumsit exordium ab Assiriis, qwi transmigrati habitauerwwt in
Samaria, qwi inter pretantut custodes, eo quod captiuata plebe
Israel in t^rram ad custodiaw collocati sunt.
Hoc tempore Essaias et Osse profetabant.
KKKKKKK. Candaules uxit Lidios anmV .xuii.
Q//arto decimo anno Ezechiae ascendit Sinchirib filius Sal-
minasar regis Assiriorww in terrain ludas, et iwdixit Ezechiag
xxx tallenta auri et xxx tallenta argenti. Tallentum liabet tria
milia siclorwm, siclus autem xxx (uel xx, ut alii) obelos. Obelus
item est demedium scriptuli.
1 . MS. (here obscure) seems tittwtatus
2. MS. cowsodalibus, the d being inserted to prevent hiatus.
3 . MS. nouilissimos
4. Here the words « Tune Tobias capt/w est » are inserted.
5 . « cclx » in Beda, VI, 286, from whom this sentence is taken.
6. MS. hipomcnses : leg. Hippomenes
378 Whitley Stokes.
K. Leocrates rexit Athenenses annis .x.
Hos annos .xu. qwi sequntwr addidit Dominus Ezechiae egro-
tanti mortemqwe twwc certissimam per Essaiam sibi prafetam
pnztfstulanti ac petenti et peccata sua deflenti. Sole reu^rso ab
occassu pene ad ortum et umbra per x linias in horologio Achaz
in signuw sibi uitas deferendae reumente : quo tempore quoque
occidit Deus per angelum .clxxxu. milia Assiriorww propter
depra:ationem Ezechiaa qwerentis (.i. no ereged) swperbiaw
Sinchirib et Rapsacis ducis eius u^rba.
KK. Pmlica rexit Macidonios annis .li.
Cobtach Coel Breg mac Ugaine Moir do loscud co trichait
rig imme i wDiwd rig Maige Ailbe hi[m]Brudin [fo. ib2]
Tuamma Tenbath saiwrud, la Labraid Loingsech Moen mac Ai-
lella Ane mate Loeguire Luirc maic Ugai»e Moir, i wdigail a
athar 7 a senathar romarb Cobthach Coel. Cocad 6 sein etir
Laigniu 7 Leth Cuind.
[« Cobthach the Slender, of Bregia, son of Ugaine the
Great was burnt, with thirty kings around him, at Dind Rig
ofMagh Ailbe, in the Hostel of Tuaimm Tenbath precisely,
by Labraid the Dumb Exile, son of Ailill Ane, son of Loeguire
Lore, son of Ugaine the Great, in revenge for his father and
his grandfather whom Cobthach the Slender had killed. War-
fare thence between Leinster and Conn's Half1 ».]
KKKKKKKK. Absander 2 rexit Mhenenses znnis .x.
KKKK. Hoc anno Ezechias mort[u]wj est.
Romulwj' qwi rexit Romaw xxxix anw/^ cum apud paludew
Capream deambulasset nusquam cowparuit. Post hunc senatores
uno anno rew puplicaw rexerwwt.
[in marg. iiimcccuiii.] K. Mannasses filius Ezechias rexit
ludam anw/V .lu., zpud quern Essaias profeta serra in caput
adacta per longuw in duas partes diuisswj est. Hie ob scelera
sua catenate et cowpeditw^ in Babiloniam ductus est, sed ob
penitentiam et prices restituitwr in regnu///.
Gisses rexit Lidios annis .xxxui.
1 . the northern half of Ireland.
2. leg. Apsander
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 379
Romanorww secundus Numa Pompiliw^1 regnauit annis .xli.
qwi Capitolium a fundamewtis asdificauit, qwiq«€ uestales uir-
guines primus instituit, duosque menses, lanuarium et Februa-
rium, .x. mensibus anni adiecit. Twwc quoque Sibella Samia
KKKKK. Erixias 2 rexit annis .x. Alhenenses.
KKKKK. Dinastia ^Egiptiorww wtermittitwr annis .c.xii.
Rurs«w ^Egiptiorww dinastia renascitur e/ regnauit Amartiw^
Saitis awm .ui.
Sexto anno priore c[o]epit regnare Medos Cardeceas, q//i
regnauit annis .xiii.
KKKK. Athenis annul principes .ix. constituti sunt cessan-
tibus regibwj. Tune finis Athenensis regni fuit.
KKK. Nefrites rexit JEgiptios mnis .ui. [fo. 2a I in marg. :
Orosius h^ait]. K. Multis praeliis undiqwd scatescentibw^ reg-
num ad Scithias exiit, ac deinde ad Medos per Diocum reduc-
tuw, et post ad Caldeos ac subinde ad Persas uagatum est.
Quintus Medomm rex Dioces, qwi regnauit annis Mm.
KKKKK. Anchoris rexit JEgiptios znnis .xii. Dinastia uigesi-
ma nona Niwdissiorww.
KKKKKKKKKKKK. Mutes rexit Egiptios anno uno. Ardes
rexit annis xxxuii. Lidios.
K. Neferioces rexit JEgiptios .Hi. mensibus. Nectinebis rexit
JEgiptios annis .xuiii.
KKKKK. Qwinto anno priore cepit regnare (sic) Macido-
nios Acneus. annis .xxxix. regnans.
Secundoan/w priore regnare c[o]epitLatinorumt£rti«f, Tul-
I«j3 Hostili&f, q//i regnauit annis .xxu, q«i primus regu///4
Romanorw;// purpora et fascibw^ ussus est, et adiecto monte
Celio Urbem ampli[fi]cauit.
KKKKK. Bizantium .i. Co»stantinopolis>, a Pausania amdita
KKKKKKK. Mannasse mort[u]«j est.
1 . MS. pampili/w
2. MS. Frigas : leg. Eryxias
3 . MS. tulliw
4. MS. regnu;//
5 . MS. constantinapolis
380 Whitley Stokes.
K. Teo rexil JEgiptios annis .ii.
Ammon f/l/ws Mannasse rexit ludam annis duobus iuxta
Ebreos. secundum uero .Ixx. Interprets annis .xii.
Histrwj (.i. ciuitas) in Ponto owdita £rt.
K. Ammon a semis swzs inter&chur.
K. losias fzl.z'fts Ammon rmY ludam anwV .xxxi. Hie mim-
data ludea el Hierusalem templo etiam innouato post abiectas
sordes idolatrke pascha celitarrimum Domino fecit .xuiii0 anno
regni sui. Et cum Nechaone JEgiptiorum rege congressus
[fo. 2*2] in campo Macedo, qw/1 nunc Maximinopolis uocatwr,
occisus est.
K. Hoc tempore Tales Melesiw^ primus nssicus chrus ha-
Profetantibw^ in ludea Heremia Sofonia el Olda uxore-
Nectanibw^ rexit JEgiptios s.nnis .xuiii. Hue usque mansit hoc
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Caditates rexit Lidios anmV .xu.
Romanorww qwartw^ Ancw^ Marciftf Num^e ex f/h'a nepos
regnauit annis .xxxiii., qwi Auentinum montem el laniculum
Urbiaddedit el supra mare .xui. (.i. sexto decimo) ab Urbe mi-
liario Ostiaw (.i. iwsolaw ue\ ciuitatem) condedit.
K. Hoc tempore Elchias sacerdos claruit. Hoc anno ut prae-
scripsimwj losias mundata ludea, el reliqua. Hie losias .iiii.
i/l/os habuit, id est lonan, lochim, Sellum, Sedechiam.
Secundo anno priore c[o]epit regnare Medos Fraortes annis
quatuor .xx. regnans :
KKK. Pilippw^ rexit Macidonios annis .xxxuiii.
KKKKKKKKKK. Hoc anno losias occiswj est in campo
Macedo a Nechaone rege yEgipti, ut proescripsitnus.
K. lochim filius lossix rexit ludaw annis .xi. post uero
losiam stati/w regnauit filius eius lochaz, q«i est Sellum nomi-
natus, tribus mensibus, <\uem Nechao uiwctum ducens in ^Egip-
tum Eliachim SUttm lossiae fm/rem eius constituit regem, el
uocauit nomen eius lochim.
1 . MS. qtioe
2, Here there is an erasure.
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 381
KK. Niwc iNcipit captiuitas duarwm tribuum.
Anno tertio lochim Nabcodonosor [fo. 2b i] rex Babilonis
capta Hierusalem et plurimis captiuatis, in quibus erant Daniel,
Annanias, Azarias, Misa^l, partem uassorwm templi Domini
Babiloniam transtulit..
INcipit regnum Caldeorum.
K. A qwarto anno lochim Scriptura regnum Nabcodonosor
computat, qui I e[r]go non solum Caldeis et ludeis, sed et Assi-
riis et ^Egiptiis et Moabditis aliisqz^ innumeris gentibz^ incipit
Qwarto anno priore c[o]epit regnare (sic) Lidios Aliates znnis
.xlix. Alii ferw»t lochim hunc a Nabcodonosor esse captum et
in Babiloniaw ductum.
KKKKKKKK. Mortuo lochim filius eius qui et lechonias
regnauit tnbus mensibus ac diebus .x. Hie circumdata a Cal-
deis Hierusolima exiit ad regem Babilonis cum matte sua, et
ductus est in Babilonem cum populo suo anno octauo regni
Romanbrww qwartw^ regnauit Tarqwinniw^ Prises annis xxuii,
qui circuw2 Romae asdificauit, numerw/w senatorwm auxit, Ro-
manos ludos instituit, muros et cloacas 3 asdificauit, capitolium
extruxit: qwi ab Anci Marci f/l/is occisswj" est. Hunc Tarqwin-
nium in tempore lossiae regnare Beda in Cronica refert.
Qwarto an wo priore regnare Medos Ciraxires znnis .xxxii.
regnans in tewzpore Nabcodonosor,
K. Sedecias qui et Mat hi an rexit ludam annis .xi. Huius
anno [fo. 2b 2] undecimo regis autem Babilonis .xix. (.i. nono
deciwo) ludea captiua in Babilonem ducta estt totaqwe Hieru-
salem distructa est, et templum incensum est a Nabutzardan
duce Nabcodonosor anno ex qwo fundari cepit ccccxxxiiii.
Hie est Sedechias quern Nabcodonosor duobus oculis dempsit,
1 . MS.
2. MS. circiuw
3 . .i. inna fannacon
3 82 Whit ley Stokes .
et in conspectu patris f/l/os suos occidit et ipsum cecw/w portea
in Babiloniam duxit. Qui autem reliqwi fuenmt ludei
gerwwt in ^Egiptum qwa 'post annos qu'mque a Caldeis
in Babiloniam sunt et ipsi mmsmigrati.
K. Tres pueri Sedrac, Misac, Abdinago in caminum ignis
a Nabcodonosor missi sunt, et indeeos iwcolumes Deus eripuit.
K. Daniel in hccum leonuw mittit//r, sed uerius a Dario
rege Medorww, post eu^rsam Babiloniam, in term Medorww
Daniel missus est in laccuw leonuw.
KKKKKKKK. Hebreorww captiuitas in Babilonia annis
.Ixx. INter captiuitatem autem Samariae quae fait in Ninue et
captiuitatew Hierusakw <\nae fuit in Babilonia anni sunt cxliiii.
Hoc tempore Sapho mulier in dm^rso poemate claruit, et
Solon leges Athenensib//* dedit.
Finit qwarta ietas. INcipit q«inta, quae continct annos
.dlxxxix. ut poeta ait..,
O doerad in phopuil co gein Fiadat fedil
coic cet is noe mbliadna ochtnwga co demin,
O Adam co ngenair oenm^c Maire mini
it da blia^m coicat noe cet is tri mili ,..,
[From the Captivity of the People till the Birth of enduring
God (are) five hundred and eighty-nine years assuredly. From
Adam till gentle Mary's one Son was born there are fifty-two
years, nine hundreds, and three thousands.]
[fo. 3a i] Quinta mundi aetas ab ext£rmin[i]o c[o]epit regni
ludaici, quod iuxta Heremiae profetiam .Ixx. znnis permansh.
Hoc tempore ignis ab altario subhtus et in puteo abscond itus
post .Ixx. annos uiuus in aqwa inuentw^ est.
KKKKK. Europe rexit Macidonios an;/w .xxui.
KKKKKKKKK. Anno xiiii. postquam p^rcussa est ciuitas,
qui est uigissimwj qnintus transmigrationis regis lochin, Eze-
chel uidit in uissionibw^ renouationem ciuitatis ac templi cere-
monia.r unique eius.
KKKKKKKKKKK. Nabcodonosor moritwr uigissimo quinto
anno post euersionem Hierusakm.
K. Romanorww sextus Seruiwj Tuilliw^ regnauit an;//j
xxxiiii, qui .iii. montes Urbi addidit, Q//irinale;w, Esquiliniuw,
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 383
Uiminalem. Fossas circum muros duxit. Census Romanorum
prim/w ciuium instituit. Qui a Tarqwinnio Superbo genero suo
occisswj est.
Nono anno priore c[o]epit regnare (sic) Medos Astiages qwi
et Asuerws. q//i regnauit annis .xxxuiii.
Croessus uxit Lidios annis xu. Croessw^ postea a Giro captus
est, et Lidomm regnuw distructuw est, quod stetit annis
[in marg. iiiwccclxxx.ix.] Euilmoradach filius Nabcodonosor
annis regnauit xuiii. Anno xxui. post euersionew Hierusoli-
morum subleuauit Euilmoradach rex Babilonis, anno quo reg-
nare c[o]epit, qui est annus trigesimus Septimus transmigra-
tionis loch in [fo. 3*2] regis, caput regis lochin de carcere, et
possuit tronum eius super tronum regum qui fuerwnt cum eo
in Babilone.
Ni ar doeri tra adrimi Matha hoc tempw^ acht ar meit inna
hairmiten roboi do lochin iwti.
[So not as captivity does Matthew reckon hoc tempus, but for
the greatness of the honour which was paid to lochin therein].
lOseppw^ hoc ait (Beda ait, si loseppw* scripserit et non liber
mendosus fallit) id est centum fere annos ab euersa Hierusalem
usqw^ ad euersionem regni Kaldeorwm. Nabcodonosor enim,
teste sacra Scriptwa. xxu. post eu^rsaw Hierusalem uixit annos.
Euilmoradach filius eius regnauit annis .xuiii. Negasar1 tilius
eius annis .xl. cui successit filius eius Labosordach mensihus .ix.
Hoc defuncto ad Ballazar, qwi Naboan nuncupatwr, impmum
transisse dicit, qwi cum .x. et .uii. annis regnaret, captam a
Giro Persarww et Dario Medorww rege Babiloniam exequitur2.
Eusebiwj ait annos .xxx. a[b eju^rsione Hierusalem usque ad
iwitium Cirii regis Persarum*. lulius autem Africans .Ixx.
annos cowputat. Hieronymus autem in tractatu Danielis ait :
Tradunt Ebrei hw/wscemodi fabulam usque ad septuagissimuw
annum, quo Heremias captiuitatem populi ludeorww dixerat
soluendam esse. De quo Zacharias in principio uoluminis sui
1. sic MS. as a correction of Egessar. The Neriglissar ofjosephus is
2. sic Beda, VI, MS. dich
5 . Here MS. inserts Hieronvmus ait.
584 Whit ley Stokes.
loquitur : Irritaw putans Dei pollicitationew Baldazar, falsuw-
q«e promissuw, usque in gaudiuw fecit grande conmumm, in-
sultans q//odawm0do spei [fo. 3b i] ludeorwm, et uassis templi
Dei. Sed statim ultio diuina towsecuta est. Tune apparuit Bal-
dazar pugnus sine manu scribens in pariete tria uerba, id est
Mane Techel Fares, quam scripturam inter pretatws est ei Daniel
profeta significantem iwperium Caldeon/w in Medos et Persas
esse tran[s]ferenduw, dzcens, Mane, id est numerus, numerauit
enim Deus regnum tuum et compleuit illud. Techel, id est ap-
pensio : appendit enim Deus regnum tuum in statera et inuen-
tum minus habens. Fares, id est diuissio : diuissit enim Deus
regnuw de manu tua et dedit Medis et Persis.
Eusebiwj ait : Mortuo Nabcodonozor rege Babiloniorwm sus-
cepit inipt'rium eius Maradochiwj iwp^rator, cui successit frater
eius Baldazar.
Heremias profeta ait : Ecce ego mittam et assumam uniu^r-
saw cognation^w aqwilonis, ait Dominus, ^ Nabcodonosor, ser-
uum meum, et adducam eos super terrain Israel, et seruient Is-
rahelitas regi Babilonis annis .Ixx. x Cumque impleti fuerint
.Ixx. anni, uisitabo super terrain Caldeorwm iniqwitatewt eius,
et ponam illam in solitudines sempiter nas 2 et his q«i cum la-
chonia ducti sunt in Babilonem.
Ait ailibi : Cum c[o]epmnt in Babilone impleri .Ixx. anni,
reducam uos ad locum uestrum, ait Dominusi.
INcipit KUHC regnuw Persarum4.
[fo. 3b2. In marg. iiiw/ccccxxiii.] K. Persurum primus Cirns
regnauit annis .xxx., qwi, deuicto auo suo ma tern o Astiage
Medorum rege, Medis et Persis ipse regnauit.
Hie prime anno regni sui Babiloniam expugnauit, regemqwe
1. Jer. XXV, 9, 11.
2. Jer. XXV, 12.
3. Jer XXIX, 10.
4. marg. sup. Adde .iiii annos super xx.ui. praescriptos ut fiat mimerus
.xxx. annor«»i a uersione Hierusa/m secundum Eusebium, et sic hie nu-
mcrtts coiisruit.
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 385
eius Baldazar occidit. quod mcredibile pene apud mortales erat
[in marg. Orosius dicit], nanqw* BabiloniafB a Nebroth gigante
fundatam, a Nino autem uel a Samiramide uxore eius reparatam
ewe ferwwt. Murorwm eius firmitas et magnitude uix credibilis
relatu est. Murus coctili htere ztque interfusso bitumine com-
pacts erat. latitudine cubitorwm .1. et altitudine qwattr tanta,
et ambitu .cccclxxx. stadiorum circumuenuw. Ipsa autem qwa-
drata erat, et in owsufwmatione piwnarum media intercz-
pedine uigenas qwadrigas capit. A fronte murorwm, centum
portas aereae1. Domus intrinsecus geminas quater habitationes
Ipsa tamen a Giro et Dario sine minima pene mora uicta ac
subu^rsa est. Nanqwe Eufraten longe ualidissimum et mediam
Babiloneam iw/^rfluentew in .cccc.lxxx. fossas diriuauit; per
cuius alueos2 Ciri exercitwj" ciuitatew clam nocte subintrauit,
eamqw^ to tarn uastauit, quod uel humane opere extriii uel hu-
mana uirtute distrui utrumqw^ pene apud mortales [fo. 4a i]
incredibile fuit. Quicquid autem est op^re £0wstructum et arte
asdificatuw labi et consumi uetustate Babilon capta owfirmat.
Hie Cirus primo anno regni sui laxata Hebreorww captiui-
tate .1. fere milia how/mum regrali fecit in ludeam, restituens
eis omwia uassa templi Domini aurea et argentea qwinqw^ mi-
lia qwartcenta (sic)' quae Nabcodon[o]sor de Hierus'akm in Babi-
loniam transtulit. Qwi ludei congregzti in Hierusalem m^wse
:uii. aedificauer««f altare, et a primo die mensis eiusdem c[o]e-
p^runt offerre holochaustum Domino.
K. Anno autem secundo aduent/w sui m^^se secundo templi
fundamewta iecerwwt anno incensionis eius iuxta Affricanum,
Ixx.ii. ; iuxta uero Cronicaw Eusebi, xxxii. Sed impedientibz^
Samaritis intermissum est opus usque ad annum Dari secundum,
qui tiiam in regno Assueri et Artarxer[x]is scripserww^ accw^sa-
tionem aduersum ludeos, et rescripsit Artarxerxes ne aedifi-
caretwr Hierusakm.
KKK. Alcetas rexit Macidonios znnis .xxix.
1 . MS. adds capit.
2. MS. albeos
Revue Celtique, XVI. 28
386 Whitley Stokes.
KKKKKKKKK. Lidorwwz regnuw defecit, quod stetit annis
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Cirus a Tamire regina Sci-
thiae occissw^ est.
[in marg. iiimccccxxxi] K. Cambases iilius Ciri regnauit an-
nis .uiii., qwi secundus Nabcodonosor dicitur. Hie deuicta
^Egipto cunctaw d/wj relegionew abhominatus qw^rimonias I
eius et templa deposuit. [fo. 4*2] Babilonew in ^Egipto2 iedifi-
cauit. Hunc aiunt ab Hebreis secundum Nabcodonosor uocari,
sub quo ludith historia conscribitur, quae caput Olfernis am-
putauit, et secum furtim abstulit. Unde ab exercitu eius dic-
tum est : Deest caput Olfernis.
KK. Amintas rexit Macidonios anww .1.
K. Romanorww septimus Tarqwinniw^ Superbus, Tarqwinni
Prisci &\ius, regnauit mnis .xxx.ii., qwi causa Tarqwinni lun-
[ijoris f/h'i sui, qwi Lucretiam corruperat*, quiqw^ alio nomme
Aruns uocabatwr, regno expulsw^ est.
KKKK. Cambisses Blius Ciri a magis suis occissus est.
K. Fm/res magi regnauerunt m^wsibus .uii.
Hiessus sacerdos magnwj, filius losedech et princeps gentis
ludeas Zorobobel filius Salathel fi'h'i lochin filii losise et Aggeus
et Zacharias et Malachias profetas claruerwwt.
Pithagoras fissicw^ clarw^ filosophwj habetwr^ qwi primus filo-
sophos 0/ filosophiaw nominz nommauit, respuens se sapjentem
K. Darm Persicus, filius Istai[s]pis, regnauit annis .xxui.
Iwter Darium rf Cambassen regnasse duo tratres magos in libris
cronicorww Eusebi reperimus. uerum Hieronymus in expositione
Danielis scribit post Cambassen Smerden magum regnasse,
cuius Pantharchen ffh'aw Cambassis ducit uxorew, qwi cum a
septim magis fuisset occisswj, et in locum eius Darius SUSCQ-
pisset imperium, eadem Pantarches nubsit Dario, qwi ex ea
Xerxen filffon genuit.
K. secundo anno Darii septuagissim/w annw^ captiuitatis Hie-
rusalem [fo. 4b i] impletwr, ut uult Eusebius testem adhibens
1 . i.e. caerimonias
2. i. e. Cairo
3 . MS. corruwpcrat
The Annals of Tigernach. Pint Fragment. 387
Zachariam profetam, ad quern secundo anno Darii loquitur an-
gels dicens : D0;;«ne exercituum, usqw^quo tu non misserebms
lUemsalem, et urbiuw luda quibus iratwj l es ? Iste septuage-
simus annw.f est [Zach., i, 12]. Item qwarto Darii anno ait idem
profeta : Cum ieiunaretis et plangeretis per hos .Ixx. annos,
nunquid ieiunium ieiunastis mihi ? [Zach., vii, 5],
KKKK. Sexto anno Darii templi aedificatio co/wpleta est.
die tertia mensis Adar (.i. Martius), qui est xl.mus sextus an-
nus ex quo sub Giro fundamtfwta eius sunt iecta. Unde in euan-
gelio dicunt ludei : xl et ui. annis asdificatuw «/ hoc templum.
C[o]eperwwt ludei autem ^edificare templum anno secundo Da-
rii mtfwse sexto die uigissima qwarta et anno .uii., ut dictum
est, mense .xii., die t^rtia compleuerw/^. Ex quo apparet opw^
templi et an/ea non parua ex parte per return. Annos autem
Ixx. a distructione illius usque ad pgrfectaw restaurandi licen-
tiaw C5^e cowputandos.
KKKK. Ab egressu 2 Scottorww de ^Egipto mille anni sunt
usque ad decimum hunc annum Darii regis Perszrum.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Pulsis Urbe regib«j qwi
imp^rauerwwt annis .ccxliii. uix usque ad qu'mtum decimuw la-
pidem Roma tenebat imperium.
Rom.ce post exactos reges primum consults a Bruto e^5e c[o]e-
perunt. Deinde tribuni plebis ac dictatores, qui qu'mque anww
regnauenmt populum, [fo. 4b 2] et rurs//m rowsules rem pupli-
cam obtenuerwwt per annos ferme .cccclxiiii. usqw^ ad lulium
Cessarem, qwi primus singulare arripuit imperium olimpiade
KKKKKKKK (iii/;/lxxxuiii). Xerxes f/l/'ws Dari tegnauit
.xx. Hie Mgiptum, quae a Dario discesserat, capit. Qui
adu£rs«j Graeciam pugnatur .dec. milia armatorwm de regno
et .cccm. de auxiliis, rostratas etia;w naues mille duocentas,
onerarias autem .Hi. milia nuw^ro habuisse narratwr. Attamm
uictus Leonida rege Spartanorwm cum .dc. uiris contra se cum
.dc. milibw^ suis pugnante patriam refugit.
Sub his tribus regibw^ Giro scilicet et Dario et Xerxe, Oro-
1 . MS. natus
2. MS. ingressu
3 88 Whitley Stokes .
sius refert decies nouies centena milia de uisceribws unius
regni Persici esse occissa.
Herodotus historiarwm scriptor et Zeuxis pictor agnos-
KKKKKKKK. Alaxander texit Macidonios annis .xliii.
KKKKKKKKKKKK. Escilus, Pindar«j, Sofocles et Euri-
pides tragoediaruw I scriptores celebrantwr.
[in marg. iiimcclxxix.] K. Arctabanw^ rexit P^rsas mensibus
.uii. qwi occidit Xerxen in regia sua, ut Orosius ait.
Socrates natus est.
K. Artarxerxes(«V) qwi et Longimanus, id est Maicpox^ip [leg.
Maxpoxeip] regnauit annis .xl.
KKKKKK. Huius anno .uii. prima die m^wsis primi Ezras,
sacerdos et scriba legis D^i, ascendit de Babilone cum epistolis
regis, et in prima die m^wsis qwinti uenit in Hierusalem cum
uiris mille .dec. Tune Ezras profeta totam Scriptwram uet^ris
testam^wti [fo. 5a i] a Caldeis incensam renouauit Spiritu
Sancto perfusus, et, inter alia strennue gesta, castigauit filios
transmigrations ab uxoribus alienigenis. [Ezra, x., 10.]
KKKKKKKKKKKKK. Eiusdem regis anno uigissimo Ne-
mias 2 pincerna regis de Sussis castro adueniens murum Hieru-
salem .lii. diebus restituit et genti ducatum .xii. annis proe-
Hue usque diuiwa Scriptura temporum siriem continet :
quoe post haec apud ludeos sunt [dijgesta de libro Machabeorum
et loseppi atque Affricani scriptis exhibentur, qwi deinceps
uniu^rsam historiam us^we ad Romana tempora persecute
sunt. Et qwidem Affrican^ in qwinto temporum uolumine
huius temporis ita meminit : Mansit ^rgo imp^rfectum opus
usque ad Nemiam et uicesimum annum Artarxer[x]is, qwo tern-
pore regni P^rsarum .cxu. anni fuerant euoluti. Captiuitatis
autem Hierusalem centissimw^ octuogissimwj et qwintus erat
annus. Et tune pritnuw Artarxerxes iusit muros extrui Hie-
rusalem, cui operi praetuit Nemias. Et ^edificata est platea et
muri circundati sunt ei. Et ex illo tempore, si numerare uelis,
1 . MS. trogoediaruw
2. MS. nemais
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 389
.Ixx. annorum ebdomadas1 usque ad Christum poteris repmre.
Aristarchus etiam et Aristofanes etDemocritw^ tragoediarwm2
scriptores hoc tempore creduntwr fuisse.
Captiuitas autem Samariae [fo. 5*2] et captiuitas Hierusalem
simul indulgentiam perceperunt, et in uno tempore per Zoro-
babel et lessum sacerdotem et Ezram profetam et Nemiam ad
terrain suam ascenderunt, q#i fuerwwt in Ninue annis .dccxu.
Populus autem Hierusalem annis .Ixx. iwBabilonia. Immalledo-
dechuid deichthreb 6 Assardaib 7 dethreb a Babiloin.
[« Together went the ten tribes from Assyria and the two
tribes out of Babylon. »].
Hieronymus ait : inter captiuitatem Samaria[e] in Niwue et Hie-
rusalem in Babilonia anni sunt .cxlu. et menses tres. Ambae
captiuitates simul indulgentiam p^rceperunt, ut prdidiximus, et
uno tempore per Ezram et Nemiam et Zorobabel ad suam ter-
rain ascenderunt.
Illi Samaritan in Ninuen annis .ccxu. et hi qui fuerunt in
Hierusalem annis Ixx. fuerwwt in Babilone.
lochiw filius lesu cognommto losedech pontifex fuit, post
quern tenuit pontificatum Eliasub, ac deinde lodas filius lasib,
et postea lohannis tenuit pontificatum.
KKKKKKKKK. Perdica rexit Macidonios anww .xxix.
KKKKKKKKKKKKK. Xerxes rexit P^rsas mensibus duobus,
quern rexit Persas Sogdianus mensilous .uii.
Plato nascitwr. Hipochrates medicus insignis habetwr et De-
INcipit nwwc tempus Machabeorww.
K. Darius cognomewto Nothiw rexit Persas [fo. 5b i] annis
xix. ^Egiptus recessit a P^rsis.
Reuersis de captiuitate ludeis non reges sed pontifices prae-
1 . In marg. is hi so sectmain danel [« this is Daniel's week »], and in-
terlined : .i. anni lunares ccccxc. solares autem cccclxxu, \d est xu. anni
Inter se.
2. MS. trogoediarum
390 Whitley Stokes.
fuerunt usque ad Aristobulum, qwi cum dignitate pontificis
etiam regale sibi c[o]epit usurpare uocabulum.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Archelaus rexit Machi-
donios annis .xxiiii.
K. Artarxerxes (sic) qwi cognominzius est Mnemon T, Darii
et Parisaditis {ilius, annis .xl. regnauit Persas. Sub hoc rege
uidetwr Hester historia fuisse complete. Ipse quippe est qwi ab
Hebreis Assuerwj, et a .Ixx. Interpretibus Artarxerxes uocatwr.
Athenenses .xuii. Jittms uti c[o]epmmt, cum antea .xui.
tantum litttras haberent.
KKKK. Galli Zenones 2 duce Brenno 3 Romaw iwuasserunt
excepto Capitolio *, et sex mensibus uastauerunt, et mille libris
auri pmium descesionis paciscuntwr.
Tribuni militares pro consulibus esse c[o]ep£riwt.
Aristotiles, octauum decimum astatis annum gerens, Plato-
nis auditor est.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Nectaneb^ rexit yEgiptios
znnis xuiii.
K. Orestis rexit Macidonios anmV .iii.
KKK. Achelaus rexit Macidonios znnis .ml.
KKKK. Amiwtas rexit Macidonios anno uno.
K. Pausias rexit Macidonios anno uno.
K. Amiwtas rexit Macidonios annis .ui.
KKKKKK. Argellis rexit Macidonios annis .ii.
KK.K. Artarxerxes, quiet Ochus, rexit Persas [fo. 5b2] an-
nis .xxui. Iste ^Egiptum suo imperio adiunxit, Nectanebo rege
eius in Ethiopian! pulso in quo ^Egiptiorum regnum di[st]ruc-
tuw est.
Amintas rexit Macidonios annis xuiii.
Demostenes orator omnium rumore celebratwr.
Romani Gallos superant.
KKKKKKKKK.KKKKKKKKK. Alaxander rexit Macido»ws
anno uno.
1 . MS. memnon
2. .i. Libcrpat^rda. Liber pater enini Steno dicitur. Galli aiitem Stenones
uocantur quiet Liberum Patre/.-/ hospitio recip^runt.
3 . MS. brennio
4. MS. capitalio
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 391
Ptolomeus, qui et Oloretes foetus est, regit Macido»«w an-
nis .iiii.
K. Plato philosophus mortuus est, post quern Achademiam
Speusippwj tenuit.
KKK. Perdica rexit Maddonios annis .ui.
KK.K. Arses Ochi fitius rexit Persas annis .iiii.
Hoc tempore ludeorum pontifex maxima ladas clams ha-
betwr, cuius trater Mannasses templum in monte Garrazim con-
SpeusippwJ moritwr, cui successit Xenocrates.
K. Pilippz/j Amintas1 filius, qui cum Athea Scitharum rege
conflixit et fraudulentia 2 magis quam uirtute eum uicit, ac
.xx. [milia] captiuorum secum duxit, regwaw/YMacidonios anm'j
xxiii. Cuius anni duobus exceptis ante exact! s«wt, quid Euse-
b'mm in sirie Macidonicorum regum secuti sumus, qui Ixx
Interprets seqwitwr, quique semper regum tempora protelat,
ideo in scribendo compute regali deuiauimw^. Pilippitf autem
iste inter filium suum Alaxandrum et generum Alaxandrum
Epirotam a qwodam nobili uiro, Pausania3 nomine, occissw^
[fo. 6a i] KK. Qwarto anno Arsis (tiel Xerxis) fil/i Ochi
Alaxander Pilipi^ Olimpiadis fiiius, .xx. aetatis annum gerens,
Macidonibus regnare incipit.
K. Darius, qui et Melas dicitur, Arsami fil/ws, rexit Persas
annis .ui.
Alaxander adu^rsum Ilirios et Tracasfelidter demicans, sub-
u^rsis Tebis, in P^rsas arma corripuit, et apud Granicum4
flum^w regiis5 ducibus oppr^sis, urbem Sardis capit. Idem
capta Tiro ludeam capit, a qua. fauorabiliter 6 exceptwj D^o uic-
timas immolat et pontificum templi lodam, qwi in uisione
prius ei apparuit, honoribus plurimis proseqwitwr,, Andromacho
locorum custode demisso.
1 . MS. amincae
2. MS. fraudelentia
3 . MS. nobile uiro p/wsamia
4. MS. graminidem
5. MS. regeis
6. MS. faborabunt
392 Whitley Stokes.
KKKKK. Alaxander septimo anno regni sui Alaxandriam in
^Egipto condedit. Nee mora Babilonem obtenuit, interfecto
Dario in quo P^rsarwm regnum distructum est, quod steterat
annis .ccxxxi.
Latini a Romanis perdomiti sum.
KKKK. Tune etiam bellum Agidis1 Spartanorwm regis in
Graecia. contra. Antipatris copias, Alaxandri [regis] Epiri2 in
Lucania contra. Bruttios 3 Lucanosque cum xxx milib«.f SM/S,
Zopyrionis* praefecti Ponti in Scithia gestum est contra. Scithas,
qwi omwes a Scithis interiecti sunt, qwi omnes cum suis exer-
citibwj" in his bellis dileti swwt.
K. Alaxander post mortem Darii .u. annis regnauit. Nam
antea .uii. Qui Hircanos et Mardos 5 subiecit [fo. 6a2J. Tune
uenit ad eum Thalestris siue Minothaea6 cum .ccc. mulie-
ribus gratia subolis7 ab eo sw^cipiendse. Tune Parthos aggr^s-
sus diu obsistentes propemodum dileuit zntequam uicit. Inde
Drancas, Euergitas, Parapamenos, Adaspios8 subegit. Urbe
Alaxandria super amnm Tanaim constitute, Indiam adiit cum
Poro fortissimo Indorum rege cruentissimum bellum gessit, in
quo Alaxander cum ipso Poro singularity congressus, occisso-
que deiectus eqwo, concursu satilitum mortem euassit. Porus
multis uulneribwj confossus et captus est; quo ob testimonium
uirtutis in regnum restitute, duas ibi condedit ciuitates} Niciaw
et Bucifalen, quam de nomine eqwi sui ita uocari pr^cepit.
Reuertens in Ammone condedit Parthonium. Idem Iwdicum
usque ocianum uictoriis potius c\uam bellis peruenit, ac Babi-
lonem reuersus .xxxii. uitas, regni autem sui .xii. anno, ueneni
austu pmit. Postquam translate in multos impmo, ^Egiptuwi
Ptolomewj Lagi 9 f/l/ws tenuit, Macidonas Pilippwj, qui et Ari-
j {rater Alaxandri, Siriaw et Babiloniam et omnia, regna
1 . MS. hagidis
2. MS. eperi
3 . MS. brutros
4. MS. zophirionis
5 . MS. mandos
6. MS. alestris siue manutha
7. MS. sabolis
8. MS. adsapios
9. MS. largi
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 393
orientis Science Nicanor, Asias miwori regnauit Antigon«j,
qwi apud Danielem [fo. 6b i] per .mi. hirci q#i arietem conte-
reret cornua designantur.
K. ^Egipto primus regnaw/V Ptolomeus .i. qui et Soter
Lagi x filius annis .xl., q«i Hierusolimis d/ ludea in ditionem2
suam dolo reductis plurimos captiuorum in ^Egiptum trans-
Appius Claudius cascwj Romas clarus habetwr.
Hoc tempore ludeorum pontifex maxima Onias lodas filius
clarus habetwr.
KKKKKKKKKKKK. Tenio decimo anno Ptolomei Sirias
et Babiloniaa et superioribus locis regnare incipit Seleucwj Ni-
canor. A qwo tempore Machabeorum Hebrea historia Graeco-
rum supputat regnum, et a qwo Ediseni sua tempora computant.
Seleucwj Laudaciam Seleuciam, Antiochiam, Appaniam,
Edessam, Beroeam ^ et Pellam urbes condedit. Seleucw^ in eas
urbes qwas extruxerat ludeos tmnsfert, ius eis ciuium et mu-
n[i]cipalem (.i. cista) ordinem concedens aaqwali honore cum
Graeds. ludeorum pontifex maxima religiosisimw^ ac piissi-
mus Simon Oniaa filius clarus habetwr, post quern Eliazarus
frater eius sw^cepit tewpli ministerium filio eius Onia paruo
admodum derelicto.
Regno Siriae et Alaxandriaa in minori Assia conregnatum est,
et primus regnauit ibi Antigone annis .xuiii. Ptolomei prime
anno 4 regnare iwchoans. Hicigitur arnius .xiii. est [fo. 6b2] An-
tigoni sicut Ptolomei.,
Conregnatum quoqueest in Macidonia Ptolomeis et Seleucis,
et primus regnauit ibi post Alaxandrum Pilippus, qui et Ari-
deus5, frater Alaxandri, annis .uii. regnans, primo anno Ptolo-
mei regnare incipiens.
KKKKK. Undeciwo anno priore Arideus frater Alaxandri,
qwi et Pilipus, rex Macidonum6, cum sua uxore Euridice a Ma-
1 . MS. Largi.
2. MS. decionem
3 . MS. berocam
4. Here begins the first fragment of these Annals in Rawl. B.
5 . leg. Arrhidaeus
6 MS. macidonibz/j uc\ um
394 Whitley Stokes.
cidonibw^ ipsis, suadente Olimpiade (et ipsa portea a Casandro
Jwterfecta est) matre Alaxandri, occissus est : post quern reg-
nauit in Macidonia Cassander anww xix, a qwo Hercoles,
Alexandri Magni films, xiiii. anwo aetatis suas cwm Roxa[na]
mtf/re sua interfectus «/. i. in Ancipolitana1.
Antigone rex Assiaa minoris a Seleuco et Ptolomeo in bello
occissus est : post quern regnauit Demetriw.r, cui nomen Polior-
cetes2, filius eius, annis .xuiii.
In anjKL^xuiii. Ptolomej fuit initiate regnare in Emain
Cimbsed filius Fiwtaiw, qwi regnauit .xxuiii. annis. Tune Echu
Buadach pater Ugaine in Temoria regnase ab aliis fertwr liqw^t^
pr^scripsimw^ ollim Ogairje iwp^rasse. Omni a mommentz
Scottorum usgue Cimbaedjiicerta erant .
Hoc tempos Zenon zoicus4 et Minander comicus et Teu-
frastus philosophus 5 claruerwwt.
KKKKKKKKK. Cassander rex Macidonie obit, cui succe-
dunt fili'i eius Antigone6 et Alaxander annis .iiii.
KKKK. Alaxander filius Casandri bellum parans fratrl uin-
dicare matrem disponens a Demetrio occiditwr.
[fo. ya i] Antipflf/er frater eius a Lisimacho7 socero suo In-
teremtus est. Post qwos regnauit Demetrio filius Antigoni
an«/5 .ui.
KKKKKK. Demetrio. a Seleuco et Pirro Epirota a Macidonia
expulso in Siciliam, ibiqw^ eod^w capto et interfecto Seleucw^
Assiam minorew tenuit. Pirrw^qw^ Macidoniaa regnum iwuas-
sit, sed non tenuit. Naw reu^rso eo ad Epirwm Lissimachwj
regnauit in Macidonia anrcw .ui.
KKKKKK. Lisiwachwj1 aSileuco in bello interfectus est.
Qwarto anwo priore Ptolom^ws Sot^r perit, et Ptolom^ws Phi-
8 regnare c[o]epit, ut Hebraica ueritas testatwr.
i. leg. in urbe Amphipolitana?
2 MS. poliercites
3 . i.e. licet
4. i. e. stoicus
5. MS. teufras tris philosophi. Tbeophrastus , of course, is meant.
6. interlined: nel Antipatcr nomm eius, q/d matron suaw Tesolonicen
manu sua iw/wfecit.
7. marg. sup. : qui (ilium suuni. Agothoclen exosus intercmit.
8. MS. philodclphus
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 39$
K. Seleua/j a Ptolomeo, cuius sororew Lisim&chus habuit
uxorew, iwsidiis circumuentw^ occlssus est.
I Hie est finis Macidonici belli, extiwctis xxx.iiii. ducibus
Post Lisimachuw regnauit in Macidonia Ceraunus, qui et
Ptolomeus, mensibus .ix.,- Miliargwj mensibus .ii., Antiptfter
diebwj- xlu.
Qwarto anno priore Ptolomeus Philadelphia I regnare coepit ,
qwi regnauit annis .xxxuiii. Ptolomeus ludeos qwi in ^Egipto
erant lib^ros esse per missit, et Eleazaro pontifici multa Hieruso-
limam et in templi donaria uassa transmittens 2 .Ixxii. Inter-
pretes petit, qui scriptwram sancfam in Graecum uerterent elo-
qwiuw. Now soluw enim gentium scriptwras, s^J diui/zas litteras
in bibliothecaw suaw towtulit. N#w .Ixxx. milia librorum un-
diqite collocauit.
Tantas autem potential fuisse narratwr Ptolom^ws iste Phila-
delphwj 3 ut Ptolomeuw pattern uiwceret. Warrant enim histo-
rian euw habuisse peditum [fo. ya 2] cc. milia, eqwituw .xx.
milia, curr[u]um .ii. milia. Elifantos, qwos primos adduxit ex
Ethiopia, qwadrincentos. Naues longas, qwas liburnas dicimwj,
mille qwincentas. Alias ad portanda militum cibaria mille, et
[in marg. Isidorus] Per idem tempw^ Aratw^ astrologw^ agnos-
citur. Atqw^ argentei nuwmi primum Romae constituuntur.
K. Swjtenes rexit Macidonios annis .ii.
Sostratw^ Cnidius farw/w in altissimo urbis Alaxandriwaa loco
IN loco Seleuci in Siria et Babilonia et tota pene Assia
•gnauit Anteochw^ qwi et Soter dictw^ est, annis xix.
K. Echu Eulfechuir mac Fedaich regnauit in Emaiw an- \
nis xx.
ludeorwm pontificatuw post Elizamm auunculw^ eius Man-
nasses accepit.
K. Antigone regnauit Macidonios annis .xxx.ui.
1 . MS. philodelphus.
2. MS. transmittentes
3 . MS. philodelphwj
$96 Whitley Stokes.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Anteochwj, qui uocabatwr
©NYsecor [Qzoq OUTS;] id est deus iste, regnauit in Assia pene
tota anrnj .xu., qw^m occidit Laudece uxor sua ueneno, causa
Bernicis filiae Ptolomei Philadelphi * in locum suum ductae, et
Bmiicen cum filio suo lachadione ab Anteocho genito lacha-
dioni et Geneo, principibw.r Anteochias, occidendam tradedit.
Maioremq«£ filium suum Seleucum cognom^zto Callicinum 2,
et in loco patris sui regem constituit. Habebat enim Laudece
duos filios ab Anteocho ©HTsecok (sic) genitos, Seleucum
Callicinum2 et Anteochum cognom^wto Maiorem. Cumqw^ Se-
\eucus Maior frater Urtio anno regni sui occisswj esset in Frigia
per dolum Nicanoris Anteochwj Magnwj imp^rauit.
[fo. yb i] Huamchend mac Co..aiwd regnauit in Emaiw an-
nis .1.
Ptolomeus Eu^rgites frater supenons regis regnauit an«w
.xxui. Qtii abinde Euffgites ab -^giptiis est uocatw^ quiet
capta Siria et Calicia et pr0pe modum uniu^rsa Assia inter in-
numera argenti pondera ac uassa pmiosa quae cepit etiam deos
eorum retulit. quos? Cambases, capta ^Egipto, in P^rsas por-
Anteochus ©HTsecok ab uxore sua ut praediximus occissus
est. Cui sucessit filius eius Seleucwj Callicinwj4 .Hi. annis.
lUdeorum pontifex Onias Simonis lusti, filius clarus habe-
tur. Cuius item filius Simon non minori gloria fulget. Sub qwo
Hieswj filius Sirach Sapiential librum cowponens quern uocant
Panarethon*, etiam in eo fecit Simonis mentions.
KK. Seleucwj Callicinus4 in Frigia a Nicanore interfectus est
ut pr^escripsimMJ1. Cui sucessit frater suus Anteocho Magnw^
qui regnauit anwz's xxxui.
Hoc anw Pirrus rex Epirotaruw 3.pud Argos urbem saxo
1. philodelphi
2. leg. Callinicum
3. MS. quos retulit.
4. leg. Callinicus. Rawl. B. 488, fo. i"2, gives this in Irish: Anteochus
Enysecok a bean posta fein romarb c, 7 is 'na inadh do thoscadh a mac
fen .i. Seleucus Caillecinius, etc.
5 . leg. ravapeToy
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 397
ictus intent, et Sextilia uirgo uestalis .i. qwza in adultmo de-
prehensa est, uiua defossa es't.
KK. Demetriwj" regnauit in Macidonia annis .x.
KK. Apud Formas ciuitatem multis ictis fulminuw moenia
undiqwe combusts, et desolata sunt apud agrum Calenum re-
pente scissa terra ignm eructauit. Tribus diebus tribusque noc-
tib^ exestuans .u. agri iugera in cinerem extorruit. INter
multa prodigia sanguis e terra, lac uissuw est manare de caelo
in signuw belli Cartagmensis, [fo. 7b2] Tibms insolitis zuctus
imbribw^ et ultra opinionem uel diurnitate ue\ magnitudine re-
dundans omwia Rom^e aedificia in piano posita deiecit.
Antigone regnauit in Macidonia anww .xii.
Seleucws Ceraunw^1 regnauit .Hi. anww, qwi a Nicanore in
Frigia intertectus est.
Antiochwj Magnwj regnare iwcipit.
K.K.K.K.K. Ptolomeus Philopator filius Euergitis regnauit
JEgiptios annis .xuii. Ab isto Philopatore ludei praelio uicti
.lx. milia armatorwm corruerwwt, Siciliawqwe Marcellw^ consul
Pilipw5 regnauit in Macedonia annis xlii.
KKKK. Anteochw^ rex Sirise, uicto Philopatore, ludeaw sibi
lUdeoruw pontifex maxima Onias filius Simonis msignis
habetwr. Ad quern Lac[e]demoniorww rex Aiius legates mittit.
Hoc tempore Anteochwj- diis gentium ludeosimmolarecogebat.
KKKKKK. Conchobor Rot mac Cathair regnauit in Emaiw
annis xxx.
IN Piceno tlumen sanguine fluxit, et apw^ Dacos cuelum
ardere uissuw est; et Armini noctem ultra lucem claram of-
fulsise, ac tris lunas distantibwj1 caeli regionibwi exortas apa-
ruise dicunt. Tune quoque magno terremotu Caria et Rodwj
insole adeo concussae sunt ut labentibwj uulgo tectis iwgens
ille Colosw^ rueret.
K. Anteochus Magnwj- moritwr. Cui succesit Seleucwj Phi-
lopator filius suus regnauit annis .xii.
i . MS. geraunus
398 Whitley Stokes.
KKKKK. Ptolomeus Epifanes films Philopatoris regnauit
annis .xxuii.
Prim«.j- liber Machabeoruw apwflf ludeos huius temporis gesta
Onias sacerdos assumptis ludeorww [fo. 8a i] plurimis fugit
in JEgiptum, et a Ptolomeo honorifice susceptus, accepit earn
regionem quae [HJeleopoleos uocabatwr, et rowcedente rege tern-
plum extruxit in JEgipto simile templi ludeorww, quod per-
mansit usque ad imperium Uespesiani annis ccl. Sub occas-
sione igitur Onias pontificis iwfinita examma ludeorum in
JEgiptum confugeiunt. Eo tempore et Cirine eoruw1 multitu-
dine repleta est. Haec autem uel Oniae uel cet^ris ^Egiptuwi
causa petendi fuit, quiet pugnantibwj- contra, se magno Anteoco
uel Seleuco Philopatore magiis et ducibus Ptolomei, possita in
medio ludea in contrana studia sciwdebatwr^ aliis Anteocho,
aliis Ptolomeo fauentibw^.
Hac astate poeta Ennius fuit.
[in marg. sup.] Orosius. His etiam diebus Annibal apw^
Prusiam regew Bethinias cum a Romanis reposceretwr ueneno
se necauit.
KKKKKKK. Seleuco Philopator moritwr.
K. Anteoco Epifanes, frater Seleuci .i. filius Antiochi
Magni, sucessit Seleuco. regnauit annis .xi.
Eusebius. Hoc anno Antioch«j moritwr, cui sucessit fi'1/wssuus
SeleitCMf Philopator, qui regnauit annis .xii.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Fiachna mac Feidilimthe
regnauit in Emaiw annis xui.
[in marg. iiimdcccix] KKK. Hoc anno Seleucwj moritur, cui
sucessit in regnuw frater suus Anteochw^ Epiphanes, qui
regnauit annis .xi.
Ptolomeus Philometor regnauit annis .xxxu. Hunc Ptolo-
meum Anteochw^ prflelio sup^rans ludeos uaria calamitate op-
Per idem tempus Scipio - Affricam uicit.
1. This is a correction of «. et Cireneorwm », the reading of Beda,
VI, 297.
2. .i. a scipa dictus .i. ond luirg
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 399
natione ludeus peripatetics I philosop^wj agnos-
citwr. (\ui ad Philometorew Ptolomeuw explanationum in
Moysen ^wmmtarios scripsit.
Anteochw^ Epifanes qwi post Seleucum Philopatorem anmV
.xi. regnauit, in Siria ludeorww legem iwpugnans owniaqwe
idulorwm sordibus cowplens, in templo Olimpii louis simula-
crum ponit. Sed et in Samaria super uerticem montis [fo. 8a2]
Garizim louis Pmgrini delubrum2 asdificat, Samaritanis ut
id faceret pr^cantibwj-. Ueruw Mathathias .i. pater Macha-
beomw, sacerdos patrias leges uiwdicat zduersus Anteochi
duces arma corripiens. Qwo mortuo ducatum ludeoruw sus-
cepit f/'l/MS eius ludas Machabe//5,a q//o Machabi fm/res eius
dicti sum, anno .c.xl.uii. (.i. centisiwo q/<adragisimo septimo)
regni Graecomm, uigissiwo aittem Ptolomei. Olimpiade uero
c.l.u. (.i. centissiwa qwinqwagesima q//inta) : qui mox An-
teochi duces de ludea expellens et tewpluw ab idulorum ima-
ginibwj- emundans p^toas leges post triennium suis ciuibus red-
ded it. \Jnde post secessum Onia^ sacerdotis in yEgiptum, et
mortem Alcemi qwi effugato Onia pontificatum indignus pos-
sidere temptabat, omnium fauore 3 ludeomw Machabeo sacer-
dotium decernitwr : qnod post mortem eius {rater lonathas sor-
titus est .xix. anww, quod plurima ministrauit iwdustria. Refert
enim Eusebiw^ egr essum Onias in ^Egiptum multis de sacerdotio
extender e. lArson enim trater. Oniae et quidaw lesstis conten-
debant illud.
Post quos Minalaus, qui occissttf est a iuniore Anteocho, et
Alcimas, qui ambitione iwdebita pontificatum iwuadit. Ob quod
Onias filfws pontificis Oniae ^Egiptuw* tmnsmigrans, in [H]i-
liopolitano pago ciuitatem sui -nommis condedit, templo ad si-
militudinem templi patrii^ cowstructo.
Parses tegnauit in Macidonia annis .x. q//o defuncto regnuin
Macidonias defecit.
[fo. 8b i] KKKKKKKKKK. Anteocho Epifanes sub q«o
1 . MS. perhipathetiaw
2. MS. delubruum
3. MS. fabore
4. MS.
400 Whitley Stokes.
Elizarus et .uii. Machabei simul cum matre sua Machaba passi
sunt uersus in amewtiaw disperatione et merore in Tebes op-
pido Ptf-sidis periit.
In marg. : licet in martirilogio desmtiria et uermibus esse
consumptiis...r ml dicitur.
KK. Anteoch//j(.i. ali/w iunior) regnauit in Siria .ii. annzj1
Ixx. pra&scriptis.
K. Dare macForggo regnauit in Emaiw anmV .Ixxi.
Demetri//j regnauit in Siria et minore simul Asia anww .xii.
KKKKKKKKKK.K. Demetrius mort////^ cui sucessit
Alaxander annis x.
KKKKKK.KKKK. Alaxander mortuus, cui sucessit Deme-
triwj anww .iii.
[In marg. iiiwdcccxxxuiii] K. Ptolomens Eu«'gites alius
regnauit znnis xxix.
KK. Demetriwj mortims, cui sucessit Anteoch?/^ q«i et
Sitides dicitur, anww .ix.
KKKK. lonathas dux ludeon/w et pontifex cum Romanis et
Spartanis T amicitias facit : quo a Trifone inter fecto, in sacer-
dotiu/w fra/^r g«« Simon2 assumitwr anno regni Euergitis .uii.,
qiwd .uiii. annis strennuissime gerens lohanni reliqwit. Hie
adu^rs//^ Hircanos bellum gerens Hircani nomen accepit, et a
Romanis ius amiciti^e postulans decreto senate inter amicos
relatwj1 est.
Samaria;;/, quae nostro tempore Sebaste uocatwr, obsidione
captam solo coseqwauit, q//a;;/ ponea Herodes iwstaurans Sebas-
tiaw in honorew Augw^ti appellari uoluit. Hoc tempore cum
Hierusolimam Anteochus (.i. Sitides 3) obsideret Hircanw*
princeps ludeoruw reserato Dauid sepulcro tria milia tallenta
auri inde abstraxit, ex qitibus Anteocho [fo. 8b2] xxx. tallenta
dedit ut obsidionem relinq//^ret, atq//g ut foc/i i/^uidiam deme-
ret fertf/r ex reliqwa peccunia instituise primus cenedochia*,
1 . MS. sportanis
2. in marg. Cuius morte .ccui anmw reg(ni) Sirias implet/w «/... ad illud
te/npt/5 In... Ma)chabeorum primus historiam contmet cowputant«rq«« a
pri(mo) anno Cirii (regi)s Persanim usque (ad) fin^w primi uo(lu) minis Ma-
cha(be)orww et mortem pontincis Siwonis ...ccccxxu.
3 . leg. Sidetes
4. leg. xenodochia
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 401
q//ib//5 aduentum suscip^ret paup^rum et pmgrinorum. Unde
et uocabulum suwsit. Nam cenedochiu;;/ J pmgrinorum sus-
ceptio dicitur.
Hoc tempore per consulem Brutuw Hispania a Romanis ob-
tenta est.
KKKKK. Anteochttj Sidites 2 morit//r. Cui successit Deme-
trins annis .iiii.
KKKK. Cui successit Anteoch//^ qm et Griphus 5, an-
nis .xii.
KKKKKKKKKKKK. Anteochus Griphus > motitur. Cui
successit Anteochttj1 Cizichinw^4 annis .xix., q/d iecto Grippo
Siria/w obtenuit. Ac rurs/w Gripus superato Cizicino eande///
recipit. Ita ex successione regnabant iwuicem aduersuw se de-
lOhannes tenuit pontificatu/w qwarto anwo priore anm; xxuiii .
KKKKKKK.K. Ptolomeus Fiscon5, qwi ^ Soter, regnauit
annis .xuii.
Cicero Arpini nascitwr, mflfre Heluia, pfl?re az^^m eqwestris
ordinis ex regio Uulscon/w gm^re.
Uarro nascit//r.
Traces Romanis subieciunt///".
Hircano in pontificatu/w, quod ipse .xxui. anww tenuit, Aris-
tobulwj succedit anno uno, q//i rex pariter rf pontifex primwj
ap«^? ludeos deadematis sumpsit iwsigne post cccc annos Ixxxiiii
Babiloni^e captiuitatis, post (\uern regnauit Iane//j cognommto
Alaxander. smnis xxuii., q//i pontificatum qnoque administmns,
crudelissime [fo. 9a i] ciuihus pmefuit.
KKKKKKKKKKK. Anteochus Cizicin/tf obit, cui sucessit
Pilipwj annis duob//5.
K. Hue usqus Siria possessa6 per reges in Romanaw dicio-
nem cessit.
KKK. AristobulMJ .uii. anno priore coepit regnare, q«i pri-
i. leg. xenodochium (|£voSoyetov).
2 MS. Stidies: leg. Sidetes (StorJ-rr)?).
3. MS. oriphus: leg. Grypus (Ppy-d;).
4. leg. Cyzicenus (Ku^txTjvd?).
5 . leg. Physcon (^Woxwv).
6. MS. possesia
Revue Cdlique, XVI. 29
402 Whitley Stokes.
mus reuersus de Babilone deadema Graecise potestatis iwsigne
cum honore pontificat//^ assumpsit. Cui successit Alaxander
laneus, rex parity et pontifex, qui rexit populum annis xxuii.
[in marg. iiiwdccclxu.] K. Ptolomewj, qm et Alaxander r,
annis .x.
[inmarg. sup.JEndam^Rochada annis .u. regnauit in Emaiw.
Hoc tempore rethorica ars in Roma reperta est.
Siria per Gabinum ducem in Romanoruw dominium transit
septimo anno Ptolomei capto Pilippo a Gabino.
Poeta quoque Lucretius nascitwr, qui po.rtea sese, furore
amatorio2, inter fecit.
KKKKK. Fiac mac Fiadchon regnauit in Emain anw/V .Ixu.
[In marg. iiiwdccclxx.iii.] KKKKK. Ptolome&r Fiscon, q?^i
a matte sua Cleopatra in Ciprum fuerat deiectus, regnauit anww
uiii., qwi regressus iteruin regnuw obtenuit.
Per idem tempus Gallus Rom^ rethoricaw docuit.
Primus tune Szlustius historiograph//53 nascit//r.
[in marg.] Silla uastat Athinenses.
KKKKKKKK. Ptolomeus Dionissius regnauit annis xxx.
[interlined] iiiwdcccciii quia Alaxandn//;^ qwi ante eum reg-
nabat, ob interfectionem matris suas ciues pepulerant4.
K. Findchad mac Baicci regnauit in Emaiw annis duobns.
KK. Tricha rig roboi de Laignib for Heriwd othd Labraid
Loingsech co Cathaer Mor.
[« Of Leinster there were thirty kings over Ireland, from
Labraid the Exile to Cathaer the Great »].
C0wchobur Mael mac Fuithi regnauit in Emaiw [annis] .xii.
K. Q//into anno Ptolomaei Alaxandria uxor Alaxandri ponti-
ficis, post mortem eius regnauit ludeis annis .ix., ex quo tem-
pore ludeos return ^owfussio et u arias clades oppreserunt. Post
cuius mortem [fo. 9a 2] Aristobulf/j et Hircanwj f/l/i eius inter se
de i/;zp^rio demicantes occassionew pr^b[u]^re Romanis ut lu-
deaw iwuaderent. ITaquePompeusl&erasolimam ueniens, capta
1. MS. Alaixander
2. MS. furorem amatorew
3 . MS. historiagraphttf
4. MS. populerant
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 403
urbe et templo reserato, usque ad sanctz sanctorum accessit.
Aristobuluw uinctum secuw Romam abduxit. Pontifkatum
fratri eius tradedit Hircano,, quod ipse tenuit .xxiiii. annos.
Tune primuw Romanis gens ludeorum facts, est tributaria, post
quern Herodes fHius Antipatri Ascolonitre qwi, inter fecto a se
Hircano regnuw ludeoru/w, sen at// j consuliu accepit, et qui pri-
mus alienigena ludeis praefuit.
KKKKKKKKKK. Appollodonw preceptor Augwm chrus
K. Cormacc mac Laidich regnauit in Emaiw anrnV .xuiii.
K. Cicero laude oratoria celebratwr.
K. Cato philosoph//^ [HJorati&KJtttf nascunt//r.
K. Uirgih'ws Maro in pago q//i dicitut Andis haut procul
a Mantua, nascitwr, ptffre Scimacone figulo, matre uero Maia.
KKK. Pompewj uictus a Cesare in campis .ui. Tesalicis1 in
^Egiptuw fugit, iloique ut lit///affigit mox iusu Ptolomei ado-
lescentis in gratiaw Cessaris uictoris occissus est.
KKKKKKK. Cessar Germanos et Gallos cepit.
KK. Brittannos quoque stipend[i]arios fecit. Uirgilir/j Cre-
monae studiis erudit//r.
[in marg. iiimdccccxxu] K. Cleopatra soror Ptolomei reg-
naitit annis duobus [in marg. uel xxii] tantum.
K. Regnum Gmecoruw defecit.
[fo. 9b i] INcipit regnuw Romanorwwij quod p^rmanebit usque
in nnem saecnli.
K. TVtio anno regni Cleopatras luiius Cessar, qwi Cleopa-
tram uiolauit, primus Romanorww singulare obtenuit iwpe-
riuw, a qwo Romanorwm principes Cessares apellati sunt.
Mochta mac Murchorad regnauit in Emaiw anwV iii.
K. Cessar a caeso 2 utero matris dictus est.
K. Cassius, .i. dux Romany ludea capta tewplum Hieru-
sakw spoliauit.
1. MS. tesalicif
2. MS. ac cesso
404 Whitley Stokes.
K. Euchu mac Dare regnauit in Emaiw znnis .iii.
Orosius : Cessar, postqwflw orbew domuit ££ Powpeuw uicit,
Romaw redit : ibi, dum rei puplicae statum contra exewpla
maiorww dementer iwstaurat, auctoribz/j Bruto et Cassio,
consdo etiam plurimo senatu, post .mi. annos et .ui. mewses
monarchic suas, in curia .xx. et iii. uulnerib/w a s/«s confosns
intent. In a?ftiuratione contra turn fuisse sunplius quam .lx.
cowscios feruntt duo, scilicet, Bruti ^ Gaiwj Cassia aliique1
qw^w plurimi. Cuius corpw^ iw Foro fragm^tis tribunalium ac
subsellioraw crematum ^. Ab hiwc i/wp^ratores.
[in marg. iiimdcccclxui.] K. Anno ab Urbe rowdita .dccx.
interfecto lulio Cessare Octauian?^2, qwi testammto lulii Ces-
saris auunculi sui et hereditatew et nomen asumpserat, quique
po^tea return potit^j AugW5tMJ est dic^w^ regnauit anmV quin-
q//agintisex^ mensibus .ui. et diebus xii, quorum .xu. uiuente
Cleopatra q«adragenti u^ro et unuw po^tea uixit annos. A qwo
August! reges R6manorwm apellati sunt. Qtii statim ordiwatw^
quinque bella ciuilia gessit, Mutinense?, Pilipense^ Pmisi-
nuw 45 Siculum^, Actiacz/m4 : e qwibw-5 duo, hoc e.tf, primum ac
nouissimum adu^rsus Marcww Antoniuw^ secundum adu^rsus 6
Brutum et Cassiuw^ tertium aduersus Luciuw Antoniuw^ qwar-
tum [fo. 9b 2] adu^rswj Sextum Pompeum Pompei Gnei {ilium
KK. Echu Salbude m^c Loch regnauit in Emaiw anw/j .iii.
KKK. Fergus mac Leti, qwi wwflixit contra bestiam hi Loch
Rudraige7 et ibi demers//.f est, regnauit in Emaiw znnis .xii.
KKKKK. Natiuitas Conculainn maic Soaltaiw.
[« Birth of Cuchulamn son of Soaltam »]
Undecimo an;/o Augw^ti, deficiente in ludea pontificatu,
Herodes, nihil ad eaw p^rtiwens, utpote Antipatri Ascolonita
1 . MS. aliiqui
2. MS. octouiam/j
3 . .i. campus
4. campus
5 . iwsola
6. MS. aduersu;//s
7. « in Loch Rudraigi », now Dundrum Bay. See the story, Ancient
Laws, I, 64, 70-74.
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 405
et Cipriadis (.i. matns) Arabics films, postquam occidit Hir-
canuw pontifkew, a Romanis swjcepit impmum ludeoruw,
quod tenuit anmV xxxui. Qwi ne ignobilis forte et a ludeorww
semiwe argueretwr extranet, £0wb/tfsit libros omwes qwibws no-
bilitas gentis ludeae in templo reseruabatwr asscripta.
Hactenwj qwi uocabantwr Lagidae1 in ^Egipto regnauerunt .i.
anmV .ccxcu.
INsuper etiflm ut sobolem suaw regio illon/m generi Herodes
flwmiisceret, proiecta Doside femiwa Hierusolmitana, qiiam
pr'msLtus accep^rat uxorew, et nato ex ea f/h'o Antipatro sociat
sibi Miriams f/b'am Alaxandri2, neptem Aristoboli fratris Hir-
cani, qm ant^ eum rexerat ludeos. Haec quinque ei f/h'os genuit,
q//orum duos, Alaxandruw et Aristobolum^, ipse necauit in Sa-
maria. Nee mora etiam post matrem illorum qwa nihil carius
nouerat, p^remit. E qtiibus Aristobulus Herodew ex Berenice
susceperzt filium quern in A.ctibus Apostulomm ab angelo p^r-
cussum legim//5.
KKKK. Marcwj Antoriiwj Niger uictus ab Augusto in
Alaxandria sese propria manu inter fecit, et Cleopatra uxor eius
serpentis morsu in sinistra tacta exanimata est.
Hoc anno cepit regnare in Emaiw Conchobor mac Nessa, qui
regnauit annis .lx.
Rorannad Heriu idrsin hi coic, iar n-arcam [fo. ioa i] Cow-
are Moir maic Etarsceoil hi mBrudin Da Dergga, et/V Cowcho-
bur mac Nessa ocus Coirpr^ Nia fer 7 Tigernach Tetbannach
7 Dedad mac Sin 7 Ailill mac Magag.
ISiw tsechtmad bliadain iar ndith Conairi rogab Lugaid Reo-
[« Thereafter Ireland was parted into five, after the slaugh-
ter of Conare the Great, son of Etarscel, in the Hostel of Da
Derga, among Conchobar son of Nessa, and Cairbre Nia fer,
and Tigernach Tetbannach, and Dedad son of Sen, and Ailill
son of Maga.
In the seventh year after the destruction of Conare, Lugaid
Redstripe seized the sovranty. »]
i . MS. lagidiae
2. MS. Alanxandri
406 Whitley Stokes.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Maria mater Domini nata est.
KKKK. Slogad Tana bo Cualngi.
[« the Expedition of the Driving of the Kine of Cualnge »].
\Jirgi\ins Maro in Brundissi[o] .Hi. aetatis suasanwo mort[u]«j
est. Cuius ossa in Neapoli I humata s/wt, hoc epitaphio, quod
ipse ante mortem suaw dictau^rat, tumulo m^ sM/rcrposito :
Mantua me genuit, Calabri 2 rapuere, tenet mine
Parthinope. cecini pascua', rura4, duces5.
KKKKKKK. Finit qz/inta aetas mundi continens annos
.d.lxxxix-. INcipit sexta mundi aetas ab Incarnatione Christi
usque ad diem iudicii. Beda boat breuiter sequentia haec.
Sexta mundi aetas nulla generatione uel sirie temporum certa,
sed ut aetas decrepita ipsa totius saeculi morte consumandz.
Cetna blia^am tossaich oigtathcuir is hi sein in bliadam ria
gen Crist. Bliadam tanaisse immorro de noidecdu hi rogenair.
[« The first year of the beginning of the cycle, that is the
year before Christ's Nativity. (It was), however, the second
year of the decennoval in which he was born »].
[in marg. iiiwdcccclii] K. Ab initio mundi umcxc iuxta .Ixx.
Interprets. SectindumueroEbreic3.nl umtate;;z^ iiimdcccclu. Ab
Urbe uero condita. anno .dcclii. Anno quoque iwpgrii Cessaris
Aug/mi xlii. Anno secundo decinouenahV et uii. feria lesns
Christus F/h'ws Dei 'sextam mundi aetatew suo aduentu conse-
Beda ait: Anno Cessaris Aug«Jti .xlii. A morte uero Cleo-
patrae et Antonii quando et JEgiptns in prouiwciam uersa est anno
xxuii. Olimpiadis centissimae .Ixxxxiiii. anno tenio. Ab Urbe
autem conditz anno .dcclii .i. eo anno quo compresis cuncta-
nun per orbew t^rrae gentium motib/w firmissimaw uerissi-
mawqwg pacem ordiwatione [fo. ioa2] Dei Cessar compossuit,
lesus Christus fiiius Dei sextam mundi aetatew (ow)secrauit
aduentu .i.
1 . MS. necapoli
2. MS. calubri
3. .i. Bocolica
4. .i. Georgica
5 . .i. libn/w
The Annals of Tiger nach Fir si Fragment. 407
K. Mors C0wchulaiwd fbrtissimi herois Scotton/m la Lugaid
mac tri con (.i. ri Mwwan) 7 la Ercc (.i. ri Tewrach) mac
Coirpri Niad fir 7 la tri maccu Calattiw de Chonnachtaib. Uii.
mbliaJfia a aes iwtan rogab gaisced .xuii. mbliadna daw<? a aes
iwtan rhboi mdegaid Tana bo Cuailge, xxuii. bliadna immorro
a aes iwtan atbath.
[« The death of Ciichulainn the bravest hero of the Irish,
by Lugaid son of Three Hounds, king of Munster, and by
Ere King of Tara, son of Carbre Nia fer, and by the three
sons of Calatin of Connaught. Seven years was his age when
he assumed arms, seventeen was his age when he followed the
Driving of the Kine of Cualnge, but twenty-seven years was
his age when he died. »]
in marg.] Mors Emiri uxoris Cowculaiwd.
in marg.] Mors Eire maic Corpri rig Temrach 7 Lugdach
male Conroi la Cowall Grnach, 7 mriud cetM coiced n-Erenn
la secht Maim o Ultaib.
[« The death of Ere son of Carbre king of Tara and of
Lugaid son of Cu-roi by Conall Cernach, and the invasion of
the four fifths of Ireland by the seven Maines of Ulster. »]
Kii. Kiii. Ku. Kui. Anno imperil Augwni .xluii. Herodes
morilur. Hie enim igne extrinsecus urebatwr, intrinsecus quoque
uasto iwcendio, wexplebilis auiditas cibi1. Omnt corpus eins
putridiwe corruptuw, febris magna, prurigo mtollerabilis, colli
dolor, pedu;/z tumor. Po^tea oleo litus, oculi eius soluti s////t,
Disperans aiitem o//mes primarios et nobiles plebis ad se collegi
iubet et in uno loco recludi. Q//i cum collecti stint ait sorori
suas : Noui ludeos de mea morte gauissuros, et ideo, ut ha-
beaw lugentes cum spiritum exalau^ro, onmes iw^rficite. Igittir
filiis suis .iii. a se an^ necatis 2 cultruw poscit ut pomum
more solito purgaret, ipse eleuans in se dexteraw suaw obit.
Beda ait : Herodes morbo intercutis aqu^e et scatentib/w toto
corpore uermibus miserabilit^r sed digne moritwr.
K. uii. ArcheLzzfc ii\ius Herodis regnauitannis .1%. id est usque
ad finew Augwjti.
1. MS. ciui
2. sic. leg. anteuocatis?
408 Whitley Stokes.
K. i. K iii. K. iiii. K. u. K. ui. K. i. INitium indictionis.
[Interlined] Ab imtio mundi iuxta .Ixx. Interpretum, .uwccx.
secundumEusebii ueritatem .iii/w.dcccclxi. Ab Incarnatione uero
an/// .x.
K. iii. Octauiam/j1 mort[u]«j est in Campania, minis .lui.
mtfwsibus .ui. et diebus xii. regnans.
Archelaus f/l/Ms Herodis mort[u]#j est. Cui successerwnt .iiii.
fratres tins, Herodes [fo. iob r] tetrarcha et Pilippus et Lissias
et Antipater.
in marg. iiiwdcccclxxx.ix.JK iiii. Tiberius filius Augwjti, itel
magis priuignus2 eius, hoc est Libise uxoris eius fHius ex supe-
riore genitus coniuge, regnauit znnis .xxiii.
K. uii. Herodes tetrarcha ludeis iwperat, a qwo Johannes
Babtiza decollate est in Macheruntha oppido, et sub q/^o lesus
Christus crudfixus est. Ac lacobwj Zebedei ab eo decollatus est.
Kuii. Ki. Ab initio mundi iuxta Ixx Interprets .umccxx.
secundum autem Ebreos iiiwdcccclxxi.
Kii. Ab Incarnatione .xx. Herodes tetrarca, q//i regnamt an-
nis xxiiii., in honorew Tib^rii et matris eius Libia? Tiberiadem
et Libiadem condedit.
Kiiii. Ku. Kui. Gwchobur mac Nessa in uiii. anw> Tibmi
qttieuisse dicitnr.
Kuii. Kii. Kiii. Kiiii dcccclxxxx] Duodecimo anno regni Ti-
berii Ponti//j Pilat//j in ludea/// misswj est.
Ku. Kui. Ki [in marg. iiiwdcccclxxx] .i. Anno .xu. Tibmi
Cessaris ab lohanne Babtiza Iwus Christus babtizat/w e-st in
Ennon iuxta Salem.
Hoc tempore Christus elegit apostulos xii.
Ab initio mundi secundum Ebreos p^ractis (.iiiw. ue\ iiii ///.,
ut Eusebi/w ait), iuxta autem Ixx. umccxxxii. Ab Incarnatione
q//0qf<i xxx., q//o tempore I[o]han/^^ babtiza occisns est.
Kii. EusebittJ ait (\uod .xui. anwo Tiberii principium fuerit
.Ixxxi. iubelii secundum • Ebreos. <\uwt autem 1 nostrz supputatio
1 . MS. octouianws
2. MS. preuignus
3. sic. Beda, VI, 191, li, Rawl. B. 502. ho. Rawl. B, 488.
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 409
un^uigenti minus ponendas l estimaumt annos facile qwi sti-
periom huius libelli legerit iwueniet.
lUxta uero Cronica/;/ Eusebii eadew opiae ipse de utraq//£ edi-
tione ut sibi uidebatwr compossuit anni sum umccxxuiii.
Kiii. Ku. Anno .xuiii. Tikrii Cessaris lestts Christus crycifixw^
est anno .xxxiii. aetatis suas cum semesse anni. ue\ xxx.iiii., ut
Eusebio placet, q//i xiiii luna traditus est et .u. feria, xu. an-
te m luna et ui. feria pass//j. xuiia autem luna die dominica re-
surrexit .ui. ue\ .uiii kl. ApfHif.
Agrippa cognommto Herodes fi'h'ws Aristobuli f/h'i Herodis
regis accwjsator Herodis [fo. iob2] tetrarchae, Romam pro-
fect«j a Tibmo in uiwcula coniecitur. Ubi plurimos sibi ass-
ciuit ad amicitiaw «/ maxiwe Germanici {ilium Gaium.
Kui. Hoc anno .xix. ut alii aiunt, Christus crucifix// j est.
Madat cethri blizdna trichat beite i n-ais Christ is for .xii.
kl. April xiiii. luna pascae. Madat tri .xxx. col-leith immorro
na///ma is for ochtkl. Apr/7 in cessad 7 for sexkl. ind eiseirge,
quod a multis auctoribftf consist esse uulgatuw. Hie estnumerus
ab initio ind oigthathchuir co cessad Crist dlxui.xu. luna. Cru-
cifixw5 est .ui. feria, uiii kl. apnV. Pn'ma feria resurrexit, hi
sexkl. apn'/_, hi sechtmaid dec escai. Now sic autem in ciclo
Dionissi muenies.
[« If it is 34 years that are in Christ's age, (the Passion) is
on the 1 2th of the kalends of April, the I4th of the paschal
moon. If however it is only 33 1/2 years, the Passion is on
the 8th of the Kalends of April and the Resurrection is on the
6th of the Kalends, quod, etc. This is the number from the
beginning of the complete cycle to Christ's Passion, 566. On
the 1 5th of the moon he was crucified, on a Friday, the 8th
of the kalends of April. On a Sunday he arose, on the 6th of
the kalends of April, on the iyth day of the moon. Non
sic, etc. »]
Hoc anno Maria mater Domini qwieuisse .xlui. aetatis suaa
anno asserit//r, ml, ut ali[i] aiunt, seqwmte anwo.
LAcobwj lustus spiscopus aeclessias Hierusolimon/w ordi;zat//r
ab apostulis.
i . sic: leg. ponendos, as in Rawl. B, 488.
410 Whit ley Stokes.
Cowchoburmflc Nessa obiit, cui sucessit filius eins Causcraid,
qui regnauit in Emam annis tribns.
Cath Artig for coiced n-Olnecmacht la C/^craid mac Conco-
bair. Gwcraid obit la Mac cecht. Mac cecht do thuitim foche-
toir la Cona.ll Qrnach ic Crannaig Maic cecht. Glasni mac
Conchobair .ix. awnis regnauit.
[« The battle of Artech gained over the province of Con-
naught by Cuscraid son of Conchobar. Cuscraid died by the
hand of Mac Cecht. Mac Cecht fell at once by the hand of
Conall Cernach at Crannach Maic Cecht. Glasne son of Con-
chobar reigned for nine years »].
Kuii. Ki. Kiii. Kiiii. Tiberius ambiguis ueneni signis obit.
Ku. Gai//j Callicola1 regnauit annis .iiii. 2 non plenis, utOro-
sins. Homo omnium flagitiossissirm/.r, q//i dixit : Utinaw popu-
Ins unam ceruicew habtfret ! In cuius secreto post mortem eius
duo libelli reperti s/wt, qworum alter! pugio, alt^ri gladif/j pro
signo nowfms ascriptum est. Et in eodem secreto iwuenta est
ingens area uarion/w uenenor/^;^ quae iubente Cessare Claudio
in mare eff?^sa iwgens strages pisciuw per proximo litora
iwuenta est.
Gzius Agrippam Herodew amicww suum uiwculis lib^ratum
regemludas fecit, qwi p^rmansit in regno annis .uii. id est usque
ad .iiii. Claudii annum, q«o ab anguelo percusso successit in
regnuw filius eius Agrippa, et usque ad extmiiin[i]um [fo. i ia i]
ludeorww, id est xxui. annis, p^rseu^rauit. Herodes Tetrarcha?
et ipse Gai amicitiam petens4, cogente Herodiade, Romam
uenit, sed accussztus ab Agrippa, etiam tetrarchiaw perdedit,
fugiensq//^ in Hispaniaw cum Herodiade ibi perit.
MatheHJ euangelium scripsit in ludea in tempos Gai, q//i
po^tea mort[u]«j est in Macidonia, ml, ut alii aiunt, in P^rsi-
dia, sed uerius in Ethiopia occissw^ est.
Ab i«itio mundi iuxta Ixx.ii Intetfpretes .uw/ccl., secundum
uero Ebreos iiiw^.dccccxci.
1 . leg. Caligula.
2. uu.iii. uel .uii. annis, me//sibus x. diebus uiii, ut Beda ait.
3 . MS. detrarcha
4. MS. ad amicitiam pt'rdens
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 41 1
Kui. Gains statua;// louis in templo Hierusalm sub nomine
suo poni iusit.
Pilatzw qm sententiaw dawnationis in Christum dixerat,
tantis irrogante1 Gaio angorib//i coartat/tf [est,] ut se sua
manu iwterfecerat.
Ki. Gaius a pfotectoribwj suis inter fectus est .
mini uiiii menses uii dies. Kii. Claudia regnauit anwwxxuiii
(ue\ xuiii, ut Qwsius), qwi xxx.u. senatores ^ .ccc. equites
Romanes miwimis causis iwterfecit.
Kiii. Petnw cum Anteochenam seckriaw fundasset ad expug-
nandum Simonem Maguw Romaw uenit, ibiqw^ .xxu. annis
episcopalew cathedram tenuit usque ad iiItimuwNeronis annum.
Iriel Gliinmar mac Cowaill Chernaig ugnauit in Emaiw an- I
nis xl. I
[« Iriel Big-Knee son of Conall Cernach reigned in Emain
40 years. »]
Kiiii. Togail Bruidne da B^rga (ut alii aiunt, sed certe fal-
lunt/^r) for Gwaire Mor.
[« The destruction of the Hostel of Da Berga on Conaire
the Great. »]
Kui. Q//arto anno Claudi fames grauissiwa, cuius memmit
Lucas 2, fac/a est.
Claudi-wj iiii. anno regni sui Brittania-m adit, qitam neque
ante luliuw Cessarem nee post eum quisqwaw attiwgere auss«j
erat, sine ullo praelio ac sangine iwtra paucissimos dies pluri-
waw insolae partew in deditionm recepit. Orcadas etiam inso-
las Romano adiecit impmo, ac sexto postquam profectus erat
mense Romam redit.
Kuii. Marc//j in Italia euangeliuw scripsit (.i. in Roma sin-
gularity ut Beda ait), qwi postez a Petro ad Alaxandriam
misiis est, ibique episcopus ordinatwf est.
Ki. Kii. Kiii. Lugaid Reoderg mac na tri Find n-Emna u-
gnauit in Temoria anww xxui. Tricha rig do Leith Chuiwd
othd [fo. na 2] Lugaid co Diarmait mac Cerbaill.
[« Lugaid Red-stripe, son of the three Finds of Emain, rei-
1 . MS. arrogantice
2. Acts, XI, 28.
412 Whitley Stokes.
gned in Tara twenty-six years. Thirty-six kings from Conn's
Half (reigned in Tara) from Lugaid to Diarmait son of
Cerball ».]
Claudia Roma expulit ludeos tuwul[tu]antes.
Kui. Fames in Roma.
Kii. Kiii. Claudia manifestis ueneni signis obit. iii;//xxii.
ne\ xiii annis mensibus .uii. diebus .xxuiii. ue\ xiii annis non ple-
nis, ut Orosius.
Kiiii. Nero in re militari nihiiomnino aussus Brittaniaw
[pene] awisit. Naw duo oppida nobilisima illic sub eo capta
atque (euersa stint).
Nero regnauit annis xui., q«i primus imperator Christianas
persecuttis est. Qiii fuit transgressor scelerum auunculi sui Gai
Callicolae1. Ntfm matrem suam £/ sorores suas et omnes cogna-
tas et arnicas suas pulluit. Uirum in uxorew duxit, ipse a uiro
ut uxor accepts est. Qiii etiam [nunquam] minus mille car-
rucis2 confecisse iter traditnr. Qjii calidis ac frigidis ungentis
lauaretwr. Qui retibiw aureis quae lineis trahebant//r purpu-
reis 3 piscaretw-r. Deniqne urbis Rom^e incendium uoluntatis
suas spectaculum fecit. Per sex dies septemque noctes ardens
ciuitas regios pauit aspect/*; . Omnium pene senatoruw^ diuitias
igne ereptas uiolenter rapuit. Qin post owwia scelera beatis-
simos Christi apostulos ob magi Simonis necew, a demonibttJ
ab apostulis in nomine Christi adiuratis, ab aere dimisi et in
.iiii. partes corpore in terra, diuissi. [Qui] per Agrippam prae-
fectuw Petru;;/ cruce, Pauluw gladio occidit.
Ku. Seciindo anno Neronis Festw; ludeas procurator sucessit
Felici, a q//o Paulw; Roma/w uwct«5 mittit//;^ et bienniuw in
lib^ra c//;todia manens: post \\aec ad pf^dicanduw demittitwr,
necdu/^ Nerone in tanta scelera qwanta de eo narrant historian
er///;/pente. Festo magistratui Iude*e succedit Albinw^ Albino
Flon/j, C/////S luxoriam et auaritiaw cet^raq//^ flagitia ludei non
ferentes, contra.' Romanes rebellauer/m/. Aduersus qwos Ues-
pesianw; magist(?r militias miss^; plurimas urbes ludeae cepit.
1 . i.e. Caligulae
2. .i. o charptib 1. o charraib « of chariots or of cars ».
3 . purpureis funibus extrahebantur, Orosius, VII, 7.
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 41 5
[fo. nbi] Kuii. Ki. Kii. Kiii. Ab imtio mundi .uwcclxiii.
iuxta .Ixx. Iwterpmes, secundum uero Ebreos iiiiwxiiii. Ab In-
carnatione .Ixiii.
Ku. Kui. Maria Magdalena moritur.
Kuii. lAcobus {rater Domini, cum xxx annis Hierusolimon/w
rexisset aeckriaw, lapidatwr a ludeis, qwi de pmna templi pre-
cipitate fkrte fullonis in caput percussus intent.
Kii. Marcus in Alaxandria morit//r, cui successit Annianwj"
annis .xxii.
Kiii. Perseus poeta moritwr.
Kiiii. Nero lohannem zpostulum in doleum feruewtis olei mis-
sit, ut Tenulhnus ait, q/a inde purior et uigetior exierat
<\uam iwtroierai.
Tomaidi;^ Locha Rib mate Maireda dar Mag n-Airbthen.
Tomaidiw Li«mui«e tar Liathmuine, edon Locha Echach
aitt dollegad sil nDubthaich Doeltengad acht Curcufoche namma
cowbrathfl/r side in Dubthach do Ferg/w mac Roaig.
[« The outbreak of the lake of Rib son of Mairid, over Mag
The outbreak of Linn-mune (« stagnum mictus ») over
Liath-muine, to wit, of Lough Neagh, in a place where the
seed of Dubthach Chafertongue, save only the Corcu-foche,
was overwhelmed. This Dubthach was a comrade of Fergus
son of Roach »].
Ku. Kuii. Ki. LUCS.UUS (.i. poeta) ac Seneca (.i. preceptor
Neronis) iwterficiuntwr (.i. a Nerowe).
Kii. Nero ignomimosse fugiens a senatu ad qwartuw ab Urbe
lapidem sese ipse interfecit.
Hoc anno Petms et Pzulus a Nerone anteaqwa/w semet ipsum
iw^rficeret occissi sum.
Linus papa .ii. anww.
Kii. Galua cum Pissone adoptiuo fi'h'o regnauit .uii. mensi-
bus, qui ab Othone inter fecti sum.
Othon .iii. mensibus> qwi semet ipsum iwtef fecit.
Uitelliwj .uiii. mensibus, qwi fuit uorator cibi1, qwi a senatu
MS. ciui
414 Whitley Stokes.
excarnificatwj crebris compunctionibus et unco tractus in Ti-
berim misus caruit sepultwra.
Euodiw.r, episcopus post Petn/w xxiii anmV, in Anteochia
msus. [in marg. xxxi].
Uespesiam/j c//w Tito filio suo regnauit annis .ix. m^sibwj
.xi. diebwi xxii. H/r apitd ludeaw imp^rator ab exercitu appel-
late et belluw Tito filio suo commcnd&ns, Romaw per Alaxan-
driaw proficiscitwr, qwi secundo anno ludeas regnuw subu^rtit.
Tewplum solo strauit post annos prim^e asdificationis tins mille
.Ixxxix. Consummation est hoc bellum annis .iiii., duob//j qui-
dem Nerone uiuente et duobwj aliis pwtea.
Uespessianus [fo. i ib 2] inter alia magnorww operum facta in
priuata adhuc uita in Germaniaw, deinde et Brittaniaw a
Claudio miss//5 tric[i]es et bis aim hoste flwflixit, duas uali-
dissiwas gentes .xx. oppida, i«solam Uectam Brittani^ proxi-
maw Romano adiecit imp^rio. Colosswj erigitwr h^^ns altitu-
diwes .cuii. pedes.
Kiii. Hoc anno uindicta crucis a Uespisiano et Tito filio
eius, postquam enim Uespessianwi Romaw reuersus est, Titus filius
eius ciuitatew Hierusalew expugnauit. Tewplum solo strauit.
Regnuw ludeorww subu^nit. Ubi undecies centum milia capta
ewe et ducta Euseppwj1 perhibet.
Ku. Anenclete2 papa anww .xx.
Kui. Kuu. Ki. Ab initio mundi .umcclxxix iuxta .Ixx, secun-
dum uero Ebreos iiiimxxx. Ab Incarnatione autem Ixxui.
LugaidReo derg occisse est ona trib Ruadchennaib (.i. de
Laignib). No co;;nnad im claideb dodoleced conn-abbad de cho-
maid a mna .i. Deirbe forgaill, nodechsad.
[« Lugaid Red-stripe was slain by the three Red-heads of
Leinster. Or it may be that he betook himself to (his own)
sword and died of grief for his wife, Derb forgaill, who had
gone. »]
Kiii. Crewthann Nia Nair regnauit annis .xiii.
Kiiii. Andreas crucifix^ est in Patras ciuitate .i. Achaiae,
ab Egia (.i. proconsule).
1 . leg. losephus
2. leg. Anaclctus
The Annals of Tiger nach. First Fragment. 41 $
Ku. Uespesianwj in uilla pro/>ria circa Sabinos profluuio
uentris mort[u]w5 £tf.
Pilipwj in Hierapoli ciuitate Frigid crucifixwj et lapidatwj est.
[in marg. iiiiwxl] .Kui. Titus f/l/Y/s Uespesiani regnauit post
pattern suum znnis .ii. ac mensibtts .ii. Iste i« utraq«£ liwga
tanto facundissimwj exstetit ut causas latiwe egerit, poemata et
tragoedias graece cowponeret. Tanto autem bellicosissimtt* r
fuit ut in expugnatione Hierusolimorww .xii. propugnatores
.xii. sa.gitta.mm owfoderet ictibus. Porro in imperio tantse bo-
nitatis fuit ut nulluw omnino puniret, sed conuinctos aduersum
se owiuratione demitteret, atqwe in ezdem famili[a]ritate quam
an^ea habuerat reteneret. Huius etiam inter omnia [fo. i2a i] fuit
illud celebre dictum, pmledisse diew q/<a nihil boni faceret.
Ki. Titus t segregatis a numero principuw 2 Othone et Vi-
tellio, in cuius tempore Babiusi mons profudit incendia,
quae uiciwas regiones cum urbibw^ hominibus deleueruni, cum
i/7genti omnium luctu in eadew uilla qwa pater eius perit morbo
abswwptMJ est. Qui fuit uir omnium uirtutum mirabilis adeo
ut amor et dilici^e human! generis diceretwr. Hie amphithea-
thruw Romse asdificauit et in dedicatione eius .u. milia fera-
rum occidit.
Kii. Dominant {rater Titi iunior regnauit [annis] .xu.etmen-
sibus .u. Hie secundus post Neronem Cbristi&nos persecutus est,
sub qwo lobannes apostulus in Pathmo iwsola religat//^ estf et
Flauia Domitilla, Flauii Clematis consulis ex sorore neptis4}
in insolam Pontianaw ob fidei testimonium exiliatwr: q//i et
ipsum lohannem fert?*r in feruentis olei dolium missise, sed
lobannes tarn iwmunis redisse [dicitur] a poenis quam a cor-
ruptione carnis manebat semper immonis.
Iriel Glunmar .i. mac Conaill Ornaig, die dominica hi
Seimniu occisswj est o Oewthand Nia Nair, ue\ a Gallis, ut
alii dicunt.
1. MS. belliocissimw^
2. MS. principittw
3 . sic, leg. Vesuvius
4. .i. donn ingiw. gebes lasm fersa in tsiur (« of the daughter, whom the
sister has by this man »).
4i 6 Whitley Stokes.
[« Trie*! Big-knee, son of Conall Cernach, was killed on a
Sunday in Semne by Cremthand Nia Nair, vel etc. »]
Kiii. Fiacha Fmdanmas mac Ireil Glunmair regnauit in
Erriain dieis a athar annis .xx.
[« Fiacha Find-amnas, son of Iriel Big-knee, reigned in
Emain after his father for twenty years ».]
Kiiii. Domitian/w multos senator// m in exiliuw misit ac per-
Kui. Domitianwj cunctos qm de genere David erant inter-
fid iussit, ut null/w ludeorww ex regali origiwe superesset.
Kuii. Abili//j episcopns Alaxandria[e] annis xiii.
Ki. Kii. Kiiii. Cremthand Nia Nar mort[u]//j est.
Ku. Feradach Fiwd mac GremtfitfiW regnauit anw/5 .xxii.
Kui. In hoc tewpore claruit Morand mac Moin.
Kuii. Tomas apostuhts in Culania iugulatus est.
Kxii. Clemens discipul?/^ Petri, episcopus Romas ordinatwr
.ix. annis.
Bartholomew decollate et sepult//^.
Kiii. Ignatiw Anteochise episcopus annis xuii.
• Kiiii. Carpri [fo. I2a2] Cend cait .u. bliadna con-ebailt. I
/ « [Carbre Cat's head, five years till he died »].
Ab initio mundi .umccxc. secundum Ixx Interpretes, secund/tni
uero Ebreos iiiim.lxxi. Ab Incarmtiom uero xcui.
K.u. Dominant ah Augusto nonus occissus est.
K.ui. Neruasenexa2Petroniopr^fecto proetorioet Parthinio.
spadone Domitiani iw/^rfectore in regnuw ordinat//^ regnauit
anno uno, et mensibus iiii et diebtts octo, q/d Traianum secu;»
in regnuw adoptauit. Hie primo edicto 3 suo cunctos exules
reuocauit. Unde et lohannes apostulus hac generali iwdulgentia
liberatns Ephessum rediit. Et quia concussam se absente per
hereticos uidit asclaesise ftdem, rogatus ab episcopis Asise, con-
festim hanc descripta in euangelio suo u^rbi Dei ^et^rnitate sta-
Nerua morbo conkctits obit.
1 . This entry seems inserted man. rec.
2. MS. e
3 . MS. edictito
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 417
Kuii. Tra.is.nus genere Hispanus rtgnauit .xix. annisetmen-
ttj .ui. £* diebus .x. Iste Assia et Babilonia capta usque ad
fines post Alaxandruwi accessit.
Ki. Tra.ia.nus tertius persequitur Christianas.
Kii. Cerdon primus episcopus Alaxandrias annis .xii. qwi fuit
quartus ab apostulo.
Kiiii. lohanrt&f apostulus Ixxuiii. anno post Passionew Do-
mini, aetatis ctutem suas nonagissimo uiii. anw0 Effessi placida
morte q«ieuit.
denies papa Petri discipul//j, zpud Cersonaw ciuitatem a
Traiano in mare demersttf est anchora collo conligata., a cuius
corpore in feria eius anniu^rsaria semper trium milium spatio
tribus diebw; mare recedit, Christianis Domino ad corpus eius
her prfltfbente.
Kui. Simon Cleopas iilius apostulus} ut alii aiunt, lerusoli-
moTum episcopus crucifix^ est a Traiano, senex .cxxi. an-
Kuii. Kii. Fiatach Fiwd regnauit in Emaiw annis xiii.
Kiii. Kiiii. Ku. Madian/u apostulus interfectus est.
Kuii. Ignatius Anteochiae episcopus Romam perductus a
Traiano bestis traditus est, qwi suadentibwi eum captoribus suis
fugere respondit [fo. I2b i] Non. Christi frumentum sumLet
dentibus bestiarMm molar2. Alaxander quoque Romanae urbis
episcopus martmo coronat«j, et uno ab Urbe miliario uia Nu-
mentctna., ubi decollate est sepelitar.
Piinift? secundus, Nouocomensis3, orator et historic//^ habe-
tur, cuius plurima iwgenii op^ra extant.
Ki. Pantheuw Romas quod Domitianus fecerat fulmine^ con-
crematuw est. cui nomen datum est inde, quod omnium deoruw
sit ipsa domw5 habitaculuw.
ILJdei per diu«'sas terrarum partes seditionem mouentes
digna c[a]ede sternum.
Traianus Romani imperii, quod post Augustum defensuw
1 . MS. suuw
2 . MS. moliar
3. a Nouocoma cimtate, 1. nuathescthid [« new cutter »? « new sha-
ver » ?J ab aliis libris.
4. MS. flumiwe
Revue Celtiquc, XVI. 30
4i 8 Whitley Stokes.
magis fuerat quam nobilittr1 awplificatum, fines longue late-
<\ue diffudit2.
Kii. Feradach Fiwd Fechtnach defecit, cui successit f/h'ws
suus Fiacha Finnfolad annis .xui.
Kui. Ab initio mundi .uwcccix secundum Ixx, secundum
Ebreos iiiimc. Ab Incarnatione cxu.
I/wttw Alexandria episcopus annis xi.
Kiiii. Kui. Timothiw^ Pauli discipultw qwieuit.
Kiiii. Titus episcopus in Greta qwieuit.
Ki. TVaianus apud Seleuciam Isaurise urbem profluuio . . .uen-
tris mort[u]us est*.
Kii. Adrianus, ^owsubrinae Traiani f/h'«s, regnauit annis xxi.
Hie per Qwadratuw discipuluw Apostulorum, ^Aristidew Athe-
nensewz uiruw fide sapientiaq//€ plenum^ et per Serenuw Gra-
neum Legatuw libris de Christiana relegione cowpositis in-
structw^ praectpit per epistolam Christianas sine obiectu cremi-
num non dawnari. IDem ludeos secimdo rebelles ultima csede
p^rdomuit, etiaw iwtroeundi ablata eis licentia Hierusolimaw
<\uam ipseiw optimum statuw murorum exstructione reparauit,
et Eliaw uocari de suo nomine pra^cepit. IDem eruditisitn^r in
utraque lingua bibliothecham Athenis miri opens awstruxit.
Kiii. Elimm m^c Conrach regnauit in Emaiw [fo. I2b2]
annis x.
Ku. Kui. Kuii. Aqmla Ponticwj interpres secnndus post Ixxii.
Ki. Kii. Eumenes Alaoutndrue episcopus anno uno et mense
Kiiiii. Marcus Alaxandrias episcopus .xiii. annis.
Ku. Fiacha Fiwdfolad interfecw est, in Teomoria ue\ \\im-
Maig bolg ut alii aiunt, o hElimm mac Conrach .i. 6 rig
hUlad, qwi et ipse cecidit hi cath Aichle la Tuathal Techtmar
in uiwdictaw patris sui.
[« Fiacha Findfblad was slain at Tara, or, as some say, on
Mag Bolg, by Elimm son of Connra, i. e. by the King of
1 . MS. nouiliter
2. MS. defudit
3. Here in marg. an entry beginning (F)iatach...ri Ulad.
The Annals of Tigernach. First Fragment. 419
Ulster, who himself fell in the battle of Aichle by Tuathat
Techtmar in vengeance for his father ».]
Kui. Kuii. Ki. Tuathal Techtmar regnauit annis xxx. Is do
cetaronasced 7 fris roiccad borama Lagen [artus] [« 'Tis by him
that the borama (« tribute ») of Leinster was first imposed,
and to him it was first paid »].
Mai mac Rochride regnauit in Emain saints xxxiii.
Kiii. Kiiii. Kii. Kui. Kuii. Kii. Ab initio mundi uwccc
xxxuiii. secundum Ixx Interpretes: iuxta u^ro Ebreos iiiiwc.xix.
Ab Incarnatione .cxxxiiii.
Kiii. Kiiii. Celadion episcopus Alexandria annis .xiiii.
Ku. Hierusolimae primus ex gentihus episcopus £0wstituit«r
Marcus, cessantib/w his qm fuerunt ex ludeis, qwi sunt numero
.xu. et pmduerant a Pasione Domini per annos fere .c et uii.
Basilides heresiarches (?) agnoscittir .
Adrian us Elias morbo mort[u]/w est.
Kuiii. Antoni[n]//j cognommto Pius, cum filiis suis Aurelio
et Lucio, regnauit annis .xxii.
Ki. lust'musphilosophuslibrumpro Christiana religione com-
posituw Antoni[n]o tradedit, benignwnque eum erga Christia-
nos homines fecit. Q.//1 nonlonguepost, s/wcitante persecutionem
Crescente1 Cynico (it el Canino), pro Christo sangin^w fudit.
Kii. Sulpicio Romas episcopo Hermes scripsit libruw qui d/-
citur Pastoris, in quo proeceptum angueli contenetur, ut pascha
die dommico celebraret//r.
Kiii. Policztpus Romaw ueniens, multos ab heretica labe
castigauit, q//i Ualentini et Cerdonis nuper doctrina fuerant
Kii. Antoni[n]w5 ideo Pius cogn.ominB.tus est, <\uia in omm
?gno Romano cautionibwj iwcensis cunctoruw debita relaxauit.
Unde Pater Patrice appelldtMJ est.
London, 17 July 1895.
Whitley STOKES.
i . propnz/w
M. G. Dottin m'a envoye" une copie de deux notes contenues dans le
ms. irlandais de la bibliotheque de la ville de Rennes. L'une, fort effaced
et peu lisible, se trouve au folio 125 verso '. Elle estdateede 1586. L'autre,
en e"criture moderne, est placee au bas du folio 23 verso 2. Voici la restitu-
tion et la traduction que je propose pour ces deux notes 3.
Les lettres en italique ne sont pas dans le manuscrit ou n'y sont point
lisibles ; les lettres entre crochets sont dans le manuscrit, mais doivent etre
supprime"es :
Beannacht De agus mo bheannacht-sa. ar [t]sealb/7adoirib/; 4 an
leab/;#/r-si, cibe iad fe'in, agus go soirbhigbidb Dia doibh agus
do'n te ag a[na] b/jfuil se anois, Conchubhair Mac Flanncha-
dha : mise Conn Mac Aodha agus (go soirbhighidh Did) do'n
c/;aillin Uileg, agus go dtiubhraidh Dia Uilleog Burc ag a bhfui-
lim-si 'na foch^/r^ slan 6'n tsmbbal-sz sios anno domini
m/lesimo quinqnagesimo (leg. quingentesimd) ottagesemo sexto.
« Beneuictio Dei et benedictio mea apud possessores hujus
libri, quicumque sunt, et Deus benedicat eos et eum penes
quern nunc est, videlicet Conchubhair (Conor) Mac Flann-
chadha (Clancy). Ego Conn Mac Aodha [Mackay]. Deus bene-
dicat istam puellam Uilleog (Ulick), et ducat Deus Uilleog
Burk (Burke aut De Burgo) apud quern nunc sum, salvum ab
hoc itinere, anno domini MDLXXXVI.
Mairg darb sealbh suil
Do'n focruinn(?) nach bhfaigh
Bidh an tsuil do sior
Mar a mbionn an gradh.
« Malheur a qui a un ceil pour ... qu'il n'obtient pas; Pceil
est toujours ou est 1'affection. »
Le seul mot obscurest focruinn.
Douglas HYDE.
1. Cf. Revue Critique, t. XV, p. 91, 1. 26 sq.
2. Cf. Revue Celtique, t. XV, p. 81, 1. 28-29.
3. J'ai communique a mon ami, M. Mac Neill, le texte de ces notes; il
est d'accord avec moi sur la plupart des points.
/I . Le ms. semble porter sealblmdorraibh.
Vol. XVII. — N° 1 Janvier 1896
Membre de !'!nstitut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de Ih Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Maitre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
/re: L. DUCHESNE, L'Historia Britonum, p. i. — Whitley STOKES, The.
Annals of Tigernach (Second Fragment), p. 6. — J.-A. HILD, L'Inscription
du Peu-Berland, p. 34.— J. •STRACHAN, Thedate oftheAmraCholmmbChille,
p. 4.1. Salomon REIHACH, Sucellus et Nantosvelta, p. 45. — J. LOTH, Dialec-
tica: IV. La spirante dentate sourde (th gallois) a la fin des mots, p. 60.
PfiRIODIQUES., p. 99.
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L'Historia Britonum. 5
et sur saint Patrice. Quant aux annales des Saxons, Nennius
en a tire les genealogies des c. 57-61. Ici, et c'est une des
parties les plus interessantes de son travail, M. Thurneysen
signale un recueil de genealogies anglo-saxonnes public par
Sweet, The Oldest English Textes, p. 169, qui offre avec le
recueil de Nennius la ressemblance la plus frappante, tant
pour le detail de la disposition et du texte que pour 1'identite
du choix. D'un cote comme de 1'autre, les dynasties saxonnes
sont exclues ; on ne s'inquiete que des royaumes angles et de
celui de Kent. Ce recueil, constitue vers le milieu du
vine siecle, se trouvait en Mercie tout a fait a la fin de ce
siecle, en 796. II etait ainsi a la portee de Nennius, qui 1'in-
tercala dans le vieux texte, apres la premiere mention du roi
Ida, fils d'Eobba, et 1'enrichit de quelques notes relatives aux
evenements bretons.
C'est avec des rapprochements positifs comme celui-ci,
beaucoup plus qu'avec des hypotheses ingenieusement com-
binees, que Ton fera avancer 1'interessante question de I'His-
toria Britonum et de ses origines.
SECOND FRAGMENT. A.D. 143 — A.D. 361.
(RAWL. B. 488, Fo. 4* 2.)
KKKK. Antoni[n]6 regnante1 Valentine etMarcion haere-
siarchae2 producuntur [leg. agnoscuntur ?].
K. Galenus 3 medico Pergzmo geniiwj Romas proclaims
K. Agripinftf Maxandriae episcopus annis .xii.
KKKKKKK. uii. Kl.s KKKK. Tuathal Techtmur occiss«j ert
la Mai m#£ Roc/;raidhe, la ri[g] n-Uladh, ac Lind in Gabund i
nDail Araidhe.
[« Tuathal Techtmar was slain by Mai son of Rochraide,
king of Ulaid, at Linn in Gobann (« the Smith's Pool ») in
Dalaradia ».]
Kl. Feidlimidh Reachtmur mac Tuathail Techtmair regnauit
annis .ix.
K. Antoninus6 ad [fo. 4b i] duodecimum ab Urbe lapidm
morbo intent .iiiiw.c.xxx.
MarcMj Antoniw^ V^rus cum iratro. Lucio Aurelio Cowodo
[regnauit annis] .xix. et mense uno. Aureliwi post Partic//;^
bellum intent apoplexia7 .i. o sceith tola [« by vomiting of
1. MS. reg gante 5. Kb.
2. hernarches 6. Aristonfus
3. Gallian/M 7. i/f/^ritap opleri (see Orosius,
4. hentwr VI
7. /f/^rt
I, 15).
The Annals of Tiger nach. Second Fragment. 7
blood »]. Hi primum aequo iure1 imperium administrtfuerunt 2
cum usque ad hoc tempus singuli August! fuerint 3 . Qui
deinde contra Partos bellum admirabih'4 uirtute et felicitate?
Ku. luilianwj Maxandriae episcopus annis .x.
Bresal mac Briuin regnauit a n-Ewai« annis .xix., qwi Loch
Laigh sub'mtrauh. Cuius con'mnx Mor a ben issi adbath dia
chumaidh6. a qua 7 nomwatwr Raith Mor Muighe Line
[« Bresal, son of Briun, reigned 19 years in Emain. 'Tis he
that went secretly into Loch Laig, and whose wife Mor died
of grief for him, a qud etc.].
Kui. Persecutione 8 orta in Aissia, Policarpfus] et Pyoni[u]s
fecere 9 mart^r[i]um.
Kuii. IN Gallia quoque plurimi gloriose pro Christo san-
guinem I0 effudere, nee multo post uindex IX scelerum lues late
multas prouincias, Italiam maxima Romamqw^ uastauit.
Montana heretecw^ cataf [r]icarwm auctor, et Tatianus I2 a
quo hereisis Encratitarum T? exorti sunt.
Kiii. Kiiii. Cathair Mor cecidit la Luaigni Temrach [« Ca-
thair the Great fell by the Luaigni of Tara »].
Ku. Conn Cetchathach regnauit in Temporia annis:4 .xx.
[« Conn of the Hundred Battles reigned in Tara twenty years »].
K.uii. K.i. Randta on Ath cliath co chele iter Cond G#ca-
thach 7 Mogh Nuadhad, cui nomen erat Eogan Taidleach, a
qwo nowmatur Eoghznacht [« Ireland was divided, from the
one Ath cliath (Dublin) to the other (in Galway), between
Conn of the Hundred Battles and Nuada's Slave, whose name
was Eogan the Splendid, from whom the Eoganacht is
named »].
[In marg. Iwitium cicli]. Kl.ii. Dionysius1^ episcopus Corin-
1. MS. hipiuw aquo lore 9. pacere
2. administraderunt 10. sangiwum
3 . funint 1 1 . iudex
4. admirabil. e 7 12. tusti&nus
5. feletitate 13. encraticarum
6. cwwaigh 14. ando
7 . q?/o 1 5 . Dionisisim//^
8. p«-cecucone
8 Whitley Stokes.
K.uii. Demetr[i]us Maxandriat episcopus ugnauit annis
.xl.iii. cuius tewpore Origines ' claruit.
K.u. Ann/ .Ixxu. O feraib Muwan righe cach'la fecht co
tanicC0ttn Q7cathach, ar it .uii. riga do Chruithnechaib rofol-
lamnaighsed En'ww [« The kingship (was taken) by men of
Munster every second time until Conn of the Hundred Battles
came, for seven kings of the Picts had ruled Ireland »].
Luc[i]w5 Britania[e] rex, missa ad Eleutherium2 Romafe]
episcopum epistola, [ut Christianus efficiatur impetrat].
K.ui. Anto[n]i[n]o imp^ratori Milito Assianwj Sardianwj epis-
copus apologeticum ? [pro Christianis tradidit].
Kuii. Ki. Kiii. Apollinaris Assianwj H[i]erapoli cl&rus hfl-
Kuii. Ku. Marcus Antoni[n]us iwfando* morbo mortuus est.
K.ui. iiiim .xl. 1. iii. Lucius Antoninus Commodus 5 post
morte/;/ patris6 sui regnauit annis xiii. Hie aducvsuw Gerwanos
bellum felicit^r geissit. IPse uero per omnia luxuriafe] et obsce-
nitati7 mancipatwj nihil paternae8 uirtutis et pietatis simile
Ki. Tipraide Tireach regnauit a nEmuiw [« In Emain »]
annis .xxx.
Kii. Irenaeus9 episcopus Lugdonensis insignis habetur.
Kiii. Comodw-j imperator capite Colossi I0 sublafto] sue imai-
giniscaput ei11 iusit imponi.
Theodotion Ephesi I2 iwt^rpr^s tercius habetur.
K.ui. Cond CeYchathach occidit Mogh Nuadad a Muig Lena
[« in Mag Lena »].
K.uii. K.i. Cond Cetcath^ occissus X3 est hi Tuaith Am-
rois la Tibraidi Tireach la righ \J\ad dia-mairt i n-orus Con-
nacht, no a n-Irrus Domnand, ut alii aiunt J4. [« Conn of the
Hundred Battles was slain in Tuath Amrois bv Tibraide Tirech
1. MS. orighinis 8. prestare
2. Euleutiu;;/ 9. Hermi//5
3. apologcdicum 10. sisso
4. i//pando 11. capite
$ . Andtonius commodius 12. Teothotion effesi«
6. priusc. 13. occsissns
7. obscentitate 14. aiuint
The Annals of Tiger nach. Second Fragment. 9
king of Ulster on a Tuesday in... of Connaught or in Irrus
Domnann, as others say »].
Art Aenfer [« Art the Lone One »] regnault annis xxxii.
Kiiii. Ku. Kui. Kuii. Comodus Lucius incomodus cunctis in
domu Vestiliani J strangulatus 2 intent.
K.ii. P^rtinax3 Senex regnauit mensibus .ui. Hie luliani*
iumpmti scelere in P[al]atio occisswj est. Quern m^wse .uii.
post quam c[o]eperat imperare Seu^rus apud Pontew iuxta Ro-
mam Multiuium bello ciuili uictuw iwterfecit.
Uictor tercius decimw^ Rome episcopus datis late [li]bellis
constitmt Pasca die dommico celebrari, sicut et pre[de]cessor eiw^
Eleut[her]ius a .xu. 5 luna primi mensis usque .xxi. Cuius de-
cretis6 fauens Teophilwj Caesareae 7 Pala[e]stine episcopus scrib-
sitaduers*tf[eos] qwi .xiiii. luna cum Iude[i]s pasca celebrant8,
cum cetms qui in eodem Concilio aderant9 episcopis, sino-
dicam10 ac ualde utilem [fo. 4b2] epistolam11.
K.iii. anwi iiiim.c.lx.ii. Seu^rus, genere Affer, Tripolitanw^
ab opido [Lepti], qui se ex no[mi]ne reigis quern lulianus pere-
mit12 P^rtiwacem appellari uoluit, regnauit anmV xuiii.
Kiiii. Clemens Alzxandrinae eckrie prespiur et Panthenus J3
stoicus p[h]ilosophw5 in disputatione dogmatist nostn diser-
tissimi habentur.
K.u. Narcissi Hierusolimorww episcopus et Teophilw5 Caes-
sareensis1^, Policarpus quoque et Bachulus, Assiane prouincie
episcopi, insignes habentur.
Kl. uii. P^rsecutio a Seu^ro, qwarta l6 p^rsecutio in Christ-
ianas facts.. Plurimi per diu^rsas prouincias T7 inter quos Leo-
nides pater Origenis mbrtirio coronati sunt.
K. Tertullianus Africane l8 eclwie episcopus clarus habetur.
1. MS. uestiliam 10. siwodaciaw
2. scrangualatzw n. ep.alem
3. Pertimax 12. uullus funat
4. iuilanw^... sce!6re 13. pantim//^
5. ante .xiiii. 14. in«dispu«tati6 dogmatiss
6. de credis 15. cessariensi/w
7. cexaria 16. quart6
8. selebrant 17. prouinchias
9. eodeim consilio erant 18. T«-culian«j aferme
io Whitley Stokes .
Kl.ii. Origines Alzxandriae studiis1 eruditwr.
Kiii. Simmachus interpres quarts cognoscit//;-.
K.u. Hoc anwo Leonidew interftctam atii aiunt2.
K.ui. K.uii. K.i. P^rpetua et Felicitas apud Cartaginew bes-
tiis 3 deputate sunt nonis Marti[i]s.
K.iii. K.iiii. Ku. Kui. Kii. K.iii. Menses efficiunt4 hunc
annum 5.
Clodio6 Albiwo, qwi se in Gaillia Cessarem fecerat, Lugduni7
intertecto Seu^rus in Britan[n]6s bellum transfert8; ubi [ut] re-
ceptas prouincias9 ab incursione barbarica faceret10 secu-
riores, magnum firmissimumque IJ uallum creb[r]is etiam tuir-
ribus comm[un]itum per .c.xxx.ii. miliapassuum amairi usque
ad mare deduxit: qui Eboraci (.i. Caere ebroc) morbo obit.
Ogaman mac Fiatach Find regnauit a n-Eamuin [« in
Emain annis12 xii.
Kl. iiii. Aurailiwj Antoni[n]w^ Baissian^ filius Seueri idem-
que Car[a]calla dictus est regnauit annis12 .uii. qui de nomine
uestiss in tempore illi[u]s iwuenti Car[a]calla dictus est.
Kl. iiii. Alexander episcopus Cappadociae1^ cum desiderio
sanctorum T4 locorwm Hierusalem uenissetx5, uiuente adhwc
Narcisso eius l6 urbi[s] episcopo persenilis etatis uiro J7, ipse ibi l8
ordinatwr episcopus, Domino ut id fieri deberet X9 per reuelatio-
we[m] monente.
Cath Chind Abrad ria macczib Aililla Uluim 7 risna tri
Chairpn .i. ria nwcaib Cowaire maic Moga lama, for Lugaidh
Mace con 7 for desc^rt Erenn, a torchair Nemidh mace Sraibciwd,
ri Erand, 7 Darearadruth Dairine. Docher Dareara la hEogan
mac A1M10, 7 docear Nemeadh la Cairpri Rigfota, 7 is andsa
1. MS. Originis... statonis 11. frimisimumqtie
2. aufnt 12. ando
3 . felecitus apr. partagin. besstiis 1 3 . capadocio
4. effisiunt 14. scotoruw
5. andum 15. uenisit
6. cloidhio 16. est
7. lugdanensi 17. uiso 7
8. transferal 18. ibe
9. refc.as prouinchias 19. dekrad
io. Ab incarnat.one barbiricca fa-
The Annals of Tiger nach. Second Fragment. 1 1
chath-sin dobacaighedh Mac con la Coirpr^ Muse no la
hEogan mac OiMltf don rindcne .i. do sleigh AiMl#.
[« The Battle of Cenn Abrat (gained) by the sons of Ailill
Bare-ear and by the three Carbres, that is, by the sons of Co-
naire son of Mugh lama, over Lugaid Mac con and the South
of Ireland, wherein fell Nemed son of Srabchenn, king of
Erann, and Darera, the buffoon of Darine. Darera fell by Eogan
son of Ailill, and Nemed fell by Carbre of the long fore-
arm ; and 'tis in that battle that Mac con was lamed by Carbre
Muse, or by Eogan son^ of Ailill, with the r indent, that is,
with AililPs spear »].
Kl. uii. In [IJericho qwinta editio J diuinarum scripturarum2
i/menta est, cuius auctor non apparet3.
Kl. i. Tertullianus4 Afer, centwrionis proconsularis filius,
omnium eclesiarum 5 [sermone celebratur].
Kl. ii. Heracleus6 Ahxandriae episcopus annis .ui.
K.iiii. K.u. Antoni[n]wj Car[a]calla inter Edisaw et Carrhas7
occiswj est a Parthis8 .iiii.w.c.lxx.
Kl. Opil[i]us Macrinus9 praefectus praeton, cum filio Dia-
dumeno; cum quo imperiuw iwuasit, regnauit anno uno, quo
ambo militari10 tumultu apud Archilaidem " occisi12 sunt.
Abgar/w J3 uir sanctus regnauit Edisae, ut Affricanw^ uult.
Cath Muighe Mucruma dia dardain ria Lugaidh Mac con,
a torchair Art Aenfear mac Cuind Chetchatha/^ 7 .uii. mate
Ailella Uluim. Lugaid Laga robith Art a Turlach Airt. Bende
Brit immorro robith Eoghan mac Ai//lla. Ailii aiuntT4 Lugaid
Mac con post hoc bellujw in Temporia regnase [annis xuiii] uel
xxx. ut alii aiunt.
[« The Battle of Mag Mucruma on a Thursday, (gained)
by Lugaid Mac con, wherein fell Art Oenfer son of Conn of
the Hundred Battles and seven sons of Ailill Bare-ear. Lugaid
1. MS. editia 8. parthir
2. scribtarum 9. I. marcinw5
3. appared 10. mili atri
4 . Terculiamw 1 1 . acilla
5. eclinaruw 12. occisus
6. Heracleis 13. Abagnw
7. carpasciw 14. auint
1 2 Whitley Stokes.
Laga slew Art in Turloch Airt. But Benne the Briton slew
Eogan sonofAilill. Alii aiunt etc. »].
Cormac Ulfata \\iia Cuind [« Cormac Longbeard, grandson
of Conn »] regnauit annis xlii.
Marcus Aureliwj- Antonhmr1, qui fuit sacerdos Eliogabali
tewpli, regnauit annis .iiii.
In Palaestiwa Nicopolis, quae prius2 Em[m]aus uocabatwr,
urbs condita est, legat[i]oms [industriam] pro [MS. post] ea
sus[ci]piente Iulio3 Africano scriptore4 temporuw. Hoec est
Em[m]aus <\uam Dominuspost resurrectionem 5 suo ingress[u],
sicut Lucas narrat, sanctificare6 dignatus est.
[fo. 5a i] Kl. ii. Hipolitw.? episcopus, rnwltorum condhor
opusculomm temporum cawonem quern 7 scripsit hue usqw^
pmluxit, qui etiam decinouenalem pascha aVculum repmens
Eusebio qui super eodem pascha decinouenalem c/rculum com-
possuit, occasioned dedit8.
K.iii. Sexta [editio Scripturarum] inuenta est Necapoli. Sa-
pellius [leg. Sabellius] heresiarchw^ onus est.
DionisiuJ episcopus Maxandriae annis xuii.
K.iiii. Aengw^ Gaibnenn mac Fergw^a Gailine regnauit a n-
Emaiw [« in Emain »] annis 9 xu.
Marcw^ Auriliw^ militari I0 tumultu cum matre sua occissus
Ku. Kui. iiiiw.c.lxxxuii.
Kl. Aurilius Maxander uigesimw^ primw^ ab Augw^to reg-
nauit annis11 .xiii. Hie in [Mamjmeam m^rem suam unice
pius12 fuit et ob id omnibus amabilis.. qui Xerxew P^rsarum
regemI3 uicit.
K.uii. Urbanus Rome episcopus multos nobiles ad fidew
Cbristi et martir[i]um p^rduxit.
K.i. Origines J4 Alaxandriae immo toti orbi clarus habetur1*.
1. MS. minus 9. an^o
2. palistiwa necapolis q«i primus 10. militaire
3. luliuo ii. anno
4. scribtore 12. .uiii. cepius
5. ressurect.onew 13. regi;»
6. sci. facer 14. Originis
7 . qui 1 5 . hentttr
8. occisionew detit
The Annals of Tiger nach. Second Fragment. i j
Deinde Mammea J mater Alaxandri audire 2 euw curauit, et ad
Antiochiam accituw suwmo honore habuit.
Rome insignis3 Al&mus Treuirensis4 habetur.
Kl. Cath Granaird ria Cormuc hua Cuiwd for Ulltaib. Cath
Medha for Condacbto. Cath Anaeith. Cath Cind doire. Cath
Sritha for Ultu. Cath Sligedh Cuailghne,
[« The battle of Granard (gained) by Cormac grandson of |
Conn over the Ulaid. The battle of Mid(?) over Connaught.
The battle of Anaeth(P). The battle of Cenn doire. The battle of
Srith(?) over the Ulaid. The battle of the Road of Cuailgne. »] J
K.iii. Cath Atha Beitheach. Cath Ratha dume.
[« The battle of Ath Bethech. The battle of Raith duine. »] \
K.u. Cath Chuile Tocuir fothri, 7 tri catha a nDuibfidh.
[« A battle of Cuil Tochuir thrice, and three battles in \
Dubfid. »]
K.ui. Cath Allamuig 7 .uii. catha Eilliwe.
[« The battle of Allamag and the seven battles of Eilline. »] \
Kl.uii. Cath MuigheTecht. Loingeas mor Cormuic maicMrt
tar magh rein fri re teora mbliadan.
. [« The battle of Mag Techt. The great fleet of Cormac, son
qf\Ar_t, over the sea-plain for the space of three years. »]
K.i. Ceit^ri catha for Muteaiw la Conwac. catb Berre. catb
Locha Lein, cath Luiwnigh, cath Gr^ne. For Muwain beous,
o^^Clasaigh, ca^Muirisc, catb Ferta a torchair Eochfl/dTaeb-
fada mac Aililla Uluiw, catb Aird cairn. Ocus orgaiw na n-ingen
isiw Claenferta a Temraig la Dunlang m^c n-Enwa Niadh, rig
Laigean .i. xxx. rigingen 7 cet ingen la gach n-ingin dib .xxx ar
.ccc. uile sin. Da righ dec robith Cormac iarow do Laighnib
ar galaib aentir, 7 fonaidm na boruwa como tormach lais.
[« Four battles gained over Munster by Cormac : the battle
of Berre, the battle of Loch Lein, the battle of Luimnech, the
battle of Grian. Over Munster also, the battle of Clasach, the
battle of Muiresc, the battle of Fert, wherein fell Eochaid Long-
sides, son of Ailill Bare-ear, the battle of Ard Cam. And the
slaughter of the maidens in the Cloenferta at Tara by Dunlang
1 . MS. Dein;zde mame 3 . insigne
2. audiri 4. treuiruiris
14 Whitley Stokes.
• son offinna Nia, King of Leinster, to wit, thirty royal mai-
; dens, and a hundred girls with each of them, thirty and
i three hundred (rectius 3000) in all. Then Cormac slew in
I single combat twelve kings of the Leinstermen, and fastened
the boroma (« tribute ») with an increase. »]
Kl.ui. Cormuc hua Cuind d'athrighadh o Ulltaib.
\ [« Cgrmagi grandson of Conn, was dethroned by the Ulaid . »]
K.iiii. K.u. K.ui. Aureliwj Alaxander apud Moguntiacum I
militari tumultu interiectus est.
Paul//j herimita natus est.
K.i. MaximhiMJ regnatiit annis .iii. Hie zduersus ecclesiarww2
sacerdote"s et clericos 3 .i. doctores4, persecutionem exercet, et
maxime contra christianam Alaxandri, cui successerat 5, et
Mammeae6 matris eius familiam, uel praecipue propter Ori-
genem pr^speterum.
K.u. Fiacha Araidhi regnauit a n-Eamuin [« in Emain »]
annis 7 .x.
K.iii. Pontianus et Anteros8 Rome urbis episcoipi marterio
coronati sunt, et in cimithmo Calixti sunt sepulti.
Maxima episcopus Alexandria* annis .xuiii.
Bellum9 oc Fothaird Muirthemne. memaidh10 re Corwac
hua Cuiwd 7 re Fiachaigh Muillethan righ Muwan for Cruith-
niu 7 for Fiachaigh Araidhe, uloiet ipse cecidit, ut alii aiunt11.
j [« A battle at Fothaird Muirthemne, in which Cormac
grandson of Conn, and Fiacha Broadcrown, king of Munster,
routed tKe~Picts and Fiacha Araide, ubi etc. »]
Maximinw^12 primus ex militari corpore absq/^decreto^ se-
n&tus imp^ratorI4 efectwj, Christianas persecutus a Pupiano in
Acqwilea ciuitatex5 occisus est.
Kl.iiii. Gordianwj imp^rat annis16 .ui.
1. MS. Arailiw^... mogantiacuw 9. Bellow
2. eclinan/w 10. muirrtemne. mebuigh
3. cleiricwj 11. ibse... auint
4. docteros 12 Machimin/w
5 . sucerunt 1 3 . decredo
6. meawea 14. imptratur
7. ando 15. ciuin
8. A.nter\iis 16. an/zo
The Annals of Tigernach. Second Fragment. 1 5
Africans inter scriptores ecclesiasticos J habetur, qwi
in chronicis2 (\nae scripsit refert3 se Alzxandriam properare
[H]eracl[i]e opinione4 celeb#rima prouocatuw, quern et in diui-
nis et in p[h]ilosophicis [studiis] atque omni 5 Graecorum [doc-
trina] instructissimuw fama loqueretur 6.
K.uii. Origines in Cesaria Palaestinae? Teodorw/w cogno-
mento Gregorium et Athenodorww8 adolescentulos fratres
Ponti9 postez nobilissimos episcopos diiuina philosophia [fo. 5*2]
K.i. Fabianwj- testimonio " Spiritus m specie columbe super
caput ipsius discen[den]tis Rome episcopus ordinatwr, liquet [leg.
licet] de Zeuer'mo hoc uerius aff/rmant.
K.ii. K.iiii. Gordianus fraude Pilipi praefecti interkctus est.
KiiiL iiiiw.cc.iii.
In marg. : iwiciuw cich'.
Kl. Pilipi pater cum filio suo Pilipo regnauit annis I2 .uii.
Hie primus imp^rator^ omnium imperatomm christianus fuit.
K.ui. Kuii. Origenes adu^rsas qwmdamH Celsum Epicu-
reum X5 p[h]ilosophum, qui contra, nos libros conscripserat,
octol6 uoluminibwj" responwdit, quiut breuit^rdicam, tarn scri-
bendi sedulwj fuit ut Hi[e]ronimw.$- qwodaw loco .u. milia li-
b[r]orum eius manu J7 se legise memiwerit.
Post tertium l8 Pilipi annum X9 millesimwj a #wdic[i]one Ur-
bis Rome annwj" explet/w est. Ita magnificis ludis augustissi-
mus 20 omnium praeteritorum 2I hie natalis znnus a22 Christizno
iwp^ratore celebrate est.
Fergas Duibdetach [« Black-toothed »] regnauit a nEamuin
[« in Emain »] cum duobw^ fratribus .i. Fergus
i . MS. scribtoires eclinasticos
2 . cronicw
3 . scribsit refer unt
4. opiniano
5 . antoniuw
6. lo quatz^r
7. palistina. Pales
8. cognammto Gr/goriaw 7 athi-
9. Pontio
10. i;;/puit
1 1 . testimoma
libross ro^scripserunt act6
magnific//5 laudis augustinw^
1 6 Whitley Stokes.
[« Longhaired »] et Fergus Caisfiaclach [« of the Twisted
Teeth »], q//i B6t fo Breagaib [« Fire throughout Bregia »,]
regnauit annis .iiii.
K.u. K.iii. Teasbaidh Chormuic hut Chuind fri re .uii. miss.
[« Absence of Cormac, grandson of Conn, for the space of se-
ven months »].
K.iiii. Aithrighadh Corwuic hui Cuind oUlltaibiarow. Cath
Crinda Bregh ria Corwac 7 ria Tadhg mac Cen mate Ai//lla
Ulf//m conz trichaid righ 7 cons. .1. cathmiW 7 cowa sluagh
diairmidhi arcena 7 ria Lugaidh Lagha mac Mogha Nuadhat,
for Ulltaib, a torcradar na tri Ferghais .i. Ferg«5 Foiltleab//r 7
Fergus Casfiaclach 7 Fergus Duibdetach, lasiw n-aenoclach, la
LugfljW Laghai, co tuc lais a tri cindu, coro taiselb do Cor mac
a n-eraic a athar .i. Airt maic Cuiwd robith-sow a Muig Mu-
craime, 7 robris Tadg .iiii. catha isin aen 16-sin .i. cath COHSL-
chaigh 7 cath Sithbe 7 catb Dro;wa Fuaid 7 cath Cairn Eolairg.
LArsna cathaib dobreath [do] Tadg an ni dotiw/chillfid a carpad
do Muig Bregh o ro memaidh l in cath co haidhchi. IS edh
did in dothimchill, tfiucha cet Qan^r^/a .i. o Glaiss Nera co
Cnoccaib Maile Doaigh ic Abuiwd Life.
[« The dethronement of Cormac, grandson of Conn, by the
Ulaid then. The battle of Crinna in Bregia gained over the
Ulaid by Cormac and by Tadg, son of Cian, son of Ailill Bare-
ear, with their thirty kings, and their fifty battle-soldiers, and
their countless host besides, and by Lugaid Laga, son of Mug
Nuadat, wherein fell the three Ferguses, namely, Fergus Long-
hair and Fergus of the Twisted Teeth and Fergus the Black-
toothed, by a single warrior, Lugaid Laga, who brought their
three heads and displayed them to Cormac in compensation
for his father, Art son of Conn, whom he, Lugaid Laga, had
slain on Mag Mucraime. And Tadg broke four battles in that
single day, to wit, the battle of Conachach and the battle of
Sithbe and the battle of Druim Fuait and the battle of Cam
Eolairg. After the battles, there was given to Tadg so much of
the plain of Bregia as his chariot would surround from the
gaining of the battle till night. 'Tis this, then, that it surround-
i . MS. mebuigh
The Annals of Tiger nach. Second Fragment. 17
ed, the cantred of the Cianachta, that is, from Glass Xera
to the Hills of Mael Doaid at the river Liffev »].
K.u. Ross mfldmchadha Tcgnauita. n-Emai«[« in Emain »]
anwo uno.
Duo Pilipi, pater scilicet el filius x, militari2 tumultu et fraude *
Decii, quamuis 4 diufrsis locis, interfecti [sunt].
In marg. .iiiim.cc.uii.
Decius anno uno et m^nsibus trib«5. Hie cum Pilipos, pa-
trem [et filium] int[er]feciset, ob odium $ eorwm in Christianas
p*rsecutionem mouet, in qwa Fabianus in Urbe [Roma] mar-
tirio 6 coronat/tf 7 sedem sui episcopztus Cornilio deriliquit, qui
et ipse martirio8 a Decio coronatus est.
Aengus Find mac Fergusa Duibdetaig regnauit a n-Emain \
[« in Emain »] anno uno9.
Alexander Hiresoh"mor«m episcopus ap«J Caesaream10 et An-
tiochie Babilas " interficiuntwr. Ho^c I2 p^rsecutio, ut Dionis-
siwj Alexandria* episcopus refert, non ex praecepto imperatoris
suwpsit exordium, sed1* an/w, inqwit, inrigroprincipalia prae-
uenit edic/a minister demonuw, qwi dicebat«r ** in ciuitate nos-
tra diuinus1^, sw/jerst[it]iosuw contra [nos] exagitans uulg«j.
Sanctus Antonius monac//j Eighipto dicittir exort«j.
Deci/w cum filio suo a barbaris l6 OCCISMJ est.
Cath Crinwa Frigabuil ria Cormac hua Cuind for Ulltaib, ubi
cecidit Aeng«j Find mac Fergwja Duibdhetaig co n-ar \3\ad.
[« The battle of Crinna Frigabuil gained by Cormac^gra:
son of Conn, over the Ulaid, wherein fell Oengus the Fair, son
of Fergus the Blacktoothed, with a slaughter of the Ulaid »]. »
K.i. iiii.m.cc.uii.
Rl. Gallwj1^ cum Volusiano18 filio suo regnauit anifwx9 .ii.
1 . MS. filios 1 1 babillis
2. militairi 7 12. Hafc .h.
3 . fraudi 13. std n.
4. amis 14. decebatwr
5 . odiam i > . nr. duma
6. orbe... mairtiro 16. ab arbairis
IS. inserts fst 17. Galli/w
8. raanino 18. uolluisian6
9. In ibe. MS. wxt after Duibdetaig 19 anno
10. cessaruw
Revae Cclliqut, XV J.
1 8 Whitley Stokes.
mensibus mi. Huius impmi Dion[ys]ius Maxandriae antistes
eclesiae ita meminit: at1 ne Gallus quidem2 malum Decii
aw/ uidere 3 potuit, zut cau^re, sed in eundem lapidew offen-
sionis iwpegit4 : cuius cum regnum floreret 5 iwitio, et cuncta
ei ex sentmtia cederent6, sanctos uiros qm pro pace reigni eius
[fo. 5b i] Deo sum[m]o supfpjlicabawt persecutus est, cum qui-
ts et prospeiritatem suam fugauit et pacem.
Feargs Fogha m^Fraechair regnauit a n-Emain annis7 .Ixxu.
[Fergus Fogae, son of Fraechar, reigned in Emain 75 years].
Origines .Ixx. etatis sue anw0 non ad integrum impleto de-
functs est, et \n u[r]be Tiri sepults est.
Cornelia 8 Rome epis^w^ rogatw^ a qwadam matrona 9 Lu-
cina corpora zpostolorum de catacumbis10 leuauit noctu, [et]
possuit corpus Pauli uia Ost[i]ensi ubi decollate [est], Petri
autem corpus iuxta locuw ubi crucifixwj [est], inter corpora11
sanctorum epw^orum in templum Apollinis I2 in monte Au-
re[li]o in Vaticawo Palatifi] Neroniani, ttrcia die lulii J3.
K. arw. K.ii. K.iii. Galls Host[il]ians cum filio suo Volu-
siano ab Emelpano] occisss estJ4. Emeleans tertio^ mense
iwuase l6 tirannidis extincts J7 est.
INdarba Uladh a hEriwd a Manaind la Corm#c hua Cuiwd.
as de ba Cormac Ulfada dia rochuir Ultu a fad.
[« Expulsion of the Ulaid from Ireland into Mann by Cor-
mac, grandson of Conn. Hence he was called Cormac Ul-fota,
since he put the Ulaid afar (i fot). »]
Nouats, Cipriani episcopi pra^spit^r , Rowam l8 ueniens,
Nouatianaw haeresim J9 condidit.
K.u. Duo iwp^ratores 20 creati sunt simul.
1 . MS. antistis eclina ita menimit 1 1 . corpora
oc usque ad 12. Apollonis
2. pridem 13. the MS. has here: m^zsis eficiunt
3 . uideri hunc anum.
4 ofinsionis iwpedit miwabeo can 14. sunt
fegad etir 1 5 . tm:ia
5. plorerit 16. inuasi
6. cederunt 17. exteriat//5
7. an;/o 18. rowani
8. Coroneliu/« 19. nouatianuw heressiu;;/
9. quadam matrone 20. iwperatorefs
10. cata cumbas
The Annals of Tigernach. Second Fragment. 19
Valerianwj in Retia ab ex[er]citu Augustus appellate est:
Rome autem a senatu Galliano1, mius Valeriani emjdem,
Caesar2 create est. Mawsit in regno Gallienus iwfeliciter an-
nis* .xu. et Valerianus4.
Cipriani 5 Cartagiwensis episcopus, emus doctissima 6 extant
opuscula, martir[i]o apud Cartaginem coronatus est. Cuius uite
et passioms uolumfw? egr^gium reliq//itPonti[u]s [diaconus eius,
qui usque ad diem passionis eius] cum ip.ro exilium8 swjtinuit.
Kl. ui. Valerians persecutione9 in Christianas commota I0
statim a Sapore11 Persarum rege12 captus estJ3, qui ignomi-
n[i]osisima apud Persas seruitute1* omsenuit, hoc officium, do-
nee uixit, sortitus, ut [ipse] acclinis humi J$, regem superas[c]cn-
surum in equum non manu [sua] sed dorso a[d]tolleret, ibi-
que l6 luminibws orbatw^ est.
Teonas episcopus A\a\andriae praefuit annis .xix.
Kl. uii. Gothi Graeciam J7, Macidomamq^ et Assiam Pon-
tumque depopulantur18.
K.i. Guin Chellaigh maic Cormaic 7 marbad Setna maic
Blae maic rechtaire na Temrach, 7 suil Cormaic hui Cuind do
brisidh d'aen forgum la hAengwj m#c Fiachach Siiighi maic
Feidlimthe Reehtmuix. \Jnde Aengus Gaebuaibteach dictus
[est]. Robris iarom Cormac .uii. catha forna Deisib, conns-
fai[d] a Mumam 7 coro tafuind assa thir.
[« The slaying of Cellach, son of Cormac, and the killing
of Setna son of Blae, son of the steward of Tara, and the eye
of Cormac, grandson of Conn, was broken with one spear-
thrust by Oengus son of Fiacha Suigde, son of Fedlimid Recht-
mar. Hence he was called Oengus of the Dread Spear. Then
1 . MS. gallianws 1 1 . sopore
2. sesar 12. rego
3 . gallianzw mfelicister andis 1 3 . Here the MS. inserts persecutiwo
4. Here there seems a lacuna. .uiii.
5. MS.: Apnamw 14. persass senectute
6 . doctrina 1 5 . sorditw^ ut adchiinis $wn
7. uolumenstts 16. dorrsu atollerati biq?^
8. exilium 17. mgreciuin
9. Uelerianw^ persecutiwo 18. depupulandtz^r
10. motato
20 Whitley Stokes.
Cormac routed the Desi in seven battles, and sent them into
Munster, and hunted them out of his country. »]
Kl. ui. Cormtfc hua Cuind Cetchathaig do ec a Cleiteoch
dia-wairt iar leanmain cnama bratam ina bragaid. No as iad na
siabra ron-ortadar iarna brath do Maelcenn dfcii o nar'cred
Cormac do.
[« Cormac, grandson of Conn of the Hundred Battles, died
in Cletech on a Tuesday, the bone of a salmon having stuck
in his throat. Or it was the elves that destroyed him after he
was betrayed by Maelchenn the wizard, since Cormac did not
believe in him. »]
K.iiii. Cairprg Lifeochair regnauit annis .xx.u.
Gallienus J Gallo Valeriano terntus pacem ecclesiis 2 red[d]it.
K.u. Teodorwj, cuius super meminimus 3 cognomento Gre-
gorius, Neocaesareae 4 Ponti episcopus, magna uirtutuw* gloria.
claret, e quibus unum est, quod6 montew precibus mouit ut
locus [ecclesie] tonstruende sufficeret7.
K.ui. Zefam/j et Sixtus 8 martirium paissi stint.
Kl.i. Kl.ii. Cairpre Lifeochair robris .uii. catha a[c] cosnum
c^rt Laigen for firu Mumun.
[« Cairbre Lifechair, in defending the rights of Leinster,
routed the men of Munster in seven battles. »]
K.iii. Kiiii. Ab init/o mundi u.w.cc.cc.lx.i. iuxta .Ixx. [In-
terpretes,] secundum uero Ebreos .iiiim.ccc. Ab Ittcarnaft'ooe
autem .cc.lx.uii.
K.ui. Kiiii. Ki. Gallienus 9 cum rem publicam10 deseruisset,
ac Mediolani II libid'mibus iwse[ruiret,] occistis est.
Kl.ii. Claudia regnauit anno uno mensibus .uii. ISte Gothos
iam per annos .xu. Hiliricum Macedomamqw^12 uastantes su-
perat, ob quoe in curia clepeus [ei] aureus et in Capitolior3
[fo. 5b 2] statua X4 aurea collocafta] est.
i. MS. GallanM5 8. sicxstus
2 . facem ecclinis 9 . Galliano
3. meirmus 10. puplicuw
4 . Gregoiris neocessarf 1 1 . meolaine
5. uirtutim 12. maddomamus que
6 e quibM5 uel q«i 13. capituo
7. sufiserat 14. statuo
The Annals of Tigernach. Second Fragment. 21
Marciondisertissimwj1 Antiochene eckrie praespiter, quip[p]e
qwi in cadem urbe retoricam docuerat, aduersus Paulum de
[SJamusathe, qui An^'ochie prespher, dogmatizabat Christum
cow[m]unis nature homiwem tanttim fuisse 2, accipientibw^ no-
tariis3 disputauit, qui dialogs usque hodie extat.
Claudius dolore apud Sirmiuw4 moritwr, post quern {rater
eius Quintillus xuii diebw^ qui s interfectus est.
Kl.uii. Aurilianwj regnauit annis .u. m^sibwi .ui. Hie cum
p^rsecut/owem adu^rsuw/ Christianos6 mouisset, iulmen7 ante
e[u]m magno pauor[e] circuwstantium ruit : ac non multo post
a militibw5 occis//5 est iteneris medio quod inter Gwstantino-
polim8 et Heracleam est, stratae9 ueteris lo[cus] Cenof[r]o-
rium ap[p]ellatwr .
K.u. K. sexta feria. Eutichianus I0 Rome Qpiscopus maruVio
coronatttj, in cymithmo Calixti sepelitur, qui11 etipse .ccc.xiii.
martires manu sua sepiliuit.
K.ii. Petrus Alaxandriae Qpiscopus anmV ...
K.iiii. Find hua Baiscne decollates est o Aichleach mac
Duibdrenn 7 o maccaib Uirgrend do Luaignib Temrach oc Ath
Brea for Boind.
[« Find, grandson of Baiscne, was beheaded by Aichlech, \
son of Dubdriu, and by the sons of Uirgriu, of the Luaigni of
Tara, at Ath Brea on the Boyne. »]
K.u. iiiiw.cc.xxx.
K.ui. Tacitus teignauit mensibus .ui. qwo apud Pontum oc-
ciso I2 obtenuit Florian/^ imperium diebus .Ixxx.uii., qui in
Tarso interiectus est.
Anatoli/^ nat/one Alaxandrinus, Laudacie Sirie episcopus,
philosophoruw disciplinis J3 crudity plurimo sermone cele-
braturJ4. Cut us ingeni magnitude X5 de libro quern super pasca
1. MS. Marsion dfosertissimt/s 8. cowstantfnopolum
2. dogmastizabat... fuissi 9. quos utea
3. notairis 10. eutitiamw
4. firmuw 11. sepultwra
<) . qwintillum xundiebw5 ui. hie 12. occisio
cum 13. discipulus
6 xp.iamw 14. celebrate
7 . flum^ 1 5 . magnituto
22 Whitley Stokes.
cowposuit, et de x. libris arithmetice institutionis x, potest
ap^rtissime cognosci.
Iwsana Manic[hae]6rum haeresis 2 oritur.
Kl.ui. Probus regnauit znnis .ui. mensibus .mi. Hie Gaillias
a barbaris iam iudum occupatas 3 per multa et grauia pradia,
deletis4 tandm hostibus ad perfe[c]tu« liberauit*.
K.uii. Secundo buius anno, ut in cronicis Eusebei legimwj6,
iuxta Anteocheiw .ccc.xxu. annus7 fuit, iuxta Tirios .ccc.ii.
et iuxta Laudacenos .ccc.xx.iiii. iuxta Edessenos8 .dl.xxxuiii.,
iuxta Ascolonitas .ccc.lxxx. secundum Ebreos iwitium .Ixxx.ui.
iubilei9, quod sighnificat .iiiiw.cc.l.
K.i. Kii. Archelaus Mesopotamiae10 episcopus libruw dispu-
tat/onis sue quam habuit aduersus Manicheum exeuntew IJ de
P^rside, Siro sermone composuit, qwi translatus a Graecis ha-
betur a mul[t]is.
K.iiii. K.u. Probuszpud Sirmium " in twrre, [quae uocatur]
Ferrata J3, a militibw^ occiswj est.
Kl. CArus Narbonensis cum fih'is Carino et Numeriano J4
tegnauit anww .ii.
Gauiwj Romane ecclwie episcopus fuilget, qwia Diocletiano x*
postea. martirium p&susest. Pierius l6 pm^spiter Maxandriae urbis
sub Theone J7 episcopo eiusdem ciuitatis florentissimae l8 po-
polos docuit, et tantamx9 sermonis diuersorwrnqw^ tractatuum 20,
qwi us^w^ hodie extant, iwuenit eligantiam, ut Origenes 2I iunior
uocaretwr: uir parcimonie 22 et uoluwtarie paup^rtatis appe-
1. MS. libriss airit medice institu u. exaunatew
conis 12. firmura
2 . hereissis 1 3 . ferreta
3. barbarisaw iuduw occupatus 14. carowio aff . 7 numeri«6
4 delitis 15. diaclito/?e ud tiano.
5. liberator. Manicheon/w heiri- 16. PiUeri«5
seis orit/<r. 1 7 . deona
6 legamus 18. plorentisime
7. andus 19. tanti
8. edditcenos 20. traccatutuw
9. uileli . 21. origi/ncs
10. Arsilaus Mesopotamia 22. parcimiowe
The Annals of Tigernach. Second Fragment. 23
titor I, qui post p^rsecutionem omni 2 tempore uite Rome
uersatus est.
K.uiii. Carus postquam de P^rsis 3 triuwp[h]auit, uictor
circa Tigridew castra ponens, ictu fulminis concidit 4. Nume-
rianus fiiius eiusdem Can, ab oriente rediens, fraude* Apr!
soceri sui occissus est.
Coirprtf Lifeochair cecidit 6 a cath Gabra Aithle la Seniach \
mac Fir chirb do Fothartaib .iiiiw.ccl.uiiii.
[« Carbre Lifechair fell in the battle of Gabra Aithle (leg. j
Aichle ?) by Seniach son of Fer Cirb of the Fothairt, A.M. 1
4259. »]
Kl. ii. Dioclitiano cumHerculio? Maximiano, quern Diocli-
tianus prius Cessarem et Augustum fecit8, regnauit annis .xx.
Car[a]usiwj sumpto regno [et] purpura Britan[n]ias occupamt.
Narseus? rex Persarum orienti bellum [fo. 6a i] intulit. Quin-
[que]gentiani Africam infestauerunt10. Achilleus Egiptum ob-
tiwuit, ob quae Cowstantius et Galena Maximinus11 a Diocli-
tiano Caesares I2 in regnwm [ad]sumuntwr.
K.iii. Galerius f/l/am Dioclitiani Valeriam uxorem accepit1?.
Fiacha^ Roibtine regnauit a Temrflf^ [« in Tara »] annis \
K.iiii. Constantino priuigna/wHerculiiI4 Teodoramaccepit1*,
ex qua postea sex filios l6 Cowstantiwi frames habuit.
K.ii. Ho^ tew pore Georgia apwd Diocletianuw X7 passus est}
et iwtra .xxx. dies .x.iiii millia Christianorum passa18 [sunt].
K.ui. K.i. Kii. Cath Duiblinde re Fiachaigh Sraibtiwe for
Laigniu, 7 tri catha a Sleib Tuadh, 7 cat[h] Smetire 7 cath
[« The battle of Dublin (gained) by Fiacha^ Srabtine over )
1. MS. apeditor 10. afncanf inuersaumint iwuas-
2. primo p^rsecucon mon tauerunt
3 . dispt'rsis 1 1 . maxemfanus
4 . carrta fones icta pluminis con- 1 2 . cesairis
ditid 1 3 . ualerium
5. fraudi 14. praeuignam ercuili
6. cecisid 15. accepid
7. hierculuo 16. rex plos.
8. fecid 17. datianuw
9. Narsenis 18. papa
24 Whitley Stokes.
the Leinstermen, and three battles at Sliab Tuad, and the
battle of Smetire (?), and the battle of Ciarmag. »]
K.iii. K.iiii. K.u. Post .x. armor per Asc[l]epi6dotum prefec-
tum praeton[i] Britan[ni]ae recept[a]esu nt.
K.uii. Constantino et Galerio et MaximianttJ Caesares
assumuntur l in regnwm.
K.i. Dioclitiano primus gemmis uestibo calciammtisqwe
inseri 2 iusit, duw sola p«rpura retro principes uterentur3.
Kl.ii. Kl.iii. K.iiii. K.ui. Constantino .xui. anno impm[i],
summaemansuetudinis4£/ ciuilitatis uir, diewobi[i]t Eboracis.
K.uii. K.i. K.iii. xix. anno Dioclitiani6. Dioclitiano in
Oriente7 diuinis libris adustis8, Maximiano Hercolifujs in
Occidente uastari eclesias et affligi9 intei&ciqut Christiznos
K.iii. Secundo I0 anno p^rsecuc[i]onis Dioclitianus Nicome-
die", Maximiano Hercoli[u]s Med[i]ola[ni], iubente Diocli-
tiano I2 una die purpuram J3 simul deposuerunt J4. Attamen X5
coepta semel p^rcicutio usque ad .uii. Gwstantini an[n]uw
ferule non cessat. Constantino et Galerio Agw^ti imperium
inter se diuiserunt. Haec persecutio tarn crudelis l6 et crebra fla-
grabatx7 ut iwtra unum mensem .xiiii. millia martiruw pro
Christo passa l8 inueniantwr. Nam1? [et] ociani limbum trans-
gressa20 Albanum, Aaron et luilium Pntanie, cum ali[i]s plui-
ribo uiris ac femmis felici cruore dampnauit. Passo est hac
p^rsecucione Pampilio praespiter, Euseni Cesariensis episcopi
necesariwj, cuius ipse uitam tribo libris compre[h]endit. Pas-
sus est tewpistate Petro Ahxandriae episcopus cum plwribo
Eigipti episcopi s, cui successit Achilleus21 episcopus in Alaxan-
dna anno. Luciano q«oq«^ uir morib/« et cominentiz et eru-
1. MS. cessari«j assu;;/antur 12. dioclitiono
2. gemuj... anseri 13. purporu;;;
5. netro principens uterenter 14. disposuerunt
4 . suwea mansuentudmis i $ . Actamen
5 eborati 16. cruteli?/5
6. diocliatfani 17. flangbat
7. inuiriante 18. passi
8. aduerstis 19. Inter iam
9. ecli'nas 7 aflighi 20. tmnscresa
10. secitndu 21. aceillis
1 1 . dioclitianis iwcomidie
The Annals of Tiger nach. Second Fragment. 25
dit/one, pr^cipu[u]s Antipcheniu praespiter, passus £tf . Timo-
thewj q«0qM0 Rome passw^ erf .x. kalendas Julias '.
TVcio anwo persecua'onis, qwo e/ Cowstanti^ obiit, Maxi-
mus2 ef Seuer«.f a Galerio3 Maximiano Cesares facri sum,
quos ita posuit, Maximum scilicet in Oriente et Scutum in Ita-
lia, ipse in Hilirico consti[tu]tus est. Cowstantius obizt4.
K.u. Anno ab Urbe condita milleisimo sexagessiwo 5 primo
Cowstantinw^ .i. imp^rator .xxxiiii. ab Agusto, Cowstantii6ex
concubina 7 Elina fjl««s, in Britania create imp^rator regnauit
annis .xxx.ii. et m^wsibw^ .ix. Hie cum elephantmo morbo ar-
[rjeptw^ est, medici ei consilium deferunt ut in t[h]erma san-
guine infantium 8 plena calide lauaret 9. Cumque id fieri te/wp-
taretwr luctu I0 ma^rum rex misertw.? ait: « Now faciam hoc
licet11 sim leprosus p^rpetuo ». Cui ideo I2 Petrwj- et Paulw^
apostoli seqw^nte nocte ap[p]aruerunt dicentes ei : « Vocca Sil-
uestrem papam J3, et ostendet J4 tibi salutis thermam^" ». Quo
facto post ieiunium uisit l6 manum de celo sibi missa;wx7 tan-
gentew se in [h]ora babtismi, ac subito sanwj abiecta lepra
factus est rex. Post hoc dedit licentiaw Christianis congregatislS
in toto orbe Krrarum. Igitur de persecutore 19 Christianus efE-
citur. Hoc totum in sexto reigni eius anno factum fuisse ueri&r
Kl.ui. Qwarto anno persecuc/onis Maxentium Herculifi] Maxi-
miniani filium20, qwi priuatwjinLucawia morabatf^ prfl^toriani
milites Rome Agustum21 nuncupau^runt, qwi Seu^rum Ces-
sarem a Ga[l]erio Ag&uto missum cum ex^rcitu aduersum se
Romam22 a militib/w suis destitutuw inRauenna23 inter fecit.
K.uii. Hercul[i]wj- Maximiano ex Agw^to tiran[n]wj foetus
1. MS. iuili«5 13. siluestrum papuw
2. Maximize 14. ostendit
3. galiero 15. termum
Constantibus obuit. 16. uicit
sextagessiwo 17. mi'sam
cowstannti 1 8 congreganms
concupinse 19. persecuc/one
saingine infantiaw 20. raaximani plm.
lauarunt 21. axz^tum
lucta 22 . rowum
HCWJ 25. reuenda
26 Whitley Stokes.
Maxentiuw1 filium suuw [fo. 6*2] regno2 spoliare conatus
est, sed prodhus et conter[r]itus in Galliam fu[g]it ut Constan-
tiwogenero3 iunctw^ dolis auferret 4 imper'mm. Sed per filiam
suam5 depr0hen[s]us et proditus6 in Massilia7 interfectus est.
Euseb[i]wj Cessariw^ eiclum decennouenalm8 cotnposuit.
Kl. i. Inter Constantinuw et Maxentiuw ciuile9 bellum
exortuw est. Maxentiwj sepe mwltis praeliis agitatus I0, ultiwe
apud pontew Mulfujium uictws et interfectus est.
K.iii. Licinius, Constantiae " sororis Cowstantini uir, Car-
nu[n]ti imperator12 create [est], quern Cowstantinwj pr imuw in
PannoniaJ3 uicit, deinde apud Cibalas oppr^sit, quern tandem J4
ad dedkfijwiem coegit et priuatum iusit occidi1^.
K.iiii. CflnstantinttJ barbaros l6 apud Danuuiuw congregate
ad bellum in Sarm[a]tarum regione uicit, conftsus de mrtute
crucis sibi in acre J7 ostense in sompno ac uerbo dicentis l8 « In
hoc uince hostes sighno. » Propter hoc cre[di]dit Christo, etcru-
cem eiw^ a Iude[i]s mater eius Helena, eo b&peranfe, quaesmh :9 et
iwuenit, et secum ad Constantinum f ilium suum ad[d]uxit. Bap-
tizatwj est autem Constantimts a Siluestro papa 20, ut diximus,
qwi fecit basilicam lohanni Baptize21, item basilicam beato
Petro in templo Appoll[in]is, necnow et beato Paulo similiter,
ubi decollate estt corpus utriusqwe aere ciprio c/rcundans
quinqwe pedes grosso 22.
His temporib/^ heresis Arriana exorta est. In [N]ece[a]no
cowcilio tricentorwm23 .x. octo episcoporum fides catholica ex-
ponitwr anno post Alaxandmm .d.c.xxx.fii. die m^wsis secun-
dum Graecos desis [Aofotoc?] .xix. qui est .x.kl. Iulias24, con-
sulatu Paulini [et luliani] .iiii.w.cc. Ariw^ Ahxandriae prae-
1. MS. maxantiuw 13. panowa
2. regnonuw 14. tentem
3. genore 15. occidit
4. aferad 16. barburw^
5 . prmignum suum 1 7 . sibew
6. prodicius 18. dicendis
7. malsile 19. quaesmuit
8. decmoenakw 20. papo
9. cicule 21. baptizetiw «f.
10. preliss agitatis 22. gorosos
11. luciwj constansie 23. MS. inserts sidlus
1 2 . imp^ratur 24 . iuili arow
The Annals of Tigernach, Second Fragment. 27
spiter erat, qwi dh.it Filium Patri1 now ewe eqwalem, nee
Filio Spz'nYwm; ad cuius dampnaaoftem in Nicaea2 urbe Bi-
thyniae* .ccc.xuiii. episcobi congregati sunt, qui secundum
post apostoli simbulum fecerunt4. Arius ab Alexandria pulsus
est per Alaxandrww episcopum eiodem urbis.
Kl. Constantino fecit basilicam in palatio Sosoriano*, quat
cognommatwr Hieroakw, ubi de ligno crucis Domini partew
posuit. Item basilicam sancte martiris Agneftis] ex rogatu 6 frlie
sue fecit 7, et baptizerium in eodem loco, uibi baptizata8 est et
soror eius Gwstantia 9 cum fi'h'a Agota.
K.uii. Porro Galeirio Augustus qwi morabatur in Epiro,
postquam per anwos .x. omni genere hominum exhausit10
prouiwcias, et putrifacto into pectore et uitalibus ll dissolutis I2,
[cum] Gtiam u^rmes eructaret J3, et neqw^ medici foetoremz4 eius
ferentes iussu ipsius occiderentwr, cruciato X5 non sotinens
uiml6 uite sue a[t]tulit: qui multo^ ante Cessares hos elegit
Maxim[in]um scili^ quern in Oriente l8 posuit, qui perse-
cute est ChristiznoSf quique apud Tarsum interit, et Seueruw_,
quern a Maxentio in Rauenna J9 interfectum ferunt, in cuius
locum Galeriztf ordinauit Liciniuw ; ipse in Hilirtco constitutus.
K.i. Constantino Crispum f/lmm suum et Licinium20 Li-
cini Agusti et sororis sue -ffijliuw, qwos ante Cessares festi-
nauit ordmare 2I, iwterfecit.
K.ii. Constantinus fecit basilicam beato Laurentio mart[ir]i
uia Tiburtina in agro 22 Verano.
Kl.uii. Constantino item fecit basilicam uia Lauicana23'
intra duas Lauros beato 24 Petro et Marcellino 25 martiribo et
1. MS. fr.i 14. fotoirem
2 . ineco 1 5 . MS inserts now cessares
3. betunie 16. sustinensium
4. feserunt 17. multio
5. balatio sororiano 18. moriente
6. rogata 19. maxantio intrauenwa
7. fac. 20. liciniduw
8. baptizrata 21. ordinari
9. constantiwa 22. magn6
10. hiowm exausid 23. leuicana
11. uitabil. 24. beata
12. desolutis 2). marsillino
1 3 . eructauit
28 Whitley Stokes.
mausoleum ubi ma/rem x suam possuit in sarcofago por-
K.iiii. C0«stantin«.f q«0q«0 fecit bassil/flzw in ciuitate Ostia
iuxta2 portuw Urbis Rome beatoruw apostolorum Petri et Pauli
et lohanwis apostoli [leg. baptistae].
K.ui. Constanti[n]us Drepanum Bithyniae ciuitatemi in
[hjonorem martins Luciani ibi conditi [instaurans] ex uoca-
bulo4 matris sue Helenopolim nuncupauitJ.
Kl.i. Idem Constaminus Romam Petro ac Paulo relinqwms, in
Betiwa (sic) ciuitatemomdere disponens i[n] nocte ab ea6 cuncta
sua ferrammta ablata sunt et in Traciaw diuinit&£ a[d]lata, ubi
urbem nomwis sui statuens sedem 7 reghni Rowani iwper[i]i et
totiwj8 caput Orientis esse uoluit, quae sola 9 exp^rs idolomm^
forma et pot^ntia [fo. 6b i] Rome merito possit10 equari.
K.ii. Constantino statuit citra ullam ll hominum caedem I2
paganorwm tewpla claudi, qui mox Gothosx3 in Sarmatarum X4
regione deleuit.
K.iiii. Fiacha Roibtine do totim a cath Dubcowuir la tri
maccu a bmthar .i. mac Eachach Doimleoin, maic Cairpr/ Li-
fechflw'r. It e immorro a n-anmanw .i. na tri Cholla: Colla Uais
7 Colla Mend 7 Colla fo d?r/ch o tait Airgialla, 7 issi an fin-
galso roscar rigi n-Erenn fri hAirgiallw. rAdb^raid immorro
Laigiw is a cath Cnamrois a dorchair Fiacha conz brathrib 7
co .ix. milib dia claiwd la Bres mQeolach rig Laig^w. Dub co-
wair ainm druadh Fhchach Raibtiwe, 7 romarbadh isin cath
he. conid de dogarar cath Dub chomair.
[Fiacha Roibtine fell in the battle of Dub-chomair by the
three sons of his brother, the son of Eochaid Doimlen, son of
Carbre Lifechar. These are their names, that is, the Three Col-
las : Colla Uais and Colla Mend and Colla^fp crich , from whom
are the Airgeill. And 'tis this parricide that severed the
kingship of Ireland from the Airgeill. Howbeit the Leinster-
1. MS. in ausiliuw ubi mer. m. 8. tocius
2. iaxta 9. solo
3. Beithini orawi 10. posuit
4. exuebulo n. cicra ullum
5. heleneplim nuncapauit 12. sede;»
6. eo 13. gothus
7. sedi/w i A sor;«atar«w
The Annals of Tigernach. Second Fragment. 29
men say that it was in the battle of Cnamros that Fiacha fell
with his brothers and with nine thousand of his clan, by Bres
Beolach, king of Leinster. Dub-chomair was the name of
Fiacha Raibtene's wizard, and he was killed in the battle.
Hence it is called Dub-chomair's battle »].
K.u. CollaUais do gabail rige Temrach annis1 .iiii. [« Colla
Uais took the kingship of Tara for four years »].
Ab initio 2 mundi secundum .Ixx. Interpretes .uwdxix., secun-
dum uero Ebreos .iiiiwcclxx.u. Ab I[n\ca,rnatione .ccc.xix.
Kl.ui. Constzntinus multa praelia feicit.
K.uii. K.i. Martinus Turonensis postea. episcopustunc natwjest.
K.iii. Muiredhach Tireach mac Fiachac/? Sraibtiwe do in-
darba na tri Colla a n- Album, cum .ccc. uiris, et ipse post eos
regnauit anmV .xxx. A cind \Aiadne immorro ni rabatar na tri
Cholla thair acht tri nonbuir nama. Dodeachadar didiu co
Muiredach iarna radh da ndruidh friu, 7 robaighed friss 7 do-
raidhsed drochbriathra [corus-marbadh] 7 cowadh air tuairsid
an fingail. O na tedaisset tarrsadar oca 7 robdar gora do.
[« Muredach Tirech, son of Fiacha Srabtine, banished the
three Collas into Scotland with three hundred men, and after
them he himself reigned for thirty years. Howbeit, at the end
of the year, of the three Collas (and their men) there remained
in the east only three enneads. Then, having been so told by
their wizard, they went to Muredach, and spake against him,
and uttered evil wrords so that he might kill them and the par-
ricide might thus fall upon him. As they did not... they tar-
ried with him and were dutiful to him. »]
luuencwj uersificus in [Hjispania floruit?.
K.iiii. Cath Achaidi Leithd^rg i Fernwmuig, i torchair Fer-
gus Foga mtfc Fraechair Fortriuin, tiughflaith Uladh, a n-Ewain
Macha lasna tri Cholla, 7 dorochair Colla Mend ism cath sin.
Roclaidhsid iarom na tri Cholla Eamuiw Macha, 7 ni ros-ai-
trebsad Ulaid inwti o sin alle, 7 tallad uaidib a righe o Loch
Eaclw/7 ille [siar].
[« The battle of Achad Lethderg in Fernmag, wherein fell,
1 . MS. anno 3. ploruit
2. iwcon 4. achaig
30 Whilley Stokes.
by the three Collas, Fergus Foga, son of Fraechar Fortren, the
last prince of Ulaid in Emain Macha : and in that battle Colla
Menu fell. Then the three Collas razed Emain Macha, and the
Ulaid thenceforward did not dwell therein, and their kingdom
was taken away from Loch Neagh westwards. »]
K.u. Donatistaruw scisma oritwr.
K.uii. K.ii. K.uii. K.ii. K.ui. K.uii. K.u. K.uii. Constan-
ti[n]w^ in extremfo] uite sue termino1 ab Eusebio Nicome-
diense2 episcopo baptizatw^ in Arrianuw dogma conuertiturf
proh dolor 3 ! bono usus principio et malo fine.
Kl.i. Gwstanti[n]w5 cum contra. Persas bellum moliretwr, in
uilla puplica iuxta Nicomediam, dispositam bene rem publicam
filiis suis tradens, diem obiiti .iiiiw.cccc.xiiii.
K.ii. Constant^ [cum] Constantino et Cowstante fratribus
suis reghna[ue]re anmV .xx.iiii. mensibus .u. diebus .xiii.
K.iii. lAcobwj- Nisibeniw episcopus agnoscitur5, ad cuius
prices s[a]epe urbs discrimine lib^rata6 est.
K.u. Impietas7 Arriana C0tfStanti[i] reighis fulta presidio8,
exili[i]s, carceribwj- et uari[i]s af[f]lictio/mm modis9, primum
Athanasium I0, deinde owwes non sue partis episcopos p^rsecuta
K.ui. Constantinw^ a ducibw* Constantis11 fratris sui in bello
occisw^ est.
K.uii. Constans Arianw^ effect^12 catholicos toto orbe per-
sequitwr. Cuius etiam fauore h&terno(?) Arrius, dum in Cons-
tantinopoli ad ecclesiam p^rgeret^, — a[d]u^rsw^ eatholiow de
fide dimicatttw a/14, — deuertens per forum Constantini ad ne-
1. MS. t^rmeni6 9. mondis
2. nicowetense 10. anathaisiuw
3. prodolar n. constantinz/^
4. inicowmediam dispondiduw 12. effeactw^
bemrew puplicww fills, is. tradendiaw 13. dumin Constantino poll! adexi-
obit Ham pergerit
5. agnoisitttr 14. demicatz/5. This sentence is
6. lib^rato misplaced, and some words seem
7. impeditas omitted.
8. pra^cidio
The Annals of Tigernach. Second Fragment. 31
cessariam1 causam uiscera2 eius repented simul cum uita
ef[t]usa sunH.
Haeresis Anthropomorphianoruw 5 in Siria et Macedonia 6
[et] in Constantinopoli nascitur?.
K.i. Per idem tempus Athanasius8 et Hilairiar claruerunt.
Donate Aelius9 gra[m]matice scriptor, Hieronimi [praceptor,]
Rome illustris habetur.
K.iii. Cowstans aduersus Persas et Saporem regem10 eoruw,
qwi Mesopotamia^ inuaserant, .ix. bella11 fecit.
K.ui. Constans Magnenti dolis, [fo. 6b2J inop[p]ido quod12
Helena nominatur, in proximo Hispaniae, interfectus est.
K.iii. Magnentiusx3 poster arripuit imper'mm apud Agustodu-
num, [quod] continue per Galliam, Affricam, Italiamqw^ per-
rexit1*. In Illirico autern Vetranionem XJ, etate grandeuum,
imperatorem sibi milites creauerunt, uin/w natwra siwplicem,
cunctis16 iocunduw, sed qui ne prima quidem unquam *7 \ite-
rarum elementa18 didicisset. Itaqwe cunt primuw Uterus \itera~
rumque silicas ifwperator senex interdum inuitus meditaretur :9,
a Constantino deponere20 iussus imperium, abiciens cum \he-
ris purpuras21, contentusque priuatis feriis, palatiuw simul
scholamque reliquit22.
Paulus herimita qwieuit centesimo et xiii. anno etatis sue,
quern Antow[i]us monacwj, leowibwj sibi sepwlcrww duobus2?
fodientibw^ sepeliuit.
K.ui. Maxima Treuerorww episcopus clams habelur, a quo
Athanasius Alaxandriae** episcopus, cum a Constantino quae-
rereiur ad penam, honorifice sw^cepit.
1. MS. nesecariam 13. Magricentius
2. uiscere 14. porrexit
3 . repende 1 5 . ulteraniorem
4. est. 16. simplicim cuncctis
5. heresiss antroponior fidarum 17. unar
6. Macedonio 18. eleraita
7. Constantino polii nascetur 19. inuictus meditar eter
8. anathasius 20. disponde
9. Arit?« 21. purdonw
10. soporem regim 22. scolum qiie relicit
11. mesopontaniaw inuaserunt .ix. 23. duobis
uella 24. Anatasius alagax
12. cui
$2 Whitley Stokes.
K.i. Nep[oJtian//5 Rome, sororis1 Constantini filius, gladia-
torum manu fretwj1 inuasitimperium, qwz a Magnentii2 ducibus
inter&ctas est.
K.ii. Bellum inter Constantiww Magnewtiumqwe factum est
apud Mursam urbew, in quo Magnenti&J ' a[u]f ugit, atque non
multo4p0jt apud Lugdonum propria se manu interfecit5.
K.iii. Helarius Pictauiensis episcopus, qwi pulsus ab Arianis6
in Frigia exulauerat, cum apud C0wstantinopolim7 [librum]
pro se CowJtantio porrexisset8, ad Gallias reidit.
K.iiii. K.ui. K.uii. Reliqwie Timothei apostoli Ccwstanti-
nopoli inuecte s««t.
K.i. K.ii. K.iiii. Muiredhach Tirech do marbad la Caelbadh
mac Cruind badhraidhi, la ri[g] n-U\adf ic Port rig os Dabull.
[« Muredach Tirech was killed by Caelbad, son of Crund
badraide, king of Ulaid, at Port rig over Daball. »]
K.u. Eochaid Muigmedow mac Muiredhaig Tirigh regnauit
annis .uiii. Ceithri maic Moing[f]inde ingine Fidhaigh, AiMl,
Brian, Fiac/?ra, Feargw^.
Niall mor mac na Sax[an]chi,
Cairne a hainm feib rw^-cenglos,
cdic maic Eachach Muid-wedhoi»,
ni da deroil ro derbwj.
[« Eochaid Muigmedoin, son of Muredach Tirech, reigned
eight years. Four sons he had by Mongfind, Fidach's
daughter, namely Ailill, Brian, Fiachra and Fergus. (And a
fifth by the Saxon woman Cairne, as the poet says :) « Niall
the Great, son of the Saxon woman, Cairne was her name as I
have collected. Five sons of Eochaid Muig-medoin: not trifling
is what I have certified. »]
PATRICIUS CAPTI[U]US in 9 Hibermam ductus est.
K.ui. Constantino [Romam nouam] ingr^sso, ossa Andna[e]
apostoli et Luce euang^liste a Constantiwopolitanis miro fauore10
swjcepta sunt.
1. MS. sorores 6. arrensiw
2. magentianz^ 7. Constantino opulum
3 . magnamienti//5 8 . conatantino porexit
4. ag now multu 9. an
5. interfect/tf 10. furore
The Annals of Tiger nach. Second Fragment. 3 3
K.uiii Constantinus luilianuw patruelem suuw Cessarew a
se creatum ad Gallias1 misit, qwi Gallos swbiecit et Al[a]ma-
nos, et [Rheno] Germanos reuiwxit, qwi mox Kgustus, Cons-
tantium Parthicis praeli[i]s occupatuw parte reigni priuauit.
Cctftstantius luliani 2 scelere cowperto, dimissa expedic/one
Partoruw duw ad belluw ciuile reuertitur, in itinere inter Ci-
lic[i]am Capadociamqwe defuncts est.
K.ii. K.iiii. Antonius monachw^ centessimo qwinto etatis sue
anno in Christo qwieuit.
K.u. luiliamu anno primo ut Orosiw^3 ait, m^wsibw^ .uiii.
sol«j obtenuit imperium. Hie ex cleirico iwp^rator e[f]fectwjin
idulorww cultum conuertitur, martiri[um]qw^ Christianis i«fert,
qwi etiam dum odio Christi templum in H[i]erwjolimis Iude[i]s
reparare p^rmisiset, atq«£ ex omnibus prouinciis^ ludei col-
le[c]ti noua Tewpli fundam^wta iacerent, subito nocte aborta 5
terre motu saxa ab imo6 fundam^torum exclusa longe lateqw^
sparsa sunt, igneus q«0q«£ globus ab interiore ede templi
egressus plwnmos eorww suo prostrauit incendio, qwo terrors
reliqwi pauefacti" Christum ^wfitebantur8 iwuiti, et ne hoc
ca^u crederent9 foc/wm, seqwmte10 nocte in uestim^wtis cunc-
torum crucis signww apparuit11.
Pagani12 apud Sebasten1? Palestinae urbem sepulcruw lo-
innis Bzptistae inuaduntx4? ossadisp^rgunt, ead^w rursum col-
?cta et cremata latius disp^rgunt. [Sed] Dei prouidentia affuere
[widam ex H[i]erw5olumis monachi, qwi mixti erant collegen-
tibus quaecunque ipsi poterant1^ [ablata, ad patrem suum Phi-
lippum pertulere].
The second fragment ends here. The rest of the story of the relics of
John the Baptist may be found in Bedae Opera, ed. Giles, VI, 314.
(A suivre.)
Whitley STOKES.
1 . MS. gallius
2. parti... constantinus iuliaw
3 . oratinj
4 . prouinchis
5 . aborte
6. saxabwio
7. paue pacti
8. co;/fidebantur
Revue Cdtique, XVII.
9. crederunt
10. seq/^nti
11. crusis... apuit
12. Pagum
1 3 . sepaten
14. inuadant
1 5 . q«oqwg ipse poterterant
Au mois de mars 1894, un mac, on occupe a demolir un mur
en pierres scenes dans une petite propriete qa'il possede a
600 metres du bourg de Mauviere, arrondissement du Blanc
(Indre), degagea une pierre munie d'une inscription qui me-
rite, ce me semble, les honneurs d'une interpretation detaillee.
La decouverte m'en a .ete signalee le 27 avril dernier par le
R. P. de la Croix qui, a vise, s'etait rendu sur les lieux et
rendu acquereur de ce monument lapidaire. II resulte de la
lettre qu'il voulut bien m'adresser a cette occasion que 1'ins-
cription avait du etre apportee a 1'endroit ou elle fut trouvee,
d'une colline distante de 500 metres, nominee le Peu-Berland,
colline voisine de la route qui est une ancienne voie romaine
et remplie de substructions antiques. « Ces terrains, ecrit le
P. de la Croix qui y a pratique des sondages, sont jonches de
tuiles romaines et de tessons de poteries antiques. On y
trouve des debris de constructions, et les gens du pays ont
1'habitude d'y faire des fouilles pour en tirer des materiaux tout
prets. C'est ainsi, sans doute, que 1'inscription est entree dans
le mur ou elle a ete trouvee. La pierre sur laquelle elle est
gravee a, de face, 0,20 sur 0,28 et 0,13 d'epaisseur. Un des
angles est brise et elle semble avoir ete atteinte par le feu ; sa
face inscrite est legerement cintree. » En developpant la
courbe, le P. de la Croix est arrive a reconnaitre que la pierre
avait fait partie d'un monument circulaire de 0,96 centim. de
diametre ; la lecture de 1'inscription nous apprend que ce mo-
nument etait un cippe servant d'autel votif, analogue a celui
qui figure, sous le n° 426, dans 1'article Ara, du Diction-
RAWL. B. 482, FF. 7*1 —
[*/ Tigernach rarely uses the Christian era. He indicates
the succession of years by repeating the sign « Kl. » or « K. »
(Kalends of January), to which he and his continuator gene-
rally add the ferial, or weekday, number l, and, from A.D.
1016 onward, also the day of the moon. I have therefore
given in brackets the corresponding years in the Annals of
Ulster (AU.), the Chronicon Scotorum (CS.), the Annals of
LochCe (ALC.), the Annals of the Four Masters (FM.), and
the Annals of Inisfallen (AL), although in the Annals last
mentioned the dates quoted are due to the editor, not the
compiler. It will be seen that the Annalists seldom agree in
their dates, and it is certain that many, perhaps most, of these
dates are erroneous 2 ; but the amount of error in each case
is not very important.
Many of the quatrains cited by Tigernach are corrupt, and
my versions of all of them are merely tentative.]
1. Thus t Kl. iii. » means a year in which the Kalends, or 1st, of Ja-
nuary was a Tuesday, the 3d day of the week. Such a year reoccurs in
cycles of 28 years.
2. Thus O'Donovan (FM. I. xlviii) says that the Annals of Ulster are
antedated by one year up to 1014, and Dr Mac Carthy (Todd Lecture
Series III, 373) asserts that from A.D. 494 to 1019 the date of « every
item » in the Annals of the Four Masters is wrong.
i 20 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 488. FM. 488. CS. 486. AI. 483].
K.u. Qtt/es sancti Cianwaini Daim liag. Is do tug Patraic
a shoiscela. [« The rest of S. Ciannan of Duleek. 'Tis to him
that S. Patrick gave his gospel »].
[AU. 489. FM. 488. CS. 487. AI. 484].
K.uii. Qwies epscuip Ma:c caille. [« Rest of bishop Mac
Caille »].
Cath Cella Asnada i Muig Fhea, ubi cecidit Aengus mac
Nadfraich 7 uxor eiwj 7 Eithni Uathach ingen Cremthainn maic
Enwa Cendsek^. Illand mac Dungaili 7 AiMl a brathair 7 Eo-
chaid Gumech 7 Murchertach mac Erca rig Ailigh uictores
erant. Vnde d/c/z/m est :
Adbath craeb dosbili moir '
Aengwj molbtach mac Nadfraich,
facbadh 2 la hllland na rath
'sin cath a Cell-osnad clai«.
Illand ocus Muirckrtach,
Ai/Vll, Eochaid tend tolchar
rochuirset cath Cell-osnad
re hAengwj- Muwan molbthach.
[« The battle of Cell-osnad in Mag Fea, wherein fell Oen-
gus, son of Nadfraech, and his wife, and Ethne the Horrible,
daughter of Cremthann, son of Enna Cennselach. The victors
were Illann, son of Dungal, and his brother Ailill, and
Eochaid the Wounder, and Murchertach, son of Ere, king of
Ailech. Hence it was said :
« The branch of a great bushy tree hath died, praiseworthy
i. MS. moir 2. facbaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 1 2 1
Oengus, son of Nat-fraich. He was left by Illann of the graces
in the battle at sloping Cell-osnad.
« Illann and Murchertach, Ailill and strong, wilful Eochaid
fought the battle of Cell-osnad with praiseworthy Oengus of
Munster]. »
Bass Muiredhaig Muind^Vg, 7 Eochaid a mac ar-rigi n-Ulad.
[« Death of Muredach Redneck ; and his son Eochaid (took
the) kingship of Ulaid »].
[AU. 490. AI. 483].
Kl.ii. Zeno Aug«s[tus] uita decessit1 anno septimo mense
sexto. Hi menses et sex menses Marciani2 ad[d]unt annum 3
quein non numerant cronice.
[AU. 492. FM. 493. CS. 489. AI. 488].
K.ui. Anastaisi&j regnauiH anno[s] xxuiii.
newsium an wo etatis sue centisiwo uigessimo .xui. die Kl.
April/s q/deuit.
O gene wain Crist cc'im ait,
cethri cet for caewnochaid,
teora bliadna saer[a] iar soin
co bass Patraic pr/mapstail.
[« From Christ's birth, a pleasant step, four hundreds on
fair ninety, three noble years after that to the death of Patrick
the chief apostle » i. e. A.D. 493].
K.uii. Trasamundus Vandalus Vandalorum 5 rex catolicas
ecknas clausit6 et .cc.xx. episcopos exilio misit Sardinian!/.
1 . MS. decessid $ . Transamundw ualandanws ua-
2. marsiani landoruw
3. andum 6. elucit
4. reign. 7. sardiniuw
122 Whitley Stokes.
K.u. CathSratha[« the battle of Srath(Conaill?) AI. 485 »].
Felix papa qwieuit, cui successit Gelasius1 papa arwo[s] .iii.
[AU. 493. CS. 491].
K.uii. Cath Taillten for Laigw/# ria Cairpre mac Neill.
[« The battle of Tailtiu gained over Leinster by Cairbre, son
of Niall »].
[AU. 494- CS. 492].
K.i. Cath tanaiste Graine, in qwo cecidit Fraech mac Fid-
chadha r/ Laigw Desgabuir, la hEochaigh mac Cairpn. [Eo-
chaid] uictor fuit. [« The second battle of Grane, wherein
Fraech, son of Fidchad, king of South Leinster, fell by Eochaid,
son of Cairbre. Eochaid was victor »].
[AU.495.497.es. 493. AI. 488].
K.ii. Qwies Cuiwdedha maic Cathbadha .i. Maic Cuiliwd
episcopi Lusca. [« Rest of Cuindid, son of Cathbad, i. e. Mac
Cuilinn, bishop of Lusk »].
Defects solis apparuit.
Expugnac/o Dum Leathglaise. [« The storming of Downpa-
trick »].
Gelassiwj qwieuit.
[AU. 496. CS. 494].
K.iii. Rowane eclesie, .xl.uiii. Anastasiwj papa ordinatwj
uixit ann/j .ii.
[AU. 498. FM. 492].
Cath Sleawna Midhe for Laigw^ ria Cairpr^ mac Neill [« The
i. MS. gallaissiwj
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 12$
battle of Slemain in Meath gained over Leinster by Carbre
son of Niall »].
MoChae Naendrowa [« My Coe of Noendruim»] qwieuit.
[FM. 496.]
Epscop Cormac'm Ernide, comarba Ptffric, pausauit, [« Bish-
op Cormac, of the Ernide, a successor of S. Patrick, rested »].
LAU. 497. CS. 495]-
K.u. INgens terre. motus Ponticam concussit1 jwouinciaw.
Anastassiw^ papa pausauit.
[AU. 498. CS. 496].
K.ui. Rowane eckrie .xlix. Simacwj papa uixit anwV .xu.
Cath Ciwd Ailbe for Lzignib le Cairpr^ mac Neill [FM. 494]
[« The battle of Cenn Ailbe gained over Leinster by Carbre,
son of Niall »].
[AU. 501. FM. 499. CS. 497].
K.uii. Cath Segsa ria Muircfertach mac Erca for Duach2
Tewga uma ri Con[n]acht, ubi [Duach] excidit. Unde 3 Cend-
hdad cecinit :
Cath Seghsa
ben do mnaib fordoruair.
robo cro d^rg ar cruisigh
la Duisigh ingin Dua[i]ch.
Cath Delge, cath Mucruwa
ecus cath Tuama Druba,
la 4 cath Segsa i dorc[h]air
Duach Tenga uwa.
1. MS. cowclucit 3. cesitundi
2. dou 4. 7
i 24 Whitley Stokes.
[« The battle of Segals gained by Muiredach, son of Erca,
over Duach of the Brazen Tongue, king of Connaught,
wherein Duach fell. Hence Cennfaelad sang :
« The battle of Segals — a woman of women caused it.
Red blood was (brought) on spear by Daisech, daughter of
« The battle ot Delge, the battle of Mucruma, and the
battle of Tuaim Druba, with the battle of Segsa wherein fell
Duach of the Brazen Tongue »].
K.i. Simacws papa inter multa ecktiarutn opera, quae m\ a
fundanwtis creauit uel prisca renouauit ad beatum Petrum et
Paulura et Laurentiuw paupmb//j habitaculum * £0wstruxit,
et omni anno per Afncaw uel Sardinian! tpiscopis qwi in exsi-
lio2 erant pecunias et uestes ministrabat 3.
[AU. 502. FM. 496. CS. 499].
Cath Dro;;/a Lochmuighe ria Laignib for Httu Neill. [« The
battle of Druim Lochmag gained by the Leinstermen over the
Hui Neill »].
Feargwj Mor mac Earca cum gente Dalriada 4 partew Brita-
nias tenuit, et ibi tnort[u]f« est.
Eogan Bel regnauit aruris i Cruachaiw [« in Cruachu ]» .xlii.
[FM. 497. CS. 500. AI. 492].
K.iii. Cath Inde mori i crich Ua [fo. ya 2] nGabla for Illand
mac Dunlaiwg la Laigniu, in qwo Murc^rtach mac Ercauictor
erat. [« The battle of Inde Mor, in the district of Hui Ga-
bla, gained by the Leinstermen over Illand, son of Dunlang,
in quo », etc.]
Bass escw/p lubair [« Death of bishop lubar] nono kl. Mai,
CM///S etas .ccc.iii. anwo[rum] erat [AU. 499, 503].
1. MS. h.itaclaw; 3. 7 uestis minestraba«t
2. excillo 4. dalraida
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 12$
[AU. 504]-
K.iiii. Ku. Kui. Cerban escop o Fma Cerbaiw [« bishop Cer-
ban of Ferta Cerbain »] mortuus est.
Cath Manand la hAedhan mac Gabram [« The battle of
Mano gained by Aedan, son of Gabran »].
[AU. 504].
K.i. Bass Bruidhi male Maelchon, rig Cruithnech [« Death
of Brude, son of Maelchu, king of the Picts »].
Bass Dowanguirt maic Nissi righ Alban [« Death of Do-
mangort, son of Nisse, king of Scotland »].
[AU. 509. CS. 505. AI. 490. FM. 501].
K ii. Cath Fern muighe [leg. Fremna] Midhi for fhchaig
mac Ne[i]ll ria Failge mB^rraidhfe]. Unde dictum est ;
IN righ aile asmbmd
FiacAra mac Neill na celfajidh1,
is fair tar crewla cille
cath Ferna [leg. Fremna] Midhi meabaidh.
[« The battle of Fremainn in Meath gained by Failge Ber-
aide over Fiacha, son of Niall. Whence this was said :
« The other king, mention ye him, Fiachra, son of Niall,
nceal him not, 'tis over him... the battle of. Fremainn in
Meath was gained [lit. broke].
[AU. 506, 507. CS. 507. AI. 497. FM. 503].
K.iii. Cath Arda coraiwd [« The battle of Ard corann »].
i. MS. celigh
i 26 Whitley Stokes.
Bass Lughdach maic Laeghaire rig Temrach i n-Achad farcha
.i. farcha tendtidhe do mm ros-marb iar ndiultad in Tailgirm
[« Death of Lugaid son of Loeguire, king of Tara, in Achad
farcha (« the field of the thunderbolt »), to wit, a fiery bolt
from heaven killed him after he had renounced the Talchenn » .
(« Adzehead », i. e. St Patrick).]
Eochaid mac Muiredaigh obit. Cairell mac Muiredaigh Mun-
dtfzrg ir-righi n-U\ad [« Cairell, son of Muiredach Redneck,
into the kingship of Ulaid »].
[AU. 512. CS. 508. FM. 504].
K.iii. Muircertach mac Earca do gabail rigi n-Erenn[« Mur-
chertach, son of Ere, took the kingship of Ireland »].
[AI. 500].
K.uii. Mac[c]nissi .i. Aengw.r espoc Gwndere qwieuit, cuius
pater ' Fobraech dictus est, cuius mater Cness ingen Cowcaide
de Dail Ceterwe, a qua nominatus2 est Mac Cneise [CS. 508].
[AU. 512. CS. 511. AI. 503].
K.i. Qwies Earc espuic Slaine .x.c. anno etatis sue, de q«o
Patncius ait :
Espoc [Ere]
each ni cowdernadh ba cert,
each aen b^res cocair cert
fortbeir bcndacht easpoc Earc.
[« Bishop Ere, whatever he would do was right. Whoever
delivers a just assessment (?) bishop Ere confers a blessing on
him »]
Natiuitas* sancti Ciarani f/lii artificis.
1 . MS. fr 3 . natiuitass
2. a q«o
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 127
[AU. 511. CS. 512. AI. 501].
Simacwj papa quieuit J, cui suc[c]essit Hormista papa
annis 2 ix. ut Marsillinus monstrat.
[AU. 516. CS. 512. AI. 504. FM. 507].
Cath Droma Dergaige for Foilgi mBeirridhe ria Fiachaigh
mac Neill, 7 is andsa cat[h]sin roscaradh a cuid don Midhe fri
Laigraz/f co hUisneach, ut Cendfaeladh cecinit :
Digal dia secht mbliadan
baissi dighde a cridhe,
cath a nDrowaib Dergaighe
ba de docer [m]a[g] Midhe.
[« The battle of Druim Dergaige gained over Foilge Ber-
raide by Fiacha, son of Niall; and 'tis in that battle their por-
tion of Meath as far as Uisnech was taken from the Lein-
stermen. As Cennfaelad sang :
« Vengeance that day seven years, that was the consolation
of their hearts : the battle on Drommann Dergaige, thence
fell the plain of Meath »].
[CS. 513. FM. 512].
K.ui. Dubthach Aird Macha mortuus est anuiwde (sic, an
eg. a nDruim derb ?)
Cowgoll Bendchair natus est. [AU. 515. CS. 515. AI. 506].
[CS. 516]-
K.ii. Camdeach Achaidh3 bo [« Cainnech of Aghaboe »]
itus est.
1. MS. q«i erat 3. achaigh
2. an wo.
128 Whitley Stokes.
IN pnmincia Dardawic assiduo ttrra[ej motu .xx.uii. cas-
tella T uno momenta collapsa sunt.
[AU. 517]-
An&rtassiMj imperzwr subita2 morte praeuentus, maior3 [oc-
togenario], quiet scilicet haeresi 4 Eutic[het]is fauens catolicos
insecutwj est, diuino fulmine percussus1* p^riit.
K.iii. Iu[s]tinw5 senior regnauit annis .uiii.
Cownlaidh espoc Cille Dara [« bishop of Kildare »] dormiuit.
[AU. 5i9.CS. 517]-
[AU. 519, 522. CS. 518. AI. 506. FM. 513].
K.uii. Cath Detna a nDromaib Breag, in quo cecidit Ardgal
mac Conaill Crewthai/^di maic Neill. Colgu Mocloithi mac
Cruind maic Feidlimthe n Airgiall, 7 Muirc/^rtach mac Earca
uictores erant 6:
[« The battle of Detna in Droma Breg, wherein fell Ardgal,
son of Conall Cremthaihne, son of Niall. Colgu Mocloithe (?),
son of Cronn, son of Feidlimid, king of Airgeill, and Muircher-
tach, son of Ere, were the victors »].
Buitte mac Bronaig ob[i]t. Colam cille nat/w est. De quibwj
dictum est :
Ge[i]n chain Colaim ar / cleirig
indiu os En/7/? eolaig
for aenlith, ni rad n-uabair,
bas baiw buadhaig maic Bro/2aigh.
[« Buitte, son of Bronach, died: Colom cille was born. Of
them was said : The fair birth of Colom our cleric today over
1 . MS. Casstella $ . pcrcmsus
2. subito 6. erunt
3 . praetent//5 niaior 7 . an
4. scailicct herise
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 1 29
wise Erin on the same festival — no vain saying — as the
the death of Bronach's fair, victorious son »].
Beoaedh espoc Ardacarna [« bishop of Ard carna »] qwieuit.
Ai/zll ab Aird macha [« abbot of Armagh »].
[CS. 520].
K.u. K.uiii. Hormista papfl pausauit, cui successit Johannes1
papa .liii. annis 2.
Eochaid mac Aeng«.ya n Muman qwieuit. Crimthand mac
Ezchach ir-righi Muman.
K.u. Johannes 3 Rome eckae episcopus. Gwstantinopoli
ueniens ad portam 4 quae uocatwr Aurea populorwm turbis ei
occurrentib«j > in conspectu omnium roganti caeco lumen red-
didit 6 : qwi duw rediens Rauennam uenisset 7 Teodoricw^ eum
cum comitib«5 suis carciris aflict/one p^remit, iwuidia ductus,
quia catholicafe] pietatis deffewsor lusting eum honorifice sus-
cepiset, quo anno 8, id est consulis Proui iunioris, et Simacum
Rauenne9 [fo. yb i] occiderat10 et ip^e, anno11 se-
, ibidem swbita morte pmit, succedente in regnum Atha-
larico nepote 12 Q'IUS.
[AU. 523, 524, 525. CS. 523. AI. 514. FM. 525].
K.ii. Dormitatio sancte:3 Brig[i]de octogesimo octauo etatisJ4
sue, uel septuagesimo tantum ut alii dicunt.
Johannes X5 papa qwieuit.
1. MS. qui suceissit. lohandeis 9. rauende
2. ando 10. occederat
3. lothanwes n. ando
4. portum 12. succidente athalaricia inregnom
5 . occrarentibzw nepot
6. cecoluind reditit 13. Dormita consce.
7. rauendum uenissit 14. etatiss
8. ando 15. loh.eis
Revue Celtique, XVII. 9
i jo Whitley Stokes.
[CS. 524]-
K.uii. Heldericw-f Vandaloruw rex episcopos exilio reuerti et
eclesias1 iwstaurare praecepit post .Ixxxuii. [annos] haeretice
Mors Illainw maic Dunlaiwg, rig Laigew.
[« Death of Illann son of Dunlang, king of Leinster »].
Cath Luachra ria Cairpr^ for Uib Neill, de quo dictum est :
Cath lond Luachra huas anuas
adces Brighid, ni fis fass,
flandchath2 Findabrach ba huais
iw corp? n-Illadain iar mbass.
[« The battle of Luachair gained by Cairbre over the Hui
Neill, whereof was said : « The fierce battle of Luachair
above, downwards. Brigit was seen, no empty vision. Noble
was the bloody battle of Findabair around Illadan's body after
death »].
Ai/tll m#c Dunlaing rexit Laigniu.
lustinus imperator Iustwia[n]um ex [sjorore sua nepotem,
iamdudum a se nobilissimurrH designatum, qwoqw^ reigni sui
successormqwtf creauit kl. ApfihV. ip^e u^ro qwarto ab hoc
mense uita decessit anwo impmi octauo.
Pausa sancti Albi [AI. 518].
Bened/ctas monacw^ in Monte Casina u/rtutum gloria, cla-
ruit, qwas beatw^ Grigorius papa in'libro dialogorww scribsit.
[AU. 52?].
Felix 5 papa regnauit annis6 .iiii. m^wsibw^ .u. diebw^ .xuii.
1. MS. cli'nas 4. uobil.siwum
2. flandchadh 5. fdius
3 . corb 6 . anno
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 1 3 1
[In marg. .iiiiw.cccc.lxxxuii]. Kl. u. lUstinianwj lustini ex
sorore nepos regnauit annis J .xxxuiii. Belizari[u]s patricius
mirabfiliter] Persis triuwpauit, qwi, deligente2 Iw^tiniano, in
Affricam misus Uandolorww gentew deleuit. Kartago quoque
anno ex[c]essioms sue .xcui. recepta3 est, pulsis4 deuictisqwe
Uandalis et Gelismero rege * eorww capto et Constantinopolim
misso. Per idem tempus corpw^ sancti Antoni monachi d/wina
reuelac/one repertum Alaxandriam perducitur6 et in eclesia7
sancti lohannis Baptistae humatwr.
[AU. 520. CS. 526].
K.ui. Ge[i]n Chaeman Bricc. [« Birth of Caeman Brecc »].
[CS. 528. AI. 520. FM. 524].
K.uii. K.u. Cath Cind eich 7 cath Atha Sige for Laigniu
Muircertach mac Earca uictor erat [« The battle of Cenn eich
and the battle of Ath Sige gained over Leinster. Muirchertach,
son of Ere, was victor »].
[AU. 531].
IN isto anno Dionisius scribsit pasc[h]ales circulos, incipiens
ab anno dow/nice incarnac[i]onis .dxxxii., qui est annus Dio-
clitiani .cc.xl.uiii post cowsulatum Lampadi et Oreistis, qwo
anno8 Iustinian[e]us Codex orbi promulgatus est.
K.ui. Uictor Capuanw^ episcopus libruw de pascha scribens
Uictori arguit errores9.
Feilix papa qwi et in basilica sancti Petri sepultw^.
1. MS. anwo 6. perduccitus
2. defite 7. eclfna
3. resepta 8. and6
4. pulsisqw£ 9. erroreis
5. rego
j 2 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 532. FM. 526. CS. 530. AI. 521].
K.uii. Cath Eiblinde ria Muirdmach mac Earca. Cath Muige
hAilbe for Laignib 7 cath Aidhne for Condachtrib 7 cath Al-
mui«[e] 7 cath Cind eich for Lzignib, 7 orgain jia Cliach in
lino anw-6 : de quibwj Cendfaeladh cecinit :
Cath Chind eich, cath Almuiwe,
ba haiwsir airrdhirc amra.
orgain Cliach, cath Aidhne,
ocus cath Muige hAilbe.
[« The battle of Eibliu gained by Muirchertach, son of Ere :
the battle of Mag Ailbe gained over Leinster, and the battle of
Aidne over Connaught, and the battles of Almain and Cenn
eich over Leinster, and the plundering of the Cliu, (all) in
one year. Whereof Cennfaelad sang :
[« The battle of Cenn eich, the battle of Almain, 'twas a
conspicuous, wonderful time; the plundering of Cliu, the
battle of Aidne, and the battle of Mag Ailbe »].
Bonefaciwj1 pap# regnauit anmV .ii. et diebw^ .xxu.
[AU. 533. FM. 527. CS. 531].
Kl.u. Badudh1 Muirdmaig mate Earca a telchuma fina
aidche sawna a mullach Cleitigh uas Boind, ut dictum 2 est :
ISim omun ar in mbein
ima luaidfe 3 ilar s'm
ar fiur loiscfidher i ten
ior taeb Cleitigh baidhfes fin.
1 . MS. Badugh 3 . ima luaigfe
2. dix
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. i }}
As misi
Taethen ingen airig Neill
is Gamadaigh m'ainw
in gach airw asreiw.
Sin in bean romarb thu,
a mate Earca mar atchiu J .
bidh imda a hanwand a fus,
cuirfid neach for aineolw^.
Ni hinmuin
in ben dianadh cowainw Sin
mo dhaigm righ loisc[f]es ten,
a tig Cleitigh baidfidh2 fin.
Fillis in ri mac Earca
il-leith hua Neill
sirit fuil frniu i[n]ga[ch] muig.
brogais cricha ceiw.
Bzsecht ferais naei cairpthiu
ocus bid cian bus cuwan
dob^rt giallu [fo. yb 2 [leis] ua Neill
la giallu muighe Muwan.
Sin dixit ac indisiw a hanmann :
Osnadh, Easnadh, Siw cen ail,
Gaeth Garb ocus Gewadhaigh,
Ocsad, lachtadh, radh gen gai,
it e m'anmanw ar aen chai.
[« The drowning of Muirchertach, son of Ere, in a puncheon
of wine on the eve of All saints day on the hilltop of Cletty
above the Boyne; as hath been said :
« I have fear of the woman round whom many storms will
move, for the man who will be burnt in fire (and) whom wine
will drown on the side of Cletty.
i . MS. marad chiu 2 . baigfidh
1 34 Whitley Stokes.
« 'Tis I, Taethen, daughter of Niall's viceroy, and Gama-
daig is my name in every place... »
« Sin is the woman that hath killed thee, O son of Ere, as
I see : many are her names here : they will put anyone into
« Not dear is the woman whose name is Sin : because of a
king whom fire will burn (and whom) wine will drown in the
house of Cletty.
« The king, son of Ere, turned towards the Hui Neill. Blood
seeks girdles on every plain : he increased the territories afar.
« Seven times he fought nine chariots, and long will it be
remembered : he carried off the hostages of Hui Neill with the
hostages of the plain of Munster. »
Sin said when recounting her names :
« Sigh, Music, Storm without disgrace, Rough Wind and
Wintry, Groan, Lamentation — a saying without falsehood
— these are my names on one way »].
Ailbe Imlich lubair obit [« Ailbe of Imlech Ibair died »].
Eochaid mac Conma ri Ulad. [« king ofUlaid »].
[AU. 534. CS. 532. FM. 528].
Kl.uii. Tuathal Maelgarb regnauit annis .xi.
Dormitaftio] sancti Mochtai discipuli Patricii1 sexto decimo
Kl. Septembris [FM. 534] Sic ip^e scribsit in epzVfola sua :
MocteMJ ptfccator pmpiter, sancti Patricii 2 discipulus in Do-
mino 3 salutew. Cuius etas 4 .ccc. annorum, ut dictum 5 est :
Fiacail Mochta, ni bladh fass
iri cet \Aiadan, buan in ciss,
cen nach n-imroll sec[h]a suas,
cen sugh n-iwmoir seacha siss.
1. MS. praic.ii 4. etass
2. sci. prainci 5- ud dx.imws
3. dna.
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. \ 35
Fear tri laithe, fer tri cet,
arco-fuin, is sen in det.
ni mochen ocan cen ail
i saidhfithe in tsenfiacail. F.
[« Mochta's tooth, no empty fame — three hundred years
— lasting the tribute — without any error passing it upwards,
without juice of a dainty passing it downwards.
« A man of three days, a man of three hundred (years) — I
entreat death ! — old is the tooth. Not welcome is the war-
rior without disgrace into whom the old tooth would be
thrust »].
Bonefaciwj paptf qwieuit, cui successit Mercurius z q«i et
lohanms annis .ii. mensibus .mi. et diebwi sex.
Cath Luac^ra moire et/r da inber ria Tuathal Maelgarb for
Gamzdtf [CS. 533. AI. 524].
[« The battle of Great Luachair between two estuaries,
gained by Tuathal Maelgarb over the Cianacht »].
[AU. 535].
K.i. Hue usque p^rduxit Marcelling2 Cronicow suum.
Mlill ab Aird macha mort[u]w5 est [CS. $34]. Nat/witas
Baithiwe dalta Choliiim chille.
[CS. 535. « Ailill, abbot of Armagh, died. Birth of Bai-
thine, a pupil of Colom cille »].
K.u. Mercurius 3 papa qwieuit et in basilica 4 keati Petri se-
pultwj [estj.
[AU. 537]-
K.iii. AgapitM* nau'one Romany Romane ecl^ie epw^us,
sedit5 mensibus .xi. diebus .uiii. et in basilica Petri sepultwj
1. MS. qwi susessit morcorius 4. pasilica
2. Marsellinw 5. sedib«5
3 . mercoriw^
i $6 Whitley Stokes.
[est] .xxui. dies Bonifacii1, et .mi. menses2 et .ui. dies Mer-
curii?, et .xi. mewses2 et [uiii.] dies Agapeti4 efficiunt anwum
et .mi. mmses2 et .x. dies.
[CS. 538]-
K.u. Cath Claewlocha, in quo cecidit Maine mac Cerbuill
a[c] cosnom gelsine Hua Maine Condacht. Goibnenw mac Co-
waill ri 5 Ua Fiac^rach Aidne uictor erat.
[« The battle of Cloenloch, wherein fell Maine, son of
Cerbalk contending for the hostages of the Hui Maim of
Connaught. Goibnenn, son of Conall, king of the Hui Fia-
chrach of Aidne, was victor »].
Comgall mac Dowanguirt. ri 6 Alban [« Comgall, son of
Domongort, king of Scotland »] obit .xxxu. anno reigni sui.
[AU. 538. AU. 527]-
K.ui. Perditio7 panis. Silueriw^ pap^ nat/one Romany
regnauit anno .i. mensibus .u. diebus .xi. qwi confessor obiit8.
Manchan Maethla [« Manchan of Maethail »J cecidit.
[AU. 539. AI. 528].
Kl.uii. Nat/witas Grigorii papafe]. Nem episcopuS obiit 9.
Uigil[i]«5 pap^, nat/one Rowanwj, regnauit anww .xuiii. men-
sibus .ui. diebus xu., qwi Syracusis I0 defuncts uia Salaria se-
est, ut Beda boat x J .
i. MS. bonihmus 7. p^rditon
2 . mensis 8 . confesur obuit
3. dimescori 9. obuit
4. Agapiati 10. siraciusis
5 . rig ii. boat/;
6. rig
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. \ 37
[AU. 544. CS. 541].
K.i. Mortalitas magna quae blefed dicitur1, in qwa moBi
Clairiweach, cut nomen est Berchan, brecano [sic, leg. profeta,
episcopus ?] poeta, periit.
[CS. 542]-
K.ii. Ailbe Senchua Ua n-AiMb obit.
[AU. 546, 547. CS. 543. AI. 532. FM. 537].
K.iiii. Cath Tortan ria Laigniu [« The battle of Tortu gained
by the Leinstermen »], in qwo cecidit Mac Earca maic AiMto
Muilt, a qwo Fir Chera.
Cath Sligighe 2, in qwo cecidit Eogan Bel, n Condacht, la
Fergw^ 7 la Downall, da mac Muirchmaigh maic Earca, 7 la
hAinmire mac Setna 7 la Naindidh 3 mac Duach, [qui] uic-
tores erant. Unde4 dictum est :
Fichth/r cath Hua Fiac&rach
la feirg faebair 5 tar iwbel,
gessit buar namat 6 fri sleaga,
sreatha in cath 7 i cn'nder.
Aircelt Sligeach do muir mar
fuil fer lia feoil,
bertait ilaigh tar Eba 8
im chend Eogain Beoil.
1. MS. dx. 5. lahrgus feabairtar
2. sligidhe 6. nan
3 . nindigh 7 . catha
4. undi 8. tarreib
I $8 Whitley Stokes.
[« The battle of Slicech, wherein Eogan Bel, king of Con-
naught, fell by Fergus and Domnall, two sons of Murchertach,
son of Ere, and by Ainmire, son of Setna, and by Naindid,
son of Dua, (who) were the victors. Whence it was said :
« The battle of Hiii Fiachrach is fought with fury of edges
over the border. Foemen's kine bellow against spears : the
battle was spread out into Grinder (?).
« The (river) Sligo carried off to the great sea men's blood
with their flesh. They* utter paeans over Eba round the head
of Eogan Bel »].
Cairpre mac Crimthaind, ri Muman. Lugedtis espoc Cowndere
qwieuit[« Cairbre, son of Crimthann, king ofMunster, (died).
Lugaid, bishop of Connor, rested »].
[AU. 548. CS. 544. FM. 538].
K.u. Tuathal Maelgarb, mac Cormuic Caich, maic Cairpn,
maic Neill, n Tewrach, [torchair] a nGrellaigh Eilte do him
Mailmoir maic Argadain, do C0waillib Murtemne .i. mac ma-
thar do Diarmuit mac Cerbuill in Maelmor sin, 7 adorchair
Mael mor fen ar in lathair siw, unde dicitur echt Mail moir.
[« Tuathal Maelgarb, son of Cormac Caech, son of Cairbre,
son of Niall, king of Tara, fell at Grellach Eilte by the hand
of Mael-mor, son of Argadan, of Conailli Murthemne. A son
of the mother of Diarmait mac Cerbailj was that Mael-mor :
and Mael-mor himself fell on that spot ; whence is said « Mael-
mor's murder »].
Qwies Maic Cuilmd 7 Odhran o Leatracha[ib] [« The rest of
Mac Cuilinn andofOdran from Letracha »].
Ciaran mac an tsair obit. xxxi. anm? etatis sue, septimo au-
tem postquam1 Cluaiw ma^Nois cowstruere c[o]epit [AI. 538.
FM. 548].
Dichendad Ambacuc a n-aenach [fo. 8ai] Taillten per uir-
tutem 2 sancti Ciaran[i] .i. luighe? eithig dorat duiwe fo laiw^
cor' gab aillse fo muinel .uii. mbliadna dobai se beo apud mo-
nachos4 [FM. 539].
1. MS. h. septiwo po;tar 3. luidhe
2. sui raitew 4. monatzw
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 1 59
[« The decapitation of Habacuc, at the fair of Tailtiu, by a
miracle of Saint Ciaran, to wit, a certain man took a false
oath by the saint's hand, whereupon a gangrene attacked him
at his neck. For seven years he remained alive (headless)
with the monks. »]
Beoid ainm athar Ciaraiw 7 Darearca ainm a mathar, sicut
ip^e dixit :
Darerca mo mdthairsi,
nir'bo bandscal olc,
Beoid saer mo atha/rsi
do Latharnaib Molt.
[« Beoid was the name of Ciaran's father, and Darerca was
his mother's name, as he himself said :
« My mother was Darerca, she was not a bad woman. My
father was Beoid the wright, of the Latharna Molt »].
Diarmuid mac Cerbuill do gabailrighe nErind. [« Diarmait,
son of Cerball, took the kingship of Ireland. » AI. 539]
[AU. 548. CS. 545. FM. 548].
K.ui. Tigernach mac Cairpr/, sanctus episcopus Cluana Eois,
K.uii. Ai/i'll mac Dunlaiwg, ri Laigew [« King of Leinster »]
Corwac mac AiMk, ri Muwan [« King of Munster »].
[AU. 549- CS. 558- FM. 544]-
K.u. K.ui. K.u. Cath Chuile Gwaire, in q«o cecidit1 Ai/i'll
Inbanda ri Cow[n]acht 7 Aed Fortamail a brathair. Fergwj- 7
Domnall, da mac Mec Earca, uictores erant.
[« The battle of Cuil Conairi, wherein fell Ailill the Wom-
anly, king of Connaught, and Aed the Prevailing, his brother.
Fergus and Domnall, two sons of Mac Erca, were victors »].
i. MS. cecitid
140 Whit ley Stokes.
Duach Tenga Uma mac Feargusa, ri Conwacht. [« King of
Connaught »]
[CS. 551. AI. 54']-
K.uii. Mortalitas magna .i. in Crow Conaill no in Buidhe
Chowwaill, in quo isti sancti pausauerunt .i. Findia mac \\ili
Tellduib 7 Colum mac Criwt[h]aind 7 Colam Indse Cealtra 7
Sineall mac Cenandaiw ab Cilli Achaidh J Drumiada, 7 Mac tail
Chilli Cuiliwd, qwi nominztur Eogan mac Corcraiw. [« A great
mortality, that is, the crom conaill or the buide connaill, in
which these saints rested, to wit, Findia, greatgrandson of
Telldub, and Colom, son of Crimthann, and Colam of Inis
Celtra and Sinell, son of Cenannan, abbot of Cell Achaid
Drumfbta, and Mac tail of Cell Culinn, whose name is Eogan,
son of Corcran »].
[AU. 551. CS. 552. AI. 543. FM. 546].
K.ii. Cath Online, in quo ceciderunt Core Oichi Muman
per orationem m'lte Cluana Creadail. Bass Fothaid2 maic
[« The battle of Cuillne, wherein fell the Corco Oichi of
Munster through the prayer of my Ite of Cluain Credail. The
death of Fothad, son of Conall »].
[AU. 552. CS. 553- FM. 54?]-
K.u. Bass Eachacb maic Connhi, rig Uladf a qwo Hui Eachach
\}\ad nati s[u]nt. Cor/wac mac A.ile\\a ri Laigen obit. Bass Bic
maic De, in faidh. Bass Crimthaind maicEnuin. Feargna mac
Aengusa n Ulad. Cairpr^ mac Corwaic, n Laigm.
[« Death of Eochaid, son of Connla, king of Ulaid, from
wrhom the Hui Echach of Ulaid descend. Cormac, son of Ai-
i. MS. achaigh 2. fothaig
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 141
lill, king of Leinster, died. Death ofBecc mac De the prophet.
Death of Crimthann, son of Briun. Fergna, son of Oengus,
king of Ulaid. Cairbre, son of Cormac, king of Leinster »].
[AU. 553. CS. 554].
K.iii. Natiuitas1 moLua maic hui Oche. [« Birth of my Lua,
greatgrandson of Oche »] Pestis quae uocatur Samtrusc.
[AU. 554. CS. 555- AI. 545]-
K.u. Cathbudh mac Fergttja, epscop Achaidh chuiw[« bishop
of Achad Cain »] centessimo quinquagesimo anno etatissue obit.
Uigiliftf [leg. Pelagius?] pap# nat/one Romany sedit2 an-
nis .xi. diebwj [xuiii], et in basilica beati Petri sepultus est.
Gem Chaewain Leith [« Birth of Coeman of Liath »].
K.uii. Duach Tenga uma, r/ Connacht, mortuus est [« Duach
Brazentongue, king of Connaught, died »].
[CS. 557]-
Cath Droma cleithe. du a torchair Fmlia hua Fidhbuidh, n
\3\ad, la D.ewan mac Cairill 7 la Uaib E&chach na hArda. [« The
battle of Druim cleithe, wherein Ferdia, grandson of Fidbad,
:ing of Ulaid, fell by Deman, son of Cairell, and by the Hui
:hach of the Ard »].
Eochaid Tirmcharna ri Condacht [« Eochaid Dryflesh, king
of Connaught »].
Neasaw leprosus pausat?. [FM. 551].-
[AU. 557- CS. 558. FM. 552].
K.i. lugulac/o Colmain M6ir4 maic Diarmuta in curru suo,
3. lep;
4. coir
1. MS. Natintas 3. leprc'si pausad
2. cecl 4. colman mor
,42 Whitley Stokes .
o Dubslait hua Trena, do Cruithneachaib [« Murder of Col-
man the Great, son of Diarmait, in his chariot, by Dubslait,
grandson of Tren, of the Picts »].
Eclesia1 Bewwchair fundata est. [AU. 554, 558].
Aed mac Echacb Tirwcharna r/ Connacht [« Aed, son of
Eochaid Dryflesh, king of Connaught »].
[AU. 557- CS. 559]-
K.iii. Brewainw eclesiam2 Guana ferta fundauit.
O gabais mac m hEllta 3
Brenaiwd co lin a be^/a,
acht m[ad] fearr ni meassa de
o sin co se Guam ferta.
[« Since Elta's great-grandson, Brenainn, with all his per-
fections, took (it), if it be not the better, it is not the worse,
Gonfert, from that to this »].
[FM. 553]-
K. Asce[n]sio Brenaiwd mcurru suo in aerem4.
[AU. 559. CS. 568. FM. 554].
K.i. Cena pwtrema Temrach la Diarmuit mac Cerbuill
[« The last Assembly of Tara held by Diarmait, son of Cer-
ball »].
Basj Gabrain maic Domanguirt rig Alban. Teichedh do Al-
banchaib ria mBruidhi mac Maelchow rig Cruithnech.
[« Death ofGabran, son of Domongort, king of Alba. Flight
1 . MS. ecl.ie 3 . uatellta
2. eclinam" 4. erim
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 143
of the Scottishmen before Bruide, son of Maelchon, king of
the Picts »].
Bas Curnan, male Aeda, male Eachach Tirmcarna, la Diar-
muid mac Cerbaill ar comairce Coluim chilli, 7 is d'adbaraib x
chatha Chula Dremne sin.
[« The death of Curnan, son of Aed, son of Eochaid Dry-
flesh, by Diarmait, son of Cerball, while under Colom cille's
protection; and that is one of the causes of the battle of
Cuil Dremne »].
[AU. 560, CS. 561. AI. 553. FM. 555].
K.u. Cath Chuile Dremni for Diarmuid mac Cerbuill. For-
gus 7 Dortmall, da mac Muircfortaig mate Earca, 7 Ainmiri
mac Sedna 7 Nindidh2 mac Duach 7 Aed mac Ezchach Tirw-
charna n Con[n]acbt uictores erant per orationem 3 Coluim
cille dicentis :
cidh na dingbai dind in cia s
duss in ruirmemis a lin
in tsluaigh doboiwg bretha6 din.
Sluagh doching i timchill 7 chairnw
is mac ainbthe notttj-mairn,
is e mo drai nimm-er[a]
mac De as Hum congena 8
IS alaiwd feras in luadh
gabair Baetam9 riasiw sluagh,
fo la Baetan I0 fuilt buidhi
Wraid Ir a herew fuirri I2.
1 . MS. dagbaraib 7 . a tiwchell
2. nfndigh 8. ^owgeba
3. or.om 9. baedam
4. de 10. fola baetairc
5 . ceo 1 1 . b^raig
6. bregha 12. fuirre
144 Whitley Stokes.
Fraechan mac TeniM^aiw is e dorinm in airbe ndruadh do
Diarmuit. Tuatan mac Dimain, maic Sarain, maic Corwaic,
maic Eogain, is e rola in airbe druadh darachenw. Maighlmde
rochiwg tairrsi, qwi solus occisus est.
[« The battle of Cuil Dremne gained over Diarmait, son of
Cerball. Fergus and Domnall, two sons of Muirchertach mac
Erca, and Ainmire, son of Setna, and Nindid and Duach and
Aed, son of Eochaid Dryflesh, king of Connaught, were victors
through the prayer ofColomb cille, who said:
« O God, why keepest thou not the mist off from us, if per-
chance we may reckon the number of the host that deprives
us of judgments.
« A host that marches round a cairn, 'tis a son of storm that
betrays them. He is my druid who denies me not, the Son
of God it is who will work with me.
« Beautiful it makes the onset, Baetan's steed before the host,
it seems good to Baetan of the yellow hair, it will bear its
burden upon it. »
Fraechan, son of Teniusan, 'tis he that made the « druid's
fence » for Diarmait. Tuatan, son of Dimman, son of Saran,
son of Cormac, son of Eogan, 'tis he that overturned the
« druid's fence » . Maiglinde went across it, and he alone was
[AU. 561. CS. 562. AI. 554. FM. 556].
K.ui. Cath Guile uindsenn a Tebtha for Diarmuit mac Cer-
buill ria n-Aedh mac Brenaintt, rig Tebt[h]a, in quo Diarmuit
[« The battle of CuilUinnsenn in Tebtha, gained over Diar-
mait, son of Cerball, by Aed son of Brenann, king of Tebtha,
in which Diarmait took to flight »].
[AU. 562. CS. 563. AI. 555. FM. 557].
K.i. Nauigac/o Colu[i]m cilli ad [fo. 8a2] iwsolam le etatis
sue quadragesimo quinto [anno].
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 145
Cath Mona Daire Lothair for Cruithnib ria n-Uib Neill in
tuaisc/Yt, a ndorcratar .uii. righ Cruithnech1 im Aed mBrecc.
Baedan mac Cuind co ndib Chruithnib nod-fig2 fri Cruithn/w,
7 Cenel n-Eogam 7 Cbwaill nod-fichset conduct! mercede 3 na
Lea 7 Arda Eolairg. De qwo Cendfaeladh cecinit :
Sinsit faebuir, sinsit fir
a Moin d^'rg Daire Lothair,
adhbur comrainne 4 nad cert,
secht rig Cruithneach im Aedh mBrecc.
Fichthir 5 cath Cruithne n-uile.
ocus forloiscther Elne,
fichthir6 cath Gabra LifE
ocus cath Guile Dremne.
Bensat giallu iar 7 conga.il
as siar im chnuas nuach,
Fergw.r, Downall, Ainmire
ocus Nindidh 8 mac Duach.
Fillis da mac Meic Earca
arcend in chatha cetna
ocus in ri Ainmire
adbath a selbaib Setna.
[« The battle of Moin Dairi Lothair gained over the Picts by
the Hiii Neill of the north, wherein fell seven Pictish kings,
including Aed Brecc. Baetan, son of Conn, with two Picts
fought it against the Picts, and the Kindred of Eogan and
(the Kindred) of Conall (also) fought it, hired by the recom-
pense of the Lea and Ard Eolairg. Whereof Cennfaelad sang:
« Weapons stretched, men stretched, on the red Bog of
Daire Lothair, cause of an unjust partition, seven Pictish
kings with Aed Brecc.
1 . MS. chuithnech 5 . Ficther
2. nodfid 6. fidhter
3 . idfichsed owdtucti raercedi 7 . ria
4. comraime 8. nindigh
Revue Cdtiqne, XVII. 10
146 Whitley Stokes .
« The battle of all the Picts is fought, and Elne is burnt ;
fought is the battle of Gabra Lifi, and the battle of Cuil
« They took away hostages after conflict, thence, westward,
together with a... gathering, Fergus, Domnall, Ainmire, and
Nindid son of Dua.
« Mac Erca's two sons turned to meet the same battle and
the king Ainmire died in the possessions of Setna. »]
Aedhan hua Fiachrach obit.
[AU. 563. CS. 564]-
K.i. Mo Laissi Daiminnse [« of Devenish »] obit. Cairpre
mac Corwaic n Laigm [« king of Leinster »] obit.
K.iii. lusting minor regnauit .xi. anmV.
Narsis patricius Totilam 1 Got[h]orwm regem in Italia supe-
rauit et occidit 2, qwi deinde per inuidiam 3 Romanorww pro
quibus multa 4 contra. Gothos laborauerat, accwjatus 5 apud lus-
tinum et cow[iu]gem eius Sophiam quod seruit/'o pmmeret Ita-
liam, secessit Neapolim6 Campanie et scribsit genti Longo-
bardorum ut7 uenirent et possiderent8.
Colman mor mac Cairpn, n Laigen. [« Colman the Great,
son of Cairbre, king of Leinster »].
[AU. 564. CS. 565. AI. 556. FM. 558].
Diarmuit mac Cerbuill occisus est ir-Raith Bic a Muig Line,
la hAedh nDub mac Suibne Araidhe, r/ Ulad, 7 [tucad] a
chend co Cluaiw, 7 ro adnacht a coland a Gwnere. Cui succes-
serunt? duo filii Mate Earca .i. Forgwj 7 Domnall. [« Diar-
mait, son of Cerball, was slain in Raith Becc on Mag Line by
1. MS. toltalew 6. sexit nempolim
2. occedit 7. longbardorow et
3. inuiwdiam 8. positerant
4. ml.t^ra 9. suiccesit emnt
5 . occus
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 147
Aed the Black, son of Suibne Araide, king of Ulaid ; and his
head was taken to Cluain, and his body was buried in Con-
nere. Cui, etc.].
K.uii. In hoc amw capta^rt in Muirgelt tor Tracht Ollarba
il-lin Beoaiw maic Indie .i. Airiu ingen Eachach maic Muire-
dha. Beoan mac Indie .i. iascaire Comgaill Bemzchair, ros-
gab. [« In this year the Muirgelt was taken on the strand of Ol-
larba in the net of Beoan, son of Indie, namely, Airiu, daughter
of Eochaid, son of Muirid. Beoan, son of Indie, S. Comgall
of Bennchor's fisherman, caught her »].
Qwies Brenaiwd Birra, ut ailii dicunt [AU. 564].
Cath Cruindi. [« The battle of Cruinde »].
[AU. 565. CS. 566. AI. 557. FM. 559].
K.uii. Cath Gabra Life for1 Laigww laFergwj 7 Domnall, da
mac Muircfortaig maic Earca :
Cath Gabra
ocus cath Duma Achair2,
atbath amra a center nai,
Colcu ocus a
Cath Gabra,
ni cath doine nad fichet?,
adbath fiche o Faelfan],
o Ai/zll fiche ficheti.
[« The battle of Gabra Life gained over Leinster by Fer-
jus and Domnall, two sons of Murchertach, son of Ere (as the
>et said :)
« The battle of Gabra, and the battle of Duma Achair : in
jach of them died a wondrous man — Colcu and his father.
« The battle of Gabra (was) not a battle of folks that fight
lot : twenty died by Faelan, twenty score by Ailill »].
1. MS. la 3. duiwe nadiched
2. aichir 4 xxit
148 Whitley Stokes .
Bass Downaill maic Muirdmaig maic Earca, cui successit1
Ainwiri mac Setna [FM. 564]. Bass Daimiwe maic Cairpn
Daim argait.
[« Death of Domnall, son of Muirchertach, son of Ere, to
whom succeeded Ainmire, son of Setna. Death of Daimine,
son of Cairbre Dam argait »].
[AU. 566].
K.ui. lohannes natiowne Rowans sedit annis .xii. mensibus
.xi. diebw.r .xxiii. In basilica beati Petri aposfo// sepultwj est.
[CS. 568. FM. 565].
K.uii. Bass Dewaiw maic Cairill rig U\adf la bachlachu
Bairne [« Death of Deman, son of Cairell, king of Ulaid, by
the shepherds of Bairenn »].
Baedan mac Cairill n Ulad [« Baetan, son of Cairell, (be-
came) king of Ulaid »].
[AU. 568. CS. 569. AI. 561. FM. 566].
K.i. Bass Ainmireach maic Setna, rig Erenn, la Fergus mac
Nellin, de qwo dictum est :
Femen 2 intan rombai ri
nirbo mmnat nach 3 detla,
indiu is forderg a Hi
la h Ainmire mac Setna.
[« Death of Ainmire, son of Setna, king of Ireland, by Fer-
gus, son of Nellin, of whom was said:
1 . MS. criscuccesit 3 . a
2. Femin
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 149
« Femen when it had a king, was not an unvalorous place :
today its colour is crimson from Ainmire, son of Setna »].
[AU. 569. CS. 570. FM. 568].
Iugul[a]a'o Fergwj[a] mo&Nellifte la hAedh mac Ainwireach.
[« Murder of Fergus, son of Nelline, by Aed, son of Ain-
mire »].
Aenwu mac \\ui Laigse, ab Cluana maic Nois [« Oennu
great-grandson of Laigis, abbot of Clonmacnois »] qwieuit .i.
Enda mac Eogain do Laigis Raeda, [« of Laigis Raeda »] tenens
principatum annis x .xxui.
[CS. 571. AI. 562. FM. 569].
Ite Cluana Credil [« Ite of Cluain Credail »] Gillasque2.
[AU. 570!-
K.uii. A morte Ptftricii .c. anm.
[CS. 572]-
Maenu epscop Cluana ferta Brenaiwd, quieuit [« Maenu,
bishop of Clonfert, rested »].
[AU. 571. CS. 572].
K.u. [Occisio] da \\ua Mw/redaig .i. Baetan mac Muiredaig
7 Eochaid Fiwd mac Domnaill, iii. [anno] regni sui. Cronan
mac Tigmiaig n Cianacht occisor eorwm erat. Cath Luimnigh
ria Cianachtz, in quo ipse ceddit.
i. MS. pnncipatwr anwiss 2. gillas qzn
i jo Whitley Stokes.
[« The slaying of Muredach's two grandsons, Baetan, son
of Muredach, and Eochaid the Fair, son of Domnall, in the
third year of their reign. Cronan, son of Tigernach, king of
Connaught, was their slayer. The battle of Luimnech gained
by the Cianachta, wherein Cronan himself fell »].
[AU. 572, CS. 573. AI. 565- FM. 571].
K.ui. Cath Femiw ria Cairpre mac Cridain, ri Muman, in
quo uictus erat Colman Bee, mac Diarmada, [sed] ip^e euasit.
[« The battle of Femen gained by Cairbre, son of Cridan
[leg. Crimthan?], king of Munster, wherein Colman the Little,
son of Diarmait, was vanquished ; but he himself escaped »] :
Direach he o find co bond
fer firaite Cairpr^ Crow,
aire rogab ainm ria ais
ara altrow a Crowglais.
[« Straight was he from hair to sole, a man of true plea-
santness (?), Cairbre Crom. (This is) why he got his nick-
name, from being fostered atCromglais »].
Brenaiwd Birra [« S. Brenainn of Birr »] quieuit.
[fo. 8b i] Mairg nach raidhind1 mor a rath,
mairg nan-ailmd fora rith,
cethrifichit ocus cet
is e met robai ar in bith.
[« Woe (is him) that saith not « great (is) his grace ! »
woe (is him) that on his course entreats him not ! Four score
and a hundred (years), this was the time that he dwelt in the
Baedan mac Nindeadha [« son of Ninnid »] regnauit.
i . MS. craidhind
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. i $ i
[AU. 573. CS. 573].
Cath Tola 7 F[ort]ola .i. nowma camporum " et/r Ele 7
Osraighe, ettV Cluairc Ferta mo Lua 7 Saighir Ciaraiw. Fiacha
mac Baedan uictor erat.
[« The battle of Tola and Fortola, i. e. names of plains be-
tween Ele and Osraige, between (the communities of) Clon-
fert mulloe and Seirkieran. Fiacha, son of Baetan, was victor. »]
[AU. 573. CS. 574].
K.uii. Bass Cowaill maic Cowgaill, rig Dalriada [« Death of
Conail, son of Comgall, king of Dalriada »] .xiii. anw regni
sui, qm oferauit (sic!) insolamla Colaiw cille.
[AU. 575]-
Cath Delgon a Cind tire [« The battle of Delgu in Can-
tyre »] in qwo Dunchad mac Cowaill, maic Comgaill, et alii
multi de sociis 2 tiiiorum Garbaiw ceciderunt.
[CS. 575- FM. 573].
Brenaiwd mac Briaiw obit.
Scintilla Ieprae3, et abundantia4 nucum inaudita.
[AU. 576]-
in marg. .iiiiw.cccc.xxx.uii] K.iii. Tib[er]iwj
1. MS. comporum 3. lebre
2. secuns 4. ha&undantiaw
1 $ 2 Whitley Stokes.
annis .uii. Gr^gorius tune ap[o]cris[i]ari«.y in Constantmopoli1,
post Romans episcopus, libros expositionis 2 in lob owdidit 3,
et Eutichium eiusdem 4 urbw episcopum in fide nor/re resurrec-
t/onis errare Tibtfrio pr#£sente5 conuicit. Ait im'm idem Butt-
cm.; corpw^ nostrum in ilia6 resur[r]ectioms gloria iwpalpabile
et uentis aereque7 essQ subtilius8 fut[u]rum^ contra, illwd do-
minicum 9 : Palpate et uidete, quiet spiritus carnem et ossa now
\idbet sicut me uidetis habere.
Gens Long[o]bardorww comitante fame ^ mortali[ta]te
omnem inuadit I0 Italiam, ip&mqtti Rom[an]am uastatrix ob-
sidet ll urbem, qwibw^ tempore illo rex pmeerat Albinwj.
[CS. 576. AI. 570. FM. 576].
Qwies Brenamd Cluana ferta [« Rest of Brenaind of Clon-
fert »].
Aedh mac Eachach Tirmcharna, ri I2 Con[n]acht do thoitiw
la Him Briuin a cath Bagha. [« Aed, son of Eochaid Dryflesh,
king of Connaught, fell by the Hiii Briuin in the battle of
Bagh »].
Primuw periculum Ulad in Eu mania J3 [AI. 571].
Cath Locha da eiges [« Battle of Loch da eces »].
[AU. 577- CS. 577- FM. 577].
K.iiii. [Quies] Etchenr4 epscuip Cluana fota Baedan aba.
[« Rest of Bishop Etchen of Cliiain fota Baetan aba », i.e.
Clonfad in Fir bile, FM. 741].
R[e]uersio Ulad de [EJumania [= Euonia « the Isle of
Man », Lib. Arm. 6*2].
1. MS. -polii 8. subtilibw5
2. Iibr6ss exponiconis 9. docrium
3. condilid 10. uiadit
4. eudicium condem n. obsedit
5 . present! 12. rig
6 . illo 1 3 . aweawain
7. acre quae 14. eps. ethen
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. \ 5 3
Mael cothad mac Foghartaigh, maic Cathail, ri I Condacht
[« Mael cothad, son of Fogartach, son of Cathal, king of
Connaught »].
[AU. 578]-
Qwies Uinniani2 episcopi [filii] nepotis Fiatach.
Benedictus nat/one Romans sedit annis 3 [iu], mense uwo,
dpebus] xxix, et sepultwj est in basilica beati Petri aporfoli.
Cairprc mac Crimthain rig Muwan [« king of Munster »]
mortuus est, qwi [rexit] annis 3 xuii., cwisuccessit^Feargw^ Scan-
dal, qwi rexit anww .uii.
[AU. 579. CS. 579. FM. 579].
K.uii. Cath Droma maic Earca [« The battle of Druim
maic Erca »], ubi 5 Colgo mac Domnaill maic Muirdmaig
cecidit. Aedh mac Ainwireach uictor erat.
Cindseladh [= Cennalath, AU.] rex Pictorww mortuus est.
[AU. 581].
K.i. Cath Manand [« the battle of Mano »], in qwo uictor
erat Aedan mac Gabran.
Feargna mac Caiblene mortuus est.
[CS. 580].
Baedan mac Cairill, ri Ulad [« king of Ulaid »] obit. Aed
>ub mac Suibne, ri Ulad [« Aed the Black, son of Suibne,
became king of Ulaid »].
1 . MS. rig 4. sucesit.
2 . uianni $ . uli
3 . anno
$ 4 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 581. AI. 575].
K.u. Cath Manann [« the battle of Mano »], in quo uictor
erat Aedhan mac Gabran.
Mors Fergna maic Caiblem, 7 is e a fir [« and this is the
truth of it »].
[AU. 583. AI. 576].
K.ui. Mors Bruidhe maic Maelchon, rig Cruithneach [« Death
of Bruide, son of Maelchu, king of the Picts »].
[AU. 582. AI. 577]-
Mors Fearadhaigh maic Duach rig Osraighi [« Death of
Feradach, son of Dua, king of Ossory »], iugulati a suis.
Pihgius nat/one Romans sedit anwzV1 .x. mensibus .ui.
diebwj .x.
[AU. 583].
K.u. Mauritius (.i. Muiris) anww .xxi.
Rex Gothoruw hArrian 7 dogabud le hArrian a mac da chur
cum credme 7 do chur cengailte a cuibrech a prisun he, 7
nir lig assin he nocur' creid se codaingen, co tanic tre bitin
an credme siw, co ndmiadh ri 7 mairtireach de, 7 cor thogh
Dia a flaithewnwj n^mdha e na rig 7 na mairtireach, 7 tanic a
brathair Ricar[e]dwj esein deis a athflr cum a criche ut regnwm
Gotorww accip^ret2 7 co wgabudh flaithemnw^ co himslan, 7
do indto se cum creidme com cinedhach co cowlan do thecosc
in easp««V .i. Leonardo.
7 in bliadain ch^7na sin do-thinscaiw Gregoir Roma senadh
do denow, 7 tancatar cum in tsenaidh 3 sin da ordugudh ceitM
zV {ichet*, 7 tancadar thar decrachaib 7 tara coindtindib
i. MS. anno 3. tSenaigh
2 . sengotorww acciperit 4 . fichh
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. ' i $ $
na h^ailse. A cind ceitM mbliadan dec do tigemus in righ
dotindscnadh in mordail sin a n-inadh Pedair isiw Roiw, 7 isse
cindedh cowairle dorindedh leo, doo/msedar Mellito1, Eoin 7
Augustin do proicept 2 7 do senmoir isin Britania 7 a Saxaiw
[fo. 8b2] 7 isan probindsi, 7 doest Dia ria n3-edtfrguidhib 7 re
n-athchuinnchib, 7 donidh firta mora 7 mirbuiledha orrtho,
7 docuir manaig imdha diadha naemdha leo, 7 dosiladar sin
crediw 7 crabadh isna crichaib ina cwredh iat. 7 is don toisc sin
doindo cum irse Edilbearctw* in ri 4 7 in probindsi uile lais, 7
co wdernadh espoc, 7 docredeadar Saxanaigh do Augwmnum^ 7
as e dob espoc il-Lundaind, 7 docuir Grigoir 5 scribne uadha co
hAugustin do tabairt gradha6 airdespwzV do. A cind .xiii.
bliadan iar tiachtain do anair docuired cuige grada airdespwtf,
[Gregorius, Londini quoque et Eboraci episcopos,] accepto a
sede z.postolica.7 pallio, metropolitanos8esse[debere] decernit9.
[« The king of the Goths was an Arian, and by (this) Arian
his son was seized in order to make him an unbeliever, and he
cast the son bound in fetters into prison, and did not let him
out, until [leg. but] he believed firmly : so because of that be-
lief it came to pass that he was made a king and a martyr,
and God chose him, as king and martyr, into the heavenly
kingdom. And his brother Ricaredus came, after his father, to
the province, that he might receive the kingdom of the Goths,
and he received the realm completely ; and through the teach-
ing of the bishop Leonardus, he and his kindred turned fully
to the Faith.
And in that same year Gregory of Rome began to hold a
synod, and by his orders four and twenty bishops came to that
synod, and discussed the difficulties and contentions of the
Church. At the end of fourteen years of the lordship of the
king, that convention was commenced in Peter's place in
Rome, and this is the final resolution to which they came :
they appointed Mellito and Johannes and Augustinus to teach
1. MS. tia do 6. graadha
2. dosproicept 7. ap. ca lingca
3. rana 8. metrapolii tano
4. righ 9. decerunt
5- gc.
156 Whit ley Stokes.
and preach in Britain and in England and in the province.
And God heard their intercessions and their requests, and
wrought for them great miracles and marvels, and sent with
them many godly, holy monks ; and these sowed belief and
devotion in the provinces into which they were sent. And on
that occasion Aethelbert the king turned to the Faith, and all
the province with him, and he was made a bishop; and the
Saxons believed in Augustinus. and 'tis he that was bishop in
London. And Gregory sent writings to Augustinus to give
him the rank of archbishop. At the end of twelve years after
his coming from the east the rank of archbishop was conferred
upon him. Gregorius, etc.].
[CS. 583. FM. 583].
Feargwj Scandal ri Muman [« king of Munster »] mortuus estf
cui successit Feidlimid mac Tigernaigh qui rex...
Qwies Fergusa espuic Drowa Lethglaisi, qwi fundauit Gill1
mBiain. [« Rest of Fergus, bishop of Druim Lethglaise, who
founded Cell Biain].
Mael coihaig ri Con[n]#£/tf[« kingofConnaught »] quieuit.
Aed ri Connacht [« king -of Connaught »].
Mo chaeme ab Tiri da glass [« abbot of Tir da glass »].
Mosis filiorum Eratanni secundum alios.
[AU. 584. CS. 584. AI. 579].
K.ui. QwiesMfl/c [nisse] abadh Cluana maic nois. [« Rest of
Mac nisse, abbot of Clonmacnois »].
Aed mac Suibne, ri Maenmuighe [« king of Moenmag »],
mortuus est.
Ruadhan Lothra quifeuit] secundum alios.
[AU. 585. CS. 585. AI. 580].
K.ui. Baedan mac Nindedha, male Comill Gulban, ri Tern-
i . MS. icill
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 1 57
rach, occisus est [« Baetan, son of Nindid, son of Dua, son of
Conall Gulban, king of Tara, was slain »]. Cumine mac Col-
main, maic Cwmine, maic Libren, mate Illadhoin, maic Cer-
baill, occiderunt eum (.i.ac Leim in eich) consilio Colmanp]
parui. Aedh mac Ainmerech do gabhail righi uErenn [« Cu-
mine, son of Colman, son of Cumine, son of Libren, son ot
Illadon, son of Cerball, slew him at the Horse's Leap, by the
advice of Colman Becc. Aed, son of Ainmire, took the kingship
of Ireland »].
[AU. 586. CS. 586].
K.i. Cath Bhealaig Da[e]thi [« The battle of Belach Daethi, »]
in quo cecidit Colman Bee mac Diarmata, ut alii dicunt1,
caesis2 .u. milibwj per profetiam Colu[i]m cilli. Aed mac Ain-
mirech uictor erat. Inde dictum est :
Mebhaidh amfl/ adfiadar
for Colum in cath ceolach,
serigh set srethaib sorann,
re C0»all ocus Eogan.
[« The howling battle was gained over Colum (i. e. Col-
man the Little) as is related, ... by (Tir) Conaill and (Tir)
Eogain »].
Daigh mac Cairill obit. [AI. 581. FM. 586].
[AU. 587. FM. 587].
K.iii. Qwies Cairillan espuic Airda-macha [« Rest of Cai-
rillan (Caurlan ? Caerlan ?) bishop of Armagh »]. Qwies Se-
naigh espuic Cluana hlraird [« Rest of Senach, bishop of Clo-
nard »]. Conuersio Cowstantini ad Dominum, et nix 3 maghna.
Guin Aedha Duibh maic Suibne Araidhe, qwi domharbh Diar-
muid mac Cerbhaill. [« Slaying of Aed the Black, son of Suibne
1 . MS. deem 3 . m.x. maghna
2. sesis
158 [Whit ley Stokes.
Araide, who killed Diarmait, son of Cerball. » CS. 587.].
Dormitaao Nathcomi.
[AU. 588. CS. 588. FM. 588].
K.iiii. Qwies espuic Aedha maic Brie, 7 Aedh[a] mate Bre-
nuinn righ Tebhtha adrobhairt Durmhach do Cholum chilli.
[Rest of bishop Aed, son of Brecc, and of Aed, son of Bre-
nann, king of Teffa, who offerredDurrow to S. Columb cille. »]
Eodemq«£ anno aestas torrida1 et sicca contigh.
Dabid Cille mum [« of Cell muni », obit]. Fiacha mac Bae-
dan, ri Ulad [« king of Ulster »].
[AU. 589- CS. 589J.
K.u. Feidlimidh mac Tigernaigh, ri Muwan, [« Fedlimid,
son of Tigernach, king of Munster »] mortuus est.
Cath Leithrigh la hAedhan mac Gabraiw [« The battle of
Leithri gained by Aedan son of Gabran »].
Cath Muighe hOchtair ria Brandub rn^tc E&chach for Uib
Neill isin telaigh os Cluaiw Cowaire Tomain andes [« The battle
of Mag Ochtair gained by Brandub, son ofEochaid, over the
Hui Neill on the hill above Cluain Conairi Tomain in the
south »].
Obitttj Lughdach Lis moir [« Obit of Lugaid of Lismore »].
Natiuitas2 C«wine Fota.
[AU. 590. CS. 590. AI. 586].
K.ui. Defect/o solis .i. urchra greni .i. mawne tenebrosuw.
Aedh mac Fogartaigh ri Connacht [Aed, son of Fogartach,
king of Connaught »] quieuit.
i. MS. ando etatis torita 2. Natfntas
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 1 59
[AU. 591. CS. 590].
K.i. Obitwj Lugdach Liss moir .i. mo Luoc [« Obit of Lu-
gaid of Lismore, i. e. my Luoc »].
[AU. 592. CS. $92. FM. 590].
K.ii. Bass Aengw^a mate Amalgaidh. [« Death ofOengus,
son of Amalgaid »] .
Gr^gorius nat[i]one Rowan#.r, ex patre Gordiano, sedit an-
nis1 .xui. mensibw-f .ui. diebus .x. Fuit tempare Mauricii2, et
sepultw^ est in basilica beati Petri aposfo/z ante 3 secretarium 4.
Cath Eudhuind moir, in quo cecidit Gerthidhe > mac Ro-
naiw n Cianac^a. Fiachna mac Baedan uictor erat. \Jnde
dictum est :
In kcht n-aile doregha
fian 6 maic Baedain i 7 mBrega,
Wait8 Cianacht[a] i fout,
ni bat9 foicsiu do rout I0.
[« The battle of Eudunn Mor, wherein fell Gerthide, son of
Ronan, king of Cianacht. Fiachna son of Baetan, was victor.
Hence was said :
« At another time, when the soldiers of Baetan's son shall
enter Bregia, the Cianachta will be on the alert, they will not
be next the shot »].
lugulacio XI Senchain maic Colmain'moir.
1 . MS. anno 7. a
2. muricu 8. biad
3- ani 9. nibud
4. secwrtruw 10. road
5. gerthighe u. lugulacon
6. doregho fiachna
160 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 594. CS. 595. AI. 589. FM. 592].
K.iii. Qwies Coluiw cme in nocte dominies, pemecostes,
quintidh1 luiw, [« the 5th of the Ides of June »] anno2 pm-
grinac[i]onis sue .xxxu. etatis uero .Ixx.uii.
Teora bliadna bai cen less
Colum ina duibregless,
luid co haingliu asa chacht
iar secht mbliadna sechtmogad.
[« Three years he dwelt without light, Columb in his dark
church. After seventy years, out of his body he went to the
angels »].
Bass Eogaiw maic Gabran.
Aed Cerr mac Colmain ri Laigm quieuit. Brandub mac Ea-
chachri Laigen. [« Aed Cerr, son of Colman, king of Leinster,
rested. Brandub, son of Eochaid (became) king of Leinster »].
[AU. 595. AI. 590].
K.ui. Cath Ratha in druadh 7 cath Aird Sendoiw [« the
battle otRdtih in druad « the wizard's earthwork », and the
battle of Ard Sendoim « the height of the old ox »].
Iugulac/o filiorum3 Aedan .i. Bran 7 Domungort 7 Eochaid
Find 7 Artur, i cath Chirchind [« in the battle of Circhenn »],
in qwo uictus est Aedhan, 7 cath Coraind [« and the battle of
Corann »].
[AU. 596. CS. 597. AI. 592. FM. 593].
K.uii. Bass Cwwascaigh maic Aedha la Brandub mac Ea-
f a nDuw Buiced, unde dictum est :
1. MS. .u.edh 3. fl.orum 7
2. ando
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 16 1
Guidhiu in Comdhiu cumachtach *
i fail Cille Randaireach,
[fo. 9ai] rob si2 dighal Cwwascaig
guin Aedha mate Ainmireach.
[« The death of Cumascach, son of Aed, by Brandub, son of
Eochaid, in Dun Buchet. Whence was said :
« I beseech the mighty Lord, near Cell Rannairech, may the
vengeance for Cumascach be the slaughter of Aed son of Ain-
mire ! »]
Cath Sleibe [Cua] a Muwain, in qwo Fiachna mac Baedaiw
maic Ainmireach uictor erat. [« Battle of Sliab cua inMunster,
wherein Fiachna, son of Baetan, son of Ainmire, was victor »].
Bass Tibruide maic Calgaigh 3 [« Death of Tibraite, son of
Calgach »].
[AU. 597. CS. 598. AI. 593. FM. 594].
K.i. Qwies Baithin abb fia [« abbot of lona »] anno 4 sexa-
gesimo sexto etatis sue.
Cath Dui# Bole la Brandub m^Eachach co "Laignib hi quanid
Enair, ubi cec[id]it Aedh mac Ainmireach ri Erenn anno regwi
[sui] .xix., etatis [uero] .Ixui. y6 Bee mac Cuanach ri Airgiall
7 daine uaisle ele 5. Uncle dictum est :
A mBuach
ferais in tonn frisiw mbruach,
adfed scela cises scith
Aed mac Ainwirech adbith.
[« The battle of Dun Bolg (gained) by Brandub, son of Eo-
chaid, with the Leinstermen, on the fourth of the ides of Ja-
nuary, where Aed, son of Ainmire, king of Ireland, fell in the
1. MS. a chumascaigh 4. and6
2 . robsad 5 . ms. adds anno
3 . calgaidh 6 . dictiimus
Revue Celtique, XVII. 1 1
1 62 Whitley Stokes.
1 9th year of his reign and the 66th of his age, and Bee, son of
Cuanu, king of Oriel, and other noblemen. Whence was said :
« At Buach the wave pours against the brink: it tells ti-
dings, though it be wearisome, Aed, son of Ainmire, hath
been slain »].
Cuius coniux T cecimY ;
Taeban Tewrach, taeb Taillten,
taeb Aedha maic Ainwireach,
batar inmain na tri taeib
frisna fresciu aithirrech2.
[« Tara's little side, Tailltiu's side, the side of Aed, son of
Ainmire, dear were the three sides on which I never look
again ! »].
[Initium regni] Colman Rimedha 7 Aedhfa] Slane simul?.
Garban mac Enda ri4 Muwan 7 Amalgaidh a brathair
[« Garban, son of Enna, king of Munster, and his brother
Amalgaid »].
[AU. 598- CS. 599. AI. 594. FM. 595].
K.ii. AilitfoVS ab Guana maic Noispausat, do Muscraighi6 do.
[« Ailithir, abbot of Clonmacnois rests. Of Muskerry was he »].
Bass Gartnaidh regis Pictonoft [« Death of Gartnad, king of
the Picts »].
Saxanaigh do dul cum credmi [« The Saxons came to the
[AU. 599. CS. 600. AI. 595. FM. 596.]
K.u. Qwies Caindich7 Achaidh bo Cainnigh [« Rest ot S.
Cainnech of Aghaboe »] qwi .Ixxx.uii. etatis sue anwo quieuit.
1 . MS. con'mngs 5 . AliiuV
2. aitherruth 6. muscraidhi
3 . rex 7 . caindech
4- rig
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 165
Cath Saxonum1 la hAedan, ubi cecidit Eanfraith hater
Etalfraich la Maeluma mac Baedan, in quo uictw^ erat. [« The
battle of the Saxons by Aedan, where Eanfraith (PTheodbald),
brother of ^Ethelferth, fell by Mael-uma, son of Baetan, in
which he, Aedan, was vanquished »].
lugulaao Suibni mate Colmain Mair la hAed Slaine a
mBridham for Suaiwiu.
[« Murder of Suibne, son of Colman the Great, by Aed
Slaine at Bridam on (the stream) Suane ». AI. 596].
Sinchi Cluana Lethtengadh [« Sinche of Cluain Leth-
tengad »].
[CS. 601. FM. 597].
Bemenda Branduib i mBreghaib2 [« The Blows (i. e. seven
battles) of Brandub in Bregia »].
[AU. 600. CS. 601. FM. 597].
[Mors Brenuinn mate Cairpn mate Fechine .i. ri Ua Maine,
o sloinnter Raith Brenuinn] im-Muigh Aei [« Death of Bre-
nann, son ofCairbre, son ofFechene, king of Hui Maine, from
whom is named Raith Brenainn in Mag Aei »].
[AU. 601. CS. 602. AI. 597. FM. 600].
K.ui. Comgoll ab Bendchair [« Comgell, abbot of Benn-
chor »]. xci. anno3 etatis sue, principals autem sui .1. anwo
et .iii. mense et .x. die. ui. idus Mai quieuit.
Cath Cuile Sleamna, in quo Colman Rimid4, ri Ceneoil
Eogain, uictor erat, 7 is and dotheich Cowall mac Aedha male
Ainmireach [« The battle of Cuil Slemna, in which Colman Ri-
1 . MS. saxanuw 3 . xxi. and6
2. bregha 4. riwe
1 64 Whitley Stokes.
mid, king of the Kindred of Eogan, was victor, and 'tis there
that Conall, son of Aed, son of Ainmire, fled »].
Cath Guile Gail, in q//o Fiachaidh mac Baetain uictor erat,
7 doteich Fiacha mac Demain [« The battle of Cuil Coel, in
which Fiachaid, son of Baetan, was uictor, and Fiacha, son of
Deman, fled »].
Bass Uatach maic Aeda, rig Condacht. [« Death of Data,
son of Aed, king of Connaught »].
[AU. 602. CS. £03].
K.uii. Qwies Finwtaiw C\uana hEidhneach, fihV nepotis
'Ezchach. [« Rest of S. Finntan of Clonenagh, great-grandson
of Eochaid »].
Cath Eachrois i Muiriusc inter genus Cairpn et nepotes l
Fi&criracb Muirsce. Mael cothaigh, ri H.ua Fiachrachinfugam2
u^rsus est. Colman ri Cairpn uictor erat. [« The battle of
Echross in Murrisk between the Cenel Cairbri and the Hui
Fiachrach of Murrisk. Mael Cothaig, king of the Hui Fiach-
rach, was put to flight. Colman, king of Cairbre, was victor »].
Sinill Muighe [Bill] epscop [« Sinell of Movilla, bishop »].
Amalgaidh mac Enda ri Muman [« king of Munster »] mor-
tuus est. Fingen mac Aedha Duib ri Muman. [« Fingen, son
of Aed the Black, king of Munster »].
[AU. 603. CS. 604. FM. 600].
K.u. lugulaa'o Colman Riwedha a uiro de genere suo, qwi
dictus est Lochan Dilmana. Unde dictum est:
Cetu i righe, cetu ir-recht,
cetu a n^rt for 3 rigrada,
enid Colman Rimid 4 [ri]
rom-bii Lochan Dilmana.
1 . MS. nepotis 3 . fri
2 . fuguwi 4 . enig colraain riwedh
The Annals of Tigernach Third Fragment. 165
[« Though he be in kingship, though he be in right,
though his might be over kingfolk, behold ye, Colman Rimid
the king, Lochan Dilmana slew him »].
lugulacio Aeda Slane o Cono\\ mac Suibne tor bru Locha
Semdighe. Aedh Gusdan, cowalta Chowaill Guthbind 7 Baeth-
gal Bile ron-gumestar, et inde l dictum, est :
Ni bu airmirt ind aide2
do ocaib Tuaithe Tupjrbe,
C0«all robii Aedh Slaine,
Aed Slaine row-bi Suibne.
[« Murder of Aed Slaine by Conall, son of Suibne, on the
shore of Lough Sewdy. Aed Gusdan, Conall Guthbind's fos-
terbrother, and Baethgal Bile slew him. And hence was said :
« The counsel was not a prohibition to the warriors of
Tuath Tuirbe. Conall slew Aed Slaine, Aed Slaine slew
Suibne »].
lugulacio * Aedha Roin rig Hua Failghe hi faichthi Meic
Buain, 7 Aed[a] Buidhi ri[g] Hua Mane 7 Teftha .i. Hua
Mane mate Neill, a mBruidhiw da choca, on Chaill [leg. Cho-
nall] cetna in eod^w die quo iugulatus est Aeda Slane.
[« Murder of 4eiJiQJi> king of Offaly, on the Green of
Mac Buain, and of Aed_th£YeUow, king of Hiii Mani and
Teffia, that is, of the descendants of Mane, son of Niall, in
the Hostel of Da Choca, by the same Conall, in eodem, etc. »].
Bass Conaill Chow maic Aedha. Cii cen mdthair ri Muman,
natwj est [« Death of Conall Cu, son of Aed. Cii cen mathair
(« motherless Hound »), king of Munster, was born »].
[AI. 598].
Colman mac Leniwe quieuit. Laisren Mena drochaid
in marg. iiii.dl.xui.] Mauricius4 mortuus est.
i . MS. um& 3 . lugal.
2. nibuar mairt indaraile 4. Muiricw5
166 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 604. CS. 605. AI. 600. FM. 601].
K.iii. Phocas x regnauit annis .uiii.
Cath Slabra [« Battle of Slabra »] in quo mctus est Brandub.
Nepotes Neill [« the Hui Neill »] uictores erant2.
Bass Brawnduib m^'c Ezchach o cliamuin fein .i. Saran
Saebdm:, airchiwdeach Senboth Sine. Unde dictum est :
Saran saebderc, seol glan gle,
airchindeach Senboth Sine,
ni dalb cen bandul a breath 3
romarb Brandub mac Ezchach.
[« Death of Brandub, son of Eochaid, by his own son-in-
law, namely, Saran the Squinting, airchinnech of Senbotha
Sine. Hence was said :
Saran the Squinting — a course pure, bright, the airchin-
nech of Senbotha Sine — no figment... slew Brandub son of
Eochaid »].
De q«o in Caillech Laig^w dixit :
Madh i mbeatha/W mate E&chach
do[m]thisadh in tuaisortach
in cath ima nuairidar
is cian o dofuascarfadh
Diamadh i treib 4 twz'redhaigh
m^c Eachach [fo. 9a2] mate Muiredaigh
nocho btfraind mo bole Ian
do chill arae 5 Aeda Allan.
[« Of whom the Nun of Leinster said :
« If in the life of Eochaid's son the northerner had come to
1. MS. Foch«5 4. aitreb
2 . erunt 3 . arae mate
3 . brandul brath, FM. »
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 167
one, the battalion round which... would long since have fled
in panic.
« If the son ofEochaid, son of Muredach, were in a pillared
house, I should not carry my full sack to the church for the
sake of Aed Allan »].
Obitus Lasren ab £a [« Obit of Lasren, abbot of lona »].
Bass Colmaiw maic Aedha righ Osraighi x [« Death of Col-
man, son of Aed, king of Ossory »].
Aedh Allan regnauit anwo [leg. annis] .uiii. Ronan mac
Colman n Laigen [« king of Leinster »].
[AU. 605. CS. 606. AI. 601. FM. 604, 605].
K.iiii. Qwies Beughnai2, ab Bennchair [« abbot ofBangor »].
Bass Aedhaiw maic Gabram anno .xxxuiii. regwi sui, etatis
uero .Ixxiiii.
Bass GlioTum Baetam maic Cairill i nDuw Moghna [« Death
of the sons of Baetan, son of Cairell, in Diin Mogna »] a iilio
mains sue.
Secundo anno Phocae 3 Grigorius papa migrauit ad Dominum4.
Hie rogante [papa] Bonifaa'o statuit sedem Romane ecckrie
caput essQ omwium eclesiarww5, quia eclma Constantinopo-
litana6 primam se eclesiaruw owmum scribebat.
K.u. Phocas rogante 7 pap# Bonifacio iussit in ueteri8 fano
quod Pantheuw9 uocabatur, ablatis idolatrie sordibwj, ecle-
siaw10 b&zte semper uirginis Marie, et omnium martin/m fieri,
ut ubi qwondam o[m]niuw non deorum, sed demoniorww cultwj
agebatwr^ ibi deiwceps omnium fieret memoria sanctorum11.
P^rse Hierosolymam I2 uastantes uexillum1? dominice cru-
cis abstulerunt J4.
1. MS. osraidhi 8. iniuit ineti
2. bruighne 9. pandeum
3. focce 10. eclinaw
4- drcm. n. funat meraoria scorum
5. eclinarum 12. hierlind
6 . co«stantina polotaua 1 3 . uexillam
7. Foccos rogandte 14. abstulerant
168 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 607. CS. 608. FM. 604].
Bass Fiac/7rach Caich ' male Baedaw la Cruithnechu, 7 qwies
Echdach2 [« The death of Fiachra the One-eyed, son of
Baetan, by the Picts, and the repose of Eochaid »].
Sabunianwj naa'one TUSCMC [sedem Petri tenuit] uno 3
anno, mensibus .u. diebus .ix. [et] sepultw* est in basilica Petri.
[AU. 608. CS. 609. FM. 605].
K.i. Occissio Sechnasaigh mate Garbain, rig Ceneoil B6-
ghaine, o Domnall mac Aedha, 7 bass Conaill G&ideirg maic
Daimiwe occisi a Nepotibwj Meith [« The slaying of Sechna-
sach, son of Garban, king of Cenel Boguine, by Domnall, son
of Aed, and the death of Conall Redspear, son of Daimine,
slain by the Hui Meith »].
Qwies Lugdach .i. mo Lua, maic hut Oche [« Rest of Lu-
gaid, great-grandson of Oche, »]
[AU. 609. CS. 610. FM. 606].
K.ui. Bass Aeda maic Colgow, righ Airgiall 7 na n-Airrther,
in p^regrinac/one Cluana maic Nois, de quo4 dictum est:
Robai tan
ba lind ordan Loch da daw,
ni bu e in loch ba hordan
acht flaith Aedha maic Colgon.
Cuwa dam
nad mair cara roduw-car,
cebe focher trillsi 5 treab
ire indsi Locho da dam.
1. MS. craich 4. qm
2 . aedach 5 . trillsib
3 . secundo
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 169
[« Death of Aed, son of Colgu, king of Oriel and the
Oriors, in pilgrimage at Clonmacnois. Of whom was said:
« There was a time when Loch da Dam was a noble
water. It was not the loch that was noble, but the reign of
Aed, son of Colgu.
« A grief to me that the friend who loved me lives not, who-
soever shall set house-fires through the isles of Loch da dam »].
Bass Sillam maic Cuwaine, ab Benwcair, 7 bas Aedhaiw
ancharad x [« Death of Sillan, son of Cumaine, abbot of Benn-
chor, and death of Aedan the anchorite »J.
Bas Maelum[ai] maic Baedain 7 bass Colgan dalena (?) maic
Fiachna. [« Death of Mael-umai, son of Baetan, and death of
Colgu... son of Fiachna »].
Finis cronice Euseui.
[AU. 610. CS. 611. AI. 604].
K.ii. fulminatus est exercitus Ulad i wBairche [« an army
of Ulaid in Bairche »] fulmiwe tmribili 2.
Bass Maile duin maic Aline regis 3 Moghfdornae] [« Death
of Mael-duin, son of Aline, king of Mugdorn »].
Qmes Colman Ela maic htii Seilli .l.ui. anwo etatis sue
[« Rest of Colman Ela, great-grandson of Selle, in the 56th
year of his age »].
Aed Roiw 7 Aed Lzigen.
Neman ab Lis moir [« Neman, abbot of Lismore »].
*[AU. 611. CS. 612. FM. 607].
K.u. Aedh Uairidhnach, m^c Domnaill, r/ Tewrach, obit.
:< Aedh Uaridnach, son of Domnall, king of Tara, dies »].
Cath Odhba re n-Aengwj mac Colmaiw, in qwo cecid.it Co-
all Laegh Breagh, mac Aeda Slaiwe.
i. MS. incharad 3. neighis
i -jo Whitley Stokes.
IN see i mullah Odba
cia a gai dogra ni laes x,
dethb/r di cid olc a dend *
robai mor cend iwa craes*.
[« The battle of Odba gained by Aengus, son of Colman, whe-
rein fell Conall Loeg Breg (« the Calf of Bregia »), son of
Aed Slaine :
« The whitethorn on the summit of Odba, though it does
not cast its sorrowful spears, lawful for it that its colour
should be evil, a mighty head was in its mouth »].
Phocas 4 mortuus est. Mael coba reghnare incipit.
[AU. 612. CS. 613].
in marg. iiii.w.d.xcii]. K.ui. Herachliwj annis .xxii. Ana[s]-
tasius Ptffsa monacwj nobile pro Christo martir[i]uw patitwr,
qwi natztf in Perside magicas a pfl/re puer artes discebat, sed ubi
a captiuis* Christiaxds Christi nomen ac[c]ep^rat, in eum mox
ammo toto conuersus, relicta P^side, Chalcedoniam Hierapo-
limqw^6 Christum quaerens, ac deinde Hiertt/olimaw 7 petit,
ubi8 accepta bap/wmatis gratia., qwarto ab eadem urbe miliario
monastmum9 a[b]batis Anastasii I0 intrauit, qwi rwstea. a Chos-
roe11 rege Persarww cum .Ixx. martiribwj decollate est.
E6 tempore I2 exortum apw^ Sector in obseruacfone pasche
er[r]orem quartctdecttmanorum1! Honoriwj papa per epw/olam
redarguit, sed [et] Ichannes J4 qui successori eius Seumno suc-
cessit, pro eodew pasca simwl et pro Pelagiana X5 h^eresi, quae
eos reuiuiscebat16, scribsit.
1. MS. a ca(§caid ogra nileas 9. monosterium
2. coleic atend 10. anastastaissi
3- creas n. coranen
4. Fodutf 12. fio temporo
5. capitiuis I5. xiiii. anworaw
6. calcedonuw. hierwolinuniqw 14. Johannes sicut qui succerorf
7. diende hicrwiolimawque 15. pre pilaghiana
8- Ubi |g< reutuis cep0rat
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 171
Qwies Findtain Aentruimh, abadh Bmwchair [« Rest of
Finntan of Antrim, abbot of Bennchor »].
Bass Colmaiw Uathaig. [« Death of Colman the Fearful »].
Cath Caire Legiow [« Battle of Caerleon »] ubi sancti occissi
swnt, et cecidit Solon mac Gwain rex Bretanorww et Cetula rex
it. Etalfraidh uictor erat, qwi post statim obit. [AI. 606].
[AU. 613. CS. 614. AI. 607. FM. 609].
[fo. 9b i]. K.uii. To Lua abb Guana mate Nois, .i. do
Corco Mogha, pausat [« Thy Lua, abbot of Clonmacnois, of
the Corcu Moga, rests »].
Stella uisa est hora septima diei 1.
[AU. 614. CS. 615. FM. 610].
K.i. Mael Coba mac Aedha mortuus est i cath Toadh la
Luighne, 7 Suibne Mend ros-marb [« Mael-Coba, son of Aed,
died in the battle of Toa with the Luigni, and Suibne Menn
killed him »].
Qwies Dermoda tercii abbatis C\uana Iraird [« Rest of Diar-
mait, third abbot of Clonard »]. Cath [Fidnaige « the battle
of Fidnach »].
Bass Rowain male Colmain, tig Laigen, cui successit2
Suibne Mend [« Death of Ronan, son of Colman, king of
Leinster, whom Suibne Menn succeeded »].
[AU. 615. AI. 609. FM. 611").
K.iii. Combfcrtio Bmwcair [« Burning of Bennchor »].
[AU. 616. CS. 617. FM. 612].
K.iiii. Combustio Donwain Ega. hi .xu.kl. Mai, cum cl,
i . MS. dies 2 . sucesit
1-2 Whitley Stokes.
martiribwj, et uastatio Toraighe, 7 loscadh Conwere [« Burn-
ing of Donnan of Eig on the I5th of the kalends of May,
with 150 martyrs, and the devastation of Torach (« Tory is-
land »), and the burning of Connere »].
Usque ad hunc1 anwum Esidorwj scribsit cronicon2 suum,
ita dicens : Eracliwj dehinc qwintuw annum 3 agit imperil, hoc
est, in anwo qwint6 imperii Eraclii et qwarto religiosissimi 4 prin-
cipis Sesibuti*. Sunt ab exordio muwdi usque ad [Herjaclii an-
num praesentem 6, id est, qwintum uwdcccxiiii.
[AU. 617. CS. 618. FM. 613].
K.u. Caemgen Glindi da lacha [« Coemgen of Glenda-
lough »] .c.xx. anw0 etatis sue in Christo quieuit.
Comgall esp0£ 7 Eogan espoc Ratha Sithe quieuerunt7
[« Bishop Comgall and Eogan, bishop of Raith Sithe,
rested »].
lugulatio Colgan mate Suibne. Bass Fiac^rach mate Cowaill.
Inredh Machae, et* terre motus in Gallia [« Murder of Col-
gan, son of Suibne. Death of Fiachra, son of Conall. Rava-
ging of Armagh, and earthquake in Gaul »].
Bass fergusa. mate Colmaiw Moir, rig Midi, [6] Anfartach 9
hu Mescan, di muintir Blatiwe, unde dictum [est] :
Mad dow tisad immo teach
hua Mescafin] ba Anfartach
usce dorbach dober do
fobith gono I0 Fergwjo.
Cep tan dochosat " buidne
ceneoil I2 Colman sech Cuillne,
iarmifoset di suidiu
sil Meschan i mBlaitiniu.
lt h°c 7. quiheuerunt
2. cromcam 8 in
3- andum 9't Aenfartach
4. religi6sisimmi 10. MS. conad
\. sesubiit/^ llm dochorat
6. andum pra^sentum 12. aneol
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 173
[« Death of Fergus, son of Colman the Great, king of Meath,
by Anfartach, grandson of Mescan, of the Muinter Blatini.
Whence was said :
« If Anfartach, grandson of Mescan, should come to me,
into my house, I will give him wormy (?) water because of
the slaying of Fergus.
« Whenever troops of the kindred of Colman shall march by
Online, hereof they will ask the race of Mescan in Blaitine »].
Scribend in Cuiwin [« The writing of the Cuimin »].
[AU. 618. CS. 619. AI. 613. FM. 614].
K.iii. Liber abb Achaidh1 bo Caindig [« Liber, abbot of
Aghaboe »].
Mors Sillain Muige Bile [« Death of Sillan of Movilla »]
7 Fingen mac Fiachr^/7 [quieuit].
Aedh B^wwan, n Muman, qwieuit.
Aedh Bendan
don Eogantfdtf iar Luachair,
mairg [do] setaib dianadh ri,
cenmair tirdianad buachail2.
A sciath intan focrotha
a bidbadha3 fobotha,
cesu 4 becan fora muin
as ditiu dond larmumuin s.
[« Aed Bennan, king of Munster, rested. [Of him was said :]
« Aed Bennan, of the Eoganacht behind Luachair. Woe to
treasures when he is king ! happy the land of which he is
« When he shakes his shield he terrifies his foes. Though 'tis
a little thing on his back, it is a shelter for West Munster »].
1 . MS. achaigh 3 . bidbadhu
2. cenmair diatuathaib di'an bua- 4. cesa
chail 5 . doni armumuin
,74 Whitley Stokes.
Fingew mac Aedha, n Muman, mortuus est, de quo coniunx
dixit :
IN Muwa
re lind Fwgen maic Aeda1,
robdar lan[a] a cuiledha,
robdar toirrtigh a treba.
Cathal mac Aedha do gabail rigi Muwun.
[« Fingen, son of Aed, king of Mun^/er, died. Of whom his
wife said :
« Munster, during the time of Fingen, son of Aed, full
were her storerooms, fruitful were her households ».
Cathal, son of Aed, took the kingship of Munster »].
[AU. 619. CS. 620. FM. 615].
K. MlHl mac Baedain maic Mmrcher taigh, 7 Mael duin mac
ja, maic Baedaiw, 7 Diucull occisi sunt2 a Muig Slecht a
crich Chonnacht [« Ailill, son of Baetdn, son of Murchertach,
and Maelduin, son of Fergus, son of Baetan, and Diucull were
slain on Mag Slecht in the province of Connaught »].
Bass Fizchrach, maic Ciarain, maic Ainmirech, maic Setna,
id est, alii fundatoris Dairi Chalgaigh 3 [« Death of Fiachra,
son of Ciaran, son of Ainmire, son of Setna, that is, of the
other founder of Daire Calgaig (Berry) »].
[AU. 620. CS. 621. AI. 613. FM. 616].
K.ii. Senach Garb, ab Chluana ferta, mortuus est [« Senach
the Rough, abbot of Clonfert, died »].
Bass AengMja maic Colmaiw Moir, rig Hua Neill [« Death
of Oengus, son of Colman the Great, king of the Hiii Neill »].
Dunchadh mac Eoganaiw 7 Nechtan mac Canand, 7 Aed
1. MS. adds. : Bennan a Bregha 3. alitt* funditoriw daire chalgaidh
2, Diuculla octisits est
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 175
obierunt1 [« Dunchad son of Eoganan, and Nechtan, son of
Cano, andAed died »].
Fingiw mac Fiacfcrach Encride obit [« Fingen, son of Fiachra
Encride, died »].
Hoc tempos constructs, est eclesia Toraige 2 [« the church of
Torach »].
Finit Esiodorus enuw^raire annos 3 in libriss Etimologiarwm.
[AU. 621. CS. 622. AI. 615. FM. 617].
Cath Chind Delgthen, in quo ceciderunt da mac Libren,
mate Illaiwd, mate Cerbuill [« The battle of Cenn Delgten,
wherein fell two sons of Libren, son of Illann, son of Cerball »].
Cowall, mac Suibne, uictor erat, et Downoll Breacc cum eo.
Ve\ in hoc anno 4 quies Coemgin > .
C0«aing mac Aedain mate Gabrain dimersw^ est. Bi Nindiwe
eices cecinit:
Tonda mara morglan[a],
[is] grian rodatoicsetar 6,
ina c/7wrach flescach fann7
for Cowaing concoirsetar8.
IN bean rola a mong find
in[a] churach in Conaing,
ised ro tibhi a gen
indiu9 fn bili Tortan.
[« Conaing, son of Aedan, son of Gabran, was drowned.
'Twas Ninnine the poet sang :
« The sea's great pure waves and the sun that pursued him,
into his weak wicker coracle they flung themselves together on
1. MS. obierint 6. rodotoicsitur
2. ecli'na toraidhi 7. fleachadh find
3. andos 8. cond coseatar
4. and6 9. andiu
5 . comegin
176 W hit ley Stokes.
« The woman that cast her white hair into his coracle against
Conaing, it is her smile that smiled to-day on Tortu's tree »].
Bass Maile bracha, maic Riwedha, mate Colwaiw, mate
Cobthaigh, 7 Ailella, maic Cellaigh. [« Death of Mael bracha,
son of Rimid, son of Colman, son of Cobthach, and of Ailill,
son of Cellach »].
Cath Lindais. Cath Chind gubai, in qwo cecidit Colman mac
Cobtaigh, athfl/r Guaire, la Ragallach mac Uatach [« Battle
of Lindas. Battle of Cenn gubai, in which Colman, son of
Cobthach, father of Guaire, fell by Ragallach, son of Uata »].
Bas Colgan maic Cellaig. [« Death of Colgu, son of Cel-
lach »].
[AU. 622. CS. 623. AI. 616. FM. 618].
Bass Fergna ab tae [« Death of Fergna, abbot of Hi »].
Quies Maic laisre, abb [fo. 9b 2] Aird Macha [« Rest of Mac
laisre, abbot of Armagh »].
Expugnaa'o Ratha Guala re Fiachtf^. Unde Fiacha dixit :
Rogab tene Raith Guala,
tascapd] biucatan n-uadha,
suaichnidh in nert a sabadh
nirbo inda owgabad.
[« The storming of Raith Guala by Fiachtf. Whence Fiacha
said :
« Fire has seized Raith Guala; hoard ye a little therefrom.
Well known is the strength of its beams : it was not a... that
was taken »].
[AU. 623. CS. 624. AI. 617, 618. FM. 619].
K.ui. Mors Ronaiw maic Colmaw, et Colman Stellan obiit.
Guin Doir1 maic Aedha Allain. Failbe [Fland] Fidbadh rodn-
goin, qui cecimY ;
i. MS. Daire
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 177
Ce chana x damsa guin Doir 2
arni ruba Doirene ? ?
is and ro oirg4 each a doil*
o ro oirg4 a doilene6
j roma[r]badh som a ndighail Doir2. Uncle mater eius dixh :
Ba guin soir 7,
ni ba togail Indsi Coil 8,
dia 9 towat gair na mbidbadh
im cend Failbe Flaind Fidhbadh.
[« The slaying of Doir, son of Aed Allan. Failbe Flann Fid-
bad slew him, and sang :
« What profit to me is the slaying of Doir, for I have not
slain the little Doir (i. e. Doir's son) ? 'Tis then one has killed
a chafer when one has killed its chaferling. »
And Failbe was slain in revenge for Doir. Hence his mother
said :
« 'Tis the slaying of a noble, 'tis not the destruction of Inis
Coil, from which the foemen's shout breaks forth around the
head of Failbe Fland Fidbad »].
Bass [leg. Natiuitas] Adomnain abfbad] Hie. [« Birth of
Adamndn, abbot of lona ». AI. 617].
[AU. 624. CS. 62$. AI. 618, 619. FM. 620].
K.i. Annus tenebrosMj. Aedhain mac Cwmascaigh 7 Colman
mac Cowgellain ad Dommum migrant I0.
Babtismuw Etuw [leg. EtuinJ maic Elle, q«i primus cre-
didit in reghionibar Saxonum ".
Cormacc Caem 7 Illand moriuntur I2.
1 . MS. dana 7. sair
2 . daire 8 . call
3. rubud dairene 9. diam
4. airg 10. migrauit
5 . daeil 1 1 . saxonow
6. andmlene 12. m. est
Revue Celtiqut, XVII. 12
,78 Whitley Stokes.
Ronan mac Tuathail, ri na n-Airrtfor, mortmis est [« Ronan,
son of Tuathal, king of the Airthir, died »].
Mongan mac Fiachna Lurgan, ab Artuir f/h'o Bicoir Britone
lapide1 percussus intent. Unde2 Bee Boirche dixit :
IS uar 3 in gaeth dar He 4,
dofuil oca i Cind tire,
dogena[t] gniw amnus de,
mairbfitS Mongan mac Fiachnae.
Land Cluana Airrthir indiu,
amra in ceatfrrar forsr'iadhad,
Corwac Caew, fri imff |ochidh,
ecus Illand mac Fiachrach 6.
Ocus in dias ele
dia foghnonn mor do t[h]uathaib,
Mongan mac Fiachna Lurgan
ocus Ronan mac Tuathail.
[« Cold is the wind over Islay ; there are warriors in Can-
tyre, they will commit a cruel deed therefor : they will kill
Mongan, son of Fiachna.
« The church of Cluain Airthir today ; good are the four on
whom it has been closed : Cormac Coem, at tribulation, and
Iliann, son of Fiachra.
« And the other two, whom many territories serve, Mon-
gan, son of Fiachna Lurgan, and Ronan, son of Tuathal »].
[AI. 620].
Cathal mtfc Aeda ri Mwwnn. [« Cathal, son of Aed, king of
Munster »].
M'Aedoc Ferna quieuit [« My Aedoc of Ferns rested »].
1. MS. bi coirpre tene lapite 4. daraile
2 . unde dictum est 5 . muirfidh
3- fuar 6. fiachna
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 179
[AU. 625. CS. 626. FM. 622].
K.i. Cath Lethid Midhind in Druing, in qwo interfectus est
Fiachna mac Baedain, ri Dal Araidhe. Fiachna mac Demain
mortuus est [leg. uictor erat] [« The battle of Lethet Midenn in
Drong, wherein was slain Fiachna, son of Baetan, king of Da-
laradia. Fiachna, son of Deman, was victor »].
Fiacha Find, ri Ceneoil Boghuine [« Fiacha the Fair, king
of the Kindred of Boguine »], mortuus est.
Cath Duine Ceithirnw iter Domnoll mac n-Aeda 7 Congal
Caech, du a torchair Guaire Goillseach mac Furudrain [« The
battle of Dun Cethirn between Domnall, son of Aed, and
Congal Caech, wherein Guaire Goillsech, son of Furudrdn,
fell »].
Obsessio J Builg luatha a nepotibwj- Neill [« The beleaguer-
ing of « Sack of Ashes » (nickname of Crundmael, king of
South Leinster) by the Hui Neill »].
Failbe Fland ri Mwman [« Failbe Flann, king of Munster »].
[AU. 626. CS. 627. FM. 624].
K.ii. Cath Aird Coraiwd, in [quo] Dail Riada uictores erant,
in qwo cecidit Fiachna mac Demaiw la Gwnadh Cerr rig Dal-
riada. [« The battle of Ard Corann, in which the Dail Riata
were victors, and in which Fiachna, son of Deman, fell by
Connad Cerr, king of Dalriada].
2 Lachtnene mac Toirbene, abb Achfaid uir, decc « Lacht-
nene, son of Toirbene, abbot of Achad ur, died »].
[AI. 621. FM. 622].
Cath Chairn Feradaigh a Cliu, [« The battle of Cam Feradaig
1. MS. obsissio placed. It conies next after in Dail
2. In the MS. this entry is mis- Riada.
180 Whitley Stokes.
in Cliu »] ubi Failbe Fland Femin uictor erat. Guaire Aidhne
fugit1. Contil mac Mael-duib, n Hua Maine [« king of the
Hui Maini »] cecidit, et Maelduin et Maelruaiw et Mael calgaidh
et Mael Bresail, et ailii multi [quam] nobiles taw plebei 2.
Uisio Fursu ostensa est.
[AU. 627. CS. 628].
K.uii. Cath Duwa Aichir la Bolg Luatha [« Battle of Duma
Aichir by « Bag of Ashes »] in quo ipse cecidit. Faelan mac
Colmaiw n Ltigen [« Faelan, son of Colmdn, king of Lein-
ster »] uictor [erat].
Cath Botha [Battle of Both »] in quo Suibne Mend mac
Fiachrach uictor erat. Domnoll mac Aedha fuigit. Suibne
Mend mac Fiachfttdb occisus est i Traigh Brena la Conghal
Caech mac Scandlaiw [« Suibne Menn, son of Fiachra, was
slain on Traig Brena by Congal Caech, son of Scandldn »].
Pausafr'o Columbawi3 f/h'i Bardam do Dhail Baird U\ad, ab-
badh Cluana. [« Resting of Columban, son of Bardan, of Dal
Baird of Ulster, abbot of Clonmacnois »].
Guin Cwmain maic Colmaiw [« Slaying of Cum an, son of
Colman »].
Uastat/o Laigen la Domnall mac nAedha. [« Devastation of
Leinster by Domnall, son of Aed »]. Domnoll mac Aeda
[AU. 628. CS. 629. AI. 623. FM. 624].
K.u. Cath Fedha Eoin, [« The battle of Fid eoin »] in quo
Mael caith mac Scandail, rex Cruithniu, uictor erat. Dal Riada
CQcidit. Condadh Cerr n Dal Riada [« king of Dalriada »] ce-
cidit, 7 Dicull mac Eachach n ceneoil Cruithne [« king of the
kindred of the Picts »] cecidit, et nepotes Aedan ceciderunt, id
est Rigullan mac Canting 7 Failbe mac Ezchach 7 Oisiric mac
1 . MS. fuighit > . Pausan colum bain
2. mille
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 181
Albruit rigdowna Saxan [« crownprince of England »] cum
strage maxima suoruw.
[Mors] Eochach Buidhi maic Aedaiw. [« Death of Eochaid
the Yellow, son of Aedan »].
[Cath Duine Ceithirn, in quo Congal Caech fugit, et Dom-
nall mac Aedo] uictor erat, in qwo cecidit Guaire Gaillsech
mac Forunnain.
Cath Duiw[e] Ceithirnw i mbe J
cru [ruad] dar2 suilib glassa,
batar for slicht Chowgail cr[u]iw
colla3 munrewra masse.
[« The battle of Dun Cethirn, which had red blood over
gray eyes. On the track of Congal the Bent were thick-necked,
comely bodies »].
Bass Cailchinn maic Dims, o Liathmuiwe [« Death of Cail-
chenn, son of Dimma, by (the men of) Liathmuine »].
Bass Coming Chirr [« Death of Conaing Cerr »] ut alii
[fo. ioa i] dicimt, anno primo reghni sui, qui uictus est i cath
Fedha Eoiw [« in the battle of Fid Eoin »].
Dormitac/o Fintain Maelduibh. [CS. 630. AI. 624. FM. 626].
Bas Ailli rig Saxan. [« Death of ^Elle, king of the Saxons. »
CS. 630. AI. 625].
MoBai mac hui Aldae [« My Bai, great-grandson of Aldae »].
[AU. 630].
K.uii. Cath4 Etuin maic Ailli [« The battle of Edwin, son of
ille»] reghis Saxonum, qui totam? Brita[n]niam regnauit, in
qwo uictus est a Chon [leg. Catguallaun ?] rege6 Britonum et
Pawta Saxano.
Bas Cinaetha maic Luchtren [« Death of Cinaed, son of
Luchtren »], regis Pictomm [CS. 631].
1. MS. imbi 4. Cath iter
2 . ar 5 . totum
3. cholla 6. reghi
,82 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 631. CS. 632. AI. 626. FM. 627].
K.ii. Cath la Cathlon 7 Anfraith [« A battle by Catgual-
laun and Eanfrith »] qui decollate est, in quo Osualt mac
Etalfraith uictor erat et Cation, rex Britonum, cecidit.
Cath Atha Abla, in quo cecidit Dicull, mac Fergliusa. Tuili,
la Mumhain [« The battle of Ath Abla, in which Dicull, son
of Fergus Tuile, fell by Munster »].
INis Metgoit [« the monastery of Lindisfarne »] fundata est.
[AU. 632. CS. 633. FM. 628].
K.iii. Cath ludruis rig Bretan [« The battle of ludris, king
of the Britons »,] qui in eo cecidit.
Cath Atha Goan i n-iarthar Lifi, [« The battle of Ath Goan,
in the western part of Liffey »], in qwo cecidit Cremthann Cua-
larw, mac Aedha, maic Senaigh, rex Lageniorum. Faelan mac
Colmaiw maic C0waill maic Suibne, ri Wide [« king of Meath »]
7 Failbe Flanw ri Muman [« king of Munster »] uictores erant.
Mor Muman, ben Fingen [« Fingen's wife »] quieuit.
Enan Drowa Raite [« of Druim Raite »] quieuit.
[AU. 633. CS. 634. FM. 630].
K.iiii. Guin da mac Aeda Slaine la Con3.ll mac Suibne oc
Loch Treithli oc Fremaind, id est Congal ri Breg, senatha/r
Una Cowaing, 7 Ai//ll Cruit/re, senathafr Sil Dluthaigh1
[« The slaying of Aed Slaine's two sons by Conall, son of
Suibne, at Lough Drin at Fremann, that is, Congal, king of
Bregia, ancestor of the Hui Conaing, and Ailill the Harper,
ancestor of the Sil Dluthaig »].
MS. silndluthaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment.
[AU. 634. AI. 629].
Seigiwe abb le eclesiam Rechrann x fundauit [« Segine,
abbot of lona, founded the church of Rechru » (Lambay)].
Congregacio Saxonuw contra Osualt.
Eochaidj abb Lis moir [« abbot of Lismore »], quieuit.
Bass Conaill maic Suibne i taigh mate Nadfraich la Diar-
muid mac Aedha Slaine 7 la Mael-uwa mac Forandain il-Lis
Dochuinn [« Death of Conall, son of Suibne, in the house of
Nat-fraich's son, in Less Dochuinn, by Diarmait, son of Aed
Slaine, and by Mael-umai, son of Forannan »].
Qwies Finntai?z .i. Mundu, mate Tulchain, in2 .xii. kl.
Nouewbris, et Ernaine maic Cresene.
Cath Seghuise [« The battle of Segais »] in qwo cecidit Lo-
chene mac Nechtaiw Cermfota [« son of Nechtan Longhead »]
7 CMwascach mac Aengw^a [« son of Oengus »].
Cath Guile Caelan la Diarmuit m^c Aedha Slaine [« The
battle of Cuil Coelain gained by Diarmait, son of Aed Slaine »]
in qwo cQcidit Mael-uma mac Aeng&f[a] et Colgo irater illi[u]s.
[AU. 635. CS. 635. AI. 630. FM. 631].
K.u. Guin Ernain maic Fiachmw, qwi uicit? Mael fithrig
mac Aedha Allaiw i cath Lethoirbe [« The slaying of Ernan,
son of Fiachna, who vanquished Mael-fithrig, son of Aed
Allan, in the battle of Lethairbe »].
Effugac/o Carrthaigh .i. mo Chuto, maic Find, o Raithin
[« Flight of Carthach, i. e. my Cutu, son of Find, from Ra-
then »] in diebwj pasce.
[AU. 636. CS. 636. AI. 631. FM. 633, 634].
K.uii. Cath Muighe Rath ria nDownoll mac Aeda 7 ria
1. MS. eclinam recharnw 3. qwieuit
2. hui
j84 Whitley Stokes.
macaib Aeda Slaine [« The battle ofMoira gained byDomnall,
son of Aed and by the sons of Aed Slaine »] — sed Domnall
regnauit Temoriam in illo r tewpore — in quo ceddil Congal
Caech n Ulad [« king of the Ulaid »] et Faelchu cum mwltis
nobilibwj, in q^o ceddit Suibne mac Colmain Cuair.
Cath SailtzVe ria Conall Gael mac Maile coba for Cenel
n-Eoghain in la cetna. [« The battle of Sailtire gained on the
same day, by Conall the Slender, son of Mael Coba, over the
Kindred of Eogan »].
Bass Failbe Fkittd rig Muman. [« Death of Failbe Fland,
king of Munster »].
Qtties mo Chudu Rathain hi qtiintldh Mai. [« Rest of my
Cutu of Rahen on the fifth of the ides of May »].
[AU. 637. CS. 637. FM. 636, 637].
K.i. Cath Glinwe Mairis0w, in quo muindter Domnaill Bricc
do teichedh, et obsessio 2 Etain [« The battle of Glenn Mai-
rison, in which the family of Domnall Brecc was put to flight,
and the siege of Etan »].
Cronan mac uLaeghda, ab Cluana maic Nois, obit .i. do
Corco Laighe. [« Cronan great-grandson of Laegda, i. e. ot
the Corco Laige, abbot of Clonmacnois, died »].
Bass mo Chua Ballai. [« Death of my Cua of Balla »].
[AU. 638. CS. 638. FM. 638].
[in marg. iiiiw.d.cxuii]. K.ii. Heracleonas 3, cum matre sua
Martina, regnauit .ii. anmV.
Gum Gwghaile [maic Dunchada [« the slaying of Congal,
son of Dunchad »].
Bass Dunsighe4 uxoris Downaill [« Death of Dunsech, wife
of Domnall »].
i . MS. bello 3 . Heraclonw*
2- obsecio 4. dunsidhe
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 185
Cath Osuailt [« Oswald's battle »] contra Panta1, in qwo
Osualt cecidit.
Qwies Oitan i Naendruim 7 Aeda Duib, ab Cille Dara, ri
Laigen anus [« Rest of Critan in Noendruim, and of Aed the
Black, abbot of Kildare, and at first king of Leinster »].
Mael-odhar Caech, [ri] Oirther 2, mortuus est. [ « Mael-odar
the Blind of an eye, king of Oriors, died »].
MoLaissi Leithglinwe macu? Dims, qwieuit. [« My Laisse of
Leighlinn, great-grandson of Dima, rested »].
Bass Ailella maic Aeda Roiw [« Death of Ailill, son of Aed
Ron »].
Hoc tempore Theodoras 4 papa floruit 5.
Cuan mac Amalgaidh, ri Muwan. [« king of Munster »]
mortuus est.
[AU. 639. CS. 639],
K.ui. Bellwm Cathrach Cindchon la Mumaiw. Aengw* Lia-
than 6 Glind Damain uictor erat, 7 do teich Maelduin mac
Aeda Benwan [« The battle of Cathair Cinnchon won by
Munster. Oengus Liathan from Glenn Damain was victor, and
Maelduin, son of Aed Bennan, fled »].
[AU. 640. CS. 639. AI. 634. FM. 639].
Bass Brudhi6 mfl*c[Foith « Death of Brude, son of Foth »].
Loscud 7 Mael[e]dum, maic Aeda Bmwam, i n-Inis 8 Chain
[« Burning of Maelduin, son of Aed Bennan, in Inis Cain »].
Comgan mac da cherdfa] [« Comgan (nicknamed) son of
two arts »] mortuus est.
Gum Maile duiw maic? Ferg«ja [7 Maile duin] maic Col-
main [« Slaying of Mael-duin, son of Fergus, and of Mael-
duin, son of Colman »].
1. MS. planta 6. brigdhi
2. oritwj 7. loscaid maic
3 . mac ua 8. inindis
4. Teothw^ 9. mc maic
5 . ploruit
1 86 Whitley Stokes.
Qjties Daghaiw Inbir Daile [« Rest of S. Dagan of Inber
Daile »].
[AU. 641. CS. 640. AI. 635. FM. 639].
K.u. Constantino filius Heracli rex [leg. regnauit] mensibus
Bas Downaill maic Aedha mate Ainwireach, rig Erenn
[« Death of Domnall, son of Aed, son of Ainmire, king of
Ireland »] in fine lantf&ff .xiiii. [anno] regni sui in Ard Fo-
thaidh J [in marg. iiii.w.d.c.xx.] P0jtea Downall Brecc i Cath
sratha Ca[r]uin [« in the battle of Strath Caruin »] in fine
anwi in Deciwpre interfectus est. quinto decimo [anno] regni sui
ab [fo. ioa2] Ohan reghe Britonuw.
Guin Ailello, maic Colmaiw rig Cene[o]ill Laegaire [« Slaying
of Ailill, son of Colman, king of the Kindred of Loeguire »].
Cath Ossu [« Oswy's battle] » inter eum2^ Britones.
in marg. iiii.m.dc.xxxuiii.] K.iii. Constantin//^ filius Con-
stantiwf anww .xxuiii. regnauit. Quest anwso ciadogab rige ta-
reis Downaill. Quidam3 dicunt historiograph! 4 .i. ceat&rar da
gabail .i. Cellach 7 Con3.ll Cael 7 da mac Aeda Slaine .i. Diar-
muit 7 Blathmac .i. flaithewm/.y cumasc anw sin. [« Here it is
a question, who took the kingship after Domnall. Some his-
torians say that four persons took it, namely Cellach, and Co-
nall the Slender, and Diarmait and Blathmec, Aed Slaine's
two sons. There was then a joint sovranty »].
[AU. 642. CS. 641. FM. 640].
Bass Uasle ingwe Suibne maic Colmaw .i. rigan Faelaiw
rigLaigen. [« Death of Uasle, daughter of Suibne, son of Col-
man, that is, the queen of Faelan, king of Leinster »].
Q/des Cronain espuic Caendrowa [« Rest of Cronan, bishop
of Caendruim »].
1 . MS. fothaigh 3 . qwidum
2. ossueitff nuinuw 4. historia. (.i. sdair)
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 187
Cath Ciwd con [« The battle of Cenn con », AI. 636].
Loscadh larnbuidb J mate Gartnaith [« The burning of larn-
bodb, son of Gartnat »].
Cellach 7 Conall Gael do gabail rige nErind [« Cellach and
Conall the Slender took the kingship of Ireland »].
[AI. 638. FM. 640].
Bass Scanwlain Moir righ Osraige [« Death of Scandlan the
Great, king of Ossory »].
Aengus Liathan o Glendamun [« of Glendamun ? »] mor-
tuus est ; unde dictum est [Here an omission].
Cuanu mac Cailchin r/ Fernmuighe .i. Laech Liathmune,
mortuus est. [« Cuanu, son of Cailchin, king of Farney, to
wit, « the Hero of Liathmune », died »].
[AU. 643, CS. 642].
K. Guin nepotuw Boguiwe [« The slaying of Boguine's
grandsons »] Mael-Bresail 7 Mael-Anfaidh 2, 7 guin Flaind
Enaigh [« and the slaying of Flann of Enach »],
Mo Chae Naendroma [« my Coe of Noendruim »] in Christo
[AU. 644. CS. 643. FM. 642].
K.i. Mors Furudhrain maic Bece, male Cuanach, rig Una
maic Uais. [« Death of Furudran, son of Bee, son of Guana,
king of the Hui maic Uais »].
Lochene mac Fingen, ri Cruithne [« king of Picts »] mor-
tuus est.
Cath Gabra et/V Laignib feiw [« The battle of Gabra be-
tween the Leinstermen themselves »].
MS. cowloscadh iarnduidb 2. mael anfaigh
1 88 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 645. CS. 644. AI. 639. FM. 645].
K.u. Guin Scandlain maic Becce, maic^izchrach, ng Cruithne
[« The slaying of Scandlan, son of Becc, son of Fiachra, king
of the Picts »].
Mac laisre abb B^wzchair [« abbot of Bennchor »] qwieuit.
Beda tune mtus est. Hoc tewpore Martin?^ papa floruit1.
[AU. 646. CS. 645].
K.ui. Mael coba, mac Fiachna, n Ulad, iugulatus est la Cow-
gal Cendfada mac Dunchadha.
Cichis Gwgal Cennfado
iw Mael Choba casail chro
ecus ba cosmail a dath
fri brat roms do Dunchadh.
[« Mael-coba, son of Fiachna, king of Ulster, was murdered
by Congal Longhead, son of Dunchad.
« Congal Longhead went round Mael-coba of the gory
mantle, and his colour was like unto the cloak to Dun-
chad »].
Bolg Luatha n Hua Cendsik/^ [« Sack of Ashes », king of
the Hiii Cennselaig »] mortuus est.
[AU. 648. CS. 646. AI. 640. FM. 645].
K.ui. Ragallach mac Uatach ri Connacht do toitiw la Mael
Brighde mac Mothlachan 7 la Corco Cullu.
Ragallach mac Uatach
gaeta de muin gheleich 2,
Muireanw deich morochich,
Cathal deich modere[i]ch.
i. MS. phloruit 2. gheileach
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 189
Nir ghreis anwiu do Chathal
cia contola fria rigaib
ciasa Cathal cew athair
nirsa hathair cen digail.
Adaig sin dia dia dighail
atar ailigneet.
gonaid J se firu coicat2
airgid 3 se hairgne deag.
[Mo chuitsi i ccuma caich
dioghail Raghallaigh rofaith
fil a ulcha leith im laimh
Maoil-Bhrighdi, mic Motlachain. — FMJ]
[« Ragallach, son of Uata, king of Connaught, fell by Mael
Brigte, son of Mothlachan, and by the Corco Cullu.
« Ragallach, son of Uata, was slain from the back of a
white steed. Muirenn best bewailed him. Cathal best avenged
« Today Cathal had no protection, though he slept with
kings. Though Cathal is fatherless his father was not un-
« God granted this to avenge him... he slays six and fifty
men, he commits sixteen devastations.
(« I had) my share like every one in avenging Ragallach...
In my hand is the grey beard of Mael-Brigte, son of Moth-
lachan »].
[AI. 641. FM. 645].
Cath Cairn CoHaill in die Pentecctftef, ubi da Cuan ceci-
derunt .i. Cuan mac Amalgaid mate Enda, n Muwan, 7 Cuan
mac Cowaill, n Hua Fi[d]gheinte, 7 Tolamnach r/ hw^Liathaiw,
7 Guaire fu[g]it, 7 Diarmaid m^c Aeda Slane uictor erat.
Isedh iarow doluidh Diarmuit don cath siw .i. tria Cluaiw maic
1 . MS. conn 3 . airgnigh
2. '
1 90 Whit ley Stokes.
Noiss. Dorindsead sdmadh Ciaraiw etla fri Dia fair co tissadh
slan dia n-inchaib a coraigechtfa] som. lar sodh in rig iarow
roidbair Toiw n-E[i]rc cona. fodlaib T feramd .i. Liath Man-
chain indiu a ainm, [amail] fod fo[r]altoir do Dia 7 do Chia-
ran, 7 doben teora trisste for righ Midhi dia caithedh neach
dia mundtir cidh 2 digh n-usci and, conidh desin dorogart ?
Diarmuid a adnacol a Guam maic Now.
[« The battle of Cam Conaill on Whitsunday, wherein fell
two Cuans, namely, Cuan, son of Amalgaid, son of £nda,
king of Munster, and Cuan, son of Conall, king of Hui Fid-
geinte, andTolamnach, king of Hui Liathain. And Guaire fled,
and Diarmait, son of Aed Slaine, was victor. Now Diarmait had
marched to that battle through Clonmacnois. The community
of Clonmacnois made supplication to God that he might come
back, safe by virtue (?) of their guarantee. So after the return
of the king he offered Tuaim n-Eirc — Erc's Mound — with
its subdivision of land — Liath Manchain is its name to day —
as a « sod on altar » to God and to saint Ciaran. And he be-
stowed three curses on the king of Meath if any of his people
should consume even a draught of water therein. Wherefore
Diarmait demanded to be buried in Clonmacnois »].
Qwies Fwrsu in Paruwa [« Rest ofFursa in Peronne »].
Mo Chaewog Leith Moir mortuus est [« My Coemoc of
Liath Mor died »].
[AU. 649. CS. 647. FM. 646].
K.i. Cath Ossu fnPante, [« Oswy's battle against Penda »]
in q«o Panta cum .xxx. regibus4 cecidit.
Cath Duiw Cremthandai/^ in quo cQcidit Aeng/w mac Dom-
naill, maic Aeda. Filii Mael-choba uictorfes] era[n]t .i. Cel-
\acb 7 Cona.ll Gael. [« The battle of Dun Cremthannain, in
which fell Oengus, son of Domnall, son of Aed. The sons of
Mael-choba, namely Cellach and Conall the Slender, were
victors »].
1. MS. foglaib 3. dorecart
2. cidh neach dia mundtir 4. cow .xxx. reigibtw
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 191
Bass Cat[h]asaigh maic Downaill Bricc [« The death of Ca-
thasach, son of Domnall Brecc »].
Bass Oonaiw Muighe bile 7 MoC[h]elloc maic Glaschaill
[« The death of Cronan of Movilla and of my Celloc, son of
Glaschall »].
[AU. 650. CS. 648. FM. 647].
K.ui. Qwies Aedain espw/V Saxan [« The rest of Aidan,
bishop of the Saxons »].
Guin da mac Blaithmitc maic Aeda Slaine [la Mael Odrain]
do Laigw£ [i] muilind I Maelodhraiw .i. Donncadh 7 Conall.
A mulind,
cia romelt mar do thuiriwd,
ni bo2 coiwelt for serfuind 3,
romelt 4 for huib Cerbuill.
An gran meles5 in muliwd
ni corca acht is [dergjtuirind,
is di foglafd] in cruinw mair6
fotha7 muiliwd Maeil Odhraiw.
[« The sla)7ing of Donnchad and Conall, the two sons of
Blaithmec, son of Aed Slaine, by Mael Odrain of Leinster,
in the mill of Mael Odrain.
« O mill, though thou hast ground much wheat, this was not
a grinding upon oats, thou groundest on CerbalPs grandsons.
« The grain which the mill grinds is not oats, but red wheat.
Of the saplings (?) of the mighty tree is the feed of Mael-
Odrain's mill »].
Guin Oissin maic Oiseirg8[« The slaying of Oswin, son
of Osric »].
1. MS. Molind 6. in«air
2. ro 7. fod a
3. ferfuiwd 8. In the MS. this entry comes
4. aromelt next after Conall
5 . milis
1 92 Whittey Stokes.
[AU. 651. CS. 649. AI. 642. FM. 648].
[fo. iob i] K. Obitwj Seghine ab Ea [« abbot of lona »] .i.
filii 'Fiachna.
Qwies Aedha logha, ab Cluana maic Hois. Do Gailengaib
in Choramd do .i. [mac] Camaiw [« The rest of Aed-lug,
abbot of Clonmacnois. Of the Galenga of the Corann was he,
the son of Caman »].
Dormitado Manchene abtfd Mene drochaid [« The falling
asleep of Manchene, abbot ofMonadrehid »].
IMairec catha Chuile Corran, in quo cecidit Cuilene mac
Forunwain, ri Hu# Failghe. Mael-deich 2 et Onchu uictores
[« The conflict of battle of Cuil Corran, in which fell Cm-
line, son of Forannan, king of Offaly. Mael-deich and Onchu
were victors »].
Cu gawna mac Suibne mortuus est.
Uitalianwj papa hoc tewpore floruit.
Caimin Indsi Cealtra [« S. Caimin of Inis Celtra »] mor-
tuus est.
[AU. 652. CS. 650. AI. 645. FM. 649].
K. Bass Ferich maic Totalain [« Death of Ferech (Fereth?),
son of Totalan »].
£c Tolairg 3 maic Fooith, regis Pictorwm [« Death of Ta-
larg, son of Foth, king of the Picts »].
Ulltan mac hui Cowcobair, 7 Findchu o Bri Gabunw <\u\eue-
runt [« Ultan, great-grandson of Conchobar, and Findchu of
Bri Gobann, rested »].
Da Chua Luac^ra ab Ferna [« Thy Cua of Luachair, abbot
of Ferns »].
Bass Cowaill Coir. [« The death of Conall Coir »].
1 . MS. filli 3 . Ectolairg
2. macldeth
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 103
Cath Airrt/;/r Seola la Condachfa, in qwo cecidit Marcan mac
Tomain n Hua Maine. Cendfaeladh mac Colgan 7 Maenach
mac Baithin, n Hua mBriuiw Brefne, uictores erant. [« The
battle of Airther Seola, wherein fell Marcdn, son of Toman,
king of the Hui Maini. Cennfaelad, son of Colgan, and Mae-
nach, son of Baithin, king of the Hui Briuin of Brefne, were
the victors »].
Mael-doid mac Suibne, ri Midi [« Mael-doid, son of Suibne,
king of Meath »].
[CS. 651].
K. Colman espor, mac hui Tellduib 7 Osiwe Fota, da ab Cluana
hlraird, obierunt [« Bishop Colman, great-grandson of Tell-
dub, and Ossine the Tall, two abbots of Clonard, died »].
Guin Fergwja maic Domnaill 7 Fergw^a maic Ragalla^ 7
Aedha Beat/?ra maic Cuwain la Huu l Fiac/7rach Aidne [« The
slaying of Fergus, son of Domnall, and of Fergus, son of Ra-
gallach, and of Aed Bethra, son of Cuman, by the Hui Fia-
chrach of Aidne »].
Diarmuit 7 Blathmac, da mac Aeda Slaiwe, da ri[g] Tem-
rach [« Diarmait and Blathmec, two sons of Aed Slaine, two
kings of Tara »].
Cath Sratha Ethairt re Tolartach mac Anfrait, rig Cruithne,
i torchair Dunchadh mac Ccwaing 7 Gwgal mac Ronain [« The
battle of Srath Ethairt gained by Tolartach, son of Anfrait,
king of the Picts, wherein fell Dunchad, son of Conaing, and
Congal, son of Ronan »].
Aedh Roin, mac Mail coba, [« son of Mael-choba »] mor-
tuus est.
Fursu in Paruina pausauit i Frangcaib.
Athair Fwrsu, radh glan gle,
Lochin do Dail Araidhe,
issi fa mathfl/V don mac,
Gelghes ingen rig Con[n]acht.
i . MS. uabh
Revue Celtique, XV I L 13
194 Whitley Stokes.
[« Fursu rested in Peronne in France.
« Fursu's father — a pure, bright saying — was Lochin of
Dalaradia. This was the boy's mother, Gelgeis, daughter of
Connaught's king »].
[AU. 655. CS. 652. FM. 650].
K.i. Cath Flescaigh1, ubi cecidit Cwmascach mac Ailello, n
Hua Cremthainn, in quo Crundmael mac Suibne, ri Ceneoil
Eogaiw, uictor erat. [« The battle of Flescach, where fell Cu-
mascach, son of Ailill, king of Hiii Cremthainn, in which
Crundmael, son of Suibne, king of the Kindred of Eogan, was
uictor »].
Cath Pante [« the battle of Penda »] regis Saxonum 2, in
quo ipje cum .xxx. reigibwj cecidit. Ossiu uictor erat 3.
Bass Crunnmail Er[b]uilg, maic Ronain, rig Laigen Des-
gabair [« Death of Crunnmael Erbolg, son ofRonan, king of
South Leinster »].
Bass Aithcen Tiri da glass 7 Cailcene o Lothru [« Death of
Aithcen of Tir da glass and of Cailcene from Lothra »].
Dunchad mac Aeda Slane [« son of Aed Slane »] mortuus
Laidhgnen mac Colmaiw, r/ Connacht [« son of Colman,
king of Connaught »] mortuus est.
[AU. 656. CS. 653].
K. Qwies Ulltan maic hui Concobair hi .ii. non Septimper
[« Rest of Ultan, great-grandson of Conchobar, on the second
of the nones of September »].
Qwies Suibne maic Cuirthre4, abb lea [« Rest of Suibne,
son of Cuirthre, abbot of lona »].
Cath Delend [« The battle of Delend (?) »] in quo interkctus
est Mael-ded mac Cowaing.
1 . MS. flescaidh 3 . erat fuit.
2. saxorum 4] kg. Cuirtri?
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 195
Bas Tolorcaiw mate Ainfrith, rig Cruithne [« Death of To-
largan, son of Ainfrith, king of the Picts »].
Qtties Conainge Cille slebe [« Rest of Conaing of Cell
Slebe »].
[AU. 657. CS. 654. FM. 657].
K. Bass Cellaigh, maic Maile caba, ism Brug [« Death of
Cellach, son of Mael-coba, in the Brugh Maic ind 6c »].
Mors Cellaig maic Sarain, abb Othna moire [« Death of
Cellach, son of Saran, abbot of Othain Mor »].
Mo Chua mac Lonain [« My Cua, son of Lonan »] qwieuit.
[AU. 658. CS. 655].
K. Dima Dub espoc Connere, 7 Cum'me espoc Naendrowa, 7
Sillan espoc Damindsi, 7 Dunchadh, mac Aeda Slaiwe, mortui
swnt [« Dimma the Black, bishop of Connere, and Cumine
bishop of Noendruim, and Sillan bishop of Devenish, and
Dunchad, son of Aed Slane, died »].
Gum Ercdoit maic Sechnwjaigh 7 Conchind maic Laidh-
gnen [« the slaying of Ercdoit (Orcdoit ?) and of Conchenn
son of Laidgnen »].
Flodibor [leg. Flodobius i. e. Clovis II ?] rex Frangcorww
[AU. 659. CS. 656. FM. 658, 659].
K. Obitwj Fiwain maic Rimedha, espuic [« Death of bishop
Finan, son of Rimid, a bishop »].
Colman Glindi da lacha obit, 7 Dainel espoc Cind garadh
[« Colman of Glendalough died, and Daniel bishop of Kin-
garth »].
Bas Ezchach, maic Blaithmzc, maic Aedha Slaiwe [« Death of
Eochaid, son of Blaithmec, son of Aed Slaine »].
Gwall Crandamna mortuus est. Eoganan mac Tuathalaiw
mortuus est.
1 96 Whitley Stokes .
Guin Faelaiw rig Osraighi do Laig»# [« The slaying of
Faelan, king of Ossory, by Leinstermen »].
A1//11 mac Dunchadha, maic Aedha Slaine, mortuus est. Mae-
doc Ferna qmeuit [« Ailill, son of Dunchad, son of Aed Slaine,
died. Maedoc (= my Aedoc) of Ferns rested »].
[AU. 660. CS. 657. AI. 650. FM. 660].
K. Towene abb [7] espoc Aird Macha quieuit. Laidhgnew
mac Baith Bandaigh quieuit. Conaing hua Daint, ab Iwleich
Ibair, qwieuit. Cuwine ab[b]as ad Hibmiiam uenit. Mo-Gopoc
macu1 Lama quieuit. Qwies Cwwene Fota secundum alios2
[« Commene, abbot and bishop of Armagh, rested. Laidgnen,
son of Baeth Bannach, rested. Conaing, grandson of Dant,
abbot of Imbliuch Ibair, rested. Abbot Cumine came to Ire-
land. My Gopoc, great-grandson of Lam, rested. The rest of
Cumene the Tall, according to some »].
[AU. 661. CS. 658. AI. 651. FM. 661].
K. Cumine Fota, .Ixxii. anno etatis sue, mortuus est. Saran
hua Cridan qwieuit. Mael duin mac Aeda Bendam mortuus est.
Cath OghamaiwocCind Corbadan [« The battle of Ogaman
at Cenn Corbadan »] ubi ceciderunt Cowaing mac Congal^
maic Aeda Slaine et Ultan mac Ernme, n Cianachtz [« king of
Cianacht »] et Ceandfaeladh mac Gerrtidhe, ri Arda Cianachta.
[« king of Ard Cianachta »], in q^^o bello Blathfmac] mac Aeda
Slaine uictwj est a sociis Diarmata maic Aeda Slaine, qwi dz-
cuntur Onchu mac Saraw^ 7 Mael milchon 3 7 Cathasach mac
Eimine, in quo bello 4. Faelchu mac Maeluma cQcidit. Hie
finis regni^ [fo. iob2] Blaithm/c, ut alii dicum, et initiu;«
regni6 Diarmata 7.
1 . MS. mac ua 5 . reighnf
2. fali6s 6. rigni
3. iarma... chon 7. In the MS. this sentence comes
4 • uello between victus est and a sociis
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 197
Maenach mac Fingin, ri Muwan [« king of Minister »]
mortuus est [AI. 652].
Mael fuataig mac Ernaine, ri Cian#£/;/a [« king of the Cia-
nacht »], iugulatus [est].
Scand[l]an abbas Lugbaid [« abbot of Louth »] qwieuit.
Maelduin mac Furudrain r/ Dwrlais [« king of Thurles »]
mortuus est.
Conall Cloccach [« of the Bells »] qwieuit. Colman htia
Cluasaigh [« grandson of Cluasach »] quieuit.
Senodus Constantinopolii fac/a est sub papa Agathone et
Constantino reghe, quae est sexta J senodus uniuersalis, se-
nodtis episcopis .c.l. residentibus. Prima enim uniuersalis se-
nodus in Nicea urbe Bethiniafe] congregate est contra Arium 2.
.ccc.xuiii patrum temporibw^ luilii pape sub Constantino, id
est filio Helene, principe. Secunda Constantinopolii c.l. patrum
contra 3 Macidoniuw et Eudoxiuw temporibtfj Damasi p&pae et
Graciani principis, quando Nectarius eidem urbi est ordinatw^
episcopus4. T^rcia in Ephesso .cc. patmm contra 5 Nestorium
Aguste, uel Constantiwopo//'^ wel Elie urbis episcopww, sub
Teodosio6 magno pnwcipe et papa Celistino. Quarta in Chal-
cedone^, patrum. d.c.xxx. sub Leoine papa temporibwj1 Mar-
ciani principis contra^ Eutic[h]en nefandissimorwm praesulem
monachorum9. Quinta autem Constantinopoli I0, temporibwj
Uigilii pape, sub lustiniano principe, contra11 Teodoruw et
omnes hereticos. Sexta hec de qua in present! diximw^.
Bee mac Fergusa 7 Conall Clocach qwieuit.
[AU. 662. CS. 659. AI. 653. FM. 662].
Ki. Guaire Aidhne mort[u]w5 est 7 a adnacol a Cluam mate
1 . MS. sextus 8. eitis
2. eins arruum 9. nefantlssimorum P. sule;« ma-
3 . eius est neceorum. Perhaps Manichaeornin is
4. esp. meant. But Beda(ed. Giles, VI, 327),
5. est from whom this passage is taken,
6. episcopzw sub teodossa has tnonachorum.
7. Quarta inporibw.? marsiani in 10. constiwtino poliss
calsidone 1 1 . eiz/5
I98 Whitley Stokes.
Nois [« Guaire of Aidne died, and his burial at Clonmac-
nois »].
lugulacio1 duoruw filiiorum Downaill mate Aeda [« of Dom-
nall, son of Aed »] .i. Conall 7 Colgo, o Cerrchend [« by
Cerrchenn »].
Mors Gartnait maic Downaill, rig Cruithneach, 7 Downaill
maic Tuathail 7 Tuathail maic Morgainw. [« Death of Gart-
nat, son of Domnall, king of the Picts, and of Domnall, son
of Tuathal, and of Tuathal, son of Morgann »].
Qwies Segain maic hui Chumd, abbad Bendchair, 7 Tuenoc
maic Findtain abbad Ferna [« Rest of Segene, great-grandson
of Conn and abbot of Bangor, and of thy Enoc, son of Find-
tan, abbot of Ferns. »] Indercad 7 Dimmai2, duo episcopi,
Cendfaeladh mac Colgow ri Condacht. [« Cennfaelad, son
of Colgu, king of Connaught »].
[AU. 663. CS. 660. FM. 663].
Kl. Tenebre i callaiwd Mai [« on the calends of May »] in
hora nona, et in eadem estate celum ardere uisuw est. Morta-
litas magna in Hibmiiaw peruenit hi calaind Auguist .i. i
Muigh Itha il-Laigm'£ [« on the calends of August, i. e. in Mag
Itha in Leinster »].
Mors Cernaigh Sotail filii Diarmuda maic Aeda Slaine
[« Death of Cernach the Proud, son of Diarmait, son of Aed
Slaine »], et terre3 motus in Britania, et Cowgan mac Cu-
thajnde et Berach abas Bennchair [« abbot of Bangor »].
Baedan mac uCorwaic ab Cluana obit. [« Baetan, great-
grandson of Cormac, abbot of Clonmacnoise, died »].
In campo Fochairt exarsit mortalitas primo in Hib^rnia, a
morte Patricii .cc.iii. priwa mortalitas [leg. post mortalita-
tem ? .c.xxii4.
1. MS. Uigalacfo. 3. terne
2. Indearcag 7 dimnai 4. x.xii
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 199
[AU. 664. CS. 661. AI. 656. FM. 664].
Kl. Mortalitas magna. Diarmuitm^c Aeda Slaine 7 Blathmec,
da rig Erenn [« two kings of Ireland »] 7 Mael Bresail mac
Maile duin mort[u]wj [est]. Ulltan mac hui Cunga ab Guana
hlraird [« Ultan, great-grandson of Cunga, abbot of Clo-
nard. »] Dormitacio Feichwe Fabair 7 Aileran na hecna [« The
falling asleep of S. Fechine of Fore and of Aileran of the Wis-
dom »] 7 Ronan mac B^raig 7 Mael-doid mac Fingin. Cu gen
mdthair, mac Cathail, ri Muman [« king of Munster »] mor-
tuus est. Corm0c mac Failbe Flaind, ri Muman [« king of
Munster »] arm [leg. moritur ?] Blathm^c ri Tebtha, [« king of
Teffia »], Oengus U\ad [« of Ulster »] 7 Manchan Leith [« of
Liath »] episcopi abbatesque regesque1 innumerabilefs] mortui
sunt2. Colman mac Fualascaig, do Corco Mogha, aen \Aiadain
ab Cluana mate Now [7] Cumaine, do Gregraigi Locha Te-
ched, ab Cluana maic N0W, dormierwwt [« Colman, son of
Fualascach, of the Corco Moga, one year abbot of Clon-
macnois, and Cumaine, of the Gregraige of Loch Techet,
abbot of Clonmacnois, slept »].
Sechnttjach [fo. i ia i] mac Blaithm«'c [« son of Blathmec »]
regnaire incipit.
[AU. 665. CS. 662. FM. 665].
K. Mors Ailello Flainweass[a], maic Do//maill^ maic Aedha,
maic Ainwireach [« Death of Ailill Flann-ess, son of Domnall,
son of Aed, son of Ainmire »].
Mael caich mac Scandlaiw, ri Cruithne [7] Mael-duin mac
Scandail, ri Ceneoil Cairpr/, obierunt^ [« Mael-caich, son of
Scandlan, king of the Picts, and Mael-duin, son of Scandal,
king of the Kindred of Cairbre. died »].
Eochaidh 4 larlaithe, n Cruithne Midhi. [« king of the Picts
of Meath »].
1 . MS. abaitis qtte reigis que 3 . obierat
2. fierant 4. Eochaigh
200 Whitley Stokes.
Duib-inwracht mac Dunchao'a riHua mBriuiw Ai [« King 0*
the Hui Briuin Ai »] mortuus est.
Mors Cellaig male Ughaire. [« Death of Cellach, son of
Ugaire »].
Cath Feirtse her Ulltu 7 Cruithne, in qwo cecidit Cathasach
mac Luirchine. [« The battle of Belfast between the Ulaid
and the Picts, in quo etc. »].
Baithiwe abb B^mchair [_« abbot of Bennchor »] quieuit.
Faelan mac Colma/n n Laigdw [« son of Colmdn, king of
Leinster »] mortuus est.
[AU. 666. CS. 663. FM. 666].
Kl. Mortalitas in qua quatuor abbates I Bw«chair [« four
abbots of Bennchor »] perierunt, Brnich 2, Cwwiwe, Colum,
Mac Aedha.
Cath Aine eter Aradho 7 Huu Fi[d]gente, [« The battle of
Aine between the Araid and the Hui Fidgente »], ubi cecidit
Eogan mac Crundmail.
Gum Braiw Find maic Mail ochtraigh .i. rf na nDese Mu-
wan. [« The slaying of Bran the Fair, son of Mael-ochtraig,
and king of the Desi of Munster »].
[AU. 667. CS. 664. FM. 667].
Kl. Nauigaitio Colmani episcopi3 cum reliqwi[i]s sanctorum
ad Insulam 4 Vacce Albe, in qwa fundauit eclesiam 5. Et naui-
gatio filiorww Gartnaith ad Ibermam cum plebe6 Scith.
FeargMj mac Muicedha mortuus est.
1. MS. in qz/o quotuorww abaites 4. insolum
2. periest b^rach. 5. ailbe in qwofundabat eaclinam
3. Colmane csp. 6. plepe
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 201
[AU. 668. CS. 665. FM. 668].
Kl. Obitus Cwmaine Albi abbatis lae ' 7 Critan abbatis2
Btfwchair 7 mo Chua maic Chuist, et mors Mail-Fothartaig 5
mate Suibne, rig Nepotuw Tuirtri.
Itharnan et Corindu zpud Pictores defuincti sunt.
lugulatio Maile duin filii4 Maewaigh.
[AU. 669. CS. 666].
Kl. Nix magna facta est. Accidit ascolt > [mor « a great
famine »].
lugulatio l Maele duin nepotis Ronain.
Mors Blaithmz'c maic Mail Coba 7 iugulatio r Cuanwa maic
Maile duin maic Cellaig.
Uenit gens Gartnait de Hebernia.
lugulatio T Brain Find maic Mail-
Mors Dunchadha nepotis Ronain.
[AU. 670. CS. 667. FM. 669.
Kl. Mors Ossu maic Etilbrith rig Saxan [« Death of Oswiu,
son of iEthelfrith, King of the Saxons »].
lugulatio6 Seachnusaigh maic Blaithmi'c regis7 Temoria[e]
initio h[i]emis.
Ba srianach, ba hechlascach 8
a teach a mbith [Sechnasach].
ba himdha fuidhell 9 for slait
istaigh a mbidh mac Blaithnuwc.
1. MS. ailbe abaiteis iea 6. iugal.
2. abateiss 7- "egw
3 . mailfotharataig 8 . Bass rianan bahecloscach
4'. lugalatio... fillii 9- fuighell
5 . Nigis fac^aej/occid magna escolt
202 Whitley Stokes.
[« Full of bridles, full of horsewhips was the house in which
Sechnasach used to be. Abundant were the leavings besides
plunder in the house wherein dwelt Blaithmec's son »].
Dub duin rex Generis1 Cairprz iugulauit2 ilium.
Bran Find mac Mail ochtraigh, ri na nDeisse Muwan [« The
king of the Desi of Munster »] mortuus est. [AI. 660].
Mael-Ruba in Britaniaw nauigat. [FM. 671].
AU. 671. CS. 668. FM. 670].
Kl. Cath Dungaile maic Maile tuile, n Ceneoil Boguine.
[« The battle of Dungal, son of Mael-tuile, king of Cenel Bo-
guine ».] Loingseach uictor fuit. Dungal cecidit.
Loscadh Aird Macha 7 Tighi Telle [« The burning of Ar-
magh and of Tehelly »].
Mors Cwmascaigh maic Rowain.
Cenwfaeladh mac Blaithm/c regnaire incipit.
Expuilsio Drosto de reghno et combustio B^wnchair Bri-
[AU. 672. CS. 669].
iiiiw.d.cl.uiii. Kl. Iust[injianw^ minor, filius Cows[t]ant[ini]
znnis .x. regnauit.
Guin Dowanguirt maic Downuill Bricc, rig DailRiata [« The
slaying of Domongort, son of Domnall Brecc, king of Dal-
riada »].
Nauigatio Failbe abbad lae 3 [« abbot of lona »] in Ibmiiaw.
Mael ruba fundauit eclesiam4 Aporcrosa/z.
Combustio Muighe luinge [« The burning of Maghluinge »].
[AU. 673. CS. 670. AI. 662].
Kl. Guin Gwgail Cendfata maic Dunchadha, rig \J\ad, o
i. MS. genais 3. ab iea
2- "»gal. 4. fundabit 7 1. siam
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 203
Bee Boirche mac Blaithm/c [« The slaying of Congal Longhead,
son of Dunchad, king of Ulaid, by Becc Boirche, son of
Blaithmec »].
Nub[e]s tenu[i]s et tremula ad speciem J celestis wccus,
quartet uigilia noctis, quints feria ante pasca, ab oriente 2 in
occidentem per serenuw 3 caelum apparuit. Luna in sang[u]e-
new u^fsa est.
[AU. 674. CS. 671. AI. 663. FM. 673].
Kl. Cath for Cennfaekd mac Blaithm/c, maic Aeda Slaiwe,
oc Tigh hui Maine i nDail Cealtru, re Ffadachtz Fleadhach
mac nDunchadha. [Findachta Fledach] mctor erat. fmachfa
Fledhach 4 regnare incipit. [« A battle gained over Cennfaelad,
son of Blaithmec, son of Aed Slaine, at Tech hui Maini in
Dal Celtru, by Findachta the Festive, son of Dunchad. Fin-
dachta the Festive », etc.].
Mors Noi maic Dainel. Mors filii Panntea.
[AU. 675. CS. 672. AI. 665. FM. 674].
Kl. Columban episcopus 5 Insole Vacce Albe6 7 Finan mac
Airennain7 pausant.
Coscradh Ailigh Frigrend la Fmdachfa Fledach8 [« Des-
truction of Ailech Frighrenn by Findachta the Festive »].
Failbe de Hib^rnia reuertitwr9.
Cowgal [fo. na2] m^c Maile duin et filii Scandail et Ur-
thuile iugulati I0 sunt.
1. MS. sbeciaw 6. ailbe
2. oirienti 7. finaen asremzam
3 . senenuw 8 . flegach
4. fleghach 9. reuendtwr
5. Colam banespo£ 10. iugal.
204 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 676. CS. 673. FM. 675].
Kl. Stella cometes1 uisa est luminosa in mense Septembir2
et Octimbir.
Duncadh mac Ulltaiw ri Oirgiall [« king of Oriel »] oc-
dsus est la Mael duw mac Maeli fithrigh [« by Mael-duin son
of Mael fithrig »].
Cath etzV Finda^Ma 7 Laighnecho [« A battle between Fin-
dachta and the Leinstermen »] in loco proximo Locha Gabra,
in quo Finwachta uictar erat.
Congresio Guile Maine ubi ceciderunt 3 da mac Maile Ach-
daiw [« The conflict of Cuil Maini, wherein fell two sons of
Mael Achdain »].
Beccan Ruiwean qwieuit [in] insoln Britania.
[AU. 677. CS. 674. FM. 676].
Kl. Mors Colgan mate Failbe Flaiwd, rig Muwan [« Death of
Colgu, son of Failbe Fland, king of Munster »]. Fiwdgaine
mac Con cen mdthair ri Muman moritur4? [« Findguine, son
of Cu cen mdthair (motherless Hound) dies »]
Dairchill m#c hui Rite, espoc Glindi da lacha [7] Comane
esp^ [7] Maeldogar espoc Fernanw pausant [« Dairchill, great-
grandson of Rete (?), bishop of Glendalough, and bishop Co-
mane, and Mael-dogar, bishop of Ferns, rest »].
Interfectio generis Loairnw i Tirinn .i. eter Ferchair Fotai 7
Britones [« between Ferchair the Tall and the Britons »,]
qui uictores erant5.
Tuaiw snama n Osraighi6 mortuusest la Faelan Senchostal.
[« Tuaim-Snama, king of Ossory, died by Faelan Sen-
chostal »].
1. MS. comites 5. eter ferchair fectio geniris .i.
2. ccptimbir fotai 7 britones qwi uictores crant lo
3 . uibi cccit cr//«t airnn itirinn
4- an 6. osraidhi
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 205
Bass Drosto mate Downaill [« Death of Drost, son of Dom-
nall »].
Cath i Calitros [« A battle in Calitros »], in qwo mctus est
Downoll Breacc.
[AU. 678. CS. 675. AI. 667. FM. 677].
Kl. Quies l Failbe ab[b]atis lea. Cendfaeladh sapiens pausa^.
Cath Taillten re Findsnechta contra Beicc mBoirche. [« The
battle of Telltown gained by Findsnechta against Beicc
Boirche ».] Dorwitacio Nechtaiw.
[AU. 679. CS. 676. AI. 668. FM. 678].
Kl. Colman ab[b]as Benncair [« abbot of Bennchor »]
Cathal mac Ragallaigh mortuus est.
Guin Fianawla maic Maile tuile rig Laighen 2, 7 Foidsea-
chan, dia munwtir fein, rod-geoghuin 3 ar Finacbte [« The
slaying of Fianamail, son of Mael tuile, king of Leinster; and
Foidsechan, one of his own household, slew him for sake of
Finachta »].
Bellum* Saxonww ubi cecidit5 Almuine f/l/ws Osu.
Mors Maele Fothartaigh espuic Aird sratha [« Death of Mael
Fothartaig, bishop of Ardstraw »].
Bran mac Conaill ri Laigm an [« Bran son of Conall, king
of Leinster, died ?]
Cath i wBa[db]ghna, ubi ceci[di]t Conall Oirgnidh6, ri Ce-
neoil Cairpn [« A battle in Badbgna, where fell Conall the
Destroyer, king of the Kindred of Cairbre »].
Lepra grauissima? in Hibmiiaw, quae uocatwr Bolgach.
1. MS. Qmeis 5. ccesit
2. laighiw 6. conzill oirgnigh
3 . rogeodhai;/ 7 . leapra grauisiam
4. Cath
206 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 680. CS. 677. FM. 679].
Kl. Combustio regum I i nDun Ceithirn .i. Dunghal mac
Scandail ri Cruithnech 7 Cendfaeladh ri Ciana^a Gliwdi Ge-
min in initio2 estatis la Maelduiw mac Maile fit/;righ [« Burning
in Dun Cethirn of the kings, namely Dungal, son of Scandal,
king of the Picts, and Cennfaelad, king of the Cianachta of
Glenn Gemin, at the beginning of summer by Maelduin, son
of Mael-fithrig »]. Cath Blai slebe portea iter Mael-duin mac
Maile fithrigh 7 Fland [Find] mac Maile [tuile] la Cianachta
Glinne Gemin [« The battle of Blae Slebe afterwards, between
Mael duin, son of Mael-fithrigh, and Fland the Fair, son of
Mael tuile, by the Cianachta of Glenn Gemin »].
BassCowaill Chail, mate Dunchad[a], i Cindtire. Bass Sech-
m/^aigh, maic Airmedhaigh, 7 Cowaing, maic Gwgail. Ciar
ingen Duibrefa] qmeuit[« Death of Conall the Slender, son of
Dunchad, in Cantire. Death of Sechnasach, son of Airmedach,
and of Conaing, son of Congal. Ciar, daughter of Duibrea,
rested »].
[AU. 681. CS. 678. AI. 670. FM. 680].
Kl. Guin Cindfaeladh maic Colgan, rig Condacht, 7 Ulcha
o Caellaighe, do Gwmflcne Cuile, occidit eum iar nga-
bail tighe fair do Conmacne [« The slaying of Cennfaelad, son
of Colgu, king of Connaught, and Ulcha Derg [« Red Beard »]
O' Caellaige, of the Conmacne of Cuil, slew him, after his
house had been stormed by the Conmacne »]..
Duwchad Muirsce mac Maelduib, ri Connacht an [« Dun-
chad of Muirisc, son of Mael-duib, king of Connaught,
died »].
Cath Ratha Moire Muige Line contra. Britones, ubi cecidit3
1 . MS. regnwm 3 . britois uibi ccesit
2. inito
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 207
Cathussach mac Maile duin, ri Cruithne, 7 Ulltan mac Di-
cholla [« The battle of Raith Mor of Mag Line, against the
Britons, wherein fell Cathasach, son of Mael-duin, king of
the Picts, and Ultan son of Dichuill »].
Obitus Suibne mate Mail-umae, prmcipis Corcaighe [« ab-
bot of Cork »].
Orcades deletae I sunt la Bruidhe [« by Bruide »].
Iust[in]ianw^ ob culpam perfidiae2 regni gloria priuatw^%
exul in Pontuw secedit4.
[in marg. iiiiw.dcl.xi]. Kl. Leo .iii. anm'j regnauit. Papa
Sergius 5 in sacrario beati Petri aposfoli capsam argenteam 6
quae in angulo obscurissimo diutissime 7 iacuerat et in ea cru-
cem d'mersis ac pmiossis lapid[ib]w^ adorwataw8, Domino reue-
lante, repent ; de qwa tractis .iiii. petalis quibus gemme inclu-
sae9 erant, mirae I0 magnitudinis portiowem lighni saluitifen
dowinice crucis interius repositam inspexit11 : <\uae ex tempore I2
[illo] anms omnibus, in basilica Saluatoris J3 quae appellata J4
Cowstawtiniana, die exaltationis1? eius ab omni osculatur atque
adoratur l6 populo.
[AU. 682. CS. 679. AI. 671. FM. 681].
Duncbad Muirsce mac Maelduib n tCon[n]acht \ugu\atur *7
[« Dunchad of Murrisk, son of Maelduib, king of Connaught,
is murdered »].
Feargal Aidhne mac Artgaile, ri Con[n]acht. [« Fergal of
Aidne, son of Artgal, king of Connaught »].
Cath Coraind in quo cec[id]it Colgu mac Blaithm/c 7 Fergus
mac Maile dum, ri Ceneoil Cairpn. [« The battle of Corann,
1. MS. Orcadeis deletea 10. mirea
2. perfidiea n. reposituw inspeicsit
3. pribatus 12. ect emore
4. pon?ituw secetid 13. saluatores
5. seregis 14. appellate
6 . argenteiwi 1 5 . exaltadionis
7. obscuirisimo iutisimo 16. aculatz/r ataqu^ atoratwr
8. adorwatow 17. iugal.
9 . incausa
2o8 Whit ley Stokes.
in which fell Colgu, son of Blaithmec, and Fergus, son of
Mael-duin, King of the Kindred of Cairbre »].
[fo. nb i] Initiuw mortalitaitis puerorww in mensQ Ochtim-
Dormitacio Airwedhaigh na Oaibe. Colman di Airtiuch,
ab Guana mate Nois, <\u\euit [« The falling asleep of Air-
medach of the Craeb (Laisre). Colman of Airtech, abbot ot
Clonmacnois, rested »].
[AU. 683. CS. 680. AI. 672. FM. 682].
Kl. Mortaili[ta]s paruolorew. Mors Maine ab Naendrowa
[« Death of Maine, abbot of Noendruim »].
Cath Caisil Fiwdbairr [« The battle of Caisel Findbairr »].
Loch n-Eachach do sodh a full. [« Loch Neagh was turned
into blood »].
[AU. 684. CS. 681. FM. 683].
Kl. Uentwj magnw^ [et] terrae1 motus in Ibmiia insola.
Saxones 2 Campu?;* [Breg] uastauerwwt, et eclesias 3 pluri-
mas> in m^wse luni.
Mors C0waill mate Guaire. Mors Bresail mate Fergwj-a rig
Coba [« Death of Conall, son of Guaire. Death of Bresal son
ot Fergus, king of Coba »].
[in marg. iiiim.dc.lxuiii.] Tiberi[u]s anww [uii.] regnauit.
Gisulphwj1 dux gentis Long[o]bardoruw Beneuenti^ Campa-
niam ighne, gladio et captiuitate 5 uastaupt], cumque non esset
qwi eius impetui resist^ret, apostolicus 6 papa Iohan[n]es, qwi
Sergio successerat 7, mis[s]is ad e[u]m sacerdotibwj- ac donariis
p^rplurimis 8, uniu^rsos redemit captiuos9 atqz^ ho[s]tes do-
1. MS. terri 6. apostolicas
2. saxenes 7. succesierat
3 . ccliwsias 8 . donairis perpluribus
4- benebetmi 9. uniu<rsus redemid captibos
5 . cam diuitate
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 209
mum redire fecit1. Cui succes[s]it aliw-j2 Johannes, qwi inter
multa operum ill#jtrmm fecit oratoriuw sancte Dei genitricis,
opere pulcherrimo3 intra eclesiam* beati apostolis Petri.
Hereberctwj- rex Long[o]bardorww multas cortes6 et patrimo-
nia Alpiuw Cotiarww, quae quondam ad i[u]s p[er]tinebant
apostolice7 sedis, sed a Longobardis multo tewpore fuerant
ablata, restituit8 iuri eiusdem sedis, et hanc donatiowem au-
reis scriptam 9 littms Rowam direxit.
[AU. 685. CS. 682].
Cath Duin Ne^ain [« The battle of Dun Nechtain »] uice-
simo die mensis I0 Mali, sabbati " die factum est, in qwo Ecfrith I2
mac Osu, rex Saxonum, quinto decimo anno reighni sui consum-
mato, magna J3 cum caterua milituw suorum interfectus est la
Bruidhi m^zc Bili regis Fortrerm [« by Bruide, son of Bile,
king of Fortriu »].
Tolar[g] [mac] Aithicam obit.
Domnoll Breacc, mac Eachach Buidhi, do thoitiw la hAan
rig Breatan, i cath Sratha Caruwx4 [« Domnall Brecc, son of
Eochaid the Yellow, fell by Owen, king of the Britons in the
battle of Srath Carun »].
lugulatio1) Rotechtaig 7 Dargarto, filw Findgaiwe.
Mors Banbaiw os each16 [sapientis], fer-legiwd Cilli dara
[« Death of Banban, wise above every one, lector of Kil-
dare »].
Forcron ab Cluawa mate Now [« abbot of Clonmacnois »]
1. MS. fecid 9. aures scribtam
2. alfutf 10. indsis
3. pulcermio 11. sabaiti
4. exclinsiam. 12. ecsrith
5. op.osli 13. magno
6. multus cartus 14. earn
7. apostolsice 15. iugal.
8. restibid 16. Oscach
Revue Critique, XVII. 14
210 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 686. CS. 683. AL 675. FM. 685].
Kl. lugulatio1 Feradhaig mate Congaile [« The slaying of
Feradach, son of Congal »]. Qwles do C/;wwaighanocc Maid
Vallis2 da lacha [« abbot of Glendalough »]. Dormitatio Ro-
seni Mad Corcaighe moire [« abbot of Cork »]. Mors Oseni
espw/V monasttripj Finwtan, .i. Mundu, male Tulchain [« bis-
hop of the monastery of Fintan, i. e. Mundu (mo Findu),
son of Tulchan »].
Adom[n]anwj captiuos reducsit ad Hiberniaw .lx. [FM. 684].
[AU. 687. CS. 684. AL 676. FM. 686].
Kl. Qtties Seigine espuic Aird Macha [« Rest of Segine,
bishop of Armagh »].
Occis[i]6 Canonn maic Gartnaiw [leg. Gartnait ?].
Fmnachfa clericatum suscepit3.
Cath Imleacha Fich re Niall, mac Cernaigh Sotail, for Con-
galach mac Gwaing, ubi ceciderunt Dub da intar, ri Arda Cia-
nachtz, 7 Uairc/;ridhe hua Ossine, ri Gwaille. Cowgalach mac
Conaing fugitiuw^4 euasit. [« The battle of Imbliuch Fich
gained by Niall, son of Cernach the Proud, over Congalach,
son of Conaing, wherein fell Dub da inber, king of Ard Cia-
nachta, and Uairchride, grandson of Ossine, king ofConaille.
Congalach », etc.]
[AU. 688. CS. 685. FM. 688].
Kl. Finwachta reu^rtitwr ad reghnum.
lohanww espoc Cind Galarath (sic) obit 5.
1. MS. iugal. 4. fuigititttf
2 . uaillis 5 . This entry should probably be
3 . succepit lolan epscop Cinn Garath obit.
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 2 1 1
lugulatio r Diarmuda maic Airm^haigh .1. ri Midhi, la hAedh
mac nDluthaigh, rig Fer Cul [« The slaying of Diarmait, son
of Airmedach, king of Meath, by Aed, son of Dluthach, king
of the Fir Cul »].
Mors Cathasaigh hui Dortmaill Bricc, maic F^radhaigh,
maic Thuathail, maic Maile duiw, maic C0waill Chrand-omnai
[« Death of Cathasach, grandson of Domnall Brecc, son of
Feradach, son of Tuathal, son of Mael duin, son of Conall
Crann-omna »].
Opscurata est pars solis.
Adamnanw^ reduxit captiuofs] in Ibemiam [FM. 684].
[AU. 689. CS. 686. AL 670. FM. 689].
Kl. C0«gal mac Maile duin, maic Aeda B#wan, ri Muman
[« king of Munster »] 7 AiMl mac Dungaile 7 Eilne mac
Scandail iugulati 2 sunt.
IN hocc anwo Beda fecit librum [de Natura Rerum] et Tem-
ponbus et in pagin 3 et [in figell].
[Mors Finguine Longi et Feradhaigh Meith maic] Nectlecc,
7 Coblait [fo. nb2J fih'a Canond mortua [est].
Da Beooc [leg. Becoc?] Cluana hlraird [« thy Becoc ofClo-
nard »] qwieuit.
Bran mac Cowaill, ri Laigen, [« king of Leinster »] moritwr4.
Iust[in]ianwj minor filius Constantifni], anwis .x. [regnauit].
Gnat/wad ab[b]atis[sa] Cille dara [« abbess of Kildare »]
Cellach Cualand mac Geirrthighe, ri Laigen [« king of
Leinster »] an [leg. moritur].
[AU. 690].
Kl. Cronan maccu Caulne M Bmwchair obit [« Cronan,
greatgrandson of Caulne, abbot of Bennchor, dies »].
1 . MS. lUghal here, summatim de re aliqua disse-
2. iugal. rere », Ducange )
3. pagnf (« paginare breuiter scri- 4. mortuitur
2 1 2 Whit ley Stokes.
Teodorus [epi]scop«j Britaniae qwieuit,
Fi[d]chellach mac Flaind, n Hua Maine [« king of the Hui
Maini »] martuus est.
[AU. 691. CS.
Kl. Adownanus xiiii. anwo1 post pausaw Failbe[i] Ea ad Hi-
b^niam pergit2.
Luna in sanguineuw colorew in natali 3 sancti Martini
[uersa est] .
[AU. 692. CS. 689. FM. 690].
Kl. lustinianus secundo* cwmTibmo fzlio regnauit annis .ui.
Hie auxilio Trebelli regis Bulgaroruw regnum 5 recipiens, occidit
eos qwi se expulerant patricios, et Leonew qwi locum eius usur-
pau^rat, necmw et successorem 6 eius Tibmum", qwi eum de
regno ei[e]ctuw, toto quo ipse regnabat in eadem ciuitate tern-
pore mcM^todia8 tenuerat. Callinicww u^ro Patriarcham9, erutis
oculis, misit Romam et dedit episcopatuw Giro, q«i erat abbas
in Ponto I0, e[u]mqwe alebat exulem Ir Qtd cum exercituw mit-
teret 12 in Pontuw^ multuw prohibente papa apostolico Cons-
tantiwo, ad cowprehendum X3 Philippicwm^ quern *4 ibi reli-
gau^rat, cowuersw^ omnis exercitwj- ad partew Philippici, fecit
eum ibidem1* imper&torem reu^rsusqw^ cum eo Constantino-
polim l6. pugnauit contra. Iwjtinianum^ ad duodeciwmm ab
Uirbe milliarium J7, et uicto atqtie occiso lustiniano regnww
su[s]cepit P[h]ilippicw^.
Bruidhe mac Bile rex Fortrend [« king of Fortriu »] mo-
Ailpiw mac Nechtain.
1. MS. axiffi. annis 10. abbass in ponwto
2. pergid n. exulim
3 . sanguineam coieri;/; iwatalii 1 2 . mitmid
4- fo i^ compriheandum
5. regno w 14. q«i
6. succisorew 15. piJipicw^ fecid emibidm
7. dberiam 16. co;zstanti«obolem
8. custotia 17
9. patriercum
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 21 3
Mors Dirath espuic Fernand [« bishop of Ferns »] 7 Bran
mac [leg. hua ?] Faelaiw ti Laigen [« king of Leinster »]
mortui sunt.
Cath iter Osraighi I 7 Lzigniu, 7 is and rowarbtfd Faelchwr
hua Mail Odrai [« A battle between Ossory and Leinster, and
therein Faelchur, grandson of Mael Odrai, was killed »].
Cith fearthana [fola] il-Laignib, co raibe 'na srothaib re
teora la 7 teora aidhche. [« A shower of blood in Leinster, so
that it was like streams for the space of three days and three
nights »].
[AU. 693. CS. 690. AI. 682. FM. 692].
Kl. Cronan Becc ab Cluana maic Nois do t&rfail .i. Cronan
Bee, a Cuailgne a cenel [« Cronan the Little, abbot of Clon-
macnois, departed, i.e. Cronan Becc whose kindred was of
Cualgne »].
Downall mac Auin rex Alo Chluaithe 2 [« king of Ail Cluai
the « Dumbarton »] montur.
Bass Crowain Bailne [« Death of Cronan of Balla »].
[AU. 694. CS. 691. AI. 683. FM. 693].
[in marg. : n Erenn.] Kl. Finachta* mac Dunchadha maic
Aeda Slane n Erenn 7 Bresal ff 1ms eius iugulati 4 sunt i cath ac
Grellaigh Dollaith do Aed mac Dluthaigh, ri Fear cul, m^c
AiMla maic Aeda Slaine 7 do Congal mtfc Cowaing maic Con-
gaile maic Aedha Slaine. Moling Luad;ra [dorigni in rjandso
ar Finachta 5 :
Ba dirsan do Finachtfa],
indiu laighidh crolighe.
rombe la firu nime
iw dilgud na boraime.
1. MS. osraidhi 4. iugal
2 . aloch luaithe 5 .
3. Fmdacht
2i4 Whitley Stokes.
Adhomnan l cecinit :
fmachta. mac Dunchada
romaith mor don naew,
tri coecait cet boslabraidh,
is gach bo com laegh.
Moling cecinit :
IN bernw forsm-bith Fmachtz
imoreithdis rig riadhai [leg. ria ghai ?]
ed co w-dothchernsa dochuill
atas-rolaicc nis-riadha.
[« Finachta, son of Dunchad, son of Aed Slaine, king of
Ireland, and his son Bresal were slain in battle at Girley by
Aed, son of Dluthach, king ofFir-cul, son of Ailill, son of Aed
Slane, and by Congal, son of Conaing, son of Congal, son of
Aed Slane. Moling of Luachair made this stave on Finachta :
« Twas sad for Finachta! Today he lies on a gory bed, May
he be with the men of heaven for forgiving the tribute! »
Adamnan sang: « Finachta, son of Dunchad, remitted much
to the saint, a hundred and fifty hundreds of dower-kine, and
every cow with her calf » .
Moling sang : « The gap whereon Finachta was slain,
round which kings would run before his spear 2].
Quies Mind Bairiwd, ab Achaid bo 3 [« Rest of Menn Bai-
renn, abbot of Aghaboe »].
Marbad Taidhg maic Failbe i nGlend in croccmd [« The
killing ofTadg, son of Failbe, in the Glen of the Hide »].
Loingseach regnare incipit.
[AU. 695. CS. 692. FM. 694].
KLIugolatio* [Domnaill filii] GwaillCrandowna.Findghaine
1. MS. adhdhownan 3. This entry comes, in the MS.,
2. The rest of this quatrain is next after Aedha Slaine.
obscure to me. 4, lugal.
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 21 $
mac Con cen mathair ri Muwan [« Findguine son of Cii cen
mathair, (Hound- without-mother), king of Munster »] mori-
tur1. AiMl mac Con cen mathair an Mww[an].
Feargal Aidhne mac Artgaile [« Fergal of Aidne, son of Art-
gal »] 7 Fianamail mac Maenaigh [« son of Maenach »] mor-
tuus est.
Lochene Mend .i. dune ecnaidh, abb Cille dara [« a wise
man, abbot of Kildare »] iugulatus2 est.
Cumeni Mugdorwni [« of Mugdorn »] pausat 3 . Congalach
mac Conaing, maic Cowgaile maic Aedha Slane mortuus est.
Muiredhach Muillethan ri Con[n\acht [« Muiredach Broad-
crows, king of Connaught »] an [leg. moritur].
[AU. 696. CS. 693. AI. 685. FM. 695].
Kl. Tarachin arna scriss assa flaithiw^ [« Tarachin expelled
from his princedom »]. Fearcar Fota [« the Tall »] moritur.
Adhomnan tuc recht* lecsa (sic) i wEriwd in \Aiadain sea.
[« Adamnan brought a law into Ireland this year »].
IMairec Crannchae [« The conflict of Crannach »] [fo. I2a i]
ubi ceci[di]t Feradhaig mac Maile doiter [leg. doith ?]
Moling Luachra dormiuit.
Britones 5 et Ulaid uastauerwwt Campum Mwrthewne.
[AU. 697. CS. 694. AI. 686. FM. 696, 697].
Kl. Cath i Telaig Garraisc6 i Fernmuigh, ubi cecidit Con-
chobur Macha nwc Maile duin, ri na n-Aimher, 7 Aed Oiread,
ri Dalaraidhe [« A battle on the Hill of Garrasc in Fernmag,
where fell Conchobar of Macha, son of Maelduin, king ot
the Airthir, and Aed Oired, king of Dalaradia »].
1. MS. mortui Hence kxaire (gl. legista) Ir. Gl.
2. iugal. no. n.
3 . pausad 5 . inter britowen
4. I take recht to be a gloss on 6. garraist
lecsa (i. e. lexa), a loan fromLat. lex.
216 Whitley Stokes.
Cath eter [« A battle between »] Saxones et Pictos, uibi ce-
cidit filiws Bernith, qwi dicebatw Brechtraidh1.
Morj- F0randan, ab Cille dara [« Death of Forannan, abbot
of Kildare »].
[AU. 698. CS. 695].
Kl. P[h]ilipic«s anwo uno et mensibus .ui. regnatiit.
Bouina straghes in Saxonia2.
[AU. 699. CS. 696. FM. 698, 699].
Kl. Accensa est bouina mortalitas in Hibmiia in kl.
in campo Trego i Tebthai [« on ist February in Magh Trego
in Teffia »].
Qwies ancorite Aedha o Sleibtiu [« Rest of the anchorite
Aed of Sletty »].
Fianamfl/7 mac hui Dunchadha, n Dal Araidhi, 7 Fland
mac Cind faelad maic Suibne, n Ceneoil Eogha.m> iuguLi i 3
[sunt] [« Fianamail, greatgrandson of Dunchad, king of Da-
laradia, and Fland, son of Cennfaelad, son of Suibne, king of
the Kindred of Eogan, were slain »].
Anrothan mac Crunwmail n Ceneo[i]l Eogain [« king of
the Kindred of Eogan »] de r[e]gno expulswj, in Britaniaw
per git 4.
Fames et pestilentia tribus annis 5 in Hibmiia facta6 est ut
[homo] hominem co/wederet7.
Fland mac Maile tuile, n' Ceneoil Eogain [« king of the
Kindred of Eogan »], nepos Crundmael [moritur].
Colman Linfnje Uachaille 8 [« of Linn Uachaille »] obit.
Cowall mac [Suibni] r/ na nDeissi [« the king of the Desi »]
morlmis est.
1. MS. brechtraigh 5. andis
2. saxononia 6. hib^rniam scat
3- iugal. 7^ henem cowederat
4- P"'gid 8. nacaill
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 217
[AU. 700. CS. 697. AI. 687. FM. 700].
[in marg. iiiiw.dc.lxxui] Kl. Anastasius annis I tribus reg-
nauit. Hie P[h]ilipicuw captuw oculis2 priuauit, nee 3 occidit.
Luidbrandwj rex Long[o]bardorww donationew patrimoni
Alpium Cottiarum4 papae Gr^gorio 5 dedit.
Ecberctus6 uir sanctus de gente Anglorww et sacerdotiuw
monachica uita? etiflw pro celesti patria8 exorwans, pluriwas9
prouincias Scoticae I0 gentis ad canonicam11 paschalis tem-
poris obseruantiaw, de qwa diutius aberrau^rant12, pia praedi-
catione conuerth, annoJ3 ab Iwcarnatio/ze Domini .d.cc.xu.
Bouina mortalitas T4.
Colman aue Oirc, ab Cluana hlraird [« Colman, grandson
of Ore, abbot of Clonard »] mortuusest.
A/M1 m#c Con cen mat hair, ri Muman [« Ailill, son of
Cu cen mathair, (Hound-without-mother), king of Munster »].
Cowall mac Donendaig n Hua Fi[d]gente [« Conall, son of
Donennach, king of the Hui Fidgenti »] mortuus est.
Occisio Ne[i]ll maic Qrnaigh i nDrumain \\iia Casan.
[« The slaying of Niall, son of Cernach, at Drumain Hua
Casain »] hlrgakc/; hua Consing occidit illu/w.
Cormac mac Aililla ri Muman [« king of Munster »] an.
[AU. 701. CS. 698. FM. 700].
Kl. Muiredhach Muillethan, n Cond^^ do eg [« Muire-
dach Broadcrown, king of Connaught, died »].
hlrgalach mac Cowaing a Britonibw5 iugulatus estJ5.
Faeldobar ab Clochair [« abbot of Clogher »] dormitauit.
1. Anastacius andis 9. pluriwans
2. occuilis 10. scoticea
3 . et nee 1 1 . cronicam
4. cottiruw 12. de q?a pascalis tewporis obser-
5 . gregoria uantiaw dimtius oberra uer. ant
6 . etberctus 1 3 . andam
7. monaichia cauita 14. mortulis
8 . fatria 1 5 . iugal.
218 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 702. CS. 699. AI. 692. FM. 701].
Kl. Cath Campi1 Cuilind a n-Aird Hua. n-Echach eter Ulltu
7 Britonfes ubi cecidit] {ilius Radhgaind, adu^rsariw^ eccle-
siarum 2 D^i. \J\aith u[i]ctores erant.
Cath Coraind la Cellach mac Raghalk/^A 7 la Cond^c/tfaib,
[« The battle of Corann gained by Cellach, son of Ragallach,
and by the Connaughtmen »], in quo cecidit 3 Loiwgseach
mac Aengw^a n Erenn [« King of Ireland »] cum tribus filiis
suis4 .1. Artgal 7 Connachtach 7 Fland Gerg5 7 da mac Colgen
[« and two sons of Colgu »] 7 Dub diberg mac Dungaile 7
FergMJ Forcraidh 7 Cowall Gabra, et cetm multi duces. Quart
id luil6, [« On the 4th of the ides of July »] ter/ia [h]ora diei
sabati, hoc bellum confectum.7 est. Celk^ mac Ragallaigh
uictor erat.
Colman m^zc Findbairr ab Lismoir [« abbot of Lismore »]
mortuus est.
Aillean daingen aedificatwr 8.
[AU. 703. CS. 700. AS. 693, 694. FM. 702, 703].
[in marg. iiiim.dc.] Kl. Theodosius9 anno uno regnauit. Hie
electwi imperator An[ast]asium apwJ Neceaw ciuitatew graui
p/'fltflio uicit, datoque sibi sacramento clericww fieri ac10 pm^s-
peteruw fecit11 ordiwari. Ipse uero ut regnwm accepit I2, cum
essetx3 catholics, mox in regia urbe imaginem illam uene-
randam1^ in qwa s^wcte sex senodi erawt depictaeJ5, et a Phi-
lippico l6 fuerant deiecta[e], praestino in loco resti[t]uit.
1. MS. campe 10. ca
2. aduersus arins exlinaraw u. fecid
3. inco ceccit. I2. accedit
4. nibus ills, iis iss. 13. cent
5- greg 14. immaigenum ilium ueneran-
6. iiii. iduul dum
7. confcicum 15. depitcia
8. ailleand ai«gen eadi ficatwr 16. pilspio
9. Totosiz/5
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 219
Straighes Dail Riada i n Glenn Lemnae [« Sir ages of the Dal
Riada in the valley of the Levin Water »].
Adamfnjanwj- [fo. I2a2] .Ixx. septimo anno etatis sue, in
nowa I kalendzs Octiwbris, abbas Ie, pausat.
Altfrith mac Ossa .i. Fland Finala Gaedhelu, &:naidh, [« Aid-
frith, son of Oswin, called Fland Fina by the Gaels, a wise
man »], rex Saxowum fuit (.i. dobi).
[Bellum for Cloenath, ubi uictor fuit] Ceal\ach Cualanw, in
qwo cecidit2 Badbchadh Midhe mac Diarmuta [« Badbchad of
Meath, son of Diarmait »]. Fogartach hua Cernaig fu[g]it.
[AU. 704. CS. 701. FM. 704].
[in marg. iiii.w.dc.lxxxuiii.] Kl. Leo anwis .ix. regnauit.
Saraceni 3 cum im[m]enso exercitu4 Constantinopolim uenien-
tes4 trienwio ciuitatem obsident5, donee p^ft[a]esi obsidionis
Luidbrandw^7 rex Long[o]bardorww audiews (\uod Saraceni
depopulata8 Sardinia etiflw loca foedarent9 ilia, ubi ossas#wc£i
Augustini10 episcopi proper uastatiowem Barbar[or]um olim
translata, et honorifice fuerint11 condha., misit, et dato maghno
pmio accepit et trans[t]ulit ea in Ticinis I2, ibiqw^ cum debito
tanto patri honore recondid.it1*.
Haec de cursu T4 praeterm s^cwli ex Ebreica umtate prout
potuimus ostendere curauimw^.
Ceannfaeladh hua hAeda Bricc ab B^wwchair [« Cenn-faelad,
grandson of Aed Brecc, and abbot of Bennchor »] dorwiuit.
Cath Corcowruadh [« The battle of Corcomruad »] ubi ceci-
dit Celechair m^c Coma[i]n.
Cellacb mac Ragallaigh n Condacht [« king of Connaught »]
1. MS. nonas 8. sarsimite ppulata
2. cecinid 9. federint owdita
3. saracimi 10. agistini
4. exersitu owstaninopoliuw ue- n. fuerant
mentis 12. proticinis
5 . obsetant 1 3 . re owditit
6. abscederunt 14. cursa
7. Luigbrandzw
220 Whitley Stokes.
post cleiricatuw obit. Congal Chind magair mac Fergusz Fanat
regnare incipit.
[AU. 705. CS. 702. AI. 695. FM. 704].
Kl. Da Chonda Daire 7 Osseni — .i. Fremand, di Call-
raighe l Tebtha do — films Galluist, ab Cluana maic Nois,
pausant [« Thy Gonna of Daire and Ossene — of Fremann,
of the Callraige of Teffia was he — son of Gallust, the abbot
of Clonmacnois, rest »].
Bruide Derile mortuusest.
Concobar mac Maili duiw r/ Ceneoil Cairpn" [moritur].
Fland Febla mac Scandlaiw, ab Aird Macha [« abbot of Ar-
magh »] mortuus est.
[AU. 706. CS. 703. AI. 696. FM. 705].
Kl. Conodwr Fabuir [« of Fobar »] obit.
INdrechtach n teora Con[n]acht2 [« king of the three Con-
naughts »] mortuus est. Feargal mac Maile duin r/ Ceneoil
Eogain 3 [« king of Cenel Eogain »] 7 Feargal mac Loiwgsig
r/ Ceneoil Cowaill [« king of Cenel Conaill »] 7 Cona.ll Mend
r/ Ceneoil Cairpn [« king of Cenel Cairbri »] occideruwt^
Coibdeanfach] espoc Aird sratha [« bishop of Ardstraw »]
Sloigedh Cowgail Chind magair maic Fergwja 7anat for Lai-
gniu [« The hosting of Conall of Cenn magair, son of Fergus
Fanat, on'Leinster »].
Dunchadh principatum^ lae tenuit.
1. MS. callraidhe 4. occideruiwt
2 . in marg. ri ConnacU 5 . principatow
3 . in marg. ri Hcrenn
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 221
[AU. 707. CS. 704. FM. 706].
Kl. Cu Cuara[i]n, r/ Cruithne Ulad, do guin la Findcboin
hua Raban, 7 rowarbadh e fein ind [« Cu Cuarain, king of the
Picts of Ulster, was slain by Findchu, grandson of Raban, and
Findchu himself was killed therefor »].
Fiac/;r# mac Dungaile rogaed la Cruithniu. [« Fiachra, son
of Dungal, was mortally wounded by the Picts »].
[AU. 708, CS. 705. AI. 698. FM. 707].
Kl. Cath T Dolo in 2 Campo Elni, ubi iugulati 3 sunt Lethlo-
bair mac E&chacb, Cu allaid 4 7 Cu dhinesc [« The battle of
Dol(?)in Magh Elni, wherein were slain Lethlobair, son of
Eochaid, Cii allaid and Cu dinesc »].
Cath Segsa [leg. Selge ?] i Fortuathaib Laig^w, in quo ceci-
derunt da mac Cellaig Chualand [« The battle of the Hunt in
the Fortuatha of Leinster, wherein fell two sons of Cellach of
Cualu »], Fiachra 7 Fiandamfl*/, 7 Luirigh cum Entombs
Cellaig, et posts pau[lu]luw Cairpr^ rn^c Cw-colum (sic) iugu-
latus6 est.
Mael doborchon espoc Cille dara [« bishop of Kildare »]
Pestis quae dicitut bacach cum uentris proflu[u]io7 in Hi-
[AU. 709. CS. 706. AI. 699. FM. 708].
KL Conmael [leg. Conamail ?] irwc [Failbi], ab£ lae8 [« ab-
bot of lona »] pausat.
1. MS. Cat. Hennessy, Chron. 4. allaig
Scot. p. 1 16 n. thinks that the folio- 5. prae
wing word, dolo, is Latin, = the per 6, iugal.
dolum of CS. Read, perhaps, dolose. 7. prflgfluuio
2. im B. mac ab. chilli dara ix
3 . uibi iugal.
222 Whitley Stokes.
Combustio Cilli dara [« The burning of Kildare »].
C0«gal Cind magair mac Fergusa. [Fanat] subita morte T pe -
riit, id est ri Tewnzch. [« king of Tara »].
Colman mac Sechnw^aigh abbas Lothrai moritur2.
lustinianw^ secundus3 cum Tibmo [filio] annis4 .ui. reg-
Feargal [mac] Maile duin [« Fergal, son of Mael duin » : in
marg. n Erenn [« king of Ireland »•] regnare * incipit.
[AU. 710. CS. 707. AI. 700. FM. 709].
Kl. [Faelan] hua Silne6 mortuus est.
Cath Sleibe Fuait la ua Crewthaind r/^ Hua Meith, ubi [Tnu-
thach mac Moch] loingsig 7 Curai [mac Aedo] maic Dluthaigh
ceciderunt7. Fergal uictor fuit.
Strages Pictoruw8 in Cawpo Manand apud9 Saxones, uibi
Findgaine mac Deleroith inmatwra morte iacuit.
Cenwfaekd ab Fabair [« abbot of Fore »] mortuus est.
Congresio Britowum et Dal Riada {or Loirg Eclat [« on Lorg
Eclat »], ubi Britones deuicti.
[AU. 711. CS. 708. AI. 701. FM. 710].
Kl. Ceode espoc lae [« bishop of lona »] pausat10.
Cath [« a battle »] inter duos nepotes Aeda Slane, in quo
Maiwe [fo. I2b i] mac Neill, maic Cernaig Sotail, [i]ugu\atus
est. Fland m^c Aeda, maic Dluthaigh uictor fuit. Ulaith pros-
traiti, uibi Dubthach mac Beicc Boirchi occubuit11. Da mac
Feradhaig maic Maile duin [« two sons of Feradach, son of
Mael duin »] in c[a]ede geniris Laeghaire perierunt.
1. MS. mortue 7. .h. meith .i. (.h.) loiwgsig ubi
2. abuite morte lot/;rai cecid 7 curai mac dluthaigh ceciteruwt
3- serd6 8. Straighes pictorow
4. andis 9 ab
5- rex 10. pausad
6- filne ii. ocubit
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 22 $
Cu cerca n' Osraighe1 [« king of Ossory »]
Cath [« a battle »] apud Lagenenses dexteriores T, uibi Bran
nepos Maile dum £/ filii «'w^ ceciderunt2.
Dub guaile, ab Gliwdi da lacha [« abbot of Glendalough »]
Dluthach mac Fidhcellaigh igne u[ri]twr.
Cath ChairnM Feradhaigh, uibi cecidit Cormac mac Mae-
naigh, r/Muman, lasm Deis tuaiscertaigh [« The battle of Cam
Feradaig, in which Cormac, son of Maenach and king of
Munster, fell by the Northern Desi »].
IN h[oc] anno fecit * Beda libruw magnum .i. B^rba [leg.
Berla?] Beid.
[AU. 712. CS. 709. AI. 701. FM. 711].
Kl. Baedan cspoc Indsi bo fiwdi [« bishop of Inisbofin »]
Failbe esp0£, do Gaileangaib in Coraiwd [« a bishop, of the
Gailenga of the Corann »] mortuus est.
[Failbeus Mojdicwj, ab Cluana maic Nois, pausat 4 [« Failbe
Becc, abbot of Clonmacnois, rests »].
Filia Osu in monasterio 5 [H]ild moritur 6.
Cinaedh nirtc Derili et f/li«s Mathgernan iuguLzfc'7 swwt.
Dorbewi cathedram8 lae obtenuit et .u. mensibus p^ractis in
primatu .u.kl. Nouem[bris] die sabati obit.
Cormac 'mac Mleilo n Muman [« Cormac, son of Ailill,
king of Munster »] in bello iugu\atus7 est.
Tolarg mac Drostaiw ligatwr zpud fratrem suum Nechtan
Sechnw^ach 9 rex Hiia Mai?ze mortuus est.
1 . MS. lagenensis dcxtfrioris 5 . filiwa ossu in monosterio
2. est ceciderant 6. morri.
3. field 7. iugal.
4. Dicus... pausad. This and the 8. cath etrom
preceding entry seem to refer to the 9 . sechm^aigh
same person, Failbe.
224 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 713. CS. 710. FM. 712].
Kl. Cath iwmesech in Campo Singite ic Bile tenidh i n-Asal
ria Murchdd Midhi, ubi l Fland mac Aedha, male Dluthaigh
et Dub duiu hua Beicce cecidenwt in ailtzra congresione belli2,
et Colgu et Aedh Cluasach [mac] Diarmuta in prima congres-
sione? belli inttriecti sunt. [« A battle in Mag Singite at
Bile tened in Asal, gained by Murchad of Meath, ubi » etc.].
Dun Ollaig constmitur apud Selbacw/H.
Ailen daingen destruituH.
Fogartach nepos Cernaig, de reghno expulswj, in Brita-
niaw* iuit.
Coscradh 6 Gar[b]salcha am-Midhi [« The slaughter at Garb
salach in Meath »] in quo cecidit Forbwjach nepos C0wgaile,
rex Hua Failghe, zpud uiros Midhi 7 uno die et belluw prae-
Siccitass magna.
Cath et^r da mac Beice Boirche [« A battle between two sons
of Becc Boirche »] et iilium Bresail regem9 Nepotum Echach,
in qwo uictores erant f/lii Becci.
IN hoc anno interfecti sunt pmgrim apwJ Mumenensfes], id
est in Clairiweach [« the Tableface »] cum-omni familia sua I0.
Nox lucida11 in autumno.
[AU. 714. CS. 711. AL 703. FM. 713].
Kl. Cellach Cualand n Laigen [« king of Leinster »] mo-
ritur, secundum quosdam I2. Fland Febla, ab Aird Macha
[« abbot of Armagh »], Cilline espor, ab Fmia, mortui sunt J3.
1. MS. ubi cecufr/ 8. bellow praedictom
2. bile 9. regnww
3. congressioni 10. familitasua
4 . ailenwa ingen struibit^r 1 1 . Nochluict
5. britanium 12. .s. qzfostow
6. Cosch. radh 13. m. est
7. npud uiros rex h. failghe midhi
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 22$
Guin Murchadha, maic Diarwata Caich, rig Htia Ne[i]ll, la
Consll nGrant htui Cerwaigh [« The slaying of Murchad, son
of Diarmait the One-eyed, king of the Hui Neill, by Conall
Grant, grandson of Cernach »].
Aedh Dub ri Ua Fi[d]gente [« Aed the Black, king of the
Hui Fidgente »]. Flaithnia mac Colgan, sapiens, et mo
Chonda Cuerne dorwiuit.
Slogadh Murchadha maic Brain, do Chaissil [« The hosting
of Murchad, son of Bran, toCashel »]. Dorbene abb Iae(« ab-
bot of lona »).
[AU. 715. CS. 712. FM. 714].
Kl. Guin rig Saxan [« The slaying of the king of the
Saxons »] .i. Osrith mac Aldfrith nepotw Osu.
Fogartach hua Cernaigh iterum regnat.
Pasc[h]a in E6[a] ciuitate commotatwr [« Easter is changed
in the monastery of lona »]. Faelchu mac Doirbeni cathe-
draw1 Coluwbe .Ixxx.uii. etatis [sue] anwo in .iiii.kl. Sep-
timbris die 2 sabati swjcepit.
Obitus Celi Tigernaigh, ab Cluana auis [« abbot of Clones »].
Flanw Foirbte mac Fogartaigh [« Flann the Perfect, son of
Fogartach »] mortuus est.
Bass Artbrain maic Maile duiw [« Death of Artbran, son of
Mael duin »].
Ternoc mac Ciaraiw obit [« Thy Ernoc, son of Ciaran,
dies »].
[AU. 716. CS. 713. FM. 715].
Kl. Dunchadh mac Ci??dfaelad ab le obit. [« Dunchad, son
of Cenn-faelad, abbot of lona, dies »].
Etulb mac Eouilb [« Eadulf son of... ? »] obit.
Expulsio familiasle trans Dorsum Britanie* aNectano4 rege.
1. MS. cath/rum
2. sep.udie
Revue Cdtiqut, XVII.
3 . tras dorms britome
226 Whitley Stokes.
Congresio Dal Riada et Britonuw x in lapide 2 qwi uocatwr
Minuircc, et Bri tones deuicti sunt.
Cumusc Aenaigh Thaillten 3 la Fogartach, ubi cecidit mac
Maile ruba maic Duib slebe [« The disturbance of the As-
sembly of Teltown by Fogartach, where fell the son of Mael-
ruba, son of Dub-slebe »].
[AU. 717. CS. 714. FM. 716].
Kl. Mac Cuitin [« the son of Cuthwine »] rex Saxonuw
mortuus est.
Becc Boirchi [fo. I2b 2] obit.
Cath Cenandsa [« The battle of Kells »], ubi Tuathal hua
Faelchon 7 Gormgal mac Aedha maic Dluthaigh 7 Amalgaid
hua Gwaing 7 Fergal frater eius ceciderwwt. Con3.ll Grant
uictor erat.
Cowall Grant nepos4 Cerwaigh in fine duorww mensmm post
bellum intertectus est la Feargal [« by Fergal »].
Cronan hua hEoaiw ab Lis moir [« Cronan, grandson of
Eoan, abbot of Lismore'»] mortuus est.
Tonsura corona super famil[i]am lae datwr.
Hi sunt uiri sapientes5 qwi mortui sunt : Fianamail hua Bo-
gaiwe maic Find, insola[e] princeps Muige sam [« abbot of
Inishmacsaint »], 7 Dub-duiw hua Faelam, espoc, ab Cluana
Iraird [« bishop and abbot of Clonard »], Conwri mac Con-
gail Cennfada 7 Ai/zll mac Finwachta iugulati 6 sunt.
Pluit fross mela for Othain mBicc, fross argaid for Othaiw
Moir, fross ibla super Fos[s]aw Laghinarwm [« A shower of
honey pours on Othan Becc, a shower of silver on Othan
M6r, a shower of blood on Raith Laigen »], et inde uoca-
batwr Niall Frasach mac Feargail [« Niall the Showery, son of
Fergal »], quia7twwc natwj est.
i . MS. britonow 5 . sapientis
2- iapite 6. iugal.
j. thailtin 7. ar
4. sapiens
The Annals of Tigernach, Third Fragment. 227
[AU. 718. CS. 715. FM. 717].
Kl. Airmedhach mac Taidhg 7 Crichan mac Taidhg, n Hua
mate Uais [« king of the Hui Maic Uais, iugulati sunt »].
Drostan Dairthaighe qmeuit in Ard Breccaw.
C0wgressio zpud Lagwenses, ubi1 Aedh mac Cellaig ceci-
dit2 .i. cath Fiwdabrach [« the battle ofFindabair »].
Cath Finwglinwe eter da mac Fearchair Fota [« the battle
of Findglenn between two sons of Ferchar the Tall »] in qwo
Ainbhcell^/7 iugulatusi est die qwintae feria[e] [sextjid Septiw-
bm. [« on Thursday the 8th of September »].'
Cath maritiwuw Ardde anesbi eter Duncadh mBecc cum Ge-
nire Gabrain 7 Selbach cum* genere Loairw, [« The sea-
fight of Ard Anesbi (?) between Dunchad the Little with the
Kindred ofGabran, and Selbach with the Kindred of Loarn »],
et u^rsum est super Selbacum5 .ii. nonas Octimbm die septime
feriae, in qwo qwidaw com[i]tes corruerunt.
Iuguk/fo6 familiafe] Suibne in Ard Macha.
Uastatio Lagenarum .u. uicibus in uwo anwo la Huu Neill
[« by the Hiii Neill))].
[AU. 719. CS. 716].
Kl. Aestas7 pluuialis. Sinach Indsi Clothrand [« Sinach of
Inis Clothrann »] dormiuit.
Murbrucht mor [« A great seaburst »] in mense Octimbm.
Theodosius anno uno regnauit^.
[AU. 720. CS. 717. AI. 707. FM. 717].
Kl. Duncadh Becc, ri Cindtiri [« Dunchad the Little, king
of Can tyre »]mortuus est.
1. MS. lagiwensis uibi 5. selbacom
2. cice 6. ter iugal.
3 . iugal. 7 . Eastas
4. selbaccum 8. Teodorus ... rex
228 Whitlcy Stokes.
Cath eter Connachteib 7 Corco Baisciwd, ubi ceddit mac
Towaltaigh [« A battle between the Connaughtmen and the
Corco-Baiscinn, wherein the son of Tomaltach fell »].
Uastatio Maigi [Breg] do Cathal mac Findgaine 7 do Mur-
chad mac Brow. [« The laying-waste of Mag Breg by Ca-
thal, son of Findguine, and by Murchad, son of Bron »].
Mors Chuanna Rois Eua [« Death of Cuanna of Ross eo »].
INdredh Laig^w, 7 naidw na Boroma, 7 naidw na ngiall ar
Laigm7> la Feargal mac Maile duiw [« The harrying of Leinster
and the binding of the Boroma (« tribute »), and the binding
of the hostages on Leinster by Fergal, son of Mael-duin »].
INmesach religiosus legem cum pace Cbristi super insolam
Hibernia[m] consmmt A. in Campo Delenw.
[AU. 721. CS. 718. FM. 718].
Kl. Maelruba in Apurchrosan anno1 .Ixxx. etaitis sue tribus
mensibus et .x.ix. diebw* peractis in .xi. Kl. Maias ttrcie ferie
die pausat.
Mael[cor]gais o Druiw Ing. Bili mac Elphiwe rex Alo
Cluaithe 2 mortuus est. [« Mael-corgais of Druim Ing. Bile,
son of Elphin, king of Ail Cluaithe (« Dumbarton »), died »].
Fear da crich mac Cowgalaig obit.
Cuanan Cilli delgi [« of Cell delge »] 7 Derir Dam-innse
[« of Devenish »], nepos Colla. Cuana Drow/a cuiliwd [« of
Druim cuilinn »]. Cilline Locha Gere 3 [« of Loch Gere »]
FeidliwzW principatum lae tenet 4.
Cath Almuiwe her Murchadh m^c mBraiw, rig Laigen 7
Fergal m#c Maile duin, ri[g] Erenn, tertid Deciwbm die sexte
ferie [« The battle of Almuin between Murchad, son of Bran,
king of Leinster and Fergal, son of Mael-duin, king of Ire-
land, on the 3d of the ides of December, on a Friday. Nu-
werus uero Laigiwe[n]siuw .ix.m. Hi sunt reghes Gmiris Cuinn
1 . MS. apurchro osonando 3 . grec
2 . aloch luaithe 4 . tenedh
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 229
qwi in bello ceciderwwt1. Feargal mac Maile-duiw ri Erenu
[« king of Ireland »] cum .clx. satellitibus 2 swfs, ocus F0rb«-
sach ri Ceneoil Bogaiwe, 7 Conzil Menrc, ri Ceneoil Cairpn,
[« and Forbasach, king of Cenel Boguine, and Conall the
Dumb, king of Cenel Cairbri »] 7 Fergal hua Aithechta, 7
Fergal mac Eachach Lemna n Tamnaighe [« king of Tam-
nach »], 7 Condalach mac Conaing, 7 Ecneach mac Colga ri
in Airrthir [« the king of the Airther »] Coibdenach mac Fiach-
rach, 7 Muirgus mac ConailL Letaitech mac Cowcarat, 7 An-
mchadh mac Oircc, ri Guill 7 Irguill [« king of Rossguill and
Hornhead »], et .x. nepotes Maile fithrig. IT e andsiw rig in
tuaiscirt. [« Those are the kings of the North »].
Hi sunt reges Hua Neill in desc«Vt [« the kings of the
Southern Hui Neill »] .i. Flanw mac Roghelk/^ 7 Ai//ll mac
Feradhaigh. Aedh Laigen hua Qrnaigh. Suibne mac Congzlaig.
Nia mac Corwaic, Dub da crich mac Duib da inber. AiMl mac
Conaill Grant, Flaithewail mac Dluthaigh, Fergw^ hua hEo-
gaiw. Hie totus numerus de regibus .cc. et clx. de amsaib Fer-
gaile [« and 160 of Fergal's soldiers »], et alii et .ix. uolatiles
.i. geltai [« persons who went mad with terror and flew »].
Cu Bretan mac Conghzm cecinit :
Ataghur cath forderg flann,
[fo. I3a i] a fir Fergaile, a deghlind.
bronach muinter Muire de
iar mbreth a taige dia cind.
Bo in chlaiw
' rogaet inarradh in daiw.
mairg laiw rogheoghain a brath
re techt a cath co mac mBrain.
Ma beth neach dobera cath
matam derb main ? fri mac mBrain,
andsa Hum inas in drai
in cai roche^Mair in chlaim.
5. MS. ceciwdenwt copy of these verses in YBL. 206*
6 . satilibz^ has nia trem dreman
i. leg. mata in dremain ? The
230 Whitley Stokes.
[« I fear a crimson, red battle, O man of Fergal, O
goodly Mournful is Mary's family because their house
was taken from them.
The leper's cow was slaughtered near the ox. Woe is the
hand that slew its... before entering battle with Bran's son.
If there be anyone who will deliver battle against Bran's
son, more troublesome to me than the wizard is the wail
which the leper...
Nuadha \\ua Lomthuile cecinit :
Do dith laithe Almuiwe
a[c]cosnww buair Bregmuighe,
rolae badb beld^rg birach
ilach im chend Fergaile.
Buaidh ard Almuifze ni fan,
adguidhi dal do gach duil,
\m secht milib, dermar dal,
Fergal mar mac Maile dum1.
Atbath cet ruirech rat[h]ach
cu cet2 costadhach carnach.
im secht ngelta cen mine,
\m secht mile fer n-arwach.
[« Of the destruction of Almain's day, contending for the
kine of Magh Bregh, a red-mouthed, sharp-beaked raven ut-
tered a paean round Fergal's head.
The noble victory of Almain, not feeble — I entreat res-
pite from every element, — together with seven thousand —
a vast assembly — (and) Fergal the great, son of Maelduin.
There perished a hundred gracious lords, with a hun-
dred contentious . . . together with seven furious flying mad-
men, and seven thousand men-at-arms »].
i. Thus in LL. 43*30: Buaid dal | Fergal mar mac Maile duin.
n-ard n-Almaine ni chel | adguide 2. MS. cumac; butYBL. 206* has
bel docach duil | co noi milib, dermar co cet
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 231
[AU. 722. AI. 711. FM. 719].
Kl. Combustio Cluana maic Nois. [« Burning of Clon-
macnois »].
Bass Faelcow Mainistreach Buitte. [« Death of Faelchu of
Monasterboice »].
INdrechtach mac Mw/readhaigh, ri Connacht, moritur i
w-ailit/;ri a Cluaiw [« Indrechtach, son of Muiredach, king of
Connaught, dies in pilgrimage at Clonmacnois »].
Cleiricatwj Selbaigh regis I Dal Riada.
Sinach Thailltew [« Sinach of Telltown »] moritur.
[AU. 723. AI. 712. FM. 720].
Kl. Faelchu mac Dorbene, abb^ [lae], dormiuit. Cillemus
LongMJ ei in principatum lae successit2.
Clericatus 3 [NJeactaiw reigis Pictoruw. Drust postea4 reg-
Cath Chind delg[d]en, [« The battle of Cenn Delgden »],
in qwo cecidit Fogartach nepos Cernaigh. Cinaeth mac Irgha-
laigh [in marg. n Erenn] uictor erat, nonis QctimMs, die
Cuindles abb Cluana maic Nois obit. Di Soghaiw Condacht
do [« Cuindles, abbot of Clonmacnois, dies. Of the Sogain of
Connaught was he »].
Caech scuile, scriba Daire Chalgaigh 5, qwieuit.
[AU. 724]-
Kl. Cilliwe nepos Collae, ab Athaine Moire [« abbot of
Athan Mor »].
1. MS. reghes 4. druxst po^teaw
2 . primatom ies sucsecit 5 . chalgaidh
3 . clericatuw
2^2 Whitley Stokes.
Alien maic Craich [« Mac Craich's Island »] construitur.
Simal tilius Druist «wst[r]iwguit«r.
Colman Uamach .i. sai scribmd Aird Macha [« professor of
writing at Armagh »], Ruibiw filius [filii] Ctfnnaidb, scriba
Muwan [« of Munster »], tiliusque Broccaiw o Thigh Thelle
[« of Tech Telle »], qwi magister1 bonus euangelii Christi
erat, et Colman Banban scriba, omnes dorwienwt.
Teichedh U\ad re Cinaeth mac Irgdaig [« Flight of the
Ulaid before Cinaeth, son of Irgalach »].
[AU. 725. AI. 714],
Kl. Nechtan mac Derili const[r]inguitur zpud 2 Druist regew
Cillenwj Longer, ab le [« abbot of lona »] pausat 3.
Da Chowda craibtheach, esp0£ Cowneri Moire [« Thy Conns
the Devout, bishop of Connere Mor »].
Dungal de reghno iectw^ est, et Druist de reghno Pictorww
iectus et Elphiw pro eo regnat 4.
Guin Criwthamd maic Cellaig Chualand a cath Belaigh
Licce iwmatwra etate [« The slaying of Crimthann, son of Cel-
lach, of Cualu in the battle of Belach Licce, at an unripe
age »].
Qwies Maiwchin Leithgliwdi [« of Leighlin »].
Guin Ailello maic Badbchadha a Midhi [« The slaying of
Ailill, son of Badbchad, in Meath »].
Cath Maine re Cinaeth mac Irgalaigh for Laignib [« The
battle of Maine gained by Cinaeth son of Irgalach over Leins-
ter »].
Eochaid mac Eacha^ regnaire incipit.
[AU. 726. AI. 715. FM. 721].
Kl. Bass Aelchow ab Cluana Iraird [« Death of Aelchu,
abbot of Clonard »].
I . MS. maghester 3 . pausad
2- abp. 4. regant
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 233
Guin Ezcriach maic Fiad?rach [« The slaying of Eochaid, son
of Fiachra »].
Cath Drowa Fornochta ria Flaithbertach mac Loingsigh for
Aedh nAllan mac Fergaile her Conall j Eogan, ubi Fland
mac Errthaile 7 Snedhgh«j Derg hua Mbrachaighe iugulati I
swwt [« The battle of DruimFornochta gained by Flaithbertach,
son of Loingsech over Aed Allan, son of Fergal between (Ce-
nel) Conaill and (Cenel) Eogain, where Fland, son of Er-
thaile and Snedgus the Red, grandson of Mrachaide, were
slain »].
Conall mac Moudaiw martino corowatwr2.
Adownani reliqwie tra[n]sferuwtttf in Iberniara et lex re-
Murchad mac Brom n Laigm [« king of Leinster »] mo-
Cath Indsi Breguinrc [« The battle of Inis Breguinn »], in
quo cedderunt Et^rsceoil, mac Cellaig Cualanw, 7 Conga.il,
mac Brain. Faelaw uictor fuit.
Dub da mber mac Congalaig, n Cruithne [« king of the
Picts »] mortuus est.
Dormitatio Ceile Crist.
Gum Cathail Chuirr, rig desceirt Breagh [« The slaying of
Cathal Corr, king of the south of Bregia »].
[AU. 727. AI. 716. FM. 722].
Kl. Cath Droma. Corcaiw ettr Flaithbertach mac Loingsigh
7 Ciwaeth mac Irgzlaig, in q^o Cinaeth 7 Eudos mac Ai-
le\\o, Maelduiw mac Feradhaigh, Duwchad mac Corwaic ceci-
derwwt (.i. do toitedar) [« The battle of Druim Corcain (Cor-
crain ?) between Flaithbertach, son of Loingsech, and Cinaeth,
son of Irgalach, in quo, etc.].
Cath Aillinde iter da mac Mwrcadha maic Eroin .i. Dun-
chadh 7 Faelan, 7 [rogonadh] Dunchadh in sinwser, 7 rogab
Faelan righe arabelaib [« The battle of Aillenn between two
i. MS. iugal. 2. caronatwr martie
234 Whitley Stokes.
sons of Murchad, son of Bron, namely, Dunchad and Faelan ;
and Dunchad the elder was slain, and Faelan took the king-
ship after him r »].
Hand o Aentrib, ab Bendchair, obit [« Flann of Antrim,
abbot of Bennchor, dies »].
Cath Monaidh 2 Craebi her Picardachaib feiw .i. Aengwj 7
Alpine, issiat tuc in cath, 7 romemaidh 3 ria n-Aewgus, 7 ro-
marbad mac Ailpiw and, 7 rogab Aengwj nert [« The battle of
Monid Craebe between the Picts themselves, that is Oengus
and Alpine, 'tis they that fought the battle, and Oengus rout-
ed his foes, and Alpin's son was killed there, and Oengus
took the (royal) power »].
Cath truagh4 iter Picardachaib ac Caislen Credhi, 7 ro-
memaidh * ar in Ailphm cetna, 7 robmadh a cricha 7 a dame
de uile, 7 rogab [fo. 13*2] Nechtain mac Derili righi na Pi-
cardach [« A lamentable battle between the Picts at Caislen
Credi, and the same Alpin was routed, and deprived of all his
territories and people ; and Nechtain, son of Derile, took the
kingship of the Picts »].
Downall mac Cz\\aig, ri Condacht, mortuus est. Mac Bei-
theach ism 16 cMna .i. neach robe h^naidhi sa Muwam
[« Domnall, son of Cellach, king of Connaught, died. On the
same day (died), one who was a sage in Munster »].
Flaithbmach mac Loingsigh do gabail n^^'n-Erind [« Flaith-
bertach, son of Loingsech, took the kingship of Ireland »]
In marg. n Erenn [« king of Ireland »].
[AU. 728. FM. 723].
Kl. [Eicbericht] Ridire Crist do ec la case, 7 in Gall Ulcach,
fear as glicca bai 'na aimsir, do ec in la c#na [« Ecgberht,
Christ's Knight, died on Easter-day, and the Bearded Fo-
reigner, he who was wisest in his time, died on the same
day »~\.
1 . literally « in front of him » 3 . romebaigh
2. MS, monaigh 4. truadh
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 23 5
Tri .1. long Picardach do brisidh ir-Ross Cuissine sa bha-
dain cetna [« An hundred and fifty Pictish vessels were
wrecked at Ross Cuissine in the same year »].
Fachtna mac Folochtaig, ab Cluana Ferta Brenaiwd, mori-
tur. [« Fachtna, son of Folochtach, abbot of Clonfert, dies »].
Cath Drowa Deirg Blathuug eter Piccardaib .i. Drust 7
Aengwj n na Piccardach, 7 romarbfld Drust and, indara la deg
do mi[s] Aughuist [« The battle of Druim Derg Blathug be-
tween the Picts i.e. Drust and Oengus King of the Picts, and
therein Drust was killed, on the twelfth day of the month of
August »].
Andsa \Aiadain si roscuir Beda don croiwic .i. lebwr oirifsejn,
described [« In this year Bede finished the chronicle, that is,
the book of history, which he was writing »].
[AU. 729. FM. 724].
Kl. Reuersio re[li]quiarww Adownam de Hibmiia mensi Oc-
filius Onchon, scriba Cille dara (« of Kildare »), moritur.
Filius Concumbu, scriba Cluana maic Nois (« of Clonmac-
nois ») dorm'mit.
[AU. 730. FM. 725].
Kl. Combttrtio Guile Rathaiw [« Burning of Coleraine »].
Clericatwj- Eachada maic Cuitine1. Rex Saxan constr'mgitur .
Cath id^r Cruithniu 7 Dal Riada im-Murbulg [« A battle
between the Picts and Dal Riada in Murbolg »] ubi Cruithne
deuicti [fuerunt]. Cath et^r mac Aengw^a 7 m^c Congw^a sunt
[« A battle here between the son of Oengus and the son of
Congus »]. Brudheus2 uicit Talorcww fug[i]entew.
i . Ceolwulf, son of Cutha, son of ruption of maic Cbuda
Cuthwine, became a monk in 737. 2. MS. bruidhens
Our « eachada » is probably a cor-
2 $6 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 731. FM. 726].
Kl. Bass Flamd Ch[u]aland, ab Cluawa mate Nois, hui
Colla ; do uib Crewt[h]amd do [« Death of Flann of Cualu,
grandson of Colla, and abbot of Clonmacnois. Of the Hui
Cremthainn was he »].
Guin Dathgw^a maic Baith, ri na nDessi [« The slaying of
Dathgus, son of Baeth, king of the Desi »].
Cath Con[n]acbt [« the battle of Connaughtmen »] in quo
CQcidit Muredach mac Indrachtaig.
Pontifex1 Muighe h£o Saxonum2, Garailt, obit. [« Gerald,
abbot of Mayo of the Saxons, died »].
Caill&^itt^wDuncfhJadha, di Uib Liathaw, [« Caillech (leg.
Cellach?) daughter of Dunchad, of the Hui Liathain »], regiwa
optima et bewigna, dormitauit.
Temnen Cille Garadh, religiose clericw.?.', qwieuit.
Nechtan mac Derile moritur.
Catb her Laighniu Desgabair 7 Mumu [« A battle between
the Southern Leinstermen and Munster »], in qwo Aedh mac
Colgan uictorerat.
Sebdand filia4 Cuirc, dowmatrix Cilli dara, obit.
Fergttj mac Cowaill Oirgnigh [« Fergus son of Conall the
Destructive »] 7 Ferrdomnach scribaAird Macha [« the scribe
of Armagh »] obierwwt.
Congalach Cnucha moritur.
[AU. 732. FM. 727].
Kl. Dungal mac Selbaig dorindi toisc a Toraigh 7 toisc
aile a n-Inis G«Venn righe, cor'airg [« Dungal, son of Selbach,
made an expedition into Torach, and another expedition into
Inis Cuirennrige, and he destroyed... »].
1. MS. fontifex 3. reig legionisM5 cleiricw5
2. saxanow 4. mac
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 237
Muireadach mac Ainbchellaig regnww Geniris Loairn as-
Congressio iterum inter Aedh mac Fergaili et Genus Owaill
in Campo Itha [« Mag Itha, »] ubi cecidit Gwaing mac Con-
gaile, maic Fergusa fanat, et ceteri multi.
Flaithbertach clas[s]ew Dal Riada in Ibmiiawduxit, et caedes1
magna facta est de [e]is in insola hOiwe, ubi 2 hi trucidantwr
uiri : Concobar mac Locheni et Branchu mac Braiw, et multi in
flumiwe demersi sum [quod] dicitui in Banna [« the Bann »].
Eochaid mac Ec\\ach, ri Dail Riada [« king of Dalriada »],
7 Conall mac Cowcobar mortuus est.
Natiuitas Donwchadha maic Domnaill, rig Erenn [« Birth of
Donnchad, son of Domnall, king of Ireland »].
Uacca uisa est in Delginis Chualand quae ter [in die] mulsa
est, et butzVum eius et galmarium multi comedere?, cuius
forma 4 haec est : uwum capw^ et uwum collum, et post sca-
pulam 5 duo corpora cum .ii. caudis et sex pedibw^ habebat6.
[AU. 733- FM. 728].
Kl. Rechtabra hua Cathasaigh, ri Hua Tuirtn, [« king of
the Hiii Tuirtri »] mortuus est.
Eclipsis7 luwae in .xi.kl. Februarii.
Comotatio martiruw Petair 7 Foil 7 Padraic ad legem perfi-
ciendam8. [« The disinterment and enshrining of the relics
of SS. Peter, Paul and Patrick to fulfil the law »].
Tolarg mac Congusa, a brathair fen dia gabail 7 tuc il-laiw
na Piccardach, 7 robaidhedh 9 leo-siden he [« Tolarg, son of
Congus, seized his own brother and delivered him into the
hand of the Picts, and by them he was drowned »].
Cath i Muig Itha iter mac Loingsig 7 mac Fergaile .i. Sil
Each^ 7 Cenel Eogaiw, 7 tucadh a n-ar leath ar leath and.
1. MS. ceades 6. habebad
2 . home uibi 7 . exlipsis
3 . galamiruw muilti cowedire 8 . pwficie andam
4- p- ma 9. robaighedh
5 . scapulum
238 Whitley Stokes.
[« A battle on Mag Itha between (Flaithbertach) son of Loing-
sech, and (Aed Allan) son of Fergal, that is, the Race of Eo-
chaid and the Kindred of Eogan ; and therein a slaughter of
them was made on both sides »].
Taithleach mac Cindfaeladh n Luigne [« king of the Lui-
gni »] moritur.
Aedh Allan regnat l .
[AU. 734- AL 723- FM. 730].
Kl. Oeghethchair2 espoc Naendroma [« bishop of Noen-
druim »] pausat.
Cath Fotharta [leg. Fochartu ?] in regionibus 3 Mwrthem[ne]
eter Sil Ne[i]ll 7 Ullto, et uibi Aed Roiw — a nDurt[h]aigh
Fothart rucadh he da marbadh — 7 Concadh mac Cuanach, ri
Coba, ceciderwwt. Aed Allan mac Fergaile [fo. i3bi] uicwr
fuit. [« The battle of Faughard in the regions of Murthemne,
between the Race of Niall and the Ulaid, wherein Aed Roin
- he was taken into the oratory of Faughard to be killed —
and Conchad, son of Guana, king of Coba, fell. Aed Allan, son
of Fergal, was victor »].
Cath Fele [leg. Belaig Ele ?] eter Mumain 7 Laighniu, uibi
muilti do Laignib et pene innumerabiles* de [Mujmam pme-
runt, in qwo Cellach 5 mac Faelcair, ri Osraige, cecidit ocus 6
da mac Cormaic Rosa rig na nDessi. Cathal mac Findghaine,
ri Muman, euasit [« The battle of Belach Ele between Munster
and Leinster, where many Leinstermen and an almost countless
number of Munstermen, perished : wherein Cellach, son of
Faelchar, king of Ossory, fell, and two sons of Cormac Rossa,
king oftheDesi. Cathal, son of Findguine, king of Munster,
escaped »].
Airechtach hua Dunchadha Muirsce, ri d'lb Fizchrach
Muaidhe ar Chondac/7/aib, et Cathal mac Muiredhaigh, ri
1. MS. regnant 4. pane inumerabiles
2 . Aedh ethchair 5 . Cellaigh
3 . iwreighi oinibw^ 6 . sed
The Annals of Tiger nach. Third Fragment. 239
Connacht, moriuntur1. [« Airechtach, grandson of Dunchad
of Muirisc, king of the Hui Fiachra of Muad in Connaught,
and Cathal, son of Muiredach, king of Connaught, die »].
Gum Flaiwd mate Cowaing, abb Chilli Moiri Dithroib [« The
slaying of Flann, son of Conaing, abbot of Cell Mor Di-
thruib2 »].
Dracco ingens in fine autuwni cum tonitruo magno post se
uisus J est.
Beda 4 sapiens Saxonuw, qwieuit.
Mo Bricco Belaig Feli [« My Bricco of Belach Feli »] pau-
[AU. 735. FM. 731]-
Kl. Aengwj mac Fergw^a, rex Picctorwm uastauit regiowes 5
Dail Riata, et obtenuit Dun Ad, et combussit6 Creic, et duos
filios Selbaich catenis/ al[l]igauit .i. Dondgal et Feradhach, et
paulo post 8 Brudeus mac Aengwj-a male Fergw^a obit.
Bass Fianawla male Gerrthighe [leg. Gerrthidhi ?J, ab
Cluana Iraird [« Death of Fianamail, son of Gerrthide, abbot
of Clonard »].
Bas Crunwmail maic Colgaw [« Death of Crunnmael, son of
Colgu » abbot of Lusk].
Gum 9 Mail Fothartaigh maic Mail tuile di Laignib [« The
slaying of Mael Fothartaig, son of Mael tuile, of Leinster »].
Uir sapiens et ancorita Insola[e] Uaccae albae10 [.i.] Indsi
bo finde — do Ciaotff/rtaib Bregh do — [« of the Cianachta of
Bregia [was he, Dublitir, et Samson nepos Corcrain dormie-
Badbchadh mac Cowaill Gabra, ri Cairpn [« king of
Cairbre »] mortuus est.
1. MS. ra. est 6. compusit
2. nowKilmore, co. Roscommon 7. selbaiche cathensiss
3. MS. pre seuistus 8. iprae
4. Bede 9. Guin maic
5. regicwis 10. ailbe
240 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 736. AL 725. FM. 732].
Kl. Bass Ronaiw, ab Cind Garadh [« Death of Ronan, abbot
ofKingarth »].
Failbe mac Guaire .i. haeres Mael rubai1 Apuircrosan, in
profundo pelagi2 demersew est cum suis nautis numero? .xxii.
Cowmael hua Loichene, ab Cluana maic Noiss, [« abbot of
Clonmacnois »] pausat.
Congnsio inuicew"4 inter nepotes Aeda Slaine, ubi Cowaing,
mac Amalgaidh, Cearwacww uicit et Catal mac Aedha cecidit :
iuxta lapidem 5 Ailbe ab oriental! parte6 gesta est.
Dal tier Aedh n-Allan 7 Cathal mac Fiwdgaiwe oc Tir da
glass [« Meeting between Aed Allan and Cathal, son of Find-
guine, at Terryglass »].
Lex Patrici tenuit Hibmiiaw.
Fiangalach mac Mwrcadha, n Hua Mail, [« king of the Hui
Mail »] mortuus est.
[AU. 737. AI. 726. FM. 733].
Kl. Faelan mac Bfoiw, n Laigew [« king of Leinster »]
inmatwra aetate7 ac inopinata morte interit.
Tola mac Dunchadha, espoc Cluana hlraird [« bishop of
Clonard »] dignwj Dei miles s, in Christo qwieuit.
Cerwach mac Fogartaig maic Neill, maic Cernaigh Sotail,
maic Diarwuda, maic Aedha Slaine a suis sceleratis sociis9
dolose iugulatur I0, quern uaccarum uituli IJ et iwfimi orbis
mulieres tediose fleuerwnt I2.
Cath Atha Senaigh .i. cath Ucbadh, hi .xiiii.kl. Septimbris
die tertio .i. mairt, [« The battle of Ath Senaig, i. e. the
battle of Ucba, on Tuesday, August 19 »] inter Nepotes
1. MS. Mael eire bai ciris .i. 7. etates
2. filaighi 8. mileis
3 . nuno 9 . sociss
4. inuitcem 10. uilatMJ
5 . lapitem 1 1 . uacarum uitulei
6. orientaili pairti 12. muilieris tediorse fluuerwwt
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 241
Ne[i]ll et Laigwm crudelit^r gestuw est, in qwo biwales I reges
celsi uigoris pectoris2 armis altmiatim congresi sunt .i. Aedh
Allan mac Fergaile ri Temrach 7 Aedh mac Colgan ri Laighen,
[« Aed Allan, son of Fergus, king of Tara and Aed son of
Colgu, king of Leinster »] e quibus unus superstes uulneratwj-
u[i]xit, alittj uero militari mucroine capite truncate est. Tune
Nepotes Cuind inmensa. uictoria ditati stint cum 3 Laigenos
suos emulos* insolito more in fugaw mit[t]unt, calcant, ster-
nunt, subuertuwt 5, consumunt, ita ut usque ad iwtmiicioHem
umuersus hostilis pene deleretw exercitwj paucis6 nunti[i]s
remanentibw57, et in tali bello8 tantos cecidisse9 fertwr qw^ntos
per transacta retro saecuh in uno succubuisse impetu et feroci
ru[is]se flwflictu non comperimus. Cecidertuft autem optimi10
duces, Aedh mac Colgan, ri H-iia Cendsilaigh ]« king of Hiii
Cennselaig »] et Bran Becc mac Mwrchadha da ri[g] Laig^
[« and Bran the Little, son of Murchad, two kings of Leinster »],
et Fergus mac Maenaig et Dub da crich, mac hui Cellaigh, male
Trena, da rig Fothart11 [« and Dub da chrich, greatgrandson
of Cellach, son of Tren, two kings of Fothart »,] Fiangalach
hua Mail-Aithgen, [fo. 1^2] Conall \\ua Aithechda, ceithri
maic Floiwd htii Cowgaile. [« four sons of Flann grandson of
Congal »]. Eladach htia Maeluidir, et ceteri multi [qui] com-
pendii12 causa omissi swwt.
Gum Fergw^a maic Cremthain. [« The slaying of Fergus,
son of Cremthan »].
Madh conrisQt in da Aedh
bidh morsaeth a n-ergairi,
madadh codhal1* damsa i[s]saeth
Aed la hAedh1* mflc Fergaili.
1. MS. bi»ailis 5. cecitise
2. rigoris rextoris 10. hoptimmi
3. ditate cum sum 11. In the MS. the words da rig
4. emulus Fothart come next after Diib da crich.
5. subuntuttt 12. MS. campentu
6. pausis 13. dr.
7. remenentibzw 14. codhal
8. uello 15. bidh laidh aedh
Revue Celtique, XVII. 16
2^2 Whitley Stokes.
[« If the two Aeds shall come together it will be great
trouble to forbid them : if there is a meeting, 'tis to me a
trouble, Ae-d (to be slain) by Aed son of Fergal »]. [Quidam
cecinit :]
0 cath Uchbadh co n-aine
a mbith truchlum fer Fene,
ni fuil fo gre[i]n gil ganwigh
sil nach Laighnigh a n-Eri.
Nai mile dorochratar
1 cath Uchbadh co wdeni
do slogh Galian ger gartglan,
mor in martgal fer Feine.
[« Since the splendid battle of Uchbad, wherein there was a
slaughter (?) of the men of the Feni, there is not under the
bright ... sun the seed of any Leinsterman in Ireland »].
In the vehement battle of Uchbad there fell nine thousand
of the keen generous Galians (Leinstermen) — great (was)
the carnage (?) of the men of the Feni »].
Aedh Allan feiw dorone so :
In t-Aed issiw uir yrl.
[« Aed Allan himself made this : « The Aed in the mould, etc. »].
Sloigedh la Cathal mac Findgaine co Laighniu, co rue giallu
o Bran Becc mac Murchada 7 co rue maine mora [« A host-
ing by Cathal, son of Findguine, to Leinster, and he took hos-
tages from Bran the Little, son of Murchad, and also took
great treasures »].
[AU. 738. AI. 727. FM. 734].
Kl. Ferg/w Glut n Coba, 7 is e bes donidh, seledha imdha
docum [leg. do chur?| asa bel, comdh dib fuair bass [« Fergus
The Annals of Tigernach Third Fragment. 243
Glut, king of Coba, and this was his practice, to put(?) poi-
sonous spittles out of his mouth, so that of them he died I »].
Dormitacio (.i. collad) Samthaiwde Guana Browaig, 7 dor-
witacio maic maic Mail aithgen, espuic [« The falling asleep
of Samthann of Clonbroney, and the falling asleep of the
grandson of Mael-Aithgein, a bishop »].
Cuanu mac maic Peasain, [« grandson of Besdn] scriba
Treoit, pausat2.
Combustio 3 munteri Domnaill hi mBodbraith. Is and dotuit
Ai/illBri Leith in do wo 4 c[a]ewae[« The burning of the family
ofDomnall in Bodbraith. 'Tis there fell Ailill of Bri Leith in
the banqueting-house »].
Fland mac Cellaig, maic Crundmail, espoc Rec&rainwe,
moritur. [« Flann,son of Cellach, son of Crundmail, bishop of
Rechrann, dies »].
Tolarcan mac Drostan, rex Athfotla, a bathadh la hAengwj
[« Tolargan, son of Drostan, king of Athol, his drowning by
Oengus »].
[AU. 739. FM. 735].
Kl. In clericatuw Donmall exit.
Gain Forbiijaigh, maic Ailello, rig Osraige [« The slaying ot
Forbasach, son of Ailill, king of Ossory »].
Guiw hui Ailello, tigerna Cene[6i]l Fiachr^ [« The slaying
of Hua Ailello, lord of Cenel Fiachrach »].
Bass Cellaigh maic Secdi .i. o Buidewnaigh do Cowmaic-
nib, ab Cluana maic Nois [« Death of Cellach, son of Scene,
from Buidemnach of Conmacne, abbot of Clonmacnois »].
Dub da boirend ab Fabuir [« abbot of Fore »] moritur.
Dorwitacio sancti Bra[i]n Lainwi hEala [« of Lann Ela »].
Fland Febla ab Gairt Gwaigh [« abbot of Gort Conaig »]
mortuus est.
l. This obit is differently given in 2. MS. pausad
AU. 738 : Ferghus Glutt, rex Cobho : 3 . Comf/mio
sputis uenenatis maleficorum homi- 4. dumo
num obiit. And see FM. 734.
244 Wbitley Stokes.
[AU. 740. FM..736].
Kl. Bass Chondla Theftha 7 Arnalgaidh1 maic Cathasaigh
rig Conaille [« Death of Connla of Teffia and of Amalgad, son
of Cathasach, king of Conaille »].
Guin Murchadha2 maic Fergaile, maic Maile-duiw. [« The
slaying of Murchad son of Fergal, son of Muel-duin »].
Cath Chairnw Fearadaig, in qwo cecidit Torcan Tinireidh
[« The battle of Cam Feradaig, wherein fell Torcan Tini-
reid »].
[AU. 741. AI. 730. FM. 737].
Kl. Bass Airechtaigh maic Cuanach, abbad Fernann 3 [« The
death of Airechtach, son of Cuanu, abbot of Ferns »].
Foirtbi Ceneoil Fizchach 7 Dealbna la hOsra^ [« The smi-
ting of the Cenel Fiachach and the Delbna by Ossory »].
Cathal mac Fingaiwe, ri Muman, mortuus est, et Fland
Feorna, ri Ciarraige [« Cathal, son of Finguine, king of
Munster died, and Flann Feorna, king of Kerry »].
Bass da Chua maic Indaige ancarite [« Death of thy Cua,
son of Indaige, an anchorite »].
Tachtad Cowaing Craig maic Amalga[da], rig Ciznachta. la
hAedh n-Allan [« The strangling of Conaing Crag(?), son of
Amalgaid, king of Connaught, by Aed Allan »] in qwa pmt.
Guin Artrach maic Aithechtai, rig Hua Crewthafwd [« The
slaying of Artru, son of Aithechtae, king of the Hui Crem-
thainn »].
Guiw Aeda, rig Ceniuil Cairprf a nGranard [« The slaying
of Aed, king of Cenel Cairbri, in Granard »].
Bass Fir da crich, abadh Iwleach 7 Leithgliwdi [« Death of
Fcr da chrich, abbot of Emly and Leighlin »].
Bass Aeda Bailb, maic Indr[e]achtaigh, rig Con[n]acbt.
[« Death of Aed the Dumb, son of Indrechtach, king of Con-
naught »].
1 . MS. amalgaigh 3 . ab fernani
2 . me. orcat"
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 24$
[AU. 742. AI. 731. FM. 738].
Kl. Mors Aifricci, banab Cille dara [« Death of Africc, ab-
bess of Kildare »].
Cath Daiw deirg a mBregaib, in quo ceciderunt Dungal mac
Flaind, n Per cul, 7 Fergwj mac Ostigh. INrechtach hua Co-
waing uictor erat [« The battle of Dam Derg in Bregia, whe-
rein fell Dungal son of Flann, king ofFir-cul, and Fergus, son
of Ostech. Indrechtach, grandson of Conaing, was victor »].
Cath Seredhmuige i Cenanmw eter da Thefa, in quo ceci-
derunt Aedh Allan mac Fergaile, ri Erenn, 7 Cwwascach mac
Cowcobair, ri na n-Airrtfor, 7 Maenach mac C0wdalaigh, ri Hiia
Crewthamd. Muiredhach mac Fergwja Forcraidh ri Hiia
Turtri. Do/wnall mac Murchadha uictor erat [« The battle of
Seredmag in Kells between the two Teffias, wherein fell Aed
Allan, son of Fergal, king of Ireland, and Cumascach son of
Conchobar, king of the Oriors, and Maenach, son of Conda-
lach, king of the Hui Cremthainn, and Muredach, son of
Fergus Forcraid, king of the Hui Turtri. Domnall, son of
Murchad, was victor »].
Cat[h] Luirg her Htiu Ailello 7 Gailinga [« The battle of
Lorg between the Hui Ailello and the Gailenga »].
Haec .iiii. bella pene in una aestate p^rfecta sunt.
Lex Hiii Suanaigh [« the Law of Suanach's grandson »].
Conchend ing en Cdlaig Cualand [« Conchenn, daughter of
Cellach of Cualu »] moritur.
Guin Duib Dothra rig Hua mBriuiw 7 Conmacne [« Slaying
of Dub Dothra, king of the Hui Briuin and Conmacni » in
marg. r/ Brefw « king of Brefne »].
Afiath ab Muige bili [« Afiath, abbot of Movilla »].
Cath eter Huu Mane 7 H//w Fiachrach Aidne [« A battle
between the Hiii Mani and the Hui Fiachrach of Aidne »].
Bas Dlut[h]aig maic Fidhchellaig, rig Hua Mane [« Death of
Dluthacb, son of Fidchellach, king of Hui Mani »].
Com[m]otatio martiru/w Treno Cille Delge 7 in bolgach
[((Translation of the relics of Trian of Cell Delge, and the bol-
gach « smallpox »].
Downallregnaireincipit (in marg. rlErenn «king of Ireland))).
246 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 743. FM. 7391-
Kl. Guin Laidgnen maic Donenwaigh, ab Saighri [« The
slaying of Laidgnen, son of Donennach, abbot of Saigir »].
Downall in clericatuw1 iterum.
[fo. 14* i] Guin Colmaiw, espuic L[e]ssai«, la Huib Tuirtri
[« The slaying of Colman, bishop of Lissan, by the Hiii Tuir-
tri »].
Cath Cliach in qwo cecidit Concobflr de Uib Fi[d]gente
[« The battle of Cliu, wherein fell Conchobar of the Hui Fid-
gente »].
Bass Reach ta brad, maic Fergaile, do Conn#£/;/aib [« Death
ofRechtabra, son ofFergal, of Connaught »].
Cath Aileoiw da krrach, in qwo cecidit Dub da dos mac
Murgaile, de Uib Cellaig Cualand. Cathal 7 Ailill interfecti
sunt [« The battle of Ailen da berrach (« the isle of two hei-
fers »), wherein fell Dub da doss, son of Murgal, of the Hui
Cellaig Cualann. Cathal and Ailill were slain »].
Fortbe Corcowruadh don Des [« The smiting of the Cor-
comruad by the Desi »].
Lex Ciaraiw filii2 artif[i]cis et lex Brenaind simul la Fergwj
mac Cellaig, rig Con[n]acht [« The law of Ciaran mac in tsair
and the law of Brenand at the same time, (enforced) by
Fergus, son of Cellach, king of Connaught »].
Bass Fergwja, maic Colmaiw Cutlaigh, sapientis [« Death of
Fergus, son of Colman Cutlach, a wise man »].
Aird[e] ingnadh tarfass a mBoirche i/z-aiwsir Fiachna maic
Aeda Roi»_, rig Ulad, 7 i w-aiw/sir Eachacb maic Bresail rig O
n-Eaclw/; .i. mil mor rola in muir docum tire 7 tri fiacla oir
i//a chi«d 7 .1. uinge in gach fiacail dib, 7 rucadh fiacail dib
co raibe for altoir Eknnchair fri re ciana [« A strange sign was
manifested in Boirche, in the time of Fiachna, son of Aed Ron,
king of the Ulaid, and in the time of Eochaid, son of Bresal,
king of the Hui Echach, to wit, a whale which the sea cast
i. MS. clericatow 2. fls.
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 247
to land with three golden teeth in its head and fifty ounces in
each of these teeth; and one of the teeth was taken, and re-
mained on the altar of Bennchor for a long time »].
[AU. 744. FM. 740].
Kl. IN [n]octe signum horribile et miraibile uisum est in
Forandan ab Cluana hlraird [« abbot of Clonard »] obit, et
C0wgasancorita2CluanaTibrmdi [« anchorite of Clontirrin »].
Cutfzaine hua Maenaich, ab Laindi Leire, moritur [« Cu-
maine, grandson of Maenach, abbot of Lann Leire (Dunleer),
dies »].
Cath iter Huu Tuirtri 7 na hAirrtfora [« A battle between
the Hui Tuirtri and the Oriors. »] Congal mac Eicnig uictor3
fuit, et Cu congelt mac hui Catteaigh fugitiuz^4 euasit, et ce-
cidit Bochaill mac Coftcobair et AiMl htia Cathasaig. A n-Inis
eter da Dabull [« In the Island between the two Dabulls »]
gestum est.
Bass Conam Foltchaiw scribae 5 [« Death of Conall Fairhair,
a scribe »].
Bass Cindfaeladh pr'mcipis Cilli Cuilind [« Death of Cenn-
faelad, superior of Kilcullen »].
Mors fih'i in fertaigse, ab Tighe Telli [« Death of Mac ind
fertaigse, abbot of Tehelly »].
[AU. 745. FM. 741].
Kl. Dormita«0 Corwa[i]c espuic Atha truim [« The falling
asleep of Cormac, bishop of Ath Truimm (Trim) »] qwi.
Bas [BJeochaill Ardachaidh 6 [« Death of Beochall of Ar-
dagh »].
Dracones in caelo uisi sunt.
1. MS. stellif 4. fuighiw5
2 . owgasan corita 5 . scribi
3. uictur 6. ardachaigh
248 Whitley Stokes.
Ar Hua mBriuiw in desc^Vt la FergMJ [« A slaughter of the
Hui Briuin of the South by Fergus »].
Bass Mail anfaid1 Cilli achaidh, drumfota [« Death of
Maelanfaid of Killeigh »].
Fingal Lis moir [« Fingal of Lismore (died) »].
Bas Duib da boirend htii Beccaiw, ab Cluana hEois [« Death
of Dub-da-boirenn, grandson of Beccan, abbot of Clones »].
Bass Aengw^a maic Tipraite, ab Cluana fota Eaetain zba, 7
Cialtrogh, ab Glaissi Naedhe[n], moritur [« Death of Oengus,
son of Tipraite, abbot of Clonfad, and Cialtrog, abbot of
Glasnevin, dies »].
Bass Sechn/tfaig maic Colgan2, rig Hua Cendsik/^[« Death
of Sechnusach son of Colgu, king of the Hui Cennselaig »].
Sarughudh Downaigh Patraic .ui. cimidhi cruciati [« Dese-
cration of Donaghpatrick, six prisoners tortured »].
Cath Ratha Cuili ria hAnwcadh, hi torchair Uargwj mac
Fiachrach enboth na nDesi i n-Aird maic Uidhir [« The battle
of Raith Guile gained by Anmchad, wherein fell Uargus son
of Fiachra.., of the Desi, in Ard mfl/cUidir »].
[AU. 746. FM. 742. AI. 733].
Kl. Mors Aibiel ab Imlecha Fia [« Death of Abel, abbot of
Imbliuch Fia »].
Bass MwzVedhaigh Find, rig Una Meith, hi Cul Cuwaisc, la
hUll/// [« Death of Muredach the Fair, king of the Hiii Meith,
in Cuil Cumaisc, by the Ulaid »].
Cuan[an] Glihwe, ab Muighe bile, moritur [« Cuanan of
Glenn, abbot of Movilla, dies »].
Aedh Mundtrg, m^c Flaithbertaigb, r/ in Tuaisc^/rt, mo-
ritur [« Acd Redneck, son of Flaithbertach, king of the North,
dies »].
Sechn//jach m^c Colgan, ri Laigew Desgabair [« king of
Southern Leinster »], obit.
Cu cuw/iwe sapiens obit,
i. MS. anfaig 2. colgal
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 249
Ruwan mac Colmdin, poeta optimus, qwieuit.
Bass Sarain ab Bendchair [« Death of Saran, abbot of Ban-
gor »].
Bass Aidnigh Basligi [« Death of Aidnech of Baslick »].
Cath Cairn« Ailche la Mumaiw, in quo cecidit Cairpre mac
Cond'misc [« Battle of Carn Ailche (fought) by Munster,
wherein fell Cairbre, son of Cu-dinisc »].
Mors Tuathalain ab Cind-righ-monaidh x [« Death of Tua-
thalan, abbot of St Andrews »].
Guiw Aedha Duib, maic Cathail [« The slaying of Aed the
Black, son of Cathal »].
Dormitatio Co wain releghiosi .i. in Rois, do Sogan do
[« The falling asleep of Coman the Pious, i. e. of the Ross:
of the Sogan was he »].
Qwies Fir2 da enrich Dairindsi [« The rest of Per da chrich
ofDairinis »].
Bass Rudhgaile do Laignib [« Death of Rudgal, of Leinster »].
Cath ria n-Anmchadh, i torchair Cairpr^ 7 Fergwj- 7 Cai-
ther mac Cuwscraig, et .xui. reges 3 leo [« A battle gained by
Anmchad, wherein fell Cairbre and Fergus and Caithfer, son
of Cumscrach, and sixteen kings with them »].
Badud Fiachmc/7 maic Garbain Midhi il-Loch Ri[b] [« The
drowning of Fiachra, son of Garban, of Meath, in Lough
Ree »].
[AU. 747. FM. 743].
Kl. Badhudh Arascaigh, ab Muiciwdsi Reghuile [« The
drowning of Arascach, abbot of RiagaiPs Pig-island » — in
Lough Derg].
Qwies Cuaiw Caimb 4 sapientis [« The rest of Cuan Camb
the sage »].
Nix insolite magnitudinis53 ita ut pene pecora deleta sunt
totius Hib^rnie, et pof/ea insolita siccitate mundus exarsit6.
1. MS. monaigh 4. caimper
2 . fear 5 . magitutiwis
3 • regis 6 . mundi exersit
250 Whitley Stokes.
INrechtach hua C0«aing, ri Cianacht, [« king of the Cia-
nacht »] moritur.
Dorwitatio do Diwoc ancorite abbad Cluana hlraird 7 Cille
dara [« The falling asleep of thy Dimmoc, an anchorite, and
abbot of Clonard and Kildare »].
Do-C/;«wmat szpitntis qwies.
Cobt[h]ach abbas Reclaindi [moritur « Cobthach, abbot of
Rechrann, dies »].
Muireand, ingen Chellaigh Cualand, regiwa hlrgalaig, mo-
ritur [« Muirenn, daughter of Cellach of Cualu and Irgalach's
queen, dies »].
Occisio Cowgail [fo. I4a2] maic Ecnigh, rig na n-Airrtfor
i Raith Esclai la Dorm bo mac Con Breatan [« The slaying of
Congal, son of Ecnech, king of the Oriors, in Raith Esclai, by
Dorm-bo, son of Cu-Bretan »].
Lex H/// Suanaigh, for Leath Cuind [« the Law of Hua
Suanaig over Conn's Half, » i. e. the northern half of Ireland].
Fland Forbthe m^c Fogwrtaigh [7] Cuan ancorita o Lilchach
moriuntur [« Flann the Perfect, son of Fogartach, and Cuan
the anchorite of Lilcach, die »].
IMairec Atha Hfto Fiach[rach]3 ar Laigen sit1 [« The combat
of the Ford of the Hui Fiachrach. A slaughter of Leinstermen
there »].
Naues in [a]ere uise stint cum uiris suis2.
[AU. 748- FM. 744]-
K. lugulatio? Cathasaig maic Ailefto rig Cruithne, hi Raith
Betheach [« Murder of Cathasach, son of Ailill, king of the
Picts (of Ulaid) in Raith Bethech »].
Mors Bresail maic Colgan, ab Fernann 4 [« Death of Bresal,
son ofColgu, abbot of Ferns »].
Bass AiMb htt*Daimi#e, rig Hua Maine [« Death of Ailill,
grandson of Daimine, king of the Hiii Maini »].
1. MS. arlaigensit 3 lugal.
2. c^wuris iss. 4. fernani
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 25 1
Combustio Cltiana, ferta Brenaiwd [« Burning of S. Bre-
nainn's Clonfert »].
Mors Condmuigh maic Naenenaigh [« Death of Conmach,
son of Naenenach »].
Cath Arda Claris/a, in q«o cecidit A/Ml mac Duib da
crich, 6a Chind faeladh, in quo cecidit Downall filius Ciwadow
i frithguiw catha, id est rex qwi uicit prius. Dungal mac Amal-
gaidh uicwr erat [« The battle of Ard Cianachta, wherein fell
Ailill, son of Dub da chrich and grandson of Cenn-faelad,
wherein also fell, in the counterstroke of battle, Domnall, son
of Cinad, the king who at first was victorious. Dungal, son
of Amalgad was conqueror »].
Cairpr^ mac Mwrchadha Midhi moritur, et Becc Baile mac
EsLchackj 7 Lib^r ab Muige bili [« Cairbre, son of Murchad of
Meath, dies, and Becc Baile, son of Eochaid, and Liber abbot
ofMovilla »], et uentw^ maghnMJ.
Demersi[o] famil[i]e lae.
Mors Cowaill ab Tuawa Grene [« Death of Conall, abbot of
Tomgraney »].
Morssapientis, de Ceneul1 Cairpn .i. mac Cuanach. [« Death
of a sage, one of the Kindred of Cairbre, namely Mac Cua-
nach »].
Mors Segenfi] Claraig [« Death of Segene of Clarach »].
[AU. 749- FM. 745].
Kl. Combustid Fabair et cotnbustio Downaig Pztraic.
Bass Suairlig espuic Fabaz'r [« Death of Suairlech, bishop of
Fore »]. Quies Congusa espuic Aird Macha [« Rest of Congus,
bishop of Armagh »].
Cath eter Pictones et Britones, i testa, Tolargan m^c Fergw^a
7 a brathair, 7 ar Picardach imaille ffiss [« A battle between
Picts and Britons, wherein Tolargan, son of Fergus, and his
brother perished, and together with him a slaughter of the
Picts »].
i. MS. nenul
2 j 2 Whitley Stokes .
Cathal Maenmuige, n O Maine, moritur [« Cathal of Maen-
mag, king of the Hui Maini, dies »].
Mors Duib da lethe na graifne, ab Cilli Sciri [« Death of
Dub da lethe of the writing, abbot of Kilskeery »].
Blathmtfc mac Coibdenaigh. r/ Mw^craighi r, (« Blathmac,
son of Coibdenach, king of Muskerry »] mortuus est.
Mac Newnailli ab Biror [« abbot ot Birr »] moritur.
Mors Duib da boirenw rig Hua Fi[d]genwti, 7 Anwcadha,
rig Hua Liathaiw. [« Death of Dub da boirenn, king of the
Hui Fidgenti, and of Anmchad, king of the Hui Liathain »].
IMairec Indsi snaic ria n-Anwchadh mac Cow-cerca [« The
combat of Inishnag, gained by Anmchad, son of Cu cerca »].
[AU. 750. FM. 746. AI. 739].
Kl. Cuanghwj ab Leith[moir] moritur [« Cuangus, abbot of
Liath mor, dies »].
Fland htia Cowghaile, ri Hua Failge [« king of Offaly »]
Losclaig[d]e sapiens moritur.
Fergwj mac Fogartaig, n Desceirt Breagh, moritur [« Fergus
son ofFogartach, king of the South ofBregia, dies »].
Cowbw^tio Lethairle Cluana hlraird in uellenio [« The burn-
ing of Lethairle (?) oi Clonard in a bathroom »].
MorsEach^c/; Cilli Tomai [« Death of Eochaid of Kiltoom »].
Mors Cele du-L[as]si 6 Daiminis [« Death of Cele du-
Lassi (= Mo-Lassi) of Devenish »].
Mors Colma[i]n na m-Bretan, maic Faelain, ab Slaiwe, 7
Bran mac Duib sleibi, ab Cluana Eoiss [« Death of Colman of
the Britons, son of Faelan, abbot of Slane, and Bran, son of
Dub sleibe, abbot of Clones »].
Mors Furso, abbtfd Lecne Midhi, 7 Maele imarchuir, espuic
Eachdrow/a [« Death of Fursu, abbot of Lecan of Meath, and
of Mael -imarchuir, bishop of Aughrim »].
Bas Muirghiwja maic Fergwja, rig na nDeise, 7 mac Lui-
i . MS. m/wcraidhi
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 2$ j
ghedh Lismoir, 7 Fland Fortri ri Corco Laidhi [« Death of
Muirgius, son of Fergus, king of the Desi, and Mac Luiged of
Lismore and Fland Fortri, king of Corco Laigde »].
[AU. 751. FM. 747].
Kl. Mors Cilline droic[h]tigh ancoritae lae [« Death of Gil-
line the pontifex (abbot) and anchorite of lona »].
Taudar mac Bile, r/ Alo cluaide1. Cathal mac Forandain,
abb Chilledara; Cwwine hua Becce, religiossw^ Eco, mortui2
sunt [« Teudubr, son of Beli, king of Ail Cluade (Dumbarton),
Cathal, son of Forannan, abbot of Kildare, Cummine grand-
son of Becc, the religious one of Eig, died »].
Cath Asreith [« The battle of Asreth (?) in terra Circiw inter
Pictones inuicem, in qz/o cecidit Bruidhi mac Maelchon.
Mors Dicolhmaic Menaidhi, ablndsi M«redhuigh [« Death
ofDicuill (Dicolla?) son of Menaide, abbot of Inishmurray »].
Mors Fiachna hui maic Niadh, abb Cluflwa ferta Brenaind
[« Death of Fiachna, grandson of Mac Niad, and abbot of
S. Brenann's Clonfert »].
Flaithbertach mac Cowaill Mind, r/ Ceneoil Cairpr/',, moritut
[« Flaithbertach, son of Conall Menn, king of the Kindred of
Cairbre, dies »J.
INdrachtach mac Mwredaigh Mind [« son of Muredach
Menn »] moritur.
Foidm^wd mac Fallowaw, ri Cowaille Mwrtemne [« king of
Conaille Murthemne »] moritur 3.
Bass Cilline maic Cowgaile i n-Hi [« Death of Cilline, son of
Congal, in lona »].
Cowaing hw^Duibduittj r/' Cairpn Teftha, moritur [« Conaing,
grandson of Dub-duin, king of the Cairbri of Teffia, dies »}.
Bass Maile tuile, ab Thire da glas [« Death of Mael-tuile,
abbot of Terry glass »].
Mors Osbraiw ancorite 7 espw/c Cluana Crema4 [« Death of
Osbran, an anchorite and bishop of Clooncraff »].
1. MS. alochlandaid 3. .i.
2. morte 4. cremaw
254 Whitley Stokes.
Mors Rechtabrat1 hiii Guaire, ab Tuawa Grene [« Death
of Rechtabra, grandson of Guare, abbot of Tomgraney »].
Fland mac Cellaigh, n Mwrcraigi2, moritur [« Fland, son of
Cellach, king of Muskerry, dies »].
[AU. 752 (recte 753). FM. 748. AL 740].
Kl. Sol tenebrosw^.
Dorwitaf/o Marcoicedh, abfbad] Lismoir [« The falling asleep
of Maccoigi, abbot of Lismore ]».
Qtties [Lucrid] de Corcelig [sic : leg. Corcolaigde ?] ab Cluana
male Nois [« Rest of Lucrid of... abbot of Clonmacnois »].
Lex Colaiw cilli la Downall Midhi [« Colomb cille's « law »
(enforced) by Domnall of Meath »].
Mors Cellaigh, ab Cluana ferta Brenaind. Mors Scandlain
Duin lethglaissi. Mors moBai. Mors Firblai maic Uargw^a sa-
pientis [« Death of Cellach, abbot of Clonfert. Death of
Scandlan of Down. Death of my Bai. Death of Ferblai, son
of Uargus-, a sage »].
lHterfec[t]io \\ua [nJAiMlo la Gregraighe3 [« The slaying of
the Hui Ailello by the Gregraige »].
Mors Scandlaige4 Cluana Boirend. Mors Fursu Eassa rmzc
n-Eirc[« Death ofScandlach of Cloonburren. Death of Fursu,
of Ess mac n-Eirc (Assylin) »].
Guin Towaltaigh maic Maile tuile [« the slaying of Tomal-
tach, son of Mael-tuile »].
Ar Fothart [« Slaughter of the Fothairt »].
Dath fola forsin esca ism bliadainse [« The colour of blood
upon the moon in this year »].
[AU. 753. AI. 741. FM. 749].
Kl. Fland m#c Gwcobair, ri Muighe hAei, mortuus est
« Fland, son of Conchobar, king of Mag Aei, died »].
1 . MS. rechtabrad 3 . gregraidhe
2. m«5craidi 4. scandlaine
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 255
Mors Tuathlaithi fz'h'e Cathail, regime Laginorwm1.
Loingseach [fo. I4b i] mac Flaithbemigh, n Ceneoil Co-
waill [« Loingsech, son of Flaithbertach, king of the Kindred
of Con all »] mortuus est.
Sleibiwe ab lae [« abbot of lona »] in Hibmiiaw uenit.
Qwies Cerbaiw Daiwliag [« Rest of Cerban of Duleek »].
Foirtbe Fothairft] Fedha la hOsraighi2 [« Devastation of
the Fothart Fea by the Ossorians »].
Cath Aird Naisciw eter HUH mBriuin 7 Cenel Coirpn [« The
battle of Ardneeskan between the Hiii Briuin and the Kin-
dred of Cairbre »] in quo ceciderunt multi 3.
Mors Abiel Atha omnae [« Death of Abel of Ath Omnai »].
Cath tier Huu Tuiriri inuicew 4 [« A battle among the Hiii
Tuirtri between each other »].
Fergwj Rod mac Cellaig, n Con[n]acht, regnauit [« Fergus
Rod, son of Cellach, king of Connaught, began to reign »].
[AU. 754. AI. 742. FM. 750].
Kl. Flaithniadh m^c Tnuthaigh, ri Hiia Meith, moritur
[« Flaithnia, son ofTnuthach, king of Hiii the Meith, dies »].
Conibustio Cluana mflt/cNois in .xii. kl. Aprilis [« Burning
of Clonmacnois on the 2 is) March »].
Mors Fiachrach Mairt/r[th]aige [« Death of Fiachra of Mar-
tur-thech « relic-house »J.
Felcmaire mac Comgaill, Tuathal mac Diarwata, sapiens,
Daelghwj ab Cilli Scire mortui sunt. [« F. son of Comgell, T.
son of Diarmait, a sage, and D., abbot ofKilskeery, died »].
INdrachtach mac Dluthaig, n Hua Maine Con[n]acht
[« Indrachtach son of Dluthach, king of the Hiii Maini of Con-
naught »] moritur.
Flaithnia mtfcFlaind hiii Gwchobair, n'H/^Failge, [« Flaith-
nia, son of Fland Hiia Conchobair, king of Offaly »] [Fian-
galach, mac Anmchada,] maic Maile Curgjjf*, ab Indsi bo
1. MS. leginorz/w 4. inuicte;/?
2. hosraidhi 5. cuaraig
3 . ceciwderant muilti
2 $6 Whitley Stokes.
finde for Loch Ri, [« Fiangalach, son of Anmchad, son of
Mael Curaig, abbot of Inis bo finde on Loch Ri »] Mac Ron-
cow do Cenel Cairpn [« of the Kindred of Cairbre »], Snet-
cest ab Naendrowa [« abbot ofNoendruim »] mortui sunt.
Qwies Fidhmaiwe htii Suanaig.
Cath Chind abrad, hi torcair Badbcadh mac Fergale [« the
battle of Cenn abrat, wherein fell Badbchad, son of Fergal »].
Loscodh Cluana male Nois in .xii. kl. Aprilis [« Burning
of Clonmacnois on the 2ist March »].
[AU. 755. AI. 743. FM. 751].
Kl. Cowbwjtio Bewwcair moir [« Burning of Bangor the
Great »] in feria Patrici.
Feargwj mac Cellaig, n Con[n]acht [« king of Connaught »]
Aelgal ancorita1 Cluana [« of Clonmacnois »], Corwac mac
Faclan hria Silne, Forandan espO£ Met[h]uis Truiw [« bishop
of Methus Truim »], Baethgalach mac Colmain hua Suibne,
ab Atha Truim [« abbot of Trim »] mortui sunt.
Sluaighedh Laigew la Downall mac Mwrchadha fri Niall, co
wzbatar a Muigh Mwrtemne. [« An expedition of the Lein-
stermen led by Domnall son of Murchad against the Hiii
Neill, so that they were in Mag Murthemne »].
Naufragium2 Delbna for LochRi ima taissech .i. Dimwjach
[« Shipwreck of the Delbna on Lough Ree, together with
their chief, Dimmusach »].
Cath Belaigh Chro ria Criwthand for Delbna Hiia Maiwe,
ubi Find mac Airb rf Delbna, cecidit o Tipraite Find, 7 ar
Delbna uiwe, 7 is de sin ata Lochan Belaigh Cro 7 Tipra
Find. [« The battle ofBelach Cro gained by Crimthann over the
Delbna of Hui Maini, wherein Find, son of Arb, king of the
Delbna, fell by Tipraite Find, and a slaughter of the Delbna
including him. And hence are (the place-names) Lochan Belaig
1. MS. incorita 2. Nafraigem
The Annals af Tigernach. Third Fragment. 257
Cro« the Lakelet of the Pass of Gore » and TipraFind [« Find's
Well »].
Cath Gronnae1 [Magnae] .i. mona moire, in quo Cenel
Cairpn prastratuw est [« The battle of Gronna Magna, that is,
the Great Bog — main mor — wherein the Kindred of Cairbre
were overthrown » I .
[AI. 756. AI. 744. FM. 752].
Kl. Quies Fidhmuine ancorite Rathaiw Rtii Suanaigh [« Rest
ofFindmuine, anchorite of Hua Suanaig's Rahen »].
fidalbald2 ri Saxan [« ^Ethelbald, king of the Saxons, »]
mortuus est.
Combustio Cille moire dithrib ho Uib Criwthamd [« The
burning of Cell mor dithrib « the great church of the desert »
(now Kilmore) by the Hiii Crimthainn »].
Mors Finnchon 3, ab Lismoir [« Death of Finnchu, abbot of
Lismore »].
Cath Chind Febrat eter Mumunenses4 iwuicew, in qwo ce-
cidit Bodbgal pri«ceps5 Mungairit [« The battle of Cenn
Febrat among the Munstermen between each other, wherein
fell Bodbgal, abbot of Mungret »].
Occissio Cumascaigh6, rig Hua Failge. Mael duin, mac Aeda
Bmzan, n Muwan. uictor fuit. [« The .slaying of Cumascach,
king of Offaly (in a battle in which) Maelduin, son of Aed
Bennan (and) king of Munster, was victor »].
Qwies Siadhail Lindi Duachaill [« The rest of Siadal of Linn
Duachail »].
Guin Duiwn mate Cumascaigh, rig Hiia mBriuiw in des-
ceirt [« The slaying of Donn, son of Cumascach, king of the
Hui Briuin of the South »].
Lex Colu[i]m cille la Slebiwe [« Columb cille's « law » en-
forced by Slebine » (abbot of lona)].
1. MS. graindi 4. muwufnensis
2. Edabard 5. prwcips
3. sincon 6. cumascaidh
Revue Ctltique, XVII. 17
2 58 Whit ley Stokes.
[AU. 757. FM. 753 1.
Kl. Niallgwj mac Baith, n na nDessi Bregh; [Muredach
mac Cormaic] Slane, abLughmuidh. Cathal \\iia Cinaedha, n
Htia Cendsilaigh ; Elpiwe Glaisi Naidiw; Fidbadach Chille delge
martui sunt. [« Niallgus son of Baeth, king of the Desies of
Bregia; Muredach, son of Cormac ot Slane, abbot of Louth ;
Cathal, grandson of Cinaed, king of the Hiii Cennselaig ; El-
pine of Glasnevin and Fidbadach of Cell delge, died »"].
Reuersio Slebiwe in Ib^rniafm].
Martha filia Maic Dubaiw, domiwatrix Cille dara, obit.
[« Martha, daughter of Mac Dubain, abbess of Kildare, dies »].
Cath Drowa Robuigh eter Hi'tu Fiachrach, 7 Htiu Briuiw, in
qwo ceciderunt Tadhg mac Mwrdebair 7 tri hiii Cdlaigh .i.
Cat[h]arwach, Cathmug, Ardbrand [leg. Artbran ?]. Ai/;ll htia
Duncadha uictor fuit. [« Battle of Druim Robaig, between the
Hui Fiachrach and the Hiii Briuin, wherein fell Fadg, son of
Murdebar, and three grandsons of Cellach, that is, Catharnach
(Cathrannach?), Cathmug and Artbran. Ailill, grandson of
Dunchad, was victor »J.
Muiredhach m^c maic Muirchertaigh, n Laig£7t, [« M.,
grandson of Muirchertach and king of Leinster »] mortuns est.
Gorman comurba Mochta Lugbaidh .i. athafr Torbaig1 co-
murba Patraig, isse robai bliadain ior usci thibrat Fingen a
Cluain maic Nois, 7 adbath a n-ailithri i Guam. [« Gorman,
successor ofS. Mochta of Louth, and father of Torbach a suc-
cessor of S. Patrick. 'Tis he that lived for a year on the water
of Fingen's well in Clonmacnois, and died in pilgrimage at
Cluain »1.
[AU. 758. AI. 746. FM. 754].
Kl. Eochaid mac Cowaill Mind, ab Fobren ; Domnall
Aedha Laigen ; Eochaidh2 [mac] Fiachmr/; sapiens mortui
sun! |« Eochaid, son of Conall Menn, abbot of Fobren, Dom-
i . MS. torbaid 2 . Eochaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 259
nail son of Aed of Leinster, andEochaid, son of Fiachra, a sage,
died »].
Cath Eawna Macha eter Ulltwy Hiiu Neill in descmt [« The
battle of Emain Macha between the Ulaid and the Hui Neill »]
cogente Airechtach sacerdote x Aird Macha per discordiaw ad
abbatew Per da crich, ubi Dungal hua Coming et Dond-bo
interfecti sunt. Fiachna mac Aeda Rom uictor fuit.
Guiw Rechtabrad mate Dunchon, rig Mu[g]dhonz [« The
slaying of Rechtabra, son ofDunchu, king of the Mugdoirn »].
Dub druman ab Tuilew [« abbot of Dulane »] [fo. i4b 2]
mortuus [est.]
Beand Muilt [« The Wether's Peak »] effudit2 amnem cum
Cath [Gabrain] re n-Anmchadh for Laignib [« The battle of
Gowran gained by Anmchad over Leinster »].
AengttJ n Alban [« Oengus, king of Scotland »] moritur. In
marg. ri Alban.
Mors Coisetaig, ab Lugbaidh [« Death of Coisetach, abbot
of Louth »].
[AU. 759. FM. 755].
Kl. Muiredhach mac Mwrchadha, hua Bmin, ri Laigew
[« Muiredach, son of Murchad (and) grandson of Bran, king
of Leinster »] mortuus est.
Fames 7 mes mor sa \Aiadain sin [« and a great crop of
acorns in this year »].
Mors Cowcobair \\iii Taidhg Temiw 7 C[on]ait, ab Lis moir
7 Falartach mac Bricc ancorita3. Suairleach ab Benwcair, Ail-
gino mac Gnai, secundus abbas Cluanz hlraird, mor tut sunt.
Cath ettr muntir Cluawa 7 muintir Biror im-Moiw coisse
Blai | « A battle between the community of Clonmacnois and
the community of Birr, in M6in coisse Blai » (the Bog at foot
of (the river) Blai)].
Occisio Eachthig/rn espuic a sacerdote^ ac altoir Brighde. Is
assin connach denand sacart aiffri//d in rowspectu episcobi o sin
i . MS. Cogenti airecthach saserdote 3 . incorita
2. efuit 4. sarserdota, the first r cancelled
260 Whitley Stokes.
ille a Gill dara [« The slaying of Echthigern a bishop, by a
priest at Brigit's altar. Hence from that time forward no priest
performs mass at Kildare in the presence of a bishop » .
Fland mac Eire, n Hiia Fidgente, moritur [« Fland, son of
Ere, king of the Hui Fidgenti, dies »].
[AU. 760. FM. 756].
Kl. Irmdachtz, macFogartaigh, hua Cernaig, moritur [« Fin-
dachta, son of Fogartach, (and) grandson of Cernach, dies »].
Cath Atha duma her Ulltu 7 h&u Eachach, in quo cecidit
AiMl mac Fedlemtho [« Battle of Ath duma between the
Ulaid and the Hui Echach, wherein fell Ailill, son of Fed-
limid »].
Cath Belaig Gabrain her Laigniu 7 Osraighe, cor muid '
ria mac Cowcerca, in quo cecidit Dungal mac Laidhgnew, ri
Hua Gendsik^ et alii [« Battle of Belach Gabrain (Gowran)
between the men of Leinster and Ossory, and Cu-cerca's son
had the victory, and therein fell Dungal son of Laidgnen,
king of the Hui Cennselaig, and others »].
Aengwj mac FergMja, rex2 Pictorwm, moritur.
Mors Downaill mfl/c MwiVchertaigh, rig Hiia Neill, [« Death
of Domnall, son of Muirchertach, king of the Hui Neill »] 7
Dubluighe maic Ledhaidich.
[AU. 761. FM. 757].
Kl. Nix maghna et luna tenebrosa.
Occisio EachtigzVn episcobi a sacerdote ' a nderthaigh Cilli
dara [ « in the oratory of Kildare »].
Qwies Cormaic ab C\uanz maic Nois, 7 do Sil Cairpr/ do
[« Rest of Cormac, abbot of Clonmacnois, and of the Race of
Cairbre was he »].
1 . MS. muig 3 . sarserdote
2. regis
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 261
Nox lucida1 [in autumno].
Cath Cailli Tuidhbic [« The battle of Caill Tuidbic »], uibi
Luighne prostrati sunt. Genus Cairpn uictoriaw accepit.
Fer-fio filius Fairbri [leg. Faibri ?] saipiens, ab Comraire
Midhi,- [« abbot of Comrar of Meath (Conry) »] obit.
Cath Sleibe truiw [« The battle of Sliab Truim »].
Robartach princeps Athnae [« abbot of Fahan »] moritur.
Fogartach r/ Ele [« king of the Eli »] moritur.
Suibne ab Cluana ferta Brenaind [« abbot of S. Brenann's
Clonfert »].
[AU. 762. AI. 750. FM. 758].
K. Downall mac Murchada ri Temrach .i. cetri Erenn do
claind Floiwd [leg. Colmain] in .xii. kl. Deciwbm moritur
[« Domnall, son of Murchad, king of Tara, the first king of
Ireland of the Clan Colmain, dies on the 20th November »].
Mors Becc-laitne, ab [Cluana hlraird], 7 Faelchu Fiwd-
glaise 7 Fidairle hua Suanaig, ab Ratham^ mortui sunt[« Death
of Becc-laitne of Clonard, and Faelchu of Finglas and Fi-
dairle, grandson of Suanach, abbot of Rahan, died »].
Mors Reodaide ab Ferna [« abbot of Ferns »].
Mors Anfadam2 ab Linde Duachaill [« abbot of Linn Dua-
chaill »].
Sol tenebroswj3 \n hora .iii. d[i]ei.
Straighes Cuilnighe moire [« of Cuilnech Mor »] uibi Con-
nacht[a] prostrati sunt.
Cath efcr Huu Fidgenwte 7 Corco/»ruadh 7 Corcobaisciwd
[« A battle betwen the Hiii Fidgenti and the Corcomruad and
the Corcobaiscinn »].
Bruidhi n Fortrenn4 mortuus est.
Niall Frossach [in marg. n Erenn « king of Ireland »]
regnare incipit.
1. MS. nix luicita 3. Soltene brassM5
2. fernadam 4. fortchernn
262 Whitley Stokes.
|AU. 763. FM. 759].
Kl. Nix magna .iii. fere mensibus.
Qwies Remain, ab Cluam mate Nois, do Luaignib do [« Rest
of Ronan, abbot of Clonmacnois. Of the Luaigni was he »].
Cormflc mac Mlello, ab Mainistreach Buite [« abbot of Mo-
nasterboice »] moritur.
Cath Argamain1 iter fawiliaw Clwflwa mafcNow 7 Durmuig,
ubi cecidit Diarwuit mac Downuill [« The battle of Argaman
between the community of Clonmacnois and that of Durrow,
wherein fell Diarmait, son of Domnall », and Diglach, son of
Dubless, and 200 men- of the community of Durrow »].
Siccitafs] maghna ultra modum.
Ai//ll Medraighe, m^c Dunchadha, ri Connacht [« king of
Connaught »] mortuus est.
Scandlan Fewtiw, rn^tc Aedgaile [« S. of Femen, son of
Aedgal »] moritur.
Downit mac Duenge pausat.
Sruth(?) fola [« a flux of blood »] in tota Ibmiia.
Cath Duiw bile le Donwchadh m^c Domnaill for Firu Tu-
lach [« The battle of Dim bili gained by Donnchad, son of
Domnall, over the Fir Tulach »j.
Murchadh mac tndrachtaig 7 Murc[hjad mac Mwrchataigh
la Condrtf/tfaib moritur [« is killed by the Connaughtmen »].
Moll r/ Saxan [ « king of the Saxons »] clerics eficitwr.
[AU. 764. AI. 752. FM. 760].
Kl. IN[n|octe signww horribile et mirabile2 in stellis uisum
Flaithbertacb mac Loingsig, r/ Temrach [« king of Tara »]
in cler[i]catu.
Q/des Tola Aird Breccaiw [« of Ardbrackan »].
i MS. Cathargai// 2. 7 murabili
The Annals of Tigernach. Third Fragment. 263
Gum tSuibne maic Becce [« The slaying of Suibne, son of
Becc »] a suis sociis dolose.
Gum tSuibne maic Murchada [« the slaying of Suibne son
of Murchad »] cum duobus fzhYs suis.
Cath Chairn Fiachar/? her da mac Domnaill .i. Dunchad 7
Murchad. Fallamuift mac Cftfcoingelt la Duwchad. Ailgel rig
Tebtha la Murchad. In bello cecidit ' Murcadh. Ailgel in fu-
gam2 uersfus] est [« The battle of Carn Fiachach between
Domnall's two sons, namely Dunchad and Murchad, Falla-
muin, son of Cu coingelt, with Dunchad. Ailgel, king of Teffia,
with Murchad. In the battle Murchad fell and Ailgel was put
to flight »].
Folachtach ab Biror [« abbot of Birr »] mortuus est.
Loarn ab Cluana Iraird [« abbot of Clonard »] qwieuit.
Cellbil Cluana Bronaigh [« of Clonbroney »] quieuit.
Defectio panis.
Dungalach, n Hua Liathaiw [« king of the Hiii Liathain »]
7 Uargal n Cowaille [« king of Conaille »] mortui sunl.
[AU. 765. AI. 753. FM. 761].
Kl. Qwies Crimthainw, ab Cluana. ferta Brenainn. [« Rest of
Crimthann, abbot of S. Brenann's Clonfert »].
Gmn Fallowaiw maic Cowcongelt, rig Midhi, dolose [« the
slaying, treacherously, of Falloman, son of Cu-congelt, king
of Meath »].
Cath Sruthra et^r Huu Briuin 7 Conmacne [« A battle be-
tween the Hui Briuin and the Conmacne »].
Desunt folia aliquot.
(A suivre.) Whitley STOKES.
i. MS. cecitit 2. fugho/
Aliett ar Brouder a deuz bet
Eun habit newe zei violet
Digant an Itron a Draou-Rivier
Ewit eureuji mab he merer,
'Wit eureuji Herve ar Geldon ;
Birwiken n'hi c'haraz 'n he galon.
Aliett ar Brouder a lere
Noz kenta hec'h cured ha neuze :
— Nag Herve ar Geldon, ma fried,
Keun hoc'h euz d'ar marc'had hoc'h euz gret ?
— la, emezhan, keun am euz-me,
Mar em euz clewet ar wirione,
Mar em euz clewet ar wirione,
Tougac'h pewar miz a vugale ;
Ha tri all, emezhan, 'c'h euz ganet,
E wac'h o tougen ar bewaret.
Na deuz ho kinderw, beleg ar Waz,
Ha me, emezhan, gredfe awalc'h.
Vol. XVII. — • N° 4 Octobre 1896
Membre de 1'Institut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Mattre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
Sommaire : Paul COLLINET, Droit celtiqae et droit romain, p. 321. — Whitley
STOKES, The Annals of Tigernach (The fourth Fragment), p. 337. —
J. LOTH, Dialectica: VI. Mutations initiates; — VII. La terminaison -ou
et les noms en *-adou, gallois -adwy, p. 421.
MELANGES. I. porhoet, par J. LOTH, p. 427; II. Le sens primitif de boroma,
par J. LOTH, p. 428 ; III. fled, par J. LOTH, p. 450.
TABLE des principaux mots etudies dans le tome XVII, p. 446.
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an lieu de 340 jrancs, net 290 Jrancs.
Tons droits reserves.
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Pour les annonces, s'adresser a la librairie E. BOUILLON
Professeur a la Faculte des Lettres de Poitiers
Un volume grand in-8. — Prix 20 fr.
Par H. D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, membre de 1'Institut
In-i8 jesus. — Prix 4 fr.
Un fort volume gr. in-8. — Prix 18 fr.
Un volume grand in-8. — Prix 10 fr.
Par A. STERN, Professeur d'histoire a 1'Ecole polytechnique federate de Zurich
Traduction frangaise revue par 1'auteur et precedee d'une preface ecrite
specialement pour cette edition
Deux volumes in-8. — Prix 1 5 fr.
Tome IX. — Sixieme fascicule
Grand in-8. — Prix. 6 fr.
RAWL. B. 488, Fo. 15*1.
[AU. 973. AI. 956. CS. 972. FM. 972].
Dondchadh Find, mac Aeda, maic Flamd, do marbadh la
hAghda mac Duibgind a mebuil for faesom Brenainw 7 Ciarain
[« Donnchad the Fair, son of Aed, son of Fland, was treache-
rously killed by Agda, son of Dubchenn, while he was under
the safeguard of SS. Brenainn and Ciaran »].
Murchadh Glun re lar, n Ailigh, do marbudh la Cenel Co-
waill. [« Murchad Knee-to-floor, king of Ailech, was killed by
the Kindred of Conall »].
Maidw for Osraigi ria Laignib du a torchair Diarmuit mac
Donwchadha et alii. Maidw aile for Uib Cends'ilaig ria n-Os-
ralgi, du a torchair Donnchad, mac Cellaig, n Hua Cendse-
laig et alii [« A rout of the Ossorians by the Leinstermen,
wherein fell Diarmait, son of Donnchad, and others. Another
rout of the Hiii Cennselaig by the Ossorians, wherein fell
Donnchad, son of Cellach, king of the Hiii Cennselaig, and
others »].
Findachfa mac Cinaetha, flaith Fortuath Laighew^ mortuus
est «[ Findachta, son of Cinaed, prince of the Fortuatha of
Leinster, died »].
Revue Celtique, XVII. 22
Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 974- CS. 973- FM. 973].
Kl. Etgair ri Saxan [« king of England »] religiossus l rex,
mortuus est.
Cinaeth Hua hArtacan, primecis Leithi Cumd mortuus est
[« Cinaeth, grandson of Artacan, chief poet of the northern
half of Ireland, died »].
Domnall mac Eoaiw, ri Bretan, i n-ailitfoi [quieuit. « Dom-
nall, son of Eoan, king of Wales, rested in pilgrimage »].
Cetna toisc MaelSechnaill Moir, maic Domnaill, o Ath
cliath, dar' briss 7 dar' theasc in caill [« The first expedition
of MaelSechnaill the Great, son of Domnall, from Dublin,
when he broke and cut down the wood »].
[AU. 975. AI. 958. CS. 974. FM. 974].
Kl. Dondchad mac Cellaig, ri Osraigi [« Donnchad, son of
Cellach, king of Ossory »] in senili2 etate mortuus est.
Mathgawain mac Cendedigh, ri Mwman, do marbadb
do Mael-muadh mac Brain?, do rig Hua n-Ezchacb, iarna
thidhnacol do Donwuban mac Cathail do rig Hua Fi[d],
gentiafill [« Mathgamain, son of Cenn-etig, king of Munster-
was killed by Mael-Muad, son of Bran, king of the Hui
Echach (Iveagh), having been treacherously delivered up by
Donnaban, son of Cathal, king of the Hui Fidgenti »].
Ughaire mac Tuathail, ri Laigen, do gabail do Gallaib
Atha Cliath. [« Ugaire, son of Tuathal, king of Leinster, was
captured by the Foreigners of Dublin »].
Serin Colaim cille do argaiw do Domnall mac Murchadha.
[« Skreen of Colomb cille was wrecked by Domnall, son of
Murchad »].
i . MS. relei ossus
2 semile
3 . broin
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 339
Tadhg mac Ruadrach, taisseach Cian^/a Glindi Gemin do
inarbadh a. n-Ulltaibh [« Tadg, son of Ruadri, chief of the Cia-
nacht of Glenn Gemin, was killed in Ulster »].
Domnall mac Cowgalaigh, rigdomna Temrach, mortuus est.
[« Domnall, son of Congalach, crownprince of Tara, died »].
Creach la Gilla Colaiw Hua Canandan, rig Ceneoil Cowaill
i n-Uib Failghe, cor' fagaib Ferghal mac Foghartaig, rig Cair-
pre Moire. Cellach mac Findghaine, Cellach mac Bairedha,
Donwchadh mac Morgaind, tri mormair Alban, andsiw. [« A
raid by Gilla Columb, grandson of Canannan, king of the
Kindred of Conall, into Offaly, where he left Fergal, son of
Fogartach, king of the Greater Cairbre. Cellach, son of Find
guine, Cellach, son of Bairid, and Donnchad, son of Mor
gand, three High Stewards of Scotland, were therein »].
[AIL 976. AI. 959- CS. 975- FM. 975]-
Kl. Muircertach mac Domnaill hiii Neill ocus Congalach
mac Domnaill,, mate Cowgalaigh, da n^dawna Erenn, do mar-
badh la hAwlaim m#c Sitriuca. [« Muirchertach, son of Dom-
nall, son of Congalyh, two crownprinces of Ireland, were
killed by Olaf son of Sitriuc »].
INis Cathaigh do sarughudh do Brian mflc Cendeidigh for
Gallaib Luiwnigh .i IMar 7 Amlaiw a m#c 7 Duibcenw a mac
aile [« Inis Cathaig (Scattery Island) was profaned by Brian,
son of Cenn-etig, who attacked therein the Foreigners of Li-
merick, namely, Imar, and Olaf, one of his sons, and Dub-
chenn his other son »].
Gilla Colaiw o Canandan, ri Cene[oi]l Conaill, do marbadh
la Domnall ua Ne[i]ll. [« Gilla-Coluimb, grandson of Canan-
nan, king of the Kindred of Conall, was killed by Domnall,
grandson of Niall »].
Amlaiw mac Illuilb, ri Alban, do warbadh la Cinaeth mac
Mail Cholaittt [« Olaf, son of Indulf, king of Scotland, was
killed by Cinaeth, son of Mael Choluimb »].
Mael-ruanaig Got, Hua Mzel-SechnaiH, rigdzmnz Temrachj
per dolum occissw^ est. [« Mael-ruanaid the Stammerer,
$40 Whitley Stokes.
grandson of Mael-Sechnaill, crownprince of Tara, was trea-
cherously slain »].
[AU. 977. AI. 960. CS. 976. FM. 976].
Kl. Cath Belaigh Lecht, eter Brian mac Cend^igh 7 Mael
muadh mac Bruiw, co torchair Mael-muadh and, n Htia n-Ea-
chach. [« The battle of Belach Lecht between Brian, son of
Cenn-etig, and Mael-muad, son of Bran; and Mael-muad,
king of the Hui Echach, fell therein »].
Cath Bithlaiwdi for Laigm'£ ria nGallaib Atha cliath, du a
torchair Ughaire mac Tuathail, r/ Laigm, ocus Mwedhach
mac Bruiw, n Hua Cendselaigh, ocus Congalach mac Flaind, n
Leighe 7 Rechet, et alii muilti [« The battle of Bithland gained
over the Leinstermen by the Foreigners of Dublin, wherein
fell Ugaire, son of Tuathal, king of Leinster, and Muredach,
son of Bron, king of the Hui Cennselaig, and Congalach, son
of Fland, king of Legh and Rechet, and many others »].
Corccach Mor Muman do argaiw fri daigid [« Great Corcach
(Cork) of Munster was destroyed by fire »].
Less mor mo Chuta do loscadh, 7 Cluain uawa 7 Lethgliwd
do indrudh do Osraigib [« My Cutu's Lismore was burnt, and
Cloyne and Leighlin were ravaged by the Ossorians »].
Cowaltan \\ua Clerigh, n Uiia Fiachrad? Aidne [« king of
the Hui Fiachrach of Aidne »] mortuus est.
[AU. 978- CS. 977- FM. 977].
Kl. Conchobar mac Find, n H/^Failge, [« king of Offaly »],
mortuus est.
Domnall -Claen, n Laig^w, do gabail do Gzllaib Atha cliath
[« Domnall Cloen, king of Leinster, was captured by the For-
eigners of Dublin »].
Leath-lobflr mac FM ri Dal-araidhi [« king of Dalaradia »]
7 Tigmian, n Cene[o]il Cowaill [« king of the Kindred of
Conall »] occisi sunt1 ».
i . MS. occissz/j est
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 341
[AU. 979. AL 962. CS. 978. FM. 978, 979].
Kl. Domnall mac Muird^rtaigh, n Tewrach [« King of
Tara »] post penitentiaw obiit. MzelStchnaill Mor regnaire in-
Cath Temrach re MaelSechnaill Mor mac nDownaill mate
Donwchaidh mate Flaind, ria rig Erenn, for G&llaib Atha
cliath, for nwaib Amlaim intindrudh, dii a torcair ill im Rag-
nail mac Amhim, rigdawna na nGall, 7 im Cowmael m0c
Gilli Airi, 7 im Irlabraidh1 Atha cliath, et alii muilti. Braew
m#c Mwrchtfda, n^damna Laigm, 7 Congalach mac Flamd, n
Gaileng, 7 a mac .i. Maelan, 7 Fiad?ra 7 Cu-dhuiligh, da m^xc
Dublaich, da tig Fer tulach, j Lachtna ri Mugdorn Maigen do
thuitiw a frithguin in catha sin [« The battle of Tara gained
by Mael Sechnaill the Great, son of Domnall, son of Donn-
chad, son of Fland, by the King of Ireland, over the Foreign-
ers of Dublin, over the sons of Olaf in especial, wherein
many fell, including Ragnall, son of Olaf, crownprince of the
Foreigners, and Conmael, son of Gilla Airi(?), and the Ora-
tor of Dublin, and many others. Braen, son of Murchad,
crownprince of Leinster, and Congalach, son of Fland, king
of the Gailenga, and his son Maelan, and Fiachra and Cii
duilig, two sons of Dublaech (Dublath ?), two kings of the
Fir tulach, and Lachtna, king of Mugdoirn Maigen, fell in the
counterblow of that battle »].
Morsluaighedh la Mael-Sechnaill Mor mac nDownaill, rig
Ttmtachf j la hEochaigh, mac Ardgail, la rig nUlad, co Gallw
Atha cliath, co tardsad forbais tri la 7 tfi n-aidhchi fbrro, co
tucsat geill Erenn ass, im Downall Claen, rig Laigm, 7 im eti-
rib Hiia Ne[i]ll arcena, co tucsad a n-oigreir o Gallaib .i.
[fo. I5a2] .xx. cet [bo] co setaib 7 maimb, 7 co saire Hua
Ne[i]ll archena o Sinaind [co muir] cen chain. IS and immorro
fbrfuacair Mzel-Sxhnaill in eseirghi n-airrdirc, dia n-ebairt :
Gach aen do Gaedelaib fuil a crich Gall a ndairi 7 docraite tait
i . MS. irlabraigh
342 Whit ley Stokes.
ass dia tir arciwd sidha 7 sochair. Ba si bruit Babilcwe na
\\Erennm bruit1 sin. Ba tanaisti na2 bruiti 'mm.
[« A great hosting by Mael-Sechnaill the Great, son of Dom-
nall, King of Tara, and by Eochaid, son of Ardgal, King of
the Ulaid, to the Foreigners of Dublin; and they beleaguered
them for three days and three nights, and brought thence the
hostages of Ireland, including Doornail Cloen, King of Leins-
ter, and the guarantees of the Hui Neill besides, and they got
their full demand from the Foreigners, to wit, two thousand
kine, with jewels and treasures, and, moreover, with the
freedom of the Hui Neill from tribute, from the Shannon to
the sea. Tis then that Mael-Sechnaill proclaimed the famous
rising, when he said : « Let every one of the Gaels who is in
the Foreigner's province come forth to his own country for
peace and comfort ». That captivity was the Babylonian Capti-
vity of Ireland. 'Twas next to the captivity of Hell »].
Faelan mac Caelaighe, espoc Imlecha lubair [« Faelan, son
of Caelaige, bishop of Imbliuch Ibair (Emly) died »].
Amlaiw mac Sitriuca, airdrigh ar Gallaib Atha cliath, do
dul co Hi a n-aithrighe 7 a n-ailithri iarsin cath mortuus est.
[« Olaf, sonofSitric, high-king over the Foreigners of Dublin,
went to lona in repentance and in pilgrimage after the battle
(and there) died »].
Agda mac Duibgiwd, ri Teftha [« king of TefFa »] mortuus
[AU. 980. AI. 963. CS. 979. FM. 980].
Kl. Anmchadh espoc Cilli dara [« bishop of Kildare »] in
senectute 3 bona uitam finiuit.
Donmall Rita hAideith, n Htia nEchacb, ocus Loiwgsech
toiseach Htla Niallaiw, do comtohim diblinaib. [« Domnall,
grandson of Aideth, king of the Hui Echach, and Loingsech,
chief of the Hui Niallain, both fell together in a duel »].
1 . MS. sloiged
2. no
3. senectude
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 343
[AU. 981. AI. 964. CS. 980. FM. 981].
Kl. Bruadar mac Eachthigirn, ri Hiia Cendsek/^ mortuus
est [« Brodur, son of Echthigern, king of the Hui Cennselaig,
died »].
Orgain Chilli dara p Iwur Puirt Lairge. [« The destruction
of Kildare by Imar of Waterford »].
Archu mac Neill, rigdomnz Ulad [« crownprince of Ulster »]
a suis hatribus per dolum occlssus est.
Argam Dal Cais la Jfeel§echnaitt mac Downaill, 7 bili Muighi
hAduir do thescadh do [« The plundering ot the Dalcassians
by MaelSechnaill, son of Domnall, and the sacred tree of
Mag Adair was cut down by him »].
[AU. 982. CS. 981. FM. 982].
Kl. Cathrainedh re MaelSechnaill mac nDownaill 7 re Gluw
iaraind mac Awlaiw, maic mdthar MaftSechnaill Moir, for
Domnall Claen mac Lorcan 7 for Imur Phuirt Lairge, du i
torcratar ili, itir badhudh 7 marbadh, im Gilla PatrazV mac
Imuir, et alii multi mortui sunt1. [« A battle-rout inflicted by
MaelSechnaill, son of Domnall, and by Glun-iarainn (« Iron-
knee »), son of Olaf, son of MaelSechnaill's mother, on
Domnall Cloen, son of Lorcan, and on Imar of Waterford,
wherein many fell, both by drowning and killing, including
Gilla-Patraic, son of Imar, et alii, etc.]
Glend da lacha do argain do Galk«7> Atria cliath. [« Glen-
dalough was plundered by the Foreigners of Dublin »].
INdradh Laighen la MztlSechnaill co muir [« A harrying of
Leinster by MaelSechnaill as far as the sea »].
Gilla Caemgen m^c Cinaetha do dallad la Domnall Claen
[« Gilla Coemgin, son of Cinaed, was blinded by Domnall
Cloen »].
i . MS. .m. est
344 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 983. CS. 982. FM. 983].
Kl. Domnall Claen do warbadh la hAedh mac Eachthig/rn
do Uib Centtsealtf/^ [« Domnall Cloen was killed by Aed, son
of Echthigern, of the Hui Cennselaig »].
Aed Htia Dubda, n tuaisc^Vt Con[n]acht uile, [« king of the
whole of the north of Connaught »] mortuus est.
Tri meic Cerbuill maic Lorcaiw do argain termuind Caew-
gen 7 a marbfld a triur ria n-aidhchi tria firt Caewghen
[« Three sons of Cerball, son of Lorcan, plundered St Coem-
gen's glebe, and the three of them were killed before night »].
[AU. 984. CS. 983. FM. 984].
Kl. MzdSecJmaill mac Domnaill do indradh Condacht 7 do
thoghail a hindseadh 7 do marbadh a taisech [« MaelSechnaill,
son of Domnall, harried Connaught, and destroyed its (arti-
ficial) islands and killed its chieftains »].
Fearghal mac Lorcam, ri Ceneoil Fiachrach, do marbadh la
Con[n]achtzib [« Fergal, son of Lorcan, king of the Kindred
of Fiachra, was killed by the Connaughtmen »].
Diarmuit mac Uathmaran, riLaigen [« king of Leinster »],
mortuus est.
[AU. 985. CS. 984. FM. 985].
Kl. Mor ingen Dondchodha maic Cdlaig, banrighan Erenn
mortua est. [« Mor, daughter of Dondchad, son of Cellach,
and queen of Ireland, died »].
Muirgw5 mac Domnaill, n Htia Maine [« king of the Hui
Maini »] mortuus est.
Flait[h]ri Hiia Loingsigh, n Dal Araidhi [« King of Dala-
radia »] iugulatus J est.
i. MS. iugal.
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 545
Fuatach scribe Pztraic la MaelSechnaill o Ath Fir-diadh co
hAth Sighi tria cocadh mac Cairellaiw. Sith do dhenow doib
arsiw, 7 riar Patmic o MaelSechnaill .i. cuairt fer Midhe etir
chill 7 tuaith, ergnam r [c]ech duine o MaelSechnaill la taeb
.uii. ciimal 7 ogriara archena. [« The carrying-off of S. Pa-
trick's shrine by MaelSechnaill from Ardee to Ath Sighe, in
consequence of the warfare of Cairellan's sons. Thereafter
they made peace, and the award of Patrick1 (was performed) by
MaelSechnaill, namely, a visitation of the men of Meath, both
ecclesiastics and laymen ; a banquet for every fortress by Mael-
Sechnaill, besides seven cumals and awards in full besides »].
[AU. 986. CS. 985. FM. 986].
Kl. Treghaid fiadhnach 2 i n-aimhiur Erenn o dewnaib, co
rola ar daine 3, co mbidiss for suilib daine a ssoillsi. [« A ma-
nifest (?) colic in the east of Ireland caused by demons, which
inflicted a slaughter on people, and they were clearly before
men's eyes »].
Tosach mboair moir .i. maelgarb anaicenta do theacht artwj
[« The beginning of a great murrain, to wit, the unknown
mael-garbj came for the first time »].
Gaeth mor cur' trascair ilcuwtaigthi im durtheach Lugh-
maidhe4. [« A great wind which laid low many buildings,
including the oratory of Louth »].
[AU. 987. CS. 986. FM. 987].
Kl. Ar Mwman la Cond^/aib du a torchair Dunlang mac
Duib da boireanw, r/^damna Mwman. Muirghwj mac Cvnco-
bair n^damna Con[n]acht do thoitiw a frithguiw and [« A
slaughter of Munster(men) by Connacians, wherein fell Dun-
1 . MS. Erguin
2. fithnaisi, CS. and FM.
3 . MS. daine cowse
4 . lugh muighe
346 Whitley Stokes.
lang, son of Dub da boirenn, crownprince of Minister. Muir-
gus, son of Conchobar, crownprince of Connaught, fell there
in the counterblow of battle »].
Laidhgnen mac Cerbaill n Fernwmuighe do warbfld for lar
Trin Aird Macha a mac Cowaing 7 o Cenel n-Eogain [« Laid-
gnen, son of Cerball, king of Farney, was killed in the midst
of the Third of Armagh, by Conang's son and by the Kindred
of Eogan »].
Duwstan airdespo^ Saxan [« archbishop of England »]
[AU. 988. AI. 971. CS. 987. FM. 988].
Kl. Glun iaraind mac Amlaiw, r/ Gall, do warbudh dia
mogaidh1 boden .i. Colbaiw [« Glun iarainn (Ironknee)
son of Olaf, king of the Foreigners, was killed by his own
slave, namely, Colbain »].
Cath Atha cliath for Gallaib la MaelSechnaill mac Domnaill,
uibi muilti occisi sunt 2, 7 forbuis \n duin fbrro iarsiw fri fichit
aidchi, ownar' ibset uisce frissin acht sal, co tardsad a oghriar
fen do cen budh ri, 7 uingi d'or gach garda 3 gach aidhci
nodlag tre bithu sir. [« The battle of Dublin gained over the
Foreigners by MaelSechnaill, son of Domnall, wherein many
were slain, and the siege of their fortress afterwards for twenty
nights; and during it they drank no water save brine. Where-
fore they gave him his own award so long as he should be
king, and an ounce of gold for every garden (to be paid) on
every Christmas eve for ever »].
Gofraidh 4 mac Arailt n Indsi Gall do toitiw la Dail Riada
[« Godfrey, son of Harald, king of the Hebrides, fell by the
Dal Riata »].
Conchobar mac Domnaill n Luigne Con[n]acht [« king of
the Luigni of Connaught »] mortuiis est. Muiredhach ua Clci-
righ, ri Aidhne [« king of Aidne »] mortuus est.
1 . MS. da mogodhaib
2 . occisswj est
3. grada
4 Gofraigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 347
[AU. 989. CS. 988. FM. 989].
Kl. Urard mac Coisse, [fo. i5b i] pr/w&es Goidhel *, in pe-
nitentia mortuus est a Cluam mtf/c Nois. [« Erard mac Coisse,
chief poet of the Gaels, died in penitence at Clonmacnois »].
Aed Hi'ta Maeldoraidh 2, ri Ceneoil Cowaill [« king of the
Kindred of Conall »] mortuus est.
Cath Fordrowa la MaelStdfoi0f7/, du a torchair Domnall mac
Lorcan n Muscraidhi Thiri 7 H/fo Forga, 7 ar mor archena
[« The battle of Fordruim gained by MaelSechnaill, wherein
fell Domnall, son of Lorcan, king of Muscraige Tire and of
the Hui Forgo, and a great slaughter besides »].
[AU. 990. AI. 973. CS. 989. FM. 990].
Kl. Dondchadh mac Downaill, rigda.mn.si Temrach, per do-
lum occissus est la Clomd Colmain .i. Conchobar mflcCerbuill
[« Donchad, son of Domnall, crownprince of Tara, was trea-
cherously slain by the Clan Colmain, that is, by Conchobar,
son of Cerball »].
In Sindach Hua Leochan, ri Gaileng, mortuus est. [« The
Fox, grandson of Leochan, king of the Gailenga, died »].
[AU. 991. CS. 990. FM. 991].
Kl. Sluaighedh la MaelSeachb/Vw mac Downaill a Con[n]-
achtaib, co tanic Brian Borowa co feraib Muwan 7 Con[n]acht
a Midhi co ruige Loch n-Aindmd, 7 nir'gab bai na dume, co
ndeachaidh 3 ass a coir n-eludha [« A hosting by MaelSechnaill,
son of Domnall, into Connaught ; and Brian of the Tribute,
1 . MS. priwecis gaedhil
2. maeldoraigh
3 . ndeachaigh
348 Whit ley Stokes.
with the men of Minister and Connaught, invaded Meath and
reached Lough Ennell; but he took neither cow nor man,
and retreated like a runaway »].
Dond \\ua Duiwd Chiian, n Tebtha [« Donn, grandson of
Donn Cuan, king of Teffa »] a suis per doluw occissus est.
Mor \ngen Taidg mate Cathail maic Concobair, rigan Erenn,
mortua est. [« Mor, daughter of Tadg, son of Cathal, son of
Conchobar, queen of Ireland, died »].
Gilla Colman mac Neill, n Hua nDiarmada, 7 Cu chenand,
mac Taidhg, cowthuitiw doib_[« Gilla Colmain, son of Niall,
king of the Hui Diarmata, and Cu chenann, son of Tadg, fell
together in a duel »].
[AU. 992. AI. 975. CS. 991. FM. 992].
Kl. Concobar, mac Cerbaill Hui MaelSecbnaill, in penitentia
bona qwieuit.
MaelRuanaig hua Ciardha, n Cairpn, do marbadh la firu
Teftha [« Mael-Ruanaig, grandson of Ciarda, king of Cairbre,
was killed by the men of Teffa »].
Da ua Chanandan do marbadh do Mac Gilla Colmog .i.
Downa// 7 Flaithbertach [« Two grandsons of Canannan,
namely, Domnall and Flaithbertach, were killed by Mac
Gillai Colmoic »].
Ruaidhri mac Coscraigh x, n Descmt Con[ni\acbt, do war-
badh la Gwcobur mac Ma&SecbnaiU 7 la mac Cowaltam Hui
Clerigh [« Ruaidri, son of Coscrach, king of the south of Con-
naught, was killed by Conchobar, son of MaelSechnaill, and
by the son of Comaltan, grandson of Clerech »].
Eicneach Hua Leochan, n Tuath-Luighne, do marba^ la
HaelSechnaill 7 la Cathal mac Labradha a nDomnach Patra/V
a mebail [« Ecnech, grandson of Leochan, king of North-
Luigne, was treacherously killed at Domnach Patraic by Mael-
Sechnaill and by Cathal, son of Labraid »].
. MS. coscraidh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 349
[AU. 993. CS. 992. FM. 993].
Kl. Fogartach mac Diarmuda, maic Uathmuran, ri Corco-
tri Ch0«[n]acht, do marbadh do Gailengaib in Choramd [« Fo-
gartach, son ofDiarmait, son of Uathmaran, king of the Cor-
co-firtri of Connaught, was killed by the Galenga of the
Corann »].
Cong&lach mac Laidhgnen ri Gailew^. [« king of the Ga-
lenga died »].
Mael Caire[r]dha, ri Hua mBriui-w Seola, [« king of the Hui
Briuin Seola »] mortuus est.
Mael Muiri mac Scandlam, esp0£ Aird Macha [« bishop of
Armagh »] qwieuit.
Mac Dubgaill meic Donwchadha, ri Muigi hltha, mortuus
est [« The son of Dubgall, son ofDonchad, king of Mag Itha,
died »].
M&dSechnaill do loscadh Aenaigh Theidi 7 do indrudh Mw-
7?/an, 7 maidm for Brian mac Cendedigh co feraib Mwman
[« Mael-Sechnaill burnt Oenach Teti, (Nenagh), and ravaged
Munster, and routed Brian, son of Kennedy, with the men of
Munster »].
[AU. 994. AI. 977. CS. 993. FM. 994].
Kl. hlwur i n-Ath cliath tareis [Sitriuca] maic Amlaiw
[« Imar reigned in Dublin after Sitric, son of Olaf »].
Raghnall1 do mzrbad do L&ignib. hlmur it^rum2 euasit et Si-
triuc in reghnum eius. [« Ragnall was killed by the Leinstermen.
Imar again fled (from Dublin), and Sitric reigned in his place »].
Cinaeth m^c Mail Cholaim, ri Alban [« King of Scotland »]
a suis occissw^ est.
Domnach P&traic do argain do Gzllaib Atha diath, j do Mur-
1 . MS. Radhnall
2. herum in seghuw
3$o Whitley Stokes.
chertach h// Congalaig [« Domnach Patraic was plundered by
the Foreigners of Dublin and by Murchertach, grandson of
Congalach »] ; sed Deus u[i]ndicauit in morte i[l]liwj in fme
etusdem mensis x .
Fail Towair 7 claidim Carlw^a do breith do Mael Sechnaill
mac Downaill areiciw o Gallaib Atha cliath. [« Tomar's ring
and Carlus' sword were forcibly taken by MaelSechnaill, son
of Domnall, from the Foreigners of Dublin »].
[AU. 995. AI. 978. CS. 994. FM. 995].
Kl. Mac Cairill co feraib Fernmuighi 7 co n-Airgiallaib do
argaiw Aird Macha, co rucsat .xx. cet bo, id est Ard Macha do
loscadh et/r tigib 7 dawliag 7 cloictheach 7 fidhnewidh, uili-
dilgenw na tainic riaw a n-Erinn 7 na targa co la mbratha di-
ghail amlaidh. [« Cairell's son, with the men of Farney and
Oriel, plundered Armagh and carried off two thousand cowrs,
that is, Armagh was burnt, both houses and stone-house and
belfry, and sacred wood — a ruination that had never occurred
in Ireland, and vengeance like that will not occur till Dooms-
day »].
Diarmuit mac Downaill, n Hua Cendsek^, [« king of the
Hui Cennselaig »] mortuus est.
Gilla P&traic mac Dondchada, n Ossraige,, do marbflJ do
Donnaman m#c Iwuir 7 do Domnall m#c Faelan, rig na
nDeisi [« Gilla-Patraic, son of Donnchad, king of Ossory, was
killed by Donnaban, son of Imar, and by Domnall, son of
Faelan, king of the Desi »].
Donduban 'mac Imuir occisus est o Laignib [« Donnaban,
son of Imar, was killed by the Leinstermen »].
Gilla Patraic Hua Flandacan, r/ Tebtha, occisus est o Fia-
chra mac Raduib, taiseach Muintfre Mailfinda [« Gilla Patraic,
grandson of Flanducan, king ofTeffia, was slain by Fiachra,
son of Radub, chief of the Munter Maeil-Finda »].
. MS. deme>/siss
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 3 $ 1
Domnall mac Faelaiw, r/ na nDeise [« the king of the
Desi »] mortuus est.
[AU. 996. CS. 995. FM. 996].
Kl. Cath et/Y Albancho, i torchair Constaxadn mac Cuilin-
dain r/ Alban [« A battle between the Scots, wherein fell
Constantine, son of Culannan, king of Scotland »], et alii
Dcwmall mac Dondchada Find do dsliad do MzelSechnaill
mac Domnaill [« Domnall, son of Donnchad the Fair, was
blinded by Mael-Sechnaill, son of Domnall •»].
Mael-colaim mac Domnaill, n Bretan tuaisc^/rt, mortuus est
[« Mael-Coluimb, son of Domnall, king of the Britons ot the
North, died »].
Ruaidri mac Neill Hiii Chanandain, ri Ceneoil Cowaill, mor-
tuus est [« Ruaidri, son of Niall Hua Canannain, king of the
Kindred of Conall, died »].
[AU. 997. AI. 980. CS. 996. FM. 997].
Kl. Sluaighedh la MaelSechkmw 7 la Brian mac Cendetigh
co Gleand Mama, co tucatar Goill Atha cliath cath doib, cor'
muidh * for Gzllaib, 7 cur' ladh a n-ar iw Artalach mac Si-
triuca 7 im Aralt m^c Amlaiw 7 im Cuilew ffo. I5b2] m^c
Etighen 7 im mathaib Atha cliath. [7 co ndechaid] Mael-
Sechnaill 7 Brian co feraib Mwman 7 Midhi a Cond&r&aib, co
tucsad a ngiallu 7 an-as deach a sset [« A hosting by Mael-
Sechlainn and by Brian, son of Kennedy, to Glenn Mama ;
and the Foreigners of Dublin gave them battle, and the For-
eigners were routed, and a slaughter was inflicted upon them,
including Artalach, son of Sitric, and Harald, son of Olaf, and
Cuilen, son of Etigen, and nobles of Dublin ; and MaelSech-
lainn and Brian, with the men of Munster and Meath, entered
i . MS. muigh
3 $ 2 Whitley Stokes.
Connaught, and carried off its hostages and the best of its
treasures »].
Diarmuit mac Downaill, ri Hua Cendsilaig [« king of the
Hui Cennselaig »] mortuus est.
Sluaighedh la Ma.elSechla.inn coro indir Mag n-Ai [« A hos-
ting by MaelSechnaill, and he ravaged Magh n-Ai »].
Gilla Enan mac Aghda, ri Teftha, occissus est o Sil Ronam
[« Gilla Enan, son of Agda, king of Teffa, was slain by the
Sil Ronain »J.
[AU. 998. AL 981. CS. 997. FM. 998].
Kl. Donwchadh mac Domnaill Claiw, ri Laighen, do gabail
do Sitriuc mac Amlaiw [« Donchad, son of Domnall Cloen,
king of Leinster, was captured by Sitric son of Olaf »].
Ceall dara do argaiw do GalLwi Atha diath. [« Kildare was
plundered by the Foreigners of Dublin »].
Brian mac Cendetigh do dul co hAth cliath, co raibe secbt-
muiw Ian and, co rue a or 7 a argat 7 bruit moir ass, 7 cor'
loisc in dun, 7 cor' indarb in r[i]g Sitriuc mac Amlaiw[« Brian,
son of Cennetig, went to Dublin and remained there a whole
week ; and carried off its gold and its silver and many cap-
tives, and burnt the fortress, and banished the king, Sitric, son
of Olaf »].
Diarmuit mac Dunadhaigh ri Sil i>Anmchadha do warbtftf7
laCow/altaw rig Aidhne [« Diarmait, son of Diinadach, king of
the Sil n-Anmchada, was killed by Comaltan, kingofAidne »].
Creach la MaelS#$/fl/«n Mor i Laigm'w [« A raid by Mael-
Sechlainn the Great into Leinster »].
Cath etir Airghiallw 7 Cowallu du a torchair Gilla Crist ri
Gwaille et ailii [« A battle between the Airgeill and the Co-
nallians, wherein fell Gilla Crist, king of Conaille, and
others »].
MaelSechlainn Htia Maelruanaigh ri Crewthaiwdi occisswj est
o Uib Cdlaig .i. Cu Chaillen. [« MaelSechlainn, Hiia Mail-
Ruanaig, king of Cremthann, was slain by the Hui Cellaig, i. e.
(by) Cu caille. »].
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 3 $ 3
[AU. 999. AI. 982. CS. 998. FM. 999].
Kl. Cu chaille hua Domnaill, n Dwrlais, do marbadh tre
mebail do Aedh huu Neill [« Cu caille, grandson of Domnall,
king of Thurles, was treacherously killed by Aed, grandson
ofNiali »].
hlmur Puirt Lairge [« Imar of Waterford »] mortuus esl.
Flaithbertach hiia Canannain, ri Tiri Cowaill [« king of Tir-
connell »] occissus est.
Goill i nAth cliath iterum 7 a ngeill do Brian. [« The For-
eigners again in Dublin, and their hostages to Brian »].
Ce\\ach Hiia Mael-corgais primeces Con[n]acht [« chief poet
of Connaught »] mortuus est.
Aedh Hua Ciarrda do dalladh dia brathair .i. Ualgarg o
Ciarrda [« Aed Hua Ciarda, was blinded by his brother, name-
ly, Ualgarg, grandson of Ciarda »].
Cetiwpodh Briain 7 Con[n}acht for MaslSefhlairm Mor tre
mebail [« The first revolt, through treachery, of Brian and
the Connaughtmen against MaelSechlainn the Great »].
Sluaigedh [la Brian] m#c Cendeitigh 7 la descer t Chondacht
co n-Osmigi 7 co Laigm'^ 7 co nGallaib Atha cliath do tho-
rachtam Temrach acht dochotar na Goill cath marc[s]luaigh
rowpo a Magh mBreagh cowwj'-tarraidh r Mzel-Sechlainn 7 tucc a
n-ar. Dodeachaidh 2 Brian iarsin co -wbdi a Ferta newi a Muigh
Bregh, 7 luidh foro chulu cen cath cen indrudh cen daigh
adirg [« A hosting by Brian, son of Kennedy, and by the
south of Connaught, with Ossory and Leinster and the Fo-
reigners of Dublin, to proceed to Tara. But the foreigners
with a battalion of cavalry went before them into Magh
Breg, and (there) MaelSechlainn overtook them and slaugh-
tered them. Brian afterwards marched on till he was at Ferta
neme in Mag Breg, and he went back without a battle, with-
out ravaging, without red fire »].
1 . MS. £0m^tarraigh
2 . Dodeachaigh
Revue Celtique, XV II. 23
Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 1000. CS. 999. FM. xoooj.
Kl. Creach mor la cenwtar Muwan a ndesart Midhi conus-
tarraidh Aenghw^, mac Carraigh Calma, uathadh orro, cor'
ben a ngabala dib 7 ar cend leo. [« A great foray by the
country-side (?) of Munster into the south of Meath, till
Oengus, son of Carrach the Valiant, with a few, overtook
them, and seized their spoils from them and left, them with
a « slaughter of heads »].
Fergal mac Downaill, maic C0waing, ri A.iligf mortuus est
[« Fergal, son of Domnall, son of Conang, king of Ailech,
died »].
Niall Hua Ruairc do marbadh do Cenel Cowaill 7 la hAedh
Htia Neill [« Niall, grandson of Ruarc, was killed by the Kin-
dred of Conall and by Aed Hua Neill »].
Tochur Atha Luaiw do denam la Ma.e\Sechlainn 7 la Cathal
mac Cowchobair [« The causeway of Athlone was made by
MaelSechlainn and by Cathal, son of Conchobar »].
Diarwuit Hua Ladtfnan, ri Tebtha [« king of Teffia »] oc-
cisus est a suis.
Dub dara Rua Maili duiw, ri Fer luirg [« king of the Fir
luirg, died »].
Brian Boroma regnat.
[AU. 1001. AI. 984. CS. 1000. FM. 1001].
Kl. Sluaighedh la Brian 7 la MaelSechLwmi co feraib Erenn
umpu, itir Mumaiw 7 Con[n]achto 7 Laigwm 7 Gallu, co Dun
Delgan a Cowaillibh. Aedh mac Downaill, airdri Aih^, 7 Eo-
chaid mac Ardgail, ri Ulad, co n-Ulltaib 7 Cenel fiogaiw 7
Cowaill 7 Airgialla connar' leigsidar secha siw, cor' scarsat fo
ossudh cen giall, cen eteri [« A hosting by Brian and by
MaelSechlainn, accompanied by the men of Ireland, both
Munster and Connaught and Leinster and Foreigners, as far
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 3 5 $
as Dundalk in Conailli. Aed, son of Domnall, high-king of
Ailech, and Eochaid, son of Ardgal, king of Ulster, with the
Ulaid and the Kindred of Eogan and of Gonall, and the Air-
geill (met them) and did not let them go past, so they sepa-
rated under a truce, without hostage, without pledge »].
Fland mac Eoganain, airdbrethiw Lethi Cumd, [« Flann,
son of Eoganan, chief judge of Conn's Half » — the northern
half of Ireland] mortuus est.
Sluaighedh la Briaw co hAth luain x, co rue giallu Midhi 7
Con[n]acht [« A hosting by Brian as far as Athlone, and he car-
ried oft the hostages of Meath and Connaught »].
Merlechan mac Cuind, n Gaileng, do marbad la MaelS^A-
lainn Mor [« Merlechan son of Conn, king of the Gailenga,
was killed by MaelSechlainn the Great »].
Sitriuc mac Amlaiw, n Gall, do dul for creich a n-Ulltaib
ina longaib, cor' ort Gill Cleithe 7 Inis C#[m]scraigh co tuc
bruit mor estib [« Sitriuc, son of Olaf, king of the Foreigners,
went in his galleys on a foray into Ulster, and he plundered
Cell Cleithe and Inis Cumscraig, and carried out of them
many captives »].
Maelmuadh mac Duibgilla, r/Delbna Bet^ra, doec. [«Mael-
muad, son of Dubgilla, king of Delbna Bethra, died »].
[AU. 1002. CS. 1001. FM. 1002].
Kl. Creach la Dondch^ Find 7 la Hiiu Meith, cor' airgsed
Land Leire, conus-tartzidh Cathal mac Labradha 7 Fir Breagh
7 coro raided forro 7 co rolladh a n-ar etzV ergabail 7 marbadh
im ri[g] Hua Meith, 7 dorochair Cathal m#c Labradha aighidh
a n-aighidh, 7 Lorcan m^c Brodudha. [« A foray by Donn-
chad the Fair and by the Hui Meith, and they plundered Lann
Leire until Cathal, son of Labraid, overtook them, and de-
feated them, and inflicted a slaughter upon them, taking pri-
soners as well as killing, together with the -king of the Hui
i. MS. cliath
3 $6 Whitley Stokes.
Meith. And Cathal, son of Labraid, and Lorcdn, son of Bro-
taid, fell (fighting) face to face »].
Dondgal mac Duiwd cathaigh, ri Galling, do marbfld do
Throtan mac Builg airgit, rig Fear oil, tria tang[n]acht ina
tigh fern [« Donngal, son of Donn-cathaig, king of Galeng,
was treacherously killed in his own house by Trotan, son of
Bolg airgit (« Bag of Money »), king of the Fir cul »].
Ceallof& mac Diarwata, n Osraige, do marbad do mac a
brathar a athar .i. do Dondcadh mac Gilla PatrazV [« Cellach,
son of Diarmait, king of Ossory, was killed by the son of
his father's brother, that is, by Donnchad, son of Gilla Pa-
traic »].
Aed mac Eachtighera do marbadh a ndert[h]aig Ferna
moire Maedhoic la Mael na mbo [« Aed, son of Echthigern,
was killed in the prayer-house of Saint m'Aedoc's great Ferns
by Mael na mbo »].
Aedh hua Cowfiacla n [Tethba « king of Teffa » occisus est].
[FM. 1017].
[fo. i6ai]Maelan mac Eicnigh Hti Leochan, ri Gaileng 7
Tuath-Luighne uile, do marbad dona Saidnib [« Maelan, son
of Ecnech Hua Leochain, king of the Galenga and all North
Luigne, was killed by the Saithni »].
Crech la MzdSechlainn co Firu cell co rucsat Fir cell 7 Eile
orro cor' marbad Domnall Hua Caindelbain, n Ceneoil Lae-
ghairfi] 7 Cass Midhi rechtairi MzelSechldinn 7 Hua Clerchen
ri Chaille Fallamain 7 Flandacan Hua Cdlaig j Congalach mac
MzilSechlainn do ghuiw and, [« A foray by Maelsechlainn to
Fir cell, till the Fir cell and Eili overtook them (Maelsech-
lainn's raiders), and Domnall, grandson of Caindelban, king
of the Cenel Loiguiri, and Cass-Midi, MaelSechlainn's ste-
ward, and Hua Clerchen, king of Caill Fallamain, and Fland-
ucan, grandson of Cellach, and Congalach, son of Maelsech-
lainn, were mortally wounded there »].
13 1
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 357
Cearball mac Mail-mordha, r/^dawna Laigen [« crownprince
ofLeinster »] per dolum occissus est.
[AU. 1018, 1019. AI. 1001. CS. 1017. ALC. 1018, 1019.
FM. 1018].
Kl. iiii. feria .x. lunae. Downall mac MailSechlainn meic
Domnaill, comurba Findein 7 mo Cholmoc, qwieuit [« Dom-
nall, son of MaelSechlainn, son of Domnall, and successor of
Saints Finden and my Colmoc, rested »].
Da mac MailSechlainn meic Mail-Ruanaigh .i. Ardgal 7 Ar-
chu, da r/^dawma Ailig, do mzrbad o Cenel fiogaiw fein [« Two
sons of Mael-Sechlainn, son of Mael-Ruanaid, namely Ardgal
and Archu, two crownprinces of Ailech, were killed by the
Kindred of Eogan themselves »].
Orgain Chenandsa o Sitriuc mac Amlaiw co nGalkw'^ Atha
cliath co rucsat bruit diairmifdi] 7 cor' m&rbad daine imdha
andsiw. [« The plundering of Kells by Sitric, son of Olaf, with
the Foreigners of Dublin, and they carried off innumerable
captives, and many people were killed there »].
Gilla Caewghen m^c Dunlaiwg, r/^damna Lzigen, do mzrbad
do Laighnib bodew [« Gilla Coemgin, son of Dunlang, crown-
prince of Leinster, was killed by theLeinstermen themselves »].
Mathgamain mac Cowaing, maic Du'mn Chuan, r/^damna
Mwwan, do ec [« Mathgamain, son of Conang, son of Donn
cuan, crownprince of Munster, died »].
Mac Catharnaigh maic Aedha de Uib Caisin, do thecmail
fri Dondcadh mac mBriain co tard beim do claidhim 'na chend
7 dara him ndes cor'ben de hi. Terna Donwchfld iarna ghuin
7 romarbfld mac Catharnaigh. [« The son of Catharnach, son
of Aed, of the Hui Caisin, attacked Donnchad, son of Brian,
and gave him a swordblow on his head and over his right
hand, so that he cut it off him. Donnchad escaped after his
wound, and the son of Catharnach was killed »].
Whit ley Stokes.
[AU. 1020. AI. 1002. CS. 1018. ALC. 1020.
FM. 1019, 1020].
Kl. sexfa feria, lima .ii., annus .xiii. circuli decennouenalis I
et uig[es]imwj post mille finitum.
Mael muadh \\ua Mail muidh, n Per cell, do thabuirt
ar eiciw a damliag Dwrmuighi Colaiw cilli la Foghartach Htia
Cernaigh 7 a marbad/; a Muigh Lena [« Mael-muad, grandson
of Mael-muad, king of the Fir cell, was taken by force out of
the stone-house of Colomb cille's Durrow by Fogarcach,
grandson of Cernach, and killed in Mag Line »].
Slugged la MaelSechlainn 7 la Htiu Neill 7 la Donndiad
mac mBriam 7 lasiw Caileach Hua Ruairc .i. Art mac Sen-
Fergail, n Brefne, co Sinaind co tucsat giallu Condacht do
MaelSechlainn [« A hosting by MaelSechlainn and by the Hui
Neill and by Donnchad, son of Brian, and by the Cailech
(« Cock »), grandson of Ruarc, namely Art, son of Old-
Fergal, king of Brefne, as far as the Shannon ; and they gave
the hostages of Connaught to MaelSechlainn »].
Cell dara 7 Glend da lacha uile do loscadh cons, ndwrthaigib
[« Kildare and all Glendalough were burnt with their prayer-
houses »].
Flaithb^rtach Hua hEochadha do daUW la Niall mac Eo-
chadha. [« Flaithbertach, grandson of Eochaid, was blinded by
Niall, son of Eochaid »].
Ard Macha do loscadh a tenkalaind Mai cona. dwrthigib uile
cenmotha in teach screbtra nama. 7 roloisc^J illtighi isna
Trenaib 7 in damliag mor 7 in cloiccthech cons, clogaib 7 Dam-
liag na Togha 7 Damliag in Stabuill 7 in cathair proicepta2 7
imadh oir 7 argait 7 set archena [« Armagh was burnt on the
3d of the Kalends of May, with all its prayer-houses, except
only the library ; and many houses were burnt in the Thirds,
and the great stone-house, and the belfry with its bells, and
1 . MS. decino ue
2 . priocepta
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 359
the stone-house of the Togha(?), and the Stone-house of the
Barn, and the pulpit, and abundance of gold and silver and
treasures besides »].
Mael Mure comurba Pxtraic, cend cleireach iarthair Eorpa
uile, do ec. [« Mael-Maire, a successor of S. Patrick, head of
clerics of all the west of Europe, died »].
Serin 7 Findfaidheach Patraic d'orcain do Uib Aidith 7 do
Ichtur Hua n-Eachach, co rucsat .uii. cet bo leo [« The shrine
and (the bell called) Sweet- voiced of S. Patrick were plundered
by the Hui Aidith and by (the people of) Lower Hui Echach;
and they carried off seven hundred cows »].
Findlaech mac Ruaidhri mormaer Moreb [« Grand-Steward
of Moray »] a f/l/Ys fcatris sui MaelBrighdi occisus est.
Cu-Luachra Hiia Gwcobuir, ri Ciarraighi Luachra, [« king
of Ciarraige Luachra »], mortuus est.
[AU. 1021. AI. 1004. CS. 1019. ALC. 1021. FM. 1021].
Kl. primaferia .xiii. luwa. Maidm ria nUgaire* mac nDun-
laiwg le rig Laighen for Sitriuc mac Amlaim co nGallaib Atha
cliath oc Dergnae mo Goroc, cor' ladh dergar Gall and [« A
defeat inflicted by Ugaire, son ofDunlang, king of Leinster,
on Sitric, son of Olaf, with the Foreigners of Dublin, at
Dergnae mo Goroc (Delgany), and a red slaughter of Foreign-
ers took place there »].
Cu-chaille Ua Dublaich, ri Fer tulach [« king of Fartul-
lagh »], mortuus est.
Fross chruithnechta do fertham a n-Osraighi re lind Mail-
Sechlainn'maic Downaill [« A shower of wheat poured in Os-
sory during the time of MaelSechlainn, son of Domnall »].
Crech la MzelSecblainn for Gzllaib. Crech ism 16 o#na tor
Chiana^^a la Huu Neill. Creach mor la MaeiSecMfffttft arna-
marach a Cenel Eogaiw, 7 a n-indorba tar Sliab Fuait fothuaidh
[« A foray by MaelSechlainn on the Foreigners. A foray on
the same day on the Cianachta by the Hui Neill. A great foray
i . MS. nguaire
360 Whitley Stokes.
by MaelSechlainn on the morrow, into the Kindred of Eogan,
and their expulsion northwards over Sliab Fuait »].
Branacan Hua Mael-uidhir, airri Midhe, do badudh dia
belltaine il-Loch Aindind [« Branucan, grandson of Mael-
uidir, viceroy of Meath, was drowned on Mayday in Lough
Ennell »].
Aedh mac Flaind mate Flaind, mate Mz'ilSechlainn, rig-
dawna Efenn, do marbadh o Huu Maightheachain do Feraib
bile [« Aed, son of Fland, sonofFland, son of MaelSechlainn,
crownprince of Ireland, was killed by Hua Maigthechain one
of the Fir bili »].
Mael-Muiri ingen Amla/w [« daughter of Olaf »] mortuaest.
[AU. 1022. AI. 1018. CS. 1020. ALC. 1022. FM. 1822].
Kl. secundz feria luna .xx.iiii. M#c Cerbuill, n Eile, do mar-
badh [« The son of Cerball, king of Eli, was killed »].
Sitriuc mac Imuir, xi Puirt Lairge, do marbadh o ri[g] Os-
raige [« Sitric, son of Imar, king of Waterford, was killed by
the king of Qssory »].
Mac leigmdm^c Cairill, riOirgiall, penitens [quieuit. « Mac
legind, son ofCairell, king of Oriel, rested a penitent »].
Mael-Sechkmw Mor m^c Dondchadha, airdri Erenn uili, 7
tuir chongbala einigh 7 uaisle iarthair domain uile, do eg a
Cro inis Locho Aindinw in .xl.iii. anno1 regni sui.
Tri cet longport aeon rifgh]
ic tabuirt bruit ocus bidh
altrow o Ri[gh] na nduile.
a medon gach deghduine.
Dabach fir na tulcha thiar
ma ngeba ri Midhi a mian
de downaigh ibeas digh di
dia luain i maidin Midhi.
. MS. ando
1 33
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 361
[« Mael-Sechlainn the Great, son of Donnchad, overking of
all Ireland, and the tower of supporting generosity and no-
bleness of the whole west of the world, died in Cro Inis of
Lough Ennell in the 43rd year of his reign.
« Three hundred camps had the king, bestowing raiment
and food : nurture from the King of the Elements amidst every
good stronghold.
« The vat of the man of the hill in the west, if Meath's
king feel desire for it, on Sunday he drinks a draught there-
of (in Fir Tulach), on Monday in the morning (he does so)
in Meath »].
Muirdmach mac Carraigh Chalma [do marbad] on Gutt
[fo. 1 6*2] per doluw [« Murchertach, son of Carrach the
Brave, was treacherously killed by the Stammerer »].
Murcomrac fors'm fairrgi etzV Gallu Atha cliath 7 Niall mac
Eochadha rig Ulad, cor' muidh ' forsna Gallu 7 co tuctha iat
fen a mbruit 7 co tuctha a longa leo acht a ndechaidh2 areicin.
Flaithri mac Duib slanga maic Aedha, maic Towaltaigh, ri
Lethe Cathail, do thuitim lasna Gallu issin mwrcowrac sin
issin .xuii. bliadain a aissi. [« A seafight on the sea between
the Foreigners of Dublin and Niall, son of Eochaid, king of
Ulster, The Foreigners were defeated, and they themselves
were brought into captivity, and along with them their galleys,
save what got away by force. Flaithri, son of Dub slanga, son
ot Aed, son of Tomaltach, king of Lecale, fell by the Forei-
gners in that sea-fight, in the seventeenth year of his age »].
Orgain Cilli dara o Dhond sleibe Ua Faelain [« The plun-
dering of Kildare by Donn slebe hua Faelain »].
Muiredhach na tengadh o Sleibiw, ollam tuaisc«rt Erenn, o
Feraib Roiss occisfus] est [« Muredach of the Tongues, grand-
son of Slebin, chief poet of the north of Ireland, was slain
by the Fir Roiss »].
Mathgamain mac Laidhgnew, maic Cerbaill, ri Fernmuighe,
do marbadh do Cathal O Crichan a Guam Eois [« Mathga-
1 . MS. muigh
2. ndechaigh
$62 Whitley Stokes.
main, son of Laidgnen, son of Cerball, king of Farney, was
killed by Cathal O'Crichan in Clones »].
Downall Hua Murchada. Glun re lar, n an TuaiscezVt o
Chi&nachfa Glinwi Gemiw occisus est. [« Domnall Hua Mur-
chada Knee-to-floor, king of the North, was slain by the Cian-
achta of Glenn Gemin »].
Domnall mac Aeda Hut Mael-doraidh interkctus est.
[AU. 1023. AI. 1006. CS. 1021. ALC. 1023. FM. 1023].
Kl. terti'A. feria luwa qwinta .xuii. decennouenalis1 circuili
uigisimo uero .iii. post mille. Earcra grene a medon lai 7 ear-
cra essca 'sa miss c#na [« An eclipse of the sun at midday, and
an eclipse of the moon in the same month »].
Downall mac Aedha Bic htia M&lSechlainn lethri Midhi do
marbadh 6 mac Senain Hui Leochain 7 o Luignib [« Domnall
son of Aed the Little, grandson of MaelSechlainn, one of the
two kings of Meath, was killed by the son of Senan Hua Leo-
chain and by the Luigni »].
Creach la Gallu tar desert mBregh 7 ar Damliag Chianain
7 Anfith O Cathasaigh n na Saitne do marbadh doib [« A
foray by the Foreigners over Southern Bregia and on S. Cian-
nan's Duleek; and Anfith O'Cathasaig, king of the Saithni,
was killed by them »].
Dondchadh Hua Duinw chuan n Breagh, do gabail do Gall-
aib ina n-airechtw-51 tern 7 a breth sair [« Donnchad Hua Duinn-
chuan, king of Bregia, was captured by the Foreigners in their
own husting, and carried to the east »].
Lochlaiwd mac MsalSecblainnf r/ Indsi hEogaiw 7 Muige
hltha, do marbadh dia derbrat[h]air feiw .i. do Niall 7 do
Chi&nacht Glindi Gemin [« Lochlainn, son of Maelsechlainn,
king of Inishowen and Magh Itha, was killed by his own
brother, namely, Niall, and by the Cianacht of Glenn Ge-
min »].
Tadhg mac Briaiw Borowa do marbadh d'Eilib a fill iarna
i . MS. decinouenailis
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 363
urail dia brathair .i. do Dondchadh [« Tadg, son of Brian Bo-
roma, was treacherously killed by the Eili, instigated by his
brother, namely Dondchad »].
Concobtfr mac Aengwsa maic Carraigh Calma, do marbfld
lasna Gutu per dolum [« Conchobar, son of Oengus, son of
Carrach Calma, was treacherously killed by the Stammerers »].
Termand Cluana male Nois do argain do Gadhra Huu Du-
nadhaigh, co rue ilch#a bo as [« The glebeland of Clonmac-
nois was plundered by Gadra Hua Dunadaig, who took many
hundred cows thereout »].
Leobeliw n Bretan [« Llewellyn, king of Wales »], mor-
tuus est.
Sluaiged la Tadhg mac Cathail meic Cowcobuir rig Comiacht
i n-Uib Briuin, cor' marbadh and Donmall Hua hEagra, n
Luigne Con[n\acht [« A hosting by Tadg, son of Cathal, son
of Conchobar, king of Connaught, in Hui Briuin, and therein
Domnall Hua hEagra, king of the Luigne, was killed »].
Oenric r/ in domain in pace qwieuit. Cuanu do gabail righi
tara eissi for in doman [« Henry, king of the world, rested in
peace. After him Conrad assumed sovranty over the world »].
[AU. 1024. AI. 1007. CS. 1022. ALC. 1024. FM. 1024].
Kl. iii. [leg. iiii ?] feria luwa xui. anno1 deci[n]nouenalis
drculi millisimo uero ac .xx.iiii. anwo Incarnationis Dominice
anno. hi[c] annus bisextilis est.
Ugaire m^c Dunlaing, ri Laighen, 7 Mael mordha mac
orcain, n Hiia Cendsek/^ 7 a mac aenteach do gabail orro
ac Dubloch do Dund sleibe coro marbtha and [« Augaire, son
ofDunlang, king of Leinster, and Mael mordha, son ofLor-
can, king of the Hui Cennselaig, and his son, the same house
was taken (and burnt) upon them, at Dubloch, byDonn slebe,
and there they were killed »].
Cu chaille mac Gairbith do Rraib Breagh [« of the Fir
Breg »] (\u\euit.
i . MS. ando
364 Whittey Stokes.
Orgain Slaine 7 a slad 7 a loscad o Domnall Ghut [« The
plundering of Slane and the robbing and burning thereof by
Domnall the Stammerer »].
Dond sleibe mac Mail morda r/ Hua Faelan do teacht for
crech a n-Uib Failghe co/mj-tarraidh I n Hua Failghi 7 dreaw
dia munnt/r 7 do Uib Muiredaigh cor'marbsat he 'san inad
an roroiwdfed] creach Cille dara. [« Donn slebe, son of Mael-
morda, king of the Hiii Faelain, went on a foray into Offaly,
till the king of Offaly and a body of his people and of the Hiii
Muredaig overtook him and killed him at the place where
the plunder of Kildare was divided »].
Maidhm na n-Urland ria nGerr ngaela for Gullu [« The
Rout of the Staves (inflicted) by Gerr gaela on the Foreign-
ers »].
Cath etir Hua Ruairc 7 Hiia Mael-doraidh a Corand cor'
memaidh- for Hua Ruairc [« A battle between Hua Ruairc and
Hiia Mael-doraid in Corann, and Hua Ruairc was routed »].
Sluaiged la Mac nEochadha co Gallw, co tuc giallu Gaidhel
uaidhib la broitt moir aile [« A hosting by the son of Eochaid
to the Foreigners, and he brought away from them the hos-
tages of the Gaels, together with other great spoil »].
Cuan Hua Leochan [leg. Lothchan ?] primsenchaidh Erenn
7 a primeokc/73 do marbadh a Tebtha 7 brenaid i n-oenuair4
in lucht romarb 7 as firt filed sin [« Cuan Hua Leochan, chief-
historian of Ireland and her chief sage, was killed in Teffia,
and those that killed him became putrid in the same hour,
and that is a poet's miracle »].
Domnall Hua hEgra, ri in Coraiwd [« the king of the Co-
rann »] mortuus est.
Mael-Ruawaig Hua Ciardhar/ Cairpn [« king of Carbery »]
mortuus est.
1. MS. -tarraigh
2. mebaigh
3 . in marg. fcch so
4. brenaid nanaenur
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 36$
[AU. 1025. AI. 1008. CS. 1023. ALC. 1025. FM. 1025].
Kl . Niall Hua C0wcobair, r/^damna Cor^njpcht, [« crown-
prince of Connaught »], occisw^ est.
Gearr gaela, ri Bregh, do marbad 7 do loscadh do descift
Bregh 7 do Mathgamain Hua Riacain [« Gerr gaela, king of
Bregia, was killed and burnt by (the folk of) the south of
Bregia and by Mathgamain O'Riacain »].
Duwgal Hila Dondchadha n Caisil [« king of Cashel »]
Sluaiged la Flaithtartach Una Ne[i]ll co tuc giallu Gaedel o
Gallaib [« A hosting by Flaithbertach O'Neill, so that he took
from the Foreigners the hostages of the Gaels »"].
Sluaiged la Dowmall nGot a mBreghaib, cor' indarb Huu
Ne[ijll tar Sliab [Fuait] fothuaid [« A hosting into Bregia by
Domnall the Stammerer, and he banished the Hui Neill north-
wards over Sliab Fuait »].
Termund Feichin do argain 7 do loscadh aidchi notlac moir
la Him Crichain [« Termonfeckin was plundered and burnt
on Christmas eve by the Hui Crichain »].
MzelSechlainn Got, n Midi, d'ec [« MaelSechlainn the
Stammerer, kingofMeath, died »].
Hu[a] Cowaltaw, n Hua Fiachmr/; Aidni, [« king of the
Hui Fiachrach of Aidne »], occisw^ est.
[AU. 1026. AI. 1009. CS. 1024. ALC. 1026. FM. 1026].
Kl. Sluaiged la m#c mBriam, cor' gab giallu fer Midhe 7
Breagh [fo. i6b i] 7 Gall 7 Laigen 7 Osraige [« A hosting by
(Donncha) son of Brian, so that he took hostages of the men
of Meath and Bregia and the Foreigners and Leinster and Os-
sory »].
Sluaiged la Flaithbertach Hua Neill 7 la mac Mael tSeach-
\ainn maic Mail-Rw^wa/J a Midhe, co tucsat giallu 7 co nde-
chatar ior leicc oighridh a n-Inis Mochta coro indairsit hi. [« A
$66 Whitley Stokes.
hosting by Flaithbertach Hua Neill and by the son of Mael-
Sechlainn, son of Mael-Ruanaid, into Meath, and they got
hostages, and went on the ice into Inishmot and ravaged
it »].
Crech mor la Gerr in chocaidh z for Domnach Sechnaill 7
a marbadh arnamarach la Mwredhach Hua Ceile ina tigh feiw
tre mebail — 7 as firt mor do Sechnall in ni sin — 7 a dha bra-
thair .i. Etighen 7 Gilla maith [« A great foray by Gerr in
chocaid — « the Short one of the War » — on Domnach
Sechnaill ; and on the morrow he was treacherously killed in
his own house by Muredach Hua Ceili — and that is a great
miracle of S. Sechnall's — he and his two brothers, Etighen
and Gilla maith »].
Muirdmach mac Congz\aig ri Hua Fuilge interfaces est o
Gallaib Athacliath [« Murchertach, son of Congalach, king of
Offaly, was slain by the Foreigners of Dublin »].
Aimirgen Hiia Mordha, ri Laighsi, interfectus est 7 Cu dui-
ligh Hua Berg[dh]a [« Aimirgen hua Mordha, king of Leix, was
slain, and Cii duilig Hiia Bergda, lord of the Hid Duach »].
Mad-Rwnaid Hua Mael-doraidh 2, ri Cheneoil Comill do
dul di[a] ailit/?ri tarmuir [« MaelRuanaid huaMaeldoraid, king
of the Kindred of Conall, went on his pilgrimage over sea »].
Crechsluaiged la hOsraighe a nUib Muiredhaigh, co rucsat
gabala mora 7 gur gonsad Murchad rmzc Dunlamg co ndecha-
tar Hid Mwredhaigh a n-Osraigi, cor' airgetar Telach n-In-
muind 7 cor'marbsat in secnab [« A foray by Ossorians into Hiii
Muiredaig, and they took great spoils, and mortally wounded
Murchad, son of Dunlang; and the Hui Muiredaig invaded Os-
sory and plundered Tullamaine and killed the prior »].
Sluaiged la hOsraige a n-CJib Cendsilaig, coro indairsit an
tir [« A hosting by Ossorians into Hui Cennselaig, so that
they ravaged the country »].
Tri catha do brisidh do Raen Huu MadSechlainn rig Midhi,
7 do rigdamna Erenn .i. cath for firu Midhi 7 cath for fir[u]
Bregh 7 cath for Gallu [« Three battles were broken by Roen
1 . MS. choccaigh
2. maeldoraigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 567
O'MaelSechlainn, king of Meath and crownprince of Ireland,
to wit, a battle over the men of Meath, and a battle over
the men of Bregia, and a battle over the Foreigners »].
[AU. 1027. AI. 1010. CS. 1025. ALC. 1027. FM. 1027].
Kl. Ruaidhri Uua Fogartaigh, ri descmt Breg, do ec a n-aith-
rigi iar senordhacht [« Ruaidri Hiia Fogartaig, king of the
south of Bregia, died in penitence after (attaining) old age »].
Tadhg Mac Gilla Patraic do dalladh la Donwchadh Mac
Gilla Patraic. [« Tadg Mac Gilla Patraic was blinded by Donn-
chad Mac Gilla Patraic »].
Sluaiged la Donnchad mac mBriaiw a n-Osraige cor' wuidh1
for dreiw dia muindtir, cor' marbadh ann Gadhra mac Duna-
dhaigh, ri Sil n-Anwchadha, ocus Downall mac Senchaiw
maic Flaithbsrtaigh, rigdomna Muwan, 7 MaelSechkunn mac
righ Corcomruadh 7 da mac Guile n maic Concobair 7 rig-
damna Hua Conaill Gabra 7 da mac Ecertaigh 7 righdawna
Eogana^a 7 Ocan Hua Cuircc maic Anluaiw, et alii muilti
qwi non numirati sunt [« A hosting by Donnchad, son of
Brian, into Ossory, till a division of his people were defeated,
and Gadra, son of Dunadach, king of Sil Anmchada, was
there slain, and Domnall, son of Senchan, son of Flaithber-
tach, crownprince ot Munster, and MaelSechlainn, son of the
king of Corcomroe, and two sons of Cuilen, son of Concho-
bar, and the crownprince of the Hui Conaill Gabra, and two
sons ofEcertach, and the crownprince of the Eoganacht, and
Ocan, grandson of Core, son of Anluan, et alii, etc. »].
Bach all Issa do sarugwd [« The Staff of Jesus was dese-
crated »].
MaelRwtfwtfid Hua Maeldom/d do ec a n-ailit/;ri [« died in
pilgrinage »].
Muirc^rtach m^c Dunlaing mortuus est.
Ricard ri France [« king of the Franks »] mortuus est [in
marg. n Franc].
i . MS. muigh
?68 Whitley Stokes.
Sluaiged la Sitnuc mac A.m\aim 7 la Donnchad rig Bregh, a
Midhi co Leicc mBladhma : 7 co Monaidh 2 Milam co com-
ranic fri[u] Fir Midhi im Raen Hua Maelsechlainn co torchair
and Raen ri iarthair Midhi 7 atorchair Dondchadh ri Breag 7
Gilla Uasaile 7 Mac Gilla Chaiwgen, rf Ua mBriuiw Cualand,
£/ ali[i] muilti [« A hosting led by Sitric son of Olaf, and by
Donnchad king of Bregia, into Meath as far as Lecc Bladma
(Lickblaw) and Moin Milain; and the men of Meath, inclu-
ding Raen Hua Maelsechlainn, encountered them, and Raen,
king of the west of Meath, fell there, and Donnchad, king of
Bregia, fell, and Gilla Ausaili 3 and Mac Gilla Choimgin, king
of the Hui Briuin of Cualu, and many others »].
Cathalan Hua Crichan, ri Fernmuighe, 7 Cu Iacha4 Hua
Gairbith, ri Hua Meith, do cowthuitiw [« Cathalan Hua Cri-
chan, king of Farney, and Cu-locha Hua Gairbith, king of
Hui Meith, fell together in a duel »].
Brian mac Cathail hui Gwcobuir, n^dawna Con[n]acht, do
marbadh la MadSechlainn Hua MaelRw^n^^ ri Cruwtaiwd
[« Brian, son of Cathal Hua Conchobar, crownprince of Con-
naught, was killed by MaelSechlainn Hua MaelRuanaid, king
of Crimthann »].
[AU. 1028, AI. ion. CS. 1026. ALC. 1828. FM. 1028].
Kl. ii. feria luna prima. Tuathal Hua Dub anich, espoc
Cluana hlraird [« bishop of Clonard »] obit.
Sitriuic mac Amlaim do dul do Roim 7 Flandacan Hua
Cellaig, ri Bregh, et ailii multi [« Sitric, son of Olaf, went to
Rome with Flanducan, son of Cellach, king of Bregia, and
many others »].
Dondchadh Hua Congzlaig do marbadh do Gwaillib [« was
killed by the Conailli »].
Sitriuc mac Amlaiw do tiachtaiw o Roim [« Sitric, son
of Olaf, came from Rome »].
1. MS. mblagha
2. monaigh
3 . uasaile
4. cu luachra no lacha
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 369
[AU. 1029. CS. 1027. ALC. 1029. FM. 1029].
Kl. iii. [leg. iiii. ?] feria, lima xii. Amlaiw mac Sitriuca, n
Gall, do gabail do Mathgamuin Riiu Riagan, rig Bregh, co
fargaib .cc. dec bo 7 se fichit each 7 claidhim Carlw^a 7 mac
an fir rotn-ergaib [« Olaf, son ofSitric, king of the Foreign-
ers, was taken prisoner by Mathgamain Hua Riacain, king of
Bregia, till he left 1200 cows, and six score horses, and the
sword of Carlus, and the son of the man that had captured
him »].
Mortlaidh mor a n-Inis laindi a Cairpn Moir, du an ro-
loiscthea .xl. do dainib do mathaib Cairpn 7 Aedh Hw# Ruairc
ri Cairpn 7 airchindeach Droma Cliab. [« A great loss of life
on Inis lainne in Cairbre Mor, where forty persons of the
nobles of Cairbre were burnt alive, including Aed Hua Ruairc,
king of Cairbre, and the superior of Drumcliff»].
Muirdtertach Hua Mael-doraidh ', ri Cene[oi]l Cowaill, o Huu
Canandan ocdsus est aCroit Canandain. [« Muirchertach Hua
Mael-doraid, king of the Kindred of Conall, was slain by Hua
Canannain at Crot Canannain »].
Dondchadh Hua Dondacan, ri Fer[n]muighe, 7 Cinaeth mac
in Geircci r/ Cowaillp], do comthoitim i Gill Sleibe [« Bonn-
chad Hiia Donnucain, king of Farney, and Cinaeth, son of
the Gerrce, king of Conalle, fell together in a duel at Kil-
leavy »].
Mael Colaim mac Mael-Brighdi maic Ruaidri, ri Alban
[« king of Scotland »] mortuus est.
Concobar rf^damna Con\r\\acht, do dalW [« Conchobar,
crownprince of Connaught, was blinded » (by Tadg Hua Con-
chobair)] .
[AU. 1030. AI. 1013. CS. 1028. ALC. 2030. FM. 1030].
Kl. u. ieria. luna .xx.iii. Flaithb^rtach Hua Neill do tocht
do Roiw [« went to Rome »] in tricesimo anno post2 mille.
1. MS. maeldoraigh
2. trichat ando pri
Revue Celtique, XV II. 24
370 Whitley Stokes.
Bachall Issa do sarugwd im tri caiplib, 7 romarbadh a ciwd
tri la in fer rosaraig [« The Staff of Jesus was desecrated as
regards three horses, and, at the end of three days, the dese-
crator was killed »].
Donwcadh ri Cairprtf do marbadh do Uib Fiachr^ Muirsce
a ndorus tighi Scrine Adownaiw [« Donnchad, king of Cairbre,
was killed by the Hiii Fiachrach of Murisc before the house
of Adamnan's Shrine » (Skreen)].
Ros Comain 7 Oilfiwd 7 Magh n-Ai uile do fasachadh.
[« Roscommon and Elphin and the whole of Magh nAi were
laid waste »].
Fassugud Midhi do M&elSecbldinn [« The laying-waste of
Meath by MaelSechlainn »].
Maidw ior Hua Mzelsechlainn riasiw nGot, du a torchair
Htia Cernachan ri Luigne [« Hiia MaelSechlainn routed by the
Gott (« Stammerer »), where fell Hua Cernachain, king of
the Luigne »].
Ruaidri Hua Cananwan do mzrhad ac Moghuirnw [leg. Mo-
dhuirnn ?] la hAedh Hua Neill [« Ruaidri Hua Canannain
was killed at the Mourne River by Aed Hua Neill »].
Rigi Midhi do gabail do Mael&flWafww 7 in Got do indarba
tor Loch Ri [« The kingdom of Meath was seized by Mael-
Sechlainn, and the Stammerer was expelled upon Lough Ree »].
Aedh Hda MaeldonwW/? [fo. i6b2] do warbad la ri[gh]
Brefne .i. in Czilech (.i. Art) Hua Ruairc [« Aed Hua Mael-
doraid was killed by the king of Brefne, the Cock (i. e. Art)
Hda Ruairc »].
Tadhg mac Cathail maic Gwchobair, ri Con[n]acht interfectus
est le 6 Mailmanaig rig Crwmthaiwd 7 do cloittd Coscraigh r im
Ecsaidi Hua Cathluaiw. [« Tadg, son of Cathal, son of Concho-
bar, king of Connaught, was killed by Hua MailRuanaig, king
of Crumthann, and by the Clan Coscraid including Ecsaide
Hua Cathluain »].
Orgwm Bretan o Saxanaib 7 o Gallaib Atha diath [« Plun-
dering of Wales by the English and the Foreigners of Dub-
lin »].
i . MS. coscraidh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 371
Downall Got, ri Midi do marbfldh tre mebuil o Choin
Cairnn Huu Cobthaigh, o[a] amtis fein [« Domnall the Stam-
merer, king of Meath, was treacherously killed by his own
soldier, Cu cairn Hua Cobthaig »].
Tadhg Mac Lorcan, ri Hua Cendsik^ [do ec] a n-aithrighi
a nGliwd da lacha [« Tadg, son of Lorcan, king of the Hui
Cennselaig, died in penitence at Glendalough »].
Cu mara mac Maic Liag [« son of Mac Liac »] mortuus est.
Gorwlaith ingen Mwrchadha meic Floiwd, mathair Sitriuca
meic Amlaim, rig Gall, 7 Dondchada meic Briain, rig Muwan,
mortua est. [« Gormlaith, daughter of Murchad, son of Fland,
mother of Sitric, son of Olaf, king of the Foreigners, and of
Donnchad, son of Brian, king of Munster, died »].
Cowthoitim do dib r/^aib Gaileng .i. Cu Calgaigh 7 Sean
Hua Leochan. [« The falling together in a duel of two kings
of the Galenga, to wit, Cu Calgaigand John Hua Leochan ;>].
Cathal mac Amalghaidh ri fiua Cellaig Cualand 7 a ben .i.
ingen male Gilla Caewgen, do marbad do M#c Cellaig maic
Duwchadha 7 do macaib Aeda maic Tuathail [« Cathal, son of
Amalgad, king of the Hui Cellaig of Cualu, and his wife, the
daughter of Mac Gilla Coemgin, were killed by the son of
Cellach, son of Dunchad, and by the sons of Aed, son of
Tuathal »].
Concdbar mac Taidg Hui Cellaig, ri Hua Maine, do mar-
bad do feraib Teftha [« Conchobar, son of Tadg Hua Cellaig,
king of Hui Maine, was killed by the men of TefFa »].
[AU. 1031. CS. 1029. ALC. 1031. FM. 1031].
Kl. ui. J M.XXXL Cii sleibi Hua Dobuilen, ri Qworco-fir-
tri2, do marbadh a fill [« Cu slebe Hua Dobuilein, king of
Corco-Firtri, was treacherously killed »].
Glun iaraiwd m^c Sitriuca [do marbad] do desert Bregh
1 . MS. iii
2 . Qworcoitri
372 Whitiey Stokes.
[« Iron-knee, son of Sitric, was killed by the (folk of) the
south of Bregia »].
Flaithbertach Hua Murchadha, n Ceneoil Bogaine, [d'ec.
« Flaithbertach Hua Murchada, kingofCenel Bogaine, died »].
Ragnall mac Raghnaill I meic Imuir, n Puirt Lairge, do
marbadh a n-Ath cliath a fill [« Ragnall, son of Ragnall, king
of Waterford, was treacherously killed in Dublin »].
Cnutt mac Stain, ri Saxan 7 Dawmarg, d'ec [« Canute, son
of Swegen, king of England and Denmark, died »J.
Crech la Sitriuc ar Ard mBrecan, co rue bruid 7 bai ass
[« A raid by Sitric on Ardbraccan, and he took out of it cap-
tives and kine »].
Crech la Concobar Hua MaelSechnaill co Sord, 7 cor'loisc
Sord 7 co rue bruit moir 7 bai imda [« A raid by Conchobar
Hua Mael-Sechnaill to Swords, and he burnt Swords, and took
many captives and plenty ot cows »].
Hua Ruairc .i. an Csa\echf do argain Cluana ferta Brenaiwd,
7 mebuis fair isiw 16 cMna re nDonnchadh mac mBriaiw,, co
fargaib ar daine 7 eathar [« Hiia Ruairc, that is, the Cock,
plundered S. Brenainn's Clonfert, and on the same day he
was defeated by Donnchad, son of Brian, with the loss of
men and ferry-boats2 »].
INis Eogain d'argain do Flaithbertach in Trosta[i]n mac
Murcbenaigh Hui Neill 7 da mac .i. do Aedh Athlaman
[« Inishowen was plundered by Flaithbertach of the Pilgrim's
Staff, son of Murchertach Hua Neill, and by his son Aed Ath-
laman »].
Diarmuit mac Downaill mate Faelain, n na nDeissi, [» king
of the Desi »] mortuus est.
Dond-slebe 7 a brathair do marbadh la Mwrchadh mac
mBricc a cath Sleibe Qua [« Donn-slebe and his brother were
killed by Murchad, son of Brecc, in the battle of Sliab Cua »].
Sluaiged la Mac n-Eochada co Telaig n-6c, 7 nocho tar-
raidh 3 ni. Aedh O Neill ina timchell sair co tuc .x. cet bo 7
1 . MS. radhnaill
2. Literally : « so that he left a slaughter of men and of ferryboats. »
3 . tarraigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 373
da cet dec * do dainib [« A hosting by Mac Eochada to Telach
6c, and he obtained nothing. Aed hua Neill got round him
eastwards, and carried off a thousand cows and twelve hund-
red human beings »].
[AU. 1032. CS. 1030. ALC. 1032. FM. 1032].
Kl. Downall m^c Mail-Ruanaid Hui Mail-doraidh 2, ri Ce-
neil C0»aill, do marbadh do Clainn Fiang«5a. [« Domnall,
son of Mael-Ruanaid Hua Mael-doraid, king of the Kindred
of Conall, was killed by the Clan Fiangusa »].
Mael tuile, espoc Aird Macha, [« bishop of Armagh »]
Ro/wanwj papa Romafe] quituit.
Tene gelan a Saxanaib, coro loisc daine imdha a Cair-
Ebrocc [« A fireflaught in England, which burnt many human
beings at York »].
Muircher tach Hua Mael-Sechlainn do dalW la Concobar Hua
MaelSechlainn [« Muirchertach Hiia Mael-Sechlainn was blind-
ed by Conchobar Hua Mael-Sechlainn »].
Cowcobur mac Mril-Sechlainn I Dubda do marbudh dia bra-
thair .i. do mac Neill I Dubda [« Conchobar, son of Mael-
Sechlainn Hua Dubda, was killed by his brother, the son ot
Niall Hua Dubda »].
Edru Hua Conning n^dawna Muman, occisus est o Muint/V
Imligh lubair [« fitru Hua Conaing, crownprince of Munster,
was slain by the community ofEmly »].
[AU. 1033. AI. 1016. CS. 1031. ALC. 1032. FM. 1033].
Kl. Maidm ria Murchadh HuaMailSechlainnfarmumtir Con-
dwbair Hui MzilSechlainn, cor' marbadh and Hua Carraigh
Calma 7 Hua Caindelban r/ Laegaire 7 ri Fer-cul et ailii [« A
defeat inflicted by Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn on the people
1 . MS. 7. xx. cet 7 da cet dec
2 . -doraigh
374 Whitley Stokes.
of Conchobar Hua Mael-Sechlainn, wherein Hua Carraigh
Calma was killed, and Hua Caindelbain, king of Loeguire and
king of Fircul, and others »].
C0wcobur Hua Muiredaigh, ri Ciarraige, occisus est [« Con-
chobar Hua Muiredaig, king of Kerry, was slain »].
Aenach Carman la Dondchadh Mac Gilla PatiwV iar ngabail
righi Laigtfw [« The Fair of Carman (held) by Donnchad Mac
Gilla Patraic, after taking the kingship of Leinster »].
Aimirgen, n'Ele do eg [« Amirgen, king offili, died »].
Cath etzV Eilib du a torcair Braen Hua Cleirigh 7 Mw/Ve-
dhach Mac Muirc^r taigh maic Gilla Patraic 7 sochaidhe J aile
d'uaislib [« A battle between the fili, wherein fell Braen Hua
Clerig and Muredach, son of Muircertach Mac Gilla Patraic,
and another host of nobles »].
Aedh mac Flaithbmaigh Hua Neill, n' Ai\ig, do tesdail a
n-ais foirbthi iar penwaid a rnigniw. [« Aed, son of Flaithber-
tach Hua Neill, king of Ailech, departed at a ripe age, after
penance for his misdeeds »].
Fogartach Hiia hAedha, ri Fer-luirg 7 Hua Fiachrach Arda
Sratha do marbad d' Feraib Manach, [« Fogartach Hua Aeda,
king of the Fir Luirg and of the Hiii Fiachrach of Ard Sratha,
was killed by the Fir Manach »].
Aengwj Hua Cathail, r/ Eoganachta Locha Le[i]n do mar-
badh [« Oengus Hiia Cathail, king of the Eoganacht of Loch
Lein, was killed »].
[AU. 1034. AI. 1017. CS. 1032. ALC. 1034. FM. 1034].
Kl. Mael Colaim m#c Cinaetha, r/ Alpan, ordan iarthair
Eorpa uile d'eg [« Mael-Coluimb (Malcolm II) son of Cinaed,
king of Scotland, glory of the whole west of Europe, died »|.
Amlaim mac Sitriuca do marbadh do Saxanaib ac dul do
Roim [« Olaf, son of Sitric, was killed by Englishmen as he
was going to Rome »J.
Suibne mac Cinaetha, n Gall-Gaedel [« king of Galloway »]
mortuus est.
i . MS. sochaighe
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 375
Fir Muman do gabail tigi fo[r] drew do feraib Teftha a
Cluain maic Noiss ubi ceciderwwt mac Be[i]cc Hui Aghdhai et
ali[i] nobiles [« The men of Munster stormed a house at Clon-
macnois containing a party of the men of TefFa, where Becc,
Hua Agdai's son, and other nobles fell »].
Dub daingefn] mac Dondchada do Uib Maiwe .i. ri Con-
[n]#£/tf a suisoccisus est .i. o Sitriuc Hua F... [« Dub daingen,
son of Donnchad, of the Hui Maini, that is, the king of Con-
naught, was slain by his own people, namely Sitric Hua F.].
Gilla Padraic Hua Flandacan, ri Teaftha [« king of TefFa »]
per dolwm occisus est.
Muiredach Hua Flaithbertaig, ri Hua mBrium [« king of
the Hui Briuin »] per dolum occisus est.
[AU. 1035. CS. 1033. ALC. 1035].
Cnutt mac Sdain, n Sa.xan [« king of England »] mortuus
[AU. 1036. AI. 1019. CS. 1034. ALC. 1036. FM. 1036].
[fo. iya i] Kl. Donnchad m#c Dunlam^v, ri Laigen, do dal-
lad la Donnchad mac Gilla Padra/V cor'bo marb de [« Donn-
chad, son of Dunlang, king of Leinster, was blinded by Donn-
chad Mac Gilla Patraic, and thereof he died »].
MadSechlainn Hua lAadRuana$df ri Crumthaiwd [do mar-
bad] la hAed Hua Concobair a cinta Taidhg me/c Cathail 7
Briaiw [« MaelSechlainn Hua MaelRuawaid, king of Cremthann,
was killed by Aed Hua Conchobair in revenge for Tadg, son
of Cathal, and Brian »].
Scoloc .i. Niall Hua Flandacan, ri Tebtha, o muint/r fen
fuair bas [« The Scoloc, i.e. Niall Hiia Flanducain, king of
TefFa, found death from his own people »].
Flaithbertach mac Murchadha Hui Neill, ri Ailig, mortuus
est [« Flaithbertach, son of Murchad Hua Neill, king of Ai-
lech, died »].
376 Whitley Stokes,
Dondchad mac Flaiwd, r/^dawna Tewrach, do marbadh o
feraib Brefne [« Donnchad, son of Flann, crownprinceof Tara,
was killed by the men of Brefne »].
Muirdtfrtach Hua Flaithbertaigh 7 Niall mac Murgusa, da
n^dawna iarthair Con[n]achtf do marbadh [« Muirchertach
Hiia Flaithbertaig and Niall, son of Murgus, two crownprinces
of the west of Connaught, were killed »].
Ruaidri mac Taidhg, maic Lorcan, do dalkJ la Mael na
mbo [« Ruaidri, son of Tadg, son of Lorcan, was blinded by
Mael na mbo »].
Sitriuc mac Amlaiw do dul assa righi tar muir, 7 Eachmar-
cach 'sa righi [« Sitric, son of Olaf, went from his realm over
the sea, and Echmarcach reigned in his stead »].
Gofraidh x mac Sitriuca do marbfld do mac Glum iaramd a
mBretnaib [« Geoffrey, son of Sitric, was killed in Wales by
the son of Iron-Knee »].
[AU. 1037. AI. 1020. CS. 1035. ALC. 1037. FM. 1037].
Kl. iiiM.xxx.uii. Cathal mac Ruaidri, n iarthair Con[n]acht,
do theacht dia ailithre co hArd Macha [« Cathal, son of
Ruaidri, king of the west of Connaught, went on his pilgrim-
age to Armagh »].
Cu Muman Hiia Raband, n Puirt Lairge [« king of Water-
ford »] occisus est.
Port Lairge do argai'n 7 do loscad la Diarmuid mtfc Mail
na mbo [« Waterford was plundered and burnt by Diarmait,
son of Mael na mbo »].
Fland Hiia MaelSechlainn do dalkd la Concofbar] Hiia Mael-
Sechlainn. [« Fland Hua MaelSechlainn was blinded by Con-
chobar Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Cernachan Got occlssus est la Sitriuc Hiia Flandacan de Uib
Maine [« Cernachan the Stammerer was slain by Sitric Hua
Flanducain, of the Hui Maini »]. '
MS. Gofraigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 377
Tri Hui Mael-dora/W do marbtfd la Hua Canandan [« Three
of the Hui Mael-doraid were killed by Hua Canannain »].
Gilla Caewgen mac Amalgaidh, ri Hua Cellaigh,, do mar-
badh do macaib Aedha maic Tuathail [« Gilla Coemgin, son
of Amalgad, king of the Hui Cellaig, was killed by the sons
of Aed, son of Tuathal »].
Muirg&f o Conchenaircd, ri Hua nDiarmuta, mortuus est.
[« Muirgus Hua Conchenainn, king of the Hui Diarmata,
died »].
Tri Hui Fallowain 7 Fmachte Hua hUrchadha do marbfld
do Choncobar a fill [« Three of the Hui Fallomain and Fi-
nachta Hua hUrchada were treacherously killed by Concho-
bar »].
[AU. 1038. AI. 1021. CS. 1036. ALC. 1038. FM. 1038].
Kl. iiiM.xxx.uiii. IMar tareis Eachmarcaigh, 7 R[e]achru do
argaiw do G&llaib [« Imar succeeded Echmarcach, and Rechru
was plundered by the Foreigners »].
Laidhgnen Hua Leochan, ri Gaileng, do eargabail. [« Laid-
gnen Hua Leochan, king of the Gailenga, was taken pri-
soner »].
Cath it^r Delbna 7 \Ju Maine im feil Ciaraiw a Cluain maic
Now inar' thuitetar sochaidhi J, 7 is le Delbna dorainedh. [« A
battle between the Delbna and the Hui Maini at the Feast of
S. Ciaran (Sept. 9) in Clonmacnois, wherein multitudes fell,
and the victory was gained by the Delbna »].
Orguin Cluana Iraird do Gaikngaib 7 Concobur Hua Mail-
Sechlainn foraib, et multi occisi sunt2 do Gailengaib [« The
plundering of Clonard by the Gailenga under Conchobar Hua
MailSechlainn, and many were slain by the Gailenga »].
Cath hir Chuanu, rig Saxan, 7 Otha rig Franc, du a tor-
chair mile im Otha [« A battle, between Conrad ? king of the
1. MS. sochaighi
2. 7 muilti ocdsus est.
3. i. e. Conrad II, emperor of Germany.
378 Whitley Stokes.
Saxons, and Odo, king of the Franks x, wherein a thousand
fell, including Odo »].
Cu duiligh Hua Donwcadha, n^damna Caisil, do marbadh
do Huu Faelan [« Cu duilig Hua Donnchada, crownprince of
Cashel, was killed by Hua Faelain »].
Una Aimirgen, n Teftha, do marbadh [« Hua Aimirgin
kingofTeffa, was killed »].
[AU. 1039. AI. 1022. CS. 1037. ALC. 1039. FM. 1039].
K. M.xxx.ix. anno2. IAco, ri Bretan [« king of Wales »] a
suis occisus est.
Domnall mac Donwchada, ri Wta Faelan, ocdssus est la
Domnall Rua Fergail rig na Forthuath [« Domnall, son of
Donnchad, king of the Hui Faelain, was slain by Domnall Hua
Fergail, king of the Forths »].
Doncadh Derg mac Airt Uallaigh Htii Ruairc, ri^damna
Brefne, do marbadh la hAedh Hiia Cowco'bair (.i. Aed in ga
bernaig) fria lamaib a athar, 7 ba ri airrtir Condacht uile in
Dondcadh sin [« Donnchad the Red, son of Art Uallach Hua
Ruairc, crownprince of Brefne, was killed by Aed, son of
Conchobar (that is, Aed of the Gapped Spear), instead of his
father ; and that Donnchad was king of the whole of the east
of Connaught »].
Muiredhach mflc Flaithbertaig Hui Neill do marbad o Uib
Labrada [« Muredach, son of Flaithbertach Hua Neill, was
killed by the Hui Labrada »].
Mac Ruaidri, ri Fernmuige [« king of Farney »] occissus est.
Sluaiged la Dondchadh Mac Gilla Patm/V co n-Osraigi 7 co
Laigwz^ coro loisc [co] Cnogba 5 7 co Drochat-atha [« A hos-
ting led by Donnchad Mac Gilla Patraic with the Ossorians
and the Leinstermen, and he burnt as far as Knowth and
Drogheda »].
i. i. c. Eudes, count of Champagne, defeated by Conrad II, in 1037.
1 . MS. ando
2 . cnodba
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 379
Donwchadh mac Gilla Patra/V, airdri Laigen 7 Qsraige, an-
rad Etenn, fuair ec mailli re creich [« Donnchad, son of Gilla
Patraic, overking of Leinster and Ossory, champion of Ire-
land, found death together with a prey »].
Mac Ruisse n Ceneoil Fiachm:/? do marbad la rig Per cul
[« Mac Ruisse, king of the Kindred of Fiachra, was killed by
the king of the Fir cul »].
Murcadh Ruad mac MailSechlainn do dallad [« Murchad the
Red, son of MaelSechlainn, was blinded » (by Conchobar Hua
[AU. 1040. CS. 1038. ALC. 1040. FM. 1040].
Kl. Donncadh mac Crinan, airdri Albaw, [« overking of
Scotland »] immatwra1 etate a suis occissus est.
Maeiw Coluim cilli 7 Disirt Diarwuta 7 Moghna mo Senoc
do argain la Diarwait mac Mail na mbo, do ri[g] Hi'ta Cenn-
sdaig, 7 Cluain mor m'Aedog, 7 bruit mor do breith asna
durthaighib [« Colomb cille's Maein (Moone), Disert Diarmata2
and my Senoc's Mugna, and Clonmore were plundered by
Diarmait, son of Mael na mbo, king of the Hui Cennselaig ;
and a many captives were taken out of the prayer-houses »].
Durrthech Lathraigh Briuin do loscadh 7 d' argain do feraib
Midhe [« The prayer-house of Larabrien was burnt and plun-
dered by the men of Meath »].
Hua Dublaich ri Per tulach do marbadh da muntir fen
[« Hua Dublaich, king of the Fir tulach, was killed by his
own family »].
Cath Cilli Dornand do brisedh do Gallaib 7 do M#c Briaiw
for Mac Faelan 7 Mac Faelam do marbad and [« The battle of
Cell Dornann was gained by the Foreigners and by Mac
Briain over Mac Faelain, and Mac Faelain was killed there-
in »].
1 . MS. inmatwro
2. « Diarmuit's Hermitage. » MS. disirt diarmuta
380 Whilley Stokes.
[AU. 1041. CS. 1039. ALC. 1041. FM. 1041].
Kl. EntfzV .u. feria. M.xli. Muirdmach Mac Gilla PatrazV,
leithrf Qsraige, do marbadh do Hiiib Caelaidhe dia muintfr
fen per dolww. [« Muirchertach Mac Giila Patraic, one of the
two kings of Ossory, was treacherously killed by the Hui
Caeluide, his own people »].
Faelan Hua Morda, n Laigsi, do dalkd la [Murchad] mac
nDunlamg [« Faelan Hua Morda, king of Leix, was blinded
by Murchad, son of Dunlang »].
Creach la hUib Cendsilaig a n-Uib Bairrche cwiMJ-tarraidh I
mac Murchadha male Dunlaing cor' bris fbrro a Gill mo La-
poc, co fargabsat ar mor im Domnall Remur rfo-damna Hua
Cennsilaig [« A foray by the Hui Cennsilaig into Hui Bairrche;
and the son of Murchad, son of Dunlang, overtook them and
routed them at Cell mo Lapoic, so that they left a great
slaughter, including Domnall the Fat, crownprince of the Hui
Cennsilaig »].
[fo. 17*2] Cu criche Hua Dunlaing, ri Laighsi, 7 a mac 7
Cailleoc a ben, do mzrbad simul do Mac Conain a Tigh mo
Chua meic Lonaiw, 7 romarbfld eisin arnamarach la Hua
mBraenai^ 7 firt mor do mo-Chua an ni s'm [« Cu criche Hua
Dunlaing, king of Leix, and his son, and Cailleoc his wife
were killed at the same time by Mac Conain at the House of
my Cua, son of Lonan (Timahoe) ; and on the morrow he
was killed by Hua Braenain; and that was a mighty miracle
of my Cua's].
Glend Uisiw do argaiw do mac Mail na mbo 7 an durteach
do brisedh 7 cet do dainib do marbfld and, 7 secht cet do breth
ass .i. a ndighail Ferna Moire do loscadh do mac Briam 7 do
Mttrchadh mrtc Dunlaing 7 a ndigail a brathar .i. Downall
Rewar [« Glenn Uisin was plundered by the son of Mael na
mbo, and the prayer-house was demolished, and a hundred
human beings were killed therein, and seven hundred were
I . MS. tarraigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 381
carried off in vengeance for the burning of Ferns by the son
of Brian and by Murchad son of Dunlang, and in vengeance
for his brother, even Domnall the Fat »] .
Mac Ainwbre airdbretheaw Aird Macha 7 tuile eolais Erenn
obit [« Mac Ainmbre, chief judge of Armagh and a flood of
Ireland's lore, died »].
Gilla Cowgaill mac Dumd-chuan maic Dumaing do breith
ar eiciw a Gill dara do Mwrcad mac Dumaing > 7 a marbadh
airm ar' saraigh comurba Brigde [« Gilla Comgaill, son of
Donn cuan, son of Dunlang, was taken by force out of Kil-
dare by Murchad, son of Dunlang, and killed in the place
where he had outraged S. Brigit's successor »].
Da mac Faelaiw maic Murchada .i. Dondchadh 7 Glun
iaraiwd, do mzrbad do mac Braiw maic Mail morda [« Two
sons of Faelan, son of Murchad, to wit, Donnchad and Glun-
iarainn, were killed by the son of Braen, son of Mael-morda »].
[AU. 1042. CS. 1040. ALC. 1042. FM. 1042].
Kl. en#/rinM[xLii]. Sitriuc7 Caill#$Fmwen a ingen, mortuus
est [« Sitric and Caillech Finnein, (Tinman's Nun'), died »
in the one month],
Mael Brighdi, espoc Cilli dara, [« bishop of Kildare »] qmeuit.
Murcadh m^c Dumaing, ri Lzigen, 7 Dondchadh mac Aeda,
n Hua mBairrche, do thoitim la Gilla Pztraic mac nDondca-
dha, la rig nOsraige, 7 la mac Craith Hua nDonwchada la rig
Eogznachta Bert crechi, a Muigh Muilched a Laighis [« Mur-
chad, son of Dunlang, king of Leinster, and Donnchad, son
of Aed, king of the Hui Bairrche, fell by Gilla Patraic, son of
Donnchad, king of Ossory, and by Mac Craith Hua Donn-
chada, king of the Eoganacht, (nicknamed) « Load-of-Plun-
der », on Mag Muilchet in Leix »].
Mac Craith mac Gorwain maic Tresaig ri Hua mBairrche 7
a ben do marbad a nDisert Diarwada do Uib Allan. [« Mac-
Craith, son of Gorman, son of Tresach, king of the Hui
Bairrche, and his wife, were killed at Disert Diarmata by the
Hui Allain »1.
3 82 Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 1043. AI. 1026. CS. 1041. AI. 1026. ALC. 1043.
FM. 1043].
Kl. uii. ieria .xui. Cathal mac Ruaidhri, rf iarthair Con-
[n\acbt, do ec ina I ailit/;ri a n-Ard Macha. [« Cathal, son of
Ruaidri, king of the west of Connaught, died on his pilgri-
mage at Armagh »].
Flaithbertach espoc Duin leath-glaise [«"oishop ot Down-
patrick »] mortuus est.
Donmall Hua Fergail, r/ F0rtuath Laig^w, do marbaJ do
mac Tuathail maic Fiachrtfdfr a termundChaemghen. [« Dom-
nall Hiia Fergail, king of the Fortuatha of Leinster, was killed
by the son of Tuathal, son of Fiachra, in the glebe of S. Coem-
ghen »].
Crech la Cdlach mac mBrain co termund Caemgen co tuc
bu iwda 7 cor'marb .lx. do samudh in baile [« A raid by Cel-
lach, son of Bran, as far as the glebe of S. Coemgen, and he
carried off many cows and killed sixty of the congregation of
the place »].
Crech la hOsraigej la hairtfor Mwwaw .i. le MflcCraith Rua
nDondchada 7 la fiua nDonwacan la ri[g] n-Aradh co Dun na
sciath, cor' loiscsit in dun, cor' gabsat gabala becca, conus-
tarraidh 2 Carrtach 7 cor' marbadh and O Dondacan n Aradh
[« A raid by the men of Ossory and the east of Munster,
(led) by MacCraith Hua Donnchada and by Hua Donnucain,
king of Ara, as far as Dun na sciath, where they burnt the
fort and took (some) small spoils ; but Carthach overtook .
them, and Hua Donnucain, king of Ara, was slain there »].
Crechsluaighedh la hAndadh Hua Ruairc tar Lughmadh 3 7
tar Druim n-Indasclaind 7 a Gwaillib Muirtemne uile acht ro-
digailset na naiw .i. Mochta 7 Ronan focMoir, ar romarbadh
Andad fna cM mbliadne ab uno4 Scotorww o mac 5 Airt Bice
1. MS. and
2 . -tarraigh
3. lughmagh
4. ono
5 . macaib
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 383
Hui Chonfiacla rig Teftha rowarbadh [« A foray by Andad
Hua Ruairc over Louth and over Druim Inesclainn and into
all Conailli Muirthemne. But the Saints, namely Mochta and
Ronan, took vengeance straightway ; for towards the end of
the year Andad was slain by one of the Scots. By the son of
Art the Little, grandson of Cu-fiacla, he was slain »].
Maidw for Cenel Cowaill ria Cenel nEoghain a tmnund da
Beooc. |~« A defeat inflicted on the Kindred of Conall by the
Kindred of Eogan in the glebe of thy Beooc »].
Troscadh do samadh Ciarain hi Tulaig Garba for Aedh Htia
Confiacla for rig Teftha, cor' benadh an Bernan Ciara/n fair
co lois na Bachla Issa. IN t-inadh iarow inro impo a druiw
risna cleirchib isinn inadh sin talk^ a cend de ria ciwd mis.
[« The fasting of the community of Ciaran, at Tulach Garba,
upon Aed Hua Confiacla, the king of Teffa; and the (bell
called) Bernan Ciarain « Ciaran's Gapling » was struck against
him with the end of the Bachall Issu « staff of Jesus » . Now
in the place at which he turned his back on the clerics, in
that place his head was cut off before the month's end »].
[AU. 1044. CS. 1042. ALC. 1044. FM. 1044].
Kl. Enair primn ferm lima .xx.uiii. [leg. xxuii ?] M.xliiii.
Hua hAedha, ri Hua Fiachrach Arda, do marbadh [« Hua
hAeda, king of the Hiii Fiachrach Arda (Sratha) was killed »
(by mac Arailt)].
Mael Mochta espoc Lugmaidh1 [« bishop of Louth »]
Sluaiged la mac nEochada a mBregaib, cor' facaib .cc. da
muntzr and [« A hosting by the son of Eochaid into Bregia,
where he left two hundred of his people »].
Loscad Scrine Padra/V la mac n-Arailt [« The burning of
S. Patrick's Skreen by the son of Harald »].
In Cleireach Rua Conchobair do marbfld la feraib Brefne, 7
i . MS. lugmuigh
384 Whitley Stokes .
sochaide x maille fris [« The Clerk Hua Conchobair was killed
by the men of Brefne, and a multitude together with him »].
Murchadh mac Brain 2, n Hua Faelan, do marbadh do Mac
Gilla mo Cholmoc do n^dawna Hua nDunchadha [« Murchad,
son of Bran, king of the Hiii Faelain, was killed by Mac
Gilla-mo-Cholmoic, crownprince of the Hiii Dunchada »].
Cluaiw maic Nois do argain o Conmacnib, co tard Dia 7
Ciaran digal fbr[r]o ind, cor'marb urmor a ndaine 7 a n-in-
dile [« Clonmacnois was plundered by the Conmacni; but
God and S. Ciaran inflicted vengeance for it upon them ; and
the greater part of their men and their cattle died »].
Ar fer Tebtha 7 Cowmacne do chur do feraib Midhi hicon
fidhnigh, a torchair Mac Ruittiw 7 Cuilen mac Uallachan 7
Hua Ledhban [« A slaughter of the men of Teffa and Con-
macne was inflicted by the men of Meath and the Ednech
(Ethne?), wherein fell Mac Ruittin and Cuilen mac Uallachain,
and Hua Ledbain ?].
[AU. 1045. AI. 1028. CS. 1043. ALC. 1045. FM. 1045].
Kl. iii. ieria luna .ix. primus annusJ .i. in cetbliadan don
chicul naedecdha [« the first year of the decennovenal cycle »].
Glun iaraiwd Hua Cleirchen, n Hua Cairprf, [« Iron-knee
Hua Cleirchein, king of the Hui Cairbri »] mortuus est.
Tercs. 7 dowa mor a Francaib, 7 fasughudh Colome 7 Ro-
doiw acht becc [« Dearth and great poverty in France, and the
almost total devastation of Cologne and Rouen »].
Ar Ulad i Reachraiwd im Regnall Hua nEochadha la hlmar
mac Arailt [« A slaughter in Rathlin of the Ulaid, including
Ragnall Hua Eochada, by Imar son of Harald »].
Flaithb^rtach Hua Canandan, r/ Thiri Cowaill, [« king of
Tyrconnell »] mortuus est.
Ar Ceneoil Eogain 7 Airgiall im Muircfortach mac Flaith-
1 . MS. sochaighe
2 . bruin
3 . anno
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 385
bmaigh [fo. i8b i] Hili Ne'ill i Casan Lindi lasna Saidnib .i.
Gairbith Hua Cathasaigh 7 la firu Bregh [« A slaughter of the
Kindred of Eogan and the Airgeill, including Murchertach,
son of Flaithbertach Hua Neill, at Casan Linni, by the Saithni,
(led by) Gairbith Hua Cathasaig, and by the men of Bregia »].
Carrtach mac Sairbrethaigh, n Eoganachfa Caisil, do los-
cadh i tigh thenedh J do mac Lowgargan maic Duinw Chuan
maille re moran d'uaislib do loscadh arm. [« Carthach, son of
Sairbrethach, king of the Eoganacht of Cashel, was burnt in a
house set on fire by the son of Longargan, son of Donn cuan,
together with a great number of nobles who were there
burnt »].
Downall Hiia Cetfada ceanw Dail Caiss 7 ordan Mwman
[« head of the Dal Caiss and glory of Munster »] mortuus est.
Manchan mac Mzelsechlainn maic Cindfaekd, maic Conco-
buir, r/^damna Hila Cowaill, do marbaJ [« Manchan, son of
MaelSechlainn, son of Cenn-faelad, son of Conchobar, crown-
prince of the Hui Conaill, was killed »].
Hila Donwacan r/ Muscraidhe [« king of Muskerry »] Ua
Aedha do marbfld [« was killed »].
Cath etir Albancho ar aenrian 2, cur' marbad and Crinan ab
Duin Calland 7 sochaidhe 3 maille fris .i. nae .xx. laech. [« A
battle between the men of Scotland « on one road », where-
in Crinan, abbot of Dunkeld, was killed, and a multitude
along with him, to wit, nine score laymen »].
Sluaiged la mac nEochadha 7 la MzelSechlainn co Gallaib,
coro loiscset Sord 7 Fine Gall [« A hosting by Mac Eochada
and Maelsechlainn as far as the Foreigners, and they burnt
Swords and Fingal'»].
Cluam Ferta Brenaiwd do loscadh do Uib Maine cons, daw-
liag 7 Cu-Con/?acht m^c Gadhra Hui Dunadhaigh do marbadh
and [« Clonfert with its stqne-house was burnt by the Hui
Maini, and Cu-Connacht, son of Gadra Hui Dunadaig, was
killed therein »].
1 . MS. a thigh thenidh
2. Perhaps an idiom for etarru fein (the reading of AU.) « among
themselves »
3 . MS. sochaighe
Revue Celtique, XVII. 25
3 86 Whitley Stokes.
Amalghaidh mac Flaiwd, ri Callraighe, do ec do galar awai-
chnigh ria cind tri trath iar conwmed ecne for Guam maic
Noiss [« Amalgaid, son of Fland, king of Calraige, died of an
unknown disease before the end of three days after a compul-
sory billeting on Clonmacnois »].
Milisiwo.xl.ui. [AU. 1046. AI. 1029. CS. 1044. ALC. 1046.
FM. 1046].
Kl. Muiredhach mac Flaithbertaigh Hiii Nell 7 Aidith mac
Aidith, n Hua nEachach Ulad, do loscadh i tigh thenedh * la
Coin Ulad mac Congalaig, maic Cendetigh [« Muiredach, son
of Flaithbertach Hua -Neill, and Aiteth son of Aiteth, king of
the Hui Echach of Ulster, were burnt in a house set on fire by
Cii Ulad, son of Congalach, son of Cenn-etig »]
Hua Fiwdgaine, ri Eogzuachtz. Glendamnach [leg. Caille na
manach ?] do warbadh [« Hua Findgaini, king of the Eoganacht
of Caill na manach », was killed »].,
Art Uallac/7 Hua Ruairch, ri Condacht, do marbrtJ do Cenel
Chowaill indara bliadain iar n-argain Cluana mac Nois [« Art
the Proud, descendant of Ruarc, king of Connaught, was
killed by the Kindred of Conall in the second year after the
plundering of Clonmacnois »].
Concobflf Hua Longsich, ri Dal n-Araidhe, do mzrbad la
mac nDownaill Hui Lowgsigh a Laigw/^'. [« Conchobar Hua
Longsich, king of Dalaradia, was killed in Leinster by the son
of Domnall Hua Longsich »].
Fergal Hua Ciardha ri Cairpr^, do marbadh do feraib Teftha
[« Fergal Hua Ciarda, king of Cairbre, was killed by the men
of Teffa »].
Eachmarcach a n-Ath cliath tareis Arailt [« Echmarcach
succeeded- Haraldin Dublin »].
Gormlaith ingen Floiwd maic MailSechnaill ina sendacht iar
n-aithrighi qwieuit [« Gormflaith, daughter of Fland, son of
MaelSechlainn, rested in her old age after repentance »].
i . MS. a tigh tenidh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 387
MaelRuanaigh Got [« the Stammerer »] Hua Ciardha occi-
sus est.
M.xl.uii. [AU. 1047. AI. 1030. CS. 1045. ALC. 1047.
FM. 1047].
Kl. u. ieria [luna] prima. Ciarchaille mac Foghladha l
(\meuit. (.
Muirc&rtach m^c Mate Madadhan, n Hua mBresail, do 7/&=>
marbad a n-Ard Macha do Madadhan mac Ceileachair 7 do
Uib Niallain tre mebuil [« Muirchertach, son of Mac Mada-
dhain, king of the Hui Bresail, was treacherously killed in
Armagh by Mataddn, son of Celechar, and by the Hui
Niallain »].
Ulaidh2 do fassugwd acht becc 7 a teacht a Lzigniu
[« Ulster was almost wholly devastated, and its people went
into Leinster »].
Niall mac Airt Uallaigh Hui Ruairc, n Brefne, 7 airrthir
Corwacht do marb^ d'Aedh Hiiu Concobair ism Corand.
[« Niall, son of Art the Proud, descendant of Ruarc, king of
Brefne and the east of Connaught, was killed by Aed Hua Con-
chobair in the Corann »].
Mtfc Dondchada Guit, r/^dawma Temrach, quieuit. [« The
son of Donnchad the Stammerer, crownprince of Tara,
rested »].
Sluaiged la Niall mac Mailseehlainn co Cenel nEogflm 7 co
n-Airghiallaib a mBregaib cor' marbsat Madadhan Una hlfer-
nan taisech clainne Crechain [« A hosting by Niall, son of
MaelSechlainn, with the Kindred of Eogan and the men of
Oriel, into Bregia, where they killed Mataddn Hua hlfernain,
the chief of Clan Crechain »].
Hua hEdhm n Hua Fiachrach Aidne [« king of the Hui
Fiachrach of Aidne »] mortuus est.
1. MS. foghlagha
2. Ulaigh
Whitley Stokes,
[AU. 1048. AI. 1031. CS. 1046. ALC. 1048. FM. 1048].
Kl.ui. feria. luwa .xii. M.xluiii. Ceili, espoc Ardachaidh '
espuic Mael, mortuus est [« Cele, bishop of Bishop Mel's Ard-
achad, died »].
Sluaiged la Domnall mac mBriain tar Midhi 7 tar Bregha co
Gallw 7 co Laigwm, co rue giallu o mac Mail na mbo 7 a reir
o Gallaib [« A hosting by Domnall, son of Brian, over Meath
and Bregia to the Foreigners and the Leinstermen, and he
obtained hostages from the son of Mael na mbo, and his will
from the Foreigners »].
Dunlang mac Dumaing [leg. Dungail ?] r/ Hua mBriuin
Cualand, 7 ordan airrthir Erenn, a mbas ona brait&rib fei«
[« Dunlang, son of Dungal (?), king of the Hui Briuin of
Cualu, and glory of the east ot Erin, died by his own bro-
thers »].
Fergal Htia Maelmuaidh, ri Fer-cell, do ec [« Fergal Hua
Maelmuaid, king of Fir cell, died »].
Cend-faeladh Hua Cuill, ollam Mwman [« doctor of
Munster »] mortuus est.
Gilla Coluiw Hua Ecnigh, airdri Airgiall [« overking of the
Airgeill »] qwieuit in Christo, 7 a n-Ultaib rohadhnaicedh .i. a
nDun da leathglas [« and was buried in Ulster, namely in
Downpatrick »].
Mael-fabuill Hua hEidhiw, n Hua Fiachrach Aidne [« king
of the Hui Fiachrach of Aidne »] mortuus est.
Mac con-mam Hua Maic liag do marbfld do m^c Taidhg
Hui Mael-Ruanflfd [« Mac-con-mara, grandson of Mac-liac,
was killed by the son ofTadg Hua Mael-Ruanaid »].
Crech la mac Mail na mbo forsna Deissib, co rue broit 7
indile [« A raid by the son of Mael na mbo on the Desi, and
he carried off captives and cattle »].
Creach la Conchobur Hua MaelSecblainn tar Magh Life 7
i . MS. ardachaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 389
tar terwand Cilli dara, co tuc gabala mora. Crech la Huu Fae-
lan dar Cluaiw Iraird a ndighail na creichi sin [« A raid by
Conchobar Hua MaelSechlainn over Magh Life and over the
glebe of Kildare, whence he carried off great preys. A raid
by the Hui Faelain over Clonard in revenge for that raid »].
Slugged la mac nEochadha 7 la mac Mail na mbo a Midhi
cor'loiscsit cella fer Midhi uili acht mad becc [« A hosting by
the son of Eochaid and by the son of Mael na mbo into Meath,
where they burnt almost all the churches of the men of
Meath »].
Gairbith Hua Cathasaigh, ri Bregh, do gabail do Cowcho-
bar Hilu MudSechlainn co fargaib .uii. n-etm aige [« Gairbith
Hua Cathasaig, king of Bregia, was captured by Conchobar
Hua MaelSechlainn, and Gairbith left seven hostages with
Conchobar »]. Tancatar n^dawna Hua Maiwe 7 Hua Mael
Ruanaid 7 Hua Flandacan 7 an cleireach Hua Taidhg 7 mac
Buadachain r/gxlawna Delbna cor'bris forro 7 cor' marb uile
[« Then came the crownprince of Hui Maini, and Hua Mael-
Ruanaid and Hua Flanducain and the cleric Hua Taidg and
Mac Buadachain, crownprince of Delbna, and he (Concho-
bar?) routed them and killed them all »].
[AU. 1049. AI. 1032. CS. 1047. ALC. 1049. FM. 1049].
Kl. prima, faria. xxiii. luwa. M.xl.ix. Flaithbertach mac Hui
Loingsigh do marbadh [fo. i8b2J a n-iwairicc la m^c Conco-
bair Hua Loingsigh. Murchadh mac MailSechlainn do marbad
la Conchobar celna. a mebuil. [« Flaithbertach, son of (Dom-
nall) Hua Loingsig, was killed in a combat by the son of Con-
chobar Hua Loingsig, and Murchad, son of MaelSechlainn,
was killed treacherously by the same Conchobar »].
Sluaiged la hUllto 7 la Laig;«« a Midhi do chuindche etm
Fer mBregh, 7 romarbadh iarow na heteri im Toirrdelbach
Hua Cathasaigh la Conchobar 7 roloiscset na sluaigh an tir
etfr cella 7 duine iarsew [« A hosting by the Ulaid and the
Leinstermen into Meath, to demand the hostages of the men
790 Whitley Stokes.
of Bregia (whom Gairbith had given) ; and then these hos-
tages, together with Tordelbach Hua Cathasaig, wrere killed
by Conchobar; and the armies afterwards burnt the country,
both churches and fortresses »].
Sluaighedh la mac mBriaiw co Mag n-Airb, co rue giallu
Laigen j Osraige [« A hosting by the son of Brian to Mag n-
Airb, and he obtained hostages of Leinster and Ossory »].
Ros Cowan do loscud, etir dawliag j regies, do feraib Breifne
[« Roscommon was burnt, both the stone-house and the Great-
church, by the men of Brefne »].
Concobwr Una Cindfaelad, ri Rua Cowaill Gabra, do mar-
bad do rig Eoganachta Loch Lein [« Conchobar Hua Cennfael-
ad, king of the Hui Conaill Gabra, was killed by the king of
the Eoganacht of Loch Lein »].
Aneislis mac Do/wnaill, n Corco baiscind, do mxrbad do
mac Aisith mate Domnaill, mac a derbrathar [« Aneislis, son
of Domnall, king of Corcovaskin, was killed by the son of
Aiseth, son of Domnall, the son of his own brother »].
[AU. 1050. AI. 1033. CS. 1048. FM. 1050].
Kl. secunda. teria .uii. luna. M.I. MaelRuanaid mac Condio-
buir, n Eile, do marbadh dia munt/V fen a mebail [« Mael-
Ruanaid, son of Conchobar, king of Eli, was treacherously
killed by his own household »].
Cluaiw maic Nois do argain fo thri issin aenraithe, fecht o
Sil n-Anmcadha j fo do ho Callraidhi CUSTIZ Sinwchuib [« Clon-
macnois was thrice plundered in the same quarter of the year,
once by the Sil Anmcada, and twice by the Calraige with the
Foxes »].
Donwchadh mac Gilla Faelan, r/ Hua Failge [« king of Of-
faly »] mortuus est.
Land Leire do argaiw 7 do loscud la Concob//r Hi'ta Mael-
Sechlainn [« Land Leire was plundered and burnt by Concho-
bar Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Geniwain Mw/Vc/;^rtaigh Hiii Briain Tig Erenn [« Birth of
Muirchertach Uiia Briain, king of Ireland »].
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 391
[AU. 1051. AI. 1034. CS. 1049. ALC. 1051. FM. 1051].
Kl. ui. [leg. iii] feria x.u. luna. M.li. Murchadh mac Bricc
n^dawnana nDessi occisus est ona brathair fen [« Murchad, son
of Brecc, crownprince of the Desi, was killed by his own
brother »].
O Cowcobair, ri O Failghe, do marbadh da munt/V fern f « Hiia
Conchobair, king of Offaly, was killed by his own household »].
Faelan mac Brataiw mate Bricc do marbadh a ndawliag Lis
moir mo Chuta, isse ro/warb MaelSechlainn mac Mwzrclwtaigh
maic Bricc [« Faelan, son of Bratan, son of Brecc, was killed
in the stone-house of Lismore. Mael-sechlainn, son of Muir-
chertach, son of Brecc, it was that killed Faelan »].
Amalgaidh mac Cathail maic Ruaidhri, ri iarthair C0w[n]*
acht do dallad la hAedh Hua Concobair la rig Con[n]acht; cor'
gab side iarsiw &rus a n-iart/;wr Con[n]acht [« Amalgaid, son of
Cathal, son of Ruaidri, king of the west of Connaught, was
blinded by Aed Hua Conchobair, king of Connaught ; and after
that Aed took up his abode in the west of Connaught »].
Maidm le O Maeldoww^ for Chonnacbteib dii a torchair ile
[« A rout inflicted by Hua Mael-doraid on the Connaughtmen,
wherein many fell »].
Cathal mac Tighernaiw, ri Brefne, do dul for creich a n-
Eaba cor' toghail Dun-feig, a torchair .1, do dainib 7 asa tuc-
tha .uii. cet bo [« Cathal, son of Tigernan, king of Brefne,
went on a raid into Eba, and sacked Dunfeig, wherein fell
fifty men, and whence seven hundred cows were taken »].
Diarmuit m^c Domnaill maic Briaiw do marb^J a mebail la
Murchadh mac mBriaiw [« Diarmait, son of Domnall, son of
Brian, was treacherously killed by Murchad, son of Brian »].
Maidm for Conm^/'cnib a Sleib Formaela ria n-Aedh \\iia
Cowcobair, du a torchair ar ConmaictiQ [« A rout of the Con-
maicni on Sliab Formaela by Aed Hua Conchobair, wherein
many of the Conmaicni fell slaughtered I »].
i . Literally, wherein fell a slaughter of Conmaicni.
392 Whitley Stokes.
Laidgnen mac Mailam Hui Leochain, r/ Gaileng, do dul do
Roiw co w-erbailt tair iar tiachtaiw o Roim [« Laidgnen, son of
Maelan Hua Leochain, king of the Galenga, went to Rome,
and died in the east1 after coming from Rome »].
Downall Ban O Briaiw occisus est o Aedh Hua Gwcobair
rig Con[n]acht. [« by Aed Hua Conchobair, king of Con-
naught »].
Bile Muighe hAdhair 2 do trascradh la hAedh Hua Con-
chobair [« The sacred tree of Mag Adair was felled by Aed
Hua Conchobair »].
[AU. 1052. AI. 1035. CS. 1050. ALC. 1052. FM. 1052].
Kl. quartz ieria .xxuii. luwa. Mac raith Hua Donnchadha, r/
Eoganflc/tfa Caisil, r/fdawna Mwwan, do ec [« Mac raith,
grandson of Donnchad, king of the Eoganacht of Cashel,
crownprince of Munster, died »].
Crech la mac Mail na mbo a Fini Gall, cor' loisc in tir o
Ath cliath co hAilbiwe, acht nocho tarraidh ? bu, co ndemsat
scandracha mora imon dun, du a torchair ile ille 7 anund, co
ndechaidh^ r/ Gall tar muir .i. Eachmarcach mac Ragnaill, 7
rogab mac Mail na mbo rige Gall da eissi [« A raid by the son
of Mael na mbo into Fingal, and he burnt the country from
Dublin to the Delvin river, but he overtook no cows; so that
he and the Foreigners fought great skirmishes round the fort-
ress (of Dublin), wherein fell many on both sides ; and Ech-
marcach, son of Ragnall, the king of the Foreigners, went
oversea, and the son of Mael na mbo assumed the kingship
after him »].
Ar Callraighi 5 iwma righ .i. iw mac Aira:/;/aigh, la Con-
maicne per uirtutem scn'ne Ciaran [« A slaughter of the Cal-
1. i. e. in Great Britain. 4. ndechaigh
2. MS. haghar 5. callraidhi
3 . tarraigh
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 393
raige, including their king, the son of Airechtach, by the
Conmaicne, through the virtue of S. Ciaran's shrine »].
Crech la Hiia C0wcobuir ior Conmaicne, cor' indair co mor
an tir [« A raid by Hua Conchobair on the Conmaicne, and
he greatly ravaged the country »].
MtfcMail na mbo do gabail righi Atha cliath ar eciw. [« The
son of Mael na mbo took the kingship of Dublin by force »].
M.liii. [AU. 1053. CS. 1051. ALC. 1053. FM. 1053].
Kl. ui. feria .uii. luna. Cu chiar Hiia Maile duiw, ri Luirg,
do marbadh la Mac na haidche Ua Ruairc a mebail ina airech-
tas fen. Fergal mac Maic na haidche Hui Ruairc do marbtfd
[do Chonmaicnib] fochetoir [« Cu chiar, grandson of Maelduin,
king of Lurg, was killed by Mac na haidche (« the son of the
Night ») Hua Ruairc, treacherously in his own assembly.
Fergal, son of Mac na haidche Hua Ruairc, was immediately
killed by the Conmaicne »].
Niall Hua Ecnigh, ri Fer manach, 7 Gilla Crist a brathair
do mzrload do Feraib Luirg a mebail [« Niall Hua Ecnig, king
of Fermanagh, and Gilla Crist, his brother, were treacherously
killed by the Fir Luirg »].
Mael-crow mac Cathail, ri desceirt Bregh, do marbadh do
Uu1 Riacan aidhchi luam chase, 7 crecha lais for Galktt£.
[« Mael-cron, son of Cathal, king of the south of Bregia, was
killed on the eve of Easter Monday by Hua Riacain, who
(then) made raids on the Foreigners »].
Slnaiged la mac Briaiw 7 la Hua MaelSec/7/tf/Vm a Fine Gall,
co tucsat et/ri 7 co tucsat na Sinwaigh bruit moir a damliag
Lwica2, 7 rucsat etfri o m#c Mail na mbo. [Sluaiged la mac
Mail na mbo] a mBregaib 7 a Midhi, co ro loisc o Sliab (sic)
co hiart/7wr Midi, 7 co rue mor da buaib 7 do broit [« A hos-
ting by (Donnchad) son of Brian, and (Conchobar) Hua
1. MS. uib
2 . hwcha
394 Whitley Stokes.
MaelSechlainn into Fingal, and they carried oft hostages, and
the Foxes took many captives out the Stone House of Lusk,
and took hostages from the son of Mael na mbo. A hosting
by Mael na mbo's son into Bregia and Meath, and he burnt
(the country) from Sliab (?) to the west of Meath, and carried
off many cows and prisoners »].
Crech la Leth lobur Una Laidhgnen, rig Oirghiall, for Gai-
lengaib 7 tor teichedh fer Midi [co rue mar do buaib,] co nde-
chaidh ina ndiaidh1 Congalach mac Senaiw, ri Gaileng, co
tarraid bu Fer-manach, co tarr[th]atar Fir-manach iwon righ
.i. Domnall mac MailSechlainft, [fo. i9ai] co torchair leo
Congalach mac Senain ri Gaileng cum multiss [aliis, « A raid
by Lethlobur Hiia Laidgnen, king of Oriel, on the Galenga
and on the fugitives of the men of Meath and Bregia, and he
carried off many cows. But Congalach, son of Senan, king of
the Galenga, pursued them, and overtook the cows of the
Fir-manach. Then the Fir-manach, with their king Domnall,
son of Mael-Sechlainn, halted, and by them fell Congalach
son of Senan, king of the Gailenga, with many others »].
Cochlan ri Delbna dow/marbad a suis [« Cochlan, king of
the Delbna, was killed by his own people »]. Per dolum oc-
cisus est.
[AU. 1054. AI. 1037. CS. 1052. ALC. 1054. FM. 1054].
Kl. ui. [leg. uii ?] feria. luna .xuii [leg. xuiii ?] Aedh Una
Fergaile mac Coming maic Neill, rigdamna. Ailig 7 ri Chen-
e[oi]l Eogain Tolcha 6c do marbad do Lethlobur Huu Lai-
dhgnen rig Airghiall cum muiltis [« Aed Hua Fergaile, son of
Conang, son of Niall, crownprince of Ailech and king of the
Kindred of Eogan of Tulach Oc, was killed by Lethlobur Hua
Laidgne'in, king of Oriel, with many (others) »].
Cloictheach tenedh do faicsiw ir-Ros Ela dia-downaigh fele
Giuirgi ria re .u. n-uar do 16, 7 coin duba diairwe ind 7 as, 7
aen-en mor a medow, 7 teigdis fo cluiw sidhe na heoin becca
i . MS. condechaigh ina ndiaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 395
intan teighdis ism cloctheach. Tancatar amach co w-uargabatar
in coin bai for lar in baile a n-airdi ism aer, 7 tarlaicset he siss
aris, co w-erbailt fochetoir, 7 tuargabatar tri brutu 7 di lenid x
a n-airde, 7 roleicsit sis aris. IN chaill iarow fora ndesetar na
heonu dorochair fothaib, 7 in dairbre for a ndessid in t-en mor2
robai for crith cons, fremaib a talmuiw [« A steeple of fire was
seen at Ross Ela on the Sunday of the feast of S. George, for
the space of five hours of the day, and innumerable black
birds passing into and out of it, and one great bird in the
midst thereof, and when the little birds would enter the steeple
they would come under his plumage. They came forth and
lifted the hound that lay amid the town up on high into the
air, and they cast him down again, and he straightway died.
And three mantles and two shirts they lifted up on high, and
down again they flung them. Now the wood whereon the
birds perched fell beneath them, and the oak whereon the
great bird sat was a -tremble with its roots in the earth »].
Loch Suidhi Odhran a Sleib Giiaire do eludh a nderedh ai-
dhche fo fell Michil, co ndechaidh3 isiw Febail. [« The lake
of Syoran on Slieve-Gorey stole away at the end of the night
before Michaelmas, and went into the Febail 4].
Cacht ingen Ragnaill, rig&n TLrenn, d'ec [« Cacht, daughter
of Ragnall, queen of Ireland, died »].
Cath ettr Albancho 7 Saxancho, inar' toitset moran do mi-
ledhaib [.« A battle between the Scots and the English, where-
in fell a great many soldiers »].
Crech la hAedh H-i'ta CWzcobair la rig Con\n\acht co Corco
Baisciwd 7 co Tradraighe, cor' gab gabala diairwe, 7 co ndor-
chair lais don cur sin Aedh m#c Cenw-eidigh, ordan Dal-Cais.
[« A raid by Aed Hiia Conchobair, king of Connaught, to
Corcovaskin and Tratraige, wherein he took innumerable
spoils, and on that occasion there fell by him Aed, son of
Cenn-etig, the glory of the Dalcassians »].
1 . MS. lenigh
2. fora ndessitar
3 . ndechaigh
4. « a stream which discharges itself into the Boyne », O'Don.
396 Whitley Stokes.
Da mac Carrthaigh do marbadh d'U Dondcadha [« Two
sons of Carthach were killed by Hua Donnchada »].
Sluaiged la mac Mail na mbo 7 la Gilla Patraic rig Osraige
co nGallaib 7 Laignib 7 Osraighib issiw Mwmain, co rancatar
Imlech lubair 7 cor' loiscset Dun tri Hag, 7 ni tarraidh mac
Briai^ uair robai a ndesc/wrt Erenn [« A hosting by the son
of Mael na mbo and by Gilla Patraic, king of Ossory, with
Foreigners and Leinstermen and Ossorians, into Munster, and
they reached Emly and burnt Duntrileague; and Brian's son
did not overtake them, for he was dwelling in the South of
Ireland »].
Hua Gerr-uidir1, espoc Cilli da lua [« bishop of Killaloe »]
M.lv. [AU. 1055. AI. 1038. CS. 1053. ALC. 1055.
FM. 1055].
Kl. primsi feria. luna xx.ix. Domnall ri O Fiac^rach Aidhne
tre tang[n]acht adbath [« Domnall, king of the Hui Fiachrach
of Aidne, perished through treachery »].
Crech la- hAed Hua Cowcobair, rig Con[n]achtf ar iarthur
Midhi, co rue gabala imda 7 bruit moir lais. [« A raid by Aed
Hua Conchobair, king of Connaught, on the west of Meath,
whence he carried off abundant spoils and many captives »].
Crech la Dail Cais a Corcomruad, co tucsat gabala mora esti,
7 rowarbadh sochaidi do Dail Cais and. [« A raid by the Dal-
cassians into Corcomroe, and they carried thence great spoils ;
but a multitude of the Dalcassians were there killed »].
Cath et/r Dub da leithe, cowarba Patraic 9 7 Murchadh Hua
Mzil-Sechlainn, comurba Finden 7 Coluim cille, a cosnum Mar-
tniigi, co memaidh 2 re comurba Patraic 7 re mBachaill Issu,
co torc/jratar ili arm [« A battle between Dub da lethe, a suc-
cessor of S. Patrick, and Murchad Hua Mael-Sechlainn, a suc-
cessor ofSS. Findian and Colomb cille, contending for Martar-
1 . MS. gerruididir
2 . mcbaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 397
thech ; and the victory was gained by S. Patrick's successor
and by the Staff of Jesus, so that many fell there »].
Mael-duin mac Gilla Odran, espoc Alban 7 ordan Gaedel o
cleircib, in Christo qwieuit [« Mael-duin, son of Gilla Odrain,
bishop of Scotland, and glory of the clergy of the Gaels, rest-
ed in Christ »].
Cendfaeladh lethri Ciarraighe T do marbadh do Choncobur
mac Muiredhaigh do rig na leithe aile do Ciamw^f [« Cenn-
faelad, one of the two kings of Kerry, was killed by Con-
chobar, son of Muredach, king of the other half of Kerry »].
Gilla Padra/V ri Osraige do ec [« Gilla Patraic, king of Os-
sory, died »].
Crech la Mwrchadh Hiia mBriain ar Corcowruadh, co tuc
crech esti, cor' loisc dawliag Cilli Findabrach, 7 co torchair
sochaidhi mor iwd [« A raid by Murchad Hiia Briain on Cor-
comroe, and he took a great prey thereout, and he burnt the
stone-house of Kilfenora, and a great multitude fell therein »].
M.lui. [AU. 1056. AI. 1039. CS. 1054. ALC. 1056.
FM. 1056].
Kl. ii. faria. luna x. Cetfaidh espoc, cend crabaidh2 Muman,
qmeiiit [« Cetfaid, bishop, head ot Minister's piety, rested »J.
Mac Cerwachaiw Guit do marbadh do C&wchobur H/m
MaelSechlainn [« The son of Cernachan the Stammerer was
killed by Conchobar Hua MaelSechlainn ». In marg. fee so].
Fland Mainistreach ughdar Gaidhel, etir leighiwd 7 tsen-
ch/yj 7 filidecht 3 7 airchedal [« Flann Manistrech, the Gaels'
author, both in literature and history and poetry and versifi-
cation » ] in .uii. kl. DeciwbnV, xui. \unae, uitam feliqwit^r
in Christo finiuit.
Odhar mac Flaiwd, ri Callraighe4? [« king of the Calraige »]
iugulatus 5 est.
i MS. ciarraidhe 4. Callraidhe
2 . crabaigh 5 . iugal
3 . filigecht
398 Whitley Stokes.
Doornail mac in Guit do marbad do Chonchcbar Him Mael-
Sechlainn [« Domnall, son of the Stammerer, was killed by
Conchobar Hua MaelSechlainn »].
M.luii. [AU. 1057. AI. 1040. CS. 1055. ALC. 1057.
FM. 1057].
Kl. iiii. feria luna xx .i. Dungal1 Hua Donwchadha n Caisil
[« king of Cashel »] occisus est.
Cath et/V Firu manach 7 m#c Ne[i]ll H/h' Ruairc .i. Ualgarg,
co torchair mac Ne[i]ll cum multis [« A battle between the
men of Fermanagh and Ualgarg, the son of Niall Hua Ruairc,
wherein fell the son of Niall, with many (others) »].
MaelRuanaid Hua Focartaig, n desceirt Eli [« king of the
south of Eli »] occisus est.
Mugrow Hua Mutan, cowurba Barra 7 esp0£, occis«5- est
o[a] munt/r fen ar taidecht on iairmerghi. [« Mugron Hua Mu-
tain, successor of S. Barre and bishop, was slain by his own
community as he was coming from the nocturn »].
M.luiii. [AU. 1058. CS. 1056. ALC. 1058. FM. 1058].
Kl. u. feria. luna ii. M.l.uiii. Lulach, n Alban, do
[la Mael] Coluim mac Donwchfl^a per dolum [« Lulach, king
of Scotland, was treacherously killed by Mael-Coluimb, son
ofDonnchad »].
Creach la hAedh Hua Concobuii 7 lasna Sin«cho, coro
airgset Lothra [« A raid by Aed Hua Conchobair and by the
Foxes, and they ravaged Lorrha »].
Sluaigedh la mac Mail na mbo isin M«wain, coro loisc
Luimneach, 7 conus-tomid Donwchadh mac Briai/z, co tard
cat[h] do, cor' muidh 2 for mac mBriaw, cor' marbadh and
[Cairbre] Htia Lighdha comurba Ailbe ; 7 Rigbardan mac Con-
1. MS. Dondchadh.
2 . muigh
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 399
corne, n Eile. I Sleib chrot [fo. I9a2] tucadh an cath sin 7
atorcratar ill and. [« A hosting by the son of Mael na mbo
into Munster, and he burnt Limerick. But Donnchad, son of
Brian, overtook him and gave him battle. Brian's son was defea-
ted, and Cairbre Hua Ligda, S. Ailbe's successor, was killed
there, and Rigbardan, son of Cu-corne, king of the Eili. On
Sliab Grot (Mount Grud) that battle was delivered, and many
fell therein »].
Longes la mac rig Lochland, co nGallaib Indsi Orcc 7
Indsi Gall 7 Atha cliath, do gabail rigi Saxan, acht nocor'
deonaig Dia sin [« A fleet (led) by the son of the king of
Norway, with the Foreigners of the Orkneys and the He-
brides and Dublin, to seize the kingdom of England; but to
this God consented not »].
Mac bethadh mac Fiwdlaich, airdri Alban, do marbad do
MaelColaim mac Dondchada [« Mac-bethad (« filius uitae »), son
of Findlaech, overking of Scotland, was killed by Malcolm,
son of Donnchad »].
Gallbrat Hiia Cerbaill, r/^dawna Tewrach, do marbtfJ la
Concobw H//# M&elSecblainn tre mebail [« Gallbrat, grandson
of Cerball, crownprince ofTara, was treacherously killed by
Conchobar Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Domnall mac Neill Ua-Ruairc occisus est.
iiii. [AU. 1059. AI. 1042. CS. 1057. ALC. 1059.
FM. 1059].
Kl. ui. {eria. luna .xiii1. Concobar Hua Mae\Sechlainn do
loscud 7 do argai« Fiwdabrach Eaba 7 Dubadha [« Conchobar
Hua MaelSechlainn burnt and plundered Findabair Eba (Fen-
nor, on the Boyne) and Dowth »].
Sluaiged la Diarmuit mac Mail na mbo co Midhi, co far-
gaib drem moir dia muintfr and, im Murchert&ch mac nDal-
baigh mac Mzelruanaid [« A hosting by Diarmait, son of
Mael na mbo, to Meath, where he lost a large body of his
i . MS. xui
400 Whitley Stokes.
people, including Murchertach, son of Dalbach, son of Mael-
ruanaid »].
Niall Ua Mael-doraigh, ri Ceneoil Chowaill, do ec i n-aith-
righe [« Niall Hua Mael-doraig, king of the Kindred of Co-
nail,, died in repentance »].
Ruaidri Hua Gadhra, r/^downa Luigw£, [« crownprince of
Luigni »] occisus est.
Duarcan Hua hEagra a suis occisus est.
Cathal mflcTigernaw mate Ne[i]ll mate Aedha H-iii Ruairc,
ri Brefne 7 airrtfo'r Chondacht, do marbadh do Aedh Hww
Ruairc .i. Aedh mac Airt Uallaig. [« Cathal, son of Tigernan,
son of Niall, son of Aed Hua Ruairc, king ot Brefne and the
east of Connaught, was killed by Aed Hua Ruairc, namely,
Aed, son of Art the Proud »].
Creachsluaiged la Diarwuit mac Mail na mbo isin Mwwain,
coro loisc Dun maic Ingair 7 Aenacfh] Tedi 7 Dun Fwudran
[« A foray by Diarmait, son of Mael na mbo, into Minister,
where he burnt Dun maic Ingair and Nenagh and Dun Fu-
rudrain »].
Congalach Htia Riacan, r/^dawna Tetfitach, do mzrbad la
Mwrcadh mac nDiarmuta. Gilla Caemgin 7 Gilla Cowgaill 7
Mael-mordha mac Maic Faelan do marbadh don Murchadh
chetna. [« Congalach Hua Riacain, crownprince of Tara, was
killed by Murchad, son of Diarmait. Gilla Coemgin and Gilla
Comgaill and Mael-morda, son of Mac Faelain, were killed by
the same Murchad »].
Murchadh mac Mwrchadha H/h' Bricc, ri na nDese Mwwan,
do marbad la mac Gilla Brighdi Hiii Faelan [« Murchad, son
of Murchad Hua Bricc, king of the Desi of Minister, was kill-
ed by the son of Gilla Brigte Hua Faelain »].
O Faircella/V cowurba m'Aedoic la Condachtz 7 la Laigniu,
qwieuit [(Conaing) Hua Fairchellaig, successor of my Aedoc
in Connaught and Leinster, rested »].
Dondchod mac Briaiw do dul a teach Ruaidri Hui Chonco-
bair rig Con[n]acht, co tucadh a riar do braighdib do [« Donn-
chad, son of Brian, submitted to (literally, went into the house
of) Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, king of Connaught, to whom
were given all the hostages that he desired »].
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 401
M.lx. [AU. 1060. AI. 1043. CS. 1058. ALC. 1060.
FM. 1060].
Kl. uii. fm'a. luna, xx.iiii '. Cenanww^ do loscadh 7 Leith-
glend [« Kells was burnt, and Leighlin »] ex maghna parte.
Heili 7 Ua-Focartai do argaiw Cluawa maic Nois, co rucsad
bruit moir o Chrois na screbtra, 7 cor' marbadh dis and .i.
mac leigind 7 oclach eli, co roisis Dia 7 Ciaran Delbna ina
ndiaidh 2, cor' laissed a n-ar aw rigdawna Hiia Focarta, air is
esidhe romarb in fer leigmd. Dorocht tra a mbu trath eirgi do
lo arnamarach co Cluain tre fertaib Ciaram [« The Eli and the
Hui Focartai plundered Clonmacnois and took many prison-
ers out of Cross na screptra ; and two persons were killed
there, a student and another layman. So God and S. Ciaran
commanded the Delbna to pursue them, and they left their
slaughtered men, including the crownprince of the Hui Fo-
carta, for he it was that had killed the student. Now on the
morrow, at sunrise, their cattlespoil came (back) to Clonmac-
nois through S. Ciaran's miracles »].
Anadh Hua Lochlaiwd, ri Corcomruad [« king of Cor-
comroe »] mortuus est.
Mac Briaiw do dul a teach maic Mail na mbo, co tuc seoit
7 maine iwda do [« The son of Brian submitted to the son of
Mael na mbo, and gave him abundant jewels and treasures »].
M.lxi. [AU. 1061. AI. 1044. CS. 1059. ALC. 1061.
FM. 1061].
Kl. Sluaighedh la hAedh Hua Conchobair 'sa Mumain, cor'
loisc Cill da Lua 7 co[r']scail coraidh ? Cind choradh co lar, co
nduatar4 na bratain robatar a tiprait Chind chorad, cor' mu-
1 . MS. uii.
2. ndiaigh
3 . coraigh
4. in marg. fee so « see this »
Revue Celtique, XVII. 26
402 Whitley Stokes.
radh an tipra dia es [« A hosting by Aed Hua Gwchobair into
Munster, where he burnt Killaloe and demolished the weir of
Kincora, and they ate up the salmon that lived in the well of
Kincora, and afterwards the well was destroyed » ].
Teidm mor a Laignib .i. in bolgach 7 treghaid, cor' ladh
ar daine sechnow Laighen [« A great pestilence in Leinster, to
wit, the smallpox and colic, so that there was a destruction of
people throughout Leinster »].
Murchadh mac Diarmuda maic Mail na mbo do dhul a Ma-
naind, co tuc cain esti 7 cor' bris for mac Ragnaill [« Mur-
chad, son of Diarmait son of Mael na mbo, invaded Mann
and took a tribute out of it, and defeated RagnalPs son »].
Niall mac Mail&dto0f7/, n Ailig, do ec. [« Niall son of
MaelSechnaill, king of Ailech, died »].
Fland Hua Cellaig r/ Bregh do warbad dona Saitnib [« Fland
Hua Cellaig, king of Bregia, was killed by the Saithni »].
Mundt^r Murchadha do gabail {or Loch Oirbsen, cor' athri-
ghsat O Conchobair [« The Munter Murchada (i. e. the O'
Flahertys) attacked Lough Corrib, and deposed (Aed) Hua
Conchobair »].
Gairbith Hua Fallomain do mzrbad le Gairbith Hua Cat/;w-
jaigh, rig fer mBregh [« Gairbith Hua Fallomain was killed by
Gairbith Hua Cathasaig, king ot the men of Bregia »].
Gairbith ri Bregh [« king of Bregia »] mortuus est.
Ua Cathail, n Eoganachta, do tabairt a damliag Maenaigh 7
a marbadh. [« Hiia Cathail, king of the Eoganacht, was
taken out of the stone-house of Maenach, and killed »].
Mflc Dumaing, n Hua mBriuin [« king of the Hui Briain »]
Ruaidhri Hua Flait[h]bertaigh do mzrbad la hAed Hua
Cawc[h]obair [« Ruaidri Hiia Flaithbertaig was killed by Aed
Hua Conchobair »J.
Niall mac MzilSecbnaill, n Cene[oi]l Eogain [« king of the
Kindred of Eogan »] in Christo qwieuit.
Flaithbmach O Briaiw do marbadh do Choncobar O Briaiw
[« Flaithbertach Hua Briain was killed by Conchobar Hua
Briain »1.
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment.
M.lxii. [AU. 1062. CS. 1060. FM. 1062].
Kl. iii. ieria. luna xii. [leg. xui]. Tadhg mac Aeda Hz« Con-
cobair do marbadh do mac Aeda maic Ruaidhri a fell [« Tadg,
son of Aed Hua Conchobair, was treacherously killed by the
son of Aed, son of Ruaidri »].
Eochaid mac Neill meic Eochadha n \J\ad mortuus est1.
[« Eochaid, son of Niall, son of Eochaid, king of Ulster, died »].
Htia Mail-doraigh, cowurba Cholaim cilli [« a successbr of
S. Colomb-cille »] quieuit.
[AU. 1063. AI. 1046. CS. 1060. ALC. 1063. FM. 1063].
Kl. Ian. - iiii. feria, luna .xx.uii. Bli&fcm deirid chiccail
.i.d.xxx.ii 3. Dionisi inso [« this is the last year, i. e. the 532d,
of the cycle of Dionysius (Exiguus) »].
Gilla erraith Hua Mael-mithigh, ard-oicthigwn na nGae-
dhel, [« chief prince of the Gaels »] mortuus est.
Cathal mac Dondchada, r/ O n-Eachach 7 desc/rt Erenn,
ocdsus est on Findsuilech [« Cathal, son of Donnchad, king of
the Hui Echach and the south of Ireland, was slain by the
Fair-eyed », his own son].
Mac Eochach, n U\ad [« king of Ulster »] qwieuit. [fo. I9bi]
Sluaiged la Toirrdelbach Rt'ta mBriain 7 la mac Mail na mbo,
cor' loiscset Luiwnech 7 co... Luachair iarsiw. Tanic mac
Briaiw 7 a mac Mwrchadh co socraidi moir tar Sinamd atuaidh,
cor'gabsat gabala ic Sliab Ardachaidh4 a n-Eoganacht, co tar-
raidh> Tairrdelbach iat im Eas Moingelan, 7 gmther cath
[e]atwr[r]o, cor' muid 6 ar mac mBriaiw 7 ar a m#c, cor' ladh
1 . In marg. n
2. MS. a
3. xxx. u.
4. MS. ardachaigh
5 . tarraigh
6. muigh
404 Whit ley Stokes.
a n-ar im Coin medha mac nDunlflwg 7 im Faelan mac Mur-
chadha n^dawna Laigen 7 im Scandlan Hua nDunlaing [« A
hosting by Toirdelbach Hua Briain and by the son of Mael
na mbo, and they burnt Limerick and ... Luachair after-
wards. Brian's son, and his son Murchad came with a great
army over the Shannon from the north, and they took spoils
at Slieveardagh in Eoganacht ; but Tordelbach overtook them
at Ess Moingelan, and a battle between them is fought, and
Brian's son and his son were defeated, and their troops were
slaughtered, including Cu meda, son of Dunlang, and Faelan,
son of Murchad, crownprince of Leinster, and Scandlan Hua
Dunlaing »].
[AU. 1064. AI. 1047. CS. 1061. ALC. 1064. FM. 1064].
Kl. Dub da leithi, comurba PatmzV, [« a successor of S. Pa-
trick »], quieuit.
Donwchadh mac Briaiw Boroma, n Muwan, do athrighad,
7 a dul do Roiw dia ailit&ri, co w-erbuilt iar mbuaidh n-ait[h]-
righe a mainisttV Sdefaiw [« Donnchad, son of Brian Boroma,
king of Munster, was dethroned, and went to Rome on a pil-
grimage, and (there) died, in the monastery of Stephen, after
victory of repentance »].
Ardgal mac Lochlazwd Hui Neill mortuus est.
[AU. 1065. AI. 1048. CS. 1062. ALC. 1065. FM. 1065].
Kl. [feria .uii.] \una [.xx.] Orgain Cluana mate Now do
Conmaicne j do Uib Mane. Cluain ferta Brenaiwd do argain
arnamarach doib. It e andsa na righ robatar aeon argaiw sin
.i. Aedh macmeic Neill Hui Ruairce, n Brefne, 7 mac Taidhg
Hui Cellaigh 7 a m#c. Tuc Aed Hua Gwcobair maidw forro
arnamarach tre rath Chiaram, co fargsat a muntzV 7 a longa
tucsat leo on fairrgi aniar tre Iar Condacht co Simind. Diar-
muit mac Taidhg Hui Cellaig j a mac 7 Hua Flaithb^rtaigh
do warbfld la hAedh Ht'ia Cowchobair ria cind mbliadne. Hua
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 405
Ruairc do ec 'sa bliadain cetnz tre fertaib Ciaraiw. [« The
plundering of Clonmacnois by the Conmaicne and the Hui
Maini. Clonfert was plundered by them on the morrow.
These are the kings who were at that plundering, namely,
Aed, son of the son of Niall Hua Ruairc, king of Brefne, and
the son of Tadg Hua Cellaig, and his son. On the morrow,
through the grace of S. Ciaran, Aed Hua Conchobair inflicted
a defeat upon them, so that they lost their people and their
vessels which they had brought from the sea eastward, through
the midst of Connaught, as far as the Shannon. Diarmait,
son of Tadg Hua Cellaig, and his son, and Hua Flaithbertaig
were killed by Aed Hua Conchobair before the year's end.
Hua Ruairc died in the same year, through S. Ciaran's mi-
racles »].
Mac Mail-miadhaigh Hui Eolais do marbfld la Ua Cowco-
buir. [« The son of Mael-miadaig Hua Eolais was killed by
Hiia Conchobair »].
Dondchadh Hua Mathgamna, ri Ulad. [« king of Ulster »]
per dolum occisus est.
Donnchadh Hua Loingsigh, ri Dal-Araidhe [« king of Da-
laradia »] mortuus est.
Leochan mac Mate Maelan, ri Gaileng, occisus est la Con-
cobar Hua MaelSechlainn [« Leochan, son of Mac Maelain,
king of the Galenga, was slain by Conchobar Hiia MaelSech-
lainn »].
Murchadh Hua Briaiw do dul a longport Tairrdelbfl/^ Hid
Briain a Ci77dcoradh, cur' ladh ar daine and [« Murchad Hua
Briain penetrated the camp of Tordelbach Hiia Briain at
Kinkora, and there a slaughter of men was inflicted »].
[AU. 1066. CS. 1063. ALC. 1066. FM. 1066].
Kl. [feria .i.] lum* .i. Retla mongach ingnadh adhbal do
faisciw ism aer dia-mairt iar minchaisc hie octkalaind1 Mai
co .ui.xx. fuirre. Rob e [a] med 7 a soillsi co n-erbartatar daine
i . MS. pmkl
406 Whitley Stokes,
corbo esca, 7 co cend cet^ri la bai and [« A hairy star,
strange, enormous, was seen in the air on Tuesday after Little
Easter, at the 8th of the kalends of May (April 24) with
the 26th (of the moon) thereon. Such were its size and bright-
ness that men said it was a moon. And to the end of four
days it remained thus »].
Gilla Bruidi mac Domnaill meic Tigernain maic Ualgairg
meic Neill Ua-Ruairc, n Breifne, do marbadh do mac Gilla
chuirr Hiii Chinaith do cois mairt ic Oilen Duinechair ar
Loch mac Nen [« Gilla Braite, son of Domnall, son of Tiger-
nan, son of Ualgarg, son of Niall Hua Ruairc, king of Brefne,
was killed by the son of Gilla corr Hua Cinaith, with the
leg of a beef at Oilen Duinechair on Lough-macneane »].
Aibiwd ingen Htii ConcotwttV ben Hui Muiricen quieuit.
[« Oebind, daughter of Hua Cowchobair and wife of Hua
Muiricen, rested »].
Mac Coming Hui Mwzricen, r/gxlawna Teftha, do marbtfd
la hAedh Hiia Cowcobair 7 la Tadg Hiia Muiricen. Luach .xxx.
unga dh'or do tabairt o Tairrdelbach Huu Briaiw 7 o Mail na
mbo d'Aedh Huu Choncobair, ar chongnww leo 7 a congno^i
leis [« The son of Conang Hua Muiricen, crownprince of
Teffa, was killed by Aed Hua Conchobair and by Tadg Hua
Muiricen. A payment of thirty ounces of gold was given by
Toirdelbach Hua Briain and by Mael na mbo to Aed Hua
Conchobair for helping them, and they helped him »].
Caeworan comurba Caindigh [« successor of S. Cainnech »]
[AU. 1067. AI. 1050. CS. 1064. ALC. 1067. FM. 1067].
Kl. Murchadh Hua Carrtaigh, primdruith 7 primollo;;/ Con-
dacht, do bathadh ar Loch Calgaigh1 [« Murchad Hua Car-
thaig, chief druith (?) and chief professor of Connaught, was
drowned on Loch Calgaig »].
Dond-sleibe Hua Gadra, r/^damna Luigne, do marbadh do
i . MS. calgaidh
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 407
Brian O Gadhra [« Donn-slebe Hua Gadra, crown-prince of
the Luigne, was killed by Brian Hua Gadra »].
Coileachair espoc Cltiana maic Nois [« bishop of Clonmac-
nois »] (\u\euit.
Tadhg Hua Muiricen, airdri Teftha, occisus est o Muintir
Tlaman [« Tadg Hua Muiricein, overking of Teffa, was slain
by the Muinter Tlamain »].
Sluaiged la Diarmuit mac Mail na mbo co nGalk/£ 7 Laig-
nib 7 la Domnall Hua nGilla P&traic co n-Osraigi 7 la Tairr-
delbach Hua mBriaiw co feraib Muwan uile co hAedh Htia
Cowcobair a Con[n]ackfaib, co tuc Aedh fuabairt forro, cur'
marbadh 0 Concobair Ciarraighi r and .i. n Ciarraighi Luac^ra,
cum muiltis nobilibus2. Tancatar didiu fir Brefne im Aedh
mac Airt Hui Ruairc do indradh Cond#r/tf mar in c#na. Tri
fichit cet a lin. Ferthair cath amnus aniarmurtach .i. Gw[n]-
adrta. im Aedh in ga bmiaigh mac Taidg in e[i]ch gil, 7 fir
Brefne im Aedh m^c Airt Uzllaig meic Aeda meic sen-F^rgail,
7 tucad cath Twrlaigh Adhnaigh? [ejatwrru, a torchair Aed in
gha bemaigb, airdri Cow[n]acht uile, 7 [fo. i9b 2] caithmihW
iarthair domain, 7 Cu-cu\ainn na nGaedhil, tuile ordain 7
oireachais na hEriwd, duine is mo dobered d'etach 7 d'mnmus,
d'or 7 d'echaib ar a anwain a nErinn. Robo re[i]l trocaire De
do ara mzithius. Aedh Hua Ruaircc a righi Conwacht iarom.
[« A hosting by Diarmait, son of Mael na mbo, with the
Foreigners and Leinstermen, and by Domnall Hua Gilla-Patraic
with Ossory, and by Toirdelbach Hua Briain with the men
of the whole of Munster, to Aed Hua Conchobair in Con-
naught. And Aed attacked them, and Hua Conchobair of
Kerry, the king of Ciarraige Luachra, was killed there, toge-
ther with many nobles. Then came the men of Brefne, includ-
ing Aed, son of Art Hua Ruairc, to ravage Connaught in
like manner. Three score hundreds was his number. A battle,
fierce and ruthless, is fought, the Connaughtmen surrounding
Aed of the Gapped Spear, son of Tadg of the White Horse,
1 . MS. ciarraidhi
2. nobiles
3 . leg. Aghnaigh ?
408 Whitley Stokes.
and the men ofBrefne surrounding Aed, son of Art the Proud,
son of Aed, son of Fergal senior. And the battle of Turlach
Adnaig was delivered between them, wherein fell Aed of the
Gapped Spear, overking of all Connaught, and battle-soldier of
the west of the world, and the Cu-chulainn of the Gaels, the
flood-tide of glory and dignity of Erin, the man who most in
Ireland used to bestow raiment and wealth, gold and horses
for sake of his soul. God's mercy was manifest to him for his
goodness. Aed Hua Ruairc succeeded him in the kingship of
Connaught »].
[AU. 1068. AI. 1051. CS. 1065. ALC. 1068. FM. 1068].
Kl. Murchadh Hua Briain, no-damna Erenn, do marb^(h) la
feraib Teftha [« Murchad Hua Brian, crownprince of Ireland,
was killed by the men of Teffa »].
Down all Ua MaelS&^/azwt, r/ Ceneoil Eogain, duiwe as
craibthighe robai a n-Erind ina aimsir fen, [« Domnall Hua
Mael-Sechlainn, king of the Kindred of Eogan, the devoutest
man that dwelt in Ireland in his time, »] a faatre suo occiss«5
[CS. 1066. FM. 1069].
Kl. [Diarmait mac Matadain] mate GadhraH/h'Duwadhaigh,
n Sil n-Anmchadha, do marbadh d'Ua Matadhan [« Diar-
mait, son of Matadan, son of Gadra Hua Dunadach, king of
the Sil Anmchada, was killed by Hua Matadain »].
Sluaighed la Mwrchadh mac Diarmuda maic Mail na mbo a
Midhi, cor' loisc Granard 7 Fabur Feichin 7 Ard Brecaw. Ro
marb didiu Feichin eisin gnuis do ghnuis, 7 ar Laigen 7 Gall
i/wmaille friss. [« A hosting by Murchad, son of Diarmait,
son of Mael na mbo, into Meath, and he burnt Granard and
S. Fechin's Fore, and Ardbrackan. So S. Fechin killed him,
face to face, and along with him was a slaughter of Lein-
stermen and Foreigners »].
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 409
[AU. 1069. AI. 1053. CS. 1067. ALC. 1070. FM. 1069].
Kl. Murchadh mac Diarmwta maic Mail na mbo, n Laigen
7 Gall, mortuus est i n-Ath cliath [« Murchad, son of Diar-
mait, son of Mael na mbo, king of Leinster and the Forei-
gners, died in Dublin »].
Conchobar mac in Cleirig Hiii Cowchobair n^dawna Con-
[n]acht, do mzrload do Uib Fallowuin [« Conchobar, son of the
Cleric Hiia Conchobair, crownprince of Connaught, was kil-
led by the Hui Fallomain »].
Glim iaraiwd Hiia Mail na mbo do marbadh do feraib Midhi
[« Glun iaraind (« Iron-Knee »), grandson of Mael na mbo,
was killed by the men of Meath »].
Murchadh Liathanach Hiia Cowcobair, r/^dawna Con[n]acbt,
do marbtfd do Chonmaicnib a fell [« Murchad Liathanach Hua
Concobair, crownprince of Connaught, was treacherously
killed by the Conmaicni »].
Cond mac meic Cuiwd, n Teftha, occissw^ est o feraib
Brefne, cum aliis multis r [« Conn, son of Mac Cuinn, king
of Teffa, was killed, with many others, by the men of Brefne »].
Muirckrtach Riia Cowcobair, r/ Hua Failghe, do d&llad la
derbrathair fen [« Muirchertach Hiia Conchobair, king of Of-
faly, was blinded by his own brother »].
[AU. 1070. AI. 1054. CS. 1068. FM. 1071].
KL Enair for Satharnw 7 .xx.ui. [leg. .xu. ?] iuirri [« The
calends of January on a Saturday, and it was the 26th day ot
the moon »].
Ruaidhri Hiia Canandan, n Thiri Cowaill, do marbadh
[« Ruaidri Hua Canannain, king of Tyrconnell, was killed »].
O Mael Ruanaid, ri \Jlad, do mzrbad [« Hua Maeil Rua-
naid, king of Ulster, was killed »J.
i . ML. ailis muilti's
410 Whitley Stokes.
Mac Rigbardan mate Con-corne, n Eli, 7 mac Gilla Brighdi
H/// Mail-muaidh, r/ Per cell, occisus est [« The son of Rig-
bardan, son of Cii-corne, king of the Eli, and the son of
Gilla Brigte Hua Mail-muaid, king ot the Fir cell, were slain »].
[AU. 1071, 1072. AI. 1055. CS. 1069. FM. 1072],
Kl. Enrtz'r for downach 7 .ui. [leg. uii ?] fwfrri [« The first of
January on a Sunday, and the sixth (of the moon) there-
on »].
Diarmuit mac Mail na mbo, r/ Breatan 7 Indsi Gall 7 Atha
cliath 7 Leithi Mogha Nuadhad, do marbadh la Concobm Hua
MaelSftrMmm a cath Odba, 7 ar diairimthe do Gdlaib 7 do
Lzignib uiwe [« Diarmait, son of Mael na mbo, king of Bri-
tons and the Hebrides and Dublin and Mug Nuadat's Half
(the southern half of Ireland) was killed by Conchobar Hua
Mael-Sechlainn in the battle of Odba, and an innumerable
slaughter of Foreigners and Leinstermen around him »].
Hua Flaithri, ri U\ad, 7 a mac Aisidh, r/ Hiia nGabla, da
loscad a tigh tenedh 7 sochaidhe I olchena [« Hua Flaithri,
king of Ulster, and his son Aisid, king of the Hui Gabla, were
burnt in a house set on fire, and a multitude besides »].
[AU. 1073. AI. 1056. CS. 1070. ALC. 1073. FM. 1073].
Kl. Enair for Mairt 7 .xuiii. 2 fuirri [« The kalends of Ja-
nuary on Tuesday, and the eighteenth (day of the moon) »
Gwcobur Hiia MztlSecblainn, r/ Te;;/mrh, do marbadh do
mac a derbrathar fern .i. do Murckrtach H//// MzelSechlainn
tre mebail. A chenn do breith ar eicin asa adhnacal o Cluai/i
m^ic Nois co Cend coradh la Toirrdelbach Hiia mBriaiw dia
haine Chase mor. Rucadh in cend c^na fothuaidh dia-do;/i-
1 . MS. sochaighe
2 . xuii.
1 he Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 41 1
naigh aris co w-dib failgib oir iwmaille friss tna firt 7 mirbuilib
Dia 7 Ciarain. [« Conchobar Hua MaelSechlainn, king of
Tara, was treacherously killed by his own brother's son,
Muirchertach Hua MaelSechlainn. His head was taken by
force out of his grave from Clonmacnois to Kinkora by
Toirdelbach HuaBriain on Good Friday.' Through the virtue
and miracles of God and S. Ciaran, the same head was
brought back again from the south on Sunday, along with two
rings of gold »].
[AU. 1074. AI. 1057. CS. 1071. FM. 1074].
Kl. Enair for cefain j .ix. dec [leg. xxix?] fuirri [« The
kalends of January on a Wednesday, and the nineteenth (day
of the moon) thereon »].
Dunan airdespoc Atha cliath [« archbishop of Dublin »] in
pace quieuit.
Duwchadh Hi'ta Cellaig, airdri H-tia Maine [« overking of the
Hui Maini »] occisus est a faatre suo per dolum.
[AU. 1075. AI. 1056. CS. 1072. ALC. 1075. FM. 1075].
Kl. for dardain 7 .x. fuirre [« The calends (of January) on
a Thursday and the tenth (day of the moon) thereon »].
Hua Canandan, ri Ceneoil Cowaill [« king of the Kindred
ofConall »] mortuusest.
Gofraidh x n Gall do ec [« Godfrey, king of the Foreigners,
died »].
Sluaigedh la Tairrdelb^/; Rua mBriain co hAth Fir-dhiadh,
co forgla fer n-Erenn uime, do chuindcidh giall for Oirgisllaib
7 for Ulltatfj acbt ro iwpa cen giallo, cen etzre, iar marbadh
dreme dia muntir [« A hosting by Tordelbach Hua Briain to
Ardee, accompanied by the choice of the men of Ireland, to
demand hostages from the Airgeill and the Ulaid. But he re-
i. MS. Gofraigh
412 Whitley Stokes.
turned without hostages or pledges, after some of his people
had been killed »].
[AU. 1076. AI. 1059. CS. 1073. ALC. 1076. FM. 1076].
Kl. enfl/r for aenditen 7 .xxi. [leg. xxii ?] fuirri [« The ca-
lends of January on a Friday, and the 2ist (day of the moon)
thereon »].
Murchadh Ua Flaiwd Hi'ti MaelSechlainn do marbad la hAm-
laim mac Maelan, rig Gzileng, i cloictheach Cenandsa a me-
buil, 7 a marbtfd fen focMoir, tre firt Coluim chille, la Mael-
Sechlainn mac Conchobair [« Murchad, grandson of Fland Htia
MaelSechlainn, was treacherously killed by Olaf, son of Mael-
an, king of the Galenga, in the bell-house of Kells, and
straightway, through a miracle of S. Colomb cille's, Olaf
himself was killed by Mael-Sechlainn, son of Conchobar »].
[AU. 1077. CS. 1074. ALC. 1077. FM. 1077].
Kl. enair for downach 7 .ii. fuirri [« The calends of January
on a Sunday, and the second (of the moon) thereon »].
Cluain mate Nois do loscadh cenmotha tewpull Remain
Chiarain x [« Clonmacnois was burnt, excepting the church of
S. Ciaran's Gapling », a bell].
Murchadh mtfc Conchobair Hiii MaelSechlainn do marb^Jh
do feraib Teftha per dolum [« Murchad, son of Conchobar
Hua Mael-Sechlainn, was treacherously killed by the men of
Teifa »].
INghen Htii Focartaig, ben Tairrdelb^/^ Hui Briaiw,, do ec,
7 cradh diairwe do facbail [ ] cona. cdlaib di. [« (Gorm-
laith), daughter of Hua Focartaig and wife of Tordelbach Hua
Briain, died, and countless wealth was left by her [ ]
with its (or their) churches »].
i. MS. bcrnan chiaran
The Annals of Tiger nach. Fourth Fragment. 41
[AU. 1078. AI. 1061. CS. 1075. ALC. 1078. FM. 1078].
Kl. enazV fbrluan 7 .xiii. fuirre [« January i on a Monday,
and the 13th (day of the moon) thereon »].
Lethlobwr O Laidhgnen, ri Airgiall, do eg, 7 Concobflr
Hila Briaiw, ri Cene[oi]l Eogain j Domnall mac Tigernzin
Hui Ruairc, ri Conmaicne, omnes occisisunt1. [« Lethlobar
Hua Laidgnein, king of Oriel, died, and Conchobar Hua
Briain, king of the Kindred of Eogan, and Domnall, son of
Tigernan Hua Ruairc, king of the Conmaicne, all were
slain »].
Cendfaeladh mac Dungalaig, ri Muscraighi2 Thire, ordan
Muman, mortuus est [« Cenn-faelad, son of Dungalach, king of
Muscraige Tire, glory of Munster, died »].
[AU. 1079. AI. 1062. CS. 1076. ALC. 1079. FM. 1079].
Kl. enaz'r for mairt 7 xx.iiii.3 fuirre [« The calends of Ja-
nuary on a Tuesday, and the 24th (day of the moon) there-
on »].
Cellach Hua Ruanadha, ollam Erenn [« chief poet of Ire-
land »] quieuit.
Aedh Hua Flaithb^rtaig, ri iarthair Con[n]acht, do marbadh
la Ruaidhri Hua Conchobair [« Aed Hua Flaithbertaig, king
of the west of Connaught, was killed by Ruaidri Hua Con-
chobair »].
Argam na Cruaiche [fo. I9a i] la Tairdelb^/; Una mBriaiw
7 argain Lacha Bendchair lasiw rig c#na [« The rifling of
Croaghpatrick by Tordelbach Hua Briain, and the rifling of
Loch Bennchoir by the same king »].
Sluagad la Tairrdelbach Hua mBriam co hAth cliath 7 co
1 . MS. oi'nes occ'isus est
2 . muscrsLidhi
3. uii.
414 Whihey Stokes.
firu Midi, co tainic MaelSecblainn mac Conchobair ina theach
la comurba Padnz/V 7 la Bachaill Issa [« A hosting by Tordel-
bach Hua Briain as far as Dublin and the men of Meath ; and
MaelSechlainn, son of Conchobar, with S. Patrick's suc-
cessor and (the Keeper of) the Staff of Jesus, submitted to
him »].
[AU. 1080. FM. 1080].
Kl. enair for c^'/ain 7 coidd dec [leg. coiced uathaid ?] fuirn
[« The calends of January on a Wednesday, and the 15th (day
of the moon) thereon »].
Fir Teftha 7 Mundter Geradhan 7 Cairpn H/« Ciardha do
thecht ar creich a n-Uib Failge, co riachtatar co ttrmund
Chilli Eich (leg. Achaid?), cor' brisedh maidw forro, cor' mar-
badh and Hua Ciardha 7 mac Meic Finwbairr, taissech Mun-
teri Geradhan, 7 sochaide. mor [« The men of TefFa, and the
Munter Geradain, and the Cairbri Hui Ciarda went on a raid
into Offaly, and reached the glebe -of Cell eich (leg. Cell
Achaid ?), where a defeat was inflicted upon them, and Hua
Ciarda and the son of Mac Findbairr, chief of the Muinter
Geradain, and a great multitude, were slain »].
[AU. 1081. CS. 1077. ALC. 1081. FM. ioSi].
Kl. enflz'r lor aine 7 .xui. fw/rri [« The calends of January on
a Friday, and the i6th day of the moon »].
Mac Amalgha[da] Hiii Flaind, taisech Callraighi x, do mar-
badh do Mzel-SechMnn mac Conchobair [« The son of Amalgaid
Hiia Flaind, chief of the Calraige, was killed by MaelSech-
lainn, son of Conchobar »].
Ara na nae;« d'argaiw do Gzllaib [« Aran of the Saints was
rifled by the Foreigners »].
1 . MS. callraidhi
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 41 $
[AU. 1082. AI. 1065. CS. 1078. FM. 1082].
Kl. enair for satharrm 7 .xxuii. iuirn [« The calends of Ja-
nuary on a Saturday, and the 27* day of the moon) thereon »].
Domnall mac Taidhg Hid Chonchobair, n^dawna Con-
[njacht, do marbadh do Cathal mac Aedha Hui x Chonchobair
a fill [« Domnall, son of Tadg Hua Conchobair, crownprince
of Connaught, was treacherously killed by Cathal, son of
Aed Hua Conchobair »].
Cathal Hua Cowcobair do thecht la Ruaidhri mac Aedha in
ga bernaigh Hui Chonchobair, co socfrraiti moir uiwe [« Ca-
thal Hua Conchobair, with a great army around him, was
killed (literally, went) by Ruaidri, son of Aed of the Gapped
Spear »].
[AU. 1083. AI. 1066. CS. 1079. ALC. 1083. FM. 1083].
KL Aedh Hua MzelSechlainn, n Ail/g [« king of Ailech »]
mortuus est.
IN Meranach Hua hEochadha, ri \3\ad, do bathad a Luiw-
nech [« The Meranach, grandson ot Eochaid, king of Ulster,
was drowned at Limerick »].
Tadhg Hua Taidhg, comurba [Flandain] Cilli da Lua,
[« a successor of S. Flandan of Killaloe »] quieuit.
[AU. 1084. AI. 1067. CS. 1080, 1081. ALC. 1084.
FM. 1084].
Kl. enair for luan 7 .xx. fuirn [« January i on a Monday,
and the 2Oth (day of the moon) thereon »].
Cell da Lua 7 Tuaiw ngrene 7 Mag nfio a n-Orbraighe do
\oscud do Chonmaicmb [« Killaloe and Tomgraney and Mayno
in Orbraige were burnt by the Conmaicni »].
i . MS. ua
4i 6 Whitley Stokes .
Concobar Hua G?7fadha, ordan Muman [« glory of Mun-
ster »], mortuus est.
Donwchad mac Airt .i. in Cailech, maic Sen-Fergail Hiii
Ruairc, ri Brefne, co w-airrther Chondacbt 7 Cairpn 7 Gailenga,
do theacht il-Laignib, co tarraidh1 Murchenach2 Hua Briaiw,
ri Muman, co feraib Mwman 7 Gaill 7 Laigw 7 Osraige, co
tardsat cath Mona Cruinweoige, 7 cor' marbad and Dondchadh
Hua Ruaircc, ri aimhir Condacht, 7 Cend-edigh mac Briaiw,
rigdamna Erenn, j Congalach mac Murchadha Hui Conchobair
Failghi, et alii .iiii. mile testa and. Rucad cend meic Cailig,
righ Brefne, co Luimnech [« The king of Brefne, Donnchad,
son of Art, called « the Cock », son of Fergal Senior Hua
Ruairc, marched, with the people of East Connaught and
Cairbre and the Gailenga, into Leinster. But Murchertach
Hua Briain, king of Munster, with the men ofMunster, the
Foreigners, Leinster and Ossory, overtook him; and fought
the battle of Monecronock ; and therein were slain Donnchad
Hua Ruairc, king of the east of Connaught, and Cenn-etig,
son of Brian, crownprince of Ireland, and Congalach, son of
Murchad Hua Conchobair Failgi, and four thousand others
were lost there. The head of the son of « the Cock », king
of Brefne, was taken to Limerick »].
Teidm mor ism bliadain sin, cor' marb cet^raime fer
n-Erenn. Is and rogab artwj tes, 7 ro sir fo chet/;ri hairdib
Erenn. ISse fath fodera fochainw an tedma sin .i. deamwa
thancatar a hindsib tuaiscertachaib an domain .i. tnchath 7 .x.
cet arfichit cet each catha, zmal ro indis Aenghwj- Occ mac an
Dagh[d]a do Gilla Lughan ro tathaigedh an sith gach \Aiadain
aidhchi samna, 7 adchonwairc-siw fein aen-chath a Maistin
dib .i. cath robai ac milliud Laigen. IS amlaidh doces do m^c
Gilla Lughan iat, 7 gach leth da roichedh a tesbach 7 a
mbruth as and ro gabadh a nem. Ar robai claidim tenedh a brai-
ghid gach fir dib, 7 airdithir neolla nime gach fer dib. Gwidh
esin fochond an tedma sin.
[« A great pestilence in this year, which killed a fourth of the
1 . MS. tarraigh
2. written wan. rec. over Murchad
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 417
men of Ireland. It began in the south, and spread through-
out the four quarters of Ireland. This is the causa causans
of that pestilence, to wit, demons that came out of the north-
ern isles of the world, to wit, three battalions, and in each
battalion there were thirty and ten hundred and two thousand,
as Oengus 6c, the son of the Dagda, related to Gilla Lugan,
who used to haunt the fairy-mound every year on Halloween.
And he himself beheld at Maistiu one battalion of them which
was destroying Leinster. Even so they were seen by Gilla Lu-
gan's son; and wherever their heat and fury reached, there their
venom was taken. For there was a sword of fire out of the
gullet of each of them, and every one of them was as high as
the clouds of heaven. So that is the cause of this pestilence »].
[AU. 1085. CS. 1081. ALC. 1085].
Kl. enair ior c#ain, 7 aend& [leg. aen uathaid ?] fuirn 7
isi sin MJ.lxxx.u. bliadan o ge[i]n Crist. [« The calends of Ja-
nuary on a Wednesday, and on the IIth day of the moon ;
and this is the io85th year from the birth of Christ »].
Mtfc Domnaill Hiii Ruaircc, ri Una mBriuin Brefne [« The
son of Domnall Hua Ruairc, king of the Hui Briuin of Brefne »],
ocdsus est per dolum.
Treblaid mor galair tor Thoirrdelb^/; Hua mBriain, cor' be
a med cor' benadh a folt de [« A great tribulation of disease
on Tordelbach Hua Briain, and such was its greatness that
his hair was struck off him »].
[AU. 1086. AI. 1069. CS. 1082. ALC. 1086. FM. 1086].
Kl. enair .u. luna. xu. [leg. xii.] secundus annus bisextilis.
Mael-Issu Rua Brolchan, sruith-senoir Erenn 7 ardsai na h^na,
comdh e a med co nderna fen liubra 7 eladhna lanmora do
amaindse 7 do indleacht, 7 fuair bass a ngradsaib De [« Mael-
i . Ms. .m. mm.
Revue Celtique, XVII. 27
4i 8 Whitley Stokes.
tsu Hua Brolchain, venerable elder of Ireland, and arch-sage
of wisdom. So great was it that he himself made books and
treatises replete with acuteness and intellect. And he died in
the graces of God »].
Tsairdeltacb Hua Briaiw, n urmoir Erenn, mortuus est
[Ixx.uii. anno aetatis suae,] reighni autem [xxii] .i. isiwdara
bliadain ficbit a flaithjwja, cor' crichnaig a betha, co ndechaidh1
iar n-aithrighi. Tadhg a mac do ec in uno mense [« Tordel-
bach Hua Briain, king of the greater part of Ireland, died in
the 77th year of his age, but in the 22d of his reign — so his
life ended, and he departed after repentance. His son Tadg
died in one month »].
Maidm na Criwcha ria nGzllaib 7 Laignib {or MaelSechlainn
mac ConcoboiYj uibi cecidit Mael Ciaran Hua Cathasaigh 7
Mael-muaidh ri Per ceall, et alii. [« The rout of the Crinach,
inflicted by the Foreigners and the Leinstermen on MaelSech-
lainn, son of Conchobar, wherein there fell Mael Ciarain
Hua Cathasaig and Mael-muaid, king of Fir cell, and
others »].
IN Sindach Find .i. Cinaeth Hua Catharnaigh, ri Teftha, 7
a mac, 7 Hua Muiredhaigh, taissedb MuntzVe Tlaman, do mar-
badh a fill o MzelSechlainn mac Cowchobair ic Loch Muige
Luatha. [« The White Fox, i. e. Cinaeth Hua Catharnaig, and
his son, and Hua Muiredaig, chief of the Munter Tlamain,
were treacherously killed by MaelSechlainn, son of Conchobar,
at the Lake of Mag Luatha »].
Hua Baigellan, n Airgiall, occisus est o Gwaillib [« Hua
Baigellain, king of Oriel, was slain by the Conailli »].
[AU. 1087. AI. 1070. CS. 1083. ALC. 1087. FM. 1087].
Kl. enair. sexta teria [xx] .iii. [luna] M.ze\Secbla.inn macCon-
cobair ri Temrach, do marbad tre thangnacht [« Mael-Sech-
lainn, son of Conchobar, king of Tara, was killed through
guile »].
i . MS. ndechaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. Fourth Fragment. 419
Cath Conachla a Corand iter Ruaidhri na saighe buidhe,
mac Aedha in ga bernaigh, Hui Concobair 7 Aedh mac Airt
U&llaig Hui Ruairc, n Con[n]acht [fo. 19*2] co torchair and
Aedh Hua Ruairc 7 Muiredhach Hua hEolais 7 Sitriuc mac
Cow-sleibe Hui Fergail, 7 mac Gofraidh1 Hui Siriden, et ailii
multi. Ruaidri Hua Gwcobair as leis tucadh [« The battle of
Conachail (Cunghill) in Corann between Ruaidri of the Yellow
Bitch, son of Aed of the Gapped Spear, grandson of Con-
chobar, and Aed, son of Art the Proud, grandson of Ruarc,
king of Connaught ; and there fell therein Aed Hua Ruairc,
and Muiredach Hua Eolais, and Sitric, son of Cii-Slebe Hua
Fergail, and the son of Godfrey Hua Siriden, and many others.
'Tis by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair that this battle was deli-
vered »].
Cath Ratha Edair iter Laighniu 7 firu Muwan, cor' maidh2
for Laignib [« The battle of Raith Etair between the Leins-
termen and the men of Munster, and the Leinstermen were
routed »]. Muircfortach Hua Briain uictor fuit.
[AU. 1088. CS. 1084. ALC. 1088. FM. 1088].
Kl. enair for satharn 7 .iiii. fuirri [« January i on a Satur-
day, and the fourth (of the moon) thereon »].
Maidm Indsi Adarcaige? la Ruaidhri Hua Concobair for
Mmrcher tach Hua mBriam, du nar' cw/Vedh ar Muwan cownar'
leigedh a coblach secha siw, 7 dorad beous ar for choblach an
fir cMna. Tanic timchell tiar for in fairrge do indradh Con-
\ri\acht. [« The rout of Inis Adarcach [« Horned Island ») in-
flicted by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair on Murchertach Hua
Briain, wherein such a slaughter of Munster was made that
its fleet was not allowed to pass further, and Ruaidri also
slaughtered (the crews of) the same Murchertach's fleet,
which had come round westward over the sea to ravage Con-
naught »].
1 . MS. gafraig
2. muigh
420 Whitley Stokes.
INdradh Corcomruadh fo thn la Ruaidhri Hzk Conchobair
7 la Condddfcaib, 7 in tres fecht atorcratar and triar maith do
Cond#£/tfaib .i. Mac Cathail Htii Mugroin, taissech Clawdi
Cathazl, 7 Cu Sinwa mac Muirc^rtaigh, ta.issech Clainde To-
maltaigh, 7 Mac Gilla Cn'rf maic Echtigtrnw, taiss^/7 Corco
Achland [« The plundering of Corcomroe thrice by Ruaidri
Hiia Conchobair and the Connaughtmen ; and on the third oc-
casion.there fell three nobles of Connaught, namely, the son
of Cathal Hiia Mugroin, chief of Clan Cathail, and Cu Sinna,
son of Muirchertach, chief of Clan Tomaltaig, and the son of
Gilla-Crist, son of Echtigern, chief of Corco-Achlann »].
0^* Hue usq«£ Tigmiach scribsit .o.a0r. I qwieuit. -
(A suivre.) Whitley STOKES.
i. I do not understand this contraction. O' Conor expands it thus:
hoc anno, which makes good sense, but is, palaeographically, impossible.
. XVIII. — N° 1 Janvier 1897
.870-, 885
Membre de 1'Institut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Maitre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
Sommaire: Salomon REINACH, Les Vicrges de Sena, p. i. — Whitley STOKES,
The Annals of Tigernach (The Continuation), p. 9. — J. LOTH, Nimptha
en vieil-irlandais, p. 60. — Whitley Stokes, The Annals of Ulster, p. 74.
— R. MOWAT, Matantes, Sextanmanduius, Mullo, p. 87.
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THE CONTINUATION, A.D. I088— A.D. 1 178.
RAWL. B., Fo. 19*2.
[AU. 1088. CS. 1084. FM. 1088].
Do;/mall mac Lochlainn 7 Co/will 7 Eogan do tiachtain do
indradh Condacht fo cowghelkdh Muirc/^rtaigh H/« Briaiw,
r/^ M/wian, 7 nir' cowaill, co toiY&^/atar sow .i. Domnall cons.
sochraidi, co Raith Cruachan, co tarraidh x Ruaidhri Hi'ia Con-
cobair, 7 cor' gab nen iorro [leg. foir ?], co tuc condmedh
caicthigise doib uile, co wdeachatar dib linaib a Mu/wain, co ro
millset co Iw/leach lubair 7 co Loch nGair'y Brug righ 7 co
Druwain H/h Cleirchen, 7 do mursat Lumnech, 7 tucsat cend
maic Cailigh H/h' Ruairc o Chnoccanaib Saingil, 7 cor' to-
ghailseat Cend coradh, 7 ro gabsad ."u. ficbh laech et/r Gallu 7
Gaedelo, 7 ro gabsad a ngiallu, co rucsat leo mac Mathgamna
Hid Cenn-edigh esti, co tucadh bai iwda 7 or 7 airged 7 cuirnw
tarachenw' 7 tarcend rn^'c Congalaig Hiii Ocean, 7 meic Ea-
chach Ua-Loiwgsigh do bi 'sa broit cetna etcc.
[« Domnall, son of Lochlann, and the people of Tyrconnell
and Tyrone, went to ravage Connaught, under a promise of
help from Murchertach Hua Briain, king of Munster. But he
i . MS. tarraigh
io Whit ley Stokes.
fulfilled it not, so Domnall and his army marched to Raith
Cruachan, and there he came up with Ruaidri Hua Concho-
bair, and overpowered him, so that he gave them all a fort-
night's billeting. And both of them invaded Munster, and ra-
vaged it asfarasEmly and Loch Gur and Bruree and Drumain
Hui Clerchm, and they destroyed Limerick, and brought the
head of « the Cock » Hua Ruairc from the Hillocks of Sin-
gland, and destroyed Kincora, and captured five score war-
riors, both Foreigners and Gaels, and took their hostages, and
brought thereout the son of Mathgamain Hua Cenn-etig, so
that many kine, and gold and silver and drinking-horns were
given in lieu of him and in lieu of the son of Congalach
Hua Occain and the son of Eochaid Hiia Loingsig, who was
in the same capture, etc. »].
Dub dioblaith, ingen Aeda Hui Concobair [« daughter of
Aed Hua Conchobair »] mortua I est.
Mor itigen Tairrddelbrt/V Hui Briain, ben Ruaidri Hui Chon-
chobair, mortua est [« Mor, daughter of Tordelbach Hua
Briain, w/fe of Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, died »].
O Mail-Girig, ollam U\ad [« chief-poet of Ulster »] mor-
tuus est.
[AU. 1089. CS. 1085. ALC. 1089. FM. 1089].
Kl. enairfor luan 7 .xu. fuirre. Getbliadan&r bisex. [« Jan. i
on Monday, and the 15th (of the moon) thereon. The first
year after bisextile »].
Coblach mor la Muircfortach Hua mBriaiw rig Mwwan for
Sinaind 7 for Loch Ri, co ro airgset Inis bo fmde 7 Inis Cloth-
ranw, 7 cor' gabad Siwanrc friu la Ruaidri Hua Conchobair 7 la
Connachtnib .i. Rec[h]raith 7 Buittdi in beithe, co wach roleged
tairis sin sis gerb' ailig leo. Tanic mac Flaiwd Hui MailSech-
lainn tara n-essi 2 co hAth luaiw conar' leicedh siss na suas iat
tre rath Ciaraiw cona nac;//aib, co nduchatar uile for cow/airce
1 . MS. mort»5
2. tara ndgisc
The Annals of Tiger nach. Tin continualion. i i
H/h' MailSecblainn, co tardsat a longa do, co ndeachatar uile .i.
Mael Sechlainn 7 O Conchobair a longaib 7 a n-eat/jraib, co ro1
ittdairset Mu/wain .i. Irmwwain, co Cluaiw caiw mo Dhimocc,
conidh anbecht ma dofacsat mil na duiwe in aired sin uile.
[« A great fleet led by Muirchertach Hua Briain, king of
Munster, on the Shannon and on Lough Ree, and they rifled
Inis bo finde and Inis Clothrann; but the Shannon — that is
(the islands) Rechraith and Buinne in beithe — was taken
from them by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair and the Connaught-
men, so that they could not pass over it downwards, what-
ever were their desire. The son of Fland Hua Mael-Sechlainn
followed them to Athlone, so that through favour of Ciarari
and his saints, they were not let down nor up : wherefore they
all placed themselves under the protection of Hua MaelSech-
lainn, and delivered their vessels to him. And then Mael-.
Sechlainn and Hua Conchobair, with all their forces, went
in vessels and boats and ravaged Munster, that is, Ormond,
as far as Guam cain moDimoc, so that it is doubtful if they
left a beast or a human being in all that space »].
Gilla Caiwdigh Hua Flaitile do marbadh do mac Maic Coch-
lain, da brathair [« Gilla Caindig Hua Flaitile' was killed by
his brother, the son of Mac Cochlain »].
Dondcadh mac Do/wnaill Remuir maic Mail na mbo, r/
Laigen 7 Gall, laech as amra ro bai 'na aiw/sir 7 cend cathaig-
the as chalma ro bai do Leith Mogha, do marbadh do Ua
Ctecobair co ?/-Uib Failge, co w-iart/;//r Laigen i/;miaille fris
tria baeghal [« Donnchad, son of Domnall the Fat, son of
ael na mbo, king of Leinster and the Foreigners, the best
hero that lived in his time and the most valourous chief of
battling that belonged to Mugh's Half (the southern half of
Ireland), was through an unfair advantage killed by Hua Con-
chobair together with the folk of Ossory and the west of
Leinster »].
Donwcadh mac Gilla Padra&, r/ Osraige [« king of Os-
sory »] ocdsus est.
Hui Maelsechlfl/WH do dul a n-Uaithne thire 7 a n-Uaithne
i . MS. cori
i 2 Whitiey Stokes.
fidbuidhe, co tucsat bu imdha leo. [« The Hui Mael-Sechlainn
marched into Uaithne thire and into Uaithne fidbuide, and
carried off many cows »].
[AU. 1090. CS. 1086. ALC. 1090. FM. 1090].
Kl. enair for mairt 7 xx.ii. [leg. xx.ui ?] (uirri [« January
i on a Tuesday, and the 22d (of the moon) thereon »].
Muirc/mach Htia Briain do dul for Loch Riach tre nert
sluaigh 7 tre baeghal [« Muirchertach Hua Briain by strength
of army and by taking unfair advantage, went upon Lough-
rea »].
Cinaeth Hua Mordha 7 mac Mzelruanaid male C0H-coirne
a comthoitim a tigh Ht'ti Briam [« Cinaeth Hua Morda and
the son of MaelRuanaid Cu-coirne's son, fell in a duel in Hua
Briain's house »].
Crech la Mwrcertach Hiia mBriam a Feraib cell, cowas-tar-
raidh Htia MaelSechlainn conn teglach, 7 dorala a n-ar, du a
torchair Mael-Secblainn mac Dunghalaig [fo. i9b i] et mtfc
Conen I Duibgiwd, et alii -multi nobiles. [« A raid by Murcher-
tach Hua Briain into Fir-cell, and Hua MaelSechlainn with
his household overtook them, and a slaughter of Muirchertach's
men took place; wherein fell Mael-Sechlainn, son of Dunga-
lach, and the son of Conen Hua Duibgenn, and many tnher
nobles »].
Muircfertach Hua Bricc, n na nDeisse [« king of theDessi »]
occiswj est.
Miftda Colaiw chille .i. Clog na righ 7 an Chuilebaidh J 7
in da Sosscela do tabairt a Tir Cowaill 7 .uii. fichit uinge
d'airged, 7 Aenghw5-H//a Downallan isse dos-fuc atuaidh [« Co-
lomb cille's reliquaries, to wit, the Bell of the Kings, and
the Flabellum, and the two Gospels, were brought out of
Tyrconnell, together with seven score ounces of silver. And
Oengus Hua Domnallain was he that brought them from the
North (to Kells) »].
I . MS. chuillebaigh
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. 1 3
Sluagad la Muircfortach H//# mBriaiw 7 la firu Muman 7 la
Gallw Atha cliath, co ro indairset cendtar Laigew 7 Fir[u] Bregh
co Ath mbuidhi, 7 [co tartsat .ii.] etdre do [Domnall mac]
maic Lochlainn ara [njanacol [otha] sin siar [« A hosting by
Muirchertach Hua Briain and by the men of Munster and the
Foreigners of Dublin; and they ravaged a district ofLeinster and
the men of Bregia as far as Athboy ; and they gave two hos-
tages to DomnalL, son of Mac Lochlainn, (king of Ailech),
for protecting them thence westward »].
Dun Aiched do loscud la Ruaidhrr Hua Cowcobair [« Dun
Aichet was burnt by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair »].
[AU. 1091. CS. 1087. ALC. 1091. FM. 1091].
Kl. em//r quarta1 feria, luna septiwa. Sitriuc mac Gilla
Bruidhe Hi'ii Ruairc ocdsus est per dolum a suis.
IN chuid rob uilli d'Ard Macha do loscadh 2 [« The greater
part of Armagh was burnt »].
Sluaiged la MwzYcertach Hi'ia mBriaiw la -ri[g] Muman a Mi-
dhi, cor' airg iarthar Midhi. [« A hosting by Muirchertach Hua
Briain, king of Munster, into Meath, and he rifled the western
part of Meath »].
Sluaiged la Con[n]^/;taib cor' loiscsed moran don Mumain
[« A hosting by the Connaughtmen, and they burnt a great
deal of Munster »].
Goffraidh 3 mac Maic Arailt, n Atha cliath [« Godfrey, son
of Harald's son, (became) king of Dublin »].
Creach mor la Domnall Hua MaelSechlainn rig Tefwrach co
riacht lubar Chind vacbtn, cor' airg firu Fernmuighe 7 Co-
waille 7 Mu[g]dhorna 7 Hriu Meith, 7 cor' loiscsit Cowaille
don crech siw [« A great raid by Domnall Hua Mael-Sechlainn,
king of Tara, and he reached Newry, and plundered the men
of Farney and the Conaille and Mugdoirn and Hui Meith,
and on that raid they burnt Conaille »].
1 . MS. qaurta ^
2 . loschadh
3. Goffraigh.
1 4 Whitley Stokes.
LaidgnenH//0 Duirw cathaig .i. an Buidhenach, n Gaileng,
do marbadh do Uib Brium per doluni [« Laidgnen Hua Duinn-
cathaig, i. e. the Troopful, king of the Gailenga, was trea-
cherously killed by the Hiii Briuin »].
Cerball Hua hAeda, sindser Claiwli Colmain, obit [« Cer-
ball, grandson of Aed, senior of the Clan Colmain, died *].
Donwsleibe Hiia Eochadha, no cowad he Donwcadh mac
Dumn slebe, n' U\ad, occisus est o Cenel Eogham, maille re
hurmor Cene[oi]l Eogaiw lais [« Donn-slebe, grandson of Eo-
chaid, or maybe Donncliad, son of Donn-slebe, king of Ulster,
was killed by the Kindred of Eogan, along with the greater
part of the Kindred of Eogan (slain) by him ». In marg. r/
[AU. 1092. CS. 1088. ALC. 1092. FM. 1092].
Kl. eiw/r .u. feria. luua. xuiii. Ruaidhri na saidhe1 buidhi
mac Aeda in ga bernaigh Hiti Choucobair, n Con\_\{\acht, do
dalW d'O -Flaithbt'/-taigh 7 do Faghartach Hi'iu Faghartaigh, 7
gni;;z truagh2 sin d'O Flaithb^rtaigh .i. a altra 7 a chairdis
Crist fo secbt j a tigherna do dalkc/ [« Ruaidri of the Yellow
Bitch, son of Aed of the Gapped Spear, grandson of Concho-
bar, king of Connaught, was blinded by Hua Flaithbertaig
and by Fogartach Hua Fogartaig, and that was a lamentable
deed of Flua Flaithbertaig's, to blind his fosterer, and his
seven times gossip and his lord ». In marg. fech so « see this »].'
Enda m^c Diarmuta a iratribus SM/'S? occisw^ est.
Donwcadh mac Cwrthaigh, ri Eoghnnacbtsi [« king of the Eo-
ganacht »] occisus est [la Cellachan Caisil, « by Cellachan of
Cashel »].
IN craibtheach O Fallo/waiw do bathadh al-Loch Cairrgiw
[« The devotee Hua Fallomain was drowned in Cargin's
Lough »].
Aed mac Cat hail lli'ii Cho/zcobair do gabail do Briaw, 7 ri-
1 . MS. saighe
2 . truadh
3 . as///s
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. \ 5
ghi Sil Mttiredaigh [do thabairt] do Gilla na naew Hi'tu Eidm
[« Aed, son of Cathal Hua Conchobair, was taken prisoner by
Brian, and the kingship of the Sil Muredaig was given to
Gilla na noeb Hua Eidin ». In marg. fech so].
Coblach fer Mu;«an do argain Cluana maic Nois [« A fleet
of the men of Munster plundered Clonmacnois »].
[AU. 1093. CS. 1089. ALC, 1093. FM. 1093].
Kl. uii. ieria. luna xx.ix. Trenfer Hiia Ce\\aig, r/Bregh, do
marbod do mtfcHwz Duibidhir1 a ndamliag Ciannain2 [« Tren-
fer Hua Cellaig, king of Bregia, was killed by the son of Hua
Dubidir in the Stone-house of S. Ciannan (Duleek) »].
Aed Una Baigellan, n Ferwmuige, do marbadh do Chonail-
lib [« Aed Hua Baigelliiin, king of Farney, was killed by the
Conailli »].
Dub dara, mac maic Aigenam, r/ Luigm: Midi, mortuits esl.
[« Dub dara, grandson of Aigenan, king of the Luigni of
Meath, died »].
Mael Colaim m^c Donnchadha, n Alban, occisus est o Fran-
gcaib, 7 Edabard a in^zc, 7 Mar[gar]ita, ben Mail Colai/7^ do
eg da chumaidh 3 [« Mael Coluimb, son of Donnchad, king of
Scotland, was slain by Frenchmen, and Edward his son; and
Margaret, the wife of Mael-Coluimb, died of grief for him »].
Aedh mac Cathail Hi/a Concobair, do marbadh a mebail, n
Sil Muiredhaigh, a ngemil [« Aed, son of Cathal Hua Con-
chobair, king of Sil Muiredaig, died in fetters through trea-
hery »].
Meabal ar Sil Muredaig uile la Murcbenzch Hiia mBriaiw,
rig Erenn, cor' airg 7 cor' indarb a tir Eogain, cor' gab a rig .i.
Gilla na naew O Concobair, 7 Hiia Ccwchenaind mac Taidhg
maic Diarmuda r/ Hiia nDiarmada [« Treachery on all the
Sil Muredaig by Murchertach Hua Briain, king of Ireland, and
1 . MS. duibighir
2. ciarai;/.
3. chuwaigh
1 6 Whitley Stokes.
he plundered them, and banished them into Tyrone, and cap-
tured their king, namely Gilla na noeb-, grandson of Con-
chobar, and Hua Conchenaind, son of Tadg, son of Diarmait,
king of the Hiii Diarmata »].
[AU. 1094. CS. 1090. ALC. 1094. FM. IO94]-
Kl. enair prima feria, decima luna. Sluagad la Murc/mach
mBriaw la rig Muwan for Gallaib Atha cViath, co tanic a
Midhi, 7 cor' indrastair aimher Midhe, 7 cor' marb rig Midhi
.i. Domnall Hua MaelSechlainn, airdrigh Temrach 7 cosnw-
waidh Erenn archena[« A hosting by Murchertach Hua Briain,
king of Munster, on the Foreigners of Dublin, and he came to
Meath and ravaged the east of Meath, and killed the king of
Meath, even Domnall, grandson of MaelSechlainn, overkingof
Tara, and moreover, champion of Erin. »]. Infelix liiccannus!
Cath Fidhnacha le Tadg mac Ruaidhri 7 le Sil Muiredhaigh
{or Huu Flaithb^rtaigh 7 for Corcowruadh 7 for iarthar Con-
dacht, cor' cw/redh a n-ar, du atorchair Amlaiw 0 hAichir 7
Dond-sleibe O Cind-faeladh 7 Mac Gilla Fursa Hua Mail-
muaidh et alii [« The battle of Fidnacha gained by Tadg, son
of Ruaidri, and by the Sil Muiredaig over the Hiii Flaithber-
taig and Corcomroe and the west of Con naught, and a slau-
ghter was inflicted upon them, wherein fell Olaf Hua hAi-
chir and Donn-slebe Hua Cinnfaelad and the son of Gilla
Fursa Hua Mail- muaidh, and others »].
Anwadh Hua Celi, ri Aradh, do marbad d'feraib Mwwan ic
Ath cliath [« Ann.id Hiia Celi, king of Ara, was killed by
men of Munster at Dublin »].
Ruaidri Hua Dondacan, r/ Aradh, do ec [« Ruaidri Hua
Donnacain, king of Ara, died »].
Aedh Hua Downaill do bathadh [« Aed Hua Domnaill was
drowned »].
Domnall mac Haind [fo. I9b2] Hi'd MzelSechlainn, ri Tem-
racbf do marbad do Luignib Midhi [« Domnall, son of Fland
Hua MaelSechlainn, king of Tara, was killed by the Luigni of
Meath »1.
The Anna's of Tigernach. The continuation. 17
Morchuairt Human co leir la cowurba Patra/c. Airgne tara
eis a n-Ard Macha [« A visitation of Munster diligently by
S. Patrick's successor. Plunderings after him in Armagh »].
Midhi do roind et/r Concobc/r 7 Donwchadh Hua Mail
Secblainn [« Meath was divided between Conchobar andDonn-
chad Hua Mael-Sechlainn »].
IMar Hua Gilla Ulltam, taissech munteri Mail-sinwa, do
marbfld [« Imar, grandson of Gilla Ultain, chief of the Mun-
ter Mael-sinna, was killed »].
Gilla na n-ingen Una Cobthaigh, ri Umaill 7 airchindech
Achaidh Fobuir1, do marbxzd d'feraib Cera. [« Gilla na n-ingen,
grandson of Cobthach, king of Umall and superior of Achad
Fobuir, was killed by the men of Cera »].
[AU. 1095. CS. 1091. ALC. 1095. FM. 1095].
Kl. enfl/r for hum .xxi. [« January I on a Monday, the
2ist (of the moon) »].
Caisel 2 na rig do loscud [« Cashel of the kings was burnt »]
ex maxima pane.
Durmach Coluiw cille 7 Fobur 3 7 Cluai» Iraird 7 Glend da
lacha 7 Cenarutitf do loscud in hoc anno4 [« S. Colomb cille's
Durrow, and Fore, and Clonard, and Glendalough, and Kells
were burnt in this year »].
Donngwj espoc Atha clialh [« bishop of Dublin »] qwieuit.
Downall O Fergail, ri Fortuath Laigen. Donwchadh ri \3\ad,
7 mac Duind tslebe n Ulad do aithrighadh. [« Domnall Hua
Fergail, king of the Forths of Leinster, Donnchad, king of
Ulster, and the son of Donn-slebe, king of Ulster, were de-
posed »].
Gobfraidh 5 rex Donwanorom [leg. Normannorum ?] mor-
tuus est.
Taichleach Hiia hEagra, ri Luigne, occisus est.
1. MS. achaigh fabair 4. a»»do.
2 . kilse 5 . Gobfraigh
3 . fabur
Revue Celtique, XVIII.
1 8 Whitlty Stokes.
Downall Hua Muredhaigh, enri Teftha, 7 Amlaiw mac
Cowmeda do marbadh a fill a ngemil a Muwaitt. [« Domnall
Hua Muredaig, sole king of Teffa, and Olaf, son of Conmid-,
were treacherously killed in chains in Minister »].
Guam maic Wis do argain do Conmacmb, 7 dorttf an tew-
puill do duwadh do clochaib [« Clonmacnois was plundered
by the Conmacni, and the door of the temple was blocked up
by stones »].
[AU. 1096. CS. 1092. ALC. 1096. FM. 1096].
Kl. enair. feria tersia. luna .ii. Exit1 mains annus et ueniat
bonus annus .i. bliadan nafeli Eoi;z [« i. e. the year of the fes-
tival of S. John »].
Ri Airgiall .i. Hua hAinuith obit [« The king of Oriel, i. e.
Hua hAinbith, died »].
Mathgawuirt Una Segsa, n CorcoLaigh[d]e [« king of the
CorcoLaigde »] qwieuit.
Muirc/;^rtach Hua Dubda,, r/ Htia n-Amalgaidh 7 Hua Fia-
chrach 7 Chera tre thang[n]acht a s///s occisus est [« Muir-
chertach Hua Dubda, king of the Hui Amalgaid and Hui Fia-
chrach and Cera, was treacherously killed by his own
people »].
Gilla Osen, mac Coirten do marb^ do [Ib] Laeghaire Mi-
dhi [« Gilla Osen Mac Coirten was killed by the Hui Loe-
guiri of Meath »].
[AU. 1097. CS. 1093. ALC. 1097. FM. 1097].
Kl. eiifl/V .u. feria .xiiii. [leg. xiii ?] luna. Tadhg mac Ruai-
dhri Hui Concobair, n Con[n]acht do warbad do Clainn Con-
cobair 7 do aes gradha fen a fill [« Tadg, son of Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair, king of Connaught, was killed treacherously by
the Clan Conchobair and by his own men of trust »] .i. do
i . MS. nexit
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. - 19
mac C0«-luachra Hiia Mael-Brenai/zd [« i. e. by the son of
Cu-luachra Him Mael-Brenaind »] cum suis1 in immatwrfa]
etate, id est in .xx.iiii. aetatis2 suae.
Amairgen O Morda, ri Laigsi [« king of Leix »] qwieuit.
Flaithbwtach O Flaithbertaigh do dul a n-athardha co hAedh
in ga bernaigh mac Taidhg in eich gil Hiii Cowcobair, 7 righe
Con[n]acht do gabail do [« Flaithbertach Hiia Flaithbertaig
went into his patrimony to Aed of the Gapped Spear, son of
Tadg of the White Horse, grandson of Conchobar, and the
kingship of Cbnnaught was taken by him »].
Mael-Brigde O Brolchan, espoc Cilli dara [« bishop of Kil-
dare »], qwieuit.
[AU. 1098. CS. 1094. ALC. 1098. FM. 1098].
Kl. enfl/V .ui. ieria. luna uigisima .iiii. Pluuialis annus et
fertilis 3 (.i. bliadan [fjliuch saidbir).
Derborgaill ingen Taidhg maic Gilla Padm/V_, mdthair Muir-
c^rtaig H/h' Briai/^ rig Erenn, a nGlend da locha qwieuit.
[« Derb-forgaill, daughter of Tadg, son of Gilla Patraic, mo-
ther of Muirchertach Hua Briain, king of Ireland, rested in
Glendalough »].
Downall Hiia hEnfia, airdespo: Erenn 7 cend crabaidh4 7
egna 7 derci fer nErenn, qwieuit [« Domnall Hua Enna, arch-
bishop of Ireland and chief of the devotion and wisdom and
charity of the men of Ireland, rested »].
Flaithbertach Rita Flaithbertaig, n Coimacht, do marbadh do
Sil Muiredaigh a ndighail dallta Ruaidhri na saidhe5 buidhe
[« Flaithbertach Hua Flaithbertaig, king of Connaught, was
blinded by the Sil Muiredaig in vengeance for the blinding of
Ruaidri of the Yellow Bitch »'|.
1. MS. aitiss 4. crabaigh
2 . astate 5 . saighi
3 . fergilis
20 Whitley Stokes .
[AU. 1099. CS. 1095. ALC. 1099. FM. 1099].
Kl. emMff.uii.] faria. luna quints.. Downall mac Donwchada,
r/ Alban, do dahW da brathair [« Domnall, son of Donnchad,
king of Scotland, was blinded by his brother »].
Maidw Lochain Geiredh re n-iart/;flr Teftha for aim/for Tef-
tha, du a torchair Muircfortach Hua hAirt, r/ Teftha, 7 Una
Lachtnan [« The rout of Lochan Geired, gained by West
Teffa over East-Teffa, wherein there fell Muirchertach,
grandson of Art, king of Teffa, and Hua Lachtnan »].
[AU. 1 100. CS. 1096. ALC. 1 100. FM. noo].
Kl. enair prima feria [luna] .xui. Aedh espoc Cilli dara
[d'ec « Aed, bishop of Kildare, died »].
Don/zchadh Una hEochadha, r/ U\ad, do ergabail do mac
Maic Lochlainn tretangnacht .i. doTigGeiteoil Eogain [« Donn-
chad, grandson of Eochaid, king of Ulster, was guilefully
captured by the son of Mac Lochlainn, king of the Kindred of
Eogan »].
Morsluaig^i la Laig/zn/-, co rancatar Sliab Fuaid 7 cor' loisc-
set Airgialla 7 Hiiu Meith 7 Fir[u] Rois [« A great hosting
by the Leinstermen, till they reached Sliab Fuaid and burnt
Oriel and Hui Meith and Fir Roiss »].
Gillfl na naew O hEidhin, n Sil Muiredaigh 7 Condtff/tf,
mortuus est. I Cluam maic Nois ro hadiw/;/ [« Gilla na noeb
H/k hEidin, king of the Sil Muiredaig and Connaught, died.
He was buried in Clonmacnois »].
Cu medha Hua Laeghechan^ ardtaiseach Sil Ronain l, qwieuit
[« Cu meda Hua Laigechain, head chieftain of Sil Ronain,
rested »].
MS. sil murcdhaigh 7 remain
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 21
[AU. noi. CS. 1097. ALC. noi. FM. 1101].
Kl. enair for mairt 7 .xxuii. firirri 7 cetbliadan for bisex
[« January i on a Tuesday, and the 27th (of the moon) there-
on, and the first year after bisextile »].
Dondchadh mac Airt Hui Ruairc, r/ Una mBriuiw 7 Con-
maicne, mortuus est [« Donnchad, son of Art Hua Ruairc,
king of the Hui Briuin and Conmaicni, died »].
Morsluaiged ier riErenn la Muirchertucli Hua mBriam la rig
n-Erenn, i Cenel nEogain, cor' scail Ailech 7 co tanic tiwcell
Erenn, 7 ni thard giallu na h[e]tm [« A great hosting of the
men of Ireland, led by Muirchertach Hua Briain, king of Ire-
land, into Inishowen (lit. the Kindred of Eogan), and he de-
molished Ailech, and marched round Ireland, and gave nei-
ther hostages nor pledges »].
Eachthigerw Una Brain, ri Breaghmune, do marbad ar crech
a n-Airgedglend [« Echthigern Hua Braein, king of Breg-
muine, was killed on a raid into Airgetglenn »], et alii1 multi
occisi sunt2.
Comrac da ceitherrm a Cluaiw mate Nois .i. Munter Tadh-
gan 7 Mundt^r Cinaetha, cor' marbad in Gilla Find mac Maic
Uallachan and, .i. ri Sil n-Anwchadha, cum aliis 3 [« The
conflict in Clonmacnois of two bodies of footsoldiers, namely,
the Munter Thadgain and the Munter Chinaetha, and there
the Gilla Find, son of Mac Uallachain, king of Sil nAnmchada,
was killed together with others »].
Ferdomnach espoc Cilli dara [« bishop of Kildare »], in
Christo qwieuit.
Gilla na naew Hna Duwabra, ollam Con[n]acht [« chief poet
f Connaught »] mortuus est.
Cathal Hua Muiricen, ri Teftha, do marbad o Airrther Tef-
tha. [« Cathal Hua Muiricen, king of Teffa, was killed by
the folk of the east of Teffa »].
1 . MS. aili
2. occisKs est
3. ailis
22 Whitley Stokes.
Cowdail ter n-Eunn im Muirc/mach Una mBriam i Caisil
.i. laechaib, cleirchib, 7 is arwsin tuc M///rcertach Hua Briain
Caisil na righ a n-idhbairt do Padraic 7 don Chowdidh l [« A
convention of the men of Ireland, both laymen and clerics,
including Murchertach Hua Briain, at Cashel ; and 'tis then
that Muirchertach gave Cashel of the Kings as an offering to
S. Patrick and to the Lord »].
[AU. 1 102. CS. 1098. ALC. 1 102. FM. 1102].
[fo. 2Oa i] Kl. enair for cetain 7 nomad dec [leg. nomad
uathaid] fuirri, 7 is i sin indara bliadan ar cet ar mili 6 Incol-
lugudh Crist [« January i on a Wednesday, and the 19* [leg.
9th] (of the moon) thereon, and this is the no2d year from
Christ's Incarnation »].
Domnall mac Tigernain Ua-Ruairc, ri Con[n]acht j Hua
Brium 7 Conwaicne a tempus, occiswj [est] o Muintir Eolais.
[« Domnall, son of Tigernan Hua Ruairc, king of Connaught
and the Hiii Briain and the Conmaicne for a time, was killed
by the Munter Eolais »].
Murc^rtach Una Conchobair Failghc qwieuit.
Hua Baigill airdesp0£ Aird Macha [« archbishop of Ar-
magh »] qwieuit.
Sitriuc mac Co«-medHa Hwi Laigechan, tuisech Sil Rowain,
mortuus est [« Sitric, son of Cii-meda Hua Laigechain, chief
of the Sil Ronain, died »].
Muirc/^rtach Una Mail-Sech/rt/;m d'aithrighadh 7 rige do
gabail do Mwrchadh [« Muirchertach Hua Mail-Sechnaill was
deposed, and the kingship (of Meath) was taken by Mur-
chad » |.
Niall m^c maic Neill Hui Ruairc, r/^dawna Brefne, do mar-
badh do feraib Luirg, et alii muilti [« Niall, grandson of Niall
Hua Ruairc, crownprince of Brefne, was, with many others,
killed by the men of Lurg »].
Mael m'Aedhoic O Mongair 7 Mughrow a athair, 7 Gilla
i . MS. cowdhigh
The Annals of Tigtrnach. The continuation, 25
Crist fer-leigmd Arda Mac ha do eg a trim* [« Mael-m'Aedoic
Hua Mongair, and his father, Mugron, and Gilla Crist, the
lector of Armagh, the three of them died »].
Sith bliadne do Muirchertach Hiiu Bridin 7 do Magnus do
ri[g] Lochlanw. [« A year's peace was made by Muirchertach
Hiia Brian and by Magnus, king of Norway »].
[AU. 1103. CS. 1099. ALC. 1103. FM. 1103].
Kl. enair [for dardain, « January i on a Thursday »].
Cormac mac Cuind na mbocht, tanaiste abadh Cluana maic
Nois, quieuit. [« Cormac, son of Conn of the Poor, tanist-
abbot of Clonmacnois, rested »].
Maidw Atha Calgan etrr Mnher Teftha 7 a hiart/;«r, uibi
occisus est Cinaedh mac maic Amalgafda], r/Callraighi1 in ca-
\aidh [« The rout of Ath Calgan between the folk of the east
of Teffa and the folk of the west thereof, wherein Cinaed,
grandson of Amalgaid, king of Calraige in chalaid, was
slain »].
Sluagad la Murc/;^rtach Hiia mBridin 7 Leth Mogha Nua-
dhad uile, 7 Con[ri\achta 7 fir Midhi, co rancatar Ard Macha 7
co rabatar caecthighis a longport arm, co ro millsed co mor e,
cor' bo tanaiste airgne do, 7 tancatar a Midhi co Magh Coba
a n-Ulltaib, 7 doromdset andsiw a sluag, 7 dochuaidh Murcher-
tach Ui'ta Bridin 7 MzelSechlainn ri Midhi 7 Domnall mac
Ruaidhri Hiii Conchobair, ri Con[n\acht ar crechaib a nDail
Araidhe, cor' warbtfd anw Dondchadh mac Tairrdelba^ Htii
Bridin 7 Petta Demaiw Hua Beollai;/ 7 Hua Qwcobair Ciar-
raighi- 7 Donwacan Hua Duib c'mn .i. tre sualchaibs Dia 7
et alii muilti.
Tancatar didiu Cenel Eosjaiw co Mas; Coba .i. Downall
maic Lochlainn, co fuair and Laigiw 7 Osraigi 7 urmor rer
M«wan, 7 araill d'feraib Midi 7 Co»[n]adb^ cor' ferad cath
1 . MS. callraidhi
2. ciarraidhi
3 . sualtaib
24 Whitley Stokes.
Muighe Coba andsiw, cor'marbtfd a maithe uile, 7 At e andso
na righ 7 na taisich ro marbadh and .i. Muircfortach mac
Gilla mo Cholmoc, n Laig^w, 7 da htla Lorcan, 7 Murcadh n
lltia Muiredaigh 7 a brathair, 7 mac laraiwd Ua-Fiachrach, n
Hiia n-Enechlais, 7 da mtfc Mail-mordha Htii Downaill 7 a
brathair, 7 Gilla PadrazV Ruadh, n Qsraige, et ailii.
[« A hosting by Murchertach H## Briain and the whole of
Mug Nuadat's Half (the southern half of Ireland), and the
Connaughtmen and the men of Meath, till they reached Ar-
magh, and remained a fortnight in leaguer there, and they
greatly hurt it, so that it was nearly destroyed l. And they
came out of Meath to Mag Coba in Ulster, and there they di-
vided their army. And Murchertach Hua Briain and MdelSech-
lainn, king of Meath, and Doornail, son of Ruaidri Hua Con-
chobair, king of Connaught, went on raids into Dalaradia,
and there, through the virtues of God and S. Patrick, Dunn-
chad, son of Tordelbach Hua Briain, was killed, and Devil's-
pet Hua Beollain, and Hua Conchobair of Kerry, and Don-
nucan Hua Dub-chinn, and many others.
Then came the Kindred of Eogan to Mag-Coba, i. e. Dom-
nall, son of Mac Lochlainn, and there he found the men of
Leinster and Ossory, and the greater part of the men ot
Minister, and some of 'the men of Meath and Connaught, and
there the battle of Mag Coba was fought, and all their nobles
were killed. And these are the kings and the chiefs who were
killed there, to wit, Muirchertach, son of Gilla mo-Cholmoic,
king of Leinster, and two grandsons of Lorcan, and Murchad,
king of the Hui Muredaig, and his brother, and the son of
larann Hua Fiachrach, king of the Hui Enechlais, and two
sons of Mael-mordha Hua Domnaill and his brother, and Red
Gilla Patraic, king of Ossory, and others »].
Maghn«.r, ri Lochland 7 na n-Indsi 2, 7 fer ro triall forbais
for Ennn, do marbdd a n-Ulltaib. [« Magnus, king of Norway
and the Isles, a man who attempted to beleaguer Ireland,
was killed in Ulster »].
1 . literally, « a second of destruction to it »
2. MS. n-fndsidh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 2$
Amalgaid mac Aedha male Ruaidri, do Clainn Coscraigh,
do marbad da aihair 7 da mdthair 7 da brathair a ndighail a
ndalta .i. Concobtfr m^c Ruaidri Hiil Concbobair, romarb sora
[« Amalgaid, son of Aed, son of Ruaidri, of the Clan Cos-
craig, was killed by his father and his mother and his brother
in vengeance for their fosterling. Conchobar, son of Ruaidri
Hua Conchobair, whom Amalgaid had killed »].
Ben do breith da lenaw a n-aewfecht isiw biiadain-si, 7 aen-
chorp aco otha a mbraghaid corigi a n-iwlirw, 7 a mboill co
coir cenmotha sin, 7 aigedh caich dib aracheli [« A woman
brought forth two children at the same time in this year, and
they had one body from their neck to their navel, and their
members were normal with that exception, and the face of
each was towards the other »].
[AU. 1104. CS. 1 100. ALC. 1104. FM. 1104],
Kl. Fiachra Hua Flaiwd, taisech Sil MailRuanaic
o Conmaicnib. [« Fiachra Hua Flaind, chief of the Sil Mail-
Ruanaid, was slain by the Conmaicni »].
Gilla Crist Hi'ta Echtig/rn, cspoc Cluana male Nois, [« bish-
op of Clonmacnois »], qwicuit.
Cu Ulad Hiia Caindelban do escar a Traigh baile 7 a eg ic
a thaig l [« Cu Ulad Hua Caindelbain fell (from his horse) at
Traig baile, and died in his house »].
[AU. 1105. CS. noi. ALC. 1105. FM. 1105].
Kl. Mac Gilla bruite mate Thighernan, n Hila mBriui/z
Brefne 7 Gaileng, do marbad do mflcaib a mdthar feiw .i. do
mflcaib Donwcaidh maic male CailigHtii Ruairc. [« The son of
Gilla braite, son of Tigernan, king of the Hui Briuin of Brefne
and the Gailenga, was killed by his own mother's sons, even
i . corruptly agcatbaig, CS. 1000, which Henncssy renders by « of the
injury »
26 Whilky Stokes.
the sons of Donnchad, grandson of Cailech (« the Cock »)
Hua Ruairc »].
Concobur Hua M&elSecblainn male Concchatr do warbad .i.
n Midhi, le Mumnechaib, no is la Huib Briuiw Brefne adbath
[« Conchobar Hua Mail-Sechlainn, son of Conchobar, king of
Meath, was killed by the Munstermen : or 'tis by the Hui
Briuin of Brefne that he died »].
Mulrgius Hua C0wcenai«d, r/ Una nDiarmuda [« king of
the Hui Diarmata »] mortuus est.
Do;;mall mac an Guit Hui MzilSechlainn do marbfldh do
Cenel Fiachach [« Domnall, son of the Stammerer Hua Mail-
Sechlainn, was killed by the Kindred of Fiacha »].
[AU. 1106. CS. 1 102. ALC. 1106. FM. no6|.
Kl. Donncadh mac Murchaidh maic Flaiwd Hui MailSech-
lainn, ri Midhi, do warbad do Muwneachaib [« Donnchad,
son of Murchad, son of Fland Hua MaelSechlainn, king of
Meath, was killed by Munstermen »].
Dow/nail m^c Ruaidri H/h'Cwcobair do aithrighadh do Con-
[n\achti\ib, 7 a brathair .i. Tairrdelb^r/; Mor, dorigadh1. Ic
Ath in terwmiwd do righadh [« Domnall, son of Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair, was deposed by the Connaughtmen, and his
brother, Toirdelbach the Great, was made king. At the Ford
of the Sanctuary he was made king »].
[fo. 2Oa2]. Mttirclwttff/; Hua NkidSechlainn do aithrigad, 7
rige Midhi do Murchadh m#c Flaiwd [« Muirchertach, grand-
son of Mael-Sechlainn, was deposed, and the kingship of
Meath (was given) to Murchad, son of Fland »].
[AU. 1107. CS. 1103. ALC. 1107. FM. 1107].
Kl. enair for cetam [« January i on a Wednesday »].
i. in marg. tosach rigi Tairrdclba/^ [« the beginning of Toirdelbach's
reign »].
The Annals of Tigernjch. The continuation. 27
Concobur Cisenach Hi'ia hEochada, ri \3\ad, do marbadh
[« Conchobar Cisenach, grandson of Eochaid, king of Ulster,
was killed »]. In marg. n Ulad.
Tene gelan 7 gaeth isin bliadain sin [« Lightning and wind
in this year »].
[AU. 1108. CS. 1104. ALC. 1108. FM.'noS].
Kl. cnair for cetai-w 7 a .u. dec fuirri, 7 bliadan bisex 7 mi-
lisiwo centesimo ochtauoj annus I ab Incarnatione I Domini.
[«January i on a Wednesday, and the 15th of the moon the-
reon, and bisextile year, and the no8th year from the Incar-
nation of the Lord »].
Mael-Finwen mac Dorwgaile airdespor Lzigen [d'ec. « Mael-
Finnein, son of Donngal, archbishop ofLeinster, died »].'
Mac maic Aigenai//, r/ Laigse [« king of Leix »] subita
morte periit 2.
Luimneach do \oscud [« Limerick was burnt »J in oc anwo.
Do/miall mac Donnchaidh Hiii Ruairc, n Hua mBriuiw
Brefne, occisus est o Cairpn [« Domnall, son of Donnchad
Hua Ruairc, king of the Hui Briuin of Brefne, was slain by
(the men of) Cairbre »].
Diass do marbadh do thenidh3 gelan a Terwand Chaela/wd
« Two men were killed by lightning at Termonkeelin »].
Crech la m^c nDomnaill mac maic Lochlainn .i. n^dawna
Ailig, isin Corand, co rue bu i;;/da 7 bruid [» A raid by the
son of Domnall, grandson of Lochlann, crownprince of Ai-
:ch, into the Corann, and he carried off many cows and
captives »'].
Creach la hUlltaib i n-Uib Meith, cor' airgset uili acht bee
[« A raid by the Ulaid into Hui Meith, and they rifled it all
save a little »].
Goll Garbraidhe Hila hEochada, n Ulad, occisus est o
1. MS. andus seibi/; carwatioue
2 . pgrait
3. thenigh
28 Whit ley Stokes.
[Hull] Mathgamna [« Goll Garbraide Hua hEochada, king of
Ulster, was killed by Hua Mathgamna »]. In marg. ri \J\ad.
Hiia Cerbaill, rig Eogxnacbfa Locho Lew, occisus est o
brathair few [« Hua Cerbaill, king of the Eoganacht of Loch
Lein, was slain by his own brother »].
Troscud samaidh Ciarain for Muiredhach Hua MadScchlainn
oc cuiwdchid saire Cilli Moire i Muig in fir, 7 as moch do-
righne Dia a indeachadh .i. tasc Muirdmaig fo Erinn 7 ar-
gain Midhi [« The fasting of the community of S. Ciaran on
Muiredach Hua MailSechlainn, a-seeking the freedom of Cell
mor in Mag in fir (« the plain of the man »); and soon did
God take vengeance on him, by means of the march (?) of
Muirchertach throughout Ireland and the plundering of
Meath »].
[AU. 1109. CS. 1105. ALC. 1109. FM. 1109].
Kl. enair for aine 7 .xx.ui. fuirre, 7 caisc for septkl. mai
(7 min)chasc a sawradh [« Jan. i on a Friday, and the 26th
(of the moon) thereon, and Easter on the 7th of the calends
of May, and Little Easter (Low-Sunday) in summer »].
Creach la Muirdmach Hiia MaelSechlainn, la rig Temracb,
cor' airg Firu Roiss 7 cor' marbad a ri .i. Hiia Find, do faesam
Bachla Issa 7 cowarba Pzdraic [« A raid by Murchertach Hua
Mail-Sechlainn king of Tara, and he plundered the Fir Rois
and their king Hua Find, was killed while under the safeguard
of the Staff of Jesus and the Successor of S. Patrick »], sed
uindicauit1 Deus.
Sluagad la Muirchertach Hi'/a mBriuin co feraib M«man 7
Mid he a Condtfdtfaib a n-Uib Briuiw Brefne, co tuc bu 7 brait
moir, 7 co ndechatar for indsib Locha hUachtair, co tucsad
bruid estib. Tanic iarsm Hi'ia Ruairc 7 Hiia Briui/r, cor' cuir-
sed Hiia MzelSecblainn asa longport 7 tucsat ar fer Midi im
mac Gilla [FJulartaigh et alios 2 cum eo [« A hosting by Muir-
1 . MS. uin//di cauit
2 . alias
The Annals of Tigernacli. The continuation. 29
chertach Hua Brinin with the men of Munster and Meath,
into Connaught, into the Hui Briuin of Brefne ; and he car-
ried off kine and many captives; and they went on the is-
lands of Lough Oughter and brought captives thereout. After
that came Hua MaelSechlainn out of his camp, and slaughter-
ed the men of Meath, including the son of Gilla Fulartaig
and others with him »].
Ard mBrecan cona. templaib do loscud la Huib Briuin 7
daine do loscadh 7 bruit do breth as [« Ardbraccan with its
churches was burnt by the Hui Briuin, and human beings
were burnt (alive) and captives wrere taken out of it »].
[AU. mo. CS. 1106. ALC. mo. FM. nioj.
Kl. enair .uii. fan a .uii. luna.
Gilla Coluim O Mail-muaidh, n Per cell, j a ben do mar-
badh don Geoccach Hun Aillen [« Gilla Coluim Hua Mail-
muaid, king ot tlie Fir cell, and his wife, were killed by the
Mummer Hua Aillen »].
Maidw la Tairrdelbach mac Ruaidri Hui Choncobair la ri[gj
Coh\n\acht j le Sil Mw/redhaigh for Conmaicmb a Muigh Ai,
co tard ar Conmaicne and ini mac Concaille H/«' Fergail j am
Gilla na naem Hua Fergail j aw* Duarcan m^c Duib dara Ua
Eolais j sochaidhe J archena. [« A defeat inflicted by Toirdel-
bach, son of Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, king of Connaught,
and by the Sil Muiredaig on the Conmaicni in Mag Ai ; and
there the Conmaicni were slaughtered, including the son
of Cu-caille Hua Fergail and Gilla na noeb Hua Fergail and
Duarcan, son of Dub-dara Hua Eolais, and a multitude be-
sides »].
Maidm re feraib Breifne for Sil Muiredhaigh a Muig Brew-
gair, du a torchair sochaide2 im Menwuiw Hiia Mw/redhaigh
j am Ruaidhri Hua Muiredhaigh [« A defeat inflicted by the
men of Brefne on the Sil Muredaig on Mag Brengair, where a
i . MS. sochaighe
2 . sochaige
$o Whitley Stokes.
multitude fell, including Menmuin Hua Muiredaig and Ruai-
drl Hua Muiredaig »].
Creach la Mwrcadh mac Flain^ H/// Mad-Sechlainn, rig
Midi, co Loch Uachtair, cor' mzrbad drew do muint/r H///
Ruairc and [« A raid by Murchad, son of Fland Hua Mail-
Sechlainn, king of Meath, as far as Lough Oughter, and a
party of Hua Ruairc's people were killed there »].
Mac Gilla Colai/w Uni Mael-muaidh, ri Per cell, occisus est
o Uib Aillen a fill [« The son of Gilla Coluimb Hua Mael-
muaid, king of the Fir chell, was treacherously slain by the
Hui Aillein »].
[AU. mi. CS. 1107. ALC. mi. FM. ].
Kl. enair for downach 7 a .xuii. [leg. xuiii] fuirn [« Ja-
nuary i on a Sunday, and the 17th (of the moon) thereon »].
Sice mor, co teighdis groigthi 7 iwirgecha ar in eighridh
[« A great frost, so that studs and droves used to go on the
ice »].
Cenan«w5 7 Lughmadh I do loscadh [« Kells and Louth
were burnt »].
Crech mor la Murchertach Hi'ia mEi'lain for Conmaicnib j
for firu Teftha [« A great raid by Murchertach Hua Briain on
the Conmaicni and the men ofTeffa »].
Cathal mac Cathail Hui Mughroi?^ taisech Clainnt Cathail,
[« chief of Clan Cathail »] mortuus est.
Cluaiw maic Nois d'argaiw do Dail Cais a cowairle Muir-
chertaig H/// Briaiw [« Clonmacnois was rifled by the Dal
Cais by the counsel of Murchertach Hua Briain »].
Mordal fer nErenn et/r laechaib 7 cleirchib i Fiadh Aengwja
im Muirchenach Una mBriain rig M//wan, co feraib Mufnan,
7 MaelMuiri Uiia Dunan airdesp^ Muman, 7 Cellach mac
Aeda co;«arba P&draic. Issi seo uitmr aesa graidh batar ism
mordail sin .uiii. n-espw/V .1. 7 .ccc. xuiii. do sacartaib 7 .xxuii.
deochain, 7 ni fuil airiw ara med do cleirchib. Ro cinded ria-
i . MS. lughmagh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation.
gla iwdha ism t[s]ewadh sin [« A convention of the men of
Ireland, both laymen and clerics, at Fiad Oengusa, including
Murchertach Hua Briain, king of Munster, with the men of
Minister, and Mael Maire Hua Dunain, archbishop of Mun-
ster, and Cellach, son of Aed, successor of S. Patrick. This
is the number of ecclesiastks who were in that convention :
57 bishops, and 318 priests, and 27 deacons, and there is no
counting the clerics because of their number. Many rules were
decreed in that synod »].
Senadh mor Uisnigh isin bliadain sin [« The great synod of
Uisnech in this year »].
Crech la Tairrdelbo^A o Concobair, cor'airg Termund da
Beooc. Crech aile lais cor'airg co Bend Eachlabra 7 co Sliab
Raissen 7 co Loch Eirne [« A raid by Toirdelbach Hua Con-
chobair, so that he plundered Termonn da Beooic. Another
raid by him in which he plundered up to Binaghlon and
Slieve Rushel and Lough Erne »].
[AU. 1112. ALC. 1112. FM. 1112].
Kl. enair .ii. leria .xx.ix. [luna], bisextilis annus1.
Tir da glass 7 Fabur do loscad [« Terryglass and Fore were
burnt »] ex parte.
Ugaire Hi'ta Lorcain, n Hi'ia M///redaigh [« king of the Hui
Muredaig »] in penitentia q/deuit a nGli/zd da lacha [« in
Glendalough »].
Raith Aird Macha do loscad cons, tewplaib [« The close of
Armagh, with its churches, was burnt »].
Crech la Cewel [fo. 2Ob i] nEogain a Fine Gall 7 co Droi-
ched Dubgaill, co rucsad bu 7 bruid i/;/da [« A raid by the
Kindred of Eogan into Fingal and as far as Dubgall's Bridge,
and they carried off kine and many captives »].
Gorwlaith ingen Murchadha maic Mail nambo, bancomurba
Brighdi, mortua est. [« Gormflaith, daughter of Murchad, son
of Mael na mbo, female successor of S. Brigit, died »].
i . MS.
32 Whit ley Stokes.
[AU. 1113. CS. 1109. ALC. 1113. FM. 1113].
Kl. enair qwartafma .lw«# .x. MaelSechlainn Hua Concobair,
n Corcomruadh, [« king of Corcomroe »] a fra/re suo [occi-
sus est].
Morsluaighed la Muirchertach Hiia mBridin, la rig nErenn
7 la mathaib Emm, laechaib cleirchib, co Grenoic a cowdail
mate Mate Lochlainn, 7 ni tanic-seow and, 7 tanic cowurba
Padnztf uadh 7 do iarrastair eadh cairdhi chow a thechtana *
[« A great hosting by Murchertach Hua Briain, king of Ire-
land, and by the nobles of Ireland, both laymen and clerics,
to Grenoc, to meet the son of Mac Lochlainn, and he came
not thither, but S. Patrick's successor came from him, and
asked as payment for his coming I a time of truce »].
Cliathach et/r MuinuV nGillgain 7 Muwter Mhael marthaiw,
cor' marbad sochaide 3 do muntir Gillgan i;«a taisech 7 iwa
mathaib archena [« A conflict between the Muinter Gillgain
and the Muinter Mael-marthain, and a multitude of the
Muinter Gillgain were killed, including their chief and their
other nobles »].
Donwchadh m^c Taidhg H/// Briain 7 Cellach mac maic Mail-
Issu, co;?iurba Patnz/V2, 7 mac Aedacan esp^ [d'ec. « Donn-
chad, son of Tadg Hua Briain, and Cellach, grandson of
Mael-Isu, a successor of S. Patrick, and Mac Aedacain bishop,
died »].
Gabail Murchaid H/h* MtelSechlainn la M.uirchertach Una
mBriam [« The capture of Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn by
Muirchertach Hua Briain »].
Bratan do gabail a Cluai« maic Nois issin bliadain-sez, da
traigidh dec i«a fad, da dorn dec iwa leithead cen scoltadh, m
duirnw 7 da mer a fada eithri a braighead [« A salmon was
caught at Clonmacnois in this year : twelve feet in length :
1. The text is here corrupt and the translation conjectural. I suppose
cbom to be a scribal error for coma « bribe ». *
2. MS. collach mac mailissa 'maic comurba patn//V
3. sochaigc
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 33
twelve hands in breadth without being split; three hands and
two fingers was the length of its neckfin »].
[AU. 1114. CS. 1 1 10. ALC. 1114. FM. 1114].
Kl. enair for dardain 7 aen fichet fuirre [« January 7 on a
Thursday, and the 2ist (of the moon) thereon »].
Maidw ar in Gilla Sronmael Hua Ruaircc ria Murchadh Hua
MzdSecklainn, [« A defeat inflicted by Murchad Hua Mael-
Sechlainn on the Gilla Sronmael (the Blunt-nosed Boy) Hda
Ruairc »] uibi cecidderwnt...
Fabur 7 Guam Iraird 7 Cell mBeneoiw 7 Cunga 7 Ceall
Cuilind 7 Cell Caindigh 7 Ard Patraic do loscud isin bliadain
si [« Fore and Clonard and Kilbannon and Cong and Kil-
cullen and Kilkenny and Ardpatrick were burnt in this year »].
Galar do gabail Mmrcfortaig Hui Briain co ndechaidh I a
tasc fo Erijfffj 7 cor' iwposat fir Erenn air, 7 co ro gab Diar-
muid Hiia Briaiw rige Mwwa/j [« A disease attacked Muir-
chertach Hua Briain, so that the report thereof went through-
out Ireland, and the men of Ireland turned upon him, and
Diarmait Hua Briain seized the kingship of Munster »].
INdarbaidh2 didiu Tairrdelb^/? Hua Cowcobair a brathair
.i. Downall Hua Conchobair a Muwairt 7 Conmaicne do Muigh
Ai [« Then Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair banishes into Mun-
;ter his brother Domnall Hua Conchobair, and (also) the
Conmaicni from Mag Ai »].
Morsluaigedh la Tairrdelbtfd; Hua Cowcobair la rig Con-
\f\\acht conz sochraidi o Leth Cumd .i. im Domnall mac Mate
LochlainWj co tuaisc^rt nErenn J co feraib Midi co Tulaigh I
Dedaigh3, cor' feradh debaidh 4 et/V marc[s]luagh Con[n]^/;/
7 Muwan, cur' muid5 for Mumnechaib, cor' marb^J sochai-
dhe6 and im Cathal Ua nDuibciwd 7 im Ua nGrada. Dober
didin Tairrdelbar/? cairdi do feraib Muwan [d]ar s'arugwJ Le-
1. MS. ndeachaigh 4. debaigh
2 . INdarbaigh 5 . muig
3. co tulaigh ingen degaigh 6. sochaighe
Revue Critique, XVIII.
34 Whit ley Stokes.
the Cuiwd, fri re mbliadne. [« A great hosting by Tordelbach
Hua Conchobair, king of Connaught, with his army from
Leth Cuinn (the northern half of Ireland), together with
Domnall, son of Mac Lochlainn, with the North of Ireland
and with the men of Meath as far as Tulach Hui Dedai^. And
a combat took place between the cavalry of Connaught and
that of Munster, and the Munstermen were routed, and a
multitude was slain there including Cathal Hua Duibchinn
and Hua Grada. Then, in spite of Leth Cuinn, Tordelbach
grants the men of Munster a truce for the space of a year »].
Domnall Hua Co;zchobair do gabail do Uib Maine 7 a tha-
bairt al-laim Tairrdelbaig [« Domnall Hua Conchobair was
captured by the Hui Maini and delivered into Toirdelbach's
hands »].
O Longsigh, r/ Dal-Araidhi, occisus est a ndighail Bernaiw
Ciaraiw do sarugud do ism mis-sin * [« Hua Longsig, king of
Dalaradia, wras slain in revenge for S. Ciaran's « Gapling »,
which had been desecrated by him in that month »].
Muirdmach macMaic LoMaiiin, r/^da;«na Ailig, [7 Ruai-
dri] Una Canarwan, r/ Ceneoil Cowaill, occisi sunt2 [« Muir-
chertach, son of Mac Lochlainn, crownprince of Ailech, and
Ruaidri Hua Canannain, king of the Kindred of Conall, were
slain »].
Mor ingen Ruaidri [« daughter of Ruaidri »] mortna est.
Sil Muiredhaigh do dul i n-Aidhniu do chaithew a feoir 7 a
harba [« The Sil Muiredaig invaded Aidne to consume its
grass and corn »].
Cath reM^fcMurchadhamfl/c Dhiarmuda maic Mail na mbo
for Mael-mordha Hi'ia nDowmaill, rig Hiia Cendsilaig [« A
battle gained by the son of Murchad, son of Diarmait, son of
Mael na mbo, over Mael-Mordha Hua Domnaill, king of the
Hui Cennselaig »], uibi multi occisi sunt2.
Crech la T&irrdelbach Hiia Cowcobair a n-izrtbar Midhi,
cor' 'airg uile [« A raid by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair into
the west of Meath, till he plundered the whole of it »].
1 . MS. do ism misiw
2 . octisus est
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 35 '/
Dohwcadh Hua hEochada, r/ UW, do dalladh d'U Math-
gamna *, 7 rigi do gabail do fen [«• Donnchad Hua hEochada,
king of Ulster, was blinded by Hiia Mathgamna, who took
the kingship to himself »].
Boar mor oband 7 gallra iwarcradacha ism bliadain sin [« A
murrain great and sudden, and most tormenting diseases in
this year »].
[AU. 1115. CS. mi. ALC. 1115. FM. 1115].
Kl. enair for aine 7 ail dec [leg. ail uathaid ?] fuirri [« The
calends of January on a Friday, and the twelfth (of the moon)
thereon. »] Tertius annus bisex[t]ilis.
Diarwuit Hiia Bridin, r/ Muwan, do gabail do Ga\\aib
Luiwnigh i fill, da brathair .i. do Muirchertach [« Diarmait
Hua Briain, king of Minister, was treacherously captured
by the Foreigners of Limerick, [or] by his brother Muircher-
tach »].
Tairrdelbflc/; O Concobair do gabail giall Tuath-Muwan 7
do tabairt a righi do mac Taidhg H/h' Briaiw. An mac Taidhg
C£'/na do impodh fair-siu;» isin \Aiadain cetna, co tanic-sm i
Tuadh-Mwmain, cor' marbad les m^c Taidhg. [« Toirdelbach
Hua Conchobair took the hostages of Thomond and gave the
kingship thereof to the son of Tadg Hua Briain. The same
son of Tadg revolted against him in the same year : so Toir-
delbach marched into Thomond and killed the son of Tadg »].
Bualadh TzLtrdelbaig H/h' Choncobair a nAth bo do drew dia
muindc/r fen .i. do [macaib] M&elSechlainn mate Aeda, maic
Ruaidhri, acht cena terno sow ass iarow. [« The smiting of
Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair at Ath bo, by a party of his
own people, namely, the sons of MaelSechlainn, son of
Aed, son of Ruaidri : howbeit he afterwards escaped from
them »].
Cath le Domnall mac "NLuircbertaig H/h' Briain for Laig«/«,
du a torchair Donwchadh mac Mwrcadha, r/ Laig«i .i. cath
i . MS. mathduwna
3 6 Whitley -Stokes.
Atha cliath, 7 Concobar Hua Concobair, n Una Failghi, et alii
muilti [occisi sunt. « A battle gained by Domnall, son of
Murchertach Hua Briain, over the Leinstermen, wherein fell
Donnchad, son of Murchad, king of Leinster, to wit, the
battle of Dublin ; and Conchobar Hua Conchobair, king of
Offaly, and many others, were slain »].
Orlaith ingen Mwrcadha H/h' MaelSechlainn, ben Tairnfc/-
baig H/h' Conchobfl/r, mortua est. [« Orilaith, daughter of
Murchad Hua Mael-Sechlainn, wife of Toirdelbach Hua Con-
chobair, died »].
Dub essa1 ingen maic Aedha mate Ruaidhri, qwieuit [« Dub-
essa, daughter of the son of Aed, son of Ruaidri, rested »].
Coblach la Tairrdelbtfc/j Ua Concobair, rig Con[n]acht,
cor' airg Domnall mac Con-slebe H/h" Ferghail, [fo. 2Ob2] 7
co tanic Murchadh Hua MzelSecblainn ina theach, 7 cor' dain-
gned les Buiwdi an beithe, 7 cor' idhbair tri seodu do Chiaran
i Guam .i. com co n-or 7 bledhe2 co n-6r 7 mulloc uwa co
n-6r [« A fleet (was brought) by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair,
king of Connaught, till he plundered Domnall, son of Cu-
slebe Hui Fergail, and Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn made
submission to him 3. And by him Buinne in beithi was forti-
fied, and he offered three jewels to S. Ciaran in Clonmac-
nois, to wit, a drinkinghorn (inlaid) with gold, a goblet (in-
laid) with gold, and a paten of copper (inlaid) with gold »].
Mide do roif/d etir da m^fc Downaill H/h' MaelSechlainn.
MaelSech/amw do toitiw focMoir la Murchadh [« Meath was
divided betwreen the two sons of Domnall Hua MaelsechLiinn,
(namely, MaelSechlainn and Murchad). MaelSechlainn
straightway fell by Murchad »].
[AU. 1116. CS. 1112. ALC. 1116. FM. 1116]
Kl. enrt/V .uii. ttria. \una .xui. [leg. xiii.] bisextilis
i . In marg. tech so « sec this »
2. MS. bleghi
3 . literally, came into his house.
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 57
Creach la Tairrdelbach Una Gwcobair a Muwain, cor' loisc
7 cor' mur Borowa 7 Cend coradh, 7 cor' warb sochaidhe1,
7 co tard buar 7 bruid imdha lais, noco tard in mbruid do
Dia 7 do Flandan [« A raid by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair
into Munster, till he burnt and destroyed Boroma and Cenn
corad, and killed a multitude, and brought off with him many
captives; but he gave up the captives to God and to S. Flan-
dan »].
Diarmuid Hua Briam a righe Muwan 7 Mmrchertach d'aith-
righadh. [« Diarmait Hiia Briain in the kingship of Munster,
and Murchertach was deposed »].
Gorta 7 cocadh mor a Leith Mogha. [« Famine and great
warfare in Mugh's Half » (the southern half of Ireland) »].
Ar muntiri Cille dara 6 Uib Bairrche. [« A slaughter by the
Hui Bairrche of the monastic community of Kildare »].
Ar munt/re Achaidh 2 bo iraon secnab Ua Scolaigi o Eilib
[« A slaughter, by the Eli, of the community of Aghabo, in-
cluding the prior Hua Scolaigi »].
Sluaighed la Diarmuid Hi'ia mBriaiw 7 la fcraib Muwan a
Condodtfaibj cor' ladh ar fer Muwan ism Ruaidh bei thigh, co
facsad a Ion 7 a n-eich 7 a n-airw 7 a n-ededh [« A hosting
by Diarmait Hua Briain and by the men of Munster into Con-
naught, and a slaughter of the men of Munster was inflicted
in the Ruad beithech (Roevehagh), so that they lost their pro-
visions, their horses, their weapons, and their armour »].
Fassughudh Laigen uile acht bee, 7 a scailedh fo Erinn \
[« Devastation of almost the whole of Leinster, and a scatter-
ing of its people throughout Ireland »].
[AU. 1117. CS. 1113. ALC. 1117. FM. 1117].
Kl. enfl/r for luan 7 .xxuii. [leg. xxiiii.] fuirre [« January i
on a Monday, and the 24th (of the. moon) thereon »].
Diarmuid Hiia Bndin 7 fir Mwwan do indrudh Thire Fia-
1 . MS. sochaige
2 . achaigh
3 8 Whitley Stokes.
chrach 7 Tire Briui/^ cor1 cuirsed Gw[n]0c/?/acath fodhes tar-
aneisi im Cathal mac meic Cathail Hi'd Conchobair 7 am
Brian mac Murchadha, cor' indairset co Sliab Cua, et/V \oscud
7 marbadh 7 argain. Ro laiset Mumnigh cath iwandiaidh1 cor'
fersad cath a Leatracha Odhrain, cor' wuidh 2 fodeass, cor'
marbad da \\fia Cendeidigh et alii multi [« Diarmait Hua
Briain and the men of Munster ravaged Tir Fiachrach and Tir
Briuin ; so the Connaughtmen sent southwards in pursuit of
them a battalion including Cathal, grandson of Cathal Hua
Conchobair, and Brian, son of Murchad ; and they ravaged as
far as Sliab Cua, both burning and killing and plundering.
The Munstermen despatched a battalion after them, and at
Lettracha Odrain (Latteragb) they fought a battle, in which
the southerners were routed, and two grandsons of Cenn-etig
and many others were killed »].
Mael-M/w-e Ua Dunaiw, airdespoc Erenn, qwieuit i Cl/'/ain
Iraird [« Mael-Maire Hua Dunain, chief bishop of Ireland,
rested at Clonard »].
Geill Murchadha Hui Ma&Secblainn la Tairrdelbach Hi'ia
Cdwchobair [« Hostages for Murchad Hua MieLSechlainn (were
taken) by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair »].
Diarmuid mac Enda maic Murchada, r/ Gall 7 Laigen,
qwieuit a n-Ath cliath [« Diarmait, son of Enda, son of Mur-
chad, king of the Foreigners and Leinstermen, rested in Dub-
lin »].
[AU. 1118. CS. 1114. ALC. 1118. FM. 1118].
Kl. ena/Vfor Mairt 7 .u. fw/rre [« January i on a Tuesday,
and the 5ch (of the moon) thereon »].
Diarmuit Hua Briaiw, n Lethe Mogha [« king of the south-
ern half of Ireland »] mortuus est.
Brian mac Mwrchada, ri Tuadh-Mu;;/an [« king of Tho-
mond »] occisus est.
1 . MS. inandiaigh
2. muigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 39 /[
Sluaiged la Tairrdelbach Hua Concobair 7 la Murchadh Hila
MaelSechlainn a Muwaiw do gabail a ngiall, co tucsat a ngialla
leo, \m Corwac mac Mec Carrtaigh a Des-Mwmain [« A hos-
ting by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair and by Murchad Hua
MaelSechlainn into Munster, to take their hostages, and out
of Desmond they brought their hostages, including Cormac,
son of Mac Carthaig »].
Sluaighedh aile lasin lucht o?7na, co tucsat gialla Laighen,
7 tucsad Downall mac Murchadha Hui MaelSechlainn ar eicin
o Ath cliath [« Another hosting by the same folk, so that
they brought away the hostages of Leinster, and took Dom-
nall, son of Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn, by force out of Dub-
lin »].
Geill Leithe Cuind do tabairt a hAth cliath ar eiciw tria for-
bais la Tairrdelb^/? Una Concobair, 7 righe Gall do gabail do,
iar ndichar Downaill Gerrlamaigh Hui Briain [« The hostages
of Conn's Half (the northern half of Ireland) were forcibly -
taken out of Dublin, by means of a beleaguerment, by Toir-
delbach Hua Conchobair, and the kingship of the Foreigners
was assumed by him after expelling Doornail of the Short
Hands, grandson of Brian »].
Downall mac Ruaidri Hua Concobair do eg [« Domnall,
son of Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, died »].
Ruaidhri Hua Conchobair, airdri Condacht 7 fer indsaighe
Erenn, ina primsenoir uasal aithrigeach do ec a Cluctin maic
Nois [« Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, overking of Connaught and
champion of Erin, died at Clonmacnois as a chief elder, noble
and repentant »].
Morsluaighedh Con[n]acht am Thurrdelbach O Cowchobair
co Ceand coradh, cor' chuirset he isiw Sinainw et/r cloich 7
crand [« A great hosting of Connaught, including Toirdel-
bach Hua Conchobair, to Cenn-corad, and they hurled it
into the Shannon, both stone and timber »].
O Baigellain, o\\am Emm, do marbadh on Spaillech O
Flandacan ar ngabail tighe fair. [« Hua Baigellain, chief poet
of Ireland, was killed by the Spaillech Hua Flanducain, after
his house had been stormed »].
40 Whit ley Stokes.
[AU. 1119. CS. 1115. ALC. 1119. FM. 1119].
Kl. enair for cetzin 7 .xui. fuirre [« January i on a Wednes-
day, and the :6th (ot the moon) thereon »].
Murch«tach Hi/a Briaiw ri Erenn do ec isin sesedh \Aiadain
a t^reblaidi iar n-aithrighe moir, 7 a adhnacol a tewpall Cille
da Lua. [« Murchertach Hua Briain, king of Ireland, died in
the sixth year of his tribulation, after a great repentance, and
was buried in the church of Killaloe »]. In marg. n Erenn.
Aed Hua Concenaiwd, ri Una nDiarmuda, [« king of the
Hui Diarmata »] mortuus est.
Aed Hua Braenan, r/ Airrt/;/r Laigfw [« king of the East of
Leinster »] mortuus est.
Una Tuathail, n Hua Muiredhaigh, [« king of the Hui
Muiredaig »] occisus est.
Morcoblach la Tairrdelbrtf/; Hua Concobair, la rig Erenn1, ria
rediughudh 2 Sinna lais, co righ Laigen .i. Enda m#c Mur-
chadha, 7 co ri[g] n-Osraige .i. Dondchadh m^c Gilla Padm/^
7 co mathaibh Gall Atha cliath uw/e, co Gill da Lua, do cai-
thew bidh fer Muman [« A great fleet led by Toirdelbach Hua
Conchobair, king of Ireland, before the Shannon was cleared
by him, with the king of Leinster, Enda, son of Murchad, and
with the king of Ossory, Donnchad, son of Gilla -Patraic, and
with the nobles of the Foreigners of Dublin, as far as Killaloe,
to consume the food of the men of Munster »].
[AU. 1 120. CS. 1116. ALC. 1 120. FM. 1120].
Kl. enfl/r for dardain 7 .uii. fabet fuirre [« January i on a
Thursday, and the 27th (of the moon) thereon »].
Niall mac Downaill, r/^dawna Ail/^ [« crownprince of Ai-
lech »1 mortuns est.
1 . in marg. ri Ercnn
2. MS. regi'ughudh
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. 41
Aenach Taillten do denow la Tairrdelbtfr/; cetna. isin blia-
dain sin. [« The Assembly of Tailtiu (Teltown) was held in
this year by the same Toirdelbach »].
Tri primdrochaid dono do denow laTairrdelbfl<:/:;ce7na a Con-
dachtzib .i. drochad Atha luaiw 7 drochad Atha Crocha for Si-
wainH, 7 drochad Dmn |fo. 2iai] Leoda for Succa [« Three
chief bridges, also, were built in Connaught by the same Toir-
delbach : the bridge of Athlone, and the bridge of Ath Crocha
on the Shannon, and the bridge of Dunlo on the Suck »].
Crech drochaid Atha luaiw la Con[n]ar/;/aib a Mide la Tairr-
delbacb Una Concobair a Midhi, cor' indarb Murchadh H##
MaelSecblainn isin tuaiscert, 7 geill do tabairt leis ar faesam
cowurba Padra/c 7 na Bachla Issa.
Domnall Una MzelSechlainn 7 tuaiscert Erenn do taidheacht
dia fwnthin a Midhi dorisi, 7 dorowsad Ccn[n]achta. 7 Tairr-
delbach sidh ceilgi friu.
[« The raid of the Bridge of Athlone, by the Connaughtmen
into Meath, led by Toirdelbach Hiia Conchobair into Meath;
and he banished Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn into the North,
and brought with him hostages under the safeguard of S. Pa-
trick's successor and the Staff of Jesus.
Domnall Hua MailSechlainn and the North of Ireland mar-
ched again into Meath to help Murchad, and the Connaught-
men and Toirdelbach made a treacherous peace with them »].
[AU. 1121. CS. 1117. ALC. ii2i. FM. 1121].
Kl. em«V for satharn 7 .ix. dec [leg. ix. uathaid ?] fuirre.
[« January i on a Saturday, and the 19th (of the moon) there-
on »].
Domnall mac Mec Lochlainn, n thuasce[i]rt Erenn 7 fer gab-
ala giall nErenn, mortuus est [« Domnall, son of Mac Loch-
lainn, king of the North of Ireland, and the taker of Erin's
hostages, died »].
Rigbardan m#c Concoirne, ri Eile, [« Rigbardan, son of
Cii-coirne, king of the Eli »] mortuus est.
Deoradhfa] Htii Flaiwd, r/ tuaiscf/rt Eve-tin f do bathadh
42 Whit ley Stokes.
al-Loch Eachach [« (Cu-maige), son of Deoraid Hua Flainci,
king of the North of Ireland, was drowned in Lough Neagh »].
Samuel espoc Atha cliath [« bishop of Dublin »] in peni-
tentia qmeuit.
Muiredach Hua Flaithtartaigh, n iarthair Con\n\acht [« king
of the west ofConnaught »] mortuus est.
Morsluaigedh la Tzirrdelbach Hua Concobair, la rig nErenn,
i Muigh Birra, oc caithem Urmuwan 7 do thendad giall for
DesMwwain. Fri re tri mis in gemridh I do and, 7 do raind
Mumain et;V Clainn Carrtaigh 7 Sil mBriai^ [« A great host-
ing by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland, into
Mag Birra, consuming Ormond and to force hostages on
Desmond. For the space of the three months of winter was he
there, and he divided Munster between the Clan Carthaig and
the Sil Briain »].
Sluaiged la Toirdelbach Hua Concobair a Mumain, co ro
laised grithghair mor forro, 7 cor' airgset Ard Finain. Tancwj
tria deiridh in tsluaigh ac dul fodeas, cor' marbadh and Aedh
Hua hEdhin, n Hua Fiachrach Aidne, 7 Muiredhach Hi'ia
Ftaithbertaigh, n iarthair Con[n\acbt, 7 Muirghiwj Una Lor-
can, et ailii. [« A hosting by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair
into Munster, and they, Toirdelbach and his troops, caused the
people of Munster to cry aloud, and they plundered Ard Fi-
nain. The rear of the army was intercepted as it was march-
ing southward, and there Aed Hua hEdin, king of the Hui
Fiachrach of Aidne, was killed, and Muiredach Hua Flaithber
taig, king of the west of Connaught, and Muirgius Hua Lor-
cain, and others »].
Cowcobar Hua Focarta, ri Descent Eli, [« king of the
south of Eli] occisus est.
[AU. 1 122. CS. 1118, ALC. 1 122. FM. 1122].
Kl. en0/r ior downach 7 .xx. fw/rri [« January i on a Sun-
day, and the 2Oth (of the moon) thereon »J.
I . MS. gemrigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 43
Aedh mac Do/vmaill Hui Ruaircc, ri airt/?/r Condacht, do
marbadh do Midheachaib [« Aed, son of Domnall Hua Ruairc,
king of the east of Connaught, was killed .by Meathmen »].
Mac Mec-Carrthaigh do taidhecht a tech Tairrdelbaigb Hui
Chonchobair rig Emm, 7 Tuirrdelbach Hua Briain do gabail
lais, 7 rigi Tuadh-Muman do Tadhg Hilu Briai/z .i. mac a
athar 7 a mdthar fen. [« The son of Mac Carthaig submitted
to Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland, and Toir-
delbach Hua Briain was captured by him, and the kingship of
Thomond was given to Tadg Hua Briain, the son of Toirdel-
bach's own father and mother »].
Aed mac Duim/sleibe Htii Eochada, ri Ulad, do marbadh
d'U Mathgawna x i cath. [« Aed, son of Donn-slebe Hua Eo-
chada, king of Ulster, was killed in battle by Hua Math-
gam n a »].
Mael mordha Hua Downaill, r/ Hua Cendsilaig, 7 a cleir-
cecht fuair bass [« Mael-mordha Hua Domnaill, king of the
Hui Cennselaig, died in clericatu »].
MaelSechlainn O Donwacan, r/ Aradh tire, [« king of Ara
tire »], occisus est.
• Creach la Tairrdelbacb Hua Concobair co Loch n-Erne, co
uc broid 7 bu imda [« A raid by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair
as for as Lough Erne, and he brought thence captives and kine
in abundance »].
[AU. 1123. CS. 1119. ALC. 1123. FM. 1123].
Kl. enair for luan 7 prim fuirre [« January i on a Monday,
and the first (of the moon) thereon »].
Croch Crist a nErinn isin Wadain sin, co tucadh mor-
chuairt di la rig nErenn .i. la Tairrdelbach Hua Concobair, 7
cor' chuindigh ni di d' fastadh a n-Erinn, 7 ro leced do, 7 do
c//;«daighedh lais hi a Ros Cowan [« Christ's Cross in Ire-
land in this year, and a great tribute was given to it by the
king of Ireland, Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, and he asked
i . MS. mathdawna
44 Whit ley Stokes.
for some of it to keep in Ireland, and it was granted to him,
and it was enshrined by him at Roscommon »].
Downall mac male Dormcadha, r/^dawna Midhi, do marbrt^
do Gaileng0*£ [« Domnall, grandson of Donnchad, crown-
prince of Meath, was killed by the Gailenga »].
Donnchadh mac Taidhg Maic Carrthaigh, ri Des-Mwman,
mortuus est, 7 Cor/wac a brathair do righadh [« Donnchad,
son of Tadg Mac Carthaig, king of Desmond, died, and his
brother Cormac was made king »].
Maidm ar Cdnmazcnib re muntfr Rosa Cre 7 o Eilib [« A de-
feat (inflicted) on the Conmaicni by the community of Roscrea
and the Eli »], uibi ceci[di]t Dub dara mac Duib, et alii multi.
Tadhg Hua Maille, n Umaill, do badhudh x cons, luing a n-
Araind [« Tadg Hua Maille, king of the Owles, was drown-
ed with his vessel at Aran »].
Dondchadh Hua Gilla Padra/c, ri Osraige, do marbad
[« Donnchad Hua Gilla Patraic, king of Ossory, was killed »].
Morsluaighedh la Tairrdelbach' Hua Concobair for Mumai«,
cor' airg Ciarraige, co riacht fen Corcach, co tancatar maithe
Des-Mwwan ina theach, im Dondchadh Mac Carrthaigh 7 im
Cellach Htia mBric 7 im Hua Faelan 7 im Ua Conchobuir Ciar-
raighe2. [« A great hosting (led) by Toirdelbach Hua Concho-
bair into Munster, and he plundered Kerry and he himself
reached Cork ; so the chiefs of Desmond submitted to him,
including Donnchad Mac Carthaig and Cellach Hua Brie and
Hua Faelain, and Hua Conchobair of Kerry »].
[AU. 1124, CS. 1120. ALC. 1124. FM. 1124].
Kl. enair for mairt 7 .xii. f«frre [« January i on a Tues-
day, and the 12th (of the moon) thereon »].
Tadhg mac Maic Carrthaigh, n Des-Mwman^ do ec iar mor-
al thrighe a Caisel [« Tadg, son of Mac Carthaig, king of
Desmond, died in Cashel after great repentance »].
Sluaiged la T&mdelbbch Hua Conchobair for Loch Dergd^rc,
1 . MS. badhugh
2. ciarraidhe
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. 45
7 cor' tairrngedh a longa leis seach Has Danainde sis, co
riacht co Faind i n-Uib Conill, 7 cor' airg [Him] Cowaill uile,
7 cor' facaib [leis] coblach Des-Mwman, iar n-aiwriarugwd dib
in righ [« A hosting by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair on
Lough Derg, and his vessels were dragged by him down past
Ess Danainne (Dunass Rapids), till he reached Fand in Hui
Conaill, and he plundered the whole of Hui Conaill, and the
fleet of Desmond wras left with him, they, (the folk of Des-
mond), having been disobedient to the King »].
Tri caisde[oi]l la Con[n]achtai\) .i. cuistel Gaillme 7 Caisfc'/
Cul-maile 7 Caisfc'/ Duin leodha [« Three castles (were built
this year) by the Connaughtmen, namely, the castle of the
river Galway, and the castle of Cul-maile (Colooney), and
the castle of Dunlo »].
Morlongport lasiw rig a?/na ic Ath caille, co tucadh a oigh-
reir o Des-Muwain do, 7 cor' cwwaiscset Gaill Luimnigh fris
and sin, 7 is and robai im chaise 7 o samuin co beltaiwe do
ism longport sin. Ro iwposat didiu Conmaicnigh j Midhigh 7
Leth Mogha fair-siuw and sin. Dori»di-sm diu crech for Con-
mazcnib 7 for Airth^r Midi. Crech aile lais arnamarach ar in
lucht cd/na. Do thinoilsed didiu Conmaicne 7 Htii Briuiw 7
Midhigh an oiris catha do Thzitidilbach i///mon creich siw, co-
widh andsin ro brisedh cath [fo. 2ia2] Craibe for Conm/7/cnib
7 for Mideachaib, cor' cuiredh a n-ar 7 cor' hairgeadh iat.
Tancatar didiu Des-Mu;»a 7 Laig/« 7 Midigh 7 Conmaicne
iarna ngrisadh doib a haithle an madhma sin a n-iart/wr Mide
do tiachtain a Condtffjftfaib, noco cualatar in n do beith mor-
inol ic Ath luam 7 co ro hindisedh doib ge[i]ll Des-Muwan do
rbadh im Cor mac m^zc [Mflic] Carrthaigh. Scailidh J didiu
ch o chele dib dia tigib, 7 soaidh 2 Ma[c] Carrtaigh co bro-
nach dia taigh ar marbadh a maic. Tucad cairdi do et/rib in
luchta aile.
[« A great camp (pitched) by the same king at Ath caille
(Woodford), und his full desire was given him by Desmond,
and there the Foreigners of Limerick joined him 3, and there
1 . MS. Scailigh
2 . soaigh
3. literally « mixed with him ».
46 Whitley Slokes.
he remained in that camp at Easter and from All-saints-day to
Beltane. Then the Conmaicni and Me at h men and Mugh's
Half (the South of Ireland) turned upon him. So he made a
raid upon the Conmaicni and the east of Meath, and, on the
day after, another raid on the same people. Then the Con-
maicni and the Hui Briuin and the Meathmen gathered to give
battle to Toirdelbach and stop that raid. And then in the battle
of Craeb (Roiss da charn) the Conmaicni and the Meathmen
were defeated, and they were slaughtered and plundered. So
the men of Desmond and Meath and Leinster and 'the Con-
maicni, being egged on after that defeat, marched into the
west of Meath to invade Connaught ; but they heard that the
king was at Athlone with a great gathering, and they were
told that the hostages of Desmond, including Cormac, son of
Mac Carthaig, had been killed. So each of them separates
from the other and goes to his house, and Mac Carthaig returns
home mournfully because of his son's death. A respite was
given to the hostages of the other folk »].
Creach la Tairrdeibacb a Midhe, co tuc broid diairme laiss
[« A raid by Toirdelbach into Meath, whence he brought in-
numerable captives »].
MttlSechlainn mac Taidhg Hui MzdSechlainn do warbadh
do Midheachaibh [« MaelSechlainn, son of Tadg Hua Mael-
Sechlainn, wras killed by Meathmen »].
Muiredhach mac male Aeda, r/ Clainde Coscraigh x do ec
a crabadh [« Muredach, grandson of Aed, king of Clan Cos-
craig x, died in devotion »].
[AU. 1125. CS. 1121. ALC. 1125. FM. 1125].
KL en0/> for dardain 7 .xx.iii. fuirre [« January i on
Thursday, and the 23d (of the moon) thereon »].
Aedh mac Downaill H/« Concobair do gabail dia brathair
[« Aed, son of Domnall Hua Concobair, was captured by his
brother »].
I . MS. coscraidh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 47
Flanw 7 an Gilla Riabach, da mac Aineislis Hid Eidhin, do
marb#d do Choncobur Hiiu Fiaithbertaigh [« Fland and the
Gilla Riabach, two sons of Aneisles Hiia Edin, were killed by
Conchobar Hiia Flaithbertaig »].
Gilla Bruide Hiia Ruairc occisus est.
Sluaigedh mor la Tairrdhelbach mac Ruaidhri la ri[g]
nErenn, co hAchadh bo a n-Osraigi, co tardsat a lanriar do isiw
iwpodh doronsad fair rome [« A great hosting by Toirdelbach,
son of Ruaidri, king of Ireland, as far as Aghaboe in Ossory,
so that they gave him his full award in respect of the revolt
which they had made against him »].
Sluaigfl/ aile didiu lasi// ri[gh] cetna, a Midhe co tank Ti-
gernan Hiia Ruairc, n Hua mBriuiw 7 Conmaicne ina tech, 7
co nderwa cowluighe ris iwa reir, 7 co ndernsad indarba Mur-
cadha Hiii Mze\Sechlainnf rig Midhi, a Muwaiw, 7 co ro roimi
Midhi a cethair et/r tri ua M&elSechlainn 7 Tigerwan. Do-
chuaidh didiu Tairrdelbach co hAth cliath co raibe aidche and,
co tard righi Gall Atha diatb do ri[g] Laig^w.
[« Another hosting also, by the same king, into Meath, so
that Tigernan Hua Ruairc, king of the Hiii Briuin and Con-
maicni, submitted to him and made an alliance with him as
to doing his will ; and they banished Murchad Hiia MaelSech-
lain,n king of Meath, into Munster, and he (Toirdelbach)
divided Meath into four parts, among Tigernan and the three
grandsons ofMaelSechlainn. Then Toirdelbach went to Dublin
and abode there for a night, and he gave the kingship of the
Foreigners to the king of Leinster »].
Mac Donttcadha Htii MzelSechkunrt do marbadh la Mur-
chadh Hi'iaMzelSechlainn. [« The son of Donnchad HiiaMael-
Sechlainn was killed by 'Murchad Hiia MaelSechlainn »].
Hiia Cerbaill, n Fer;/maighe, do marbad [« Hua Cerbaill,
king of Fernmag (Farney) was killed »].
[AU. 1126. CS. 1122. ALC. 1126. FM. 1126].
Kl. enairfor aine 7 .iiii. dec fWrre [« January i on a Friday,
and the 14th of the moon thereon »].
48 Whitley Stokes.
Enwa mac Dondchadha male Mwrchadha, ri Laigen, d'ec
[(( Enna, son of Donnchad, son of Murchad, king of Leinster,
died »].
Sluaiged la Tairrdelbach Hiia Concobair, la ri[g] nErenn do
denow rig al-Laigm'£ iarsm. Tanic didiu Corwac mac Carr-
thaigh, ri Desmuwan, do cosnum Laigm fris, co Sliab in cai-
thligh, 7 ro grendaig im cath he. Tan[ic] Tzirrdelbacb ina fri-
theng anair da saigidh, corice an longport i raibe, cor' facaib-
siuw an longport, 7 ro cuirset Con[n\achtz ar Desmuwan 7 ro
loiscset an longport.
[« A hosting by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, king of Ire-
land. He was made king in Leinster thereafter. So to contest
Leinster with him, Cormac Mac Carthaig, king of Desmond,
marched as far as Sliab in chaithlig, and challenged him to
battle. Back from the east came Toirdelbach to attack him, and
reached the camp wherein was Cormac ; so Cormac quitted
it, and the Connaughtmen made havoc of the men of Des-
mond, and burnt the camp »].
Morlongport la Tairrdtlbach mac Ruaidhri a n-Urm//main o
Lughnttfafd] co feil Brigde, cor' chros Erinn ass ria re aenmis
am#/ ncir' cross ri roiwe riam, 7 ni falmuighthi an longport
enfecht dib. Feacht lais co hAth c\iath, co ndernsat Gailla oig-
reir 7 cor' facaib a mac a righe and .i. Concobur. Doluid
didiu o Ath cliath, 7 fir Midhi 7 Cowmaicne immaille fris, cor'
airg Tir Cdftaill. Fecht aile leis asi/z longport cetna. cor'airg co
Monaidh T Moir 7 co Glend maghair, 7 tuc bai i/wda 7 bruid
moir lais. Fecht aile lais cor' airg descm Osraige uile 7 cor'
marb Hita Caeroc andsen. Tancatar didiu Osraige uile ina
teach, 7 tucsad giallu do. Dochuaidh assidhe co Belach Mugh-
na ; cor' aithrig«tair mac Mate Murchadha, 7 cor' ordaigh
righe da mac fen forro .i. do Conchobar mac Tzindelbaig.
[« A great encampment by Toirdelbach son of Ruaidri in ;
Ormond from Lammas to St. Bride's festival (Feb. i), and
thence, for the space of a month, he traversed Ireland as no
king before him had ever traversed it, and not once was the
camp emptied thereby. Once he marched to Dublin, and the
i . MS. monaigh
The Annuls of Tigernach. The continuation. 49
Foreigners did his will completely, and he left his son Con-
chobar there in the kingship. Then from Dublin he went,
accompanied by the Meathmen and the Conmaicni, and .rava-
ged Tyrcounell. At another time he issued from the same
camp and plundered as far as Moin Mor and Glanmire, and
carried off many kine and a great number of captives. Another
time he plundered the whole of the south of Ossory and kill-
ed there Hiia Caeroic. Then all the CXssorians submitted to
him and gave him hostages. Thence he marched to Ballagh-
moon and deposed the son of Mac Murchada, and ordained
the kingship over them to his own son, Conchobar, son of
Toirdelbach »].
Downall Find Htia Dubda, r/ O n-Awalgaidh 7 O Fiach-
rach 7 Cera, do bathadh ac tabairt creche a Tir Conaill .i. an
duine nach tuc era ar neach riaw. [« Domnall the Fair, Hiia
Dubda, king of Hui Amalgaid, Hui Fiachrach and Cera, a
man who never gave a refusal to anyone, was drowned in
driving a prey out of Tyrconnell »].
[AU. 1127. CS. 1123. ALC. 1127. FM. 1127].
Kl. en0/y .uii. ieria [luna] .xn. fuirre [« January i on a
Saturday and the 15th (of the moon) thereon »].
Sluaiged la Taindelbach la rig n-Erenn co.riacht Corcach, 7
se fen ar tir 7 a coblach ar muir tiwchell co Corcaig, ac in-
drudh Muwan do muir 7 do thir, cor' cuirset Cormac mac
Maic Carrtaigh il-Les mor a n-oilit/?ri, 7 co ro romd Mumaiw ar
do .i. in leath descertach do Dondchadh mac Mate Carrtha/^
7 an leth tuaisc^rtach do Choncobur Huu Briaiw, 7 tuc tricha
ngiall leis dia thigh.
[« A hosting by Toirdelbach, king of Ireland, till he reach-
ed Cork, he himself on land and his fleet at sea going round
to Cork, ravaging Munster by sea and by land, so that they
drove Cormac, son of Mac Carthaig, into Lismore in pilgrim-
age ; and Toirdelbach divided Munster into two, the south-
ern half to Donnchad, son of Mac Carthaig, and the north-
ern half to Conchobar Hua Briain, — and he brought home
thirty hostages »].
Revue Cdtique, XVIII. 4
$o Whitley Stokes.
Corwac mac Mec Carrtaigh do taidecht o ailithre 7 cowlui-
ghe [fo. 2ib i] do denow re Concholoar O mBriaiw 7 re feraib
Muwan uile cenmotha Tuadmuwa. Tanic Donwchadh mac
Mate Carrthaigh .xx.c. uaidhib, ar ni raibe issin cowluighe ',
iw Hrffl Cairn 7 iw Ua Muircfortaigh 7 iw mathaib imdhaib
aile. [« Cormac, son of Mac Carthaig, came from his pilgrim-
age, and made an alliance with Conchobar Hua Briain and
with all the men of Munster save those of Thomond. Donn-
chad, son of Mac Carthaig, came from them, — for he was
not in the alliance, — with two thousand men, including
Hua Cairn and Hua Murchertaig, and many other nobles »].
Morchoblach la rig Erenn, la Tairrdelbacb Hua Conchobair,
nocha ar cet long a lin, do indrudh 7 do fassughudh Muwan.
Ro fassaigh didiu machaire na Muwan co Sliab Caiw 7 co hArd
PadrazV 7 co Huib Cowaill, co tard iltaintiu, 7 cor' marbad
daine imdha and [« A great fleet led by the king ot Ireland,
Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair — 190 ships his number — to
ravage and lay waste Munster. So he laid waste the plain of
Munster as far as Sliab Cain and Ard Patraic and Hui Conaill,
and he carried off many droves, and many people were killed
there »].
Cowirac da choblach for fairrge .i. coblach Con[n]acht 7 co-
blacb Muman ; cor' muidh 2 ar Muimnechaib, cor' cw/redh a
n-ar [« A battle of two fleets at sea, to wit, the fleet of Con-
naught and the fleet of Munster; and the Munstermen were
routed and slaughtered »].
Tamdelbach Hi'ia Conchobair, airdri Erenn, 7 cowurba lar-
laithe ti/wchill coitchend Tuama da gualand ota cend descer-
tach Cluidh in renda co Finmnagh. Tuc didiu in ri idhbairt
ferain« uadha fen don eclais doghres ota Ath mbo co Caill
Cluwain .i. in leath descertach iart^racfh] d'iartharCluana do
each cleireach maith do biadh do Sil Muiredaigh a Tuaim, 7
an leath aile di ac teach n-aighedh 3 Tuama il-laim in tsecna-
badh 4.
1 . MS. comluidhe
2. muigh
3 . naidhedh
4. tsechnabaigh
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation, n '
[« Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, overking of Ireland, and
the successor of S. larlaithe surround the common (?) of
Tuam from the southern end of Clad in renda to Findmtfg.
Then the king gave an offering of land from himself to the
church in perpetuity from Ath mbo (« the Ford of the Kine »)
to Caill Clumain, that is, the south-western half of the west-
ern part of Cluain, to every good cleric of the Sil Muredaig
who should dwell in Tuam, and the other half of it, at the
guesthouse of Tuam, into the hands of the prior »].
Murchadh Hua MaelSechlainn do athrighadh 7 a mac 'na
inadh .i. Downall. Domnall didiu d'aithrighadh a cind raithe
7 Diarmuit Una M:\e\Sech I ainn 'na inadh [« Murchad Hua
MaelSechlainn was deposed and his son Domnall put in his
place. Then, at the end of the quarter, Domnall was deposed
and DiarmaitHua MaelSechlainn was put in his place »].
Cath et/r da righ Ulad, du a torchair Aedh Ua Mathgawna
7 Niall mac Dumd sleibfe] Hui Eochada, r/ Ulad. [« A battle
between two kings of Ulster, wherein fell Aed Hua Math-
gamna and Niall, son of Donn-slebe Hua Eochada, king of
Ulster »].
[AU. 1128. ALC. 1128. FM. 1128].
Kl. enair ior dowmach 7 a .xx.ui. fWrre [« Jan. i on a
Sunday, and the 26th (of the moon) thereon »].
Sluaig^/ la Trirrdelbacb Hiia Condwbair , hrigErenn a n-Uib
Cendsck/^, cor' loisc uile cp tainic timchell o Loch Garwan 7
a lam re fairrge co hAth diatb [« A hosting by Toirdelbach
Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland, into Hui Cennselaig, till he
burnt everything and came round from Loch Gorman, with
his (right) hand to the sea, unto Dublin »].
Maghn//^ mac Mate Lochlaiwd, n Cene[oi]l Eogain 7 an
Tuaisc^/rt, do marbad do Cheng'/ Chowaill 7 do Cheng'/ Muai;z
[« Magnus, son of Mac Lochlainn, king of the Kindred of
Eogan and of the North, was killed by the Kindred of Conall
and the Kindred of Muan »].
Whitley Stokes.
[AU. 1129. CS. 1125. ALC. 1129. FM. 1129].
Kl. [enair] for mairt 7 .uii. fuirri [« Jan. i on a Tuesday,
and the yth (of the moon) thereon »].
Cellach cowurba Padra/V, uasaleaspa* Erenn 7 an mac oighe
pzusauit [« Cellach, a successor of S. Patrick, archbishop of
Ireland, and the son of virginity, rested »].
Altoir mor daiw liac Cluana maic Nois d'oslacadh 7 seoid
do breth esti .i. cairrecan Tempuill Solman tucadh o Mael-
Sechlainn mac Downaill, 7 cuid'm Dondchada maic Flaiwd, 7
na tri seoid tuc Tairrdelbach Ua Concobair .i. bledhi l argid 7
copan airgid 7 cros oir tairis, 7 corn co n-6r, 7 corn H/w Rian-
da rig Aradh, 7 cailech airgid 7 niaw oir fair, co wdeisc, 7 co-
pan Cellaig cowurba Pzdraic.
[« The great altar of the stone-house of Clonmacnois was
opened and treasures were taken thereout, to wit, the carre-
can (model?) of Solomon's Temple, which had been given by
MaelSechlainn, son of Domnall, and the standing-cup of
Donnchad, son of Fland, and the three treasures which Toir-
delbach Hua Concobair had given, to wit, a goblet of silver,
and a cup of silver with a golden cross over it, and a drink-
ing-horn inlaid with gold, and the horn of Hua Rianda, king
of Ara, and a silvern chalice with lustre of gold thereon, to-
gether with a paten, and the cup of Cellach, a successor of
S. Patrick's »].
[AU. 1130. CS. 1126. ALC. 1130. FM. 1130].
Kl. enair for cetzin 7 .xuiii. fw/rre [« January i on a Wed-
nesday and the i8th (of the moon) thereon »].
Cross-sluaigft/ la Tairrdelbach Hiia Concobair la ri[g] Erenn
an ndescert Ereww 7 ana tuaisccrt, co rancatar Toraig, co tucsad
i . MS. bleghi
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. jj
bai 7 bruid moir leo, 7 ro airgsed didiu an loinges teas Dair-
briu 7 Inis moir, 7 tucsad bruid leo.
[« A thwart-hosting by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, king
of Ireland, into the south of Ireland and into the north there-
of, till they reached Tory island and carried offkine and many
captives, and then the fleet in the south plundered Dairbri
(the island of Valencia) and Inis mor, and carried off captives »].
Cu Aifne Hua Cowcobair Failge do eg [« Cii Aifne, grand-
son of Conchobar Failge died »].
Diarmuid Una Fallowaiw, taissecb Claiwde hUadach [« chief
of Clan Uadach »] mortuus est.
Seoit Cluana maic Nois do foillsechadh ar Gallaib Luimnigh
iarna ngaid do Gilla Cowgan, 7 ro crochadh he ac Dun Cluana
hi[c]htairiarnathidhnacol o Choncobar o Briai;? o ri[g] Muwan.
Ro sir tra an fer-sa Corcach 7 Les mor 7 Port Lairge do dul
tar muir soir. In long a faghbadh l inadh ni faghadh sen
gaeth, 7 ro gebdis na longa aile na bidh-son, uair do fastodh 2
Ciaran an long ana triallad sow dul, 7 dorad sow a cuibidil
fria mbass anwsin, conadh eadh d'faicedh Ciaran cons, bachaill
ic fastadh cacha luingi i«a triallad sow dul. Romarb^tair tra
an Coimdhiu 7 naewChiaran an fersiw.
[« The treasures of Clonmacnois were discovered with the
Foreigners of Limerick, after they had been stolen by Gilla
Comgain ; and he was hung at the fort of Cluain ichtair, ha-
ving been delivered up by Conchobar Hua Briain, king of
Munster. Now this man (Gilla Comgain) sought Cork and
Lismore and Waterford in order to go eastward over sea.
The vessel in which he would (fain) find a berth would not
get a wind, though the other ships, in which he was not, got
one : for S. Ciaran used to detain the ship in which he attempt-
ed to proceed. And there he made his confession before death,
that he used to see this, S. Ciaran with his crozier detaining
every vessel in which he would try to go. So the Lord and
S. Ciaran killed that man »].
Maidw Craibe treithitt la Tisrrnan Hi/a Ruairc for airrther
1. MS. fadhbadh
2 . dofasthog
$4 Whilley Stokes.
Midhi, du atorchair Diarmuid Hiia M&elSechlaihn, n airrt/;/>
Midhi, 7 Aengus Hiia Caendelban rf Laegaire, 7 Cochall fliuch
mac Maic Sen-[fo. 2ib2]-ain, n Gaileng, ^ alii multi. [« The
rout of Craeb treithin (inflicted) by Tigernan Hiia Ruairc on
the east of Meath, wherein fell .Diarmait Hua MaelSechlainn,
king of the east of Meath, and Oengus Hua Caendelbain, king
of Loiguire, and Wet-Mantle, son of Mac Senain, king of the
Gailenga, and many others »].
[AU. 1131. CS. 1127. ALC. 1131. FM. 1131].
Kl. enair for dardaifl, 7 .xxi[x.] fuirre [« January i on a
Thursday, and the 29th (of the moon) thereon »].
Longes la Hiia Concbobair co R(oss) n-ailit/;ri, co rancatar
c... Des-Muwan 7 co ro indirsed co mor hi [« A fleet (led)
by Hua Conchobair to Ross Ailithri, till they reached Des-
mond, and ravaged it mightily »].
Debaidh l et/r marc(s)luagh Condacht 7 marcsluagh Muwan,
du a torchair Aedh mac Qw-Con(n)acht Hua Conchobair 7 O
Carrthaigh ollam Con[n]acht, et alii. [« A conflict between the
cavalry of Connaught and the cavalry of Munster, wherein
fell Aed son of Oi-Connacht Hua Conchobair 7 Hua Carthaig,
chief poet of Connaught, and others »].
Comluighe do tabairt et/r Leith Cui/zd 7 Leth Mogha tai-
dhecht a Conwachtaib a n-aenfecht. Tawcatar didiu tuaiscert
nErenn tar Eas Ruaidh .nil. catha co Coirr[s]liab 7 co Seghais.
Ro thinoil r/ Erenn Sil Muredhaigh dia saighidh, cor' cuirsed
Htii Beicc tian glaslaith ism Segais dia frithaileaw, co tardsad
amw^ forru, cor' bo maidm do C/;o//all 7 d'Eoghan 7 don
tsluagh uile acht cath \3\ad docuaidh tresi/z caill artwj, co tucad
ar forro i/;/on nGarbanach Una mBaigill 7 am Chond Hua
Mael-gaithe et alii. 7 co fargsad a n-eocho 7 a n-airw 7 a n-
edach. Tuc didiu ossadh mbecc an aidchi siw, co ndernsad
sith re Sil Muiredhaigh, conns, tiucbadis a Condrt^aib co brath
aris a sochraide Leithe Mogha. Do ordaigh didiu Taimlclbach
i . MS. Debaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. $ 5
Hua Conchobzir do lucht an tuaisc«Vt am#/ no raghdais dia taig
.i. Conaill 7 Eogain tar Has Riiaidh im mac Maze Lochlainn, 7
drew do mathaib Con[n]acbt dia n-idhnacol, 7 \3\aid 7 lucht
airrt/7/V tuaisc^Vt Erenn ar con/miedh a Muigh Ai tri la 7 .iii.
haidche co ndechas da n-idhnacol co hAth Fir-dhiadh do
eneach Con[n]acht. Co comranic eiurr o 7 TigernanHwa Ruairc
rig Hiia mBriuiw 7 Conmaicne a Muigh Cowaille iar tabairt
creiche do a hUllt#/£ danessi. Maidhidh J for Ulltfl/£ 7 for
Airgialla/^ cor' marbad and Ua hEochadha, ri Iliad, 7 0
Cridan (sic) ri Ferwmuige 7 a mac 7 O hlnnrechtaig, n O
Meith, et ailii.
2 Leth Mogha immorro, tancatar sen co Tuadhmuwain, cor'
tinolsat Con[n]achfa do tabairt catha doib; acht ni ro legset
Tuadhmuwa doib. Arai sew tra ro ben cath iarthair Condacht
fri cath larmuman 7 Cellach&in maic Mec-Carrtaigh, cor' blosc
cath Cellacham ism abaind ar teiced, 7 cor' baidhedh^, 7 cor'
marbad co mor, 7 co ndechatar gan tsith dia tigh.
[« An alliance was made between Conn's Half and Mogh's
Half to invade Connaught at the same time. So (the forces of)
the North, seven battalions, came over Assaroe to the Curlews
and Segais. The king ot Ireland mustered Sil Muiredaig
against them, and the Hui Beicc despatched a body of young
soldiers into the Segais to await them ; and they delivered an
attack upon them and routed Tyrconnell and Tyrone, and the
whole army, except a battalion of Ulstermen, which had at
first gone through the wood. So a slaughter was inflicted upon
them, including the Garbanach Hiia Baigill and Conn Hua
Mael-gaethe, and many others ; and they lost their horses and
their weapons and their armour. The king then granted a
little truce, that night, and they made peace with the Sil
Muiredaig, (agreeing) that never again should Connaught be
invaded by the army of the southern half of Ireland. To the
folk of the North Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair gave order
how they should repair to their homes, to wit, the men of
i.MS. Maighigh
2. In the ms. this paragraph comes next alter the entry beginning Con-
cob nr ua Briain.
3. baighed
$6 Whit ley Stokes.
Tyrconnell and Tyrone, including the son of Mac Lochlainn,
over Assaroe, with a party of the nobles ot Connaught to
escort them ; and the Ulaid with the troops of the north-east
of Ireland were, by the generosity of the Connaughtmen, bil-
leted in Mag Ai for three days and three nights, and then
escorted to Ardee. (But) a conflict took place on the Plain of
Conaille, between them andTigernan Hua Ruairc, king of the
Hui Briuin and Conmaicni, he having driven a prey out of
Ulster in their absence. The Ulaid and Airgeill were routed,
and Hua hEochada, king of Ulaid, was killed there, and Hua
Cridain, king of Farney, and his son, and Hua hlnnrechtaig,
king of the Hui Meith, and others »].
Mogh's Half, however, came to Thomond, and the Con-
naughtmen mustered to give them battle; but they yielded
not Thomond voluntarily; so a battalion of the west of Con-
naught encountered a battalion of West Munster, and (one ot)
Cellachan, son of Mac Carthaig ; and Cellachan's battalion
crowded in flight into the river and was drowned and greatly
slain, and they went without peace home.
Concobur Ua Briaiw dobualadh do Gilla Padraig Hiiu Lond-
gargan .i. fer gradha do feiw, 7 a marb#J feiw md [« Con-
chobar Hua Briain was smitten by one of his own men of
trust, Gilla Patraic Hua Londgargain, who was (straightway)
killed therefor »].
[AU. wanting. CS. 1128. ALC. 1132. FM. 1132].
Kl. enair for aine 7 dechm&dh uathndh fuirre[« January i on
a Friday, and the ioth of the moon thereon »]. Bisextilis1 annus.
Morchoblach la Tairrdelbach Hua Cowcobair, la rig nErenn,
for Loch nDergderc do innrudh Muwan, co nderna crecha
imda a Mumairt 7 cor' fasaig co mor [« A great fleet led by
Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland, on Lough Derg,
to ravage Munster; and it made many preys in Munster, and
wasted it greatly »].
i . MS. bisexilibtu
The Annals of Tigernach. The continiulion. $7
Sluaiged la Tzirrddbach Hua Concobair im-Mumain, cor' airg
7 cor' mill Crowadh 7 dochuaidh tarais isin Midhe, co tard
righi Mide do Murclwtach Huu MaelSechlainn, j co tard rige
7 giallu lais [« A hosting by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair into
Munster, and he plundered and consumed Groom, and marched
over it into Meath, and gave the kingship of Meath to Mur-
chertach Hua MaelSechlainn, and gave kingship and hostages
with it »"].
Crech la Concobar Hua mBriain a Maenmuigh, cor' airg
Gill m[B]ian 7 co rue bu iwda. [« A raid by Conchobar Hua
Briain into Moenmag, and he plundered Cell Bian and carried
off many cows »].
IMpodh do Tuadh-Mwwain 7 do Hi'iib Briuw 7 do Chon-
mfl/cnib ar Ua Conchobair [« A revolt of Thomond and the
Hui Briuin and the Conmacni against Hua Conchobair »].
Fuabairt Atha luaiw la Goffcobdtr Hua mBriaiw 7 la Conmaic-
nib 7 la firu Midhi : tri catha Gaeidil#& 7 grinde Gall do in-
drudh Con[n\achtj 7 ni ro leced tairis iat [« An attack on Ath-
lone by Conchobar Hua Briain and by the Conmacni and
the men of Meath. Three battalions of Gaels and a band of
Foreigners ravaged Connaught and they were not allowed
over it »].
Caisk'w Gaillme do muradh la coblach fer Muw^an. Loch-
lai«d Hua Lochlaind do marb^i doib isiw 16 ct'/na. Flaithb^r-
tach Hwfl Flaithbertaigh ba taisech an coblaigh [« The castle
of Galway was destroyed by the fleet of the Munstermen. Loch-
lann Hua Lochlainn was killed by them on the same day.
FlaithbertachHuaFlaithbertaig was the admiral of the fleet »].
Athfuabairt Atha luai// lasi/z lucht o#na, acht nochor' fo-
ghai/z doib [« A second attack on Athlone by the same fleet ;
but it served them not »].
Loscadh Indsi Bui/zde mbeithe la Mui/;/nechaib [« The bur-
ning, by the Munstermen, of the Island of Buinde beithe »].
Conchobur Una Flaithbertaigh 7 da Hua Mugroi/z do mar-
bad la sluagh Mu;;zan [« Conchobar Hua Flaithbertaig and
two descendants of Mugron were killed by the army of
Munster »].
CrechsluaigeW la Twrdejbach Hua Conchobair a n-Ib Farga
$8 Whit Icy Stokes.
[« A foray by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair into Hui Farga »].
Diarmait mac Maic Eidiwen, taissech Clainne Diarmuda
[« chief of Clan Diarmata »] mortuus est.
[AU. wanting. CS. 1129. ALC. 1133. FM. 1133].
Kl. enair for domnach 7 .xx.i. fw*V[r]e [« January i on a
Sunday, and the 2ist (of the moon) thereon »].
Flaithtartach Hua Flaithbirtaigh do marb#J do mac Loch-
laind a ndighail a athar [« Flaithbertach Hua Flaithbertaig
was killed by the son of Lochlann, i.e. Lochlann, in revenge
for his father »].
Morsluaiged la Leith Mogha ule im Cormmac mac Maic
Carrthfl/^ 7 im Concobar Una MaelSecblainn a Condadtfaib,
cor' marbflto? leo mac Maic Cathail Hui Concobair 7 Gilla na
naew Hua Flaiwd, taisech Sil Mail Ruain, [fo. 22a i] 7 cor'
loisc Dun Mughdorn 7 Dun mor, 7 do iwposat gan geill cen
tsith dia tigh [« A great hosting into Connaught by the whole of
Mogh Half, including Cormac, son ofMac Carthaig, and Con-
chobar Hua MaelSechlainn ; and by them were slain the grand-
son of Cathal Hua Conchobair and Gilla na noeb Hua Flaind,
chief of the Race of Mael Ruain; and they burnt Dun Mug-
dorn and Dunmore, and returned home without hostages,
without peace »].
Righrechtaire Emm .i. Gilla na naew O Birnw, tais^ Tiri
Briui^, mortuus est, 7 a adhnocol a tempoll Rosso comaw [ « The
royal steward of Ireland, Gilla na noeb Hua Birnn, chieftain
of Tir Briuin, died, and was buried in the church ot Ros-
common »].
Da mac Con-Condacht Hili Chonchobair do badhudh for
Loch Ri [« Two sons of Cu Chonnacht Hua Conchobair were
drowned in Lough Ree »].
Maidm re feraib Teftha for Sil Muiredaigh, du atorchair
Amlaiw mac Airechtaigh Hid Radhuib, taisech Claiwde Towal-
taig, 7 Raduban Mac in Lfctfair I Ainlighi [« A defeat inflicted
by the men of Teffa on the Sil Muiredaig, wherein fell Olaf,
son of Airechtach Hua Raduib, chief of the Clan Tomaltaig,
and Raduban, son of the Vessel Hua Ainlighi »].
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 59
Conchobflr mac Mwrcadha Hui MaelSechlainn } r/gxlamna
Midhe, do marbadh do Don/zcadh mac Gilla mo Colmoc 7 do
G'Alaib [« Conchobar, son of Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn,
crownprince of Meath, was killed by Donnchad, son of Gilla
moCholmoic and by Foreigners »].
Mac Gilla mo Colmoc do marboJdo Midheachaib [« the son
of Gilla mo Cholmoic was killed by Meathmen »].
Lusca do loscad uile cons, tewplaib do Don?^cha^ mac Mur-
chada Hiii MaelSechlainn [« The whole of Lusk was burnt,
with its churches, by Donnchad, son of Murchad Hua Mael-
Sechlainn »].
Whitley STOKES.
(To be continued.)
I. M. Ferdinand Sommer, dans sa these de doctorat si
consciencieuse et si utile qui a pour objet 1'etude des pronoms
personnels infixes en vieil-irlandais1, consacre, page 6, une
note a la forme nimptha (iiimplha firion, non sum Justus), et
en fait remarquer la singularite au point de vue de la compo-
sition, et surtout a cause de la presence d'un p apres m, pro-
nom personnel a cas oblique, semble-t-il, de la premiere per-
sonne du singulier. II revient sur cette forme dont il a bien
reconnu 1'interet, page 50. II rappelle 1'opinion deM.Whitley
Stokes qui voit dans mp le reste d'une forme vieille-celtique
* mibi (passant par m'b')9 et ne croit pas la presence du p de-
cisive : c'est peut-etre, dit-il, un essai de transcription phone-
tique, comme dans les formes latines sumpsi, sumptus. La con-
struction avec le datif offrirait egalement des difficultes.
La solution du probleme souleve par nimptha doit etre cher-
chee dans 1'irlandais moderne et 1'etude de ses particularites
Dialectalement, en irlandais moderne, le groupe m -{- ch,
m -[- th se prononce mp : iomcbur (action de porter), se pro-
nonce empur (e feminin francais ou o bref ; u non accentue,
i . Zur Lebre vom pronomcn personale infixum in Altirischen Glossen.
Halle, 1896.
Tol. XVIII. - N» 2
Membre de 1'Institut, Professeur an College de France
Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Maitre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes
Secretaire de la Redaction
Sommaire: Salomon REINACH, Teutatcs, Esus, Taranis, p. ijy. — Whitley
STOKES, The Annals of Tiger nach (The Continuation), p. 150. — Emile
ERNAULT, Etudes bretonnes : X, Sur les pronoms, p. 199. — J. STRACHAN,
Notes on the Milan Glosses, p. 212. — J. LOTH, Dialectica: VIII, gw-,
chw-, dans la pronunciation, p. 236. — J. LOTH, alltraw, athraw, intron,
p. 239.
CHRONIQUE, p. 245..
Table des volumes VIl-XlI de la Revue Cdtlque: p. *j}-*53.
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an lieu de 340 Jrancs, net 299 Jrancs.
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Professeur a la Faculte des Lettres de Poitiers
Un vol. gr. in-8 en 2 parties. — Prix 30 fr.
Un volume in-8. — Prix 4 fr.
Par H. D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, membre de 1'Institut
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Un volume grand in-8. — Prix. 6 fr.
Scripsit A. MEILLET
Brochure in-8. — Prix 3 fr.
Tome X. — Premier fascicule
Grand in-8. — Prix. 6 fr.
Teutates, Esus, Taranis. 149
ranis. S'il est vrai, comme Font dit les anciens T, que tous les
sacrifices des Gaulois etaient offerts par des Druides, il faut
croire que ces pretres ont aussi etc les ministres de Teutates,
d'Esus et de Taranis2; mais ils ont sacrifie a ces dieux-la
comme a beaucoup d'autres, et le passage de Lucain ne peut
servir a prouver que ce fussent des « divinites druidiques ».
Enfin, les noms memes des dieux gaulois cites par Lucain
n'autorisent pas a leur attribuer un caractere « panceltique ».
Teutates parait etre le dieu du peuple (teuta), equivalant au
grec Demos; Taranis est le dieu du tonnerre (taran), grec
Bronton. Or, dans le monde greco-romain, Demos n'a de cuke
qu'a Athenes, et Bronton ne se trouve qu'a Rome et a Aquilee.
Quant a Esus, son nom signifierait simplement le « m ait re » 3
(cf. la Despoina grecque en Arcadie); les derives de ce nom,
comme Esunertus, Esugenus, Esuvius, etc.. ne prouvent pas
que le nom du dieu fut tres repandu; car, comme 1'a fait
observer M. Rhys « the name may simply be derived from esus as
a common noun, meaning a lord or ruler « .
Je pense done qu'on peut, sans pousser trop loin le scepti-
cisme, admettre les theses suivantes :
i° Teutates, Esus, Taranis ne sont pas des divinites pan-
celtiques ;
2° Rien ne prouve qu'elles aient forme urre triade ;
3° Elles n'ont rien de specialement druidique;
4° Ce sont les divinites de certains peuples habitant entre
la Seine et la Loire ;
5° Esus est peut-etre le dieu des Parisii.
1. Cesar, Bell. Gall, VI, 13 et 16; Strabon, IV, 4, 5, p. 198; Diodore,
V, 31.
2. Cesar n'a pas distingue les differentes classes de Druides. Les Druides
proprement dits paraissent avoir etc plutot des theologiens ; les sacrificateurs
formaient une classe inferieure du clerge gaulois.
3. Rhys, Celtic Heathendom, p. 61.
Salomon REINACH.
THE CONTINUATION, A.D. I088 — A.D. 1 178.
RAWL. B. 488, Fo. 221 1.
[AU. wanting. CS. 1130. ALC. 1134. FM. 1134].
Kl. entf/r for luan 7 .ii. uathaid fuirri [« January i on a
Monday, and the second (day of the moon) upon it »].
Mac Mec Cathail I Chonchobair do marbad le Una n-Egra
[« The grandson of Cathal Hua Conchobair was killed by Hua
hEgra »].
Coisergadh tewpaill Corwaic a Caisil le mathaib Erenn, lae-
chaib cleirchib [« The consecration of the church of Cormac
inCashel, by the nobles of Ireland, both laymen and clerics »].
Sith do denow o Leth Mogha re Con[n]acbt&i\) iarna cuw-
dchidh o Mwfredach O Dubthaigh .i. uasalespot; na hErenn
7 do mac oghi da cowurba larlaithe .i. Aedh H//a hOisiw
[« Peace was made by Mugh's Half1 with Connaught, at the
demand of Muiredach Hua Dubthaig, archbishop of Ireland,
and of a son of virginity, a successor of S. larlaithe, to wit,
Aed Hua hOisin »].
Cith cloichsnechta do fenhsiin im Caisil na rig 7 a Muig
Femin. Uball a mbiad mir duine sawail gach cloiche 7 si tre-
benwach, cor'bo snaw dona heachaib ar margadh Chaissil 7 a
I . The southern half of Ireland.
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 1 5 1
fantaib in muighe archena in la thawcatar cleirigh Con[n\acht
uaidhib fo diwdhaidh I. Cith aile fon cwma cetnz o Mungairid
co Luiwnech, cor' bris gach oirbi i tarla tend co talmuiw.
[«. A shower of hail fell around Cashel of the Kings and in
Magh Femin. Each stone was like an apple as big as a man's
mouthful, and it had three points, and (when the hailstones
melted) the horses were swimming on the marketplace of
Cashel and also in the hollows of the plain on the day that
the clerics of Connaught went away in displeasure. Another
shower of the same kind, from Mungret as far as Limerick,
which broke every fence where it came hard to the earth »].
Cocadh mor do lass il-Leth Mogha uile tre easgaiwe clei-
reach Erenn 7 Con[n]acht, cor' cw/red da cath [ejaturro .i. cath
la hOsraige ar mac Mwrchada 7 ar Ib Cendsilaig, du iwar'
marbadh Ugaire Una Tuathail. Cath ele la mac Murchada
co w-Uib Cendsik/£- 7 co nGallaib Atha cliath for Conchobar
Una mBriaw 7 for Osraige 7 (or Galiaib Puirt Lairge, du 'nar'
marbad moran 7 iwar' cuired ar mor forro im mac Gilla Muire
mate Gilla Guit 7 im mathaib Puirt Lairge 7 im mathaib Os-
raige 7 im Gilla Caewgen Hiia Cendetigh do gabadh and.
[« A great war grew up in the whole of Mugh's Half through
the malediction of the clerics of Ireland and Connaught, and
two battles were fought between them (the people of the south-
ern half of Ireland), to wit, a battle by the Ossorians with
Mac Murchada and the Hui Cennselaig, wherein Ugaire Hua
Tuathail was killed, (and) another battle by Mac Murchada,
the Hui Cennselaig and the Foreigners of Dublin with Con-
chobar Hua Briain, the Ossorians and the Foreigners of Wa-
terford, wherein many were killed, and great slaughter was
inflicted on them, including the son of Gilla Maire, son of the
Gilla Gott, and nobles of Waterford, and nobles of Ossory,
and Gilla Coemgin Hua Cennetig, who was captured there »].
Ar mor la Deas-Muwain for Dal Cais im Donwcadh mflc
Mate Murchada H/h' Briaiw, 7 im a mac, et alii multi, tria
arm/51 longpuirt [« A great slaughter (inflicted) by (the men
ot) Desmond on the Dalcassians, including Donnchad, grand-
I. MS. dimdhaigh
1 5 2 Whitley Stokes.
son of Murchad Hua Briain, and many others, by means of
an attack on a camp »].
Aed mac maic Taidhg Hui Cellaig, ri Hua Maine, mortuus
est [« Aed, grandson of Tadg Hiia Cellaig, king of the Hui
Maini, died »].
Cathach larlaithe do sarughudh la Dal Cais. Tuadhmuma
d'falmochudh ism raithe cetna. tria fertaib larlaithe. [« The
Cathach1 of S. larlaithe was desecrated by the Dalcassians, (and)
Thomond was laid waste in the same quarter of the year
through S. larlaithe's miracles •»].
Mael m'Aedhoic Hiia Morgair2 do dhul a cathair Padra/V
[« Mael m'AedoicHua Morgair ascended S. Patrick's throne ».
Cenel Eogain Tulcha Oc do chocar [Mael] m'Aedhoic 3, 7
teni gelai/z do loscud da fer dec dib isin inadh ar' cogradar e
[« The Kindred of Eogan of Tulach Oc conspired against
Mael m'Aedoic, and a flash of lightning consumed twelve men
of them on the spot where they conspired against him »].
Aedh mac Maic Lochlainn Hiii Chochlam ri Delbna Eat/;ra,
mortuus est [« Aed, grandson of Lochlann Hua Cochlain,
king of Delbna Ethra, died »].
Murc[h]ad Hua hEgra 7 a ben .i. ingen Taindelbaig Hiii
Chonchobair, do marbflrf do Thaichleach Huu Eagra [« Mur-
chad Hua hEgra and his wife, a daughter of Toirdelbach Hua
Conchobair, were killed by Taichlech Hua hEgra »].
[AU. wanting. CS. 1131. ALC. 1135. FM. 1135].
Kl. enair for mairt 7 .xui. [leg. xiii ?] [« January i on a
Tuesday, and the i6th (of the moon thereon »].
Cathal m^c Taidg Hiii Chonchobair occisus est o ferfaib]
Teftha iarww [« Cathal, son of Tadg Hua Conchobair, was
killed by men of Teffa »].
Ros Cowan do loscud, 7 a hairchindeach 7 a fer leigiwd do
1 . i. e. « praeliator », a reliquary taken to battle.
2. MS. mongair
3 . masghoic
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation.
marbadh o feraib Brefne [« Roscommon was burnt, and its
Principal and its Lector were killed by the men of Brefne »].
Muircfertach O Cadhla occisus est o feraib Mu/wan [« Mur-
chertach Hua Cadla was killed by men of Munster »].
Maidw aenaigh Maenmuighe la Co/zcobur mac Tairrdelbaig
ar Uib Maine, dii in ro marbfld Gwchobur Una Cellaig 7 0
Maindi;;, r/ Soghain, et alii. [« The defeat of the fair of Moin-
mag (inflicted) by Conchobar, son of Toirdelbach, on the
Hui Maini, wherein Conchobar Hua Cellaig was killed, and
Hua Mainnin, king of Sogan, and others »].
Ua Maille occisus est o mac Donmaill Hui Dubda a ndam-
liag Nuachongbala T, 7 a ghai fein dia marbadh sow tria firt
Colai;;/ cille isiw raithe ce'ma [« Hua Maille was slain by the
son of Domnall Hua Dubda in the stone -house of Nuachong-
bail, and in the same quarter of the year, through S. Colomb
cille's miracle, his own spear killed him »].
Cunga 7 Enach nDuin 7 Ros Cowain doioscud [« Cong and
Annadown and Roscommon were burnt »].
Cu mara Mor do marbadh tre fert cathaire larlaithe do sa-
rugud [« Cu mara the Great was killed through a miracle of
S. larlaithe's throne, which had been desecrated »].
Ruaidhri Hi/a Canandan, n Cheneoil Chona.i\\ occisus est o
ChenJ/ Eogain [« Ruaidri Hua Canannain, king of the Kin-
dred of Conall, was slain by the Kindred of Eogan »].
Mael Issa Hua hAimwire, espot Puirt Lairge [« bishop of
Waterford »] qwiewzY.
Hua Madadhan, r/' Sil nAnwchadha 7 Hua Maine, do mar-
\>ad a fill do tn^c Gilla Caewgen Hui Cendedigh [« Hua Matu-
dain, king of the Sil Anmchada and the Hui Maini, was trea-
cherously killed by the son of Gilla Coemgin Hua Cinn-etig »].
Do///nall Gerrlamach, m^c maic Muirc/;^rtaigh, [« Domnall
of the Short Hands, grandson of Murchertach »] in clericatu 2
Cinaeth Hua Baigill, espoc Clochair [« bishop of Clogher »]
1 . MS. nahaachongbala
2 . MS. cleiri catu
Revue Critique, XV III.
1 $4 Whitley Stokes.
Enri n Saxan [« Henry I, king of England »] mortuus
[AU. and CS. wanting. ALC. 1136. FM. 1136].
[fo. 22a2] Kl. enair for cetnin 7 .iiii.xx. fuirtc [« January r
on a Wednesday, and the 24th (day of the moon) thereon »].
millisimus .c.xxxui. annus ab Incarnatione Domini.
Aed mac Downaill Hui Chonchobair occisus est comi aes
grada iar fell dona Tuathaib fair [« Aed, son of Domnall Hua
Conchobair, was killed, with his servants of trust, after trea-
chery had been practised upon him by the (folk of the Three)
Districts »].
Ruaidri Hua Concobair 7 Uada Una Concenaiwd do gabail
[la Tairrdelbach Hua Conchobair] ar cowairge chowurba lar-
laithe 7 Hui Dubthaigh 7 na Bachla Buidhi 7 Hui Downal-
laiw. Galar do gabail Taittdelbaig ism 16-sa, co raibe fada 'na
laighe [« Ruaidri Hua Conchobair and Uada Hiia Concenainn
were taken prisoners by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair while
they were under the safeguard of S. larlaithe's successor and
HuaDubthaig, and the Yellow Crozier, and Hua Domnallain.
On this day illness attacked Toirdelbach, so that he was
long in his bed »].
Domnall mac maic Lochlainn, n tuaisc«'rt Erenn, do mar-
badh la Cenel nEogain [« Domnall, grandson of Lochlann,
king of the North of Ireland, was killed by the Kindred of
Eogan »].
Domnall H/ta Dubthrt^ in t-espoc .i. comurba Ciaraiw, do
ec [« Domnall Hua Dubthaig the bishop, a successor of
S. Ciaran, died »].
Neidhe Hua Mael-Conaire, in senchaidh [« the historian »]
Aed Hiia Find, airdesp^ na Brefne, qwieuit a n-Inis Cloth-
rand [« Aed Hua Find, the archbishop of Brefne, rested in
In is Cloth rann »].
Aed mac Taitrdelbaig Hui Concobair do dalkfd la derbrathair
fen .i. la Concob^r 7 la Diarmuid mac Taidg Hui Mael-R/^-
naid [« Aed, son of Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, was blinded
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation, \ 5 $
by his own brother Conchobar, and by Diarmait, son ofTadg
Hua MaelRuanaid »].
Do///nall Una Caendelban, n Laegaire, do marbadh do Ti-
ghernan Uuu Ruairc [« Domnall Hua Caindelbain, king of
Loeguire, was killed by Tigernan Hua Ruairc »].
Crech Locha Cairrgiw la feraib Teftha, 7 ro loiscset a chais-
len [« The raid on Loch Cairrgin by the men of Teffa, and
they burnt its castle »].
Cluaiw Iraird do argain do Brefnechaib 7 do feraib Fern-
muighe [« Clonard was plundered by the men of Brefne and
by the men of Farney »]. Muirc/mach mflc-Neill male Loch-
lainn do rigadh andsiw [« Murchertach, son of Nfall, son of
Lochlann, was then made king »].
[AU. and CS. wanting. ALC. 1137. FM. 1137].
Kl. cnair for aine 7 .u. uathaid fw/Vre [« January i on a Fri-
day, and the 5th (of the moon) thereon »].
Coblach mor la Tzirrdelbach Una Cowcobair la rig nErenn for
Loch Ri, 7 do tiholadh Conmaicne 7 fir Teftha a fuaratar do
ethraib .i.uii. ficbh serrcend, dia fuabairt, 7 ni caewnacair ni
doib [« A huge fleet led by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, king
of Ireland, on Lough Ree ; and the Conmacni and men of
Teffa gathered all the vessels which they found, to wit, seven
score galleys, to attack it ; but they could do nothing to
them »].
Mor, ingen Murchadha Hrii Briaiw, ben Murchadha Hui
MaelSechlainn, do ec [Mor, daughter of Murchad Hua Briain,
wife of Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn, died »].
Tzirrdelbach Hua Briaiw do gabail dia brathair [« Toirdel-
bach Hua Briain was taken prisoner by his first cousin »].
Domnall m#c Mwrcadha Uui MaelSechlainn do marbadh do
airrtfor Midhi 7 dona Saidnib [« Domnall, son of Murchad Hua
MaelSechlainn, was killed by (the people of) the east of Meath
and by the Saithni »].
Domnall Una Coming, airdespoc Mu?;/an [« chief bishop of
Munster »] quieuit.
156 Whitley Stokes.
Crech la Tigernan Hua Ruaircc 7 la firu Brefne a Confn]-
achtzib tar Ath indsin tsruthra, cor' airg Gland Uadach a
nDruim Drestan 7 cor' marbrtd AiMl mac Gille Enan, 7 tar
Ath luaiw dia tigh [« A raid by Tigernan Hua Ruairc and the
men of Brefne into Connaught over the Ford of the Islet of
streams, and he plundered Clann Uadach in Druim Drestan,
and Ailill, son of Gilla Enain, was slain, and (Tigernan went)
home over Athlone »].
Mac in Lestair Hiii Ainlighe, tsiisech Cene[oi]l Doftha do
marbad d'Ua Grada 7 do Luighnib [« The son of the Lestar
(Vessel) Hua Ainlighi, chief of Cenel Doftha, was killed by
Hua Grada and by the Luigni »].
Dall Find edha .i. Gilla Muire, o coin allta mortuus est.
[« The Blind one of.... that is, Gilla Maire, was killed by
wolves »].
Condachta. didiu do fasugwd o Eas Ruaidh co Sinaiftd 7 co
hEchtaigh Muwan, 7 a cur fen a n-iarthur Condacht [« Con-
naught, then, was laid waste from Assaroe to the Shannon and
to Echtach (Slieve Aughty ?) of Munster, and the people
themselves were driven into the west of Connausht »1.
[AU. and CS. wanting. ALC. 1138. FM. 1138].
Kl. enair ior satharn 7 .ui. dec fuirri [« January i on a Sa-
turday, and the i6th (of the moon) thereon »].
Uada O C0/zchenai;zd do dalW la Tairrdelbach Hna Conco-
bair, ina migniwaib fen do dalladh [« Uada Hua Conchenainn
was blinded by Toirdelbach Hiia Conchobair. For his own
misdeeds he was blinded »].
Mathgamaiw Hita Concobair, r/ Q&rraige 7 Corco Duibni,
tanaisti rig Muman, qwieuit [« Mathgamain Hiia Conchobair,
king of Ciarraige and CorcoDuibni, tanist of the king ot
Munster, rested »].
Creach i Midhe la Tigherwan Una Ruairc, cor' marb Aedh
Una Co/^fiacla [« A raid into Meath by Tigernan Hua Ruairc,
where he killed Aed Hua Con-tiacla »].
Maidw Berna na bo maile la Tighernan Una Ruairc 7 re
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 157 ' \
Delbna moir, inar' marbadh Downall O Ciardha, ri Cairpn,
[« The rout of the Gap of the Hornless Cow by Tigernan
Hiia Ruairc and by the people of Delbna Mor, wherein was
slain Domnall Hiia Ciarda, king of Carbury »].
Counac mac Mfl/c Carnhaig do marbod do Tairrdelbach O
Briai?z .i. da cliamuiw 7 da cairdes Crist j da altraiwd a fill .i.
indsaigtheach Erenn uile 7 r/ Leithe Moga co cowlan [« Cor-
mac, son of Mac Carthaig, was treacherously killed by Toir-
delbach Hiia Briain, his father-in-law, gossip and fosterer. He
was the attacker of the whole of Ireland and king of Leth
Moga completely »].
Conchoibar O Briain a n-airdrigi Mwwaw [« in the over-
kingship of Munster »].
Amlaiw Mor mac Firbisigh, ollam O Fiachnzf^ uile re sen-
chus 7 re filidhecht x, 7 sai clerigh co mbethaigib ecailsi i;«da,
7 togha do Cunga, 7 a ec and iar mbuaidh ongtha 7 aithrige
[« Olaf the Great, son of Firbisech, doctor of all the Hui Fia-
chrach in history and poetry, a sage of a cleric with many
of the church, and the choice of Cong, died there, after vic-
tory of (extreme) unction and repentance »].
[AU. CS. and ALC. wanting. FM. 1139].
Kl. enfl/r for do/wnach 7 .xxuii. tuirri [« January i on a Sun
day, and the 27th (day of the moon) thereon »].
Cu Condacht O Dalaigh, o Lecain Midi, in fer dana is ferr
dobai a n-En;///, do eg ina senoir [« Cu Connacht Hiia Dalaig,
of Lecan of Meath, the best poet that hath been in Ireland,
died as an old man »].
DonHchad O Mail-Muaidh, ri Fer cell, do marbadh la Mur-
cadh Hiia MaelSedrlainn. Murchad Una Mail-M«fl/W ri aile Fer
cell, do \oscud 6 Uib Luainiw a tempull Rathain. [« Donn-
chad Hiia Mail-Miiaidh, a king of the Fir cell, was killed by
Murchad Hiia MaelSechlainn. Murchad Hiia MailSechlainn,
i . MS. filighecfa
i $8 Whitley Stokes.
another king of the Fir cell, was burnt (alive) by the Hui
Luainim in the church of Rahen »].
Mac Ragnaill maic Mw/redhaigh, msech Munt/re hEolais,
do marbadh la Tigernan Una Ruairc [« The son of Ragnall,
son of Muredach, chief of the Munter Eolais, was killed by
Tigernan Hua Ruairc »].
IN tSuca do tochailt la Tsirrdelbach O Choncobair co tanic i
Turloch desceirt in muighe 7 Twrlach Aeda, co nderna locha
mora dib 7 co ndechaidh r a n-Abaind na hEidhnighe 7 a Loch
Ri, 7 robai tinol Con[n]flc/:?tach ac denom an gnima sin [« The
(river) Suca was dug by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, so
that it came into the marsh of the south of the plain and the
marsh of Aed, making large lakes of them, and it then entered
the river of Ednech and Lough Ree ; and there was a muster
of Connaughtmen performing that work »].
Aedh YLiia Cadhla, n Conmaicne mara, do marbadh da
muinttV fen a fill [« Aed Hua Cadhla, king of Connemara,
was treacherously killed by his own household »].
Gilla PadnwV mac Gilla na naew H/// Fergail do marbfld
[fo. 22bi] da brathair fen .i. do Murchadh [« Gilla Patraic,
son of Gilla na noeb Hua Fergail, was killed by his own bro-
ther, Murchad »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. FM. 1140].
Kl. cnair for luan 7 nomad uathaid iuirre f« January i on a
Monday, and the ninth (day of the moon) thereon »].
Eochaidh 2 Hua Cellaig, airdesp^c fer Midhi, [« chief bishop
of the men of Meath »] mortuus est.
Mael m'Aedoic 0 Morgair3 do taidhecht o Roiw [« Mael-
m'Aedoic Hua Morgair ? came from Rome »].
Tir da glass do loscud d'Uib Maine 7 do feraib Teftha 7 do
cethernaib Conchobair male Tamdclbaig, 7 taiss/ Colai/w maic
i . MS. ndechaigh
2 Eochaigh
3 . mongair
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation, 1 $9
Crimthaiad d'iagbail doib ar-ri»d mothair iar mbrisidh na
scrine ir-raibe [« Tir da glass (Terryglass) was burnt by the
Hui Main! and the men of Teffa and the footsoldiers of Con-
chobar, son of Toirdelbach ; and the relics of S. Colomb, son
of Crimthann, were found by them at the point of a thicket,
the shrine in which they were having been broken open »].
Droiched Atha luam do denow la Tairrdelbach Hiia Con-
cobair, cor' airg da lanbuailigh dec do Teftha, 7 dergar na
Midhech la Sil Muredaigh, co torar/?/atar .iii. fich\\. cend aen-
baile, acht chenatucadh arailear Sil Muiredhaigh. Muiredhach
mac maic Muredhaigh Hiii t'machfa, tsiisech Clalnne Murc/w-
taigh 7 dainne Condmuigh 7 cend ceille 7 cowairle Sil Mure-
daigh ule, do marbadh a frithguiw and.
[« The bridge of Athlone was built by Toirdelbach Hua Con-
chobair, and he plundered twrelve full byres of Teffa; and a
red slaughter of the Meathmen (was inflicted) b)^ Sil Muire-
daig, so that three score heads came to one place. Howbeit,
another slaughter was inflicted on the Sil Muiredaig, and Mui-
redach, grandson of Muiredach Hua Finachta, chief of Clan
Muirchertaig and Clan Connmaig, and foremost in sense and
counsel of the whole Sil Muiredaig, was killed therein in the
counterstroke »].
Droiched aile la Tairrdelbacb Hiia Concoba/r ar Ath luain,
7 coblach Con[n]acht ica denow,, cor' gabsat giallu fer Teftha
7 cor' indarbsad Murchadh Una MailSechlainn a Muwai/z.
[« Another bridge (was built) by Toirdelbach Hua Concho-
bair at Athlone, and (the men of the) fleet of Connaught
were a-building it; and they took the hostages of the men
of Teffa, and banished Murchad Hua MailSechlainn into
Munster »].
An fer leighind Una Catharnaigh mortuus est [« The lector
Hua Catharnaig died »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1141. FM. 1141].
Kl. enfl/r for cefain 7 xx.i. f/«Vre [« January i on a Wed-
nesday, and the 2ist(day of the moon) thereon »].
160 Whitley Stokes.
Gilla na naew Hiia Fergail do eg ina senoir 7 a adnacol a
n-Inis Clothrand [« Gilla na noeb Hua Fergail died as an old
man, and was buried in Inis Clothrann »].
Domnall mac Ruaidhri Hi'ti Mail-muaidh, r/ Per cell, do mar-
badh do Uib Luanaim [« Domnall, son of Ruaidri Hua Mail-
muaid, king of the Fir cell, was killed by the Hui Luanaim »].
Concobar, mac Donncadha, mak DonmaiUHni MzelSechlainn, '
do marbadh a ngemil la M^rcadh Una Mflj7Sechlflww[« Con-
chobar, son of Donnchad, son of Domnall H.ia MaelSech-
lainn, was killed in prison by Murchad Una MailSechlainn »].
Art Una MaelS#$/fl/«w, r/^damna Tewrar/; [« crownprince
of Tara »] mortuus est.
Secht fir deg do rigraidh Laighen do marbadh 7 do dalladh
la Mwrcadh mac Mwrchadha, im Downall mac Faelain 7 \m
Mwrc^rtach mac Gilla mo Colmoc 7 wi Murchad Una Tua-
thail 7 \m tri macu Megorman.
[« Seventeen men of the kingfolk of Leinster were killed
or blinded by Murchad, son of Murchad, including Domnall,
son of Faelan, and Murchertach, son of Gilla mo-Cholmoic,
and Murchad Hua Tuathail, and three sons of Mac Gormain »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1142. FM. 1142].
Kl. enrt/r for dardain 7 aenmadh dec ff//r[r]e | « January i
on a Thursday, and the nth (day of the moon) thereon »|.
Concobflr mac Diarmuda Hrii Briain, ri Tuadh-mwwan 7
Des-Muwan 7 Lethe Mogha, 7 fer indsaighe ~Erenn, do gabail
galair 7 a eg de a Gill da Lua a n-ailithre. Toirrdelbtfr/; a der-
brathair do gabail righe Muwan [« Conchobar, son of Diar-
mait Hua Briain, king of Thomond and Desmond and Leth
Moga, and an attacker of Erin, contracted an illness and died
thereof at Killaloe in his pilgrimage. Toirdelbach, his brother,
assumed the kingship of Minister »].
Gilla Sinitan mac maic Amalgaidh, taistfb Caihaigi in Cha-
laidh1, do marbod do Bregmuine [« Gilla Sinitain, grandson
i . MS. calaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 161
of Amalgad, chief of the Calraige of the Calad, was killed by
(the people of) Bregmuine »].
Doafzchadh Hiia Concobair, n Qarraigi, do marbad la Coin
mara mac Co/miara [« Donnchad Hua Conchobair, king of
Kerry, was killed by Cii-mara, son of Cu-mara »].
Dondchtfd mac Maic Czrrthaig la Sil Mwredaigh occisus est
[ « Donnchad, son of Mac Carthaig, was slain by the Sil Mu-
redaig »].
Mac Fergail H/// Maelmhu[a]idh, n Per cell, do marbad o
mac Ruaidhri H/// Mael-muaidh a wDurmaig Coluim chille
[« The son of Fergal Hua Mael-muid, king of the Fir cell, was
killed by the son of Ruaidri Hua Mael-muaid in S. Colum
cille's Durrow »].
Per leigi//d Aird Macha .i. Cathusach Hua Geir-chaerach
(\u\ciiit [« The lector of Armagh, Cathasach Hua Geir-chaerach
(« Sheep's suet ») rested »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1143. FM. 1143].
Kl. enfl/r for aine 7 ail dec fw/rre [« January i on a Friday,
and the 12th (day of the moon) thereon »].
Murchadh Una M&elSechlainn, ardflaith "Tertirach, a bass co
felltach [« Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn, chief lord of Tara,
his death treacherously »].
Donwchadh Hiia Conchenaimi do eg. [« Donnchad Hua
Conchenaind died »].
Tairtdelbach Una Briai;/ 7 fir Mwwan. do techt a Con[n]ach-
/aib co Ruaidh-bethigh, cor' marbrtrf foirenw mor dib and, im
Hua nDownaill rig Corco-baisciwd, 7 Ro hescradh Gilla Bre-
nainw mac maic Flaiwd H/// Murcadha, tzisech lochta tighe
Tiirrdelbaig H/// Cboncobair, gerait gaisc/W Chon[n]acht uile,
corw^-dichendsad Mumnigh. Gair^id iarsiw co rancatar Muwnigh
an Ruaid-beithech c^Yna, cor' cw/rset Con[n]achta a n-ar, 7
cor' marbad and Una Cowcobuir Ciarraigi, 7 con ndechatar
drem ar dasacht dib.
[« Toirdclbach Hua Briain and the men of Munster invaded
Connaught as far as Ruad-bethech (Roevehagb), and a large
1 62 Whitley Stokes.
party of them was killed there, including Hua Domnaill, king
of Corco-bascinn ; and Gilla Brenainn, grandson of Hand Hua
Murchada, chief of the household of Toirdelbach Hua Con-
chobair, champion of valour of the whole ofConnaught, fell,
and the Munstermen beheaded him. Shortly afterwards the
Munstermen came to the same Ruad-bethech, and the Con-
naughtmen slaughtered them, and Hua Conchobair of Kerry
was killed there, and some of them went mad »].
Aithrighadh Murcadha Hi'ii MaelSechlainn 7 a indarba a Mu-
wain la Tamdelbacb H//# Concobair la rig nErenn, 7 Conchobar
mac T?i\rrdelbaig a mac fen do righadh for Midhi o Sinaiwd co
fairrge [« The deposition of Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn and
his banishment into Munster by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair,
king of Ireland. And his own son, Conchobar mac Toirdel-
baig, was made king over Meath from the Shannon to the sea »].
Morthinol ac cleirchib Erenn 7 Con[n]acht uile \m Murea-
dhach tida nDubthaigh, .u. cet sacart 7 da espoc deg a lin,
d'iarraidh1 fuaslaicthe do Ruaidhri mac Tairrdelbatg Hi'ii Chon-
cobair ara athair iarna gabail do Tighernan Hda Ruaircc 7 do
Concho^r da brathair fen ria lamaib Tairrdelbaig ina aindli-
gedh. Rogell didlu Tairrdelb^/; co tibredh aram«j na cleirech
im belltaiwe robo neassa doib.
[« A great assembly (held) by the clerics of Ireland and
Connaught, including Muredach Hua Dubthaig — 500 priests
and twelve bishops their complement — demanded from his
father the liberation of Ruaidri, son of Toirdelbach Hua Con-
chobair, who had been illegally taken prisoner by Tigernan
Hua Ruairc and by Conchobar, his own brother, as Toirdel-
bach's deputies. So Toirdelbach promised that he wrould de-
liver him to the clergy at the next beltane »].
Oighsith do denow lasin rig la Tsafrdelbach 7 la mac fri re
tri n-aidhche ar mis iar mbliadain co leith in hoc anno2 [« A
perfect peace was made in this year by the king Toirdelbach
and his son for the space of three nights and a month and a
year and a half »].
1 . MS. diarraigh
2 . in occ ando
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. 165
Mac Neill [fo. 22b2] Hui Lochlaiwd do iwdarba a Tir nEo-
gai/? 7 Htia Gairmlegaigfa do righadh 'na inadh [« The son of
Niall Hua Lochlainn was banished into Tyrone, and Hda
Goirmlecaig was made king in place of him »].
Aedh mac Mw/rcertaigh Hui Dubda, n Hiia nAwalgaidh1
7 Hiia Fiachrad; mortuus est [« Aed, son of Murchertach Hua
Dubda, king of the Hui Amalgaid and the Hui Fiachrach,
died »].
ISin bliadain c^/na-sa rue riErenn .i. Tairrdelbac/; Hua Con-
cobair, an baile et/r Loch 7 Guam I Birnw 7 hir Loch na n-en
7 an abaiwd sair, 7 tuc Gilla na naew O Flaiwd, comurba Co-
wain or do fen 7 da brait/jrib da dnd 7 Murcadh mac maic
Aireachtaigh Hui Raduib iwa dilsi degress.
[« In this same year the king of Ireland, Toirdelbach Hua
Conchobair, gave the stead between Loch and Cluain Hui
Birnn and between Loch na n-En [« the lake of the birds »)
and the river in the east, and Gilla na noeb Hua Flaind, S.
Comman's successor, by himself and his (monastic) brothers,
and Murchad, grandson of Airechtach Hua Raduib, gave gold
therefor, (and) for the property therein perpetually »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1144. FM. 1144].
Kl. enair for satharw 7 .xx.iii. fw/rre, 7 bliadan bisex. [« Ja-
nuary i on a Saturday,, and the 24* (day of the moon) thereon,
and a bisextile year »].
Concob^r mac Tzirrdelbaig Hui Choncobair do marbadh do
Uib Dublaich 7 do Feraib Tulach, 7 do choccar fer Midhe
uile co hincleithe romarbadh, 7 ac Belach mune na sirride
rofellad fair, 7 se a rige Temracb 'ga marb^J [« Conchobar,
son of Toirdelbach Hiia Conchobair, was killed by the Hui
Dublaich and the Fir Tulach. It was owing to a secret conspi-
racy of all the men of Meath that he was killed, and at Be-
lach mune na sirrite (« the Pass of the Sprite's brake ») that
I . namalgaigh
1 64 Whit ley Stokes.
treachery was practised upon him, and he in the kingship of
Tara when he was killed »].
Downall Hua Cowfiacla, ri Teftha, [« king of Teffa »] obit.
Cerball Una 'Fiwdallan, ri Delbna, do ec [« Cerball Hua
Fmdallain, king of Delbna, died »|.
Cinaeth Mag-Amalgaidh, talsech Callraigi [« chief of the
Calraige »] mortuus cst.
Slugged la Taittdelbocb Hria Conchobair a Midhi, coro roiwd
Midhi it/> da rig, tareis air 7 esbadha do tabairt ar Midhechaib
c«r*bo indamail lai bratha in tres tuc .i. ar Uib Senchaift [« A
hosting by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair into Meath, and he
divided Meath between two kings, after inflicting (such) slau-
ghter and loss on the Meathmen that the battle he delivered
on the descendants of Senchan was like the Day of Judg-
ment »].
Mrtc aile Taittdelbaig do thesdail .i. Tadhg in t-adhbar rig
rob aille 7 rob ferr 7 robo beodha robai ar Erinn [« Another
son of Toirdelbach was wanting, to wit, Tadg the most beau-
tiful, the best and the most spirited crownprince that dwelt in
Ireland »].
Morsluaighedh 7 mortinol ac cleirchib Erenn .i. comurba
Pzdraic 7 comarba Cowan, 7 Una Longhargan 7 Tairrdelbach
Hria Concobair 7 Tigernan Riia Ruairc 7 Ua Fergail, do fuas-
lacadh do Ruaidhri Huu Chonchobair 7 do Do;;mall Hi'iu Flai-
thb^rtaigh 7 do Cathal Hi'iu Choncobair, 7 ro foslaiced dib ar-
cind a n-et/re 7 a luighe, 7 arcem? enigh na cleirech. [« A
great hosting and convention by the clerics of Ireland, to wit,
S. Patrick's successor and S. Comman's successor, Hua Lon-
gargain and Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair and Tigernan Hua
Ruairc and Hua Fergail, as to the release of Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair and of Domnall Hua Flaithbertaig and of Cathal
Hua Conchobair; and they were set free for their hostages
and their oath, and for the honour of the clerics »].
Moirthinol fer nErenn, laechaib cleirchib, 7 la Tairrdelbacb
Una Conchobair 7 la T^irrdelbach Una mBriai^ co ndernsad
ogsith na hErenn oired nobedis 'na mbethaidh1, doreir na clei-
i . MS. mbethaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 165
rech 7 na laech. [« A great gathering of the men of Ireland,
both laymen and clerics, (was convened) both by Toirdelb-
ach Hua Conchobair and by Toirdelbach Hua Briain, and, in
accordance with the clerics and the laymen, they made the
perfect peace of Ireland so long as they should be alive »].
Donwcadh mac-Carrth^/V do eg a ngemil ica brathair [« Don-
nchad mac Carthaig died in prison (into which he had been
put) by his first cousin »].
Gilla Aeogfifa O Cluman, ollam Condacht re dan, do eg.
[« Gilla Oengusa Hua Clumain, ollave of Connaught in poe-
try, died »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1145. FM. 1145].
Kl. emr/r for luan 7 .iiii. uathaid fuirri [« January I on a
Monday, and the 4th (day of the moon) thereon »].
Tadg mac Toittdelbctig Hui Choncobair. [« Tadg, son of
Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair »] mortuus est.
Cocadh mor do eirghe co coitchend etfr feraib Erenn, co
tancadar fir Muman sluaiged dochuw Midheach 7 Con[n]acht,
cor' eirigh Do/;mall Hua Gwchobair 7 drew do Condachfaib,
7 fir Midhe, cor' muidh ' do Muwnechaib, 7 cor' c///Vedh a
n-ar co mor, 7 ro imposed iaro///.
[« A great war broke out generally among the men of Ire-
land ; and the Munstennen came with a host to the men of
Meath and Connaught. And Domnall Hua Conchobair arose
with the men of Meath and some of the Connaughtmen, and
defeated the men of Munster, and slaughtered them greatly,
and so they returned »J.
Creach mor do denom do Sil Muiredhaigh a n-Uib Briuin,
co tucsat bruid 7 bii esti [« A great raid was made by the Sil
Muredaig into Hui Briuin, and they,brought captives and kine
thereout »].
Creach la Huib Briui« a Midhi, co tarla mac M&ilSecblainn
7 fir Midhi doib, cor' facsat Hi'ti Briuin -ar adhbal [« A raid
i . MS. muigh
1 66 Whitley Stokes.
by the Hui Briuin into Meath, and the son of Mael-Sechlainn
with the men of Meath encountered them, and the Hui Briuin
lost a vast number of slaughtered men »].
Amwj do tabairt la Huib Briuin 7 la Con[n\achtaib ar drew
do coblach Sil Muiredhaigh 7 na Tuath, cor' marbadh and
Murchadh Hita MaelBrenaiwd, talsech Clainne Concob#fr, 7 n
Una mBriuin na Sinda .i. Donnchad Una Mandachaiw [« An
attack was made by the Hui Briuin and by the Connaughtmen
on a division of the fleet of Sil Muredaig and the Tuatha; and
therein Murchad Hua Mael-Brenainn, chief of Clann Con-
chobair, was killed, and Donnchad Hua Mannachain, king of
the Hui Briuin of the Shannon »].
Ruaidhri mac Cathail Hiti Chonchobair do marbfld la feraib
Brefne [« Ruaidri, son of Cathal Hua Conchobair, was killed
by men of Brefne »].
Ruaidri Hi'ta Flaithbertaig do marbtfd la Hua n-Ocan, no is
la Mumnechaib ro marb^J [« Ruaidri Hua Flaithbertaig was
killed by Hua hOcain; or 'tis by Mun^termen he was killed »].
Maidm mor le cablach I Concobair ar cMach ter Muman 7
Gall Luimnigh ac Buindi in beithi for Sinaind [« A great defeat
(inflicted) by Hua Conchobair's fleet on the fleet of the Mun-
stermen and the foreigners of Limerick., at Buinne in beithi on
the Shannon »].
Maidw Dune Dubaiw re Murcadh Una MzelSeehlainn 7 ria
Cairpr^ Htia Ciarda for feraib Brefne, ubi .ccc. uiri cecide-
runt im Serrach Htia Cond^c/;/aigh 7 \m Cathal Hiia Cathluaiw
7 im Hua Cumran [« The defeat of Dun Dubain (inflicted)
by Murchad Hua MailSechlainn and by Cairbre Hua Ciarda
on the men of Brefne, where 300 men fell, including Ser-
rach Hua Connachtaig and Cathal Hua Cathluain and Hua
Cumrain »].
Find Hua Cerbaill, r/^damna fiile, [« crov\Tnprince of the
£ili »] occisus est.
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1146. FM. 1146].
Kl. enair for main 7 .xu. f///rre, bliadan tanaisti bisex [« Ja-
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 167
i on a Tuesday, and the 15th (day of the moon) thereon. The
second bjsextile year »].
Crech mor la Tzirrdelbacb Hua Concobair tar Ath luain a
Teftha, cor' airg Mttintir Mail Finna 7 an-urmor uile, co tu-
cadh amus fair im cend cleithe Atha Luain ar drem do deiridh
in tsluaig, cor' thoit cliath an drochaid fiit[h]aib, co baith 7
cor' marb moran do drochdainib and, 7 tuc ri Erenn na bai
biii lais.
[« A great raid by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair over Ath-
lone into Teffa, and he plundered the Muinter Mael-Finna and
the greater part of them all ; but an attack was made at the
wicker-work bridge of Athlone on part of the rear of his
army, and the wicker of the bridge fell under them, and many
men of low rank were drowned and killed there, and the king
of Ireland carried off the cows that he had »].
Mac Gilla Crist Hi'ti Mael-Brenaiwd do heg [« The son of
Gilla Crist Hua Mail-Brenainn died »].
[fo. 23* i]. Hua [Donnchada] Gilla PadrflzV ri Qsraigi do
Uib Braenan occisus est [« Gilla Patraic, grandson of Donn-
chad, king of Ossory, was slain by the Hui Braenain »].
Airdesp0£ La'igen quieuit [« The archbishop of Leinster (Cor-
mac Hua Cathasaig) rested »].
C0;zgal mor et/r Con[n]achtzib j firu Muwan 7 Hiiu Briuiw
7 Conmaicne, 7 fir Teftha 7 Midhigh anoir fo Chond^/aib,
co tancatar fir Muman andess, cor' thinolsat Con[n]achta 'na
n-aghaidh1, cor' moidh2 tor Mu/wnechaib, cor' marb^ dream
[« A great conflict between the Connaughtmen and the men
ofMunster and the Hui Briuin and Conmaicni; and the men
of Teffa and the Meathmen (marched) from the east through-
out Connaught, and the men of Munster came from the
south; and the Connaughtmen mustered against them, and
the Munstermen were routed and some of them killed »].
Sluaiged la Tigcrnan Hua Ruaircc co Magh n-Aei tareis Sila
Muiredhaigh, cor' loisc Dun Iwdain 5 7 cor' airg Magh n-Ai,
1 . MS. nadhaigh
2 . cormoigh
3 . leg. Imgain?
168 Whitley Stokes.
co riacht co Loch Long, cor' loisc longa Hui Conclwbair co
ndrew do mnaib 7 do lucht coweda na long, 7 cor' marbdrf
dre;;/ do muntiV H//z Ruaircc and, iw Gilla mBeraigh nine Duib
dara mdwc Duib.
[« A hosting by Tigernan Hua Ruairc to Mag Aei after the
Sil Muredaig, till he reached Lough Long, and (there) he
burnt (four) ships of Hua Conchobair's, with sundry women
and defenders of the ships ; and some of Hua Ruairc's house-
hold were killed there, including Gilla Beraig, son of Dub
dara, son of Dub »].
Crech mor la Ruaidhri Hua Concobair 7 la Sil Muiredaigh
a nDartraighe, cor' airgset uile [« A great raid by Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair and by the Sil Muredaig into Dartraigc, and they
plundered it all »].
Mac Downaill Hi'iiChonchobair do gabail la Toirrdelbach Hi'ta
mBriaiw tre fwrail Ruaidhri H/// Chonchobair. [« The son of
Domnall Hua Conchobair was taken prisoner by Toirdelbach
Hua Briain by order of Ruaidri Hua Conchobair »].
Raghnall mac Turcaill, r/ Gall Atha cliath, co n-iwadh cet
do marbadh re desc^rt Bregh [« Ragnall, son of Thorkill,
king of the Foreigners of Dublin, was killed, with many
hundreds, by (the people of the) South of Bregia »].
Domnall O Brai;/, r/ Breghmuiwe [« king of Bregmuine
(Brawney) »] mortuus est.
Cellach Hi'ta Cellaigh, n Bregh, occisus est o Flaithbmach
H//w Cattoaigh 7 o Gallaib Atha cliath [« Ccllach Hua Cellaig,
king of Bregia, was slain by Flaithbertach Hua Cathasaig and
by the Foreigners of Dublin »].
Gilla na naew, mac maic Cowmedha Hiii Laegachan, do
thsitim la derbrathair fen .i. Domnall, 7 Cu medha a mac
quieuit [« Gilla na noeb, grandson of Cu-meda Hua Laega-
chain, fell by his own brother Domnall, and his son, Cu-
meda, rested »],
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1147. FM. 1147].
Kl. enair for cet tin 7 .xuii. fw?rre. [« January i on Wed-
nesday and the 17th (day of the moon) thereon »].
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 169
Gilla mo Corwe Hiia Cathail, n Hiia Fizchrach Aidhne, do
marbtfJ do mac maic Domnaill Hui Chonchobair [« Gilla mo
Chonni Hua Cathail, king of the Hui Fiachrach of Aidne, was
killed by the grandson of Domnall Hua Conchobair »].
Maidw Atha luain i.or Domnall mac Toirrdelbaig 7 for Uib
Maine ria feraib Teftha, a ndorchair mac maic Amalgha[dha]
Hiii Flaind, et alii [« The defeat of Athlone (inflicted) on
Domnall, son of Toirdelbach, and on the Hui Maini by the
men of Teffa, wherein fell the grandson of Amalgaid Hua
Flaind, and others »].
Nert ludhaidhe1 do thoirned lasna CnV/aidhib2 [« The
might of the Jews was abated by the Christians 3].
Duarcan Hiia hEagra do marbao7 d'Ua Gadhra [« Duarcan
Him hEagra was killed by Hiia Gadhra »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1148. FM. 1148].
Kl. enairfor dardain, 7 .uii. uathaid fuirre j bisex [« January
i on Thursday, and the. yth (day of the moon) thereon.
Morchoindfe] la Toirr del bach O Conchobair 7 laTigernan Hiia
Ruairc im Sinaind. Domnall Hiia Fergail con*, munt/r do cho-
gar Hiii Ruairc, 7 in t-aithcleirech Hiia Fergail da bualadh
do chloidhiw, cor' ledair co mor, cor' marba^ e fen ind. Each-
marcach mac Branan 7 Mac Airechtaigh Htii Raduib do mar-
badh and ac dul andiaidh4 Hiii Ruairc da athmarb&f, 7 eraic
Hi Ruairc do buaiw do Conmaicmb zmal romarbtais.
[« A great meeting (held) by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair
and by Tigernan Hua Ruairc at the Shannon. Domnall Hua
Fergail with his people conspired against Hua Ruairc, and
the ex-cleric Hua Fergail smote him with a sword and man-
gled him greatly, and for this he himself was killed. Echmar-
cach, son of Branan, and the son of Airechtach Hua Raduib
1 . MS. iudaighe
2 . cristaighib
3 . i. e. in the persecution preached in 1147 by the monk Rodolph. See
Milman, History of the Jews, III, 180-184.
4. MS. andiaigh
Revue Cdliqae, XVIII. 12
1 70 Whiilcy Stokes .
were killed there while pursuing Hua Ruairc in order to try
again to kill him, and Hua Ruairc's eric (mulct) was exacted
from the Conmaicni as they were killed »].
Crech la Taindelbach Hua Gwchobair i n-airrt/#r Midhe
cor' airg Muint/V Laeghechan [« A raid by Toirdelbach Hua
Conchobair into the east of Meath, and he plundered Munter
Laegechain »].
Oit/r, rf Gall Atha cliath, do marbadh do macaib Twrcaill
[« Ottir, king of the Foreigners of Dublin, was killed by the
sons of Thorkill »].
Muiredhach Sindach, n Teftha, mortuus est [« Muredach
Fox, king of Teffa, died »].
Sitriuc Hiia Brain, n Bregmune, do thoitiw le da macCon-
galtfz^ Hui Braiw a fill [« Sitriuc Hua Braein, king of Breg-
mune, was treacherously felled by two sons of Congalach Hua
Braein »].
Mac Fergail Hui Mail muaidh, ri "Per cell, occisus est o Uib
Braccain [« The son of Fergal Hiia Mail-muaid, king of the
Fir cell, was slain by the Hui Braccain »].
Mael m'Aedhoc Hua Morghair1, airdesp^ Erenn 7 Alban
[« chief bishop of Ireland and Scotland »] qwieuit.
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1149. FM. 1149].
Kl. enair for sathurn 7 .uii.l. [« January i on a Saturday,
and the 7th day of the moon »]. xuiii.iiiw.c.x.l.ix.
Torand 7 saighnen do techt a n-enair, cor' gab in tene an
iubtfr Ciaran, coru tre nert daine robaidhedh2, 7 cor' marb
.xiii. ar cet do chairib fan iubwr [« Thunder and lightning
came in January, and the fire seized S. Ciaran's Yewtree; but
by strength of men it was quenched, and it killed 113 sheep
under the yewtree »].
Muirc/;mach Hi'ia Mael-mocherghe, espoc H/'ia mBriuin
[« bishop of the Hui Briuin (Brefne) »] qwieuit.
1 . MS. monghair
2. robaighedh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. lyl
Crech la Toirrdtlbacb Hua Concobair ar Luighne Con[n]acht
cor' airg uile [« A raid by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair on
the Luigni of Connaught, and he plundered them all »].
Sluaighedh la Mwrc/mach mac Nell maic Lochlaiwd co
Conull 7 co n-E6ghan 7 co »-Airgialk#> a n-Ulltaib, cor' in-
dairsed et/r cella 7 tuatha, co rucc braigdi leis iartaiw [« A hos-
ting by Murchertach, son of Niall, son of Lochlann, together
with the men of Tyrconnell, Tyrone and Oriel, into Ulster,
where they harried both churches and districts; and he after-
wards took hostages with him »].
Celk^an mac Nlaic Czmhaig mortuus est.
Sluaiged la mac Maic Lochlaind, co rue braighdi Tigmiain
Hwf Ruairc 7 Murchaidh Hiii MzilSechlainn 7 Gwmaicne 7 fer
Teftha lais don chur-sm [« A hosting by the son of Mac Loch-
Liinn, and on that occasion he brought off the hostages of
Tigernan Hua Ruairc and of Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn and
of the Conmaicni and of the men of Teffa »].
Callraighi J do argain o Sil Rowan 7 a n-indarba a Cond-
achfaib a cinaidh2 Gilla Ulltan maic maic Carrgamna [« The
Calraige were plundered by the Sil Ronain, and banished into
Connaught, in punishment for Gilla Ultain, grandson of Carr-
gamain »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. CS. 1150. FM. 1150],
Kl. for downach .xxix. fw/Vre [« January i on a Sunday, the
29th (day of the moon) thereon.
An Gilla Claen Hi'ia Ciarrdha, ri Cairpri, do thoitiw la Huib
Faelaw [« The Gilla Cloen (« the bent lad ») Hua Ciarda,
king of Cairbre, fell by the Hui Faelain »].
Congzlach Hua Brain Bregmuwe do marbad do Clainn Ce-
therwaigh a nGarrdha na Gamnaighe a Cluain mrt/cNois [« Con-
galach Hua Braein (king) of Bregmuine, was killed by the
Clann Cethernaig in the Garden of the Milchcow at Clon-
macnois »].
i . Callraidhi
2 . cinaigh
1 7 2 Whitley Stokes .
Muiredhach Hua Dubtaigh, airdespoc Con[n]acht 7 Erenn
[« chief bishop of Connaught and Ireland »] in Cristo qwieuit.
Muiredhach1 Una [fo. 23a2] Flandacan, taisech Clainne Ca-
thail, [d'ec, « Muredach Hiia Flanducain, chief of Clan Ca-
thail, died »].
Down all mac Domnaill Hiii Cboncobair, r/^dawna Con-
\n]acht do tuitiw la Ruaidri Hua Concobair [« Domnall, son
of Domnall Hua Conchobair, crownprince of Connaught, fell
by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair »].
Murcadh Hua Fergail, taisecb Munt/re hAngaile, qwieuit a
n-Inis Clothrand [« Murchad Hua Fergail, chief of the Mun-
ter Angaile, rested in Inis Clothrann »].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. FM. 1151].
Kl. enair for luan 7 .x. fw/r[r]e 7 treas bliadan tor bisex
[« January I on a Monday, and the ioth (day of the moon)
thereon, and the third year after bisextile »].
Concobur Ciabach O hEgra, ri Luigne, mortuus est.
[« Bushy-haired Conchobar Hua hEgra, king of the Luigni,
died »].
Crech mor la Ruaidhri Hua Gwcobair 7 la Sil Muredaigh a
Mumain, cor' loiscsed croinw an Puirt R/^, as ferr do bai a
u-Erinnf co tucsad bruid 7 bu imda leo. [« A great raid by
Ruaidri Hua Conchobair and by the Sil Muredaig, into Mini-
ster; and they burnt the trees of Port Rig, the best that were
in Ireland, and carried off many captives and kine »].
Sluaiged la Torrdelbach Hua Concobair isin Mumain 7 Con-
dachtsL uile 7 Diarmaid mac Murchadha n Laigm rowasluagh,
7 MzelSechlainn mac Mwrcadha H/// MzelSechlainn co feraib
Midhe 7 Tigernan Hua Ruairc 7 fir Teftha, co rawcatar ar
fuaidredh Muwan co Glenn Magair 7 co Monaid2 Moir co
tarra/W doib Tomdelbach Una Briain ri Muwan 7 mac Conco-
bair Riii Briaiw co feraib Mwman, .iii. catha ba hedh a lin.
1 . Here ends, the so-called CroniciimScotorum.
2. MS. monaig
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 173
Ferthair cath etarru1 .i. cath Mona Moire, cor' memaidh2
ior Dail Cais 7 for feraib Mwwaw, co ndechaidh 3 tar airem a
n-esbadha i/w Muircfortach mac Cowcobair Hui Briaiw im rig
TuadhMuwan, indarna dune is ferr robai do Dail Cais, 7 Lu-
gaidh mac Domnaill Hiii Briain 7 da htia deg Chennedigh 7
ochtwr do Uib Dedhaigh* im Flaithbertach Htia nDedaigh* 7
Nowbur do Uib Senchan 7 ciiicer do Uib Chuiwd, 7 Cuicer do
Uib Grada im Aineslis O nGrada, 7 Cet/;rar ar yfcMt do Uib
Ocain, 7 Ceathrar do Uib Aichir, 7 Mac rruw'c Ezc\\ach Hiii
Longsigh 7 iw cethrar d'lb Neill buidhe 7 im cuicer do Uib
Noco n-airiwtther ganim mara 7 renda niwe ni hairemthar
ar' marbad do macaib rig 7 taiss[ech] 7 tromflatha fer Muman
andsin, cona6 terno dona tri cathaib tanic n Mwwan ^xr/;^ aen-
chath esbadhach amain.
Tadhg mac an Liathanaigh Hiii Choncobair 7 Muirc/^rtach
Hi'ia Cathalan taissech claindi Fogartaigh7 7 Aed mac macraw
[leg. Mael-Ruanaidh ?] Hiii Fallowain, taissech clainne hUa-
dach 7 cet/;rar do Laignib8 do thoitim a frithguiw an chatha
siw. Muma ule do muradh leo iarsiw.
[« A hosting into Munster by Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair
and all Connaught, and Diarmait Mac Murchada, king of
Leinster, with his army, and MaelSechlainn, son ofMurchad
Hiia MaelSechlainn, with the men of Meath, and Tigernan
Hua Ruairc and the men of Teffa; and crossing Munster they
reached Glanmire and Moin mor, where Toirdelbach Hua
Briain, king of Munster, and the son of Concobar Hua Briain
overtook them with the men of Munster. Three battalions
this was their force.
A battle, to wit, the battle of Moin mor, is fought between
them, and the Dalcassians and men of Munster were routed,
and their losses exceeded computation, including Murchertach,
1. MS. aturu 5. ndegaigh
2. mebaigh 6. conn
5. ndechaigh 7. foghartaigh
4. deghaigh 8. Luignifc FM.
174 Whit ley Stokes.
son of Conchobar Hua Briain, king of Thomond, the second
best man of the Dalcassians, and Lugaid, son of Domnall
Hua Briain, and twelve of the Hui Chenn-etig, and eight of
the Hui Dedaig, including Flaithbertach Hiia Dedaig, and
nine of the Hui Senchain, and five of the Hui Chuinn, and
five of the Hui Grada, including Aneslis Hua Grada, and
twenty-four of the Hui hOcain, and four of the Hui Acbir,
and a grandson ofEochaid Riia Longsig, and four of the Hui
Neill Buidi, and five of the Hui Echtigirn.
Until sand of sea and stars of heaven are numbered, no one
will reckon all the sons of the kings and chiefs and great lords
ot the men of Munster that were killed there, so that of the
three battalions of Munster that had come thither, none escaped
save only one shattered battalion.
Tadg, son of the Liathanach Hua Conchobair, and Mur-
chertach Hua Cathalain, chief of Clann Focartaig, .and Aed,
son ofMaelRuanaid(P) Hua Fallomain, chief of Clann Uatach,
and four of the Leinstermen, fell in the counterstroke of that
All Munster was afterwards destroyed by them »'|.
Toirrdclbach Hua Briain do dul i Luiwneach, uair na fuair
inad a Mumain, co tuc .x. fichh uiwge d'or 7 .lx. set im chorn
Briai« Boraiwe. Coro romdsmn sin et/r mathaib Sil Mwredaigh
7 Hua Briui« 7 Conmaicne, uair nir taibged a hentir riam ti-
nolset amkwd sin. Tanic iarsm n Erenn co mbraigdib Lethe
Moghalais dia thigh. [« Toirdelbach Hua Briain went into Li-
merick, for he found no place in Munster, and he brought
ten score ounces of gold and sixty jewels, including the drink-
ing-horn of Brian Boroime ; and these he divided amongst
the nobles of the Sil Muredaig and Hui Briuin and Con-
maicni, for never had there been levied from one country
what they collected in that wise. Thereafter the king of Ire-
land, with the hostages of Mogh's Half, came home »].
Sluaiged la Muirc/;^rtach mflc Nell male Lochlainn 7 la
.tuaisort Erenn co Coirrsliab Seghsa a Corand, co rue da bra-
gaid o Thoirrdelbacb Ua Cowcobair 7 co tanic 'na theach [« A
hosting by Murchertach, son of Niall, son of Lochlann, and
by the North of Ireland as far as Coirrsliab [na] Seghsa (the
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 175
Curlleu Hills) in Corann; and he got two hostages from
Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, and came home »].
Braighde Laigew do inlacadh conice a tech co Mtfirc&rtach
mac Nell maic Lochlainn [« The hostages of Leinster were
sent to the house of Murchertach, son of Niall, son of Loch-
lann », (king of Ailech)].
[AU. and ALC. wanting. FM. 1152].
Kl. em«r ior mairt 7 .xxi. fi«V[r]e [« January i on a Tues-
day, and the 2 Ist (day of the moon) thereon »].
Cu Midhi Hua Corwaidhi1, tsisech [Hiia Maic Uais Midhi]
mortuus est [« Cu Midi Hua Cormaidi, chief of the Hui Maic
Uais of Meath, died »].
Comthin61 senaidh2 ac espo^aib Erenn im cairdiwel cowurba
Pedair co Drochad atha, cor' ordaighsed araill doriaglaib and.
Ro facaib didiu in cairdinel failliam gacha cuicidh 3 a nEnVw
.i. pailliuw i nArd Macha 7 paill/wm a n-Ath cliath, 7 araile a
Conddc&aib 7 annsaM«-waiw [« A synod was convened by the
bishops of Ireland and the cardinal of S. Peter's successor at
Drogheda; and there they ordained certain regulations. Then
he (the cardinal) left a pallium for each province in Erin, to
wit, a pallium in Armagh, and a pallium in Dublin, and ano-
ther in Connaught, and (a fourth) in Minister »].
Toirrdelbacb O Briaiw do aithrighadh 7 do indarba, 7 a techt
a Tir nEogfl/w, 7 an Mumo do roiftd it/r Tadg Hiia mBriaiw 7
Diarmuid mac Cormuic [« Toirdelbach HuaBriain was deposed
and banished: he went into Tyrone; and Munster was divided
between Tadg Hua Briain and Diarmait, son of Cormac »].
Cathal mac Toirrdelbaig Hui Conchcbair do marbflJ a Call-
raigi in Corai?zd [« Cathal, son of Toirdelbach Hua Concho-
bair, was killed in the Calraige of Corann »].
Gilla Maic liag, cowurba Padm/V, do guiw 6 Hiia Cerbaill,
o ri[g] Oirgiall, ica sarughudh. Ua Cerbaill d'argaiw 7 d'aith-
1 . MS. corwaighe
2 . senaigh
3 . cuiclgh
I 76 Whitley Stokes.
righadh uiwe siw o mac Maic LoMainn. [« Gilla Male liac,
S. Patrick's successor, was mortally wounded by Hua Cerbaill,
king of Oriel, when outraging him. Because of that, Hua
Cerbaill was plundered and deposed by the son of Mac Loch-
lainn »].
Sluaiged la Toirrdelbach Hua Cowcobair 7 la Diarmuid mac
Murchadha aram/w Tighernain Hui Ruairc, cor' loiscset Bun
Cuilind, 7 co tardsat maidw for Tighernan, 7 coro righsad
mac Gilla bruidi Hui Ruairc ar Conmaicne, 7 cor' gab an air-
drighi uile, 7 coruc' Diarmuid mac Murchadha [fo. 23 b i] n
Laigm, ben Hi-Ruairc areicin lais a Midhi .i. Dirborgaill ingen
Murchadha, cona, maithiztf [« A hosting by Toirdelbach Hua
Conchobair and by Diarmaid Mac Murchada against Tigernan
Hua Ruairc, and they burnt Bun Cuilinn, and inflicted a de-
feat on Tigernan, and made the son of Gilla braide Hua Ruairc
king over the Conmaicni, and he got the overlordship of
them all. And Diarmait Mac Murchada, king of Leinster, for-
cibly carried off out of Meath the wife of Hua Ruairc, even
Derb-forgaill, daughter of Murchad, with her wealth »].
Downall mac Rigbardan Hui Cerbaill, ri Eile, do marbad do
mac in Cosiada, Hiii Cerbaill [« Domnall, son of Rigbardan
Hua Cerbaill, king of Eli, was killed by the son of the Coss-
fbta (« Longlegged ») Hua Cerbaill »].
finric mac Dabid, n Alban [« king of Scotland »] morluns
[AU. and ALC. wanting. FM. 1153].
' Kl. enazY for dardaw, 7 ail uathaid fw/rre [« January i on a
Thursday, and the 2d (day of the moon) thereon »].
Murchadh Hua MnelSechlainn, airdri Midhe cona fortuathaib
7 urmoir Laighen 7 Airgiall fri athaidh1, qwieuit a nDurmuig
Coluim chille [« Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn, overking ot
Meath with its dependent districts, and, for a time, of the
greater part of Leinster and Oriel, rested in S. Colomb cille's
Durrow »].'
i. athaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 177
Concobtfr mac Domnaill Ua-MaelSedb/a*f*« do dalladh la
MaelSechlainn mac Murchadha Hiii MzelSechlai'nn [« Concho-
bar, son of Do m nail Hua MaelSechlainn, was blinded by
MaelSechlainn, son of Murchad Hua MaelS&Mainn »].
Flaithbd'rtach ua Canandan, n Ceneoil C0«aill 7 a ben .i.
Dub-coblaig ingen Tzirrdelbaig Hid Chonchobair, lucht luinge
do bathadh forsin fairge [« Flaithbertach Hua Canannain, king
of the Kindred of Conall, and his wife, Dub-coblaig, daughter
of Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, were drowned, with a ship's
crew, on the sea »].
Dabid mac Mail Colaiw, r/ Albaw 7 Saxan, [« king of
Scotland and England »] uitaw feliqwittr qwieftaluit.
INgen Murchadha Hii-i MaelSechlainn do techt dochum Hui
Ruairc aris a n-elodh1 o Laigw/^ [« The daughter of Murchad
Hua Mael-Sechlainn came again to Hua Ruairc by flight from
Leinster »].
Sluaiged la Mwfrcertach mac Nell co tuaisc^rt Erenn a n-iar-
thur Midhe. Maidw lais ar Tadhg m#c mBriaiw ic Ath Mai-
ghne, 7 crech lais co Rathain Hiii Suanaigh, 7 dorad maidm
for marcsluagh Laigen 7 maidw aile for Conmaicne [« A hos-
ting by Murchertach, son of Niall, with the (men of the.)
North of Ireland, into the east of Meath. At Ath Maigne he
routed Tadg, son of Brian, and raided as far as Rathain Hui
Suanaig, and inflicted a defeat on the cavalry of Leinster and
another defeat on the Conmaicni »].
Maidw Fordrowm le Murchadh mac Nell 7 le tuasc^rt Erenn
7 le Huib Briuiw Brefne for Ruaidhri Hua Conchobair 7 for
iart/;wr Chon[n]acht, inar' marbadh Gilk Celkz^ Hua hEdhiw 7
Aedh a mac 7 Brian 6 Dubda 7 M«iVd^rtach m^c Owcobair
maic Ta'mdelbaig, 7 Doinnall mac Cathail Ua Concobair 7
Sitriuc mac Dubgaill 7 da Hua Birnw et alii multi. D'indla-
cadh Thzirrdelbaig Hui Briaiw ansa Muwaw'as uiwe do tinws-
cnadh an sluaighedh siw iarna indarba la Tamdelbach Hua
[« The rout of Fardrum (inflicted) by Murchad, son of Niall,
and by the North of Ireland and the Hui Briuin of Brefne on
i. elogh
178 M '/////, v Stokes.
Knaidri lli'i.i (x)nchobair and the West of ('.oiinan:dit, whe-
rein was killed GillaCellaig Ih'i.i hl;.din, ;iiul Acd his son, and
Hri.in Una Dnbda, and Mnrchcrtach, son of ( '.onchohar, son
ofToifdelbach, and Doninall, son of (lathal Una ( '.onchobair,
and Sitriuc, son ol Dubgall, and two ot tin.' lli'ii Kirn, and
many others. To restore Toirdclbach Una Briain into Minis-
ter, whence he had been banished by Toirdclbach Una Con-
chobair, was the reason whv that hosting \\pas set on toot » |.
Tadhi; \\t'm Briai// do dalh/i/ la dcrbrathair fen ,i, la Brian
|« Tad;; lli'i.i Briain was blinded by his own brother, Hrian »|.
(ialar mor do t;.iluil Tiumlclhiix lli'ii Chonchobair co nde~
chaidh' a thasc IV) Krinn (u A serious illness attacked Toir-
deibach I lua C^onchobair, and tlu* report thereof went through-
out Ireland »|.
Mind \\int l;landacan, r/' Tc'ltha |u kini; of Telia n| m<'/-
tnns csl.
MuirghlfM in(/c m<//c Mnirc/'r; taii'Ji, ardtais(v/' clai//de To
/y/altai_L;h, (\u\cuil | «. MIHIMIIS, grandson of Mnrchertach, chief
leader of the (lin Tomaliaii;, rested »].
I I'M. 1 1 5.| |.
l\l. c\\<iii lor aine 7 .xiiii. f///Vre | <« JannaiT i on a l;nda\\
and the lonrteenth (d.iy of the moon) thereon.
Diannnid llna ( ,'<>//ch"/w// , r/' (\\.\vru i^i Lnachra, sai ce//
i///resain, m^rliins csl |« Diannait lli'i.i ( '.onchobaii', kin;; of
CiarraigC Lnachra, a sage without dispute, died » |.
MnindtfT Mail-sinda do ar;;ai// do MaclS(V/>A//'//// ni(/c \\ui-
chadha, 7 a n indarba a ( .'.'////.iclitaih iarsi// 1 n The Mnntcr Mail
•-iiida were i>lmuk'ied by MaelSechlainn, son of MnrJiad, and
they were afterwards banished into Connaught »|.
Tncsad lir Teftha maid/;/ ar dre/// dia ninnt/V, cor' lacsat
et)cho 7 danu- iv/da, i/// M///chadh \\ini ITnulacan 7 i/// m</c
m(//c Sit/inca 1 1/// (lelk//^' do LiiiV///' |" '1'he men of'lVll'.i in-
Ilicted a deteat on a party of his (their?) people, and they
The. Annals of Ti \\ciih\ch. The continuation. 179
lost many horses and men, including Murchad Ilua Handu-
cain and the grandson ofSitriuc lli'i.i Cellaig of Leinster »],
Crenel i aile la Tuitxdclbach \\/'nt C.ou\:hobiii i , 7 a indtodh1
cen lunar marb</</ a n^//c .i. MaclS<v/.;A//////, 7 Duinw-cathaigh,
r/.<; C,en<v/7 Aedlu na liKchtghe |« Another raid by Toirdcl-
baeb Ilua Conchobair; but he returned without Line, after his
son, Mael-Sechlainn, had been killed, as well as Donncathaig,
king ol the (lenel Aeda ol the Kchtge » (Kiiit'lnt of <lng hly) » |.
Tadhi; !!//</ Briai// subita morte [obiit |.
Troid lon^si et/V lon^es an tuaiscc/Vt 7 coblach Con[n\<icbl,
cur' ineniaidh2 for K>n^i.v in tuaiso'/rt [ <« A naval eiiL^u'e-
inent between the navy of the North and a fleet of ( '.on-
naught, and the navy of the North was defeated »].
[AU. 1155. ALC. wanting. FM. 1155!-
Kl. c\\ttir for satharn// 7 ail milhaid f///Vre | « January I on a
Saturday, and the second (of the moon) thereon »].
MaelS<v/.;A////// nir/c M//rch^(/a 1 1/// MaelS(r/.;A//////, r/ Midhe
7 urmoir I.ai^c;/, |do ec is]in t/ichadniadh anno 5 etatis s//ae,
in tercio anno > refill sui Mi<//, a nDurmuigh CoitflfH chilli
[« MaelSechlainn, son of Murchad Hi'ui MaelSechlainn, kin;;
of iMeath and the greater part of Leinster, died in the thir-
tieth year of his a»;e, in the third year of his reign in Meath,
at S. Colonib cille's Dnrrow »].
Sliu//«,W la nu/c Nell m<//c LoMainn a Teftha, co rue a
braii'Jide, 7 co tard righe o Si//ai//d co fairrge do Dondchadh
1 \ m i MaelS(V/;A////// | u A hosting by the son of Niall Mac Loch-
lainn into Telia; and he took away his hostages and bestowed
the kingship, from the Shannon to the sea, on Donnchad Hua
MaelSechlainn »J.
Aedh \\int hl'lghra, r/' Luigne [« king of Luigni » | morhins
1. MS. Indtdgh
2. nicli;ii.".h
180 Whltley Stokes.
Crech Muighe Fiwd la feraib Teftha, cor' airgsed drew do
Uib Maine [« A raid on Mag Find by the men of Teffa, and
they plundered some of the Hui Maini »].
IN Gilla got Una Ciarrdha, r/ Cairpn, do marbfld do Dorw-
chadh Him MaelSechlainn [« The Gilla Gott (Stammering
Lad) Hua Ciarda, king of Carbury, was killed by Donnchad
Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Maidw le MuntzV Laighechan 7 re muntfr Mael-sinda for
drew do Bregmunib 7 do Munt/r Tadhgan 7 do M/wt/r Tla-
man, ubi multi ceciderunt, im Gilla Fiadhnadafn] l mac maic
Aeda .i. taisech munt/re Tlamain, 7 im Gilla Riabach mac maic
C0H-caillea Ua-Gabalaigh [« A defeat (inflicted) by the Mun-
ter Laigechain and by the Munter Mail-Sinda on some of the
Bregmuni, the Munter Tadgan and the Munter Tlaman,
wherein many fell, including Gilla Fiadnatan, grandson of
Aed, and chief of the Munter Tlamain, and Gilia Riabach,
grandson of Cu-caille Hua Gabalaig •»].
Loscadh2 Indsi Clothrand la feil[e] Foil 7 Pedair [« The
burning of Inis Clothrann on the day of the feast of SS. Paul
and Peter »].
Caislen na Cuilendtraighe do thoghail la Ruaidhri Hua Con-
cobair, uibi multi ceciderunt [« The Castle of Cuilenntrach
was destroyed by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, and many fell
there »].
Dondchadh Hiia C^rbaill, ri Airghiall, dogabail la Tigernan
Hi'ta Ruairc .i. la mac a mathar feiw [« Donnchad- Hua Cer-
baill, king of Oriel, was taken prisoner by Tigernan Hua
Ruairc, his own mother's son »].
Fuaslacadh do Chonchobar mac Domnaill Hi'ti Briain la
Toixrdelbach mac Ruaidri 7 la Diarwuid m^c Murchadha
[« The release of Conchobar, son of Domnall Hua Briain, by
Toirdelbach, son of Ruaidri, and by Diarmait, son of Mur-
chad »].
Donnchadh O Cerbaill, n Airghiall, do thabairt [fo. 2^2]
ar eicw do Loch Silend la Hihi Raighil/fl^ conn m^caib [7 ro-
1 . siadhnada
2. Loschadh
The Annals of Tiger nach . The continuation. 18 i "
fuaslaiced] tre behdacbfain cleireach Emm [« Donnchad Hiia
Cerbaill, king of Oriel, was forcibly brought, with his sons,
to Loch Silenn, by Hua Raigillaig, and was released through
the blessing of the clerics of Ireland »].
Da rig Hiia Comiil Gabra .i. Hiia Cindfaeltfd mac Cowcobair
7 Hiia Cuilen mac Concobair, do thoitim a n-aenlo eatarro I
fein [« Two kings of Hui Conaill Gabra, namely, Hua Cinn-
faelad, son of Conchobar, and Hua Cuilen, son of Conchobar,
fell in one day amongst themselves2 »].
[AU. 1156. ALC. wanting. FM. 1156].
Kl. enair for downach [« January i on a Sunday » luna
Braighde Tairrdelbaig Hui Briain, ri Mwman, do Toirrdelbach
Hilu Choncobair, do rig Erenn [« The hostages of Toirdelbach
Hua Briain, king of Munster, were delivered to Toirdelbach
Hiia Conchobair, king of Ireland »].
Snechta mor ism bliadain sin, 7 sice dermair, 7 ba he med
na seicce co n iw[th]ighdis daine 7 indile locha Erenn uile [« A
great snow in this year, and an intense frost; and such was
the greatness of the frost that human beings and cattle used
to traverse all the lakes of Ireland »].
Maidw la Diarmuit Hiia MzHSechlainn for Donwcadh for a
derbrathair fesin, du a torchair mac Gilla decair Hid Cairpn",
taisech Tuaithe Buadha [« A defeat (inflicted) by Diarmait Hua
MaelSechlainn on Donnchad, on his own brother, wherein
fell the son of Gilla decair Hua Cairbri, chief of Tuath
Buada »].
Toirdelbtff/; Ua Concobair, ri Erenn uile 7 Auguist iarthair
Eorpa, tuile ordain 7 oireachais 7 cadhais cell 7 cleireach,
cend so;zais 7 saidbrisa in domain ; duiwe risnar'gab cath na
1 . atwro
2. i. e. Hua Cuilen fell by Hua Cinnfaelad, who was immediately kil-
led by Hua Cuilen's people, See FM. 1155.
1 82 W hill ey Stokes.
cruaidhirgal in cein T robo beo ; aenfer rob fcrr troccaire 7 ti-
dhlacadh, deirc 7 deg-erieach, tanic d'iuil na Adham-ckfrttte
.i. ism ochtmadh2 bhWain sescat a aise 7 ism cdicetmadh blia-
dain a righe adbath, 7 rohadnaicedh laiw re haltoir ChiaraiWj 7
Robi tiwna in rig don Cowdhe 7 do ecalsaib Erenn. Tuc didiu
.lx. 7 .u. cet unge do or 7 .lx. marg d'airgead bruinrcti 7 ro
idhbaira seodu ule cenmotha claidira no corn nosciath no arm,
etfr eocho 7 indile 7 edach 7 fidhcill 7 brandam 7 bogha 7
bolgsaighid7 stabuill, 7 rofodhaih fen uile, 7 ro ordaigh cuid
gach cille iar n-urd.
[« Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, king of all Ireland, and
the Augustus of the west of Europe; flood of glory and prin-
celiness and veneration for churches and clerics; head of the
prosperity and wealth of the world ; one who, so long as he
was alive, never lost a battle or a hard conflict; the one man
coming from the blood of Adam's children whose mercy and
bounty, charity and generosity were best, died in the 68th
year of his age and in the 5Oth year of his reign, and was
buried beside S. Ciaran's altar. And there was a bequest by
the king to the Lord and to the churches of Ireland. So he
gave 1 60 ounces of gold and 60 marks of refined silver, and
offered all his treasures, except sword or drinkinghorn or
shield or weapon, both horses and cattle and raiment, and
draughtboards, and draughtmen, and bows and quivers and
slings (?) ; and he himself distributed them all, and ordained
the share of each church according to order »].
Cath ria nGz\\aib j Lzignib 7 Midhechaib ar Tighernan
Hua Ruairc co mBrefnechtf/7> ac Lis Luigdi, du a torchair mac
Cinaith Bricc Hiii Ruairc 7 Aed mac Duib Dothair 7 Dond
mac mate Findbarr Ua-Geradhan, 7 Fogartach Una Cuiml, 7
a torcradar ile aile, seJ Tighernan uictus euasit*.
[« A battle gained by the Foreigners and the men of Lein-
ster and Meath over Tigernan Hua Ruairc with the men of
Brefne at Liss Luigde, wherein there fell the son of Cinaeth
1 . MS. ingen
2. uiii.mogh
3. rofoghail
4. euacit
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 183
Brecc Hua Ruairc, and Aed, son of Dub Dothair, and Bonn,
grandson of Findbarr Hua Geradain, and Fogartach Hua
Cuind, and wherein others fell; but Tigernan, though van-
quished, escaped »].
Aedh mac Donwchadha Hi'ta MadSechlainn, n Fer cell, ocd-
sus est o Munt/r Luainiw ir-Raithm [« Aed, son of Donnchad
Hua MaelSechlainn, king of Fir cell, was slain by the Munter
Luainim in Rathen »].
Brian Brefnech mac Tairrdtlbaig, do dalW la Ruaidhri Una
Conchobair la derbratair 7 la Diarmuid mac Taidhg [« Brian
of Brefne, son of Toirdelbach, was blinded by Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair, his own brother, and by Diannait, son of Tadg »].
Sluaiged la Muircbertzch mac Neill male Lochlamti a n-
Osraigi, cor' airgsed in tir uile 7 cor' loisc .iiii. primchella \m
Durmach Hua nDuach 7 im Achadh mate Airt, 7 ro loisc Eo-
chaig Ua Cuiwd, in fer leghind, ism cloicthigh [« A hosting
by Murchertach, son of Niall, son of Lochlann, into Ossory;
and they plundered the whole country, and he burnt four chief
churches including Durrow of theHiii Duach, and Achad maic
Airt (Aghantacarf), and he burnt Eochaid Hua Cuinn, the
lector, in the bell-house »].
[AU. 1157. ALC. wanting. FM. 1157].
Kl. enair for mairt [« January i on a Tuesday »], luna de-
cima tertiz.
Cend Eachach maic Luchta do faghbail ic Fiwdchoraidh J, 7
)a cudruma re core mor e [« The head of Eochaid mac Luchca
was found at Findchora, and it was as large as a big caldron »].
Cu (Jlad R-ila Caendelban n Laeghaire do marbawf la Donw-
cadh Hua MailSechlainn 7 se ar cow/airghe comurba Padm/V
7 cleirech Erenn 7 urmoir a righ [« Cu Ulad (« Hound of
Ulster ») Hua Caendelbain, king of Loiguire, was killed by
Domnall Hua MaelSechlainn, while he was under the safe-
guard of S. Patrick's successor, the clerics of Ireland and the
greater part of her kings »].
i. MS. findchoraigh
1 84 Whitley Stokes.
Coisergadh tempuill na manach la cleirchib Erenn am co-
wurba Padnz/V 7 i;//on leghait 7 am Muirc/mach mac male
Lochlainn 7 im Dondchadh Hiia Cerbaill 7 im Tigernan Hi'ia
Ruairc 7 Derborgaill ingin Murchada H/// MaelSecblainn, 7 ro
tidhlaic [Muirchertach] imadh oir 7 airgid 7 aidhme do
cleirchib na hErenn [« The consecration of the Temple of the
Monks (at the monastery of Drogheda) by the clerics of Ire-
land, including S. Patrick's successor, and the Legate, and
Muirchertach, grandson of Lochlann, and Donnchad Hua
Cerbaill, and Tigernan Hua Ruairc, and Derbforgaill, daugh-
ter of Murchad Hua MaelSechlainn. And Muirchertach be-
stowed abundance of gold and silver and ecclesiastical imple-
ments on the clerics of Ireland »].
Ro hindarbtfd Dondchadh Ua MaelSechlainn la Murchertach
mac Nell 7 le cleircib Erenn a cinaidh J a saraighthi do, 7 ro
hairgedh Diarmuid a derbrathair da eis [« Donnchad Hua Mael-
Sechlainn was banished by Muirchertach mac Neill and by the
clerics of Ireland in punishment for his having outraged them,
and after him his brother Diarmait was plundered »].
Cu UladHtia hEochadha, r/ Ulad, do ec a nDun da leathglas
[« Cu Ulad Hua hEochada, king of Ulster, died in Down-
patrick »].
Sluaiged la Muirc/^rtach mac mate Lochlamd co Laighniu 7
co Des-Mu;;/ain, cor' gab a mbraighdi dib linaib. Tuc iarsiw
forbwje for Luiwneach, co tardsat Gaill righi do 7 cur' dichuir-
sed Tairrdelbacb H//a Briain uathaib, 7 dream dib do marbflJ
im O Cathan na Craibe, 7 Ros ere do argain doib. Rosai
assew dia thigh.
[« A hosting by Muirchertach, grandson of Lochlann, to
Leinstcr and to Desmond, and he took their hostages from
them both. He afterwards laid siege to Limerick, and the Fo-
o ?
reigners gave him the kingship and expelled Toirdelbach Hua
Briain. (He afterwards sent a host of raiders into Sil Anm-
chada,) and some of them were killed, including Hua Cathain
of Craeb (Branch) ; and Roscrea was plundered by them (the
Kindred of Eogan). Thence he returned home »].
I . MS. cinaigh
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. 18$
Crechsluaighedh la mac Tvxrrdelbaig Hui Conchcbair tareis
Murchertatg a Tir n-Eogaiw, cor' loisc Inis Enaig, 7 cor'
these a haballgort [« A foray by the son of Toirdelbach Hua
Conchobair after Muirchertach into Tyrone; and he burnt
Inis Enaig (Incheny), and cut down its orchard »].
[AU. 1158. ALC. wanting. FM. 1158].
Kl. enair for cetain .xx.uiii. fw/rre, 7 bliadan deridh* nae-
dhecdha [« January i on a Wednesday, the 28th (of the moon)
thereon, and the final year of the decennovenal »].
Downall Hiia Lonwgargan, airdesp0£ Dal Cais, quieuit [« Dom-
nall Hua Lonngargain, chief bishop of the Dal Cais, rested »].
Aed Una Dimwjaigh, taisech Clamde Mail Ugra, mortuus est
[« Aed Hua Dimusaig, chief of the Clann Mail Ugra, died »].
Sitriuc mac Gilla Enan do marb^ do Mwrchadh Hua Cel-
laig [« Sitriuc, son ot Gilla Enain, was killed by Murchad
Hua Cellaig »].
Concob^r mac Domnaill Hi'ri Briaiw 7 a m^c do dall#d la
Taindelbach Hiia mBnain [« Conchobar,, son of Domnall Hua
Briain, and his son were blinded by Toirdelbach Hua
Briain »].
[fo. 24a i] Cu choirne Hua Madadain, ri Sil nAnwchada
mortuus est [« Cu choirne Hua Matudain, king of the Sil
n-Anwchada, died »].
Comthmol sewaidh 2 ac cleirchibh Erenn ac Bri maic Thaidhg
a Laeghaire. Tancatar amuis Diarmuda Hui MaelSechlainn
a Cuirr Cluana arciwd espuic Con[r\]acht 7 espuic Cluana, da
cowurba Ciaraiw, cor' marbsat dias dia munt/r 7 ro soaid aris
dia tigib, uair nirb' ail a lecow ism senadh. [« A synodical as-
sembly by the clerics of Ireland at Bri maic Thaidg in Loe-
guire. At Cuirr Cluana soldiers of Diarmait Hua MaelSech-
lainn attacked the bishop of Connaught and the bishop of
Cluain — two successors of S. Ciaran — as he did not wish
1 . MS. derigh
2. senaigh
Revue Celtique, XVIII.
1 86 Whitley Stokes.
to let them into the synod, and the soldiers killed two of the
bishops' people, whereupon they returned to their homes »].
Crech la Ruaidhri Hua Conchobair a Teftha, cor' airg Mael
Ciaran mac in abadh 7 drem do MuntzV Cheirin, co rue ba
imda leis, 7 tucsat fir Teftha maidw for drew dia muntzr.
Muilti ceciderunt I im Towaltach Hua MaelBrenainn, 7 am
Gilla" nDe Una Thresaigh, im mac mec Aedha maic Ruaidhri,
7 im Hua Male liag, 7 im mac Aedha na n-am//j, 7 im Fer-
char Hua Fallomain; 7 im mac Hui Flaithbmaig do gabail.
[« A raid by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair into Teffa, and he
plundered Mael-Ciarain, the abbot's son, and some of the
Munter Ceirin, and he carried off many cows. And the men
of Teffa defeated a party of his people. Many fell, including
Tomaltach Hua MaelBrenainn and Gilla De Hua Tresaig, and
the grandson of Aed mac Ruaidri, and the grandson of Mac liac,
and the son of Aed of the Soldiers, and Ferchar Hua Fallomain.
And the son of Hua Flaithbertaig was taken prisoner »].
Cu \J\ad mac Deoradh Hiii Flaiwd mortuus est .i. n Dal
Riada [« Cu Ulad, son of Deorad Hua Flaind, king of Dal-
riada, died »].
[AU. 1159. ALC. wanting. FM. 1159].
Kl. enair {or dardain 7 .ix. uathaid ftiirre 7 bliadan tosaig
wo'/[d]ecdha [« January i on a Thursday, and the 9th (of the
moon) thereon, and the year of the beginning of the decen-
novenal »].
Cend eidig m#c maic Mwrchadha Uni Briai/z [« grandson
of Murchad Hua Briain »] mortuus est.
Diarmuid mac Taidhg Hi'ii MaelRuanaigh, ri Muighe Luirg
7 na hAicidheachta 2, sai n-enigh 7 n-engnowa Lethe Cuind,
dobcandaigh Dia, ar crichnughudh a bethadh a Carraig Locha
ce, obit [« Diarmait, son of Tadg Hua MaelRuanaidh, king of
Mag Luirg and the Aicidecht (« chiefry »), sage of the ho-
1 . MS. ceciudter
2 . aicigheachta
The Annals of'Tigernach. The continuation. 187
nour and prowess of Conn's Half, whom God blessed, having
ended his life at the Rock of Lough Key, died »].
Gilla Caewgen Una Cendedigh mortuus est.
Aedh mac Donwchaidh Hui Choncobair Failghe mortuus est.
Sluaiged la Muircheriach, mac maic Lochlainn, co Ruba Co-
mull, cor' indarb Diarmuid Ht'ia MadSechlainn [« A hosting
by Murchertach, grandson of Lochlann, to Ruba Conaill, and
he banished Diarmait Hua MaelSechlainn » (from the king-
dom of Meath)].
Sluaiged la Ruaidhri Hua Concobair co Condachtaib 7 co
cath Tuadh-Muwan lais co hAth luaiw. Tucsad fir Teftha
debaid L doib iwan ath, cor' buailedh righdawna Con[n]acht
and .i. Aedh m0c_ Ruaidhri, co w-erbailt de.
Lotar assen co Loch Sewdighe 7 ro tairrngedh ocbt lestair
leo, cor' airgsed Inis Enaiw 7 cor' marbao7 urmor a dame, 7
cor' loiscedh iardain, 7 ro marbsad lucht na hiwdse hiia Taidhg
maic Taidhg in tegbiaigh.
Lotar assen co hAth Fir dhiadh Ruaidhri cona sluagh 7 Ti-
gernan Una Ruairc 7 da cath lais. Tanic didiu Muirc/mach
mac Nell maic Loc[h]lainn, co Cen^7 nEogain, 7 Donwcadh
O Ct'rbaill 7 fir Fernwmuighe iwa n-agaidh2, cor' tardsad ca-
thrainedh for Con[i\]achtaib, cor' laadh ar and iw Gilla Crist
mac Diarmuda maic Taidg rig Muighe Luirg, 7 iw Mwrcadh
mac Taidg 7 im Muredach Hiia Mandachan rig Hua mBriuiw
na Sinda, 7 iw Branan m^c mBranan, taisech Corco Achland,
7 iin Ceithernach Hiia Fallomain, laisech Clainde Uadach, 7
ini Aedh mac Uallachan, tais^/; Munt/re Cinaith,, 7 iw Cell-
buidi Hua Sechnw^aigh, 7 im Dondchadh m^c Aedha maic
Ruaidhri 7 Diarmuid O Conchemnnn j Aithis mac Laiwin.
At iad so na maithe atorcradar do Uib Briuiw and .i. Mac
na haidhchi Hiia Cernachan 7 Hua Cubran 7 Hua Rotaidhe 3,
7 mac maic Aighneor 7 Cu-cacaigh mac Aedha, et alii multi.
Ocus^ ro indrastair mac Ma/c Lochlainn Huu Briuin 7
Mumir Geradhan.
1 . MS. debaig
2 . inanadaigh
3 . rotaige
4. Et
1 88 Whitley Stokes.
[« A hosting by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair with the Con-
naughtmen and a battalion of Thomond to Athlone: The men
of Teffa delivered battle to them at the ford, and the crown-
prince of Connaught, Aed, son of Ruaidri, received a blow
there, of which he died.
Thence they marched to Lough Sewdy, and eight galleys
were dragged (over land) by them, and they plundered Inis
Enain, and most of its people were killed and afterwards burnt.
And the island-folk killed the grandson of Tadg, son of Tadg
of the Household.
Thence Ruaidri with his army, and Tigerndn Hua Ruairc
with two battalions, marched to Ardee. So Murchertach, son
of Niall MacLochlainn, with the Kindred of Eogan, andDonn-
chad Hua Cerbaill and the men of Farney came against them,
and inflicted a battle-rout on the Connaughtmen, and (many)
were slaughtered there, including Gilla Crist, son of Diarmait,
son of Tadg, king of Mag Luirg, and Murchad, son of Tadg,
and Muredach Hiia Mannachain, king of the Hui Briuinofthe
Shannon, and Branan, son of Branan, chief of Corca Achlann,
and Cethernach Una Fallomain, chief of Clann Uadach, and
Aed, son of Uallachan, chief of the Munter Cinaith, and Cell-
buide Hua Sechnasaig, and Donnchad, son of Aed, son of
Ruaidri, and Diarmait Hua Conchenainn, and Aithis son of
The nobles of the Hiii Briuin who fell there are these:
Son-of-the-Night Hua Cernachain and Hua'Oibrain and Hua
Rotaidi, and the grandson of Agneor(P), and Cu-cacaig(P)
son of Aed, and many others.
And the son of Mac Lochlainn harried the Hui Briuin and
the Munter Geradhain »].
Crech la Bregmunib 7 la drew do Munt/r Tadhgain, cor'
airgsed termund Cluana ferta, 7 ro marbsad lucht da eathar fan
Suca, im Chathal Cruwthaittd 7 im Gilla finain Hua nDoin-
naill [« A raid by the Bregmuine and by some of the Munter
Tadgain, and they plundered the glebe of Clonfert, and killed
the crews of two boats on the Suca, including Cathal Crum-
thainn and Gilla Enain Hua Domnaill »].
Sluaiged la Murdmach mac Nell, mate Lochlainn, a Con-
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 189
[n]achfa, co rank Dun mor, 7 cor' mill in dun, 7 dochuaidh
assen ar fud Muighe Conmaicne, co riacht Dun na ngall. Ro
soich assew [fo. 24* 2] cen cath, cen giall [« A hosting by Mur-
chertach, son of Niall Mac Lochlainn, into Connaught, till he
reached Dunmore and destroyed the Fort. Thence he marched
along the plain of Conmaicni till he reached the Fort of the
Foreigners. He went thence without a battle, without a hos-
tage »].
Crech la Donnchad Hua MaelSechlainn 7 la firu Teftha a
Tir Maine, co rancatar in Breuadh 7 Durudh Mainmn. 7 ru-
catar Uni Maine 7 Concobar O Celk^ ri 6 Maine, orro, 7 ro
muidh l for feraib Teftha, 7 tucad ar forro fa mac Maic Ual-
gairg 7 im Andadh Una Moracan, et muilti nobiles et igno-
biles [« A raid by Donnchad Hua MaelSechlainn and by the
men of Teffa into Tir Maini, till they reached the Breuad (?)
and Durud Mainnin(P). There the Hui Maine and their king,
Conchobar Hua Cellaig, overtook them; and the men of
Teffa were routed and a slaughter was inflicted on them, in-
cluding the son of Mac Ualgairg, and An dad Hua Morucain,
and many nobles and plebeians »].
Sluaighedh la mac Mate Lochlainn a Midhe d'indarba Hul
Ruairc a Midi. Ro chondmestair da chath Ceneoil Eogain fri
re miss for feraib Midhe. Dorindi Hi'ta Ruairc sith fris, 7 ro
leic sin a ferand fen do Hi'iu Ruairc. Dorad righe Laigen do
Diarmuid mac M*rchada, 7 ro marb Faelan. Ro sai dia taigh
iarsi// 7 ro airg Delbna mor.
[« A hosting by the son of Mac Lochlainn into Meath to
expel Hua Ruairc from it. He billeted two battalions of the
Kindred of Eogan for the space of a month on the men of
Meath. Hua Ruairc made peace writh him, and he left Hua
Ruairc his own land. He bestowed the kingship of Leinster on
Diarmait, son of Murchad, and killed Faelan. After that he
returned home and plundered the greater Delbna »].
Aed mac Ruaidhri Hiti Concobair do marbfld d'aewurchar
do cloich ar cleith d-rochaid Atha luai/i do gilla d' feraib Teaf-
tha. [« Aed, son of Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, was killed by a
i . MS. muigh
190 Whillty Stokes.
single shot of a stone, on the wicker-work of the bridge of
Athlone, by a lad of the men of Teffa »J.
Donwcad Hua M.ae\Sechlainn 7 fir Mide 7 fir Thebtha do
thaidhect tar Snaw da en ar Sinamd a Con[n]achtn, co tucadh
d^rgar forro [« Donnchad Hiia Mael-Sechlainn and the men of
Meath and Teffli came into Connaught over Snam da en on
the Shannon, and a red slaughter was inflicted upon them »].
[AU. 1160. ALC. wanting. FM. 1160].
Kl. enair for aine 7 .xx.i. fuirri, 7 bliadan bisexa [« January
i on Friday, and the 2 Ist (day of the moon) thereon, and a bi-
sextile year »].
Donncadh mac Downaill Hni MaelSechlainn, n Midhi, oc-
cisus est o Murchadh 0 Findallan 7 oda mac tre mebail
[« Donnchad, son of Domnall Hua MaelSechlainn, king of
Meath, was treacherously slain by Murchad Hua Findallain
and by his son »].
Lorcan Hua Caindelban, n Laegaire, occisus est 6 Aedh
Hua Chaindelban a n-Ath truiw [« Lorcan Hua Caindelbain
king of Loeguire, was slain by Aed Hua Caindelbain in Ath
truim (Trim) »].
Sluaiged la Ruaidhri Htia Chonchobair co hAth Fene a Corco
raidhe, cor' gab [braighde] fer1 Tebtha 7 iaxthair Midhi [« A
hosting by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair to Ath Fene in Corkarcc,
and he took the hostages of the men of Teffa and the west of
Meath »].
Domnall Ua Gain/zlegaigh, taisech Ceneoil Muaiw, occisus
est o Mael-Ruanaigh rig Fer Manach [« Domnall Hua Gairm-
legaigh chief of the Kindred ofMuan, was slain by Mael RLI-
anaid, king of Fermanagh »].
Brodar mac Twrcaill, r/ Atha cliath, do marbadh la desavt
mBregh [« Brodar, son of Thorkill, king of Dublin, was
killed by the (men of) the south of Brcgia »].
Diarmuid O Cathwjaigh, r/ Saidnc, o Murc/;tvtach Una Ccl-
i. MS. fir
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. 191
\aig Bregh occisus est [« Diarmait Hua Cathasaig, king of the
Saithni, was slain by Murchertach Hua Cellaig of Bregia »].
Domnall mac Gilla Sechlaiwd, n desc^/rt Bregh, occisus est
o Mwrcadh mac Downaill Hi'd MzelSechlainn [« Domnall, son
of Gilla Sechlainn, king of the South of Bregia, was slain by
Murchad, son of Domnall Hua MailSechlainn »].
Gilla na naew Hua Duind, fer leighiwd Indsi Clothrann 7
ughdar Erenn re senchus 7 re dan, 7 aenolkw na nGaedhel, do
eg [« Gilla na noeb Hua Duinn, lector of Inis Clothrann, Ire-
land's (chief) author in history and poetry, and the unique
doctor of the Gaels, died »].
Mac Gorwaw, espoc Cilli dara [« bishop of Kildare »]
Gilla Crist Hua Mael-belltaiwe, in t-uasalsacart 7 in t-ard-
maighistir, qwieuit f « Gilla Crist Hua Mail-beltaine, the arch-
presbyter and the high-master, rested »].
Ruaidhri mflcTowaltaigh, tzisech Mw/mVe Duib etain [« chief
of the Munter Dub-etain »] occisus est.
Coblach la Ruaidri Hua Concobair ar Sinainn 7 ar Loch
D^rgderc, cor' gab braighdi Tairrdelbaig Htii Briai?z 7 Dal-
Cais [« A fleet (led) by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair on the
Shannon and on Lough Derg, and he took the hostages of
Toirdelbach Hua Briain and the Dal-Cais »].
[AU. 1161. ALC. wanting. FM. 1161].
Kl. enair for do;/mach, prima luwa fw/rre. El^adi^n bisex
[« January i on Sunday, the first of the moon thereon. A bi-
sextile year »].
Aed Una hOissin, airdespoc cuicidh r Con[n]acht [« arch-
bishop of the province of Connaught »] qwieuit.
Tadhg O Longargan cspoc Tuadmuwan [« bishop of Tho-
mond »] qwieuit.
Sluaigedh Ruaidhri Hua Concobair a Midhi 7 a Laigw/X cor'
facaib rig ar Uib Faelaiw 7 rig ar Uib Failghe, 7 tuc a mbrai-
i. MS. .u.igh
192 Whit ley Stokes.
ghdi lais iarsiw [« A hosting by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair into
Meath and Leinster, and he left a king over the Hui Faelain
and a king over the Hui Failgi, and after that carried off their
hostages »].
Gofraidh r Hua Raigilkz^, r/ Munt/Ve Mael Mordha 7 Muighe
Gaileng, 7 a mac Gilla Issa do marbtfJ la MaelSechlainn mac
Tighernaiw Hui Ruairc a Cenandw [« Gofraid Hua Raigillaig,
king of the Munter Mail-mordha and of Mag Gaileng, and his
son Gilla Issu, were killed by MaelSechlainn, son of Tiger-
nan Hua Ruairc, in Kells »].
ISac Hua Cuan, espoc Ruis [« bishop of Ross »] quieuit.
Slugged la Muirchertach mac maic Lochlainn a nUib Briuin,
co ro indrajtair co Leicc mBladha 7 co hAth Ferna, Tancadar
Gaill 7 Laigin ina theach .i. Diarmuid mac Murchadha, r/
Laigin. Dorad Ruaidhri Hua Conchobair cet/;rar braighed tar
cend Ua mBrium 7 Conmaicne 7 Lethe Midhi 7 Lethe Mogha.
[« A hosting by Murchertach, grandson of Lochlann, into
(the country of) the Hui Briuin, which he ravaged as far as
Liacc Bladhma and Ath Ferna. Foreigners and Leinstermen,
that is, Diarmait Mac Murchada, king of Leinster, submitted
to him. Ruaidri Hua Conchobair gave four hostages for the Hui
Briuin and Conmaicni, the half of Meath and Mogh's Half »].
Domnall mac Gwmedha Hui Laigechan, tsisech Clairme
Suibne, do marb^J la Ruaidhri Ua Concobair a ngeimil, 7 sc
ar cowairce cowurba Ciaraiw [« Domnall, son of Cu-meda
Hua Laigechain, chief of Clann Suibni, was killed by Ruaidri
Hua Conchobair while in prison, and while under the safe-
guard of S. Ciaran's successor »].
Fallomain Find Ua Fallowain, taissech claiwde hUadach
[« chieftain of Clann Uatach »] in clericato (sic) qu'mtit.
IN t-esp^ (!) Murgusa. quieuit [« The bishop Hua Murgusa
rested »].
IN t-espoc O Ronan quieuit [« The bishop Hua Ronain
rested »].
Madadhan Ua Ronan, r/ Cairpr/ Gabra, (\u\euit, 7 a mac do
marbadh la Hua Cow-gemle tre meabw/ [« Matudan Hua R6-
i . MS. Gafraigh
• j •)
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 193
nain, king of Cairbre Gabra, rested, and his son was killed
treacherously by Hua Con-gemle »].
[AU. 1162. ALC. wanting. FM. 1162].
[fo. 24b i] Kl. enair for luan 7 .xu. tiiirre [« January i
on a Monday, and the 15* (day of the moon) thereon »].
Sluaighedh la mac M.aic [Lochlainn] dochum Gall, co feraib
Emm lais, do dighail a mna 7 a saraighthe forro, cor' dedh-
ladar1 cen tsith, cen cath [« A hosting by the son of Mac
Lochlainn together with the men of Ireland to the Foreigners
(of Dublin), in order to take vengeance upon them for his
wife and her violation ; but they separated without a peace,
without a battle »].
Coirpre mac Samuel, ardolkw a scribiund [d'ec. [« Cairbre,
son of Samuel, chief professor in penmanship, died »].
Concobar mac Taidhg H//z Briaiw [« son of Tadg Hua
Briain »] qitienit.
Comthinol sewaidh2 ac cleirchib Erenn im cowurba Padraic
7 imon legait 7 im espagaib aile na hErennf im Diarmuid mac
Murchadha, rig Laighen, 7 im Diarmuid Hiia MzelSechlainn
rig Midhe, cor' ordaighsed araile do righaib cowa riaghlaib
[« A synodical assembly by the clerics of Ireland, including
S. Patrick's successor, and the Legate, and the other bishops
of Ireland — including also Diarmait Mac Murchada, king of
Leinster, and Diarmait Hua MailSechlainn, king of Meath;
and therein they appointed certain kings with their regu-
lations »].
Cathal Hi'ia Ragailligh do eg [« died »] subita ' morte.
Donwcadh mac Gilla Padraig, r/ Osraigi [« king of Os-
sory »] mortuus est.
MzelSecblainn Hiia Ruairc do marbadh hmac mate Andaigh
1 . MS. deghladar
2. se;/aigh
? . siuita
194 Whitley Stokes.
Hui Raighillflz^ [« MaelSechlainn Hua Ruairc was killed by
the grandson of Annach Hua Raigillaig »].
Maithi Claiiwie Maelugra do marbadh la NL&elSechlainn Hua
C0wcobair a fill .i. Cu brogha 7 Cellacb O Di/wmusaigh [« Cu
brogha and Cellach Hua Dimmusaig, nobles of the Clann
Mail-ugra, were treacherously killed by MaelSechlainn Hua
Conchobair »].
[AU. 1163. ALC. wanting. FM. 1163].
Kl. enair for Mairt 7 tresfahit fw/rre [« January i on a Tues-
day, and the 23d (day of the moon) thereon »].
Muirckrtach mac Downaill Hui M&elSechlaitin do toitim do
droiched Chorcaighe 7 se ar meisce, cor' baidedh : ism tSa-
braind he [« Murchertach, son of Domnall Hua MailSech-
lainn, being intoxicated, fell from the bridge of Cork, and
was drowned in the Sabrann » (the river Lee)].
Mael-Isu Hita Laighenaiw, espo^ Iwlech lubair, [« bishop
of Emly »] quienit.
Glend da lacha do loscadh im Chiaran 7 iw Caimgen
[« Glendalough was burnt, including the Cro Chiarain and
the Cro Coemgin ».
Niall mac Muirc/;^rtaig mazV maic Amlahn do dul a tir Maine
arconwmedh, 7 a ngabail la Huib Maine 7 laGwcobtfro Cellaig,
7 ar a munt/re do chur per uirtutew sancti Ciaraiwi .i. conn-
medh egne dorindi ar samad Chiarain ria ndul siar. [« Niall,
son of Murchertach, grandson ofOlaf, went (with a force of
twelve score men) into Tir Maini and billeted (himself and
his force on the inhabitants). But they were taken prisoners by
the Hui Maini and by Conchobar Hua Cellaig; and, through a
miracle of S. Ciaran, Niall's people were slaughtered, for be-
fore marching westward he had made a compulsory billeting
on S. Ciaran's community »].
Aithrighadh Diarmuda H/// MaelSechlainn la feraib Midhi.
Coic fa hit uinge d'or dorat do Muircfertach mac Lochlainn
i . MS. baighedh
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. joe
tarcend rige iarthair Midhi. [« The deposition of Diarmait
Hua MaelSechlainn by the men of Meath. Five score ounces
of gold he gave Muirchertach MacLochlainn for the kingship
of the west of Meath »].
Cu Chaissil Hiia Findallan do marbadh lahAedh Una Ruairc
a mebail [« Cu Caissil Hua Findallain was treacherously killed
by Aed Hua Ruairc »].
Mac Donwchaidh Me[c] Carrthfl^ do marbadh dia brathair
.i. do mac Con/mic, a mebail [« The son of Donnchad Mac
Carthaig was treacherously killed by his first cousin, the son
of Cormac »].
[AU; 1164. ALC. wanting. FM. 1164]. ,
Kl. enfl/V for cetain .mi. uatha[i]d\i fuirre [« January i on a
Wednesday and the 4th (of the moon) thereon »].
Caislen ingantach do denuw la Ruaidhri Una Gwchobair
a Tuaiw da gualand [« A wonderful castle was built by Ruai-
dri Hua Conchobair at Tuam »].
Tuaim ngrene 7 Cluaiw ferta 7 Tir da glass do loscud
[« Tomgraney and Clonfert and Terryglass were burnt »].
MaelSechlainn Hi/a Chonchobair Failge do marbadh do Claiwd
Mailugra ism mebail dormdi orro [« MaelSechlainn Hua Con-
chobair Failge was killed by the Clann Mail-ugra for the trea-
chery which he practised upon them »].
Muirc/;mach H-iia Tuathail, n Rita Mwredhaig [« king of
the Hui Muredaig »] mortuus est.
Sowwirle mac Gilla Brighdi, ri Iwdsi Gall 7 Ciwd tire, 7 a
mac .i. Gilla Brighdi, co n-ar Gall Atha cliath araen riu, do
marbadh la firu Alban [« Somarled, son of Gilla Brigte, king
of the Hebrides and Cantyre, and his son Gilla Brigte were
killed by the men of Scotland, and along with them Foreign-
ers of Dublin were slaughtered »].
Donnchad mac Diar;;mta Ua-Briaiw, espoc Tuadh-Maman
[« bishop of Thomond »] qwirw/V.
Amlaiw mac Gilla Chaewghen Hiii Chendeidigh, n Urmu-
wan, do dalla^ la Toirrdelbach Hi'ia mBriaiw [« Olaf, son of
196 Whit ley Stokes.
Gilla Coemgin Hua Cenn-etig, king of Ormond, was blinded
by Toirdelbach Hua Briain »].
Dabid mac Duimi slcibe H/h' Eochadha, do marbadh do
Uib Eachtfc/? a fill [« David, son of Donn-slebe Hua Eochada,
was treacherously killed by the Hui Echach »].
[AU. 1165. ALC. wanting. FM. 1165].
Kl. enair for aine 7 .xu. fuirn. cetbliadan bisex [« January
i on a Friday, and the 15th (day of the moon) thereon. First
bisextile year »].
Tairrdelbach Hita Briain do thecht a n-ailithre co Cill da
Lua, 7 a mac .i. Muirchertach, d'fagbail arrighe Dal-Cais
[«• Toirdelbach Hua Briain went in pilgrimage to Killaloe,
and his son, Murchertach, was left in the kingship of Dal-
Cais »].
Maidw ria Laighes Ua Mordha 7 ria Mac Craith Una Mor-
dha for Osraigi, du a torchair Do;//nall Mac Gilla Padnn'c, ri
Osraigi, 7 Hi'ta Broich, et ailii multi. [« A defeat (inflicted) by
Laiges Hua Mordha and by Mac Craith Hua Morda, on the
people of Ossory, wherein fell Domnall Mac Gilla Patraic,
king of Ossory, and Hua Broich, and many others »].
Sluaiged la mac Male Lochlainn a n-U\\taib, co ro mdrustar
in tir, et/r chill 7 tuaith, 7 ro gab giallo UW, 7 ro indarb mac
Duiwd thslebe Hiii Eochadha, 7 ro marb mac Gilla espw/c, 7 Inis
Lacai« do innradh lais, 7 do scailedh [« A hosting by the son
of Mac Lochlainn into Ulster, and he ravaged the land, both
church and district, and he took Ulster's hostages, and ba-
nished the son of Donn slebe Hua Eochada, and killed the
son of Gilla espuic. And Inis Lochain was ravaged by him and
destroyed »].
Eochaidh I mac Dumd sleibe Ua Eocadha do gabail do
Donwcadh Huu Cerbaill, 7 a lecan a gewil do aris, 7 righe
n-Ulad do tabairt [do] do m^c Maic Lochlainn tarcend oir 7
braiged [« Eochaid, son of Donn-slebe Hua Eochadha, was
i. MS. Eochaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 197
taken prisoner by Donnchad Hua Cerbaill, and cast again into
prison, and the kingship of Ulster was given to him by the
son of Mac Lochlainn for gold and hostages »].
Ua Canandan, ri Ceneoil Conaill [« king of the Kindred of
Conall »] mortuus est.
An Gilla Cron Hua MaelBrewaiwd, taisech Clainne Con-
cobur [« chief of Clan Conor »] mortuus est.
Ruaidhri Ua Cowcobair do tabairt iarthuir Midhe do Diar-
muid Huu MaelSechlainn [« Ruaidri Hua Conchobair gave the
west of Meath to Diarmait Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Snechta mor issiw bliadain sin, cu wba hopair do dainib 7
do cheat/;raib a imthecht. [« A great snow in this year, so
that it was a labour for men and for cattle to go about in it »].
Cocadh I mor etzr Midhechaib 7 Brefw#$aib, cor' marbad
Sittriuc Una Ruairc 6 Uib Ciardha 7 o Cairpn [« A great
war between the Meathmen and the men of Brefne, and
Sitriuc Hua Ruairc was killed by the Hiii Ciarda and by
Cairbre »].
O Ruaircc 7 0 Conchobair do dhenom da creach [fol. 24*2]
ar Cairpr i 7 ar Midechaib 7 ar Laignechaib [« Hua Ruairc and
Hua Conchobair made twro raids on the Cairbri and on the
Meathmen and on the men of Leinster »].
Sluaiged la Ruaidri Hita Concobair a nDesMuwaiw, co tuc
giallu o mac Cormaic me[c] Carrthaig [« A hosting by Ruaid-
ri Hua Conchobair into Desmond, and he brought hostages
from the son of Cormac Mac Carthaig »].
Whitley STOKES.
(To be continued.)
i. MS. Cochadh
Revue Celtiqiie, tome XVIII.
P. 9, 1. 3, f°r Rawl. B. read Rawl. B. 488.
11, 1. 10, read so that they were not allowed (to go) down beyond that,
although they desired it.
1. 22, for brother read first cousin
15, 1. 7, from end, for died in fetters read was killed in prison
17, 1. 2, for diligently read entirely
1 8, 1. 4, for chains read prison
25, 1. 6, dele the full stop
28, 1. 12, for march (?) read report
29, 1. 5, after came insert Hua Ruairc and Hua Briuin, and they put
32, 1. 13. Fr. Henebry thinks that chom stands for dochwi. If so, cancel
the note, and translate thus : in order to give him a chance
of coming, asked for a time of truce.
33,1. i, for twelve hands in breadth without being split read in
breadth twelve hands without splitting (i. e. without ex-
tending the thumb)
43, 1. 9, for was captured by read went (i. e. agreed) with
48, 1. 10, for land. He was made read land to make a
49, 1. 4, for Tyrcounell read Tyrconnell
56, 11. 14, 1 5, for but so, read but (the people of) Thomond did
not allow them (the Connaughtmen) to do so. Howbeit
57, 1. 9 from end, for fleet read folk
58, 1. 17, for Mogh read Hugh's
78, 1. 4, dele the comma before house.
82, 1. 4, for for read/a
For most of these corrections I am indebted to Fr. Henebry.
Vol. XVIII. _ N° 3 Juillet
Membre de 1'Institut, Professeur au College de France
Doyen de la Faculte des Professeur a la Faculte des
Lettres de Rennes Lettres de Poitiers
Maitre de Conferences a la Faculte des Lettres de Rennes'
Secretaire de la Redaction
jmmaire: Salomon REINACH, TarvosTrigaranus, p. 253. — Whitley STOKES,
The Annals of Tigernach (The Continuation, A.D. 1166 — A.D. 1178),
p. 267. — J. LOTH, Bretons insulaires en [rlande, p. ^04. — Emile ER-
NAULT, La particule bretonne en, ent, ez, p. 310. — J. LOTH, La patrie de
Tristan, p. 315. — H. D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, Sur quelques inscriptions
en caracteres grecs de la Gaule Narbonnaise, p. 318.
CHRONIQUE, p. 333.
Prix de la collection des 17 volumes (annees 1870 a 1896, inclus), pris a la fois,
au lieu de 340 francs, net 290 Jrancs.
Tous droits reserves.
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Professeur a la Faculte des Lettres de Poitiers
Un vol. gr. in-8 en 2 parties. — Prix 30 fr.
Un volume in-8. — Prix 4 fr.
Par H. D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, membre de 1'Institut
In-i8 jesus. — Prix 4 fr.
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Un volume grand in-8. — Prix 6 fr.
Scripsit A. MEILLET
Brochure in-8. — . Prix 3 fr.
Tome X. — Premier fascicule
Grand in-8. — Prix. 6 fr.
[AU. 1166. ALC. wanting. FM. 1166].
Kl. enfl/V for satharn, 7 .uii. fiched fw/Vre, 7 bliadan ta-
naisti for bis^c [« Jan. I on Saturday, and the 27th (day of
the moon) thereon, and the second year after bisextile »].
Sluaiged la Ruaidhri Ua Conchobair co mathaib Con[n\acht
ima..., .i. Tigernan Hiia Ruairc 7 Diarmuid Ht'ia MaelS^/;-
lainn conz sluagh — co hAth cliath, co tucsaft] Gaill rige do
Ruaidhri 7 co tucsan da fiched cet bo do GzMaib, 7 co nde-
chadar, et/V Gall 7 Gaedhel, co Manist/r moir Drochit Atha.
Co tanic O C^rbaill co mathaib Airgiall a tech Hi Choncobair
7 tucadh da iichit deg bo do 7 ceit/;ri braighde uada sow d'6
Chonchobair, 7 dochuadar uile il-Laighnib, 7 tancatar mac
Mrt/c Faelan 7 O Gwcobair Failge a tech I Chonchobair, 7 tuc-
san da fiched deg bo gacha fir dib, 7 ro gabsad uile co Fid
Tainic M^c Murchadha ina n-aghaidh1, 7 tuc debaidh2
doib, 7 ro memaid* ar Mac Murchadha, 7 marbthar moran
1 . MS. inanadhaigh
2 . dcbaigh
3. romebaig
268 Whit ley Stokes.
dia munt/r and, 7 reidigttr an fidh la Una Cowcobair ar eicin,
7 ro loisc Mac Mwrchadha fein Ferna moir m'Aedhoic, 7 tuc
Mrtc Murcadha cet/;rar braighed d'O Gwcobtf/r, 7 ni fuair do
sowiadh acht cuirp Ua Cendsela/^.
Mac Gilla Padra/c 7 Osraige do thecht a tech I Choncobair,
7 tucsad a mbraighde do, 7 tuc O Concobair da fiched deg bo
O Concobair do techt da tigh, 7 ni roibe acht ceat/;ra haidh-
che iga thigh antan dochuaidh ar sluaighedh co hEs-Ruaidh, co
tancatar Cenel C0«aill ina teach 7 tucsad braighde.
ET an oired dobi-seow a Cen^V Co/tail! teid Hiia Ruairc 7
Breifnig 7 Conmfl/cne 7 Oirgialla 7 sluagh I Ruairc a Tir
nEoghai/2, cor' thinoilsed Cen^7 Eogain \m Murchenacb mac
Maic Loclainn ina n-aighidh1 .i. airdri Erenn, co Fedhaib Una
nEchdach, co tuc foba/rt chatha doib, 7 brist^r ar Cenel nEo-
ga/V^ 7 marbthar ann Muirc/mach mac NellMa/c Lochk/w/z,
airdri Erenn, 7 se dune deg do raighnib a munteri, 7 cleirigh
an Chluig n-Udar/;/a do marbad anw, 7 Ua Briuin do thabuirt
in chluig leo, 7 O Floiwd do Uib Brium do marba^ an righ,
7 tre mirbulib Padm/V ro marbflJ he iar sarughudh cowurba
Padra/V do 7 cleirech Erenn \m Hi'ia n-Eochadha .i. Eochaid
mac Duinwslebe n Ulad do dallad la Murcfertach m^c Male
[Lochlainn] tar sarugw^h na cleireach si//, 7 ar cowairce Hiii
Cerbaill, rig Airghiall, 7 as tridsin do iwpoatar Ulltaigh 7 Air-
gialla airsiuw.
[« A hosting by Runidri Hua Conchobair, together with
the nobles of Connaught, namely, Tigernan Hiia Ruairc and
Diarmait Hua.MaelSechlainn, with their armies, to Dublin,
where the Foreigners gave the kingship to Ruaidri, and he
gave two score hundred cows to the Foreigners; and they
marched, both Foreigner and Gael, to the great monastery of
Drogheda. And Hua Cerbaill, with the chiefs of Oriel, sub-
mitted to Hua Conchobair, and twelve score co\vs were given
to him, and four hostages by him, to Hua Conchobair; and
they all marched into Leinster, and the son of Mac Faelain
and Hua Conchobair Failge submitted to Hua Conchobair;
i . MS. naidhigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 269
and he gave twelve score cows for each of them ; and they
all took their way to Fid dorcha.
Mac Murchada marched against them, and gave them battle;
but he was defeated, and many of his people were killed there-
in, and the wood is forcibly cleared by Hua Conchobair ;
and Mac Murchada himself burnt Ferna mor m'Aedoic (Ferns),
and gave a set of four hostages to Hua Conchobair, and got no
glory save the corpses of the Hui Cennselaig.
Mac Gilla Patraic and the (men of) Ossory submitted to
Hua Conchobair and gave him their hostages ; and Hiia Con-
chobair gave them twelve score cows.
Hua Conchobair went home, and he was only four nights
in his house when he fared forth on a hosting to Assaroe.
So the Kindred of Conall submitted to him and gave hos-
And while he was in (the country of the) Kindred of Co-
nall, Hua Ruairc and the men of Brefne and Conmaicni and
Oriel, and Hua Ruairc's army invaded Tyrone; so the Kin-
dred of Eogan, including Muirchertach, son of Mac Loch-
lainn, overking of Ireland, gathered against them to the
Woods of Hui Echach, and delivered a battle-onset upon
them; and the Kindred of Eogan were routed, and Murcher-
tach, son of Niall Mac Lochlainn, overking of Ireland, is
killed, and sixteen of the choicest of his people. And the cle-
rics of the Bell of the Bequest were killed there, and the Hui
Briuin carried off the bell. It was Hua Flaind, (one) of the Hui
Briuin, that killed the king, and by the miracles of S. Patrick
he was killed, S. Patrick's successor and the clerics of Ireland
having been outraged by him concerning HuaEochada — i. e.
Eochaid, son of Donn-slebe, king of Ulster — who was blinded
by Murchertach son of (Niall) Mac Lochlainn, in despite of
those clerics, and while he was under the safeguard of Hua
Cerbaill, king of Oriel. And for that reason the men of Ulster
and Oriel revolted against Murchertach »].
Gilla male Aiblen, cowarba Brenainn Cluana ferta I [« suc-
cessor of S. Brenainn of Clonfert »] quieuit.
i . MS. comarba cluana ferta brenainn
Revue Cdtiquc, XV III, 19
270 Whitley Stokes.
Gilla na Trinodi Hua Dalaigh, ollam Des-Muwan, dow-
marbad do mac Cormaic Meg-Carrtaigh [« Gilla na Trinote
(« the servant of the Trinity ») Hua Dalaig, chief poet of Des-
mond, was killed by the son ofCormac Mac Carthaig »].
TaLirrdelbacb Hua Briaiw do gabail righe Muwan iterum
| « Toirdelbach Hua Briain again took the kingship of
Minister »].
Mac Gilla moColmog, ri Hua nDunchadha, do marbfld do
m0caib Mate Braenaiw a mebail, tre furail Maic Murchadha
[« Mac Gilla mo Cholmoic, king of the Hui Dunchada, was
treacherously killed, by the sons of Mac Braenain, at the in-
stigation of Mac Murchada »].
Laigm 7 Goill do iwpodh for Mac Murchadha 'na chintaib
feiw [« Leinstermen and Foreigners revolted against Mac Mur^
chada for his own crimes »].
Braighdi Hua Faelan 7 Ua Failghi la Diarmuid Hua Mael-
Sechlainn [« Hostages of the Hui Faelain and the Hui Failgi
(were taken) by Diarmait Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Ard Macha do loscadh tigib templaib [« Armagh was
burnt, both houses and churches »].
Braighde Osraigi j Hua Faelan, im mac Meic Faelan, do
marboJ do M^c Murchada [« The hostages of Ossory and Hui
Faelain, including' the son of Mac Faelain, were killed by
Mac Murchada »].
Daire Colaiw cilli do loscadh 'mun Duib-regles [« S. Co-
lomb cille's Daire (D^rry), including the Black Abbey-church,
was burnt »].
Sluaighedh laTigernan H/kRuairc 7 la Diarmaid Ua Mael-
Sechlainn, 7 Gaill Atha cliath leo, aramwj Maic Murchadha
do dighail mna Hui Ruairc fair, cor' scailsed an teach cloiche
do bai a Ferna ac M^fc Mwrchadha, 7 ro loiscsed in longport,
7 ro indarbsad Mac Mwrchadha dar muir co riacht a Saxanaib,
7 do roi«dsed Ua-Chendsilaigh ar do et/r Hua nGilla Padtaic
7 Murchadh m^c Murchadha, 7 tucsat a mbraighdi leo, 7 do-
radsad do Ruaidhri Hua Choncobair iat iarom.
[« A hosting by Tigernan Hua Ruairc and by Diarmait Hua
Mail-Sechlainn, accompanied by the Foreigners of Dublin,
against Mac Murchada, in order to take vengeance on him
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 271
for Hiia Ruairc's wife. And they demolished the stone-house
which Mac Murchada had at Ferns, and they burnt the camp,
and banished him over sea to England ; and they divided Hui
Cennselaig in two, between Hua Gilla Patraic and Murchad
Mac Murchada; and they carried off their hostages, and then
gave them to Ruaidri Hua Conchobair »].
[fo. 25 a i] Enwa mac Murcada do gabail la Osraighe1
[« Enna Mac Murchada was captured by (the men of) Os-
sory »].
Braighde Deas-Muwain do indlacadh condici a tech d'U
Concobair [« The hostages of Desmond were sent as far as
the house of Hua Conchobair »].
CVwcobur Hiia Focarta do warbadh lasiw Dubsuilech Ua
Focarta [« Conchobar Hua Focarta was killed by Dubsuilech,
(Blackeyed) Hua Focarta »].
Ceileachar Hiia C0wgaile, secnab Hua Neill [« Celechar
Hua Congaile, prior of the Hui Neill (died) »].
IN Dall O coin allta [« The Blind one, grandson of Cu al-
laid (Wolf) »] quieuit.
Morsluaig tiwchill la Ruaidri Ua Cowcobair, co tuc braigdi
Ulad 7 Airgiall 7 Gall 7 Laigm 7 fer Muwan lais, coro roind
Mu/;/a ar do it/r Clainn Carrthaig 7 Sil mBriaiw [« A great
army-circuit by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair; and he brought
ith him the hostages of Ulster and Oriel and the Foreigners
and the Leinstermen and the men of Munster, and he divided
Munster in two between the Claim Carthaig and the Sil
Briain »].
Cowdal ac Ruadri Ua Choncobair ac ri[g] Erenn ic Ath
luai/z, 7 ac Diarmuid Ua MaelSechlainn rig Midhi, 7 ac Ti-
g^rnan Ua Ruairc, rig Brefne, 7 ac Gzllaib Atha cliath allos
tuarastail. Do srethadh da fiched cet bo do Gzllaib Atha cliath
for feraib Erenn, 7 dorad in ri da fiched deg bo do Cenel Co-
waill 7 .x. n-etaighe dathafichit2 7 dzfahit etach datha d'fer-
aib Muman. Dorat .ccc. bo do Cherball do ri Airgiall. Dorat
da fiched dec bo do Mac Faekw. Dorat .u. eich tichit do Gilla
1 . MS. hosraidhe
2. MS. fichit datha
2y 2 Whitley Stokes .
Padra/V do rig Osraigi. Dorad .x. n-eich 7 tri fichit each do
[« A convention at Athlone by Ruadri Hua Conchobair,
king of Ireland, and by Diarmait Hua MaelSechlainn, king ot
Meath, and Tigernan Hua Ruairc, king of Brefne, and the
Foreigners of Dublin, on account of stipend. Two hundred
score kine for the Foreigners of Dublin were imposed as a tax
on the men of Ireland, and the king gave to the Kindred of
Conall twelve score kine and ten score coloured garments,
and to the men of Munster forty coloured garments. To Cer-
ball, king of Ossory, he gave three hundred cows. To Mac
Faelain he gave twelve score cows. Five and twenty horses
he gave to Gilla Patraic, king of Ossory; three score and ten
horses he gave to Mac Carthaig »].
[AU. 1167. ALC. wanting. FM. 1167].
Kl. enair for domnach 7 .uii. wrtf/;a[i]dh f///rre [« January I
on a Sunday, and the 7th (of the moon) thereon »].
Derbail ingen Domnaill Hiti MailSechlfl/'jw, do ec a n-aili-
thri a Guam ma/cN6is[« Derbail, daughter ofDomnall Hua
Mail-Sechlainn, died in pilgrimage at Clonmacnois »].
Uada Ua Conchenaind, r/ Ua nDiarmuda [« king of the Hui
Diarmata »] in clericatu qmeuit.
Mor ingen Downaill Ua-GwcobairFailgi, abatisa Chilli dara,
quieuit. [« Mor, daughter ofDomnall Hua Conchobair Failgi,
abbess of Kildare, rested »].
Sluaiged la Ruaidhri Hua Conchobair, la airdri Erenn 7 la
rigraidh Erenn .i. Diar;»uit Mac-Can thaigh, n Des-Muman, 7
Muirc/;crtach Ua Briain, r/ Dal-Caiss, 7 rigraidh Laigen 7 Os-
raigi conn lerti/zol, 7 Diarmuid Ua MaelSechlainn, r/ Midhi, 7
Tigernan Ua-Ruairc, r/ Ua mBriuiw 7 Conmaicne, j O Cer-
baill r/ Airgiall, 7 Hiia hEochadha, r/ Ulad, comi mortinol ; 7
na riga sin aile ar aenriaw. Tri catha dec doib da cois 7 .uii.
catha marc[s]luaigh, co riachtatar Ard Macha, 7 tri haidche
doib andsin ac urnaidhe l Cened/7 Conaiil 7 in coblaigh moir
i. urnaighe
The Annals of Tigcrnach. The continuation. 273
tancatar timcell Erenn co rancatar cuan Doire 7 co ndechatar
do muir 7 do thir fo Chenel nEoghaw fo alltaib 7 fo chailltib,
7 Tinolaid Gen*'/ Eogain do tabairt amuis longpuirt ar feraib
Erenn. Conid ed rofas de sidhe, arna roi/zd cor' marb each dib
fern a cheli isiwn aidhche a n-iwrusc, acbt chena tucsad ochtwr
braighed arnamarach do rig Erenn .i. do Ruadri Ua Concho-
bair, 7 Ro facaib cet/;rar braighed dib il-laiw I Ccrbaill rig Air-
giall ica cowed, 7 tanic fen a Condacbtz, 7 tuc na .iiii. braighdi
aile lais, 7 ro iwpa gach cozVedhach dib dia thir fen, 7 tanic
ri Erenn ar fud Genre// Cowaill 7 tar Has Ruaidh a Condflr/tfaib,
7 tuc O Briaiw 7 Mag-Carrthaigh leis dia taigh, 7 tuc claidiw
Cor/;/aic do Chormac Ma[c] Carrtbaig, 7 tuc cornw Tzirrdelbaig
Ua-Briai// do mdc Ua-Briam.
[« A hosting by Ruaidri Hiia Conchobair, overking of Ire-
land, and by Ireland's kingfolk, even Diarmait Mac Carthaig,
king of Desmond, and Murchertach Hiia'Briain, king of the
Dal Caiss, and the kingfolk of Leinster and Ossory with their
great muster, and Diarmait Hiia Mail-Sechlainn, king ot
Meath, and Tigerndn Hua Ruairc, king of the Hui Briuin and
Conmacni, and Hua Cerbaill, king of Oriel, and Hua Eo-
chada, king of Ulster, with his mighty gathering, and all
those kings « on one road ». Thirteen battalions they were, of
footsoldiers and seven of cavalry; and they reached Armagh,
and three nights they remained there, awaiting the Kindred of
Conall and the great fleet. They came round Ireland till they
reached Cuan Doire. And they went by sea and by land
throughout the Kindred of Eogan, under cliffs and woods.
And the Kindred of Eogan assemble to deliver a camp-attack
on the men of Ireland ; but, hence, having divided, it re-
sulted that each division killed the other at night in error.
Howbeit, on the morrow they gave eight hostages to the king
of Ireland, Ruadri Hua Conchobair, and he left four of these
hostages in the custody of Hua Cerbaill, king of Oriel, pro-
tecting them, and Ruadri himself came into Connaught,
bringing the four other hostages. And each of the provincial
kings returned to his own country. And the king of Ireland
came along Tyrconnell and over Assaroe into Connaught;
and he brought Hua Briain and Mac Carthaig to his house,
274 Whit ley Stokes.
and gave Cormac's sword to Mac Carthaig, and gave Hua
Briain's son the drinking-horn of Toirdelbach Hua Briain »].
Diarmuid mac Murchadha do techt a nErinn, 7 socraidi Gall
7 Saxanach 7 ridiredh leis, cor' gab rigi Ua CendsiLzz^ aris.
Sechtmain do rig Erenn ica thigh intan dochualfl Mac Mur-
chadh d'faghail treisi moire 7 do gabail iwta for Laighnib.
Dochuaidh ri Erenn 7 Ua Ruairc 7 Ua M&elSechlainn co Fidh
ndorcha, 7 Gaill leo, 7 do batar sechtmuin and ac urnaidhe r
sidha2, cur' eloatar drew d'uaislib in longpuirt amach d'iar-
raidh3 debtha, 7 ro marbad seser <iib cor' enV in sluagh mor
amach, 7 tucadh ruaig do Mac Murchadha cona Saxanachaib,
co ranic .x. cinn fiched aen iwadh do chendaib Laigen im dis
ridiredh. Co tanic [fo. 25*2] Mac Murcadha a teach rig
Erenn 7 tuc a breth fen do braigdib do tar cend Ua Cendsikug*,
7 Tuc Mac Mwrcadha .u.fahit uinge d'or do sith d'U Ruairc
il-16gh a mna.
[« Diarmait Mac Murchada arrived in Ireland with an army
of Foreigners and Saxons and knights, and he retook the
kingship of the Hui Cennselaig. A week was the king of Ire-
land in his house, when he heard that Mac Murchada had
found great strength and gotten power over Leinster. The
king of Ireland and Hua Ruairc and Hua MaelSechlainn, and
Foreigners with them, marched to Fid dorcha, and they were
a week there awaiting peace. But a party of the nobles of the
camp stole out to seek a combat, and six of them were killed ;
whereupon the great army issued forth, and Mac Murchada
was put to flight with his Saxons; and ten score heads of
Leinstermen and two knights came into one place. Thereupon
Mac Murchada submitted to the king of Ireland, and gave
him his own award of hostages for Hui Cennselaig ; and Mac
Murchada paid Hua Ruairc five score ounces of gold for peace
(and) in compensation for his wife »].
IN t-espor Ua Flandacan .i. espoc Cluana hUama [« The
bishop Hua Flanduaiin, bishop of Cloyne »] qwicuit in Christo.
1 . MS. urnaighe
2. MS. urnaighe sitha
3 . diarraigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 275
Aenach Taillten do deno;;/ le Ruaidri la ri[g] Erenn. [« The
Fair of Teltown was held by Ruaidri, king of Ireland »].
T&irrdelbach Ua Briain, r/ Muman 7 Lethi Mogha re re
|"« king of Munster and Mogh's Half in his time »] in tribula-
none bona uitaw feliciter finiuit.
Cond o Mael-miadhaigh, tzissech Muntire hEolais [« chief
of the Munter Eolais »] mortttus est.
[AU. 1168. ALC. wanting. FM. 1168].
Kl. enair for luan 7 .xuiii. fw/rre 7 bliadan corabisejc [« Ja-
nuary i on a Monday, and the i8th (of the moon) thereon,
and a bisextile year »].
Murchadh Ua-Fimmlla//, r/ Delbna moire, do marbflto? do
Muirchenach mac Dormcadha UarMzel-Sechlainn ar cowairche
rig Erenn j Con[n]acht 7 Oirgiall, 7 doradsad fir Midhi seckt
ce't bo ina enedainn do Chonwachtaib 7 d'Airghiallaib |~« Mur-
chad Ua Finnallain, king of Delbna mor, was killed by Mur-
chertach, son of Donnchad Hiia Mail-Sechlainn, while under
the safeguard of the kings of Ireland, Connaught and Oriel.
And the men of Meath gave the men of Connaught and Oriel
seven hundred cows as his honour-price »].
Enda Mac Mwrchadha, n^dawna Laig^ do dalkJ la Donn-
chadh mac Gilla-Padra/V la ri[g] Osraigi [« Enna Mac Mur-
chada, crownprince of Leinster, was blinded by Donnchad
Mac Gilla Patraic, king of Ossory »].
Aenach Taillte/z la Ruaidhri Ua Concobair la rig Erenn ism
bliadain si [« The Fair of Teltown (was held) in this year by
Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland »].
Muircfertach, mac Tzirrdelbaig Ua-Briaiw, do righadh tareis
a athar, 7 m#c maic Concobair Ua-Briaiw da marbtfJ sen a
mebail, 7 m#c Concobair do toitiw focMoir ind la Mael-
Sechlainn Ua Faelan 7 la Diarmuid Fi«d Ua mBriam a ndi-
ghail Mnircenaig.
[« Muirchertach, son of Toirdelbach Hua Briain, was made
king after his father; but the grandson of Conchobar Hua
Briain killed him treacherously, and Conchobar's son straight-
276 Whitley Stokes.
way fell for this by Mael-Sechlainn Hua Faelain and by
Diarmait the Fair Hua Briain, in revenge for Murchertach »],
Righi Tuadh-Muwan do gabail do Downall Ua Briain 7
righe Ur-Muwan do Brian. [« The kingship of Thomond \vas
taken by Domnall Hua Briain and the kingship of Or.T.ond
by Brian »].
Brian mac Taitrdelbaig do gabail la Domnall nwc Tairr-
delbaig, 7 righe Dal-Cais uile do gabail do [« Brian, s:n of
Toirdelbach, was taken prisoner by Domnall, son of Toir-
delbach, and the kingship of the Dal-Cais was seized by
him »].
Flandacan Ua Dubtaigh, espoc j sai a leighind [« a bishop
and sage in reading »] (\u\euit.
Mac raith Ht'ia Moraw, espoc Conmaicne [« bishop of the
Conmacni »] quieuit.
Don/?cadh Ua Cerbaill, ri Airgiall, do eg iarna ledradh do
thuaigh ' fir dia munt/V fen [« Donnchad Hua Cerbaill, king
of Oriel, died after being mangled by the axe of a man of his
own household »].
Meass mor ism \Aiadain sin, 7 sonus 7 iwadh gach maith///5a
arna tidnacol do Dia do righi Ruaidhri Ua Cojicobair [« A
great nut-crop in this year, and wealth and abundance or
every good thing bestowed by God on the kingship of Ruai-
dri Hua Conchobair »].
IN Gilla Leithd^rg O Concobair Corco/wruadh do mwbad
do brait/jrib fen a mebuil [« The Gilla Leth-derg (« Redsided
lad ») Hua Conchobair Corcomruad was treacherously killed
by his own brothers »].
[AU. 1169, ALC. wanting. FM. 1169].
Kl. entf/r for cefam j .ix.xx. fw/Vre [« January i on a Wed-
nesday, and the 29th (of the moon) thereon »].
Ferchar Ua Fallo/waiw, tz\sech detinue hUadach [« chief of
Clann Uatach »] mortuus est.
i . MS. thuaidh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 277
Sluaigof la Ruaidhri Ua Concobair la rig Erenn a n-Uib
Cendsi/flfg^ co tuc [mac] Maic Mwrchadha a ngellsine lais.
[« A hosting by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland,
into Hui Cennselaig, and he brought away Mac Murchada's
son as a hostage »].
Drong mor do ridirib do techt tar muir 'cum Maic Murcu-
dha [« A large body of knights came oversea to Mac Mur-
chada »].
Rigi Ceneoil Eogain do gabail do Concobar mac Nell Maic
LoMainn [« The kingship of the Kindred of Eogan was
taken by Conchobar, son of Niall Mac Lochlainn »].
Diarmuit Una MzeiSethlainn, ri Midhi 7 urmoir Laig^w, 7
adbar rig Ercnn, do marbfld la Domnall mBreaghach Hiia
MiielScchiainii tria fingail [« Diarmait Hua MaelSechlainn,
king of Meath and the greater part of Leinster, and the ma-
kings of a king of Ireland, was parricidally killed by Domnall
of Bregia, grandson of MaelSechlainn »].
Osraige do indradh, et/r cill 7 tuaith, la Mac Murchadha co
nGallaib [« Ossory was ravaged, both church and district,
by Mac Murchada with Foreigners »].
[AU. 1170. ALC. 1170. FM. 1170].
Kl. enair for dardain 7 .x. fw/rre 7 bliadan tanaiste for
bisex J [« January i on a Thursday, and the ioth (of the moon)
thereon and the second year after bisextile »].
Taissi Co/;/ain do thocbail [« S. Coman's relics were rai-
sed »] it6Tcino2 eius usque ad translatione///.
Diarmait Una Briai/z, ardcowmrba Cotmun, do eg a n-Inis
Gotland [« Diarmait HuaBriain, high-successor of S. Corn-
man, died in Inis Clothrann »].
IN t-espoc Hi'ta Ruadhan, sruithsenoir inr/;dicidh5, do ec
1. Here the scribe inserts: eif andis [leg. annis?] transactis .cccc. q//rt-
tuor post obituw, which I do not understand
2. leg. in scri'nio?
3. MS. u.igh
278 Whitley Stokes.
[« The bishop Hua Ruadain, venerable elder of the province,
died »].
Mael-mordha mac Uairerghi, cerw chelidh nDe Clua;/a, do
eg [« Mael-morda son of Uair-erge, head of the Culdees of
Clonmacnois, died »].
Concobar mac Male Lochlainn, ri Ceneoil Eogain, do mar-
bad do rrmcaib Cano a n-Ard Macha [« Conchobar, son of
Mac Lochlainn, king of the Kindred of Eogan, was killed by
the sons of Cano in Armagh »].
Mac Murchadhfa] do gabail rigi Gall Laighen [« Mac Mur-
chada received the kingship of the Foreigners of Leinster »].
Durmach Colaiw cille do loscud conn templaib, 7 caisdel
Gaillmi 7 Ard Rathaiw [« S. Colomb cille' s Durrow was burnt
with its churches, and the castle of Galway, and Ard Ra-
th ain »].
Tosach uilc na hErenn .i. Roberd mac Stemni do techt a
n-Erinnf sesca luirech, 7 fa Ricard mac Gilliberd .i. iarla, 7
da chath doib etzY ridire 7 saighdeoir ar techt a furtacht Mate
Mwrchadha," co wdechatar ar Port Lairge ar eiciw, 7 cor' facsad
drew dia munt/V and, 7 dochuatar a Loch Carman ar ecm, 7 do
gabsad Mac Gilla Muire armand an diiine 7 Hila Faelan rig na
nDeisi, 7 a mac, 7 ar lochta in duiwe co ndorcratar secht cet
[« The beginning of Erin's evil, to wit, Robert Fitz Ste-
phen came into Ireland with sixty mailcoats, and there was
Earl Richard, son of Gilbert, and they had two battalions,
both knights and archers, come to help Mac Murchada. And
they entered Waterford by force, and left some of their people
there, and they invaded Loch Carman (Wexford) by force,
and captured Mac Gilla Muire, the officer of the fort, and Hua
Faelain, the king of the Desi, and his son, and slaughtered
the garrison of the fort, so that seven hundred of them fell »].
Tri madhmanna ria M#c Carrthaigh for Saxanaib [« Three
defeats inflicted by Mac Carthaig on the English »].
Tinolaidh1 Mac Murcadha co r\Gi\\\aib arsi» do dul tar Ath
cliarh. Tinolaidh1 r/ Erenn iarsin .i. Ruaidhri Ua Gwchobair,
I . MS. Tinolaigh
The Annals of Tlgernach. The continuation. 279
co faichthi Atha cliath, co raibe tri la 7 tri haidhche and a
n-oiris chath|a], cor1 gabastair tene daait a n -Ath cliath, cor'
dithlaithrighedh he. larsitt ro fae/wsat na Gaill ar loscud an
baile o do mothaigset [fo. 25 b i ] impodh ar rig Erenn beth ac
Mac Murchadha. larsiw impois r/ Erenn cons, sochraide imslan
iar fewidh catha do o Mac Mwrchadha 7 o Gzllaibh. lArsm tic
Mac Mwrcadha co nGallaib, 7 teid tar Ath cliath ar eiciw, 7 do-
ri/zdi broid da raibe and.
[« After that MacMurchada musters with the Foreigners
in order to overcome Dublin. Then the king of Ireland,
Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, gathers (his troops) to the Green
of Dublin, and remained there, awaiting battle, for three
days and three nights, till lightning struck Dublin and demo-
lished it. Thereafter the Foreigners assented to the burning of
the town, since they perceived that to be with Mac Mur-
chada was to revolt against the king of Ireland. Then the
kmg of Ireland returned, with his army unhurt, after Mac
Murchada and the Foreigners had refused to give him battle.
Then Mac Murchada goes with the Foreigners and overcomes
Dublin by force, and makes captives of all that were therein »].
Crech la Mac Murcadha for Uib Faelan, cor' mill in tir 7
cor' indarb a r.i[g] .i. Faelan 7 Ro indarb dldiu Downall mac
Gilla Padnz/V rig Qsraigi a Cownachtaib [« A raid by Mac Mur-
chada on the Hui Rielain, and he destroyed the country and
anished its king, Faelan, and he also banished Domnall Mac
ilia Patraic, king of Ossory, into Connaught »].
Sluaighedh la Mac Mwrcadha a Midhi, cor' airg Cli'tain
Iraird. Luid ase/z co Cenanww^ cor' airg 7 cor' loisc Cenan//«j
7 Tuilen 7 Slaine 7 cella iwdha aile, 7 luidh asseiw co Sliab
nGuaire, co nd^rna airgne for Uib Briuiw, 7 ro sai dia thigh.
| « A hosting led by Mac Murchada into Meath, and he plun-
dered Clonard. Thence he went to Kells, and he plundered
and burnt Kells and Dulane and Slane and many other chur-
ches, and thence he went to Slieve Gory, made plunderings
on the Hui Briuin, and returned home »].
Domnall Bregach Una MzilSechlainn do thecht a tech Maic
Murchadha [« Domnall of Bregia, descendant of MaelSech-
lainn, submitted to Mac Murchada »].
280 Whitley Stokes.
Braighdc Laige« 7 Maic Mwrcadha do mzrload la Ruaidri
Hua Concobair ar aslach Tigernam Ua-Ruairc andsna hecoraib
sin, uair tuc Ua Ruairc a chubais na budh ri Erenn Ruaidri
muna marbtfd iat, 7 romarbfld and m#c Domnaill Caewanaigh
Mtf/cMwrchadha 7 mac Mwrcaidh H/// Chaellaighe la. rig Erenn.
[« At the instigation of Tigernan Hua Ruairc, the hostages
ofLeinster and of Mac Murchada were killed by Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair in consequence of those wrongs. For Hua Ruairc
had pledged his conscience that Ruaidri would not be king of
Ireland unless they were put to death. So then the son of
Domnall Coemanach Mac Murchada, and the son of Murchad
Hua Caellaigi were killed by the king of Ireland »].
Righi Ceneoil nEogain do gabfl/7 do Niall Mrtc LoMaum.
Righi iarthair Midhi do gabail do Art Htiu NLaclSechlainn.
[« The kingship of the Kindred of Eogan was taken by Niall
Mac Lochlainn. The kingship of the west of Meath was taken
by Art Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Conchobhur mac Diarmuda Maic Murchadha [« son ot
Diarmait Mac Murchada »] mortuus est.
Domnall Ua Briaiw 7 Dal Cais do imp6dh ar rig Erenn f cor'
fass cocadh mor atwr[r]u [« Domnall Hua Briain and the Dal
Cais revolted against the king of Ireland, so that a great war
grew up between them »].
Coblach dmnair la Ruaidhri Hiia Concobair for Sinai//d do
indradh Muwan as [« A huge fleet (was led) by Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair to ravage Munster therefrom »].
INdradh Urm//wan la Cond^r/7/aib 7 clarfdroichet] Chilli
da Lua do loscud [« The ravaging of Ormond by the Con-
naughtmen, and the plankbridge of Killaloe was burnt »].
Braighdi Oirgiall do gabail la M^c Murchudha [« The hos-
tages of Oriel were taken by Mac Murchada »].
[AU. 1171. ALC. 1171. FM. 1171].
Kl. entf/V for aine 7 .xxi[i] fw/Vri, 7 tres bliadan for bis^v
f« January i on a Friday, and the 22nd (of the moon) thereon,
and the third year after bisextile »].
The Annals of Tigeinach. The continuation. 281
Ruaidri Hiia Concoba/r do breith a coblaig ar Loch n[D]er-
gderc 7 ar Sinaiwd, cor' scail drochad Chille da Lua 7 co
nderna crecha dermari, 7 cor' marb Diarmuid Ua Cuiwd 7 O
Lighda 7 sochaidhe1 archena, 7 urmor in choicidh do fasu-
gudh don coblach cetna [« Ruaidri Hua Conchobair brought
his fleet on Lough Derg and on the Shannan, and destroyed
the bridge of Killaloe, and made exceeding great raids, and
killed Diarmait Hua Cuinn and Hua Ligda and a multitude be-
sides ; and the greater part of the. province was devastated by
the same fleet »].
Crecha Saidne 7 crecha desc«Vt Bregh la Tigmian Ua
Ruairc co feraib2 Brefne, co tardsad buar diairme 7 cor'
marbsad Mac Gilla Sechlaiwd, rig d escort Bregh, 7 Gilla Enan
mac Lughadha, toisech Cuircne [« Raids on the Saithne and
raids on the south of Bregia by Tigernan Hua Ruairc with the
men of Brefne ; and they brought away countless cattle, and
killed Mac Gilla Sechlainn, king of the South of Bregia, and
Gilla Enain, son ofLugaid, chief of the Cuircni »].
Cloicthech Tulcha aird conn Ian do dainib do \oscud lasm
archoiw cetna .i. la Tigernan [« The bell-house of Tulach
ard, with its fill of human beings, was burnt by the same
wardog, even Tigernan »].
Diarmuid Mac Murchadha, ri Laigen 7 Gall, 7 fer buaidhir-
tha na Banba 7 aidhmillti Erenn, iar toichestal Gall 7 iar ngnath-
milled Gaedel, iar n-argain 7 iar ndianscailedh chell 7 coi-
crich, do eg iar cind blizdne do galar etualamg tria mirbuile
Finden 7 Cholaim chille 7 na nae;/^ aile ro airg.
[« Diarmait Mac Murchada, king of Leinstermen and Fo-
reigners, the disturber of Banba and destroyer of Erin, after
bringing over(?) foreigners and constantly harming Gaels,
after plundering and destroying churches and boundaries, after
the end of a year of insufferable illness, died through the mi-
racles of Finden and Colomb cille and the other saints whom
he had plundered »].
Braighdi Downaill H/// Briaiw la Ruaidhri Hua Conchobair
1. MS. sochaighe
2. MS. firu
282 Whitley Stokes.
[« The hostages of Domnall Hua Briain (were taken) by Ruai-
dri Hua Conchobair »].
Downall Ua Focarta, n Eile desa/Vt, do marbtfrf la Downall
mac Donncaidh NLaic Gilla Padm/V, rig Osraigi, co n-ar adbal
aile [« Domnall Hua Focarta, king of the Southern Eili, was
killed by Domnall, son of Donnchad Mac Gilla Padraic, king
of Ossory, with other great slaughter »].
Cath Atha cliath et/r Miligh Gogan 7 Asgall mac Raghnaill
rig Gall, co ndorchairiarow and Aschall 7 Eoan Lochlandach,
et alii multi 1 [« The battle of Dublin, between Miles Cogan
and Ascall son of Ragnall, king of the Foreigners ; and Ascall
fell there, and Eoan the Norseman, and many others »].
Maghn//j Ua hEochada, r/ \J\ad, do m&rbad la brathair fein
[« Magnus Hua Eochada, king of Ulaid, was killed by his
own brother »].
Sluaiged la Ruaidhri Ua Conchobair 7 la Tigmian Una
Ruairc 7 la Muirchenach Una Cerbaill, rig Airgiall, co hAth
cliath do forbaisi for Ath diath 7 ar in larla 7 ar Miligh Go-
gan. Deabfl/W 7 iwresaiw at//ro re re caictisi, cor' scailset Leth
Cumd, co ndechaidh2 Hua Gwcobair a condi Laighe?^ 7 co
ndechatar marc[s]luagh fer mBreifne 7 Airgiall do buaiw arba
Saxanach. Dochuaidh an t-iarla 7 Miligh Gogan il-longport
Leithi Cui;zd, cor' marbsat sochaidhi > da ndacscwrsluagh 7
rucsad a Ion 7 a n-edaighe 7 a caiple bitaille.
[« A hosting by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, by Tigernan Hua
Ruairc, and by Murchertach Hua Cerbaill, king of Oriel, to
Dublin in order to besiege Dublin and the Earl (Strongbow)
and Miles Cogan. For the space of a fortnight there were
conflicts and skirmishes between them. Then Leth Cuinn
(the troops of the northern half of Ireland) separated, and Hua
Conchobair marched to meet the Leinstermen, and the ca-
valry of the men of Brefne and Oriel went to cut down the
Englishmen's corn. The Earl and Miles Cogan entered the
camp of Leth Cuinn, and killed a multitude of their rabble,
1. MS. aili muilti
2. ndechaigh
3. MS. sochaighi
The Annals of Tlgernach. The continuation. 283
and carried off their provisions, their armour, and their sump-
ter-horses »].
Sluaiged la Tigerndn Hua Ruairc co feraib Brefne l cor'
[fo. 25 b 2] airg co, hAth cliath, cor' cuirsed debaidh2 7 Miligh
Gogan cons, ridirib, cor' muidh3 for Ua Ruairc, co torchair
and Aed mac Tigearnain, r/^dawna Brefne, \m Ua nDomzca-
dha 7 \m Don/zcadh Ua Cuiwd 7 im mathaib Oirghiall [« A
hosting by Tigerndn Hua Ruairc with the men of Brefne;
and he plundered as far as Dublin ; and he and Miles Cogan
with his knights fought a battle in which Hua Ruairc was
routed, and Aed, son of Tigerndn, crownprince of Brefne,
fell therein, as well as Hua Donnchada and Donnchad Hua
Cuinn and nobles of Oriel »].
Roberd mac Stewni do gabail la Gallw Locha Carman iar
cur air a munt/re, 7 a lecan as iarsin do Mac na Pmssi [« Ro-
bert Fitz Stephan was captured by the Foreigners of Wexford,
after a slaughter of his people, and he was afterwards set
free by (king Henry) the son of the Empress (Matilda) »].
An t-Iarla do dul a Saxanaib inaighidh Enric rig Saxan, co
toracht sidhi a n-Er/;/» secbtmmn ria samuiw co Port Lairge, co
tanic Diarmuit Mac Carrthaigh, r/ Des-muman, ina theach.
Luidh assen co hAth cliath, cor' gab rige Laige/z 7 fear Midhe
7 Brefne 7 Oirghiall UW.
[« The Earl went into England to meet Henry, king ot Eng-
land, and Henry arrived in Ireland at Waterford a week be-
fore samain (Nov. i), and Diarmait Mac Carthaig, king of
Desmond, submitted to him. Thence he went to Dublin, and
received the kingship ot Leinster and of the men of Meath,
Brefne, Oriel and Ulster »].
Petrwj- espo£ Guana ferta [Brenainn] do bddudh1 ic Port da
Chaineog ar Sinaind [« Peter, bishop of Clonfert, was drown-
ed at Port da Chaineoc on the Shannon »].
1 . firu Breagh
2 . debaigh
3 . muigh
284 Whit ley Slokes
[AU. 1172. ALC. 1172. FM. 1172].
Kl. enfl/r forsatharw 7 ail uathaidh1 fw/rri [« January i on
a Saturday, and the second (of the moon) thereon »|.
Drew do munt/r Maic na Pmsi do thiachtain o Ath cliath
ma Ugha de Laithe 2 co Fabttr, cor' caithsed a biad re caec-
thighis3 7 do loiscset in baile. Lotar assen co Gill achaidh*,
cor' airgsed an chill 7 cor' marbsad drew dia dainib, 7 cor' loisc
iarsm [« Some of the troops of the son of the Empress went
with Hugo de Lacy from Dublin to Fore, and for a fortnight
consumed -its food, and they burnt the town. Thence they
fared to Cell Achaid, where they plundered the church, and
killed some of its people, and burnt it afterwards »].
Amus la Coiw Aifne mac Aedha Ua-C0«cobflir Failge {or
, O
muntir in larla i Gill dara, cur' mzrbad drew dona Gallaib and
7 do Uib Failghe. [« An onfall by Cu Aifne, son of Aed Hua
Conchobair Failge, on the Earl's troops in Kildare; and some
of the Foreigners and the Hui Failgi were killed there »].
Mac maic Downaill Ua-Br/0/n, r/^damna Muwan, do mar-
bad la Hui[b] Conning [« The grandson of Domnall Hua
Bridin, crownprince of Munster, was killed by the Hui Co-
naing »].
Enric r/ Saxan do dul a Saxanaib aris iar ngabail Lethe Mo-
gha 7 oirrt/;/r Leithi Cmnd [« Henry, king of England, after
taking the southern half of Ireland and the eastern part of the
northern half, returned to England »].
Tigmiach Ua Mael-E6i;^ comurba Ciaram Cluana maic
Nd/j [« successor of S. Ciaran of Clonmacnois »] quieuit.
Brigdi?2 Una Cathalan, comurba m'Aedhoig [« successor of
S. m'Aedoc »] qnieuit.
Gilla Asalta, senchaidh Ruaidhri Ua-Concob^f/V r/^ E\'cnu,
1 . MS. h.aigh
2. MS. maugha daithe
3 . cascais
4. achaigh
The Annals of Tiger nach. The continuation. 285
ardsai na nGaidhel ina aimsir, mortuus est [« Gilla Asalta, his-
torian of Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland,, the chief
sage of the Gaels in his time, died »].
Tighernan Ua-Ruairc, ri Bretne 7 Conmaicne 7 urmoir cri-
chi Midhi, 7 coimsidh1 crich n-Oirgiall, flaith choicidh Con-
[n]acht, onchu gniwartach na nGaedhel, fer bagha 7 buanco-
santa Lethi Cuind, crechaire 7 indsaigheach Erenn, le'troman
na nGaidhel ar thresi 7 ar linmairecht, do marbad la hEoan
Mear 7 la Ricard mac in larla 7 la Domnall mac Andaigh Ua-
Ruairc, a Cnuc Tlachtgha a fill, 7 a corp do breith leo co
hAth cliath dia tescadh 7 dia tarraing.
[« TigernanHua Ruairc, king ofBrefne and Conmacni and
the greater part of the province of Meath, and warden of the
districts of Oriel, lord of the province of Connaught, deedful
leopard of the Gaels, Leth Cuinn's man of battle and lasting
defence, Erin's raider and invader, surpasser of the Gaels in
might and abundance, was treacherously killed by Eoan Mer
and Richard, the son of the Earl, and by Domnall, son of
Annach Hua Ruairc, at the Hill of Ward, and his body was
brought by them to Dublin to be mangled and drawn
asunder »].
Muirdmach Ua Briaiw 7 Murcadh Mac Murcadha do mar-
badh do munt/r Mate na Pmsi tria mebail [« Murchertach
Hua Briain and Murchad Mac Murchada were killed treache-
rously by the people of the Son of the Empress »].
Crech fill la mac Mate Andaigh 7 lasna Saxanachaib ar
Munt/r n-Angaile 2 7 ar Munt/r nGillgaw, co rucsat bu 7 bruit
imdha. [« A treacherous raid by the son of Mac Annaig and
by the English on the Munter Angaile and the Munter
Gillgan; and they carried off many cows and captives »].
Sluaigt'd doridhise lasna Gallaib c#na 7 la mac Maic An-
daigh Ua-Ruaircc co hArd-achadh espuic MaeJ, cor' airgsit an
tir ar medhow. Ocus as leo atorcair Dowmall O Fergail, tai-
sech Muntire hAngaile 7 Sil Finghin don chur sin. [« A hos-
ting again by the same Foreigners and by the son of Mac
1. MS. coimsigh
2. nengaile
Revue Celtique, XVIII. 20
286 Whitley Stokes.
Annaig Hua Ruairc, to bishop Mel's Ardagh, and they plun-
dered the country generally ; and Domnall Hua Fergail, chief
of the Munter Angaile and Sil Fingin, fell by them on that
occasion »].
Senudh Erenn la coicidh Con[n]acbt, laechaib, cleirchib, ic
Tuaiw da gualand, iw Ruaidhri Ua Concoloair iw ri[g] nErenn
7 iw Chadhla Ua nDubtaigh, aird-espo^ Con[r\]acbt, 7 tri tem-
puill do cosecradh leo and [« A synod of Ireland (held) by
the province of Connaught, both laymen and clerics, at Tuam,
including Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland, and Cadla
Hua Dubthaig, archbishop of Connaught; and three churches
were consecrated by them there »].
Hua Caellaidhi, lethri Osraigi, do marbadh la Domnall mac
nDonwcadha Mfl/c Gilla Padraic [« Hua Caellaidi, one of
the two kings of Ossory, was killed by Domnall, son of
Donnchad Mac Gilla Patraic »].
Gilla Aedha Hua Muigin [leg. Muidin ?] do munt/V Airidh1
Locho con, espo^ Corcaighe2, tuir chrabaidh3 7 egna 7 oighe
na hErenn4, 'arna naewadh o Dhia, quieuit [« Gilla Aeda Hua
Muigin, of the community of Aired Locha Con, bishop of
Cork, the tower of devotion and wisdom and virginity of Ire-
land, having been sanctified by God, rested »].
Mac Gilli esp«/V, taisech Clainne Ailebra, rechtaire Catha
Monaigh, do marbtfd la Donn sleibe Ua nEochadha, la rig
\J\ad, a fill, 7 na slanabadar atwro .i. maithe U\ad, do madW
Duinw sleibe ind [« The son of Gilla escuip, chief of Clann
Ailebra, steward of Cath Monaig, was treacherously killed by
Donn slebe Hua Eochada, king of the Ulaid; wherefore the
guarantors that were between them, namely, the nobles of
Ulster, put him to death »].
1 . MS. airigh
2. corcaidhi
3 . chrabaigh
4. heri;/d
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 287
[AU. 1173. ALC. 1173. FM. 1173].
Kl. enfl/r, lima .x.iii., feria secundz. Millesimus centesimus
septuagesimus tertius ab Incarnation Domiwi.
Dond sleibe, [fo. 26* i] n Ulad, do marbad do tiib Ezchach
Ulad 7 da brathair fen [« Dorm slebe, king of Ulaid, was killed
by the Hid Echach Ulad and by his own brother »].
Ua Co[b]thaigh airdesp0£ Cene'oil Eogain, [« archbishop of
the Kindred of Eogan »] quieuit.
Cinaeth Ua Ronan, espoc Glinwi da lacha 7 tuaisceirt Laigen,
[« bishop of Glendalough and the north of Leinster »] quieuit.
Edruth Hua Mandachan [leg. Madachain ?] airdespoc na
Midhi [« the archbishop of Meath »] quieuit.
Coming Ua hAengztfa, cend cananach Rwa ere [do ec.
« Conaing Hua Oengusa, head of the canons of Roscrea,
died »].
Mael mochta Ua Fidhabra, ardab Cluana maic Now [« high
abbot of Clonmacnois »] quieuit.
Dowmall Breghach Ua MadStfWflWW, n Midhi, do marbfl^
la hArt Ua lA&elSecblamn le mac a ath^r feiw^ 7 la Muint/r
Laighechan a nDurmuigh Coluim chille. Art iwa inadh
[« Domnall of Bregia Hiia MaelSechlainn, king of Meath, was
killed in S. Colomb cille's Durrow by Art Hua MaelSechlainn,
his own father's son, and by the Munter Laigechain. Art suc-
?eded him »].
Aedh Ua Cowchenaiwd do eg [« died »].
Lochlaiwd mac Maic Lochlainn do rnarbfl^ [« Lochlann, son
of MacLochlainn, was killed »].
Sluaiged la Domnall Ua mBriaiw d'in;/saighidh caislen Cilli
Caindigh 7 na nGall ro batar anw, 7 cath iarthair Con[n]acht
araen ris 'arnac/^r do Ruaidhri do rig Erenn lais, im Concobar
mac Ruaidhri, 7 Adclos na scela sin dona Gallaib. Ro facsat
caislen Cille Caindigh 7 rancatar co Port Lairge. Ro brisidh
an baile tareis na nGall, 7 ro hairgedh an crich uile. Ba diw-
baigh le Gallaib Emm an iwgabail siw.
[« A hosting by Domnall Hua Briain to attack the castle of
288 ' Whitley Stokes.
Kilkenny and the Foreigners who dwelt therein. Along with
him was a battalion from the -west of Connaught, sent by
Ruaidri, king of Ireland, with Conchobar, Ruaidri's son. These
tidings were heard by the Foreigners. They evacuated the
castle of Kilkenny and came to Waterford. The town was
breached, after the Foreigners (had left it), and the whole dis-
trict was plundered. That reduction was a grief to the Forei-
gners of Ireland »].
Teidw mor ro marb daini i/wda a Co«[n]achtaib 7 a Mumain
ism bliadain sin [« In this year a great pestilence killed many
human beings in Connaught and in Munster »].
IMpodh do mac Domndill Caewanaigh ar mac an lark, 7
ar do thabairt leis ar Gzllaib [« The son of Domnall Caema-
nach revolted against the son of the Earl, and inflicted a slaugh-
ter on the Foreigners »].
Domnall mac Andaigh J Hui Ruairc do marbtf J d'aes gradha
Thig^rnam Ua-Ruairc. Gilla Tighernain mac Gilla th'Aedhoic
Hid MaelBrighdi in t-6clach ro buail e, 7 a leathlam do biiaiw
de, 7 a cur 'cuw Ruaidhri Ua.-Choncobair 7 do chuir [Hua]
Concobair tairrngi trempi a mullach caislen Ttuiwa da gualanw.
[« Domnall, son of Annach Hua Ruairc, was killed by the
courtiers of Tigernan Hua Ruairc. Gilla Tigernain, son of
Gilla t'Aedoic Hua Mail-Brigte, was the warrior that smote
him and struck off one of his hands. Gilla Tigernam sent this
hand to Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, who drove a nail through
it on the top of the castle of Tuam »~\.
Les mor do argain do mac an larla [« Lismore was plun-
dered by the son of the Earl »]. .
Mael Issu mac a[n] baird, espoc O Maine, d'eg [« Mael-Isn
Mac in baird (« son of the bard »), bishop of the Hiii Mani,
died »].
IMar mac Carrgamna, taisech MunwtzVe Mailsinwa, [« chief
of the Munter Mail-Sinna »] mortuus est.
Sitriuc Ua Flandacan, n Airt/;/r Theftha, do marbfld d'air-
\hir Midhi [« Sitriuc HuaFlanducain, king of the east of Terfa,
was killed by the men of east Meath »].
I. MS. ardaidh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 289
[AU. 1174. ALC. 1174. FM. 1174].
Kl. en0/r for mairt 7 .xx.uii [leg. iiii] fWrri tresbliadan tor
bisex [« January I on a Tuesday, and the 24th (of the moon)
thereon. The third year after bisextile »].
Mael Isu Hiia Con[n]achtan, espoc Sil Mwredaigh [.« bishop
of Sil Muredaig »] mortuus est.
Gilla maic liac J, cowurba Patraic2 [« a successor of S. Pa-
trick »] quieuit.
Muirgius Htia Dubthaigh, c#ab mainistrech Atha da loarg
ar Buill [do ec « Muirgius Hua Dubthaig, the first abbot of the
monastery of Ath da loarg (« ford of two forks ») on (the
river) Boyle, died »].
Plorint O Gorman, ardmaighistir Arda Macha, do eg [« Flo-
rentius Hua Gormain, chief master of Armagh, died »].
Gilla mo Cathbeo, ab reiglesa [Petair 7] Foil, do eg [« Gilla
mo Chathbeo, abbot of the monastery of SS. Peter and
Paul, died »].
Amlaiw Ua Cuind, taisech Munt/ri Gillgan [« chief of
Munter Gillgan »] mortuus est.
Ruaidri H-iia Qrbaill, r/ Eile, do marb^ dia brathair fen ar
lar Indsi Gotland [« Ruaidri Hua Cerbaill, king of Eile,
was killed by his own brother in the midst of Inis Cloth-
ran n »].
Congalach Ua Confiacla, n Tebtha [« king of Teffa »] mor-
tuus est.
Sluaiged lasan larla do indrudh Mwwan. Sluaiged aile la Ruai-
dhri Ua Concobair la rig Emm a n-Urmuwai/z d'[f]urtacht na
Muwan aran larla. [Batar] na Goill i Caisil andsiw. O'tciiaki?
in t-Iarla 7 na Goill n Erenn do thecht a n-Urmumam d'iar-
raidh4 chatha, cuirt^r fesa uathaib co liAth cliath ar cend ar'
facsat and do Gzllaib co tancatar o Ath cliath aencath crodha
1 . MS. 1m
2. pedair
3 . Otcualaigh
4 . diarraigh
290 Whilley Stokes.
common: do ridirib 7 d'armanwaib 7 d'airseoraib, 7 tancatar
uile na Gaill co clar nDurlais. Tanic Downall O Briain 7 Dal
Cais 7 cath iarthair Con[n]acht 7 morchath Sil Muredhaigh fa
mac rig Erenn .i. Concobar Maenmuighi, acht1 dirimsluaig ro-
facsat a[c] cowed rig Erenn. Cath Durlais do thabairt andsiw,
cor' memaidh2 ar Gallaib, 7 cor' dithlaigedh Dan air and, cor'
marbadh secbt ce't deg do Gzllaib and, 7 teid in t-Iarla co Port
Lairge ar cur an catha fair, 7 tanic Hiia Briai«, dia thigh si an,
7 tanic r/ Erenn cons, sochraidib a Con[n\achts. iar mbuaidh
choscair in catha sin.
[« A hosting by the Earl in order to ravage Munster. Ano-
ther hosting by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, king of Ireland,
into Ormond to help Munster against the Earl. The Foreign-
ers were then in Cash el. When the Earl and the Foreigners
heard that the king of Ireland had invaded Ormond to seek
battle they send messengers to Dublin for all the Foreigners
they had left there. So these came from Dublin, in one great
and brave battalion of knights and officers and archers ; and
then all the Foreigners marched to the midst of Thurles.
(Thither also) came Domnall Hua Briain, the Dal Cais, the
battalion of the West of Connaught, and the great battalion
of Sil Muredaig, except the numerous troops left to protect
the king of Ireland. There the battle of Thurles was delivered,
and the Foreigners were routed, and the robbers were laid
low in death, and seventeen hundred Foreigners were slain.
The Earl went to Waterford after the battle had been gained
over him: Hua Briain returned safe to his home; and the
king of Ireland with his armies marched into Connaught, after
the triumphant victory of that battle »].
MzelRuanaid Ua Ciardha, n Cairpn, do marbfld do Gz\\aib
Atha cliath ism bliadain sin .i. do mac Twrnin 7 do mac Aedha
Hui Ferghail 7 Gellach Ua Findallan rl Delbna moire leo beous
tria mebail [« In this year MaelRuanaid Ua Ciarda, king of
Cairbre, was treacherously killed by the Foreigners of Dublin,
namely, by the son of Turnin and by the son of Aed Hua
1 . MS. inserts rofacsad
2. mebaigh
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 291
Fergail, and also Cellach Hua Findallan, king of Delbna
Mor »].
Long do badudh1 allaniss do Luiwnech 7 robaidh [fo. 26* 2]-
edhsochaidhe2do deghdhainib inwti, im Tadhg macUa-Chow-
cobair j im 0 n-Ocan 7 im Uib Cendedigh 7 im Uib De-
dhaigh? et ailii [« A vessel foundered in the south of Luim-
nech, and in her a multitude of nobles were drowned, includ-
ing Tadg, son of Hiia Conchobair, and Hua Ocain and
(some of the) Hui Cenn-etig and Hiii Dedaig, and others »].
Fairchi iarthair Midhi do chur le cathair Cluana mate N0/J
do reir clerech Erenn in biiadain sin [« In this year the diocese
of West-Meath was annexed to the monastery of Clonmac-
nois by consent of the clerics of Ireland »].
MzelSechlainn Ua Donwacan, n Aradh, do marbfld d'C Co-
nning [« Mael-Sechlainn Hua Donnucain, king of Ara, was
killed by Haa Conaing »].
[AU. 1175. ALC. 1175. FM. 1175].
Kl. enfl/V for cefain 7 luwa .u. f/«>ri, 7 .iii. for bisex [« Ja-
nuary i on a Wednesday, and the 5th of the moon thereon,
and the third year after bisextile »].
Tadhg in tslebe mac Ruaidhri do badhadh4 a caraidhs Do-
ghair 7 araill do macaib righ Dal Cais araen ris [« Tadg of
the Mountain, son of Ruaidri, was drowned at the Weir of
Dogar, and along with him certain sons of the king of the
Dal Cais »].
Maghnw.r Utia MzdSechlainn do chrochadh do Gzllaib Atha
cliath 7 Tulca Airdi [« Magnus Hua MaelSechlainn was hung
by the Foreigners of Dublin and Tulach Ard »].
Diarmuit rn^c Taidhg I Briain 7 Mathgawaiw mac Tairr-
delbaig Ua-Briain do dallad do Domnall O Briaiw i Caislen I
Choming ar lar a thighe fen. Mac in Gilla Leithd«Vg I Chon-
1 . MS. badugh
2. robaighedh sochaighe
3 . deghdigh
4. baghudh
5 . caraigh
292 Whitley Stokes.
chobair do warbadh la Domnall O mBriain ism lo C£/na
[« Diarmait, son of Tadg Hua Briain, and Mathgamain, son
of Toirdelbach Hua Briain, were blinded by Domnall Hua
Briain at Castleconnell in the midst of his own house. On the
same day the son of the Gilla Lethderg (« the redsided lad »)
Hua Conchobair was killed by Domnall Hua Briain »].
IN t-esp0£ OBriain, espoc Cilli dara, quieuit [« The bishop
Hua Briain, bishop of Kildare, rested »].
Mael Issu mac in Cleirig Chuirr, espoc \J\ad, quieuit [« Mael-
Isu, the son of the Clerech Corr, bishop of Ulaid, rested »].
Cluaiw Iraird do argain do GzHaib [« Clonard was plun-
dered by 'the Foreigners »].
Fergal Ua Brain do marbflJ do Gzllaib Atha Truiw [« Fer-
gal Hua Braein was killed by the Foreigners of Trim »].
Da chreich diaidh a ndiaidh1 la Gzllaib for Munt/V Ser-
cachain 7 for Munt/r Mail-Sinna [« Two raids, one after the
other, by the Foreigners on the Munter Sercachain and on the
Munter Mail-Sinna »].
Teichidh d'fcraib Teftha, laechaib, cleirchib [« Flight of the
men of Teffa, both clerics and laymen »].
Durmach Colaiw chilli 7 Midhi2 uili d'fasughudh 6 Ath
luain co Drochad atha do Gallaib [« S. Colomb cille's Durrow,
and the whole of Meath, from Athlone to Drogheda, was laid
waste by the Foreigners »].
Do?«nall Caewanach Mac Mwrcadha, r/ Laigm, do marb^J
la Huib Niallan [« Domnall Caemanach Mac Murchada, king
of Leinster, was killed by the Hui Niallain »].
Gilla Coluiw Hiia Mael-muaidh, n F^r cell, do mzrbad do
Ruaidhri mac Concobair Mec-Cochlaiw tria mebfl/7 [« Gilla
Coluimb Hua Mail-muaid, king of the Fir Cell, wras treache-
rously killed by Ruaidri, son of Conchobar Mac Cochlain »].
Tadhg mac Fergail Ua-Ruairc [« son of Fergal hua Ruairc »]
occisus est.
Gilla do/;maigh m^c Carmaic, esp#£ Ulad [« bishop of the
Ulaid »] cpiieuit.
1. MS. diaigh a ndiaigh
2. amidhi
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation. 293
Sluaiged la Ruaidhri Ua Concobair i Tuadhmnmairt cor' in-
darb Downall O Briain a n-UrmwmaiH, 7 tuc rigi Tuadmwmaw
do mac Mwrcaidh H/h' Bridinf do iruzc a mdtbar fen. [« A
hosting by Ruaidri Hua Conchobair into Thomond, and he
banished Domnall Hiia Briain into Ormond, and gave the
kingship of Thomond to the son of Murchad Hua Briain, to
his own mother's son »].
Tancatar Gaill Atha cliath 7 Puirt Lairge 7 Domnall Hua
Gilla PadrazV., n Osraigi, fo thogairm rigErenn .i. Ruaidri Hua
Conchobair, co rancatar Lumnech cen rathugwd do Dail Cais,
cor' airgsed Lumnech, 7 cor' loiscsed Con[n]acbta urmor
Tuadhmwwan don turussin [« At the invitation of the king of
Ireland, Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, the Foreigners of Dublin
and Waterford, and Domnall Hiia Gilla Patraic, king of Os-
sory, came to Limerick without being perceived by the Dal
Cais, and plundered Limerick; and on this expedition the
Connaughtmen burnt the greater part of Thcmond »].
Cadhla Ua Dubtaigh do thiachtaiw a Saxanaib o Mtfc na Pe-
risi 7 sith na hErenn lais, 7 a righe, et/r Gall 7 Gaedel, do
Ruaidhri Ua Cbonchobair, 7 a choicedh do gach coicedhach o
ri[g] Erenn, 7 a cissa do Ruaidhri. [« Cadla Hua Dubthaig
came out of England from the Son of the Empress, having
with him the peace of Ireland, and the kingship thereof, both
Foreigner and Gael, to Ruaidri Hua Conchobair, and to every
provincial king his province from the king of Ireland, and
their tributes to Ruaidri »].
Morcoblach la tig Emm for Loch Dergd^rc, cor' dithlaithrigh
Urmuwa uile 7 co tuc .uii. mbraighdi 6 Uib Briam tar cend
a righi 7 a ferai/zd. [« A great fleet led by the king of Ireland
on Lough Derg, and he demolished the whole of Ormond,
and brought from the Hiii Briain seven hostages for their
kingship and their land »].
[AU. H76/ALC. 1176. FM. 1176].
Kl. enair for dardain 7 .xui. fuirri [« January i on a
Thursday, and the i6th (day of the moon) thereon »].
294 Whitley Stokes.
IN/J Cathaigh do argaiw ona Saxanachaib robatar a Lu'un-
neach [« Inis Cathaig was plundered by the English who
dwelt in Limerick »].
Domnall Ua Briain, ri Tuadhmwwan, do denow sitha re
0 Concbobair 7 do thabairt braighed do [« Domnall Hua
Briain, king of Thomond, made peace with Hua Conchobair,
and gave him hostages »].
Gilla Cowgaill Ua Tuathail, r/ Hiia Muiredhaigh [« king of
the Hui Muredaig »] mortuus est.
Da fiched dowa Saxanachaib do marbfld do mac Gilla Pa-
draic Ua Chiardha [« Two score of the English were killed by
the son of Gilla Patraic Hua Ciarda »].
Riccard iarla Atha cliath do eg. In nech nach tanic a nErinn
tareis Tuirgeis dibergach as mo ro mill anass. Uair ro mill Con-
ma/cne 7 Midi 7 Leath Mogha, it/r chill 7 tuaith, cor' marb
Brighid esin, co faicedh few iwa fiadhnaise i oca marbadh [« Ri-
chard, Earl of Dublin, died. Since Turgesius, never had there
come into Ireland a brigand that had wrought more ruin
than he. For he ruined Conmacni and Meath and the southern
half of Erin, both church and territory; but S. Brigit killed
him, and he himself used to see her in front of him, killing
him »].
Niall mac Maic Lochlalnn do marbad do Dail mBuinwe
[« Niall, son of Mac Lochlainn, wras put to death by the Dal
mBuinne »].
Crech la Ga\laib Atha cliath, co rancatar Sliab Fuait 7
doirrsi Eawna, co rucsad Oirgialla orro i Fidh Chonaille, cor'
c//rsed ar forro ota sin co Tulaig Aird 7 co hAth c\iath, cor'
marbflJ .u. cet do Galk/7? [« A raid by the Foreigners of Du-
blin, and they reached Sliab Fuait and the gates of Emain ;
but the men of Oriel overtook them in Fid Conailli, and
inflicted a slaughter upon them thence as far as Tulach Ard
and Dublin, so that five hundred of the Foreigners were
killed »].
Domnall mac Tzirrdtlbaig Hut Briain f ngxlawna Mwman, do
ec [« Domnall, son of Toirdelbach Hua Briain, crown-prince
of Munster, died »].
Domnall mac Toirrdelbaig Hili Conchobair mac fig Erenn,
The Annals of Tigernach. The continuation, 29$
do ec a Muigh eo iar mbuaid I ongtha 7 aithrighi [« Dom-
nall, son of Toirdelbach Hua Conchobair, son of the king of
Ireland, died at Mayo, after triumph of (extreme) unction and
repentance »].
Diarmuit mac Cormaic Mec-Carrtha/V, ri Desmuwan, do
gabail do Cormac Liathanach, da mac fen [« Diarmait, son of
Cormac Mac Carthaig, king of Desmond, was taken prisoner
by Cormac Liathanach, his own son »].
Cormac Liathanach Mac Carrtha^ n Desm«/;mn, do mar-
bad a fill dia munt/r few iar n-aithn^adh [fo. 26b i] a athar, 7
an t-athair do gabail na righi iarsin [« Cormac Liathanach
Mac Carthaig, king of Desmond, after deposing his father, was,
treacherously killed by his own household, and then the fa-
ther took the kingship »].
Domnall Mac Gilla Padra/^ ri Osraigi, do eg [« Domnall
Mac Gilla Patraic, king of Ossory, died »].
Domnall mac Gilla Padra/r, ri Cairpr/ 0 Ciarda, do marbtfd
a fill do Hita MaelSechlainn [« Domnall Mac Gilla Patraic,
king of Cairbre Hua Ciarda, was treacherously killed by Hua
MaelSechlainn »].
Art Hi/a MaelSechlainn do aithrighadh do feraib Midhi 7
rigi do Dondchadh Ua MaelSechlainn [« Art Hua MaelSech-
lainn was deposed by the men of Meath, and the kingship
was given to Donne had Hua MaelSechlainn »].
Glenw da lacha d'argain do Galk/£ [« Glendalough was
plundered by Foreigners »].
Flanw m^c Donwcadha Ua Ma$\Sechlainn do marbad o
Chairpn O Ciardha [« Fland, son of Donnchad Hua Mael-
Sechlainn, was killed by Cairbre Hua Ciarda »].
Cu muighe mac in deoradh H///Flain/^ ri Tuirtri, do marb-
adh da oireacht fern a fill [« Cu maige, son of the Pilgrim
Hua Flaind, king of the Hui Tuirtri, was treacherously killed
by his own assembly »].
Derb[f]orgaill, ingen Fiachra Uiii Flaiwd, ben Aeda Hui
Raduib, do eg [« Derbforgaill, daughter of Fiachra Hua Flaind,
wife of Aed Hua Raduib, died »].
i . MS. treblaid
296 Whitley Stokes.
IMar Una Ruaidhin, cspoc Ua Fiachrach, do ec. [« Imar
Hua Ruaidin, bishop of the Hui Fiachrach, died »].
Sadb, ingen I Chuiwd, ben I Conchenaircd, d'eg. [« Sadb,
daughter of Hua Cuinn, wife of Hua Conchenainn, died »].
Sluaiged la MaelSechfainn mac Maic Lochlainn 7 la Cenel
Eogain 7 la hOirgialLz/^ d'indsaighi caislen Slaine, cor' airgsed
in caislen 7 ro marbsad Ricard Plemendach in Gall rob eir and,
7 .u. cet do Gallaib maille friss, 7 ro cuir sin egla mor a
[« A hosting by MaelSechlainn, son of MacLochlainn, and
by the Kindred of Eoganand the men of Oriel, to attack the
castle of Slane ; and they wrecked the castle, and killed Ri-
chard Fleming, the Foreigner who was commander therein,
and five hundred Foreigners along with him. And this struck
great fear into the Foreigners »].
Aedh mac Gilla bruite Ua-Ruairc, r/ Brefne, in treas Aedh
as ferr do bai a nErinn ma aimsir feiw, do eg. [« Aed, son of
Gilla-broite Hua Ruairc, king of Brefne, the third best Aed
that lived in Ireland in his own time, died »].
Downall Ua Maille, ri Uwaill, do eg [« Domnall Hua
Maille, king of Umall, died »].
[AU. 1177. ALC. 1177. FM. 1177].
Kl. ena/r for satharnn 7 .iiii. fichit fuirri j cetbliadan tor